Why does your stomach swell after drinking alcohol? Abdominal pain after alcohol. Why does my stomach hurt after drinking alcohol? Why does the face swell and swell?

Briefly: Strong and carbonated alcoholic drinks have the greatest effect on the intestinal mucosa. Diet and sorbents before drinking reduce the load on the intestines. Intestinal disorders during a hangover go away along with the hangover; after binge drinking, intestinal cleansing, diet and sorbents are recommended. If you have dysbiosis, you should not drink alcohol.

How to protect your gut from alcohol

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely protect the gastrointestinal mucosa from alcohol - then alcohol will not be absorbed into the blood and drinking it will become pointless. You can partially protect the gastrointestinal mucosa if, right before drinking strong alcohol, you take sea buckthorn oil orally in the dosage specified in the instructions for use.

If you are concerned about the state of your gastrointestinal tract (for example, after suffering from gastritis, esophagitis), then prefer diluted alcohol to strong alcohol: for example, a vodka cocktail is better tolerated by the mucous membrane than just vodka. The more diluted the alcohol, the less effect it will have on the mucous membranes.: for comparison, the 1-2% alcohol contained in kvass is not at all harmful to the gastrointestinal tract.

Carbonated alcoholic drinks irritate the mucous membranes more than non-carbonated ones. It is especially not recommended to mix alcohol with sweet sodas, which contain an abundance of all kinds of dyes and flavors - such a composition will make intoxication and subsequent hangover more severe. It would be more harmless to mix alcohol with simple mineral water at the table.

In the picture: a healthy stomach, the stomach of a drunkard and the stomach of a drunkard suffering from delirium tremens.

How to prepare your intestines for a feast

On the day of drinking and on the previous day, it will be useful to give up fatty, spicy and difficult-to-digest protein foods (sausage, meat, poultry, legumes), as well as mushrooms. This will help you deal with alcohol processing more effectively, and therefore feel more alert the next morning. If you overate on the day before drinking, then half a day before drinking alcohol you can correct this by cleansing the intestines: give an enema or take a non-toxic laxative (senna or sorbitol).

Is intestinal upset after alcohol normal or not?

Intestinal disorders (diarrhea, constipation, discomfort) are common after drinking alcohol; this has happened to most people who drink. Unfortunately, prevention of dyspeptic disorders in this case is impossible, because alcohol inevitably affects the intestinal flora. And if your body reacted in a way that was not dangerous, but unpleasant for you, then there is only one way out - to treat the hangover as a whole. Then the work of the intestines will be restored by itself.

If intestinal disorders haunt you every time after drinking, try abstaining from alcohol for a while or at least drinking moderately (if this helps you). If the intestines react violently to only one type of alcoholic drink - this may be a type of allergic reaction, as an experiment, forget about this drink for a year.

If a hangover makes itself felt in some other part of your body (heart, kidneys, pancreas or something else) - read our article “How to restore the body after alcohol”, and you will find out how you can heal those damaged during drinking organs and how to minimize the harm from alcohol next time.

How alcohol affects the intestines

Alcohol is too good an organic solvent, and therefore it increases the permeability of biological barriers, including the intestinal wall. And then from the intestines through this wall various microbial toxins and underdigested proteins taken in food begin to penetrate into the blood. Some of them are classic allergens. This is why some people may experience allergic reactions to pure alcohol (vodka, diluted alcohol).

Why wine is good for the intestines

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Vodka with salt for diarrhea - does it work or not?

Does the folk recipe “vodka with salt” really save you from diarrhea? From the point of view of modern medicine, there is some common sense here. Salt is added to vodka to penetrate the alcohol into the infected large intestine, because without salt (in the absence of an osmotic effect) the absorption of alcohol occurs much higher. A single drink of strong alcohol can actually reduce inflammatory reactions in the gut.

The key word here is “may”. Remember: this treatment is only suitable for extreme conditions (for example, a sudden attack of diarrhea in a traveler cut off from civilization and the advances of modern medicine). And do not use this recipe more than once in a row: repeated intake of alcohol, on the contrary, sharply increases inflammatory reactions and intestinal dysbiosis. It’s better not to conduct experiments on your body and buy a special anti-diarrhea remedy at the pharmacy, it will be more reliable.

How to restore the intestines after binge drinking

Binge drinking is stressful for the whole body, including the gastrointestinal tract. Usually a person on a binge eats very little, so when returning to normal life, do not immediately start eating a lot and everything. Nothing fatty or spicy: as after any fasting (fasting, diet), you need to start with small portions and easily digestible food. It is very desirable to replenish your protein supply, so the ideal option is low-fat chicken broth.

