How to improve sexual intercourse. How to prolong sexual intercourse using folk methods. There are not many contraindications

Subject: Potency as at 18 years old!

From: Mikhail P. ( [email protected])

To: Administration https://site

Hello! My name is
Mikhail, I want to express my gratitude to you and your site.

Finally, I was able to improve my potency. I have an active sex life, my relationship with my wife has reached a new level!

And here is my story

At the age of 35, due to a sedentary and sedentary lifestyle, the first problems with potency began, “I began to have only one time,” the duration and quality of sex decreased significantly. When I turned 38, real problems began, I began to panic and, in order to somehow improve my sex life, I began to resort to Viagra and its analogues. And the pills seemed to “work,” but later I realized that without the pills the erection disappeared completely! But Viagra is quite expensive, and besides, it has a huge number of side effects that have an extremely negative effect on the entire body. All this led to constant quarrels with my wife, I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown, everything was very bad...

Everything changed when a friend at work advised me of one remedy. You can’t imagine how grateful I am to him for this. I only took 2 pills a day and had sex for 2-3 hours every day! In addition, after taking just one course, my potency was completely restored and became more powerful than at 18 years old without any pills! The results have lasted for 2 years! The most important thing is that family relationships have improved. My wife and I are simply happy.

It doesn’t matter whether you are experiencing the first symptoms or have been suffering from poor potency for a long time, I advise you to take a course of this remedy, I guarantee you will not regret it.

Pumpkin seeds are a harmless and, at the same time, tasty product for increasing the duration of sexual intercourse. Teas containing lemon balm and mint will be very effective in combating intimate difficulties. A small amount of alcohol in the blood can help matters by reducing the sensitivity of nerve endings.


If over time the question remains open, then you should no longer delay going to the doctor. A qualified specialist who is competent in these matters will help determine the cause of premature ejaculation and prescribe personal medications to solve existing problems. It is possible that the doctor will first send you for laboratory tests. First of all, laboratory material is checked for the existence of sexual diseases, since early ejaculation may be a consequence of one of the diseases of the genitourinary system.

One of the medications popular in recent years for solving premature termination of sexual intercourse is. The action of this drug is aimed at increasing the sensitivity and level of arousal of the male genital organ. Most medications aimed at combating the disease we describe are produced in the form of tablets. And this remedy does not need to be taken orally, since this spray acts through the layer of the epidermis. Its speed and positive effect are felt almost immediately after application. It does not require a prescription from a doctor and is quite suitable for home treatment. The main thing is to strictly follow the attached spray instructions.

To prolong sexual intercourse up to 3 hours and treat rapid ejaculation, the natural drug “Hammer of Thor” Thanks to a special formula, natural potency is restored, sexual stamina increases without reducing sensitivity, and premature ejaculation is eliminated. As a result, sex becomes longer and even more enjoyable!


Did you have a misfire? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, victory is not on your side. And of course, you know firsthand that impaired potency is:
  • Low self-esteem
  • Women remember your every failure, tell their girlfriends and your friends
  • Prostate disease
  • Developing depression, which negatively affects your health
Now answer the question: IT SUITS YOU? Can this be tolerated? Do you remember that feeling when you look at a naked woman and can’t do anything? Enough is enough - it's time to get rid of potency problems, once and for all! Do you agree? We have studied a huge amount of materials and, most importantly, tested most potency products in practice. So, it turned out that a 100% working drug without any side effects is the Solomon Vector. This drug consists of natural ingredients that completely eliminate chemicals.

Premature ejaculation caused by various reasons can lead to the collapse of intimate life. And if this situation repeats itself constantly, then men are ready to use any pharmacological drugs, regardless of the possible occurrence of side effects. But there are folk remedies for prolonging sexual intercourse that can solve an intimate problem without unnecessary risk.

In some men, short sexual intercourse is a consequence of excessive sensitivity of the head of the penis. They only need a few frictional movements for complete discharge. In this situation, the woman does not have time to enjoy sex, and the partner experiences shame and mental discomfort. Oak bark will help reduce the sensitivity threshold of the head of the male organ and increase the time of sexual intercourse.

To prepare a medicinal decoction, add 20 g of oak bark to 1 liter of cold water. Place the container with the components in a water bath and, after boiling, boil the liquid for 35-40 minutes. Then let the broth come to room temperature, strain through a sieve and take 150 ml 2 times a day.

