Kalanchoe juice for colds in children: features of use. Is it worth using Kalanchoe juice to treat runny nose in children? Is it possible to put Kalanchoe juice in your nose?

Kalanchoe belongs to the group of succulent plants and has an attractive green color at any time of the year. Densely arranged large leaves with jagged edges give the plant decorative functions, and many people place a pot of this evergreen plant in their home just because of its beauty. However, such a “resident” can not only please the eye, but also bring real benefits due to its beneficial properties. In particular, it can be used to treat rhinitis, which will be discussed in this article.

Medicinal properties of the plant

First of all, the green plant is known as an air purifier; it is installed to destroy germs in the room. It is believed that the presence of Kalanchoe in the house is the key to a good, friendly atmosphere. For folk recipes, the leaves, stem and juice of the plant can be used. Its value lies in its composition, which contains a large amount of alkaloids, tannins, organic acids, lipids and other components found only in plant sources. It is worth highlighting the following medicinal properties of the flower:

  • powerful anti-inflammatory effect;
  • antibacterial properties;
  • hemostatic function;
  • The plant is often used as a wound-healing agent for ulcerative lesions, purulent wounds, burns, etc.;
  • It is also used for cosmetic purposes as a remedy for acne and skin rashes;
  • cleansing the blood and removing harmful substances from the body.

It is not surprising that it is used as a remedy for the common cold - the combination of antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects is just what is needed to combat the problem.

At what age can you put Kalanchoe into your nose?

Instilling Kalanchoe juice is a procedure that, in addition to disinfecting and relieving inflammation, causes sneezing, which promotes active cleansing of the nasal passages. In children, such a strong effect may not cause improvement, but complications in the form of allergies or the development of otitis media, so special care should be taken. If necessary, the product can be used even for newborns, but only in the form of a weak decoction or highly diluted juice.

What type of Kalanchoe to use for nose drops

It includes about two hundred varieties of plants, some of which have only decorative value, and some are especially valuable in folk medicine. Most often, pinnate Kalanchoe and Kalanchoe varieties Degremona are used for medicinal purposes. Both of these plants received a lot of unscientific names: “tree of life”, “house doctor”, “indoor ginseng” and others. It is these varieties that can be used as raw materials for preparing a remedy for the common cold.

Instructions for using Kalanchoe juice to treat a runny nose

Particular attention should be paid to the selection of the plant - it is recommended to use leaves from a flower that is more than three years old, since at this age it acquires maximum saturation with useful substances. But if we are talking about a newborn and high concentration is not required, then it would be more advisable to use a young, unsaturated plant.

Also, if possible, the leaves should first be kept in the refrigerator in clean paper for three to five days, and only after that the medicinal product should be prepared. But if a runny nose comes on suddenly and urgent measures are needed, then nothing bad will happen if you use freshly cut leaves. The only danger lies in a possible allergic reaction and burn of the mucous membrane if used incorrectly. Let's consider the basic rules for using the plant for different groups of patients.

How to treat a runny nose in adults

An adult can safely use fresh plant juice, but in its pure form it is also quite risky from the point of view of developing irritation of the nasal cavity, so it is also better to dilute the composition with clean water in equal proportions. The method of use is simple - it is recommended to instill 2-3 drops three times a day. You can “obtain” healing juice in several ways:

  • the simplest method– mash the previously washed fleshy leaves with a fork, and collect the extracted juice with a pipette in the required quantity. This juice is the most concentrated, and it is not recommended to store it. Each time before use you will have to squeeze out a new portion;
  • second way will allow you to prepare a composition that can be stored in the refrigerator for 10 days, which greatly simplifies the procedure for its use. It is necessary to cut off several leaves from the plant with a clean knife, rinse them in running water and blot them from excess moisture with paper towels. Then place the raw materials in the refrigerator for 5 days. After the expiration date, the leaves are crushed to a homogeneous mass (a meat grinder or blender is perfect for this) and squeezed through gauze folded in several layers. The juice is placed in a glass container and left to settle for a while - a green sediment should accumulate at the bottom, which should not be used. The upper clean liquid is drained and can be used for medicinal purposes.

