Anal muscles: their training and relaxation. How to relax the rectal sphincter? Rectal sphincter spasm: symptoms and treatment The sphincter does not relax

Proctalgia fugax

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Anal sphincter spasm (K59.4)


general information

Short description

Anal sphincter spasm- pathological sudden contraction of the muscles of the internal sphincter, accompanied by acute, sudden pain.

It is an independent nosological unit (a type of functional disorder of the gastrointestinal tract), classified according to Rome III criteria in subgroup F2b as “Proctalgia Fugax” (translated from Latin - “fleeting rectal pain”).


1. Proctalgia Fugax should be distinguished from chronic proctalgia (pain in the rectum), classified as F2 and subdivided, in turn, into:
- F2a1 - Levator Ani Syndrome or levator syndrome (s) (levator muscle syndrome, m. levator ani syndrome, levator syndrome);
- F2a2 - vague functional anorectal pain.
It should also be taken into account that in some patients the symptoms of Proctalgia Fugax (fleeting proctalgia) may eventually develop into chronic proctalgia.

2. Anal sphincter spasm should be distinguished as an independent functional disease of the rectum and as a symptom indicating another, often organic, pathology (for example, anal fissure or hemorrhoids).

Etiology and pathogenesis

The etiology and pathogenesis of anal sphincter spasm are not known with certainty.

Suggested causes and mechanisms:
- spontaneous paroxysmal convulsive contractions of smooth muscles;
- inherited hypertrophy of the internal anal sphincter;
- stress;
- psychological characteristics of the individual (anxiety, hypochondria).


Age: mostly young

Sign of prevalence: Common

Sex ratio(m/f): 1

Prevalence. Due to the fact that only 17-20% of patients report symptoms of the disease to doctors, the true prevalence of the disease in the population is unknown. Estimates range from 4-18% and, according to a number of researchers, consolidate in the range of 7-8%.

Floor. No significant differences were found. Some studies note a slight predominance of female patients. This may be due to diagnostic inaccuracy.

Age. The disease rarely manifests itself before puberty. The highest prevalence, according to some studies, is observed at the age of about 45 years. According to other studies, the average age of patients is about 51 years. A case of disease manifestation at the age of 61 is described.

Geography. No differences were found. This may be due to the lack of epidemiological studies in developing countries.

Race. No differences found.

Risk factors and groups

Risk factors for the occurrence of anal sphincter spasm have only been tentatively determined. Most often, fleeting anorectal pain is not associated with any persistent abnormalities.

Probable factors:
- possible combination with irritable bowel syndrome;
- stress;
- psychological personality characteristics (suspiciousness, anxiety, perfectionism, hypochondria).

Clinical picture

Clinical diagnostic criteria

An attack of acute pain in the anus lasting no more than 20 minutes; absence of pain in the anus and/or rectum during the interictal period; duration of symptoms for at least 3 months

Symptoms, course

Anal sphincter spasm occurs suddenly an attack of acute pain in the rectal area. Patients describe the pain as sharp, stabbing, spastic, and sometimes burning. In some patients, the pain is accompanied by a urge to defecate or a feeling of fullness in the rectum.

The duration of pain is at least 3 seconds, but not more than several minutes. Typically, patients describe the duration of pain as “no more than/about one minute.”

From a third to a half of patients experience attacks of pain only at night, about a third - mainly during the day, and the rest - at various times of the day.
In the intervals between attacks there are no pain or disorders.

In 51% of patients, the average frequency of attacks is no more than 5 per year. Some authors describe the average frequency of attacks in a group of patients as 13 cases per year.

According to some observations, in men, spasm of the anal sphincter can be provoked by orgasm or itself cause an erection, probably due to stimulation of parts of the autonomic nervous system. However, the reliability of these observations is questionable in terms of compliance of the diagnosis of functional transient rectal pain with the corresponding Rome III criteria.

