Treatment scheme for giardiasis in adults. Basic principles of step-by-step treatment of giardiasis. How does giardiasis occur in pregnant women?

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Before finding out what the treatment of giardiasis is, let us briefly remind you of general information about this disease.

Children under 5 years of age are most susceptible to the disease - the number of diseases during this period reaches 40% of cases. In addition to humans, giardiasis also occurs in pets such as dogs, cats, guinea pigs, etc.

Giardiasis can be contracted through the fecal-oral method, that is, through unwashed hands, objects, water and food, if personal hygiene rules are not followed.

The disease, in most cases, is characterized by dyspeptic disorders (diarrhea, nausea, flatulence, pain in the area of ​​the small intestine), and loss of appetite, emaciation and a sharp aversion to lactose. In approximately 26% of cases, the disease can be asymptomatic, and in more than 40% of cases it can be mild; therefore, treatment for giardiasis is prescribed only after accurate information about the pathogen obtained as a result of diagnosis.

Which doctor treats giardiasis?

Treatment of giardiasis is a rather complex and time-consuming process. Such a disease cannot be cured on your own, but only with the help of an expert according to these pathologies. Which doctor treats giardiasis? For children, this is a pediatrician or pediatric gastroenterologist. For adults, a gastroenterologist or infectious disease specialist. All of the listed experts can be found at the nearest clinic, medical center or clinic, where they will provide you with all the help you need.

In addition to the standard, medicinal method of treatment, in the future the help of a homeopath and herbalist may be useful, which will promote a speedy recovery and strengthen the body.

Where to treat giardiasis?

Regarding the treatment of giardiasis, it is possible to contact public and private medical institutions, where expert doctors, gastroenterologists and infectious disease specialists provide consultations. For children, this may be a children's clinic, a children's infectious diseases department, or a pediatric department. Adult patients should go to a clinic for adults, a gastroenterology department, infectious diseases departments or clinics, private general clinics or gastroenterology centers.

In every home or educational institution (school or preschool) where a person with giardiasis is found, anti-epidemic measures are required, which are organized by the local representative of the sanitary-epidemiological station (SES).

Modern treatment of giardiasis

Modern treatment of giardiasis consists of a whole range of medications, procedures and measures. It is difficult to cure this disease; therefore, it is unacceptable to engage in independent treatment methods: the treatment regimen should only be determined by an expert.

It is more logical and effective to initiate therapeutic measures at the time of exacerbation of the disease, especially with the development of dyspeptic disorders.

For successful treatment of giardiasis, diet correction is an important part. Patients, especially in childhood, should necessarily include in their diet dishes with a sufficient content of pectin, a natural enterosorbent. Such dishes include liquid rice porridge with water, applesauce, and blueberry jelly. After two days, the patient is transferred to a more expanded diet. At first, the exception is products that create a positive environment in the intestines for the life of Giardia. The main part of such products are simple sugars: muffins, sweets, baked goods, noodles, sausage, whole milk. Rice and buckwheat cooked in water, fermented milk products, compotes, baked apples, berries, vegetables, sunflower oil, and dried fruits are allowed.

A key role in the treatment of giardiasis is played by the stabilization of the microflora in the intestines, which, in most cases, is disrupted during the disease. To eliminate dysbiosis, it is recommended to consume fermented milk products and some probiotic preparations: yogurt, lactobacterin, bifinorm, lactofiltrum, probifor, etc.

Drugs for the treatment of giardiasis

  • Nifuratel (Makmiror) is a nitrofuran drug that is enjoying enormous success because it fully meets all of the above requirements. Has an extended range of antimicrobial and antiprotozoal action. Nifuratel is quickly absorbed, its maximum amount in the blood is observed 2 hours after the end of consumption. Excretion is carried out using the urinary system. In the treatment of giardiasis, the drug is prescribed:
  • for an adult patient, 0.4 g up to 3 times a day for a week;
  • child – 15 mg per kilogram of weight, twice a day for a week.

Nifuratel is less toxic than other nitrofuran drugs. It is not a teratogen or carcinogen, which is fully suitable for the purpose of therapy in childhood and during pregnancy.

  • Metronidazole (Trichopol) is a selectively toxic drug for anaerobic infections, has mutagenic activity, and the ability to enhance the effect of radiation therapy in the treatment of oncology. The pills have an unpleasant aftertaste and are easily absorbed when taken orally. The maximum amount of the drug in the blood is observed 3 hours after the end of administration. Metronidazole enters all tissues and environments of the body, as well as vaginal secretions, semen, and salivary secretions. Passes through the blood-brain barrier, is excreted in milk during lactation, and overcomes the placental barrier. For these circumstances, this drug is not prescribed during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The drug is excreted through the kidneys. Experts use two main options for taking Metronidazole:
  • 0.4 g three times a day for 5 days;
  • 0.5 g for adults and 5 mg/kg for children three times a day for 10 days.