Before using nasal drops, it is better to take the juice out of the refrigerator so that it is not too cold. To enhance the beneficial effect of such drops, you can mix Kalanchoe juice with aloe juice.

How to prepare and use medicine for children

For children under 1 year the use of fresh plant juice in its pure form, regardless of the purpose, is not recommended - a young body is too sensitive to such active compounds and may react negatively to their effects. That is why, to eliminate a runny nose, a water decoction is used, which retains the basic properties, but makes the remedy less active. To prepare it, place a couple of clean, fleshy Kalanchoe leaves in 200 ml of water and bring to a boil over low heat. After this, the product should sit for an hour, and it can be filtered. The resulting liquid is instilled into the nose, one drop at a time, several times a day.

For older children You can use juice diluted in equal proportions with clean water, both in the form of instillation and in the form of wiping the nasal cavity with a cotton swab. No matter what, it is still worth carefully monitoring the child’s condition in case irritation or allergies arise.

Use during pregnancy

The advantages of a remedy for the common cold based on Kalanchoe juice are that the raw materials are non-toxic, have virtually no contraindications for use and, when used correctly, do not cause irritation to the nasal mucosa. However, during pregnancy, special care should be taken in treatment, which has become the reason for disagreement about the possibility of using Kalanchoe for the common cold during such a period. Some experts argue that active sneezing, which provokes juice, creates too much stress on the woman’s body and is potentially dangerous to the baby’s health. However, most pharmaceutical drugs have more serious side effects, which tempts many mothers towards natural drugs. It is advisable to use Kalanchoe juice only after consulting a doctor, and start with formulations with a minimum concentration to identify a possible allergic reaction. It is worth noting that taking the drug orally in large quantities during pregnancy is prohibited.

Contraindications to use of the product

An obvious contraindication to the use of a folk remedy for the common cold is the presence of individual intolerance and allergies to the plant. This can manifest itself as a minor rash on the skin or difficulty breathing.

Considering the rather high allergenicity of the product, before using it for the first time, it is better to carry out a standard test - apply the juice to the skin of your hand in the elbow area and wait a while. If no changes occur in the treated area, then you can try using the juice as a remedy for a runny nose.

The use of juice in its pure form can cause a burn to the mucous membrane, especially with high sensitivity, which describes the need to use the composition in a diluted form.

Video about the use of Kalanchoe as a cure for diseases

Kalanchoe can be used to treat a number of diseases that affect both internal organs and the skin. This video provides detailed information about the spectrum of beneficial effects of the plant and recommended methods of its use for both therapy and prevention.

A baby may have a runny nose for various reasons. It occurs due to colds and allergic reactions, too dry air and insufficient humidity in the room. During this period, it is very important to organize proper care for the baby and ensure a comfortable microclimate in the room. Due to the abundant consumption of water and humidified air, the nasal passages are cleared and softened faster, as a result, irritation is reduced, a runny nose goes away and does not cause complications.

Various remedies will help speed up the treatment of runny nose in children. However, not every drug will be safe for an infant. Folk remedies, including Kalanchoe, are considered the safest. This is an effective medicinal plant that not only treats, but is also used as a preventive measure. In this article we will find out whether it is possible to drip Kalanchoe to a baby. Let's consider at what age this procedure is allowed.

Useful properties of Kalanchoe:

  • Heals wounds and cuts, restores the skin;
  • Relieves mucus in the nasal cavity during rhinitis;
  • Stops bleeding;
  • Relieves inflammation and swelling;
  • Has bactericidal properties;
  • Cleanses the body and removes bile;
  • Accelerates the healing of ulcers and boils, purulent wounds and burns, helps with tissue necrosis and bleeding;
  • Helps with diseases of the respiratory organs (sore throat, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, etc.);
  • Eliminates rashes and blemishes, wrinkles and acne, restores facial skin;
  • Suitable for caring for the skin of hands, face and décolleté;
  • Preparations with Kalanchoe have a beneficial effect on the eyes and improve vision;
  • Includes a large number of useful enzymes, muzzle substances and various elements.

When can a child have Kalanchoe?