Criteria for diagnosing the disease include:

1. Repeated episodes of pain localized in the anus or lower rectum.

2. Episodes of pain last from a few seconds to minutes.

3. There is no anorectal pain between attacks.

In a number of patients, over time, the clinical picture is transformed or overshadowed by signs of chronic proctalgia, which is characterized by an increase in the duration of pain attacks to 20 minutes or more.

Physical examination does not reveal any abnormalities.
Rectal examination does not reveal pain when pressing on the posterior part of the puborectalis muscle, which is an important part of the differential diagnosis with the so-called “levator syndrome” (chronic proctalgia).


The diagnosis of anal sphincter spasm is made by exclusion.
None of the research methods reveals pathology that, directly or indirectly, may be the cause of anorectal pain.

Recommended instrumental methods:
1. Colonoscopy Colonoscopy is a method of examining the inner surface of the colon, based on its examination using a colonoscope.
2. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs.
3. MRI MRI - magnetic resonance imaging
4. Anorectal manometry Manometry - measuring the pressure inside the organs in the human body
5. Proctography Defecography (or evacuation proctography) is an X-ray study of the defecation process. Makes it possible to accurately determine whether the patient suffers from constipation or fecal incontinence

Laboratory diagnostics

There are no specific laboratory findings that support or oppose the diagnosis of anal sphincter spasm.

Differential Diagnosis

Anal sphincter spasm is differentiated from any pathology that can cause anorectal pain.

The most common reasons:
1. Chronic proctalgia (levator syndrome, nonspecific functional anorectal pain). The duration of pain is more than 20 minutes. Chronic nature of pain. Palpation of the levator ani muscle during rectal examination causes pain.
2. Chronic prostatitis.
3. Anal fissure.
4. Hemorrhoids.
5. Colorectal cancer.
6. Constipation.
7. Injury to the rectum or perineum.
8. Non-infectious proctocolitis (Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis and others).
9. Gynecological diseases of the pelvic organs (for women).
10. Chronic pelvic pain syndrome.
11. Adhesive disease of the pelvic organs.
12. Mental disorders.
13. Irritable bowel syndrome
14. Perirectal abscess or fistula; Hidradenitis suppurativa.
15. Proctitis (especially with gonococcal / chlamydial infection).
16. Rectal foreign bodies.
17. Anal itching.
18. Diverticular disease.
19. Rectal prolapse.
20. Coccydynia (neuralgic pain in the coccyx area).
21. Genital warts (anogenital warts).
22. Testicular carcinoma.
23. Cystitis.
24. Hereditary myopathy of the anal sphincter.
25. Bilateral occlusion of the iliac arteries.



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In most patients, attacks of pain during anal sphincter spasm are so short and rare that conversations with a doctor and an explanation of the safety of the disease are usually enough to refuse drug therapy.

Patients who have frequent symptoms may require treatment. A randomized controlled trial found that inhaled salbutamol (a β-adrenergic agonist) was more effective than placebo in reducing the duration of episodes in those patients whose episodes lasted ≥ 20 minutes. According to the Rome criteria, symptoms of anal sphincter spasm in these patients may overlap with symptoms of chronic proctalgia.

Other recommendations include the use of clonidine, amyl nitrates, nitroglycerin, nifedipine, low-dose diazepam and even psychotropic drugs (tricyclic antidepressants), but with little or no evidence to support their effectiveness.
"Proctalgia fugax with dysthymia" Singh GP, Indian Journal of Psychiatry, No. 48(2), 2006

  • "Proctalgia fugax, an evidence-based management pathway" Jeyarajah S, Chow A, Ziprin P, Tilney H, Purkayastha S., "The International Journal of Colorectal Disease", No. 25(9), 2010
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    Paroxysmal painful involuntary contractions of the anal sphincter muscles are a common pathology. Sphincter spasm is accompanied by acute pain, and long asymptomatic periods may occur between attacks. Most often, this is not an independent pathology, but the result of some disease of the anus (anal fissure, hemorrhoids) or the body’s reaction to stress. The doctor’s task is to determine the cause of the spasm and carry out comprehensive treatment to eliminate the symptom and its source.