Taking a decoction of oak bark is rich in vitamins B1 - this is the main component on which the normal functioning of a man’s reproductive function depends. Thiamine helps reduce the excitability of nerve endings throughout the body, including the genitals.

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The most effective folk methods for prolonging sexual intercourse include bee waste products. - an excellent means of preventing the appearance. This neoplasm can lead to serious disturbances in the sexual function of the male body. Adenoma helps reduce testosterone levels, the lack of which affects the ability to experience pleasure from sexual contact.

In addition, when consuming propolis alcohol tincture, the functioning of the nervous system is normalized. It is easier for a man to cope with emotional turmoil and stressful situations. Propolis helps you relax faster, normalize sleep, and bring your blood pressure back to normal.

All these factors directly affect the duration of erection and sexual intercourse.

Recipe: Grind 20 g of propolis, place it in a glass container and pour 100 ml of medical alcohol. Close the container tightly with a lid and place in a cool, dark place. Infuse the product for 7 days, shaking the jar every 2 days.

Take propolis tincture 3 times a day before meals, 30 drops diluted in 250 ml of water. The product is enriched with zinc and iron, therefore, in addition to prolonging sexual intercourse, it activates sperm. This positive effect of the beekeeping product will be appreciated by married couples who have long dreamed of having children.

Cornflower tincture

Meadow flowers with bright colors have amazing healing properties. The chemical composition of cornflowers includes centaurine, a glucoside substance that slows down the onset of orgasm. Therefore, cornflower tincture is an excellent way to prolong sexual intercourse; you just need to drink the remedy immediately before meeting your partner.

Recipe: Pour 20 g of dried cornflower flowers into 200 ml of alcohol. Close the container with a lid and leave the product for 14 days. Take 30-35 drops 3-4 times a day half an hour before meals. It is recommended not to use it pure, but to mix it with a small amount of water.

The effect of using this natural remedy will be noticeable after just a few doses. A man will feel a surge of strength and the ability to satisfy all the desires of a woman in bed.

Ginseng is a natural stimulant of male sexual function

Experts in folk medicine consider ginseng a natural stimulant for male sexual function. A tincture of this medicine helps:

  • increasing strength and endurance;
  • awakening sexual desire;
  • increased sensations during sexual intercourse;
  • increasing the intensity of orgasm;
  • improving sperm composition.

In addition, ginseng copes well with the functions of pharmacological antidepressants. A man who takes the tincture gains confidence in his own strengths and abilities. And having gotten rid of psychological barriers, he ceases to be afraid of failures in bed and thereby achieves the highest sexual satisfaction.

To prepare the tincture, you need to take ginseng root, rinse, dry with a paper towel and grind in any convenient way. Then pour the raw materials into a 3-liter jar and fill completely with vodka or alcohol. Leave for 24 hours, take 50 g once a day.

Before sexual intercourse, aromatherapy can be used to prolong the natural connection between a man and a woman. Wheat essential oil is excellent for this purpose. The vapors of this plant are saturated with entomorphins - substances that have a positive effect on the functioning of the pituitary gland. The release of male hormones at the right moment ensures increased sexual pleasure and prolongation of sexual intercourse.
The advantage of aromatherapy using wheat oil is the immediate absorption of medicinal vapors into the bloodstream.

Mint juice contains natural substances that have an anesthetic effect. Before sexual intercourse, it is recommended to lubricate the head of the penis with a squeeze of plant leaves. When absorbed, a natural reaction will occur - the reaction of nerve cells to exciting movements will slow down.

Mint leaves allow you to maintain a stable erection and at the same time maintain control over the process of increasing arousal and ejaculation. Men who have tried this method of prolonging sexual intercourse claim that such anesthesia stimulates an increase in the strength and intensity of frictional movements. After all, with mint you will have to wait quite a long time for discharge.

In addition to using traditional methods of prolonging sexual intercourse, a man must reconsider his lifestyle if he wants to have healthy intimate relationships.

  1. . The diet should include plenty of protein foods, as well as nuts, dark chocolate and bananas.
  2. Maintain a daily routine. It is important for men to leave enough time for proper rest. And even after a stormy night with your partner, you should get a good night's sleep.
  3. Regular physical activity. At the same time, it is important not to overdo it and leave energy to satisfy sexual desires.
  4. Take care of your mental state. Strive to feel only positive emotions, learn to relax after stressful situations and troubles in life.
  5. Get medical examinations regularly. Diseases of the genitourinary system require effective treatment. Any of them can lead to disturbances in the intimate sphere.

