Which is better Logest or Nuvaring? Hormonal ring Nuvaring - method of application and mechanism of action. Yarina and hair loss

Medicine offers a huge number of contraceptives for women. Each product is selected taking into account age, the state of the hormonal system and other characteristics. Oral contraceptives Yarina or the Nuvaring contraceptive ring - principle of action and which is more effective?

Nuvaring is a contraceptive that consists of a transparent ring containing etonogestrel 11.7 mg. And ethinylestradiol 2.7 mg. Using the ring, hormones are released into the vagina without affecting the liver and gastrointestinal tract, thereby having a gentle effect on the entire body. The contraceptive effect is due to a combination of several factors, the main one being ovulation suppression.

The concentration of hormones in the uterus when using the ring is similar to that with oral contraceptives with a low dose of hormones. There are no jumps in their levels, which helps to establish an even hormonal balance and fewer cases of negative effects.

Nuvaring cannot be used if you have:

  • Various thrombosis and thromboembolism, heart attacks, strokes.
  • When there is diabetes with vascular complications, obesity and a tendency to edema.
  • Migraine and other regular headaches.
  • Smoking in patients over 35 years of age.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Various tumors of the liver, genital organs.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Uterine bleeding.
  • Pancreatitis.

Novoring can be used with caution in the following cases:

  1. Predisposition to thrombosis and disruption of cerebral blood supply.
  2. Diseases of the gallbladder and gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Controlled hypertension.
  4. When smoking.

When using this method of contraception, negative effects are sometimes observed:

  • Decreased sexual desire, fatigue, irritability.
  • Weight gain, stool disorders.
  • Intermenstrual bleeding, cystitis, genital tract infections.
  • Headache, increased blood pressure, muscle spasms, pain in the legs.
  • Various skin reactions, acne, pimples.
  • Breast swelling, lower back pain.
  • In rare cases, a slight decrease in vision has been observed.

The ring is convenient to use, it is installed by the patient independently once every 21 days. Then there is a break for 7 days, during which menstruation passes, and then it begins again. Nuvaring is valid for three weeks.

The contraceptive does not cause discomfort during sexual intercourse and is not felt at all by the woman.

Oral hormonal contraceptive Yarina

Low-dose monophasic oral combined contraceptive drug. Produced in Germany in the form of tablets, each of which ethinyl estradiol 30 mcg., drospirenone 3 mg.

The drug not only blocks ovulation, but makes the mucus in the cervical canal thick, which prevents sperm from penetrating inside. Women after Yarina had a more regular menstrual cycle, and the amount of bleeding decreased. Drospirenone prevents weight gain and has an antiandrogenic effect against seborrhea and acne.
The tablets are taken orally daily with liquid.

Reception is carried out in the order indicated on the package within 21 days. After approximately 48 hours from taking the last tablet, menstrual bleeding occurs and the next package begins to be taken 7 days after the end of the first. It is important not to skip taking pills and do it better at the same time. If you miss a pill, the effectiveness of Yarina decreases and other methods of protection are needed.

Contraindications for OK Yarina:

  • Headaches and migraines, nausea.
  • Thromboembolism, serious cardiovascular diseases.
  • Women who smoke after 35 years.
  • Endocrine disorders, obesity.
  • Tumors and serious liver dysfunction.
  • Pregnancy, feeding.

Side effects include chest pain and abdominal pain, and less often headaches and increased blood pressure.

The drug loses its properties when taken simultaneously with antibiotics, so other methods of contraception should be used.

What do OK Yarina and Nuvaring have in common?

Both drugs are hormonal contraceptives, providing fairly high protection against unwanted pregnancy. Each of them contains a low dose of hormones and therefore they are easily tolerated by the woman’s body. With their help, you can regulate the menstrual cycle in cases where there are no other serious complications.


The significant difference is method of drug administration. Nuvaring is more convenient and does not require daily monitoring of pill intake, as is the case with Yarina. It has a lower dosage of hormones and is easier to tolerate.