During the course of treatment, drinking alcohol is contraindicated.

Recently, doctors usually use newer medications to treat giardiasis - these are drugs that inhibit benzimidazole tubulin: pyrantel, albendazole, etc. Such drugs are more reliable than the previously listed nitroimidazoles. However, at the moment, a clear and effective treatment regimen for such drugs has not yet been developed; therefore, therapy with these drugs should be long-term or periodically repeated.

Giardiasis treatment regimen

The treatment regimen for giardiasis consists of three stages.

Stage I – elimination of internal intoxication and stimulation of intestinal enzymatic function, strengthening the immune system. Conditions: compliance with certain nutritional rules, and prescription of the following medications:

  • Metronidazole (Trichopolum);
  • Tinidazole – 2 g at a time;
  • Furazolidone;
  • Macmiror – nitrofuran series of drugs;
  • Ornidazole;
  • Delagil (Chloroquine) 0.25 g three times a day;
  • Paromomycin - aminoglycoside, 25 mg per kilogram, divided into three doses per day.

Stage III – strengthening the immune defense and further preventing the development of giardiasis infection in the intestines. The conditions for this stage are proper nutrition with primary consumption of vegetables, fruits and berries, and fermented milk products. It is recommended to consume tea based on birch buds for a month. To eliminate dysbiosis and strengthen the immune system, enzyme preparations and probiotics are prescribed: lactobacterin, mezim, pancreazym, bificol, lacto-mun, etc.

Treatment course for giardiasis

The course of treatment for giardiasis, in most cases, is long.

The first stage in most cases lasts from 2 weeks to 1 month.

The second stage can last 5-7 days, but as a rule, seven days later or 10 days after the end of the second stage, it is repeated again in order to confidently avoid recurrences of the disease in the future. From time to time, it is possible to prescribe stage II three times, with an interval of 7-10 days. In order for the effectiveness of treatment to be greater, it is recommended that any course of the second stage be carried out with different medications.

Stage III does not have a strictly designated duration and can last quite a long time - as long as the body requires it. At least a month and a half after the end of treatment, the patient should be observed by the attending physician in order to remain confident in the complete healing of the disease and the absence of recurrences of the disease. The prognosis for giardiasis with adequate treatment is positive.

Choleretic for giardiasis

A choleretic for giardiasis may be prescribed along with other necessary drugs. This is done in order to eliminate the inflammatory process in the gallbladder as quickly as possible and reduce congestion in it. For therapeutic purposes, cholekinetic drugs are predominantly prescribed to dilate the bile ducts and facilitate the flow of bile. Cholekinetics are a series of antispasmodic drugs that relax the valve of the gallbladder and pancreas, which facilitates the release of bile into the intestinal cavity. Such cholekinetic drugs include atropine sulfate, papaverine, magnesium sulfate, etc.

By the way, a similar effect can be caused by consuming mineral waters: “Essentuki No. 17 and No. 4” and other medicinal waters containing sulfatanions. Such waters are consumed half an hour before meals, 100-150 ml up to 4 times a day.

In addition, in order to tone the biliary tract, cholespasmolytic agents are prescribed, such as drotaverine, platiphylline, barberry-based products, etc. Valerian root also has a similar effect.

Chophytol for giardiasis

Chophytol is a herbal remedy based on artichoke. This medication is capable of restoring damaged liver cells and has choleretic and diuretic effects. Reduces the level of urea in the bloodstream, stabilizes lipid metabolism and the amount of cholesterol. Can be used with other medications to reduce toxic damage to the body. Helps remove heavy metal salts, nitrates and other toxins.

Hofitol has direct indications for use in giardiasis, if the patient does not suffer from calculous cholecystitis, acute hepatitis and lack of patency of the bile ducts.

Hofitol for giardiasis is used as follows:

  • 1-2 tablets each. three times a day, for a month;
  • 5 ml of syrup three times a day for 3 weeks;
  • 1-2 ampoules of Hofitol intramuscularly, once a day, for 7-14 days.

Hofitol is not prohibited from being used during pregnancy, but only with permission and under the supervision of a doctor.

Artichoke extract and the drug Holebil can be considered similar replacements for the medication.

Allohol for giardiasis

Allochol is a choleretic medication that enhances bile production. Allochol, like other choleretic drugs, is actively used for giardiasis. This medication affects liver secretion, stimulates motility and enzymatic activity of the digestive system, and has a slight laxative effect. The medication contains garlic, which reduces fermentation processes in the intestines and relieves bloating.