The healing effect of Kalanchoe against a runny nose occurs due to the fact that the plant juice irritates the mucous membrane of the nasal passage. This leads to frequent and forceful sneezing. As a result, an adult or child suffering from a runny nose sneezes out the mucus that has accumulated in the nose. This method will help children who do not yet know how to blow their nose on their own.

Kalanchoe and its healing properties for a runny nose can cure rhinitis in 5-7 days. However, this treatment should be used extremely carefully for children under one year of age and only in a minimal dosage, since such a procedure is quite difficult to tolerate. In addition, instilling plant juice is not recommended for newborns and babies under three to five months. At this age, after instilling Kalanchoe into the nose, active sneezing begins, as a result of which harmful microbes from the nasopharynx enter the ear, causing inflammation and.

Kalanchoe for runny nose is given to children after 6-12 months and only in diluted form. Moreover, it is better to use a diluted decoction rather than juice. And to speed up recovery, you can add liquid from aloe leaves or onion juice to the broth. In addition, you can buy a ready-made product based on Kalanchoe at the pharmacy, designed specifically for young children.

Avoid pharmaceutical drops that contain Kalanchoe, onions or aloe. Drops have a negative impact on the baby’s well-being and are not recommended until 2-3 years of age. To cure rhinitis in a child, choose gentle products designed specifically for children. Or prepare the drug at home. Next, we’ll look at how to make a decoction or weakly concentrated Kalanchoe juice for children with a runny nose.

How to make a cold remedy from Kalanchoe

For children under 1.5-2 years old, it is better to take a young plant under three years old with a weakly expressed therapeutic effect. Before use, it is not recommended to water the plant for 3-7 days, then cut off the leaves, wrap it in paper and put it in the refrigerator for another 3-7 days. Such leaves are suitable for long-term use and prevention, but for urgent cases you can also take a fresh plant.

The decoction is a product with a mild and gentle effect, so this composition is recommended for use for small children under 2-3 years of age. The younger the child, the less concentrated the solution should be. To prepare the decoction, take 100 grams of leaves and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Then heat in a water bath for half an hour, strain and cool.

Juice is a more effective remedy that is suitable for children over two years of age. In this case, you can simply cut the leaves and squeeze out the juice with your fingers or mash with a spoon or fork. Dry leaves need to be crushed, placed in cheesecloth and squeezed out the liquid. When using for the first time, it is recommended to dilute the juice in half with clean boiled water. To enhance the effect, use a mixed composition in equal proportions of aloe and Kalanchoe juices.

Often, mucus in infants accumulates in the nasal passages not because of a cold or other similar problems, but because milk gets into the nose during breastfeeding or from a bottle. At the same time, the baby cannot blow his nose on his own without outside help. In this case, special aspirators for babies will help. Read more about the device in the article. And then we’ll find out how many times you can drip Kalanchoe into a child’s nose and figure out how to do it.

How to bury Kalanchoe for babies

  • When a runny nose appears, do not rush to immediately give Kalanchoe to children. Give your body three days so that it can cope with the problem on its own without the use of folk remedies or pharmaceuticals;
  • During the period of a runny nose, regularly ventilate the room, create a comfortable microclimate and maintain suitable humidity in the room. Provide plenty of fluids for the child, do not over-cool or overheat the baby;
  • If your runny nose persists for more than three to four days, contact your pediatrician. Experts advise using special products, sprays or drops for children under one year of age at first. If the drugs do not help and you cannot get rid of the mucus, only then use a diluted decoction of Kalanchoe;
  • Before using the product, first try the juice on yourself, and then check your baby’s reaction to Kalanchoe. To do this, place a drop of plant juice on the area of ​​skin between the upper lip and nose and rub into the skin. If it does not appear within 1-2 hours after the procedure, you can use the product without fear;
  • It is recommended to drip medicinal juice in the complete absence of nasal breathing, as well as to remove swelling that completely blocks the nasal passages, or to eliminate mucus that blocks air movement;
  • First you need to drop one drop of the drug into each nostril. If no negative effects are found, then the dosage is increased to two drops and the product is dripped two to three times a day;
  • A more gentle method would be not to bury the nose, but to wipe the child’s nasal passages with a cotton swab, after moistening it in Kalanchoe juice or decoction. How to wipe and clean a baby's nose, see;
  • After using the product, the baby will experience sneezing, but it should not be debilitating! If the child sneezes too much and even chokes, in the next procedure you need to dilute the product more with water and instill it in smaller proportions;
  • Do not put drops in your child’s nose before going to bed or eating, as after this remedy the baby begins to sneeze intensely. Prepare several handkerchiefs in advance;
  • Do not use Kalanchoe for allergic rhinitis! In this case, it is important to ensure a comfortable microclimate and air humidity in the children's room, get rid of the source of allergies and use special anti-allergy drugs prescribed by the doctor;
  • You cannot treat rhinitis with Kalanchoe for more than five days! If you experience an allergic reaction or other side effects, immediately stop using the drug and contact your pediatrician;
  • If the baby tolerates Kalanchoe normally, after three years the plant can be used as a prophylaxis during viral epidemics.