At the same time, Yarina has a number of advantages:

  • More reliably protects against unplanned pregnancy due to the effects of the quality of mucus in the cervical canal.
  • It has an antiandrogenic effect and can be used in combination to treat seborrhea and acne.
  • Less commonly causes intermenstrual bleeding.
  • Does not cause swelling.

For whom and which drug is best suited?

Nuvaring is better suited for women who have an established menstrual cycle and who do not want to constantly monitor their pill intake. For those suffering from liver diseases, Nuvaring is also more suitable, since it does not affect the liver, but accumulates directly in the genitals.

Yarina will help those who want to regulate their cycle, and are also prone to weight gain from other hormonal drugs. This drug is often prescribed to those who have high levels of testosterone in the blood and have skin problems such as acne and seborrhea.

Only a doctor should select the right drug, taking into account many factors.

There is a great abundance of contraceptives in pharmacies. Every woman, man or married couple can choose the most comfortable one for themselves. All are guaranteed to be effective, but some can be dangerous, others need to be consumed regularly on a daily basis. These rules do not apply to the Nuvaring birth control ring.

How to use it? What is the mechanism of action? To whom is it shown, and for whom is it a forbidden fruit? - you will learn from this article.

pharmachologic effect

Placement of the Nuvaring ring in the vagina

The contraceptive Nuvaring is a hormonal contraceptive.

The effect is provided by etonogestrel and ethinyl estradiol.

Thanks to the use of the Nuvaring vaginal ring, the menstrual cycle is adjusted. Pain during menstruation becomes less noticeable, and the amount of discharge decreases.

The possibility of iron deficiency anemia also decreases.

The main advantage of the Novaring hormone-based contraceptive ring is that its use prevents:

  • Ovarian cancer.
  • Endometrial oncology.
  • Ovarian cysts.
  • Ectopic pregnancy.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the genital organs.
  • Benign neoplasms in the mammary glands.

Composition and release form

The contraceptive Nuvaring is made in the form of a vaginal ring.

The concentration of ethinyl estradiol in it is 2.7 mg, and etonogestrel is 11.7 mg.

The composition also includes additional substances in the form of:

  1. Ethylene copolymer.
  2. Vinyl acetate copolymer.
  3. Magnesium stearate.

Indications for use

The birth control contraceptive Nuvaring is mainly intended to protect against pregnancy.

Contraceptive effect of the hormonal ring

The Nuvaring vaginal ring is often prescribed by doctors for endometriosis. They also treat uterine fibroids when their size is small and surgery can be avoided.


The Nuvaring vaginal ring should not be used if you have:

  • Thrombosis/thromboembolism.
  • Heart defects.
  • Migraine.
  • Diabetes mellitus affecting the vascular system.
  • Severe liver diseases.
  • Neoplasms in the liver are benign/malignant.
  • Neoplasms with a location in the reproductive system that depend on hormones.
  • The period of gestation.
  • Intolerance to contraceptives.

Photo gallery of contraindications:



Malignant neoplasms in the liver

Rarely and with great caution, the Nuvaring vaginal ring is recommended if:

  • Thrombosis in relatives.
  • Serious operations in general and on the legs as well.
  • Obesity.
  • Thrombophlebitis.
  • Arterial hypertension.
  • Smoking after 40 years.
  • Disorders of fat metabolism in the body.
  • Gallstone disease.
  • Hemolytic-uremic syndrome.
  • Choreas.
  • Otosclerosis with impaired auditory perception.
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus.
  • Angioedema.
  • Crohn's syndrome.
  • Ulcerative colitis.
  • Sickle cell anemia.
  • Porphyria.
  • Chronic constipation.
  • Hernia of the urethra.
  • Rectal hernia.
  • Uterine prolapse.

Side effects

Even the recommendations of gynecologists will not help avoid adverse reactions from the use of the Nuvaring contraceptive ring if the woman’s body does not accept it.