    The anal sphincter consists of two parts: external and internal sphincters. The internal one consists of smooth muscles, has the shape of a ring and is usually in a contracted state, holding the contents of the intestine inside. Relaxation occurs only when the rectum is irritated during defecation, release of gases, etc.

    Spasm of the rectal sphincter affects both men and women, most often in the middle age group and older. The causes of pathology may be:

    • inflammation of the mucous membrane;
    • haemorrhoids;
    • tumors in the sphincter area;
    • anal fissures of various etiologies;
    • Crohn's disease;
    • constipation;
    • pancreatitis;
    • cholelithiasis;
    • muscle hypertonicity;
    • duodenal ulcer;
    • excessive physical activity (weight training);
    • osteocondritis of the spine.



    The symptoms accompanying sphincter spasms are painful. All symptoms are divided into two categories according to the duration of the attacks: short-term and long-term proctalgia - acute pain in the anus caused by muscle spasm. The pain radiates (gives, spreads) to the abdomen, lower back, tailbone, perineum. Prolonged attacks exhaust the human nervous system, and chronic stress can develop against their background.

    The characteristic features of proctalgia, in addition to irradiation, are the following symptoms:

    • pain is not associated with defecation, but often accompanies it and can go away after bowel movement;
    • varied intensity and duration;
    • not relieved by painkillers;
    • the condition is alleviated by a warm bath;
    • discomfort in the perineal area;
    • increasing frequency of exacerbations.

    Depending on the cause of the disease, primary and secondary proctalgia are distinguished. Primary is an independent disease, the cause of which can be injuries or surgical interventions in the pelvic organs, pelvic adhesions, or childbirth with complications. People with unstable mental health (neurasthenia, hysteria, hypochondria, stress, depression) are also often susceptible to rectal spasms. At the moment, medicine does not have reliable information about the etiology and pathogenesis of the disease. It is dangerous due to the occurrence of persistent chronic proctalgia.

    Secondary proctalgia is most often a symptom of various pathologies of the rectum: anal fissure, hemorrhoids, Crohn's disease.


    Correct diagnosis is half the success in treating any disease, and even more so in eliminating accompanying pain syndromes. The own laboratory of the NEARMEDIC clinic network is equipped with the most modern equipment for conducting analyzes and diagnosing proctological diseases of various etiologies. If necessary, the patient can receive a referral to:

    • computed tomography;
    • sigmoidoscopy;
    • Colonoscopy.

    For the prevention and early detection of cancer, a morphological study can be carried out in the clinic.

    Treatment method for sphincter spasm

    Sphincter spasm requires treatment for any intensity of pain, since this may be a signal from the body of another, more serious pathology. The patient needs to worry not so much about how to relieve spasm of the rectal sphincter, but about identifying the cause of the disease and eliminating it. Diagnosis must be carried out in a clinical setting using special equipment. Depending on the established diagnosis, the doctor chooses a treatment method.


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    Treating sphincter spasm with medications is indicated at an early stage of its occurrence while simultaneously identifying and eliminating the cause of the disease. Successful relief of sphincter spasm using medication is guaranteed if the patient seeks medical help in a timely manner. After an examination and based on the results of a diagnostic examination, a proctologist may prescribe the following drugs and remedies:

    • antispasmodic;
    • painkillers;
    • antibacterial;
    • laxatives.

    According to indications, topical medications are prescribed: suppositories, gels, ointments, creams, baths. Regular hygiene procedures - washing after each visit to the toilet - significantly alleviate the condition.

    An integral part of relieving proctalgia syndrome is a diet aimed at preventing constipation: eating boiled, steamed, pureed food in small portions, eliminating spicy, sour, salty foods, drinking plenty of fluids.

    Surgical treatment

    It is used when there is no effect from therapeutic methods in the treatment of anal fissure - the most common cause of anal sphincter spasm. The hardened edges of the crack are excised to form a quickly healing wound, the spasm is relieved. Modern developments in the field of surgery make it possible to perform this operation using radio wave or laser equipment.

