How to make bell peppers a hit on the winter table. How to cut peppers into strips Correctly cut peppers

Sweet pepper is undoubtedly one of Nature's best gifts to humanity. Sunny, imbued with the living energy of the sun and summer, it always becomes a decoration for any summer and autumn table. While garden beds are still delighting summer residents with their harvest, it’s time to think about storing peppers for the winter.

It is pepper, thanks to its taste and beautiful green, yellow and red colors of the fruits, that has the greatest chance, with the right approach, to become a hit on winter holiday tables.

Top 7 most profitable pepper preparations

It’s no secret that we will always strive to prepare a masterpiece, spending as little time and money as possible. And this is true in our fast-paced, stress-filled life. Therefore, out of thousands of different methods and recipes, today’s selection includes just such... well, so that it’s both quick and “masterpiece”

1. Frozen peppers

A very convenient form of preparation for the winter. Fresh frozen peppers retain their aroma, which is a godsend for winter dishes: on a February day, the smell of fresh peppers will be akin to a holiday). Peppers are frozen for different purposes, and the method of preparation depends on the purposes. What are the possible options?

As a dressing for dishes (soups, purees, stews)

It’s generally simple here: you peel the peppers from the seeds and cut them as soon as you think of them - into rings, strips, cubes, slices... put them in portions or all together, put them in a bag and put them in the freezer.

As a ready-made semi-finished product

For this type of workpiece you need:

  • Bake the peppers on a baking sheet in the oven at +180 °C for half an hour.
  • Peel the cooled fruits and remove the seeds, and place the peeled baked peppers in batches in a bag or containers and freeze them.
  • In winter, after defrosting such semi-finished products, just add pepper, garlic, oil or lemon juice to taste - and you get an incredibly tasty and beautiful salad.

    2. Peppers for stuffing

    A very popular and profitable product. Stuffed peppers have become a favorite dish for many, so such recipes are always relevant. We present the two simplest options.

  • Wash not very large peppers, remove stems and seeds, boil in salted water for 3 minutes, making sure that the pepper does not lose its elasticity.
  • Place in 2 or 3 liter jars, fill to the top with the brine in which the peppers were boiled, add 9% table vinegar: for a 2 liter jar - 2 tbsp. spoons, for a 3 liter - 3 tbsp. spoons - and roll up.
  • 1. Prepare filling based on:

    • Water - 1 l
    • Sugar - 70 g
    • Salt - 35 g
    • Citric acid - 8 g

    2. Place the peppers, peeled from stems and seeds, in boiling water for 2 minutes and immediately cool in cold water. Place them one inside the other and place them in a jar or, flattening them, place the peppers sideways on top of each other.
    3. Pour boiling liquid over the finished products and sterilize them:

    • liter jars - 10-15 minutes,
    • 2 liter - 20 min,
    • 3 liter - 25 min.

    4. Roll up immediately.

    In winter, just open such a jar - and you can immediately stuff the peppers! Convenient, fast and tasty!

    3. Lecho

    An extremely interesting dish that came to us from Hungary. Classically, these are stewed vegetable mixtures flavored with spices. A characteristic feature of traditional lecho is the mandatory presence of 3 components: sweet peppers, tomatoes and onions.

    But, as often happens with popular dishes, each housewife began to interpret it in her own way, as a result of which today lecho is a variety of combinations of bell peppers, tomatoes, carrots, fried onions, smoked meat and smoked pork sausage and... even everything that you think of adding there)

    Recipe for almost classic Lecho

    You will need:

    • Bell pepper - 2 kg
    • Tomatoes - 2 kg
    • Onions - 1 kg
    • Vegetable oil - 150 g
    • Vinegar 9% - 3 tbsp. spoons
    • Sugar - 4 tbsp. spoons
    • Salt - 2 teaspoons
    • Black peppercorns - 1 teaspoon
    • Allspice - 4 pcs
    • Bay leaf - 2 pcs


  • Wash the tomatoes, grind them in a meat grinder (blender) or pass through a juicer, cut the onion into half rings, cut the pepper into strips.
  • Place everything in a basin or pan, add sugar, salt, pepper, bay leaf and butter and simmer the whole mass over low heat for an hour. At the end, add vinegar, pour the finished lecho into jars and roll up.
  • Turn over onto lids and leave to cool in a warm place.
  • In the next video there is another recipe for lecho: from bell peppers, carrots and onions.