No.Organ systemAdverse reactions from the Nuvaring hormonal ring
1 Reproductive and urinary systemsThrush and other vaginal infections
Other ureteral infections
Genital itching
Breast engorgement and tenderness
Heavy menstruation
Uterine bleeding
Burning sensation in the vagina
Pain and discomfort at the injection site
2 ImmunityAllergy
3 MetabolismIncreased appetite
Weight gain
4 Mental disordersChange in sex drive
Mood variability
Depressive state
5 Nervous systemHeadache
6 Visual organsVisual impairment
7 SSSIncreased blood pressure


8 Digestive systemNausea
Pain in the abdomen
9 Skin layerAcne
10 Muscles and bone tissuePain in the legs and back
Spasmodic pain
11 OtherFast fatiguability

Patients also note discharge while using the Nuvaring vaginal ring. During intimacy, they may be bloody.

Sometimes the body can react to the contraceptive Nuvaring with a temperature of 37, which is an individual reaction of the female body.

Useful video:

Drug interactions

It is worth using additional methods of contraception together with the Nuvaring vaginal ring during the period of use of the following drugs and 30 days after treatment with them:

  • Barbiturates.
  • Oxcarbazepine.
  • Felbamate.
  • St. John's wort.

Photos of medicines:

If it is necessary to use intravaginal suppositories against candidiasis, it may occur damage or rupture Nuvaring vaginal ring.

Alcohol compatibility

alcohol should not be combined. This helps to reduce the contraceptive effect.

Dosage and overdose

The Nuvaring vaginal ring is not capable of causing serious overdose symptoms. Sometimes nausea or vomiting and bleeding may occur.

Instructions for use

The pros and cons of the Nuvaring contraceptive ring are clearly visible from the rules of use.

No.CategoryHow to use the Nuvaring vaginal ring
1 How to insert?Intravaginally, squeezing with fingers, in a squatting position, lying on your back or standing with your leg elevated.

The diagram in the pictures will help you insert the ring correctly. This procedure is done once a month, preferably on the first day of menstruation. After 21 days, you need to remove the contraceptive for 7 days. On the 8th day, insert a new ring.

2 Switching from COCInsert on the 7th day of the break after taking the tablets.
3 Switching from a mini-pillAccording to the rules of the previous remedy / on any day.
4 Early abortionImmediately after the procedure.
5 Late miscarriage/birth3 weeks after the process.
6 Why does it fall out?Most often this is due to damage to the contraceptive. In this case, you need to use a new ring.
7 Is it possible to place it in the middle of a cycle?You can, but you must use condoms for the first week.
8 Is it possible to remove the ring ahead of time?Not recommended, since such an action can provoke hormonal imbalance in the body.

Photo instructions:

Shelf life and storage of the drug

The Nuvaring vaginal ring should be stored under conditions 8 degree temperature during 3 year term.

special instructions

If a woman is prone to pigmentation of the epidermis, it is better for her to avoid exposure to direct sunlight

Is it possible to get pregnant with a ring? None of the existing contraceptives absolutely protects against pregnancy.

The same applies to the Nuvaring vaginal ring. In certain cases they talk about counterfeiting.

Treatment of endometriosis with the contraceptive Nuvaring should be prescribed by a doctor and the process should be monitored regularly.

When using the Nuvaring vaginal ring, taking a bath is not prohibited.


The cost of one contraceptive Nuvaring is about 1,200 rubles.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

The Nuvaring vaginal ring is available at some pharmacies by prescription only. The hotline of any pharmacy chain will tell you this.

Analogues substitutes

You can replace the contraceptive Nuvaring with the following medications:

  • consists of ethinyl estradiol and dienogest in tablet form. Manufacturer: Bayer Pharma (Germany).
  • is made on the basis of drospirenone and ethinyl estradiol in tablet form. Manufacturer: Gedeon Richter (Hungary).
  • Available in tablet form with drospirenone and ethinyl estradiol. Manufacturer: Bayer Weimar (Germany).
  • is created in the form of an intrauterine device with levonorgestrel. Manufacturer: Bayer Schering Pharma (Germany/Finland).
  • It is produced in tablet form with estradiol and dydrogesterone. Manufacturer: Abbott Laboratories S.A. (USA), Solvay Pharmaceuticals (Netherlands).
  • Available in the form of tablets with gestodene and ethinyl estradiol. Manufacturer: Bayer Pharma (Germany).