Both sexual partners suffer from premature ejaculation. The man reproaches himself for his inability to restrain himself and bring his beloved to orgasm, and the woman remains sexually unsatisfied. Therefore, you should use folk remedies to prolong sexual intercourse and enjoy the intimacy and friction of bodies.

When examining the topic of how to prolong sexual intercourse in a man at home, you can come across various tips. Some recommend refraining from self-gratification, while others recommend eating healthy and giving up alcohol. Which pieces of advice are true, and which ones will only make things worse? A detailed study of the nuances and aspects of the topic, which are often not disclosed due to objective reasons, will help you understand this.

Products and vitamins

The problem of premature ejaculation is relevant for many representatives of the stronger sex. But the solution is often on the surface, and in order to increase the duration of PA, a man only needs to reconsider his nutritional rules. It is not necessary to “go on a diet” and limit yourself in everything. It is enough to include certain foods in your diet:

  • nuts;
  • oatmeal;
  • fruits;
  • seafood;
  • carrot;
  • parsley;
  • ginger;
  • garlic;
  • celery.

These products are rich in vitamins and beneficial microelements. They have a positive effect on potency and erection, and help optimize the functioning of the entire body. Due to this, endurance increases. The erection becomes long-lasting and allows for full sexual intercourse with a woman.

It is advisable that the body does not need:

  1. In minerals: selenium, zinc, magnesium.
  2. In vitamins: A, B, C, D, E.

This approach will help a man cope with the problem without drugs and medications, as well as without intervention from doctors. To increase the effectiveness of the diet, you need to give up:

  • alcoholic drinks;
  • caffeine (or limit its consumption);
  • nicotine (negatively affects blood vessels);
  • narcotic substances.

If the cause of problems with potency is not psychological trauma, then such a technique will help improve the health of the body, normalize its activity and functioning. There will be no immediate effect from the therapy, but over time it will help make sexual intercourse longer.

Correct breathing

Breathing exercises will also help prolong sexual intercourse without pills. It consists of performing certain exercises. But often even this is not required from a man, you just need to monitor the breathing process during sex and control it. This will help extend the time of intimacy and bring pleasure to your partner.

Don't hold your breath

The duration of sex depends on many factors, one of which is normal air supply. Some guys (most often due to inexperience) hold their breath during intercourse, believing that this will help make it longer.

But in reality, this method is ineffective, since it allows you to bring orgasm closer, and therefore reduce the time of coitus. For this reason, there is no need to hold your breath; you need to inhale and exhale air smoothly, without sudden jerks or delays.

Watch your breathing during sex

At home, by monitoring the dynamics of breathing, you can achieve good results.

How to breathe correctly during sex:

  1. Smooth and measured.
  2. Inhalation and exhalation should be light but deep.

When a man approaches orgasm, his breathing quickens, inhalations and exhalations become frequent and intermittent. If you control this process, you can delay the onset of ejaculation and get more pleasure from intimacy with a woman.

You can improve your endurance and “abilities” in various ways. The Kegel exercise, which is aimed at training the pubococcygeus muscle, has received good reviews. The training does not last long and allows you to tone the muscles of the pelvic organs and improve blood flow to this area.

It is easy to detect; when urinating, you need to try to hold your urine for 5 seconds. At this moment, it is the pubococcygeus muscle that will be tense.

Training method:

  • Initially, we spend no more than 5 seconds on tension;
  • the same amount for relaxation;
  • then we increase the duration of the training.

The duration of the procedure at the initial stage takes 5 minutes, then it is gradually increased.

Useful exercises

Sports will help a man prolong the time of sexual intercourse, along with proper nutrition and giving up bad habits; physical activity has a positive effect on the body. This way to prolong an erection affects the condition as a whole and promotes overall health. Next, a list of the most useful exercises will be presented; it is better to create a training complex from them.


This exercise will help you cope with emotions and strengthen your leg muscles. To do this you should:

  1. Position yourself on your back (lie flat and stretch your legs).
  2. Imagine that there is a stone under one of your feet and it needs to be moved.
  3. The foot and leg will be in a tense state for 8 – 12 seconds.
  4. After they are relaxed, the procedure is repeated with the other leg.

