Dry hands, what to do at home. Dry hand skin: treatment at home. Hand baths for dryness

Dry skin does not retain moisture well because its natural protective layer, the hydrolipid mantle, is damaged. Particularly often, areas with thin skin suffer from this problem: eyelids, arms, neck, décolleté.

Causes of dryness

    Frequent hand washing with aggressive cleansers and the use of bactericidal gels (especially important for doctors and nurses).

    Using household chemicals without gloves.

    Too frequent use and, as a result, violation of the integrity of the protective barrier of the epidermis.

    Working with chemicals, solvents and other aggressive substances.

    Extreme weather conditions: heat or, conversely, severe frost and icy wind.

    Low indoor air humidity is a common winter problem, since when the central heating is turned on, the air tends to be dry.

To prevent your hands from becoming dry, wear gloves when cleaning and washing dishes. © iStock

Proper care for dry hand skin

Hand skin care is not limited to cream alone, especially if you only take it out of the drawer in emergency situations.

A simple care regimen will help keep your hands in excellent condition.

    Note, what do you wash your hands with and how often? you do it. If dryness and cracks on the skin of your hands are your constant problem or your job requires you to wash your hands many times a day, change the classic bar or liquid soap to a more gentle cream cleanser.

    Important limit contact of the skin of your hands with household chemicals, for example, when washing dishes: use gloves or replace products with moisturizers and hypoallergenic ones.

    Hand scrub is not very popular, but it doesn’t hurt to get one. Regular (a couple of times a week) exfoliation removes dead particles of the epidermis and causes cells to renew faster. The skin not only becomes softer and more tender, but also better accepts the beneficial substances that are included in subsequent care products.

    Hand cream should be on every woman's bedside table (you can throw the second one in your bag, and the third one in your office desk drawer). Without it, the skin on your hands will become wrinkled ahead of time.

    As an emergency treatment for quick recovery, use hand mask: This can be either a special product or any fatty cream applied in a thick layer. Wear cotton gloves on top.

Use hand cream several times a day. © iStock

Seasonal care

Just like facial care, your hand skin care regimen changes depending on the season.

  1. 1

    This is the most difficult period for the skin, when frosts and piercing winds outside are combined with dry air indoors. Don't forget to wear gloves and keep nourishing hand cream with you. And as an emergency measure, use special emollients for rough areas of skin.

  2. 2

    A problem-free time only if you are not in a dry and hot climate. A moisturizer will help get rid of dryness and tidy up your hands, plus don’t forget about cuticle oil.

  3. 3

    Autumn and spring

    Characterized by changeable climates, on cold days, focus on nourishing the skin, on warm days, on moisturizing.

Hand scrub makes the skin softer and softer. © iStock

Hand baths

Before applying the cream, you can take a 10-minute bath with sea salt for your hands. A teaspoon of salt is enough for a small container: it will nourish the skin with microelements and moisturize it.

After the bath, do not wipe your hands dry, just pat them dry with a towel. Then apply the cream.

Balanced diet for dry skin

Scientists have not yet reached a consensus on whether it is necessary to take vitamins to eliminate dry skin. Today, doctors believe that a person should receive the necessary substances from food. Therefore, universal advice is to adjust your diet so that the menu maintains a balance of proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

    They are considered to be a universal evil, but in fact we are talking about fatty acids, which make the skin look healthy and radiant. Fatty acids are found in foods such as vegetable oils, seeds and nuts, some types of fish. And they definitely need to be included in the menu at the first appearance of unpleasant symptoms.


    They are known to be rich fresh vegetables, berries and fruits. Although, according to the latest scientific data, the content of useful substances in frozen fruits is not much lower. The champion in the concentration of vitamins and minerals can be called spinach, rich in vitamins B, C, E, iron, calcium, potassium and magnesium. However, all leafy greens incredibly healthy and helps prevent skin diseases.

Preventive measures

These tips will help prevent unpleasant flaking on your hands - so take them to heart.

    Clean the house and wash dishes strictly with gloves: cleaning products (even if not marked “avoid contact with skin”) contain a high concentration of aggressive surfactants (surfactants). This will not harm the dishes and plumbing, but the skin on your hands will begin to dry and peel.

    Warm gloves have saved millions of hands from drying out and chapping., which means yours will be saved too. A useful life hack: put a pair of gloves in the pockets of each of your coats, and carry a “duty” pair in your purse.

Review of care products

What can you do at home? What products will help solve the problem of dryness?

Regenerating cream “Intensive care. Food", Garnier

Contains shea butter, allantoin and glycerin. Soothes, moisturizes and restores the protective barrier of dry, damaged skin, combats the feeling of tightness and dryness.

Repairing cream Lipikar Xerand, La Roche-Posay

Thanks to the moisturizing components in the composition, it perfectly moisturizes, restores the hydrolipidic film of the skin and protects dry hand skin from the harmful effects of the environment.