Photos of analogues:

Jess, Mirena, Yarina and Nuvaring

Jess and Yarina belong to combined oral contraceptives. Mirena is an intrauterine device.

All contraceptives are used for the same purpose, but they are suitable for each woman differently and the comfort/discomfort from them is also different.

Have you used the contraceptive Nuvaring and was it effective?

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The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Yarina – general information

Yarina– modern contraceptive, which is very popular and is often prescribed by gynecologists. In women for whom a doctor has prescribed hormonal contraceptive, many questions often arise about how to use them correctly.

What to do if you miss two tablets?

If two pills are missed, the contraceptive effect of the pills is reduced. If you miss two or more tablets, the instructions for use of the drug recommend that you visit your doctor and discuss the situation with him. The closer the missed pill is to the 7-day break, the more likely pregnancy is to occur, so there is a need to use additional contraceptives (for example, barrier means - condoms). If you miss pills in the third week, you can stop taking them, thus starting a 7-day break earlier than expected. In this case, menstruation will begin earlier.

How long can the drug be used?

Most often, doctors recommend taking Yarina as much as a woman needs. contraception. One drug can be taken for no more than five years. When and how to take breaks from taking the contraceptive, your doctor will advise you during your examination. Usually, breaks of one to three months in taking pills are taken every six months or a year.

What to do if there is no period after a 7-day break?

Sometimes withdrawal bleeding (menstruation) does not occur during the 7-day break. In this case, you should take a pregnancy test. If it is negative, you can start taking the next package of Yarina. Pregnancy cannot be excluded if the pills were taken irregularly, vomiting occurred while taking them, or additional medications were taken that could affect the effect of the contraceptive. Withdrawal bleeding should not be absent for two cycles in a row. If menstruation does not occur in two cycles in a row during a 7-day break, you should consult a doctor to rule out pregnancy or find out the cause of this condition.

Delayed menstruation after finishing treatment

Normally, after stopping long-term use of hormonal contraceptives, the menstrual cycle is restored within 1-3 months. To determine the cause of the absence of menstruation, you must consult a doctor, as it can be caused by various diseases and conditions. The doctor will prescribe an examination, including an ultrasound, tests to determine the level of sex hormones. In some cases, a condition called ovarian hyperinhibition syndrome occurs after stopping combined oral contraceptives. This condition is reversible - usually menstruation is restored 3-4 months after stopping taking the pills.

Possibility of getting pregnant after taking Yarina

It is believed that the body needs approximately 3 to 12 months to restore ovarian function and ovulation after taking oral contraceptives. Despite this, there are often cases when pregnancy occurs already in the first months after stopping taking hormonal contraceptives. Very often, after discontinuation of contraceptive drugs, a so-called “rebound effect” occurs. It is characterized by the fact that after the withdrawal of hormones coming from outside, the ovaries begin to produce their own hormones more strongly. Thanks to this, the possibility of getting pregnant while stopping the drugs increases significantly. This condition is possible if contraceptives were not used for a long time, but for several months (most often from three to six). If pregnancy has not occurred within a year or two after stopping oral contraceptives, an examination should be performed to identify the cause of infertility.

Taking pills for polycystic disease

Polycystic ovary syndrome (polycystic ovary syndrome) is a hormonal disease in which cysts form in the ovaries and the process of egg maturation is disrupted. The causes of this disease may be different. Symptoms of polycystic disease include menstrual irregularities, ovarian cysts, and increased levels of androgens (male sex hormones). Hormonal drugs are used in the treatment of polycystic ovarian disease.