    In rare cases, sphincterotomy is used according to indications - dissection of the anal sphincter. As a result of the operation, spasms are weakened, allowing the crack to heal. Laser sphincterotomy is an outpatient operation.

    Successful treatment at NEARMEDIC

    Spasm of the rectal sphincter is treated in the proctologist's office. This pathology causes pain localized in the rectum. They are provoked not only by sphincter spasm, but also by abnormal compression of the muscles located nearby.


    Spasm of the rectal sphincter does not cause pain in itself. The symptom of discomfort is associated with organic pathology of the tissues of the anus. It manifests itself over a long period, depleting the patient physically and psychologically. To determine the true cause of a symptom such as spasm of the rectal sphincter, careful diagnostic measures are required using special equipment. This is possible in a clinic equipped with everything necessary.

    Sphincter spasms provoke the development of a disease such as proctalgia, which is one of the pathologies of the anus. The pain syndrome felt by the patient can be of different nature and intensity; it manifests itself directly in the rectum - in the area near the anus. Spasm of the rectal sphincter is characterized by a stable course. The main symptoms of the pathology include acute colic in the form of a prolonged attack. The pain radiates to the perineum, is felt in the tailbone or lower part of the peritoneum.

    Symptoms of this disease can cause severe pain during bowel movements, although they are often unrelated to bowel movements. If pain provokes sphincter spasm, taking a hot bath alleviates the patient's condition. Sometimes the painful attack stops after defecation.


    This disease is provoked by stress, accompanied by a difficult emotional human state. The disease develops after severe physical exertion and neurological diseases. Sphincter spasm intensifies after weightlifting, after which it does not go away for a long time if adequate measures are not taken in a timely manner.

    Sphincter spasms appear due to involuntary muscle contraction. Near the rectal opening there is an external and internal sphincter zone. Since nerves and blood vessels pass near the muscles, tissue contraction causes irritation. The pain syndrome varies - it depends on the frequency and intensity of muscle contractions. The throbbing pain lasts a long time and plagues the patient.

    Danger of condition

    To relieve pain symptoms, it is necessary to identify the cause of the spasms and then eliminate it. The pathology itself is not complicated; it is diagnosed and then successfully treated. Symptoms of rectal sphincter spasm are more often characteristic of those who have reached the age of forty, and people are susceptible to the disease, regardless of gender. The frequent occurrence of symptoms is caused by good innervation of the rectal posterior wall. Reflexogenic tissue is concentrated in it, causing severe spasms when:

    • frequent constipation;
    • defects of the mucous surface;
    • cracks on it;
    • inflammatory processes.

    With an unhealthy nervous system or autonomic pathologies, rectal sphincter spasms can provoke neurological symptoms. At the same time, the emotional background worsens and insomnia occurs. Although the characteristic symptoms of rectal sphincter spasm are similar to the signs of a disease such as coccydynia, these are different diseases. Symptoms of spasms are possible in people who have suffered injuries to organs located in the pelvis, difficult childbirth, or after treatment of a complicated adhesive process. Often the symptoms of rectal spasms are characteristic of women whose emotional background is too unstable. Hysteria and neurasthenia often provoke problems in the anal area.

    Symptoms of rectal sphincter spasm are usually classified according to the duration of ongoing attacks of pain. There are short or long proctalgia. Otherwise, the classification of pathology is simple. According to the etiology of the disease, there are primary stages or secondary proctalgia. Causes recent rectal pathologies, which include hemorrhoids, neoplasms, Crohn's disease or anal fissure.

    Signs of short-term pain provoke sharp stabbing or pulling painful sensations localized in the anus. Almost always, the pain radiates to the tailbone, which is why patients complain of discomfort in the lower peritoneum, unable to accurately show the painful spot. When a spasm is felt in the perineum, a person often associates this condition with a pathology of the genitourinary system, however, this is completely untrue. Severe spasms resemble convulsions, and this is extremely frightening for patients, provoking a depressed psychological state.