When the question arises about how to increase the time of sexual intercourse, you need to think about sports and exercise. Experts advise including running in place in the complex. At the same time, it is recommended to run in a special way, raising your legs as much as possible and pressing them to your chest. Such running will help normalize blood flow in the organs of the lumbar spine.

Taoist technique

This is a whole art of love that came to us from China, it is called love kung fu. Several exercises that are designed to provide maximum pleasure during contact and improve endurance. The exercises are designed for both men and women and are recommended to be performed on a regular basis.

Description of the exercise for a beginner:

  1. stand straight, relax your shoulders, lower your arms along your body;
  2. inhale air through your nose, while raising your arms up and standing on your toes;
  3. when exhaling, try to pull your stomach in as much as possible;
  4. squat down a little with your knees bent;
  5. sink to your heels.

Repeat the above procedure 16 times.


A whole technique that consists of performing certain procedures that over time will help control the process of achieving orgasm.

The essence of the technique:

  • it is necessary to reach the peak of arousal through masturbation;
  • stop for a few seconds (or minutes) until the wave of excitement subsides;
  • start self-satisfaction again, “slow down” before achieving orgasm;
  • repeat all the above steps several times.

We assume a “lying position”; you can lean on a bench or use another object as a support. Push-ups are done from 10 to 20 times, possibly in 2 sets, diluting them with other exercises.

Push-ups will help normalize the body’s condition and ensure blood flow to vital organs: lungs, heart, brain.

Physical exercise will help you quickly get in shape, it will help you lose weight and also increase testosterone levels in the blood. Squats stimulate blood circulation in the pelvic organs and help “burn” excess calories.

How to do it:

  1. Feet are placed shoulder-width apart, straight.
  2. The heels touch the floor completely and do not come off it.
  3. Then we squat, stretching our arms forward or folding them at the waist.
  4. Repeat at least 15 times.

Another effective way to prolong intimacy at home is to strengthen your abdominal muscles. The exercises aimed at training are simple and familiar to many. Execution order:

  • lie on your back;
  • bend your knees;
  • put your hands behind your head;
  • tear the body off the surface;
  • touch your elbows to your bent legs (knees).

Repeat the procedure 30–50 times, possibly in several approaches. Gradually increasing the duration of the workout.


If sexual intercourse is short and the reason is a violation of blood flow to the pelvic organs, then the “boat” exercise will help.

To do this you need to:

  1. Lie on your stomach.
  2. Tear the body and legs off the surface.
  3. Try to grab your legs with your hands.
  4. Straighten your back as much as possible.
  5. Hold the position for a few seconds.

The exercise, which is difficult to perform, will require a certain plasticity. You need to fix the position, but if it’s difficult, you can immediately return to the starting position and repeat it 5 – 15 times.

Folk remedies

Traditional methods of treating premature ejaculation are varied. Various herbal decoctions and plant extracts act no worse than expensive dietary supplements, for this reason they are popular among the stronger sex who suffer from similar problems.

A simple recipe will tell you how to increase the duration of sexual intercourse using oak bark. You can “take note” of it and use it if necessary.

The principle of preparing the decoction:

  • oak bark is poured into ceramic dishes (10–15 g);
  • pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 2 hours;
  • Take 3 times a day, after meals.

Oak bark improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, prolongs the time of PA, and also has a positive effect on the body as a whole, stimulating the regenerative function.

It is necessary to pour boiling water over the leaves of medicinal plants, scald them and place them in a teapot. Add some black or green tea for flavor. Pour boiling water over everything again (like regular tea), close the lid. Let the drink brew for 2 – 2.5 hours. Then drink throughout the day in small portions, preferably adding lemon and honey.

May act as a local anesthetic. The juice of this plant is applied directly to the organ to reduce its sensitivity.

But there are other ways to use peppermint; its juice will complement your morning smoothie of freshly squeezed orange juice with ginger and cinnamon.

Folk remedies for prolonging sexual intercourse for a man can be recommended by a doctor. Wheat germ oil is considered one of the most useful remedies. It is a powerful natural antioxidant and is used for stress, depression, and a weakened state of the body.

The oil is used according to the following scheme:

  1. One tablespoon in the morning, on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before meals.
  2. The course of treatment is 30–60 days.

Bee products

With the help of folk remedies, you can prolong sexual intercourse using a simple recipe of two components.


  • walnuts.

First, the nuts are crushed in a blender, then honey is added to them in a ratio of 2 to 1. The medicine is thoroughly mixed and sent to the refrigerator for 2 days. After the specified time, the product is taken 1 - 2 teaspoons per day.