Yarina is one of the drugs prescribed for this disease, along with other drugs. Treatment for polycystic ovary syndrome is long-term; you need to take the medicine for at least several months. During treatment, you should undergo tests to determine whether the drug is helping. The advantage of Yarina in the treatment of polycystic disease is that, thanks to low doses of hormones, it has almost no effect on weight and does not cause swelling.

Yarina and endometriosis

Endometriosis (adenomyosis) is a disease in which tissue similar to the endometrium (the lining of the uterus) grows in other organs or tissues. Such growths cause spotting before and after menstruation, uterine bleeding, and pain in the lower abdomen. Yarina is one of the hormonal drugs prescribed for this disease. The use of Yarina for endometriosis is different in that it is necessary to take the medicine without a 7-day break. Thanks to this, menstrual function is completely suppressed, which helps stop the growth of endometriosis foci. The course of treatment is long and lasts at least six months.

Yarina and hair loss

Complaints of hair loss are among the most common among women who have stopped taking Yarina. This is due to the fact that after cancellation birth control pills The level of sex hormones in the body changes, which can affect the cycle of hair change and growth. Experts advise that before stopping the drug, consult a doctor who will prescribe a course of maintenance treatment (for example, vitamin therapy) in order to reduce the consequences of drug withdrawal.

How does Yarina help against acne?

As you know, Yarina has an antiandrogenic effect - that is, it can reduce the amount of male sex hormones in the body. This property of the drug is used in the treatment of acne (blackheads or pimples), the cause of which is hyperandrogenism (increased levels of male sex hormones). Androgens are normally produced by the female body, only in very small quantities. If for any reason their production increases, symptoms of hirsutism (unwanted hair growth on the face and body), acne, and irregular menstruation appear. Therefore, very often dermatologists prescribe the drug Yarina for therapeutic purposes for acne caused by hyperandrogenism.

In some cases, at the beginning of use, and during the first 3-6 months, an increase in rashes is possible due to the body’s adaptation to the medicine. Most often, after this period ends, the skin condition improves. If this does not happen, you need to consult a doctor to replace Yarina with another drug.

Can my breasts get bigger while taking Yarina?

One of the side effects of Yarin tablets is changes in the mammary glands. The most common side effect is engorgement or tenderness of the mammary glands, less often hypertrophy (increase in size) occurs. Even more rarely, discharge from the breast may occur. All these phenomena disappear after discontinuation of the contraceptive. If such side effects cause inconvenience and suffering, it is better to consult a doctor to find a different contraceptive drug.

Are they getting better from Yarina?

Weight gain occurs due to various reasons. One of them is fluid retention in the body (edema). Since Yarina contains the hormone drospirenone, which has an antimineralocorticoid effect (reduces the effect of hormones that retain fluid in the body), weight when taking Yarina may decrease slightly due to the removal of fluid (reduction of edema). Another reason for weight gain when taking oral contraceptives is an increase in appetite. To avoid undesirable consequences of taking contraceptives, you should pay attention to the balance of calories in and calories out. If, with a balanced diet, sufficient physical activity and the absence of edema, body weight still increases, you should consult an endocrinologist, since the cause of weight gain may be a dysfunction of the thyroid gland.

Nausea when taking pills

One of the side effects of taking Yarina is nausea. It occurs in about one in a hundred cases, or more often. Vomiting is much less common. If nausea does not go away after a period of adaptation to the drug, then it is better to consult a doctor and choose other tablets. To reduce nausea, doctors recommend taking Yarina in the evening (before bed), not on an empty stomach, but after a meal (for example, a light dinner).

Change in libido

Changes in libido are also one of the side effects of Yarina. Studies have shown that a decrease in libido occurs more often, and an increase in libido occurs slightly less often. In addition, mood swings and decreased mood may occur, which can also affect the desire for sexual intercourse.

Yarina and antibiotics

If you need to take antibiotics while taking Yarina, you should definitely inform your doctor that you are taking Yarina. Some antibiotics can affect the effect of the contraceptive, reducing it. In turn, taking hormonal medications can also affect the effectiveness of antibacterial drugs. For example, penicillin antibiotics and tetracycline reduce the effectiveness of Yarina, therefore, while taking them, and for 7 days after stopping antibiotics, barrier methods of contraception should be used. Antibiotics used to treat tuberculosis (rifampicin, rifabutin), on the contrary, can enhance the effect of sex hormones, so breakthrough bleeding often occurs when they are used together with Yarina.