    Symptoms of rectal sphincter spasm are especially unpleasant because they are not relieved by pain relief. No pills, intravenous or intramuscular injections help, which is why you have to endure unpleasant sensations for a long time. The disease is characterized by wave attacks, the symptoms appear mild or acute. However, after a short respite, the pain invariably returns.

    Even now, doctors continue to argue about what factors provoke spasm of the rectal sphincter, although its relationship with emotional stress has already been proven. The problem arises due to emotional or physical stress. It is possible to overcome spasms by eliminating their cause.

    Signs of secondary proctalgia appear after inflammation of hemorrhoidal cones or the development of anal fissures. Usually, in the presence of such problems, rectal sphincter spasms are a symptom of the underlying disease. With hemorrhoids, the nerve endings are intensely irritated, the integrity of the surface of the mucous membranes is damaged, they become inflamed and swollen. Because of this, smooth muscles contract and nerve endings become deformed. Spasms appear, causing sharp and acute pain, radiating to different places. When a spasm accompanies hemorrhoids, defecation significantly increases the pain, which bothers the person for hours. An analgesic is unable to eliminate it, so it is necessary to use other methods to get rid of discomfort.

    Spasm of the rectal sphincter, useful recommendations

    Warm baths help eliminate spasms. To prepare a therapeutic sitz bath, mix warm water and a natural disinfectant: a solution of potassium permanganate, chamomile decoction with yarrow or calendula. Moreover, these decoctions are prepared in advance.

    When you simply pour medicinal herbs into a bathtub with hot water, no effect will follow, since the exposure time and temperature will not be enough for the beneficial substances to be released from the plants. But if you sit in a properly prepared bath for a third of an hour, you can feel significant relief, the pain will go away, and spasms will bother you less often. You should not sit in the bath longer than this time. It is recommended to use this method a maximum of three times a day, preparing a fresh decoction each time.

    If rectal sphincter spasm occurs, you should not self-medicate. Only a doctor can prescribe treatment.

    is a pathological condition in which involuntary painful contractions of the smooth muscles surrounding the anus are observed. It can develop with certain injuries and diseases of the rectum and anus, innervation disorders, autonomic disorders and emotional instability. Spasm of the anal sphincter is accompanied by pain radiating to the coccyx, abdomen, perineum, etc. Diagnosed on the basis of complaints, anamnesis, rectal examination, sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy and irrigoscopy. Treatment - diet, antispasmodics, analgesics, physiotherapeutic procedures, surgery.



    General information

    Anal sphincter spasm is a fairly common pathological condition that occurs as a result of disorders of innervation and autonomic regulation, traumatic injuries, operations, chronic diseases, or severe emotional instability. The main symptom of anal sphincter spasm is pain in the anal area (proctalgia) of varying duration and intensity. Mostly middle-aged people suffer; the disease is equally common in patients of both sexes.

    Spasm of the anal sphincter tends to be prolonged. Negatively affects the quality of life, accompanied by emotional and mental exhaustion. Cancerophobia is possible, which is explained by the initial mental instability and the tendency of many patients to neurotic reactions. Treatment of anal sphincter spasm is mainly carried out by specialists in the field of clinical proctology. In the presence of severe mental disorders, the participation of a psychologist or psychotherapist is required.


    Anal sphincter spasm belongs to the category of polyetiological diseases and can be primary or secondary. In the absence of organic changes, they speak of a primary disorder. The cause of the development of primary spasm of the anal sphincter is viscero-neurotic disorders and mental instability. The disease is often detected in individuals with a pronounced hysterical component, neurasthenia, increased emotional lability and vegetative-vascular dystonia.

    Secondary spasm of the anal sphincter occurs against the background of conditions accompanied by the appearance of organic changes and functional disorders in the area of ​​the anus and lower parts of the rectum. Among the common causes that cause the development of this pathology are chronic diseases of the anal area such as hemorrhoids and anal fissure. In addition, spasm of the anal sphincter can be provoked by inflammatory processes in the lower intestines (Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis), benign and malignant tumors of the rectum, constipation, injuries to the sacrum and coccyx, complicated childbirth, surgical interventions and adhesions in the pelvic area.