For giardiasis, Allochol is taken orally, 3 times a day, 2 pills, immediately after finishing a meal. Children up to 7 years of age take 1 pill, then the dosage corresponds to that for adults. The course of treatment with Allochol lasts for a month, after which they take a break of 3 months and repeat the therapy (if necessary).

Allochol is approved for use during pregnancy and lactation. The drug is not prescribed for obstruction of the bile ducts, for detection of stones in the cavity of the gallbladder, for acute inflammatory conditions in the liver and pancreas.

Antibiotics for giardiasis

For giardiasis, complex therapy is prescribed. The correct selection of treatment methods guarantees a favorable outcome, meanwhile, violation of the treatment regimen can lead the disease to a more severe, chronic course.

The exact dosage of medications and the duration of treatment should be determined by the attending physician. Never try to treat giardiasis yourself, as this may “persistently ask” for more complex and lengthy treatment in the future.

In most cases, this occurs when Giardia cysts enter the human body along with food. For example, with berries, fruits, vegetables and so on. The same applies to drinking water. Giardia can also easily enter the body due to non-compliance with hygiene rules.


Development of the disease

So, Giardia got into the stomach one way or another. Further developments depend on the number of cysts that have penetrated and the state of immunity of the infected person. The likelihood of developing the disease is high. The more cysts and the weakened immune system, the higher the risk.

Effect on the human body

From the stomach, cysts are sent to the initial part of the small intestine. There, their outer shell dissolves. Thus, the cysts reach their active vegetative form. Then their path continues into the brush border of intestinal microvilli. There, Giardia begins to actively feed on what should normally be absorbed. We are talking about the following:

Thus, the vital activity of Giardia disrupts the formation of digestive enzymes. Because of this, there is a decrease in the flow of necessary substances into the blood. This also applies to ascorbic acid and fat-soluble vitamins. Gradually, the cells of the intestinal mucosa begin to break down. This process is accompanied by atrophy or inflammation.

  1. Abnormal stool.
  2. Stomach ache.
  3. Dysbacteriosis.

Main clinical manifestations

In most cases, the patient finds out that he is infected with giardiasis only after receiving the results of the appropriate tests (stool for cysts). Thus, a person may not even suspect that he is sick. In more complicated cases, the following symptoms are often observed:

  1. Bloating.
  2. Periodic diarrhea.
  3. Pain in the navel area.
  4. Losing weight.
  5. Loss of appetite.
  6. Nausea.
  7. Pancreatitis.
  8. Signs of gastritis.
  9. Pain and heaviness in the right hypochondrium.
  10. Biliary dyskinesia.
  11. Signs of autonomic dysfunction.
  12. Increased fatigue.
  13. Sleep disturbance.
  14. Irritability.
  15. Periodic headaches.
  16. Quincke's edema.
  17. Hives.
  18. Uncontrollable itch.
  19. Eczema.
  20. Atopic dermatitis.
  21. Other manifestations of allergies.

It is also necessary to mention the existence of a mixed form of the disease.

Additional phenomena

The following symptoms also occur with giardiasis:

  1. Dizziness.
  2. Temperature increase.
  3. Inflammation of the eyelids that cannot be treated.
  4. Irritable bowel syndrome.
  5. Joint pain.
  6. Cardiopalmus.
  7. Anemia.

All of the above manifestations disappear only after complete treatment of giardiasis in adults has been carried out. The drugs are selected by a specialist. In this case, independent therapy is not recommended.

Diagnosis of pathology

Features of the study of duodenal contents

Features of therapy

First stage

At this stage, treatment of giardiasis in adults lasts no more than two weeks. At this stage the following are applied:

  • Diet. It is designed to reduce the proliferation of Giardia. The consumption of refined carbohydrates is limited, and lean dishes and fiber are introduced into the patient’s diet.
  • Improving bile outflow. Herbs are often used for this. This treatment of giardiasis in adults can be carried out at home. The following applies:
  1. The drug "Phebihol".
  2. Corn silk.
  3. Immortelle.
  • Enterosorbents. They are designed to relieve signs of toxicosis. In this case, treatment of giardiasis in adults is carried out using the following:
  1. Activated carbon.
  2. Such drugs as "Polysorb", "Enterosgel", "Polifepan".
  • Antiallergic drugs are used:
  1. "Desloratadine."
  2. "Cetrin".
  3. "Diazolin".
  4. "Loratodine."
  • Enzyme preparations are used to improve digestion:

Second phase

In this case, it means taking drugs that affect protozoa. The following tools are often used:

  1. "Albendazole".
  2. "Fazizhina."
  3. "Ornidazole".
  4. "Metronidazole"

This stage also involves continuing to take sorbents, enzyme agents and antiallergic drugs.