Hand barrier cream Cicaplast Mains, La Roche-Posay

Contains niacinamide to soothe dry hands and glycerin to hydrate and form a protective barrier on the skin.

Hand and nail care Biomains, Biotherm

It is called anti-aging hand cream. The formula is water-resistant, moisturizes and softens the skin of the hands, and protects against dryness. Also helps strengthen nails.

Revitalizing hand cream, CeraVe

Moisturizes and restores softness and comfort to even very dry, chapped hands. The effect is achieved thanks to the brand's proprietary ceramides and hyaluronic acid.

Dry hand skin is a very common problem, especially during the cold season. In some cases, in order to get rid of it, the help of a doctor is necessary.


Internal causes of dry hand skin

External reasons

  • Dermatological diseases (eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, lichen, ichthyosis).
  • Kidney failure.
  • Diseases of the digestive system.
  • Lack of vitamins in the body.
  • Taking certain medications (diuretics, laxatives, hormonals).
  • Neuropsychiatric diseases (anorexia).
  • Infectious diseases that cause dehydration.
  • Hormonal disorders.
  • Exposure to cold skin.
  • Prolonged exposure to the sun.
  • Incorrectly selected cosmetic products.
  • Use of household chemicals.
  • Frequently wash your hands with tap water.
  • Dry indoor air.
  • Bad habits.
  • Insufficient fluid intake.
  • Physical labor in which there is a possibility of damaging the skin of the hands.

How it manifests itself

The following factors may indicate that your hand skin is dry:

  • the skin loses its elasticity;
  • after washing there is a feeling of tightness;
  • redness and peeling occur;
  • in some cases the skin begins to crack. These may be microcracks or open skin lesions that primarily appear on the fingers;
  • When a secondary infection occurs, purulent inflammation may appear.

When to see a doctor

In some cases, dry skin on your hands can signal health problems.

It is necessary to consult a dermatologist in the following cases:

  • despite the use of cosmetics, the problem gets worse;
  • deep cracks and weeping appear on the skin;
  • the skin becomes covered with a rash or spots;
  • the skin peels or crusts form on the surface;
  • dry skin is accompanied by other symptoms, such as deterioration of health, increased nervous excitability, nausea, vomiting;
  • dry skin is accompanied by severe itching;
  • the skin turns red and swelling occurs;
  • blisters filled with cloudy or clear liquid appear on the skin, and after they are opened, erosions appear

The dermis cracks until it bleeds

In some cases, the skin on the hands cracks until it bleeds. Most often this happens in the area of ​​the fingers on the right hand (if the person is left-handed, then on the left).

This happens in the following cases:

  • when hands come into contact with household chemicals (during dishwashing, laundry and other work during which chemicals affect the skin);
  • when exposed to cold or temperature changes;
  • in contact with the ground (weeding or planting).

But the appearance of cracks in the skin can also be caused by internal reasons:

  • lack of vitamins in the body;
  • fungal diseases;
  • eczema;
  • allergic reactions;
  • atopic dermatitis.

In this case, in addition to cracks in the skin, additional symptoms may appear in the form of:

  • itching,
  • swelling,
  • inflammation, inflammation
  • the appearance of crusts and bubbles filled with liquid,
  • severe pain.

Treatment of dry hand skin

If dry skin is caused by certain diseases, cosmetic products will not be enough to eliminate it.

In this case, use ointments or cream based on corticosteroids:

  • Sinaflan;
  • Hydrocortisone;
  • Fluorocort;
  • Afloderm;
  • Celestoderm;
  • Dermovate;
  • Advantan.

When secondary infections occur, ointments with a combined composition are used:

  • Kremgen;
  • Hyoxyzone;
  • Triderm.

Zinc-based ointments are also used for cracks in the skin:

  1. Lassara pasta,
  2. Sudocrem,
  3. Desitin,
  4. Zinc.

They are applied exclusively to the affected area.

In the complex treatment of dry hand skin, vitamin complexes are used, which include vitamins A, E, C, and biotin.

For very dry hand skin, special products are used - emollients. They care for the skin, saturate its cells with moisture, protect against the negative effects of external factors and increase local immunity. Emollients include products from the Excipial or Oilatum series, which can be purchased at the pharmacy.

Video: How to choose a cream

What can you do at home?

In order to reduce dry hand skin, you can prepare special products at home that will help get rid of the problem.


Mode of application


Unsalted natural butter – 50 g.

Olive oil – 2 tablespoons.

Castor oil – 1 tablespoon.

Glycerin – 1 teaspoon.

Yolks – 2 pcs.

Chamomile infusion 50 – ml.

Melt the butter in a water bath, add castor and olive oil, yolks and beat with a blender. Then add glycerin and chamomile infusion in small portions. To prepare the infusion, pour boiling water over a tablespoon of dried flowers and leave for 2 hours. The finished cream is placed in a glass container and stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 weeks. Apply to skin morning and evening.