You can improve your well-being with unflavored yoghurts or natural baby curds, which contain the necessary bifidobacteria and are strictly tested for quality. And fermented milk products with flavoring additives, prepared without following precise technology, on the contrary, can easily cause unpleasant dyspeptic symptoms (indigestion, bloating, flatulence). Dysbacteriosis after heavy drinking is a standard phenomenon, do not increase it with improper nutrition, it is not only unhealthy, but also very unpleasant.

To help the body come to its senses, on the very first day after binge drinking you should cleanse your intestines: give an enema, take some modern sorbent. (Traditional activated carbon after a binge is not recommended, because it is difficult to take so much carbon so that it can bind all the harmful substances accumulated in the intestines.) Two hours after taking the sorbent, do not forget to go to the toilet, otherwise the sorbent will then begin to release harmful substances back into the intestines .

7-10 days after binge drinking, intestinal functions are usually restored, appetite appears, and then food rich in proteins and vitamins is most beneficial: meat, eggs, cottage cheese, vegetables, fruits. Plant fiber, among other things, will help normalize intestinal function (coming out of binge drinking is often accompanied by constipation).

Is it possible to drink alcohol if you have intestinal dysbiosis?

If you have intestinal dysbiosis, drinking alcoholic beverages is not recommended: regular consumption of alcohol (especially strong alcohol or beer) increases inflammatory reactions in the intestinal mucosa. And if you are being treated for dysbiosis, then drinking will nullify your efforts. Until you finish treatment, the most you can reasonably afford is to drink alcohol once and in small quantities. There is usually no deterioration from a single moderate dose.

You can suspect intestinal dysbiosis if your face turns red and “burns” from alcohol, if the smell of fumes does not go away for a long time, if fumes occur without drinking alcohol, if any gastrointestinal disorders are observed. But besides dysbiosis, these symptoms can accompany a huge number of other diseases, so do not rush to make a diagnosis, but go to see a doctor: it is better to start treating any problems in the body on time.

Alcohol in excessive quantities damages not only the intestines, but also other organs. Do not rush to dismiss this unpleasant fact, because forewarned is forearmed. Read the article about how alcohol harms our body: knowing in advance about the possible risks, you can minimize them by observing acceptable limits when drinking. Our other articles on how to reduce the harm from alcohol with the right snacks, medications and various tricks will also help you.

This article was last updated: 06/02/2019

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Liver damage from alcohol occurs through three stages, which are defined as separate clinical forms. Alcoholic fatty liver, Alcoholic hepatitis and Alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver. The toxic effect of alcohol during heavy drinking causes pathological changes in liver cells.

Alcoholic fatty liver disease

This disease is one of the most common internal organ injuries that occur during heavy drinking. Fatty liver disease involves the accumulation of large amounts of fat in the hepatocytes. As a result, the liver increases its size and weight.

Patients complain of pain and heaviness in the right quadrant, and periodic diarrhea and bloating occur. The disease is divided into acute and chronic alcoholic fatty liver disease.

Acute alcoholic fatty liver disease usually occurs after massive alcohol abuse. But, as a rule, although it can occur systematically, such patients do not yet experience pronounced binge drinking. Drinking occurs out of fatigue, to relax, or as a kind of ritual.

Fatty disease will appear first in the form of nausea, vomiting, and a slight increase in temperature. Then there is severe pain in the liver area and slight yellowing of the skin and proteins. Chronic alcoholic fatty liver disease goes through three stages.

  • In the first stage, patients usually do not develop symptoms, and liver enlargement is detected by chance during a medical examination for other reasons. As the disease develops after patients continue to drink, symptoms become irritable, vomiting and pain in the liver become more frequent, which can even lead to an incapacitated state. If alcohol consumption does not stop, symptoms appear more often and more painfully.
  • Secondly, in the second and third stages of alcoholic liver steatosis, patients have significantly more and constant complaints. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to at least stop drinking alcohol and improve nutrition. Taking a complete protein meal and B vitamins is absolutely essential. Drug treatment is prescribed by a doctor depending on the patient’s condition.

"Gepatovit" has pronounced hepatoprotective, detoxifying and choleretic effects. Such a beneficial and healing effect on the body was the result of the use of completely new technologies for extracting plant extracts.

Microgranulated particles contain essential oil extract of mint and corn silk extract, while the complex of natural essential oils is completely preserved, thanks to which the biochemical composition of bile and the functions of the biliary system are optimally regulated.

And extracts of chamomile and immortelle sandy, thanks to their hepaprotective properties, protect hepatocytes and promote the regeneration of liver cells, and also stimulate the self-renewal of liver tissue. All this has a beneficial effect on the neutralizing function of the liver. In addition, a powerful antioxidant effect is provided by bioflavonoids specially isolated from Gorno-Altai honey. And honey itself guarantees the nutrition of liver cells with easily digestible energy.