General aspects of therapy

Third stage

It is aimed at consolidating the achieved result. The third stage can last up to three weeks. It includes the following:

  • Taking pribiotics such as "Linex", "Bifidumbacterin", "Bifiform".
  • Enzyme preparations.
  • Adaptogens.
  • Multivitamins.
  • Anti-giardiasis diet.

Complementary therapy

Modern treatment of giardiasis in adults

Treatment of giardiasis in adults with folk remedies

Pumpkin seeds can be very effective in treating giardiasis. You need to clean a whole glass. Next, the seeds are eaten raw at one time. In this case, you should try not to drink water for as long as possible. It is believed that if you eat three glasses of seeds, you can get rid of the disease in question. You can also use the following recipe: you need to chop one glass of garlic. All this fits into a half-liter bottle. The contents are filled to the top with vodka. Next you need to add crushed propolis (25 g). The medicine is placed in a dark place for a week.

Preventive measures

To prevent pathology, the following is necessary:

  1. Drink only boiled and filtered tap water.
  2. Conducting examinations of children and staff in closed, organized groups at least twice a year.
  3. If cysts are detected, carry out prophylaxis for each family member.
  4. Regular anthelmintic treatment of the home (if you have pets).

Stage 1 of therapy takes from 2 to 4 weeks. An important rule during this period is to follow the prescribed diet. Proper nutrition is the key to successful recovery.

It is forbidden to eat food containing simple carbohydrates. These include:

  • dairy products;
  • confectionery;
  • cereals;
  • bread and flour pastries.

A balanced diet during treatment consists of fresh fruits, vegetables, rice and buckwheat porridge, cooked in water. Sauerkraut, cranberry or lingonberry fruit drinks effectively help in such situations.

Treatment of giardiasis in adults at stage 1 of the treatment regimen is as follows:

  1. Preparations containing a choleretic effect. By reducing bile stagnation in the infected body, inflammation decreases faster.
  2. Medicines that relax the bile ducts– cholespasmolytics (Duspatali, No-spa).
  3. Medicines that enhance the functioning of the gallbladder - cholekinetics. Effectively reduce the tone of the bile duct (egg yolk, solution of magnesium sulfate solutions 5% or 10%).
  4. Enterosobents (Smecta, Bilignin, Polysorb).
  5. Based on the results of the coprogram, it is possible to prescribe Festal, Mezim-Forte, Baktisubtil.
  6. Using tubage, following the scheme of G.S. Demyanova. Helps clear the intestinal tract.


At stage 2 of therapy, drugs are prescribed that have a detrimental effect on Giardia. In addition to the use of drugs from the 1st stage, a person begins to use Fazizhina, Ornidazole, Metronidazole, Albendazole.

The duration of therapy depends on the degree of the disease and the use of prescribed medications. This takes several weeks or more. In critical situations, a break of no more than 2 weeks will be required, after which a new course of treatment will begin.


Stage 3 is to strengthen the immune system. To increase the body's defenses, a course of taking herbal-based medications is prescribed. Rational nutrition plays a very important role in the final stage.

Albendazole, a substance included in Nemozol, effectively fights Giardia at any stage of their life cycle.

The medicine is taken with food. For children, Nemozol is created in the form of a suspension. Should be used once a day for a week. Per 1 kg of weight 10 mg. medicines. Adults use 1 tablet for 5 days.

Drugs for the treatment of giardiasis

No remedy gives a 100% guarantee in the fight against giardiasis. For this reason, the patient undergoes several courses of medication, creating a break of at least 7 days:

  • Ornidazole has no age limit;
  • Tinidazole is allowed for adolescents from 12 years of age;
  • Due to its composition, Nifuratel (Makmiror) is allowed to be given to babies older than 2 months;
  • Albendazole is sometimes prescribed to children as young as 2 years old. Safer for children over 6 years old.

The use of Enterol is permitted in combination with Albendazole. It is not prohibited at stage 3 of therapy.

To reduce the risk of an allergic reaction, the patient may be prescribed Zyrtec (babies over 6 months old), Telfast (over 12 years old).

Worth knowing! Many doctors recommend Wobenzym. The drug has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-edema effects. For adults, the dose is no more than 5 tablets 3 times a day. Consume 40 minutes before meals. Dose for a child: 1 tablet per 5 kg of baby’s weight.