Actively moisturizes the skin, heals minor cracks and damage. Relieves inflammation, removes redness and rejuvenates.

Juice or crushed pulp of ripe pumpkin – 200 ml.

Glycerin – 1 teaspoon.

Olive oil – 1 tablespoon.

Oil and glycerin are added to the pumpkin pulp or juice. The product is applied to the skin and left for 20 minutes. Wash off with warm boiled water and blot with a soft towel. Apply once a day for a week.

The mask moisturizes the skin, enriches it with vitamins, improves metabolic processes, and eliminates age spots.

Olive oil – 50 ml.

Corn oil – 50 ml.

Castor oil – 1 teaspoon.

Chicken egg yolk – ½.

Beeswax – 10 g.

First you need to hard boil an egg, remove the yolk, divide it in half and mash the half with a fork. The oils need to be mixed and heated in a water bath. Add the wax and after it dissolves, add chicken yolk in small portions. Then strain the product and store it in a glass container in the refrigerator. This cream is applied to the skin twice a day.

Softens the skin, has a wound-healing and anti-inflammatory effect. It can be used both as a medicinal and cosmetic product.

Fat sour cream – 100 g.

Yolk – 1 pc.

Glycerin – ½ teaspoon.

All ingredients must be mixed, placed in a glass jar and stored in the refrigerator for no more than a week. Apply to hands morning and evening.

The product softens the skin, moisturizes it, and eliminates minor irritations.

Butter – 100 g.

Beeswax – 20 g.

Propolis – 5 g.

Melt the butter in a water bath, add wax and propolis, then strain. Store in a cool place. Apply to skin twice a day.

The cream improves the condition of the skin, moisturizes, softens, forms a protective film that prevents moisture evaporation, and heals small cracks and abrasions.

Fresh sea buckthorn berries – 200 g.

Refined olive or sunflower oil – 200 ml.

I thoroughly crush the berries, turning them into a paste, and pour in warm oil. Leave in a dark place for 7 days, remembering to shake periodically. Then it is filtered and the resulting oil is stored in a glass container in the refrigerator. Apply to the skin up to four times a day.

The product has anti-inflammatory, softening, moisturizing and regenerating effects.

Mashed potatoes 200 g.

Full-fat sour cream or cream – 50 g.

Lemon juice – 1 teaspoon.

Add the remaining ingredients to the warm liquid mashed potatoes and stir thoroughly. Apply a thin layer of the product to clean and dry skin and leave for 40 minutes. Wash off with warm water. You need to make this mask every other day for 2 weeks.

Softens and moisturizes the skin, makes it elastic and eliminates age spots. Eliminates wrinkles and speeds up metabolism.

Sea buckthorn oil – 1 teaspoon.

Rosehip oil – 1 teaspoon.

Tea tree oil – 2 drops.

Eucalyptus oil – 3 drops.

The oil mixture should be at room temperature. Rub it into the skin of your hands every morning and evening for 2 weeks, then take a break. This mixture can be added to ready-made hand creams.

The product helps moisturize the skin, eliminates minor damage and inflammation, and has an antifungal effect.


In order to avoid dry hand skin, you need to follow these rules:

  • when working with aggressive household products, you need to use rubber gloves;
  • in the cold season, you need to protect your hands from the cold and be sure to wear gloves or mittens;
  • during prolonged exposure to the sun, you need to use sunscreen;
  • to wash your hands you need to use baby soap with a minimum amount of fragrances and dyes;
  • It is imperative to dry your hands after washing.

Despite the mass of hand skin care products, the problem of dryness haunts almost every woman, regardless of age. This problem is accompanied by a lot of troubles: irritation, peeling, cracks, wounds, unattractive appearance. To eliminate dry hand skin, it is important to identify and get rid of the causes that cause it.

Dry hand skin can be caused by many reasons, including:

  • Negative influence of environmental factors: windy and cold weather makes the skin rough, it thickens, resulting in redness and cracks, and the sun contributes to its dehydration and accelerates the aging process. Dramatic fluctuations in air temperature can cause dry patches on the skin for some.
  • Effect of detergents: daily contact with household chemicals gradually destroys the epidermis layer, depriving it of its natural protection. As a result, allergic reactions, cracks, various dermatitis, irritation and excessive dryness of the skin may occur.
  • Lack of vitamins or vitamin deficiency, which usually occurs in spring and autumn, is also the cause of dry skin.
  • Insufficient hand care or lack thereof also affects the condition of the skin. Lack of nutrition and hydration is the source of many problems.
  • Dryness can also be a congenital phenomenon. In this case, intensive and regular care will help.
Care tips.
The skin of your hands contains much less moisture than, say, the skin of your face. In addition, it has virtually no sebaceous glands, which makes it vulnerable and prone to dryness. That is why it requires regular and careful care.