    The posterior wall of the rectum contains a large number of nerve endings and blood vessels. Disturbances in the normal functioning of this section of the intestine are accompanied by the appearance of many nerve impulses that cause a reflex contraction of the smooth muscles surrounding the external and internal sphincters of the anus. With intense stimulation of this reflexogenic zone, individual contractions can turn into spasms of the anal sphincter of varying duration. Such spasms, in turn, lead to disruption of the blood supply to the rectum and surrounding tissues, cause even greater irritation of nerve endings and aggravate muscle contraction, which provokes the emergence of a “vicious circle”.


    Characteristic manifestations of anal sphincter spasm are pain of varying duration and intensity, radiating to the tailbone, perineum, hip joints or lower abdomen. Pain during spasm is paroxysmal, can appear during defecation or occur without any visible connection with the condition of the rectum (emptied or not emptied) and other circumstances. There is a low effectiveness of analgesics, while the pain syndrome often disappears or weakens after completing a bowel movement or taking a warm bath.

    Spasm of the anal sphincter can be provoked not only by the act of defecation, but also by chronic stress, acute emotional and psychological stress, overwork, heavy physical exertion and some neurological diseases. At the same time, spasm of the anal sphincter often itself becomes an impetus for the occurrence of long-term stress, increased emotional instability and the development of mental disorders of a neurotic level.

    Depending on the type of pain syndrome, there are two forms of anal sphincter spasm: with long-term and short-term proctalgia. With short-term proctalgia, the pain is strong, pulling or stabbing. Due to the high intensity of the pain syndrome and its irradiation to neighboring anatomical areas, patients suffering from anal sphincter spasm often find it difficult to determine the location of the pain and may regard this symptom as a manifestation of diseases of the reproductive or urinary system. With prolonged proctalgia, the pain is usually less intense and difficult to relieve with analgesics.

    With secondary spasm of the anal sphincter, which occurs against the background of hemorrhoids, anal fissure and other diseases, as a rule, there is a clear connection between proctalgia and the act of defecation. The pain appears with the urge to stool, intensifies with straining and persists for several hours (sometimes up to a day or more) after the end of defecation. Constant pain negatively affects the quality of life of patients suffering from anal sphincter spasm, and can cause fear of defecation, due to which patients “postpone” going to the toilet. This further aggravates the violations that have arisen.

    With primary spasm of the anal sphincter, the connection with the act of defecation is less clearly visible. Pain often appears at night or in the morning. Patients develop insomnia. The causelessness of the appearance of pain syndrome, sleep disturbances, initial emotional instability and predisposition to neurotic disorders create a psycho-emotional mood that contributes to the emergence of cancerophobia and hypochondriacal spectrum disorders.


    When diagnosing anal sphincter spasm, a thorough collection of complaints and clarification of life history and disease are of great importance. When collecting complaints, a specialist proctologist pays attention to the nature of the pain syndrome, its connection with the act of defecation and the time of day. When clarifying the life history of patients with suspected anal sphincter spasm, emphasis is placed on the presence of chronic pathology of the colon and anus, previous operations and injuries to this anatomical area, vegetative-vascular dystonia, neurotic disorders and emotional lability.

    In a number of cases, it is possible to establish that, despite the absence of diagnosed autonomic and mental disorders, the life history of patients suffering from spasm of the anal sphincter shows repeated spasms of the smooth muscles of various organs, for which patients in the past turned to gastroenterologists, pulmonologists, otolaryngologists and others specialists. The examination plan for suspected anal sphincter spasm includes rectal examination and sigmoidoscopy. If pathological changes in the upper parts of the large intestine are suspected, irrigoscopy and colonoscopy are prescribed. In case of severe psycho-emotional disorders, patients are referred for consultation to a psychologist or psychotherapist.