The danger of a runny nose for infants

Due to the abundant secretion of snot, dust, liquid and mucus accumulate in the nasal passages of the baby, which leads to the formation of crusts. This causes severe discomfort and unpleasant sensations and makes breathing difficult. The child cannot eat normally and sleep peacefully, begins to get tired quickly and move slowly. Without proper treatment, a runny nose becomes chronic and causes serious complications.

Rhinitis in children leads to respiratory distress and difficulty. In addition, accumulated fluid and mucus can enter the middle ear cavity through the internal auditory tube, which causes otitis media. A runny nose provokes inflammatory processes in the nasal cavities, causing bronchitis, bronchial asthma and other serious diseases.

Prolonged and chronic runny nose causes changes in the chest and bones of the facial skeleton, disrupts the exchange of oxygen in the body, the functionality of blood vessels and the heart, and the respiratory system. The most common complications and diseases that occur after a runny nose:

  • Bronchitis and bronchial asthma;
  • Otitis;
  • Laryngite;
  • Pharyngitis;
  • Sinusitis or inflammation of the sinuses.

Not only widely advertised modern drugs can effectively treat a runny nose, but also. One of them is the use of a medicinal plant such as Kalanchoe. People usually call him a “house doctor.” In nature, there are up to two hundred varieties of it. But at home, about ten species are usually grown.

The healing properties of Kalanchoe for a runny nose

Kalanchoe has multidirectional effects: bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, bacteriostatic. A number of studies prove that it also has antihistamine, adaptogenic and immunomodulatory properties.

The benefits of this plant are certainly explained by its rich composition. It contains the following components:

  • Various organic acids(apple, lemon, oxalic, vinegar, isolimon). They have a bactericidal and choleretic effect and play the role of biogenic stimulants.
  • Tannins. Effectively cope with microbes, and have an astringent and hemostatic effect.
  • Flavonoids.
  • Various macro- and microelements. They have a positive effect on the processes of oxidation and recovery, and muscle activity.
  • Ascorbic acid.
  • Enzymes. These are natural catalysts that regulate metabolic processes.
Kalanchoe is very often used for rhinitis, because when instilled into the nasal sinuses, it disinfects them well.

What types of Kalanchoe are considered medicinal?

Despite the variety of varieties of Kalanchoe, only two types have medicinal properties - pinnate and Kalanchoe Degremona. The latter is widespread in our country, although it itself comes from Africa. Degremona has the appearance of an ordinary herbaceous plant, the height of which can sometimes reach fifty centimeters.

It is unpretentious and grows well in a variety of conditions. Its leaves are gray-green, fleshy and oblong, slightly curled. Its characteristic feature is the formation of buds on the leaves, from which new shoots are formed. It is capable of multiplying very quickly.

The pinnate Kalanchoe has light leaves and reaches a height of two meters. Its small leaves contain juice, which is used for medicinal purposes.

How to prepare Kalanchoe juice, decoction

The advantage of this medicine is the fact that it can be grown independently without any problems, and treatment can be carried out purely at home.

To prepare medicinal juice, it is necessary to take the leaves of an exclusively mature plant. He must be over three years old. Young Kalanchoe is not suitable because the required concentration of nutrients has not yet accumulated there.