One important rule to follow when caring for your hands is to keep your hands perfectly clean. Every time, especially after visiting the toilet, you should wash your hands with warm water using mild soap, moisturizing lotion or special gel, since they, unlike regular soap, do not dry the skin. After washing, hands should be thoroughly dried with a towel, including the areas between the fingers. Carelessly, hastily wiped hands leave moisture on the surface, which, when evaporated, leads to dry skin.

For daily hand skin care, use creams and lotions that contain a large number of moisturizing ingredients, in particular glycerin, lactic acid or sorbitol. When caring for your hands, you can use a regular moisturizer up to the age of thirty, and after that the cream must contain sunscreen filters that prevent the formation of age spots.

According to the recommendations of most cosmetologists, it is necessary to lubricate your hands with cream after each wash. It is better if the cream contains plant extracts. In addition, you should protect the skin of your hands from bad weather by applying a protective nourishing cream before going outside, especially in winter or spring.

When performing daily cleaning or any work involving prolonged contact with water or household chemicals, it is important to protect your hands with vinyl or rubber gloves. By the way, before putting on gloves, it is recommended to apply a nourishing caring cream to your hands.

If, while painting any surface yourself, you get your hands dirty with paint, do not under any circumstances use gasoline, kerosene or acetone to clean the skin. Such solvents are excellent at removing impurities, but they dry out the skin very much. Therefore, if necessary, it is better to use special detergents for stubborn stains.

Do not neglect mittens and gloves during cold periods.

In the summer, also do not forget about protecting the skin of your hands. The negative impact of ultraviolet radiation causes various damage to the skin, making it even drier and contributing to the appearance of cracks. Therefore, every time before going outside, you should use hand sunscreens containing at least fifteen SPF.

During cold periods, you should warm your hands. In addition, during the spring and autumn periods, you should consume as many vitamins as possible (fresh vegetables, fruits, etc.).

Folk remedies.

Masks and compresses for dry skin of hands.
Any vegetable oil (olive, flaxseed, sunflower) effectively softens the skin of the hands, restoring its elasticity. The oil is slightly heated in a water bath, several layers of gauze are soaked in it, which are then applied to the hands, wax paper is fixed on top and cotton gloves are put on. If the skin has minor lesions, one procedure will be enough. For fairly serious hand problems (cracks, peeling, wounds), this wrap should be performed at least twice a week until the skin condition improves significantly. Warm oil can simply be rubbed into the skin of your hands for fifteen to thirty minutes until it is completely absorbed.

Dry hand skin will also be helped by an effective homemade cream, which can be prepared from pork and lamb lard, taken in equal proportions and melted in a water bath. Pour the mixture into a jar and store in the refrigerator. Rub this cream into the skin of your hands every day at night.

Olive oil-based masks are also considered the most effective remedy against dry skin. To prepare it, combine a tablespoon of slightly warmed olive oil with a teaspoon of moisturizing hand cream and add half a teaspoon of lemon juice. The mass should be thoroughly beaten. Apply the resulting composition in a thick layer to the skin of your hands and put on cotton gloves. Leave the mask on all night. It is advisable to carry out this procedure once a week.

A mixture prepared from five drops of ammonia, two tablespoons of glycerin and three tablespoons of water will perfectly soften the skin. Rub the mixture into damp skin of your hands, and then wipe them dry with a towel.

A mixture of a tablespoon of glycerin and half a glass of water with the addition of the juice of half a lemon will help soften and moisturize dry skin of your hands. Rub the resulting composition into clean skin of your hands.

This mixture perfectly eliminates dry hand skin and cracks: grind 100g of fresh hernia herb and pour in half a liter of olive oil, then leave the mixture for a week. After this, apply the resulting composition to rough areas of the skin, including hands, knees and elbows.

A mask of whipped chicken protein with the addition of the juice of one lemon will help get rid of roughness and roughness on your hands. Apply the composition for twenty minutes, then rinse with warm water and lubricate the skin with nourishing cream.

This ointment softens the skin of your hands well: lightly heat flaxseed oil in a water bath, combine with honey, add yolk and lemon juice. All ingredients are taken by eye.

A mask made from coltsfoot leaves will soothe dry and chapped skin. To prepare it, you need to grind the fresh leaves of this plant. Take two tablespoons of the resulting herbal gruel and combine with a glass of fresh milk. Leave the mask on for twenty minutes, then rinse with warm water and lubricate your hands with nourishing cream.

Boil a couple of potatoes in their skins, mash with milk and butter until pureed. Apply the mixture warm to the skin of your hands, leave for fifteen to thirty minutes, then rinse with warm water. Also lubricate the skin of your hands with nourishing cream.

Cook oatmeal, add vegetable oil and cool until warm. Place your hands in the resulting porridge for twenty minutes; it is advisable to carry out this procedure at night.

A sour cream compress will be an ambulance for your dry hands: combine a glass of medium-thick sour cream with chicken yolk and add the juice of one lemon. Moisten a gauze napkin in the resulting mixture and place it on your hands, wrap it with cling film on top and put on cotton gloves or wrap it in a towel. Leave this compress for twenty minutes, after which remove any remaining residue with a cotton pad. After the procedure, it is recommended to wear cotton gloves. This procedure is best done at night.