    Lecho can be used both as a separate dish and as a side dish, and in winter you will enjoy both.

    4. Adjika

    Spicy seasonings have always been in honor among the people, and - one of them, In the classic version, adjika is red, and, carefully ground with salt. But it just so happened that the boundaries of the recipe began to gradually expand, including what, by definition, should not be there - tomatoes, carrots and even. Agree, today almost any hot sauce containing hot pepper and garlic is called adjika. We will not deviate from the established tradition and will consider 2 recipes for wonderful sauces under this traditional name.

    Original mild adjika

    You will need:

    • Bell pepper - 1.5 kg
    • Tomatoes - 5 kg
    • Carrots 1 kg
    • Garlic - 350 g
    • Sugar - 300 g
    • Salt - 100 g
    • Vinegar 9% - 250 ml
    • Vegetable oil - 1 cup (250 ml)


  • Grind the peppers, tomatoes and carrots in a meat grinder or blender, put on the fire, and after boiling, simmer the mixture over low heat for 45-60 minutes.
  • Then add salt, sugar and butter and continue to simmer for another 30 minutes. After this time, pour in vinegar, after another 10 minutes add chopped garlic.
  • After this, after 15 minutes, put the finished adjika into prepared jars and roll up.
  • Adjika Georgian

    You will need:

    • Bell pepper - 5 kg
    • Hot pepper - 500 g
    • Tomato paste - 500 g
    • Tomatoes - 1.5 kg
    • Carrots - 1 kg
    • Onions - 2.5 kg
    • Garlic - 5-6 pcs.
    • Parsley - 1 bunch
    • Fresh and dry cilantro - 1 +1 bunch
    • Salt - to taste

    Grind all ingredients in a meat grinder (blender), put the mixture on fire, cook for 5-10 minutes. Place in heated jars and roll up.

    As you can see, both recipes are simple to execute, but different in taste, although both are “adzhika”

    5. Pepper in marinade

    Pickled peppers become a decoration for any table. Red, yellow and green spicy-sweet slices look great among snacks and captivate with their spicy smell and excellent taste. Properly prepared preparation is always a win-win option: pickled peppers are incomparable in both taste and appearance!

    Pickled pepper recipe

    You will need:

    • Bell pepper - 8 kg
    • Sugar - 400 g
    • Salt - 4 tablespoons
    • Vinegar 9% - 400 g
    • Sunflower oil - 400 g
    • Bay leaf - 4-5 pieces
    • Cloves - 4-5 pcs.
    • Black peppercorns - 12 pcs.
    • Allspice - 4-5 pcs
    • Water - 2 l


  • Remove the seeds from the pepper and cut into quarters. For preparations, it is better to choose short, more or less identical fruits, then the slices will be the same. But if the peppers are different, it doesn’t matter, then you can cut the long ones into more slices. It will be beautiful if the pepper fruits themselves are different in color - green, red, yellow.
  • Prepare the marinade - add sugar, salt, oil and spices to the water, boil for 4-5 minutes, then pour in vinegar.
  • Blanch the prepared slices in boiling water for 1.5-2 minutes and immediately transfer (with a slotted spoon or colander) into the boiling marinade.
  • Keep the peppers in the marinade over low heat for 4-5 minutes (more is not worth it for the sake of prevention)) and quickly transfer them to prepared jars. As soon as the jar is full, roll it up.
  • Pepper in tomato-garlic sauce

    A tasty and aromatic preparation for the winter. It’s easy and quick to prepare, and will find a lot of fans).

    You will need:

    • Sweet pepper - 1 kg
    • Tomatoes - 700 g
    • Garlic 3-4 cloves
    • Sugar - 2.5 tbsp
    • Salt - 1.5 tbsp. spoons
    • Vinegar (apple, wine) - 30 ml
    • Vegetable oil - 30 ml


  • Grind the tomatoes using a meat grinder (blender, juicer), add chopped garlic to the tomato mass, boil for 4-5 minutes, add salt, sugar and vegetable oil, continue boiling for another 5 minutes.
  • Peel the pepper from seeds and cut into quarters, put in the tomato-garlic mixture, stir and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. After adding vinegar, keep on the fire for another 10 minutes, put into prepared jars and roll up.
  • From the specified amount of pepper you get 2 jars of 0.5 liters of the finished product.