Alcoholic hepatitis

This occurs in approximately 40% of people who suffer from alcoholism. Alcoholic hepatitis is a direct consequence of chronic hepatitis. Some patients may develop a clinical picture of alcoholic hepatitis and one exposure to large doses of alcohol.

This is acute alcoholic hepatitis, which occurs in three clinical forms: latent, icteric and cholestatic. In a hidden form, loss of appetite and pain in the right quadrant are visible. The liver is usually slightly enlarged.

The icteric form is more common and occurs with a pronounced syndrome. Typical symptoms are loss of appetite, bloating, weight loss and fever.

In the cholestatic form, patients complain of itching in the liver area. If these patients continue to drink, it converts the disease from acute hepatitis to chronic hepatitis. The liver is usually enlarged, the sclera, mucous membranes and skin become jaundiced.

To effectively treat hepatitis, you need to stop drinking and provide proper nutrition - milk protein and foods rich in B vitamins, lean meat. Medicines are prescribed by a doctor depending on the patient’s condition.

Alcoholic fatty liver disease and alcoholic hepatitis usually respond quite well to treatment, provided that the patient stops drinking. However, if the patient continues to drink, alcohol provokes the development of cirrhosis of the liver.

Alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver

This is a whole symptom complex of liver damage due to alcoholism. The disease has very characteristic features. Patients complain of constant dull pain in the right quadrant, and feel that their abdomen is bloated. The sclera, mucous membranes and skin have a slight yellow color. So-called spider veins are observed in the skin.

The liver is enlarged, dense and painful to the touch. Accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity is often observed. Some patients experience testicular atrophy and a change in hair type to female. The gradual development of this liver disease reduces its volume and leads to the stage of atrophy. At the same time, there is an enlargement of the spleen, which is clearly felt approximately 2-3 fingers below the costal arch.

In some patients with cirrhosis, the development of hepatic encephalopathy has been observed. This occurs with some mental manifestations in the form of disorders, in particular trembling (tremor) of the limbs and loss of coordination. Hepatic encephalopathy occurs in two stages - pre-comatose and coma itself.

Both of these manifestations pose a real danger to the patient’s life, and often even medical intervention is ineffective. Treatment of liver cirrhosis is carried out in a hospital with strict adherence to hygiene and diet.

Stories from our readers

Saved the family from a terrible curse. My Seryozha hasn’t drunk for a year now. We struggled with his addiction for a long time and unsuccessfully tried a lot of remedies over these long 7 years when he started drinking. But we made it through, and all thanks to...

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Alcoholic hepatitis is a dangerous inflammatory disease that affects the liver. As a rule, it occurs against the background of prolonged abuse of alcoholic beverages. Many readers would probably like to know what is meant by “long-term abuse.”

The situation can be illustrated with the following example: a person drinks 100 grams of pure alcohol (or more alcoholic beverages in terms of pure substance) daily for five years. With a probability of almost 100 percent, such a person will be provided with alcoholic hepatitis, which causes considerable harm to health.

It is worth noting that alcohol has a destructive effect not only on the liver. The entire body suffers from alcohol, which is methodically bought and drunk by patients: the brain, cardiovascular system, endocrine functions of the body, excretory system and psyche. The consequences for the liver are among the most terrible, because this organ is extremely important for the body. Let us remind you that among the vital functions of liver are the following:

  • the liver neutralizes various toxins, toxic substances and allergens, turning them into harmless compounds or eliminating them from the internal environment of the body;
  • removes excess amounts (surplus) of hormones, vitamins and toxic metabolic products from the body;
  • is a repository for one of the important energy substrates of the body - glycogen, which ensures the smooth functioning of skeletal muscles;
  • converts various energy substrates (converts fats, lactic acid into sugar);
  • stores some types of vitamins (fat-soluble and water-soluble);
  • takes part in the process of hematopoiesis in the fetus;
  • synthesizes cholesterol, phospholipids, bile acid and bilirubin;
  • serves as a reservoir for the supply of blood, which can be used by the body in critical situations;
  • synthesizes hormones that take part in the digestion of food.

It is difficult to make a mistake by calling the liver an organ that is of paramount importance for the functioning of the body. The liver acts as a filter, a reservoir for blood and glycogen, produces necessary hormones and converts various substrates into glucose. Naturally, a damaged or diseased liver will not be able to perform as effectively the work that was assigned to it by nature.