This compress will not only eliminate dryness and flaking of the skin, but will also make it smooth and elastic. Mix a teaspoon of salicylic acid with a mixture of honey and olive oil, taken in half a glass, preheated in a water bath. Distribute the resulting mixture while warm on a gauze napkin and apply to your hands. Wrap the top in plastic and wrap it in a towel. Hold the compress for twenty minutes, after which remove the remaining product with a cotton pad previously soaked in lemon juice.

This mask also helps with dryness: thoroughly grind two egg yolks with two tablespoons of honey and olive oil (1/3 cup). Stir the mixture thoroughly to form a homogeneous paste. Apply it to the skin of your hands and leave until completely dry. Then remove the remaining mask with a cotton pad.

Or this recipe for dry hands: combine two egg whites with the juice of two lemons and add two tablespoons of vegetable oil. The resulting mixture should be wiped over the skin of your hands twice a day.

Hand baths.
Hand baths are an excellent way to soften the skin. In particular, baths of plantain infusion prepared from a tablespoon of herbs and a liter of boiling water. Infuse the mixture for thirty minutes. Keep your hands in the resulting decoction for ten to fifteen minutes, after which you should wipe them dry and apply a rich cream.

A decoction of chamomile will soften the skin of your hands and have a healing effect on cracks. To prepare it, you need to pour a tablespoon of chamomile (flowers) into a liter of boiling water and leave for fifteen minutes. Then place your hands in a decoction at a temperature of (40-42°C) for twenty minutes. After this, dry your hands lightly with a soft cloth and apply a rich cream.

Fifteen-minute baths of hot infusion of sage, prepared from two tablespoons of leaves and 400 ml of boiling water, will help soothe dry and cracked skin of the hands, as well as relieve inflammation. The mixture is infused until it cools completely, then filtered. Instead of infusion, you can use a decoction of plantain, prepared from a decoction of two tablespoons of leaves and 400 ml of boiling water. The mixture is placed on low heat and boiled for ten minutes, then cooled and filtered.

A serum bath also has a positive effect on the skin of the hands, eliminating dryness and flaking. Heat two glasses of whey until warm. Leave your hands for fifteen minutes after the procedure and dry your hands with a towel.

A herbal bath will also soothe red and dry skin on your hands. Mix linden, chamomile, sage, mint and dill in equal proportions. Take two tablespoons of the resulting mixture and pour a liter of boiling water. Leave for twenty minutes, then keep your hands in the infusion. The procedure lasts no more than twenty minutes.

Heat any vegetable oil in a water bath and hold your hands in it for twenty to thirty minutes; it is advisable to carry out this procedure at least twice a week.

And finally, once a week pamper your hands with home SPA treatments. You can add essential oils (birch, bergamot, basil, grapefruit, clove, etc.) to warm water and soak your hands in it for twenty minutes. Then you should scrub the dry skin with light circular movements using a delicate product (ideally gommage with fruit acids). This product will carefully cleanse the skin of dead cells without damaging it. After this, it is recommended to do oil wraps. Mix three tablespoons of olive (or linseed, sunflower) oil with a tablespoon of honey, place in a water bath and heat to a temperature of 40-45°C. In the resulting composition, moisten a previously prepared piece of gauze, folded in several layers, and apply to the skin of the hands. The gauze should be wrapped in film on top and cotton gloves should be worn. It is better to carry out the procedure at night.

Dry and tight hand skin is one of the most common problems, causing a lot of inconvenience and even pain. Cracks, rough dermis, constant itching and irritation lead not only to discomfort, but also to premature aging and the formation of wrinkles. Severe dryness of hands is a problem that must be eliminated at its first manifestations. After all, as you know, it is by their hands that one can determine the real age of women.

Symptoms of dry hand skin

To get rid of severe dry skin on your hands as quickly as possible, you need to recognize the symptoms in time. It is worth noting that once dryness is at an advanced stage, it is almost impossible to eliminate it.

In order to determine the stage of the problem that has arisen, you do not need to go to a specialist; you can conduct a small examination yourself.

The first and one of the main signs indicating excessive dryness is tightness. If you feel tightness after washing dishes, washing your face, or even just coming into contact with water without detergents, this may indicate a serious problem is brewing.

If, when you press on the skin, marks remain on it for a long time, then this is another symptom. On hands with normal skin type, marks disappear almost immediately or do not appear at all. There are other signs:

  • pores on hands are invisible;
  • frequent redness and inflammation;
  • poor elasticity, which can subsequently lead to cracks;
  • peeling;
  • cracks, maybe even bleeding.

Due to the fact that the upper part of the dermis, that is, the epidermis, begins to dry out, microcracks form, through which many different bacteria, dirt, dust and chemicals can penetrate. As a result, you can get irritation, itching, and if we talk about more serious consequences, it can even lead to infection of the entire body. A lot of different reasons can lead to such a course of circumstances.