    Treatment of anal sphincter spasm

    Treatment may include diet, medication, physical therapy, and surgery. Therapeutic tactics are determined individually, taking into account the cause of development, severity and duration of the disease, the somatic and psychological state of the patient. The patient is advised to avoid fatty and spicy foods, which irritate the intestinal wall, and is advised to carefully observe the rules of personal hygiene and avoid injuring the perianal area with rough toilet paper.

    Antibacterial therapy is carried out if necessary. Antispasmodics and analgesics are prescribed (mainly in the form of suppositories, creams and microenemas). For constipation, laxatives are prescribed. To eliminate spasm of the anal sphincter, thermal procedures, electrosleep, UHF, darsonvalization and other physiotherapeutic techniques are used. If conservative therapy is ineffective, sphincterotomy is performed with partial excision of the smooth muscles surrounding the anus.

    The anal sphincter is considered one of the important components of the rectum, with the help of which a person can control the process of bowel movement. Various disorders in the functioning of the sphincter result in the development of fecal incontinence, and this becomes the cause of various discomfort.

    Problems with the tone of the anus can develop in patients of different ages, but most often such a disorder is detected in people with intestinal pathologies. Sphincter exercises increase muscle tone and help avoid involuntary contraction of the organ.

    The anal sphincter helps control bowel movements in the body.. The constituent part of the rectum becomes a ring-shaped structure with striated muscles. It covers the anal canal, and the elliptical muscle located on the surface is attached directly to the tailbone itself.

    The sphincter controls the movement of substances of varying consistency through the intestines. It takes an active part in the digestive process and holds its contents, preventing it from rising up the esophagus.

    When the circular sphincter muscle contracts, the opening closes, and when it relaxes, on the contrary, it opens.

    A person cannot control the work of the internal anal sphincter only with his consciousness. Its relaxation and contraction are carried out reflexively if the feces irritate the nerve endings of the intestine.

    The main function of such a sphincter is valve. This means that the sphincter becomes a kind of obstacle that does not allow anything through the anus in the absence of pushing.

    Possible violations

    Functional insufficiency of the anal sphincter can be expressed in its weakness or spasms.


    Experts identify several factors that provoke a decrease in the tone of the anus and the development of its insufficiency:

    • pregnancy and labor in women;
    • inflammatory processes in the tissues of the rectum and anus;
    • malignant tumors;
    • various types of surgical interventions;
    • injuries and damage that are accompanied by disruption of nerve fibers in the rectum.

    Various types of neuropathies often cause damage to nerve fibers in the anal area.. Diabetes mellitus, which is accompanied by the development of a pathological condition such as sphincter weakness, can cause incontinence when nerves are damaged.


    Compression or spasms of the anal muscles most often appear with damage of various types to the anal area.

    In addition, other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can provoke such a pathological condition. With gastritis, the acidity of the stomach increases greatly and too much hydrochloric acid is produced.

    The consequence of this is the passage of food from the stomach into the intestines, in which an excessive acidic environment is formed. The intestines simply cannot cope with such acidity and the result is the development of spastic colitis and spasm of the anal sphincter.

    Important! The main sign of sphincter spasm is pain in the anal area, which intensifies with defecation. When there is constant damage to the mucous membrane with feces, which becomes the cause.


    To increase the muscle tone of the anus of the rectum, experts recommend doing simple exercises. Besides, It is possible to achieve a positive effect in the fight against spasms with the help of Kegel exercises.

    To strengthen muscles

    Sphincter muscle training involves performing various exercises from certain starting positions. The patient needs to lie on his back, sharply squeeze the anal sphincter for a short time, and gradually relax the muscles. This exercise is recommended to be done regularly, as it helps strengthen the sphincter muscles and maintain their normal tone.

    When asked how to relax the muscles of the anus, experts prescribe some exercises:

    1. Iron. You need to lie on your back and hold your raised legs motionless for 30 seconds;
    2. Cat. You should sit on all fours, alternately bend your lower back down and round your back;
    3. Birch. You need to lie on your back, raise your legs up at a right angle and slowly lift your pelvis, supporting it with your hands.

    Such physical exercises to strengthen the muscles of the anus can be done for patients of all ages, regardless of their physical fitness.

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