It is recommended to stop watering the plant 7 days before cutting the leaves. The cut leaves are placed in the refrigerator for a week or two. This is a very important condition, since in the absence of sunlight and prolonged exposure to cold, biostimulants accumulate in them many times faster.

Healing remedies from Kalanchoe are prepared and used in several ways.

1. Juice. Liquid is squeezed out of the previously prepared, washed leaves of the plant using a garlic press. The juice can be squeezed out of the fleshy leaves without it, directly with your fingers.

The prepared healing concentrate is instilled in the amount of two or three drops into each nostril.

There are often cases when the nasal mucosa is overly sensitive. Then, to avoid complications, it is better to dilute the concentrated juice with distilled water.

As an alternative to diluting with water, there is an option to add two drops of vegetable oil to the juice.

2. Decoction. It is prepared as follows: take prepared Kalanchoe leaves (three pieces), add 100 ml of water, place on low heat until it boils. After the broth has boiled, you need to leave it for about another hour. Then it is cooled and filtered.

It is recommended to bury it twice a day. What is the difference between decoction and juice? It acts much more gently, so it is ideal for people with sensitive mucous membranes or small children. And the effectiveness of the decoction is also high!

At any pharmacy you can purchase a ready-made preparation of Kalanchoe juice. It must be used in accordance with the attached instructions. If you choose this option, be sure to pay attention to the quality of the product. Ideally, it should be clean, without alcohol or other components.

Kalanchoe for the treatment of runny nose in children, how to use Kalanchoe

Treatment of rhinitis with Kalanchoe is based on its ability to cause irritation of the nasal mucosa. This provokes intense sneezing and mucus discharge from the sinuses. This is especially true for young children who do not yet know how to blow their nose.

  • difficulty breathing through the nose;
  • yellowish-greenish color of nasal discharge;
  • other medications do not have the desired effect.
Before use, you must make sure that this product will not cause allergies. To do this, it is applied to the skin above the upper lip. You do not need to evaluate the result immediately, but wait about two hours. If the skin does not turn red, then everything is in order and the drug is suitable for use.

For infants and children under two years of age, it is allowed to use only a decoction of the plant. It does not irritate the nasal mucosa, as juice does. It is recommended to drip only once a day, one drop into each nasal passage.

For older children, it is quite possible to use diluted juice. It is either instilled in the amount of two drops into each nostril twice a day, or cotton wool is soaked in it and inserted into the nasal passages. This procedure will not cause protest from the child, because it is absolutely painless and does not cause discomfort.

Kalanchoe for a runny nose in children (video)

This video talks about the use of this medicinal plant for the treatment of rhinitis in young children.

Treatment of Kalanchoe runny nose in adults, contraindications

For the treatment of adults, in the vast majority of cases, a concentrate is used, which is not diluted in any way. Naturally, this is possible provided that the person does not have hypersensitivity of the mucous membrane.

It is instilled two or three drops into each nasal passage three times a day. The course of treatment lasts until complete recovery.

As an alternative, you can apply the solution to a cotton swab and wipe the inside of the nasal cavity with it.

There are also several recipes using other ingredients. Most often they are onion juice or aloe. Such solutions have also proven themselves well.

You can use all these remedies not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of colds. In this case, a single instillation per day will be sufficient.


  • Not used when

During cold season, a runny nose is a common occurrence among both adults and children. With a stuffy nose, a person feels general weakness and weakness, sleeps poorly, experiencing only one desire - to relieve this unpleasant condition.

There may not be a life-saving spray or drops at hand, and many people are wary of vasoconstrictor drugs used for rhinitis, believing that they are harmful and addictive.

As a result, they do not rush to the pharmacy to buy medicine, but use proven and affordable folk remedies. Kalanchoe juice for the common cold has been used in alternative medicine for a long time, as it has a good healing effect and has few contraindications.

Medicinal properties of Kalanchoe

The effectiveness of Kalanchoe in the treatment of runny nose is due to the following properties:

Unique composition.

This plant includes many useful components, such as trace elements, antioxidants, tannins and other chemical elements.

Kalanchoe has an antibacterial effect.

Therefore, when its juice is instilled into the nose, the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms is stopped.

The juice of this plant has a local irritant effect.