Once in the human body, Giardia actively begins to consume all the vitamins found inside. The patient is prescribed complex preparations containing large amounts of essential vitamins:

  1. Stimbifeed. Allowed for babies from 6 months, 2 tablets 3 times a day. Treatment time is 1 month.
  2. Bion 3. Prescribed to adolescents at least 14 years old. 1 tablet per day. Take with food. Drink for a month.
  3. Enterol. Children from one to 3 years of age are prescribed to use for 5 days, adults – 10.

To normalize the functioning of the immune system, immunomodulators are recommended. Babies over 6 months of age are prescribed Polyoxidonium intramuscularly, or with the help of rectal suppositories. Likopid is prescribed 1 mg for adolescents under 16 years of age, and 10 mg for older patients.

Treatment of chronic giardiasis in adults

If treatment is not started in time, the disease becomes chronic. The patient begins to experience bloating, loose stools, and sharp pain in the epigastric region.

Symptoms of chronic giardiasis include:

Attention! Adults and children must follow the rules and methods of taking medications - the key to a successful, quick recovery.

Used only as prescribed by the attending physician. It is not advisable to create such a course yourself. Each person’s disease progresses differently, and the dosage of medications and duration of use are calculated individually for each person.

Balancing diet for giardiasis

According to reviews of patients who have undergone treatment for giardiasis in adults, an effective remedy can be identified - Monastic tea. Many people noted its highest ability to help with this problem without the use of chemicals.

In conclusion, we suggest watching a short video on the topic:


At the end of therapy, some patients experience immunodeficiency. In this regard, colds appear, leading to serious complications. To avoid such situations, doctors strongly recommend taking Gelmostop. Contains herbal medicines, about 60 important elements and minerals. The medicine is used for 5 days.

  • Causes of giardiasis infection
  • Symptoms of the disease
  • Treatment of giardiasis
    • First stage of treatment
    • Second stage of treatment
    • Third stage of treatment
  • Treatment with folk remedies

Causes of giardiasis infection

Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms of Giardia in adults can vary and depend on various factors, such as the amount of Giardia in the body, the duration of infection, and the age of the patient. Basically, the symptoms of giardiasis infection in adults are expressed as disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract. What signs may be observed in the patient:

Adults may also have general symptoms:

  • Irritability, the onset of depression.
  • Dizziness and headaches.
  • Fatigue, weakness, possible insomnia.
  • Paleness, dry skin, dermatitis.
  • The appearance of cracks in the corners of the lips.
  • Urticaria, severe itching, atopic dermatitis, eczema.

The symptoms are worst in children; as a rule, they are more acute and pronounced. The most common symptoms:

  • A high temperature that can trigger a fever.
  • Vomiting and severe diarrhea with a very bad odor.
  • Appearance of a rash.

Treatment of giardiasis

First stage of treatment

Treatment of Giardia at the first stage lasts no more than two weeks and includes such measures as:

Treatment of lamblia at the third stage is designed to consolidate the positive result. This stage can last 2-3 weeks. Here's how the treatment works:

  • Anti-giardiasis diet.
  • Taking multivitamins and adaptogens.
  • Taking enzyme preparations.
  • Taking probiotics (Bifiform, Bifidumbacterin, Linex).

Treatment with folk remedies

Giardia can be cured with folk remedies. Among the home methods, the most effective are:

  • Taking pumpkin seeds raw. You should consume the seeds three times a day, 1 hour before meals, and take a laxative in the evening.
  • Dandelion root decoction. A tablespoon of crushed raw materials should be poured into 250 ml of boiling water, then cooked in a water bath for fifteen minutes, then infuse the broth for 45 minutes and strain. Take 3 times 30 minutes before meals, a third of a glass.
  • Infusion of wild rowan. A teaspoon of rowan is poured with 250 milliliters of hot water and left for two hours. The infusion is consumed half a glass three times a day.


Signs and treatment of lamblia in the liver

Giardiasis and its forms

The disease occurs in both adults and children. Typically, a person's source of infection is another infected individual. Giardiasis is transmitted through close contact, through household methods or through contaminated food and water.

The clinical picture can be classified according to characteristic features:

  • Latent giardiasis. Thanks to the protective functions, the body does not become infected with Giardia and the person remains only a carrier.
  • Intestinal giardiasis. This form is characterized by dysfunction of the duodenum, duodenal inflammation of the mucosa, enteritis of the small intestine or enterocolitis of the large intestine.
  • Hepatobiliary-pancreatic giardiasis. Pathology of the bile ducts, inflammation of the gallbladder, and reactive pancreatitis develop. In addition, manifestations of allergic reactions in the form of bronchial spasms of an asthmatic nature and eosinophilic pulmonary infiltrates are typical.
  • Giardiasis mixed form.