Causes of dryness

Severe dryness of the skin of the hands has many causes. However, the most basic of them is the improper functioning of the sebaceous glands, or more precisely, the inhibition of sebum production, which can be preceded by many factors. Unstable functioning of the sebaceous glands can appear as a result of severe stress, poor nutrition, frostbite of the extremities, and can also be congenital, that is, hereditary.

According to many dermatologists, dry skin on the hands of young people indicates a hereditary predisposition. In this case, the problem can only be solved by using a special one, which must be selected individually.

You can also note several more external reasons for the appearance of severe dry skin on the hands:

  • insufficient air humidity;
  • unsuitable climate for the body;
  • washing hands with hot and cold water (contrast negatively affects the epidermis, as a result of which the protective layer is not able to retain moisture in the deep layers);
  • long time spent in the sun or, conversely, in the cold;
  • improperly selected skin care cosmetics (alkaline soap, lack of moisturizing hand cosmetics).

In addition, there are also a number of internal reasons for this problem:

  • dehydration of the whole body;
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • diabetes;
  • impaired metabolism;
  • constant stress and nervous instability;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • taking medications (especially long-term treatment with antibiotics);
  • poor nutrition, lack of substances useful and necessary for the body;
  • bad habits.

How to get rid of severe dry hands? First of all, it is necessary to identify the reason why it formed. If the reason is external, then properly selected cosmetics for moisturizing the skin will quickly correct this situation. Moreover, today there are many good and effective cosmetics for body care. If this problem appears as a result of internal disorders and diseases, then treatment should be comprehensive.

Video “Potato hand mask”

An informational video that will help you prepare a simple but effective potato mask to eliminate dry hands.

What are the ways to relieve dryness?

As practice shows, most women who sought help from specialists received dry hands due to external factors. Washing dishes in cold water, not using gloves when cleaning the house, going outside in the cold without gloves, and so on - all of these are harbingers of discomfort and cracks in delicate women's hands.

In this case, to eliminate this inconvenience, it is enough to simply pay more attention to care, use moisturizing and nourishing creams, ointments and other care products more often; it is not recommended to wash your hands frequently, especially with antibacterial, laundry, tar soap and others.

When cracks appear, it’s worth thinking about whether it’s still a matter of internal disorders? Lack of essential trace elements, minerals and vitamins A, E and B is the most common cause.

To eliminate and cure unpleasant dryness, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • when washing dishes, cleaning, use rubber or cotton gloves;
  • in cold weather, go outside only in mittens and apply protective cream under them;
  • in summer, especially with prolonged exposure to the sun, use sunscreen;
  • after washing your hands, you should not rub, but gently and carefully pat your skin with a towel;
  • use only mild soap, the best option is Glycerin soap, Lanolin soap, liquid soap;
  • ensure the supply of all necessary vitamins and minerals from food.

You can cure severe dryness on your hands using both cosmetic care products and pharmaceutical ointments. However, if the situation is advanced, then moisturizing and nourishing creams alone will not be enough.

Traditional methods for eliminating dryness

Some women try to eliminate the problem at home, using as few medications as possible. In this case, traditional medicine advises using wound-healing ointments, making baths that will moisturize and nourish the skin, and compresses made at night are also an excellent salvation.

When making compresses, you can use special hand gloves, which promote better penetration of the beneficial substances of the masks into the deep layers of the dermis. The most common recipes for eliminating dryness.

Potato mask

Separate the boiled potatoes in their skins from the skins and mash until smooth. Add one spoon of warm milk to the crushed potatoes, then apply to the skin for 20 minutes. You can use a potato mask for several days, applying it 2-3 times a day.

Glycerin and honey mask

Mix both ingredients one tablespoon at a time, add flour and water in the same amount. Bring the resulting mixture to a homogeneous consistency, the mask is ready for use. Apply the compress to the skin, paying special attention to the driest areas, and wear special gloves (made of cotton material). After 20 minutes, gently blot any unabsorbed residues with a cotton pad or soft towel, and put on clean gloves. It is better to do this compress at night, then the effect is achieved twice as fast.

Sour cream

Interesting fact:

As you know, sour cream is the best moisturizing and nourishing traditional medicine. It copes well with irritations, burns and excessive dryness.

Mix a glass of rich, preferably homemade, sour cream with one egg yolk, adding a little lemon juice. Apply the resulting mixture to gauze or other fabric, apply it to the damaged area, wrapping the compress on top with cling film, put on special gloves or wrap your hands in a blanket, towel, or warm sweater. After 20 minutes, remove excess with a soft cloth, cotton pad, and put on clean gloves. It is advisable to carry out the procedure before bedtime.