When placed in the nose, it causes a reaction in the form of intense sneezing, which helps clear the sinuses.

Has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Eliminating nasal congestion and swelling of the mucous membrane.

Has a wound healing effect.

Providing a healing effect on wounds or cracks in the nose.

Antiviral effect.

The plant fights viruses indoors, purifying the air.

Can be used for preventive purposes.

Because it has a pronounced immunostimulating effect.

An additional advantage of Kalanchoe is that it is completely unpretentious in care, so anyone can grow this healing plant and use it for treatment if necessary.

Which Kalanchoe can be used for medicinal purposes?

Today there are about two hundred varieties of Kalanchoe, but only two types of this plant are used for treatment:

Cirrus Kalanchoe

It has a tall and strong tree-like stem and small rounded leaves with wavy edges. The healing properties of feathery Kalanchoe have found their application not only in everyday life, but also in pharmaceuticals.

Preparations made from the juice of this plant have wound-healing, hemostatic, disinfectant and anti-inflammatory effects. Only fresh stems and foliage are used to prepare medicinal potions.

Kalanchoe Degremona

This plant reaches 50 centimeters in height, but its stems are not very strong and need support. The leaves of this plant have a rich green color and an oblong shape, and shoots are located along their edges.

Most often, the plant is used for external manipulation, making ointments, compresses and drops from it. Some people use Degremona juice for internal use, but please note that this is associated with certain risks, since this type of Kalanchoe is considered poisonous.

The plant has analgesic, antibacterial, antiviral and wound healing effects. Some sources attribute healing qualities to other varieties of Kalanchoe, but it is better not to experiment with your health and use only Degremon and pinnate species for treatment.

How to use Kalanchoe for a runny nose?

Most often, Kalanchoe is used for a runny nose as follows:

Drops (recipe one).

Instilling freshly squeezed plant juice into the nose. When using this method, you need to drip four drops of juice into each nostril. This procedure must be done four times a day. In this case, you need to take into account that intense sneezing will begin, accompanied by a strong secretion of mucus.

Drops (second recipe).

Take equal parts of Kalanchoe juice, chamomile infusion and saline solution. Mix everything and use as nasal drops, doing the procedure three times a day.

Drops (recipe three).

Mix 1 tsp. Kalanchoe and aloe juice. Place three drops in each nostril twice a day.

Aloe can be used not only together with Kalanchoe, but also independently. Specific recipes are discussed in the article:. Drops (recipe four).

Take one part of onion juice and mix with two parts of Kalanchoe juice, place 1-2 drops in each nostril. Use three times a day.

Weak drops.

Dilute the plant juice with water. The ingredients for preparing the drug are taken in equal proportions. The product is intended for people with sensitive mucous membranes and weak blood vessels in the nose.


Kalanchoe juice can not only be instilled, but also smeared into the nasal cavity, using a cotton swab for application.

To make medicinal potions, the juice of pinnate Kalanchoe is used, and the plant must be at least three years old, since younger growth contains much less valuable components.

It is worth noting that it is possible to use Kalanchoe for a runny nose in children only after they reach the age of three. This is due to the fact that in children, with intense sneezing, microbes can move from the nasopharynx to the ear, causing inflammatory processes in it, but even for older children they use not juice, but decoctions or infusions from the plant.

To prepare the infusion, you need to chop three small leaves and pour them into 150 ml of boiling water, let stand for one hour (preferably use a thermos), strain. Instill the infusion three times a day, two drops.

To prepare a decoction, you will need to pour two leaves of the plant with half a liter of clean water. This product must be brought to a boil, removed from heat and allowed to sit for at least one hour, then strain. Use in the same way as the infusion.

One recipe that is quite popular among mothers is to mix Kalanchoe juice and milk. It is impossible to use such a mixture to treat a runny nose in a child, since milk is a good breeding ground for bacteria, and as a result, the infection will not only not subside, but will also worsen.

Before using Kalanchoe products to treat a runny nose in children, the possibility of an allergic reaction must be ruled out. To do this, apply a drop of freshly squeezed plant juice to the skin between the nose and lip, wait one hour and evaluate the reaction. If there is no rash, redness or other suspicious reactions, you can use a healing potion.