Alcoholic hepatitis also has a number of other names, the most famous of which is fatty hepatitis or fatty liver degeneration. The point is that functional liver cells that have been damaged as a result of constant alcohol intake die without recovery. The body replaces dead tissue with fatty tissue. Thus, the functional area of ​​the liver decreases, which also negatively affects how much work this organ can perform. Although they are terrible for the liver, few alcoholics can stop the described effect of methodical drinking.

The safe amount of alcohol, the consumption of which does not lead to the degeneration of liver cells, is about 40 grams per day for the male half of the population and twenty grams of alcohol for women. It is useful to know that a standard glass of vodka (50 g) contains 20 g of alcohol. Thus, after drinking 100 g of vodka, a man receives that dose of alcohol that can still be considered safe. The danger of vodka and other similar drinks is that very rarely men and women who decide to while away the evening with a bottle of wine in the company of friends are limited to the prescribed safe dose of alcohol consumption.

Women are more susceptible to the effects of alcohol than men. Among other things, we are talking about the fact that the female liver is more easily susceptible to the harmful effects of alcohol. This is due to the physiological characteristics of the female body, due to which women produce fewer enzymes that can effectively neutralize the alcohol they drink. Even slightly exceeding the safe dose, a woman should be wary, because in the long term it can cause fatty hepatitis. In addition to female gender, an increased risk of this disease is typical for the following categories of citizens:

  • people taking medications that are harmful to the liver;
  • people with certain diseases (viral hepatitis);
  • patients with low body weight;
  • patients whose body weight significantly exceeds the norm for weight and height.

It often happens that alcoholic hepatitis does not reveal itself in any way in the early stages of the disease, signaling its presence only when the patient already has serious health problems.

Considering the danger of a disease such as hepatitis, doctors recommend contacting them immediately if signs of the disease appear:

  • discomfort, heaviness or pain in the hypochondrium on the right;
  • constant weakness in the body and rapid fatigue;
  • sudden sudden weight loss without cause;
  • the appearance of vomiting and nausea;
  • characteristic belching with bitterness;
  • the appearance of diarrhea after fatty foods and alcoholic drinks;
  • darkening of urine color;
  • discoloration of stool;
  • yellowness of the skin and mucous membrane;
  • the appearance of skin itching;
  • constant increase in body temperature to 37°.

In such cases, as a rule, a biochemical blood test is performed. If the result is positive, an organ biopsy test is performed. A sample of liver tissue helps clarify the actual condition of the organ and identify foci of inflammation in liver cells. In this case, the state of death of hepatocytes - liver cells - is determined.

A laboratory marker of alcohol consumption does not always help in finding an accurate answer to confirm the diagnosis. Its significance is raised by a combination of several tests, which are also called the “alcohol consumption profile.”

The total mass of the liver is 60-80% formed by hepatocytes. When alcoholic drinks enter the body, they damage the liver parenchyma, thereby limiting the functions of the entire organ. This has a corresponding effect on the functioning of the liver itself and the entire body.

All changes in the work and structure of the liver are natural and clearly expressed in patients with actively expressed alcoholic hepatitis. In such patients, mortality is caused mainly by complications of cirrhosis. The more important is the diagnosis and timing of detection of the disease, as well as knowledge of its symptoms.

How does alcohol affect hepatocytes?

Clinical picture

What doctors say about alcoholism

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Ryzhenkova S.A.:

I have been studying the problem of ALCOHOLISM for many years. It’s scary when the craving for alcohol destroys a person’s life, families are destroyed because of alcohol, children lose their fathers, and wives lose their husbands. Often it is young people who become drunkards, destroying their future and causing irreparable harm to their health.

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As mentioned above, hepatocytes are liver cells, which are the main functional unit of the organ. It is known that hapatocytes form 60-80% of the total mass of the liver. Alcohol entering the body damages the liver parenchyma, limiting the functionality of the organ. It is worth noting that the parenchyma of any internal organ is a collection of cells, whose association ensures the normal functioning of a particular organ in a certain system of the body. Thus, the damaged integrity of the functional components of the liver (its parenchyma) becomes the cause of interruptions in the functioning of not only the liver, but also the entire body.

Alcohol is one of the most dangerous poisons for humans due to the fact that, once in the blood, it begins to instantly spread with its current throughout the body. This means that almost immediately it reaches the liver, heart, brain and other vital organs. The liver produces special enzymes that begin to break down alcohol into substances that are much more harmful to the body than alcohol itself. However, this is not the end of the cycle of alcohol breakdown in the human body.

Naturally, the human body cannot allow a toxic substance to circulate through the circulatory system, which is several tens of rads more harmful than alcohol itself. That is why the breakdown of alcohol in the liver continues until non-toxic compounds are formed that can be excreted in the urine. As you can see, the main blow to the “processing” of alcohol entering the body is borne by the liver, which, as a rule, suffers more than all other organs.