Moisturizing oils

Using oils to relieve dry hands is the most popular method of traditional medicine, which does not require a lot of money and time to prepare a mask. Add half a teaspoon of lemon juice to a tablespoon of olive oil, adding one spoon of any hand cream. To effectively moisturize and nourish the skin, apply before bed, wearing gloves. Perfect as an ambulance, as a preventive measure or simply for treating dryness, then the mask should be applied every day for 3 days.

In addition to the above methods, you can periodically do oil baths for your hands; by the way, they will do a great job with dry feet. To do this, pour a certain amount of base oil (olive, almond, sunflower, wheat germ, etc.) into a small container.

For a more pleasant procedure, you can add a couple of drops of essential oil and heat it in a water bath. Dip your hands into a container of oil and hold them there for 15-20 minutes, after which you should not wash your hands for two to three hours. Carefully and gently blot off any remaining oil with a paper towel or napkin.

Popular cosmetics for dry hands

In order not to bring the situation to a severe stage of dryness and cracking, you need to constantly care for your skin, even if there are no complaints. To do this, you need to purchase skincare products, which you should have both at home and in your purse or at work, in order to eliminate unpleasant tightness, which can cause cracks, as soon as necessary.

Today you can find many good cosmetics for hand skin care in stores and pharmacies.

The first thing you should choose is soap. The best option is the liquid form, which contains more glycerin and emollients than the lump form. Some manufacturers even produce special soap for washing hands that cares for their delicate skin: “Velvet Hands”, “Nevskaya Kosmetika”, “Dr. Sante" and others.

If you just can’t get used to the liquid form of detergents, then you need to choose a soap that is closer in pH level to human skin. It should contain less alkali, these include Lanolin soap, Glycerin soap, Vaseline soap, and cream soap. All these options are produced by the Nevskaya Cosmetics brand. A huge advantage is the absence of preservatives, dyes and flavors, a small composition that includes useful elements and a very low cost.

The second important component of care is hand cream. Creams are:

  • moisturizing;
  • nutritious;
  • protective;
  • from skin aging;
  • softening.

By trial and error, you need to choose the most suitable option; different creams can be used at different times of the year.

The most popular brands producing hand creams:

  • "Velvet hands";
  • "Nevskaya Cosmetics";
  • “One Hundred Beauty Recipes” and competitor - “Clean Line”;
  • Neutrogena;
  • "Garnier"
  • "Nivea"
  • "Natura Siberika";
  • "Home Doctor";
  • "Biocon";
  • "Green Pharmacy"

When choosing hand cream, first of all pay attention to the composition. It is desirable that it does not contain, at least in the first positions, petroleum products, flavors and dyes. The composition must contain oils, panthenol, allantoin, softening and irritating components.

Women's hands are extremely beautiful and require special care. Sometimes you can determine a woman’s age by her hands, and there are cases when at a young age the hands of girls are already subject to the first signs of aging. To remain always beautiful, you need to take care of your hands, for preventive purposes, to keep your skin velvety and beautiful for as long as possible.

Video “Egg yolk and olive oil mask”

A recipe for preparing and using a mask based on egg yolk and olive oil for severe dry hands and cracks.

In ancient times, the true age of a lady and the nature of her work were judged by the condition of her hands. For housekeepers it was dry and cracked, but for real ladies it was tender and soft. No one makes such class divisions anymore. However, very dry hand skin - what to do with it - is a problem that is still relevant today. Any woman can become her victim.

Very dry hand skin - causes

The following factors can provoke this problem:

  1. Dry air. In winter, heating appliances are to blame, and in hot summers, air conditioners are to blame.
  2. Allergy. Can be caused by food and low-quality cosmetics.
  3. Chlorinated water. Contact with it leads to skin tightness. In addition, it becomes rough and dry. Too hot water has a similar effect.
  4. Exposure to household chemicals. They gradually thin the protective layer of the epidermis, and with prolonged contact they completely destroy it.
  5. Vitamin deficiency and insufficient water consumption. With a poor diet, health problems begin, and this also negatively affects the condition of the skin.
  6. Certain diseases (this includes diabetes and other ailments). If the cause is caused by diseases, then external influence on the problem area is pointless: it gives only a temporary result. It is important to find out why the skin on your hands is very dry, and then treat the disease itself that caused this condition.
  7. Natural aging process. Age-related changes do not have the best effect on the condition of the skin. It loses its elasticity and becomes rough.
  8. Hereditary factors. If there is a genetic predisposition, a woman needs to be prepared for this problem to arise.
  9. Incorrect care. This also includes the habit of not drying your hands after washing. The moisture remaining on the surface dries out the epidermis during the evaporation process.

How to moisturize very dry hands?

If the epidermis is peeling, cracked and slightly burning, all this indicates an advanced stage of the problem. However, very dry hand skin requires treatment even before the above symptoms appear. A simple test will help identify the problem at an early stage. Its essence is this: you need to lightly press your finger on the brush, and then quickly release it. If a stain remains on the surface for some time, this indicates increased dryness of the skin. Treatment aimed at hydration cannot be delayed.