A tincture of cornflower flowers will help make sex last longer. It is prepared according to the following recipe:

  1. 2 tbsp. spoons of dry raw materials are poured with 300 ml of boiling water.
  2. Leave for 2 hours.
  3. Then filter and take once a day.

The infusion is drunk before meals, it is filtered before use, you can sweeten the drink with honey, and add other herbs to it.

Another recipe for cornflower tincture:

  • 150 gr. dry raw materials are poured with 1 liter of vodka;
  • mix everything thoroughly;
  • sent to a dark place for 10 - 15 days.

Then they filter and take portions for 2 months, then take a break and repeat the course of treatment 2 – 3 more times.

Ginseng (tincture)

If you wish, you can prepare a drink at home, which is considered a natural antioxidant and prolongator. This is a tincture of ginseng root.

Folk recipe for tincture:

  1. Take 30 gr. dry raw materials and grind it in a coffee grinder or blender.
  2. Pour 500 ml of vodka or alcohol and place in a dark place.

The tincture will be ready in 14–20 days; before use, it is recommended to strain it and let it stand in the refrigerator for another 2 days, then take it drop by drop. Gradually reaching a dosage of 20 drops (start with 5). The course of treatment is 2 months.


With the help of soda you can cleanse the body and normalize the immune system. It has a disinfectant and restorative effect. You can take soda as:

  • baking powder for dough, adding to baked goods;
  • the main component for preparing the drink;
  • means for microenemas.

All these methods will help cleanse the body and improve its functioning. Soda has a complex effect on the pelvic organs, it helps to stop inflammatory processes and promotes the death of pathogenic microorganisms. Soda is diluted in warm water (5 - 10 grams per glass of water), everything is thoroughly mixed and drunk before meals. The duration of treatment is 2 – 3 months.

A cock ring, called a cock ring, helps in stretching the corpora cavernosa of the penis. It is put on as soon as the organ reaches an erection state. The ring prevents blood from escaping, thereby maintaining an erection.

Similar devices are used to increase penis size. Rings are used to train, making the penis larger in length and width.


Preference is given to those poses in which the pelvic muscles are in a relaxed state. Excessive tension will lead to undesirable consequences. The duration of PA will decrease.

A position in which the partner is on top and the partner lies under him (missionary) will lead to a quick completion of intimacy. It is recommended to give preference to completely different spectacular positions:

  1. Doggy style - when the girl is on her knees and the guy is behind.
  2. Spoon - when lovers lie on their sides.
  3. The cowgirl is the girl on top, and the guy lies on the bed.

Divide sexual contact into phases

This method involves careful self-control. While at home, you will have to delve into the study of self-awareness and, using improvised means (pen and paper), draw up an arousal scale, dividing the whole process into 5 phases.

Approximate condition:

  • 1st phase. The man is in a calm state and doesn’t care about anything; there is no thought of intimacy with the girl.
  • Phase 2. There is slight excitement, excitement is present, but if you do nothing, it will quickly fade away.
  • Phase 3. There is strong arousal, blood rushes to the penis and attraction to the opposite sex is felt.
  • Phase 4. Ready to commit various fictions and have fun.
  • Phase 5. Excitement has almost reached its peak, ejaculation is about to happen.

The essence of the method is that the man must control the process; as soon as he reaches phase 5, he “reclines” to 3. As a result, the boundaries between phases 4 and 5 are erased, and it is possible to make sexual intercourse long and vivid.

Inappropriate thoughts

Another interesting method that couples use to influence the duration of sex and improve its quality. The main condition is to think about something distant at the most “important moment”. These could be thoughts about solving professional problems, analysis of political events, or memories from childhood.

At the same time, these thoughts will help delay ejaculation and put the brain into a stupor, but it is important that they have no connection with sex and are not of an erotic nature.

20 minute rule

How to increase the duration of intercourse in men using the “20 minute” rule:

  1. You need to turn on background music and wait until it stops playing (the duration of the music should not be less than 20 minutes).
  2. When the music ends, try to continue sex or masturbation.
The most difficult thing is to hold out for 20 minutes; if this time is overcome, then you can subsequently control the process of orgasm.

How to prolong sexual intercourse at home by providing comfortable conditions:

  • It is recommended to ensure a suitable temperature (the room should not be cold or too hot);
  • take a bath, relax (immediately before intimacy);
  • turn on pleasant music, dim the lights;
  • equip a bed or sofa so that it is comfortable to lie on.