It would seem that what’s wrong with the fact that the liver successfully breaks down alcohol? The fact is that for an alcoholic this process occurs a little differently. The set of necessary enzymes simply does not have time to be updated with regular alcohol consumption. This is fraught with the so-called enzyme deficiency, as well as the fact that processed substances do not leave the liver. This is exactly how alcoholics develop alcoholic hepatitis, which is usually accompanied by all the unpleasant symptoms described above.

In addition, other gastrointestinal diseases that occur in an alcoholic due to alcohol abuse also make their “contribution” to the development of hepatitis. We are talking about the following diseases:

  • cholecystitis;
  • gastritis;
  • pancreatitis.

For a certain period of time, the liver is able to work hard, using internal resources, but soon cirrhosis of the liver begins to develop, as well as a condition called liver failure.

Stages of development of alcoholic hepatitis and its forms

There are two main stages of this liver disease:

  • acute stage of alcoholic hepatitis;
  • chronic stage of the disease.

The first form of hepatitis occurs quickly, violently and brings a lot of unpleasant sensations and a powerful negative effect on the body. The second form is sluggish, but constantly causes inconvenience and discomfort.

An acute form of the disease can occur when an alcoholic is on a binge or when, along with constant alcohol consumption, there is also a poor and poor-quality diet. It is then that inflammation of the central lobes of the liver occurs, which, as a rule, leads to their death (so-called necrosis). Symptoms of acute hepatitis that occurs in alcoholics are:

  • icteric color of all mucous membranes;
  • intense yellow coloration of the skin;
  • constant weakness and nausea;
  • increase in body temperature.

In addition, with acute alcoholic hepatitis, there is also necessarily pain in the liver area, which constantly bothers the patient. Sometimes it happens that the outflow of bile from the liver is disrupted, which leads to the nature of the disease becoming cholecystic. Statistics show that by giving up drinking alcohol, approximately 20% of patients can be cured. By continuing to drink, most alcoholics “earn” cirrhosis.

Chronic alcoholic hepatitis may simply be a consequence of the acute form of this disease, which develops after another attack of acute hepatitis. The chronic form is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • constant general weakness;
  • pain in the liver that occurs from time to time;
  • light yellow coloration of the patient's mucous membranes and skin.

If a patient discovers these symptoms, then it is imperative to seek help from a specialist who can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment. In addition, it is important that in parallel the patient undergoes treatment for alcohol dependence, because therapeutic methods aimed at treating the liver do not make sense if the problem that provokes the inflammatory process is not eliminated.

Among the stages of alcoholic hepatitis, modern medicine identifies:

  • a mild stage, which is characterized by an increase in the size of the liver (usually discovered during examination by a doctor);
  • the middle stage, when the alcoholic begins to feel periodic discomfort and pain in the liver area, and painful sensations arise when palpating the liver;
  • severe stage, when cirrhosis of the liver has almost developed.

Naturally, the sooner the problem is diagnosed, the greater the likelihood that a complete cure can occur. If we are talking about a severe stage of this disease, then doctors, as a rule, cannot provide the patient with practically any guarantees.

One of the frequently observed alcoholic psychoses is delirium delirium, which is popularly known as. As a rule, its attacks appear during the first 3-6 days after the alcoholic “stops”. This happens during the second or third stage of alcoholism, which corresponds to the medium-term period of development of alcoholic hepatitis.
An alcoholic with the middle stage of hepatitis is identified by external signs:

  • constant weakness;
  • undisguised yellowness of the sclera of the eyes;
  • lack of appetite.

Warning assumptions are confirmed by a medical examination:

  • the alcoholic suffers painful palpation of the liver;
  • bad biochemistry.

The expected consequences are disappointing: hepatitis eventually develops into cirrhosis of the liver. The severity of the disease is traditionally associated with a malignant tumor. Therefore, alcoholics often need help from an oncologist.

The second “companion” of an alcoholic is ascites, the precursor of which is also hepatitis. A characteristic external sign is an excessively enlarged abdomen. This is due to the fact that fluid begins to accumulate in the abdominal cavity.

Types of ascites are determined by the amount of accumulated fluid.

  1. Small: the amount of liquid is no more than 3 liters. It can be determined using ultrasound or laparoscopy.
  2. Moderate: The increased amount of fluid changes the shape of the abdomen. At this stage, the movement of the diaphragm is not yet hindered.
  3. Large: up to two to three dozen liters of fluid accumulate in the stomach. The abdomen interferes with movement, problems with the movement of the diaphragm are felt.