Cream for very dry hands

There are several types of cosmetics designed for this type of epidermis. These include the following products:

  • nutritious product with a dense texture;
  • moisturizing hand cream (has a light, delicate consistency);
  • a product with a protective effect that forms a film on the surface of the cover;
  • medicinal cream containing healing substances;
  • anti-aging product (it actively fights signs of aging).

Before purchasing hand cream, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. Product appearance. If the product is factory packaged, it is worth looking at its manufacturing date. It is not recommended to purchase the product 3 months before its expiration date.
  2. Compound. Every industrially produced cosmetic product contains preservatives. It is important that these are safe components (methylparaben or benzoic acid). However, bronopol and methylisothiazolinone are undesirable: they provoke allergies.
  3. Package. Cosmetologists recommend giving preference to products in tubes. This cream has less contact with air and is considered more hygienic.
  4. Storage. If a cosmetic product is displayed in a brightly sunlit display case, it has already lost most of its valuable properties.

When the skin on your hands is very dry, what to do is a natural question. In this case, it is not enough to choose the right cream; you still need to use it correctly. This cosmetic product should not be applied before going outside. Otherwise, in the cold, the components contained here will turn into ice crystals and injure the skin. The following creams will help moisturize your hands:

  • Neutrogena Nerwegian Formula Instant Action;
  • “Double Breath” from Faberlic;
  • Absolue Mains from Lancome with UV protection;
  • Water Therapy from Clinique with active water.

Moisturizing hand mask

Both industrially produced cosmetics and self-made products can be used. However, to achieve the expected result, it is important to alternate moisturizers, otherwise the epidermis will get used to it and will no longer react properly. A mask for very dry hand skin may contain the following components:

  • milk;
  • vegetable oils;
  • parsley;
  • potatoes and so on.

Moisturizing hand gloves

This product has no age restrictions. Its use gives stunning results. The high effectiveness of the gloves is explained by the natural ingredients present in their composition. Such products for very dry hand skin are available in different types. The most commonly used are these:

  • SPA Belle, which contains lavender extract, vitamin E and olive oil;
  • reusable Naomi gloves, where the silicone lining contains green tea enzyme;
  • Faberlic products, which can be used up to 50 times (the gel is made from plant extracts and vitamin E).

Moisturizing hand baths

Such procedures can be performed for both therapeutic and preventive purposes. When the skin on your hands is very dry in winter, baths should be done systematically (twice or three times a week). For preventive purposes, the number of procedures should be reduced to once every 4 weeks. You can make the following baths at home:

  • starch-based softener;
  • soda for severe dry skin;
  • tea-olive for rough skin;
  • rejuvenating and softening based on oils;
  • milk for rough and dry skin;
  • mineral, which softens the epidermis and accelerates metabolic processes.

Lotion for very dry hands

A special approach is important when choosing this cosmetic product. Only a lotion that contains natural substances can soften very dry hand skin. These are vegetable and essential oils, aloe, as well as beekeeping products. However, there are also enemy components: artificial flavors and alcohols. Immediately after applying a lotion containing these substances, the skin appears to be healed. However, in the long term, using cosmetics with these components worsens the situation. These lotions have proven themselves to be excellent:

  • Protect Hand Lotion, created on the basis of tangerine and orange oils;
  • Babe Laboratories Hand Lotion, which contains shea butter and vitamin E;
  • silk lotion “Tender Hands”;
  • Lavande from L"OCCITANE and others.

How to restore very dry hand skin?

Salon and home treatments will help cure the epidermis. The first includes biorevitalization. This procedure involves the introduction of hyaluronic acid. As a result, very dry skin of the hands with cracks is rejuvenated, saturated with moisture, and all damage heals. You can make restorative masks, baths, wraps and other manipulations at home. For therapeutic purposes, procedures must be carried out systematically.

Revitalizing hand cream

Such a cosmetic product should intensively nourish tissues and ensure their regeneration. A high-quality restorative cream contains protective components that form a thin film on the surface of the epidermis. It protects the cover from negative external factors. These cosmetics “know” well how to restore dry skin on hands:

  • “Intensive care” from Garnier with allontoin;
  • Nourishing Hand from Oriflame (based on sweet almond oil);
  • Douceur Des Mains from Payot with almond oil.

Revitalizing hand mask

You can make such a medicinal composition from vegetable oils, vitamins (A, E), honey and other miracle ingredients. In addition, purchased restorative agents can be used. If the skin on your hands is very dry in winter, what should you do in this case? Cosmetologists recommend:

  1. Review your diet.
  2. Do restorative procedures (masks, etc.) twice or thrice a week.
  3. Choose the right cream and use it regularly.

Very dry hand skin - folk remedies

You can make many different cosmetics at home that will help soften the skin. So, glycerin can be used for dry and cracked hand skin. In addition, vegetable oil (especially good), yolks, liquid honey, and water have a softening effect. All of them can be used in combination or separately.

Restorative composition recipe

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