    Another way to prepare bell peppers in tomatoes will be shown by Tatyana, a regular author of our Youtube channel:

    Fried peppers in marinade

    Original blank; Peppers in this version are not freed not only from seeds, but even from the stalk. In this form they are fried and only then filled with marinade. In winter, these peppers go out with a bang. Moreover, by placing peppers of different colors in different jars, you miraculously simultaneously make preparations that are even different in taste - here you have a bright winter variety!

    In the next video - one of the options for preparing fried peppers in marinade

    And the pepper marinade itself

    Just as cucumber pickle has “its own purpose,” so the pepper marinade that remains after the pepper has migrated to the table can develop a “second life.” Remember how much delicious marinade from canned food you had to pour out? But our summer residents also found the opportunity for “waste-free summer cottage production”!

    6. Stuffed peppers

    In summer, housewives most often stuff peppers with minced meat and rice or vegetable mixtures. The same peppers can come to our winter tables. Here are two recipes that, even if they are not useful in this particular version, will certainly serve as a starting point for a new idea on how to stuff peppers to send them for long-term storage.

    You will need:

    • Bell pepper - 10 pcs
    • Zucchini - 500 g
    • Carrots - 1 pc.
    • Onions - 2 pcs.
    • Tomato juice - 1 l
    • Peppercorns, salt, herbs


  • Peel the peppers, remove stems and seeds. Blanch in boiling water for 4-5 minutes.
  • For minced meat: grate young zucchini and carrots on a coarse grater, chop the onion, fry everything in vegetable oil and add salt.
  • Stuff the peppers, place them tightly in jars and pour boiling tomato juice over them. Sterilize for 15-20 minutes and roll up.
  • And in the next video - advice on how to prepare stuffed peppers for freezing for the winter:

    7. Vegetable pepper caviar

    What everyone will love in winter is pepper caviar with vegetables. It can be used as a side dish, spread on bread, or simply gobbled up with spoons, thanks to summer for such a wonderful, delicious opportunity!

    What needs to be done for this? And quite a bit!

    You will need:

    • Pepper - 2.5 kg (meaty varieties are best)
    • Carrots - 150 g
    • Onion - 250 g
    • Tomatoes - 200 g
    • Parsley root - 1 pc.
    • Celery root - 1 pc.
    • Ground black pepper - 0.5-1 teaspoon
    • Ground allspice - 0.5-1 teaspoon


  • Bake the pepper in the oven, remove the skin and seeds, and pass through a meat grinder (blender).
  • Cut the carrots and parsley and celery roots into strips, fry until half cooked, and fry the onion until a beautiful golden color.
  • Peel and chop the tomatoes, bring to a boil and boil for 3-5 minutes, then add all the prepared vegetables and simmer the mixture for 10 minutes.
  • Place the finished caviar into jars and be sure to sterilize: 0.5 l jars - 30 minutes, 1 l jars - 40 minutes
  • Caviar is capricious in storage, so you should not reduce the sterilization time, this will guarantee long-term storage. After sterilization, roll up the jars and leave them upside down on the lids under a blanket to cool for a long time.

    It's funny that in its homeland, in America, pepper is a perennial shrub, and even grows just like that, without care or care... Our pepper (and us along with it) is not so lucky, and soon the first frosts will deprive us of the opportunity to bring these wonderful fruits, full of juicy summer warmth.

    While there is time and peppers in the beds, we need to “re-register” them in cozy glass jars, so that on a frosty December day they begin their triumphal parade across our winter tables, where they will become the most welcome guests and favorites)

    Lecho and salads, stews and pizzas, soups and sauces, appetizers and food decorations - sweet peppers have a very wide range of uses in cooking. We all know how to handle this vegetable, but the phrase “live and learn” was not coined in vain, and today we will learn again how to properly cut pepper into strips and more. In cooking, everything was invented before us competently, intelligently and simply, so forget your home-grown method of cutting “haphazardly”, from now on we will do everything beautifully.