Which is better – Yarina or Jess?

The drugs Yarina and Jess are similar in composition - both drugs consist of Drospirenone and ethinyl estradiol. Unlike Yarina, Jess contains 20 mg of ethinyl etradiol, which may slightly reduce the severity of adverse reactions. The drugs differ in the number of tablets - Yarina’s package contains 21 tablets, all tablets are active and after taking them you need to take a break of 7 days. The Jess package contains 28 tablets, of which 24 are active tablets and 4 are inactive (placebo). Therefore, you need to take Jess without interruption.

Yarina or Logest - which to prefer?

The contraceptive Logest differs in composition from Yarina - it contains the hormone gestodene in a dosage of 0.075 mg, ethinyl estradiol in a dosage of 0.02 mg. Thus, the dose of hormones in Logest is less than in Yarin and other similar drugs; it belongs to microdosed drugs.

The package also contains 21 active tablets, after taking which you should take a seven-day break.

What is better to take – Yarina or Novinet?

The drug Novinet differs from Yarina in composition and belongs to microdosed combined oral contraceptives. Novinet is also effective in the treatment of acne (pimples), but unlike Yarina, it does not have an antimineralocorticoid effect (that is, it does not affect fluid retention in the body and does not reduce swelling). The contraceptive Novinet is produced by another manufacturer; its advantage over Yarina is its lower price.

What to choose - Yarina or Diana-35?

The properties that combine the drugs Yarina and Diane-35 are antiandrogenic and contraceptive effects. This means that both contraceptives are used to treat the phenomena of hyperandrogenism (increased levels of male sex hormones), the manifestations of which are acne, seborrhea, hirsutism (male pattern hair growth), alopecia (hair loss). Due to the fact that Diana-35 contains the hormones cyproterone acetate and ethinyl estradiol in a higher dose (35 mcg), its antiandrogenic effect is more pronounced compared to Yarina. In addition, Diane-35 is more often prescribed for the treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome.

Which is better – Janine or Yarina?

Janine is one of the modern contraceptives, similar in hormone content to Yarina. Janine differs from Yarina only in that she contains the hormone dienogest in a dose of 2 mg. Just like Yarina, it has an antiandrogenic effect.

Yarina or Midiana?

The drug Midiana differs from the drug Yarina in that it is produced by a different manufacturer. The composition of the contraceptives is the same, Yarina is the original drug, and Midiana is produced under license and is its analogue. The advantage of Midiana is its lower cost compared to Yarina.

Yarina or Marvelon – what to choose?

Marvelon differs from Yarina in the content and type of gestagen - Marvelon contains desogestrel in a dosage of 150 mcg. The content of the estrogen ethinyl estradiol in the drugs is the same, both are low-dose. Unlike Yarina, Marvelon does not have a cosmetic antiandrogenic effect.

When choosing a contraceptive, you should always take into account the individual characteristics of each woman, since there is not a single drug that would suit absolutely everyone.

Transition from Yarina to Janine

If it is necessary to switch from Yarina to Zhanine, it should be taken the next day after the last tablet of Yarina is taken. You can take a break between taking Yarina and Zhanine tablets, which should not exceed 7 days.

How to switch from Yarina to Lindinet 20?

You can switch to Lindinet 20 from Yarina after finishing the package of Yarina (after 21 tablets), or on the 8th day after the usual 7-day break.

Switching from NuvaRing to Yarina

When it becomes necessary to start taking Yarina after using the NuvaRing contraceptive ring, the first tablet should be taken on the day the ring was removed. It is also allowed to take a break of no more than 7 days. In this case, they begin to take Yarina no later than the day when the next ring was supposed to be inserted.
Before use, you should consult a specialist.
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