Contraindications and side effects

Kalanchoe should not be used in the following cases:

  • Allergic reaction to the plant;
  • High or severely low blood pressure;
  • Children's age less than three years;
  • Pregnancy (especially in the last trimester);
  • Breastfeeding period;
  • The occurrence of nosebleeds due to weak blood vessels.

If any of these contraindications are present, you should stop using Kalanchoe for the treatment of rhinitis.

In addition, you need to know that if the juice and potions from this plant are used incorrectly (for example, if the dosage is exceeded), you can get a burn to the mucous membrane, especially for children, whose mucous membrane is thinner.

In general, Kalanchoe juice can be a good help in fighting a runny nose, but in order not to harm your health, you must strictly adhere to the dosage and properly prepare medicinal potions. If there is no improvement within a week, you should consult a doctor, because harmless rhinitis in an advanced form may well turn into sinusitis.

Kalanchoe should be instilled into the nose only if it is very stuffy and you do not want to use pharmaceuticals prematurely. It should be noted that in most cases, this method of treating a runny nose is much more effective and cheaper than what traditional medicine provides. Why? We will talk about this in this article.

General information about the plant

Before you drip Kalanchoe into your child’s nose, you should find out what kind of plant it is and what it looks like.

As you know, Kalanchoe entered indoor floriculture relatively recently. It is an unpretentious evergreen plant. Its stem reaches 125 centimeters. This flower grows quite quickly. Its very fleshy and juicy leaves often reach a width of 10 centimeters.

At home, Kalanchoe grows in flowerpots. The distinctive features of a houseplant compared to a wild one are its not very large size. But this does not mean that it is not suitable for

Medicinal properties

We will tell you below how to drip Kalanchoe into a child’s nose. Now I would like to tell you about the beneficial properties of this plant.

According to medical information, Kalanchoe has been used in everyday life for the treatment of certain diseases for quite a long time. It should also be said that its aerial part has special medicinal value. It is from it that juice is obtained, which has an anti-inflammatory effect.

The main disadvantage of this method of treatment is that it will take too much of the plant to infuse in hot water.

What explains the effectiveness of the product?

Not everyone understands why such a seemingly ordinary plant can relieve a severe runny nose or nasal congestion in a matter of hours. To explain the effectiveness of this product, we should return to its composition. Thanks to vitamin C, as well as special enzymes, micro- and macroelements, this plant quickly suppresses the proliferation of microorganisms.

In addition, many experts explain the healing properties of Kalanchoe by the fact that after it enters the nasal passages, it immediately provokes sneezing. And as you know, during such a process a person secretes a lot of mucus, along with which all bacteria are removed from the body. That is why, after instilling the juice of the plant into the nose, it is recommended to stock up on a huge number of tissues.

Features of use

As mentioned above, during the treatment of nasal congestion or runny nose, Kalanchoe juice can be used either in its pure form or mixed with other medicinal ingredients of the bulb, etc.). But at the same time, you should definitely remember one very important rule: the younger your child, the less concentrated the “squeeze” from the plant should be. As for very young children, during their self-treatment it is advisable to use only a decoction of medicinal Kalanchoe, and not pure juice. If you neglect this advice, then you may not only not cure your child of a common runny nose, but also harm his overall health.

Let's sum it up

As you can see, during a runny nose and nasal congestion, it is not at all necessary to run to the nearest pharmacy for drops. After all, you can make them at home. But to do this, you should take care in advance about the presence of such a medicinal plant as Kalanchoe. It is its fleshy and juicy leaves that can save you or your child from such an unpleasant disease as a runny nose in a matter of seconds. For effectiveness, it is recommended to drip the self-prepared product into the nose 3-4 times a day. You can also soak cotton swabs in the resulting mixture and place them first in one nasal passage and then in the other for a few seconds.

Believe me, after such treatment you will not remember what nasal congestion is for a long time.

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Every family has a first aid kit. Separate cabinets and shelves with boxes are provided for storing medications for various purposes. Some...
Hello, I really need your advice, I need to know the answers to some questions. We have been living with my husband for 20 years, now he is 48 years old,...