Each variety has distinctive signs of disease development.

Reasons for appearance

These processes are considered precursors to the development of pathological changes in the hepatobiliary system in both children and adults. The reason for this is the evacuation of Giardia, the existence of which has become unbearable in the small intestine.

Giardia can exist in the liver ducts for quite a long time due to improper functioning of the hepatobiliary system. Insufficient concentration of bile maintains their active viability for some time.

Some of the Giardia dies, contaminating the human body with its remains and causing intoxication. Other, more tenacious representatives cause mechanical damage to tissues, trying to gain a foothold in the lumen of the ducts. In addition, the mass migration of Giardia forms a blockage of the biliary tract, thereby causing pathological changes in organs.


Intestinal forms of giardiasis are more common in young children. In adults, the disease develops more rapidly and spreads to other organs. The most typical disease for older people is considered to be hepatobiliary damage by Giardia.

Since giardiasis of the liver exhibits symptoms similar to many diseases characteristic of this organ and the system associated with it, it can be very difficult to differentiate the infection.

It is not possible to detect Giardia in the liver using conventional tests. One of the signs of the disease is its characteristic symptoms:

  • Pain in the area of ​​the gallbladder during palpation.
  • Impaired motility of the biliary tract.
  • Inflammation of the gallbladder.
  • White coating on the tongue and bad breath.
  • Compaction of the structure and slight enlargement of the liver.
  • Abdominal syndrome - prolonged or paroxysmal pain in the right hypochondrium, associated and unrelated to eating.
  • Dyspeptic syndrome - loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, belching accompanied by a bitter taste, increased gas formation, heartburn, frequently changing stools.
  • Asthenoneurotic syndrome - weakness, irritability, fatigue, drowsiness followed by insomnia, headaches.
  • Allergodermatological syndrome - itching, urticaria, redness of the skin, asthmatic bronchitis, asthma, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, blepharitis.

  • Feces for the content of cysts.
  • Blood for antibodies and feces for antigens.
  • Duodenal contents for the presence of vegetative forms of Giardia.

Stool analysis

Immunological analysis of blood and stool

The study is carried out on feces, in which the GSA 65 antigen, produced in large quantities in response to the presence of Giardia, can be detected. Another way is to test blood serum for the presence of gM antibodies. They appear two weeks after the invasion and indicate an acute form of giardiasis. The method is considered the most effective, but is rarely used in practice.

Duodenal sounding

In addition to the listed methods, an ultrasound examination is performed - it shows whether the liver is enlarged in size, which is typical for giardiasis. A biochemical hepatogram is also examined - it determines the level of alkaline phosphatase, which increases in the presence of Giardia.

Therapy for hepatic giardiasis

This period lasts approximately two weeks. It is aimed at improving intestinal function, producing necessary enzymes and raising immune status. To achieve these goals, a special diet is prescribed, which includes foods whose consumption negatively affects the reproductive ability of Giardia. These are fresh vegetables, dried fruits, various water-based cereals, vegetable oils. In addition, it is necessary to exclude carbohydrates from the diet. As a supplement, enterosorbents, enzyme and antihistamine drugs are prescribed.

Stage two - drug exposure

Stage three – functional restoration

Completion of treatment for hepatobiliary giardiasis is aimed at maintaining conditions that prevent the proliferation of Giardia through diet. For food they use pureed vegetables and fruits, porridge, and fermented milk products. In addition, multivitamins and natural adaptogens are prescribed to restore immunity. To normalize intestinal microflora - prebiotics, probiotics, enzymes.

Giardiasis infection is considered common among all segments of the population; people of any age are susceptible to it; it can be found in almost all corners of our planet.


There are many medications that help remove Giardia from the body, including from the hepatic ducts. Treatment with folk remedies does not provide quick results, unlike tablets. But the absence of side effects and toxic effects determines the choice of many.

There are many folk remedies for combating Giardia. Everyone must decide for themselves whether to use them or go to see a doctor.

Giardia symptoms and treatment

  • What is Giardia
  • Common signs and symptoms of Giardia
    • Symptoms of acute giardiasis
    • Symptoms of chronic giardiasis
    • Symptoms of Giardia in children
  • Diagnostics: tests for lamblia
  • Giardiasis treatment regimen
  • Prevention

What is Giardia

Giardia infection occurs when cysts enter the body through the mouth. This can happen in 3 ways:

  1. Water – when drinking unboiled tap water or from natural sources.
  2. Food - through unwashed or unheated foods, in particular fruits and vegetables.
  3. Contact-household – contact with a person or animal suffering from giardiasis, objects on which there were cysts.