These are the basic rules of comfort that allow you to tune in to the “right mood,” relax and enjoy the process.

Self-satisfaction the right way

Masturbation is an integral part of any man's life. If you do it too often or too rarely, it can affect your sexual performance. Much depends on the age of the person and his activity. But if you believe doctors and scientists, then there are certain limits that must be observed.

How to masturbate correctly:

  • If a man is 20–30 years old, then he can engage in self-satisfaction once every 4 days.
  • When the age has reached 40–50 years, similar procedures are carried out once every 8 days.
  • If you are 50–60 years old, then it is recommended to practice self-satisfaction once every 10 days, not more often.

When a person reaches the age of 60, masturbation is not recommended for him, as this can negatively affect the quality of sexual relations.

Treat failures in bed easier, with humor

If the problem cannot be solved with the help of medications, folk methods or exercises. If you have tried several methods, but the result is far from the desired one, there is no need to despair. A positive attitude will allow you to overcome adversity, endure it more easily and avoid psychological trauma and obsession with this topic.

Manipulations at the moment of the tide of desire

You can achieve an increase in the time of sexual intercourse using certain manipulations. But for this you need to control your condition. At the moment of intimacy, before achieving maximum pleasure, a person’s eyes roll up. If this is not allowed, then you can delay ejaculation and increase the duration of intercourse.

Grit your teeth and tighten your fingers

Another technique aimed at training muscles. To perform it, at the moment of reaching the peak of excitation, you need to grit your teeth and tense the muscles of your toes. You can try to control the process of rolling your eyes, so the effect of such a technique will be greater.

Do not concentrate on your partner’s external data

Many representatives of the stronger sex tend to focus on the appearance of their beloved. You can idealize a woman, but not at the moment of intimacy. It is better not to concentrate on appearance, since such emotions will lead to excessive excitement, and therefore a quick end to the contact.

Communication with your partner

Advice to women is simple: do not judge your loved one, position the union as one whole, solve the problem together.

If a girl judges a guy and tells him that he must solve this problem himself, then nothing good will come of it. Support will help create the necessary microclimate in relationships, achieve mutual understanding and find a worthy solution to the problem.

In an effort to increase potency at home using natural methods - that is, without the use of stimulants, drugs, surgery - a man gets rid of a number of fears and concerns. What are these fears?

The man answers several “uncomfortable” questions at once:

Therefore, in this article we will try to answer these questions, and also tell you how to improve erectile function at home using sexual techniques and practices, how to increase potency both after 50 years and after 60 years using lifestyle changes, and consider how treat (and, most importantly, how to cure) ejaculation disorders, which are often associated with psychogenic potency disorders.

The difference between rapid and stable increase in potency

Quickly at home (for example, in 1 day or even 1 hour), and even in a natural way, there is only one way to improve potency - by eliminating the psychogenic (psychological) cause of erectile dysfunction (if this particular form of impotence occurs). Factors of a purely psychological nature can be presented, for example:

  • uncomfortable conditions for sexual intercourse (noise outside the window, doors that won’t lock, the arrival of relatives, an uncomfortable creaking sofa, etc.),
  • distracting behavior or appearance of the partner,
  • manifestation of a relationship crisis (local or global in nature).

Stopping a quarrel, changing the place of sexual contact, changing the smell of perfume or the style of the partner’s underwear will quickly increase the potency of a man who attaches significant importance to the surroundings and circumstances surrounding sexual contact.

In addition, in some cases, you can restore potency (if we are talking about restoring potency quickly) simply by getting enough sleep and returning to your usual routine of life with a standard day and night cycle. This simple method will have a much more powerful effect than it sometimes seems. The state of the nervous system and a man's erection are always closely related.

Finally, potency can be quickly increased at home, even if there are no serious health problems, but what is popularly called a “state of insensitivity” temporarily appears.

When total fatigue has not yet accumulated, but between “having sex” and “just lying down,” you want to choose the latter. Such temporary reluctance generally arises in every man from time to time, so the Taoists even assigned it a separate term “wisdom of the penis,” meaning that at such moments the body itself tells the man how to act more correctly.

However, what to do if circumstances still require a man to live up to the expectations placed on him? The correct choice of position and preliminary massage will help here.