Ascites is an alarming signal from the body that the liver can no longer filter blood, its liquid components are separated and accumulate in the abdominal cavity. This moment cannot be missed: the patient has about five years left to take stock of his life. Pathological disorders of liver function, as a rule, limit the body's functioning resource to this period.

Therefore, the fight against alcoholic hepatitis, according to doctors, must necessarily be accompanied by compulsory treatment.

There is no alternative.

Treatment methods for hepatitis in alcoholics

Alcoholic hepatitis, like alcoholic fibriosis, is considered a sad harbinger of the initial stage of cirrhosis. Doctors divide the disease into acute alcoholic hepatitis and chronic, considering them separately.

Chronic hepatitis is a disease that cannot be cured for at least six months. Any hepatitis can become chronic:

  • autoimmune;
  • toxic;
  • alcoholic;
  • caused by metabolic disorders.

Autoimmune hepatitis occurs with high hypergammaglobulinemia. At the same time, a large concentration of antibodies accumulates in the blood. The cause of the development of this form of hepatitis has not yet been fully established. In modern medical practice, one of the following strategies is used for treatment:

  • monotherapy with prednisolone;
  • combination of prednisolone with azathioprine.

Toxic hepatitis can form as a result of exposure to several groups of drugs.

The basis of treatment is the task: to identify and discontinue medications and drugs that caused a chronic disease. In most cases, in this way it is possible to stabilize the process and even cure the patient.

Alcoholic hepatitis is characterized by chronic liver damage from the toxic effects of ethanol on the liver.

Steatohepatitis is a phenomenon that is observed in liver tissue and occurs with varying degrees of severity. The changes are irreversible. If the patient does not stop drinking alcohol, hepatitis quickly transforms into cirrhosis.

Alcoholic hepatitis occurs in one of the forms.

  1. The persistent form is relatively stable. With it, there is still a chance for a positive answer to the questions of whether the disease is curable, whether it can be cured, and if so, how to cure yourself. Those. there remains a chance for reversibility of the inflammatory process, but the alcoholic himself must want to be cured and stop drinking.
  2. The progressive form is a small-focal liver lesion, which often ends in cirrhosis. It has been established that the probability of the disease transitioning to a more complex phase is 15-20%.

Using modern standards of alcoholism treatment, the doctor can stabilize inflammatory processes and preserve residual effects.

  • adhere to the diet prescribed by the doctor, incl. take vitamin supplements;
  • To maintain and restore the liver, take medications and medications.

As practice shows, alcoholics can be equally divided into three parts based on their willpower. Representatives of each of them react differently to the diagnosis determined by the doctor:

  • they completely stop drinking and believe that hepatitis is curable, and seriously think about how to treat it;
  • partially give up alcohol, doubting whether the disease can be cured;
  • neglect the recommendations given by the doctor.

Treatment in a hospital or on an outpatient basis is determined by the doctor based on the severity of the disease. Nothing, not even modern treatment, will help if the patient does not give up alcohol.

As mentioned above, strict and rational nutrition is the key to success in the fight against alcoholic hepatitis. An example of an optimal diet for patients with hepatitis is table No. 5. It is known that this diet is prescribed to patients who have diseases of the liver, biliary tract and gastrointestinal tract. The basic principles of this diet are:

  • it is necessary to exclude rich bread, limiting it to “gray” or “black”, as well as breadcrumbs;
  • You should eat vegetarian soups whenever possible, excluding meat and fish broths, as well as poultry broths;
  • It is preferable to consume meat, fish and poultry of low-fat varieties, focusing on boiled and baked dishes from these types of protein foods;
  • cheese can be consumed low-fat and mild;
  • It is advisable to eat cottage cheese and dairy products low-fat;
  • as fats you can use unrefined sunflower or other vegetable oil, as well as a little butter;
  • You can eat no more than one egg yolk per day;
  • cereals are useful, especially when it comes to oatmeal and buckwheat;
  • sauerkraut should not be sour if eaten;
  • It is advisable to eat fresh fruits and vegetables daily;
  • vegetables and fruits can also be consumed baked or boiled or in the form of compotes and fruit drinks;
  • it is necessary to exclude black coffee and strong black tea;
  • cocoa is a product that is best not included in the diet;
  • hot and spicy sauces and seasonings are contraindicated during treatment of alcoholic hepatitis;
  • For sweet desserts, it is preferable to consume marshmallows, marshmallows, marmalade, as well as any non-chocolate candies.

It is necessary to exclude from the diet all foods that irritate the liver: chocolate, coffee, spices, fatty and salty foods. In addition, it is preferable to bake, boil or steam foods.