For the development of the disease, it is enough for 10 cysts to enter the body. People with low stomach acidity are especially susceptible to infection.

Common signs and symptoms of Giardia

Symptoms of acute giardiasis

The acute form of the disease lasts 5-7 days, but can drag on for months. It manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • Increased fatigue, irritability.
  • Headache.
  • Stool disorders (constipation, diarrhea), flatulence.
  • Nausea, possibly vomiting.
  • A sharp increase in temperature to 38°C.
  • Abdominal pain localized in the navel area.
  • Decreased appetite, feeling of oversaturation.
  • Rapid weight loss.
  • The appearance of a rash on the skin.

Children are more likely to suffer from the acute form of the disease.

Symptoms of chronic giardiasis

If treatment is not started, giardiasis becomes chronic. It manifests itself in constant relapses of infection. Its main features:

  • Disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract - bloating, constipation or diarrhea, flatulence.
  • Deterioration of skin color, uneven coloration, excessive paleness of the face.
  • Rash on the tongue.
  • Allergic reactions, dermatitis.
  • Excessive dryness and peeling of the lip borders.
  • Exhaustion of the nervous system, nervousness, asthenia.
  • Biliary tract pathologies, bile stagnation.
  • Anorexia.

Some people may be carriers of Giardia. In such cases, their health condition does not deteriorate, but for others they are a source of infection.

Symptoms of Giardia in children

Giardiasis is especially dangerous for children, who most often suffer from this disease. It is more complicated than in adults and has a detrimental effect on health. The most characteristic symptoms of damage in children:

  • Lag in physical and intellectual development, because the body does not receive the necessary microelements and vitamins.
  • Refusal to eat.
  • Rapid exhaustion.
  • Fever up to 37.5°C without other symptoms of a cold that lasts for weeks.
  • Constant diarrhea or constipation.
  • Grinding of teeth in sleep.
  • Drawing or cutting pain in the abdominal area.
  • Constant lethargy, decreased tone.
  • Enlarged lymph nodes.
  • Choking cough.

The manifestation of each individual symptom may signal the development of other diseases. But it is better to undergo diagnostics to exclude Giardia infestation.

Diagnostics: tests for lamblia

In order to confirm giardiasis, it is necessary to conduct a laboratory analysis. To do this, samples of feces, blood or duodenal contents are taken from the duodenum.

To get a 100% result, it is advisable to conduct several types of tests.

Giardiasis treatment regimen

To cleanse internal organs of Giardia, you need to go through 3 stages of treatment:

Giardiasis can also be cured using folk remedies. For this, plant components are used. Here are some simple and effective recipes:

  1. Garlic tincture – place 50 g of chopped garlic in 200 g of vodka. Infuse the product for 7 days in a tightly closed bottle. You need to take the tincture for 7-10 days, 3 times a day, 30 minutes before meals, adding 20 drops to 1/3 glass of water.
  2. Oats – 250 g of oats, pour 1 liter of water and put on fire. You need to cook until ¼ of the volume has evaporated. You need to drink 4 times a day, 0.5 cups. The course of treatment is 10-14 days.
  3. Corn silk infusion – 1 tbsp. l. corn silk is poured with 200 ml of boiling water, then infused for 3 hours. Use 4 times a day, 1 tbsp. l. Treatment lasts 7-15 days.

Throughout the course of treatment you must adhere to a diet. It involves the exclusion of simple carbohydrates, which include flour, sweets, and sausages. The basis of the diet should be porridge cooked in water, fruits, vegetables, and dairy products. Fruit drinks and herbal teas are very useful.

Protozoal invasion caused by intestinal lamblia and occurring with signs of a functional digestive disorder. The leading one in the clinic of giardiasis is gastrointestinal syndrome (nausea, abdominal pain, unstable stool, flatulence); intoxication, allergic, astheno-neurotic, hepatolienal syndromes can also develop. For laboratory confirmation of giardiasis, microscopic examination of feces and duodenal contents, ELISA, PCR, and analysis of biopsy material are performed. For the purpose of specific therapy for giardiasis, antiprotozoal drugs (metronidazole, tinidazole, ornidazole, etc.) are prescribed; additionally - choleretic drugs, enzymes, enterosorbents.