    The adjective Bulgarian has long been grafted onto sweet peppers. However, three main varieties with red and green fruits are common in the CIS: Novocherkassk, Maikop and Bulgarian. The taste of red peppers is more intense, and they also benefit from the benefits, at least due to the ascorbic acid content.

    Yellow and orange varieties are one step lower in taste than red peppers, but they are best used for winter preparations.

    Multi-colored peppers are loved not only for their taste, but also for their decorative role. After all, a salad with pepper straws in red, yellow, orange and green will look so beautiful and sunny, as well as lecho with four-color slices and a colorful stew.

    Primary processing of pepper

    Before you start cutting peppers, you need to properly prepare the fruits:

    • Wash the fruit thoroughly under running cool (but not cold) water.
    • Then we wipe it with a paper towel and start cutting.

    To cut the peppers, you will need a cutting board, a large knife for chopping and slicing, and a small, pointed paring knife.

    Don't be fooled by the weird shape of the pepper. It can be chopped into very even, beautiful strips, like other types of vegetables. Depending on the thickness of the straw, peppers are used in different dishes.

    • Thin straws have a thickness of 0.2-0.3 cm and are used for fresh and warm salads, cabbage starters, some fresh soups, as well as fillings and snacks.
    • Standard straws are 5-6 mm thick; they are used more widely: soups, stews, gravies, in particular lagman, salad.

    How to cut bell peppers into strips

    First way

    • Place the washed and dried fruit on a cutting board in the center, turning it so that the handle is on the side of the hand holding the knife. Cut off the top of the pepper with the stalk, making a cut directly under the bend line located under the stem.

    • After this, we turn the pepper over and cut off its lower part, also under the bend line.

    • Now you need to place the pepper on the board with the bottom cut and make a cut along its side wall. But we don’t need to cut the whole fruit in half, we only need one wall.

    • Place the pepper on its side, open it along the cut and remove the seeds with white membranes (partitions) with a knife. The easiest way to do this is to use a paring knife.

    • Open the peeled pepper and cut it into 2 halves crosswise.

    • After this, stack the halves and chop the pepper into strips of the required thickness: 0.2 cm for thin strips and 0.5 cm for thick ones.

    Second way

    • We wash the pepper, wipe it with a napkin and place it sideways on the board. Using a knife, cut off the side walls of the pepper, without reaching the seed with the knife.

    • After this, cut the cut plates along the length into strips of the required thickness.

    • If you want to get an even straw, then the top and bottom of each plate should be cut off.

    Lecso is a traditional Hungarian winter salad recipe that includes twisted tomato, onion and lots of sweet pepper. However, you need to cut peppers for lecho not into strips, as some home cooks believe, but into slices.

    In addition, this cut is used in stewing and baking, and if the slices are thin, then also for soups, salads and pizza.

    • We cut the pepper into three or four parts on the sides, without touching the testes. The lobes should not be flat, but cup-shaped.

    • After this, chop the pepper lengthwise into slices of the thickness you need.

    No less popular is preparing for the winter from pickled peppers, cut into large slices. In this case, cutting is even easier.

    • Cut the pepper in half lengthwise.

    • Then remove the seeds from the center of the pepper halves.

    • After cleaning, cut each half lengthwise into 2-4 pieces, depending on the desired cutting thickness.

    Cubic cutting of pepper is perhaps the most popular in cooking. Pepper cubes are added to soups, sauces and gravies, stews, salads, appetizers, and side dishes.

    Dicing is a continuation of the julienne method:

    • Cut off the top and bottom of the pepper, then cut the fruit along the front wall.

    • Place the pepper on a board, open it along the cut and remove all the seeds along with the partitions.

    • Now cut the pepper layer into 2 parts and cut into strips of the thickness you need.

    • After this, we collect the straw slices into a pile, beat them with a knife from one edge, leveling them, and chop them across the bars into cubes.

    The second method of cutting peppers into cubes involves initially chopping the fruit into thin slices:

    • Cut the pepper into 4 parts on the sides.