The liver of approximately every tenth alcoholic suffers from cirrhosis. Alcoholic cirrhosis, as a rule, develops slowly, but the prognosis is noticeably better than with other forms of the disease. M. Baillie was the first to point out its negative connection with alcohol at the end of the 18th century. Later, a formulation appeared indicating that alcoholic liver hepatitis may contribute to the development of the disease.

Over time, the first signs indicating the disease became obvious:

  • causeless loss of body weight;
  • enlarged abdomen with relatively low body weight;
  • bitterness in the mouth and changes in stool with visible traces of undigested fats;
  • swelling and “death” of skin areas;
  • avitaminosis;
  • brittle bones, bleeding gums and slow wound healing.

Signs of alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver take different forms. Often compensated cirrhosis remains asymptomatic with minor severity:

  • general weakness;
  • nausea;
  • fatigue.

During the decompensation period, new symptoms appear:

  • swelling;
  • jaundice;
  • ascites;
  • disorder of consciousness;
  • increased bleeding.

All patients are diagnosed with hepatomegaly, and every fourth patient has splenomegaly. Characteristic liver signs are noted with varying frequency. These include gynecomastia, Dupuytren’s contracture, as well as the so-called alcohol stigmas:

  • dilation of blood vessels in the nose and sclera of the eyes;
  • change in the size of the parotid glands.

Alcoholics are identified by the abundance of spider veins on the skin of the upper body, reddened palms and bloating. Cirrhosis is accompanied by mental illness, delirium and sleep disturbances.

Experts make a prognosis based on data on the duration of the disease and the patient’s punctuality in following the doctor’s instructions. A prerequisite is a complete abstinence from alcoholic beverages.

If a patient suffers from liver cirrhosis for more than 5 years, only every second person has a chance of recovery. The rest die: a harsh sentence for a bad habit.

Drawing conclusions

If you are reading these lines, we can conclude that you or your loved ones suffer from alcoholism in one way or another.

We conducted an investigation, studied a bunch of materials and, most importantly, tested most of the methods and remedies for alcoholism. The verdict is:

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It's okay to drink small amounts of alcohol, but drinking too much often has serious consequences. The stomach is the first to feel harm from alcohol.. It gets here unchanged, and then ethanol, during oxidation, turns into acetaldehyde, which is a strong toxin for the body as a whole. Therefore, it is not surprising that your stomach hurts after drinking alcohol. Moreover, this phenomenon may be a sign of certain diseases, so it is recommended to consult a specialist in a timely manner.

Causes of pain after alcohol

The stomach produces gastric juice, which is necessary to process the food that enters it. As a result of the action of the enzyme pepsin, beneficial components from the food eaten enter the bloodstream. However, under the influence of alcohol this process is disrupted. The stomach is not only the first to experience the effects of alcohol, but also comes into contact with alcohol for a long time.

After all, before being absorbed into the blood, alcohol remains in the stomach for some time. Alcohol has a detrimental effect on the gastric mucosa. Therefore, the process of absorption of nutrients from food slows down. There are several reasons why drinking causes abdominal pain:

  1. Alcohol promotes increased production of gastric juice. And if a person does not eat enough food, which often happens after drinking alcohol, hydrochloric acid begins to corrode the stomach walls. And if you drink an excessive amount of alcohol, the secretion of the stomach slows down, so the food a person eats is not digested. This gives rise to a feeling of heaviness.
  2. In addition, under the influence of a large amount of gastric juice, pepsin is activated, so rapid absorption of toxic components into the blood begins. As a result of this, the poison reaches all other organs, and pain appears not only in the stomach. Other internal organs may also be damaged.
  3. Stomach dysfunction occurs because, due to excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, the stomach produces less mucus, which protects the intestinal walls from the effects of hydrochloric acid. Therefore, the stomach walls become damaged, causing them to collapse over time.
  4. Alcohol in the stomach is broken down into acetaldehyde, which is sent through the blood vessels to all organs. And with frequent exposure to alcohol, the venules and capillaries of the stomach are destroyed. This causes small wounds and ulcers to form. Over time, they should heal, but due to alcoholic drinks they only increase in size.

In addition, pain may occur if a person already has a stomach disease. For example, For people with ulcers or gastritis, drinking alcohol is prohibited, as it can cause internal bleeding. And this can lead to the death of the patient.

Typically, ulcer symptoms appear earlier due to eating fried or spicy foods. Therefore, you need to undergo periodic medical examinations.

Under the influence of alcohol, hydrochloric acid begins to intensely affect the gastric wall, which causes pain in the intestines. Moreover, stomach pain can be constant or intermittent. A number of complications can occur after drinking vodka:

  • Dysphagia, in which contents from the stomach flow back into the esophagus. And this is accompanied by moderate pain and heartburn.
  • The swallowing reflex is impaired, which is associated with weakened motility of the esophagus.
  • The walls of the esophagus and stomach are burned as a result of consuming large amounts of highly concentrated alcohol. However, pain appears only in the stomach, since HCl acts on its walls there.