General information

Causes of giardiasis

The source of the spread of giardiasis pathogens is an infected person, who releases mature Giardia cysts with feces into the environment. The epidemiological role of animals that are carriers of Giardia (dogs, cats, guinea pigs, rabbits, etc.) cannot be excluded. Mechanical carriers of pathogens can be flies, cockroaches and other insects. Giardiasis infection occurs through the fecal-oral mechanism; water, food, contact and household routes. The leading factors of infection transmission are unboiled water, food, hands, common objects, soil contaminated with Giardia cysts. The infestation of the population with giardiasis is facilitated by fecal pollution of the environment, poor state of water supply, overcrowding of people, and low level of sanitary and hygienic skills of the population. Predisposing factors include age under 10 years, malnutrition and dystrophy, congenital anomalies of the biliary tract, gastrointestinal diseases with decreased acidity and enzymatic activity, previous gastrectomy, protein starvation, etc. A surge in the incidence of giardiasis is recorded in the spring-summer season.


Once in the digestive tract, Giardia cysts reach the duodenum, where they transform into vegetative forms. Here, as well as in the proximal jejunum, Giardia attaches to the epithelial villi, causing mechanical damage to enterocytes, irritation of the nerve endings of the small intestine wall, and disruption of the absorption process. The consequence of these processes is the development of inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract (duodenitis, enteritis), malabsorption syndrome, secondary fermentopathy, dysbacteriosis, chronic endogenous intoxication syndrome. Giardiasis can contribute to the chronicity of helminthiasis and other intestinal infections (salmonellosis, dysentery, yersiniosis). It has been proven that during the life of Giardia, they secrete a toxin that has a tropism for nervous tissue, which explains the inhibitory effect on the nervous system. Due to sensitization of the body by protozoal antigens, various allergic manifestations can develop during giardiasis, especially characteristic of children with lymphatic-hypoplastic diathesis.


Giardiasis can occur in the form of asymptomatic giardia carriers (25%), subclinical (50%) and manifest forms (25%). Depending on the leading clinical manifestations of manifest giardiasis, there are:

  • intestinal form, including functional intestinal disorder, duodenitis, duodenogastric reflux, gastroenteritis, enteritis;
  • biliary-pancreatic form, occurring with symptoms of biliary dyskinesia, cholangitis, cholecystitis, reactive pancreatitis;
  • extraintestinal form accompanied by astheno-neurotic syndrome, neurocirculatory dystonia, toxic-allergic manifestations;
  • mixed form.

Clinically pronounced giardiasis can have an acute and chronic course.

Symptoms of giardiasis

The intoxication syndrome during giardiasis directly depends on the massiveness of the invasion, the duration and severity of the disease. It can manifest as peripheral lymphadenitis, enlarged adenoids, and low-grade fever. Signs of central nervous system depression in giardiasis include irritability, fatigue, decreased performance, emotional lability, and bruxism. Children may experience tics, hyperkinesis, hypotonic crises and fainting states. Dermatoallergic manifestations include dryness and flaking of the skin, keratosis pilaris, urticaria with itchy skin, atopic dermatitis, etc. Patients with giardiasis often suffer from persistent blepharitis and conjunctivitis, cheilitis; asthmatic bronchitis and bronchial asthma.

Diagnosis of giardiasis

Clinical recognition of giardiasis is difficult due to the wide variety and nonspecificity of symptoms. Clinical manifestations of giardiasis are often explained by other reasons, and patients are treated by a gastroenterologist, neurologist, allergist, pulmonologist, and dermatologist for individual syndromes.

An objective examination of patients with giardiasis reveals pallor of the skin, coated tongue, bloating, enlarged liver, and pain in the mesogastrium. Using ultrasound of the hepatobiliary system and cholecystography, biliary dyskinesia with signs of cholestasis are detected. Changes in the hemogram are represented by eosinophilia and monocytosis. A biochemical blood test reveals hypogammaglobulinemia, hypoalbuminemia, and increased alkaline phosphatase levels. Examination of stool for dysbacteriosis reveals changes in the intestinal microflora: a decrease in the number of lacto- and bifidobacteria, the appearance of pathogenic microorganisms (staphylococci and streptococci, Candida fungi, etc.).

Treatment of giardiasis

The preparatory stage includes rational diet therapy aimed at creating unfavorable conditions for the proliferation of Giardia in the body. This diet involves the consumption of cereals, bran, vegetables and fruits, vegetable oil; limiting carbohydrates, mainly sugars. It is useful to carry out fasting days; tubes with mineral water, xylitol, sorbitol; taking choleretic and antihistamine drugs.

The medical stage of treatment of giardiasis is carried out with special antiprotozoal drugs (metronidazole, tinidazole, ornidazole, nimorazole, albendazole, furazolidone, etc.) and usually consists of 2 courses. At the final, recovery stage, multivitamin preparations, enterosorbents, bacterial and enzymatic preparations, herbal adaptogens, immunostimulants, and herbal medicine are prescribed.

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