    • After this, we cut off the white membranes with a sharp knife and at the same time slightly align the pepper slices.

    • Then we chop each piece, first lengthwise into strips, and then across into cubes.

    Now that you have figured out how to cut bell peppers into strips, slices and cubes, your culinary knowledge has been replenished with a worthy trophy.

    In addition, our website presents detailed master classes with videos on different types of slicing, which will teach you how to properly cut into strips not only peppers, but also cabbage, carrots, onions, potatoes and other vegetables.

    Bell pepper is a very healthy and tasty vegetable; it is a valuable component of many dishes. The only thing that upsets housewives is the hassle of cleaning peppers, because you need to be very careful and careful remove core. If this is not done, the taste of the pepper may be spoiled.

    The insides of bell peppers have a bitter, completely unpleasant taste. In addition, peppers contain a lot of seeds, which scatter throughout the kitchen during cleaning... But watch how a professional chef cleans peppers in this video! This solves the problem with the annoying core.

    How to cut peppers

    Yes, this is a surprisingly simple method that allows you to clean peppers in half the time it usually takes. A wonderful saving of time, effort and absolutely waste-free production- this method allows you to peel the pepper without cutting off the excess tasty flesh.

    Try peeling peppers this way - improve your skills in the kitchen, don't get attached to stereotypical actions. You will see how much easier and faster things will go!

    This video may be very useful for your friends, share it with them!

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    These bright, aromatic and juicy fruits are used very widely in cooking: in the preparation of various dishes, for vegetable cuttings and decoration. Even a simple four-color range of rings can turn a simple dish into a fairy tale, but there are other, more artistic methods for beautifully cutting bell peppers. With this skill, your holiday table will be a real work of art that you will want to enjoy not only tastefully, but also visually.

    Peppers are not often used in serving on their own, except when the fruit is used to make various flowers for table decoration or simple colored rings.

    Today we will study several simple master classes on the “flower” theme. However, first, let’s look at various options for vegetable plates with peppers for table setting: how best to cut them and how to beautifully assemble a beautiful composition.

    Most often, yellow and orange fruits are used for decoration, since green (cucumbers, herbs) and red (tomatoes, radishes) colors are already present on vegetable plates.

    However, you can make an original Christmas tree from green peppers for the New Year:

    • Remove the seeds from the bell pepper, cut in half lengthwise, and then cut each half lengthwise into two more pieces.

    • Place a small green apple or the bottom half of a green pepper, cut crosswise, on a dish. We stick a bamboo skewer shortened to 10-15 cm into the center of the fruit and begin to place pepper slices on it in a pyramid from their narrow side.

    • In this way, we assemble the Christmas tree to the end, leaving 1 cm of the tip of the stick open by 1 cm, where the top should be pinned - a triangle cut out of red pepper.

    Vegetable plate “Parrot”: cutting pepper into slices

    The colorful cut got its name due to its design: vegetables and herbs cut into sharp straws look like a colorful parrot's comb, and yellow pepper, cut into slices, plays the role of a beak.

    • We line half the edge of the plate with lettuce leaves, and cover the other half with thin cucumber slices laid overlapping.
    • Then, on top of the salad, stepping back a little from the edge of the plate towards the center, we place tomato slices no more than 1 cm thick. The tomatoes should be laid with their corners facing each other.

    Into the circle formed by the corners of the tomatoes, insert like a fan the arrows of green onions, cut at a large angle into wedges. The onions should lie on top of the tomatoes.

    • Red and yellow bell peppers must be cut into large slices: take the whole fruit, cut it into 2 halves along the axis, remove the stalk and remove the seeds.

    • Then we cut each half of the pepper into two more parts lengthwise, and if the fruit is large, then we divide each half into 3 slices.

    Place the pepper slices on top of the cucumbers on top of each other in a herringbone pattern, alternating red and yellow.

    In the center of the composition, between the tomatoes and red pepper slices, place a yellow pepper, and above it a couple of black pitted olives.

    Vegetable plate “Assorted”: cutting pepper into strips

    Even in cooking, genius and simplicity go hand in hand. Carrots cut into even strips, whole cherry tomatoes, shaped cucumbers cut into circles, as well as radish hemispheres with colored pepper cubes and slices - all of this generally looks beautiful, bright and neat.