Recovery of affected tissues takes a very long time. And if after a few days you drink even a small amount of alcohol again, it will disrupt the healing process that has begun. As a result, this leads to gastritis, ulcers and other possible complications. Death occurs in cases where the patient does not begin treatment on time.

Therefore, if you experience stomach pain after drinking alcohol, you should stop drinking it. Moreover, you need to pay attention to your diet, as well as the medications you are taking. Under no circumstances should you drink alcohol with aspirin, as this can lead to stomach bleeding.

Development of gastritis

A possible reason why your stomach hurts after drinking is gastritis.. Moreover, if the pain is very pronounced and sudden, this indicates acute gastritis. The pain does not go away for several days after drinking alcohol. They are accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • nausea and vomiting. In this case, the vomit contains a large amount of mucus, as well as blood particles. And if there is a lot of blood in the vomit, the patient requires urgent hospitalization.
  • a bitter taste appears in the mouth. The tongue swells a little and it becomes difficult to swallow.
  • a person changes even externally. He becomes pale, his eyelids droop, his cheeks swell a little.

After the symptoms of acute gastritis are relieved, the doctor prescribes treatment. The patient must adhere to a special diet, give up smoking and alcohol, and exercise more actively. Otherwise, the disease may become chronic.

From alcohol, chronic gastritis appears if a person regularly drinks alcohol. This causes pain in the intestines, the patient feels a constant heaviness in the area, there is heartburn, constipation, nausea, not accompanied by vomiting. And it is possible to recover from such a disease only if the patient gives up alcohol forever, even in small doses.

Stomach pain from beer

Beer is a weak alcoholic drink, but drinking it every day can cause stomach problems. Regular consumption of beer leads to pancreatitis, gastritis. The stomach malfunctions, the tongue swells, and abdominal pain appears. In addition, beer may cause bloating. In this case, you need to consult a gastroenterologist.

If stomach pain appears specifically from beer, you need to drink a tablespoon of vegetable oil every day and wash it down with weak herbal tea. This remedy has a gentle effect on the walls of the stomach, leading to their restoration. Any medications should be taken only after they have been prescribed by a doctor. After all, tablets can lead to even greater damage to the walls of the stomach.

There is a reason why alcohol is used in medicine. After all, it kills all microorganisms, preventing the development of infection. There are also bacteria inside the stomach and intestines, but they are necessary for normal digestion. But with regular consumption of alcohol, these microorganisms die, as a result of which the food is not completely digested, stagnating in the stomach. Abdominal bloating appears after alcohol, flatulence, which provokes the appearance of sharp pain. And the pain will not go away until the gases are released naturally.

In addition, as a result of stagnation of food particles in the stomach, a putrefactive process can begin. This results in significant pain. The patient also develops an unpleasant odor from the mouth, similar to acetone. The process of defecation becomes difficult, and during it heaviness appears in the lower abdomen. In this case, it is necessary to take a number of measures aimed at restoring the intestinal microflora.

How to get rid of pain

If drinking causes severe pain, you need to undergo an urgent examination. The doctor must prescribe appropriate treatment. You can also use folk remedies to reduce the severity of pain. The doctor prescribes gastal, mezim, motilium and other drugs.

Many people believe that to eliminate the problem it is enough to take medications that restore digestion. But under the influence of alcohol, not only the digestive process is disrupted, but the stomach is also damaged. Therefore, treatment must be comprehensive.

To quickly eliminate pain, you need to take three black peppercorns, chew them, and then drink 300 ml of warm water. This remedy helps to temporarily slow down the process of destruction of the gastric mucosa. Eating a ripe plum will help relieve the condition. You can also brew tea from currant leaves, which promotes the rapid removal of gases.

You can also relieve stomach pain with chamomile infusion. For this purpose Art. l. dried flowers are poured with a glass of boiling water and infused. Then filter and drink. You need to drink the medicine a little warm, since hot water can burn the walls of the stomach, and cold water will not give any result.

Besides, If you have stomach pain after drinking, you need to follow a special diet. This means that the patient must exclude fried, smoked, and spicy foods from his diet. The consumption of carbonated drinks, coffee, dairy products, and chocolate is not recommended.

Thus, abdominal pain after drinking alcohol can appear for various reasons. However, such a sign may indicate a developing ulcer or gastritis. Therefore, you need to urgently consult a doctor who will diagnose and prescribe treatment. Self-medication can cause even greater harm to health.

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