    The slices simply need to be laid in segments or layers in a circle. It is convenient to take vegetables without disturbing the composition. And in the center of the dish you can place bowls with different sauces.

    A cup of pepper filled with pepper straws, sauce or herbs looks no less original on a vegetable plate.

    How to cut peppers into even and beautiful pieces for such a plate?

    • Wash the pepper fruit, wipe it, cut off its top with the stalk, as well as the lower part.

    • Then we make a longitudinal cut along one wall, unfold the fruit, laying it on its side, and cut off all the membranes and the seed core with a knife along the inside.

    • We cut the prepared pepper layer crosswise into 2 halves, and then chop it into bars of the required thickness, within 0.8 cm.

    Cutting pepper into rings

    Pepper rings can hardly be called rings, because they have the irregular shape of a twisted square or triangle, but this makes such a simple cut look incredibly beautiful. Pepper rings are often used to decorate hot dishes, meat and fish plates.

    You can make a beautiful rose from the rings if you overlap them and roll them into a cone. Also, pepper rings placed along the edge of the plate add delicacy to the dish.

    How to cut peppers into even rings

    • The optimal thickness of rings for cutting is 5-7 mm. If you want to cook, for example, scrambled eggs in pepper rings, then the rings should be a little thicker - 8-10 mm.
    • Take the pepper and cut off the top with the stalk and the lower part from the fruit.

    • After this, from the inside, using a small vegetable knife, carefully cut out the white core with seeds and all the membranes.

    • Place the resulting pepper cylinder on its side and cut into even rings of the required thickness.

    Beautiful cutting of bell pepper is needed not only for decoration, but also for preparing dishes with this vegetable, so that the treat itself is aesthetically attractive, looks beautiful and in itself acts as a decoration.

    That is why it is important to be able to and know how to properly cut bell peppers for various culinary purposes. You can learn about all the intricacies of cutting peppers from a detailed article with photos posted on our website.

    How to beautifully cut bell peppers: cut out the poppy seeds

    From red pepper, and, if desired, from fruits of other colors, you can create an excellent flower arrangement for the holiday table. We offer you a photo of MK simple carving.

    Cut the large red pepper in half crosswise so that you get two equal halves: bottom and top.

    • We take one half and make counter cuts at the fold points, that is, we cut out triangles and form petals from the convex parts of the pepper.

    • The formed petals now need to be carefully cut according to their thickness with a sharp knife with a thin blade, that is, separated to the very base. After this, carefully bend the lower part of the petals down with your hands.

    How to cut peppers beautifully: flowers with sausage

    This flower will not only be a chic decoration for the table, but will also be an excellent snack. It's very easy to do.

    • We select thin peppers, wash them, wipe them, and with a small knife, stepping back 4-5 cm from the stalk, we begin to cut out the teeth in a circle.

    • Then we separate the lower part and remove it for now, and use the top for a flower.

    The bottom of the pepper can also be used to make an excellent cut for a vegetable plate; you just need to cut it lengthwise into 2-3 slices and decorate the vegetable mix with them.

    Now you know how to beautifully cut bell peppers for table decoration: cold and hot dishes, snacks and vegetable plates. And note: it’s not difficult at all!

    How to cut pepper into strips? Beautifully sliced ​​bell peppers give any dish a festive look. It can be used in a variety of salads, stews, etc. The process of cutting pepper into strips is simple. For this you will need: a cutting board and a well-sharpened knife, as in the video. Along the way, you can read.

    How to cut pepper into strips? Slicing bell peppers for salad

    How to properly cut peppers into strips Before chopping the peppers, prepare them. Wash thoroughly under running, cold water. Remove the stem. It can be cut or pressed towards the tip of the pepper, and then pulled out and thrown away.

    Next, cut the pepper lengthwise and remove the white-veined seeds. Rinse the inside of the pepper. Now you can cut the pepper lengthwise into pieces to make it easier to cut into strips. Take the knife in your right hand and cut the pepper into strips on a cutting board. We invite you to watch the video. find out

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