To ensure an increase in potency before sexual intercourse, it is advisable to massage the genitals and lower back (buttocks) in the sacral area. At the same time, if a man can massage the penis and scrotum alone, then it is somewhat more difficult to make effective massage movements from the back alone. Therefore, it is advisable to involve a partner in massage (including the genitals). The very fact of the participation of a sexual partner in preparation already works to eliminate erectile dysfunction and restore male strength by activating a natural biological mechanism.

Sometimes in these cases they resort to acupuncture massage - influencing biologically active points, the existence of which is defended by an entire branch of Chinese traditional medicine. If you follow the recommendations of Chinese healers, you can find similar points:

  • on the hands - if you turn one hand palm down, and place the index and thumb of the second hand on the protruding bone at the wrist, a little - one to one and a half centimeters - moving the fingers towards the elbow,
  • on the foot - symmetrically on both legs exactly in the middle of the inner part of the foot above the instep, which in people with flat feet is low or almost absent,
  • on the back - on both sides of the spine, where many biologically active points are believed to be located, with a particularly large number in the lumbar region.

At the same time, with the help of massage, you can restore potency at home and through daily procedures. This is one of the most pleasant natural ways to increase potency in men at home, when it comes to external massage. No less useful for male potency is prostate massage, which is indicated for men at different ages, but after 60 years, most men need it. However, this is a purely medical procedure that can also be performed at home, but it is not widely used as a prelude to sexual intercourse.

Regarding the position that allows you to prolong potency in a man directly during sexual intercourse, andrologists and sexologists advise a man to take a vertical position or take a position “on top”, which provides a natural increase in blood flow and will strengthen male potency during sexual intercourse. In addition, this will allow a man to more easily control the process and, if necessary, delay rapid ejaculation.

In all of the above cases, you can relatively quickly restore potency at home, without resorting to additional means. But how to quickly increase potency in natural ways, if its cause lies in deep psychological complexes and old grievances, which only a psychotherapist or sexologist can solve, or in organic factors, which are based on:

Only after curing the underlying disease, correcting the pathology, or switching, as in the case of stopping the production of hormones, to replacement therapy, can we talk about restoring potency.

The action of various enhancers that promise “in just an hour” persistent strengthening, improvement and long-term increase in potency at home in the presence of atherosclerosis or diabetes (which half of the people who have it do not even suspect before special tests) will be ineffective. To treat potency at home, if the dysfunction is caused by systemic diseases, it will take (depending on the severity of the disease) not an hour or a day, but much more days, weeks, or even months. Organic disorders are often treated for years, since in order to completely normalize the genitourinary system it is necessary to get rid of all the factors that affect its functionality.

Ancient techniques and practices for maintaining sexual health

Our ancestors began to think about how to restore male strength in natural ways thousands of years ago. The Taoists already mentioned in the article have developed a whole “science of love” that will allow a man at any age to increase his capabilities and help maintain potency at 60 years of age and beyond. This science is based on the practice of delayed ejaculation. That is, it is assumed that a man achieves orgasm not simultaneously with ejaculation, but independently of it, which makes possible multiple orgasms without ejaculation during one sexual act, which can last an hour or two, depending on the desires of the man and the needs of the woman.

Moreover, the Taoist tradition assumes a gradual decrease in the number of ejaculations with age, if they are not related to the function of procreation, since any sexual intercourse with ejaculation takes a lot of strength and energy from a man, and over the years it becomes more and more difficult to restore them. So, for example, after 50 years, it is recommended to end approximately every 20 acts with ejaculation, and after 60 years, it is generally recommended to have sex and have an orgasm without ejaculation.

Many Western urologists believe that this practice can provoke an exacerbation of prostatitis and disrupts the natural process of spermatogenesis. But no fewer of their colleagues find evidence that refusing to ejaculate during sexual intercourse can in any way harm a man’s health. How to check Taoist recommendations? Having turned to your doctor for an individual consultation and starting to practice the Taoist science of love yourself, especially since the opportunity to extend sexual intercourse for more than an hour is already sufficient motivation for many men.

To achieve the desired effect, various techniques are used to increase potency, enhance control over ejaculation, and increase the time before ejaculation, including the following:

Weak potency is also not a problem for Taoist gurus, since they believe that it is quite possible to begin sexual intercourse without achieving a full erection. Taoists do not consider age-related erectile dysfunction as a problem at all, believing that after 60 years of age and later it is quite possible to maintain sexual activity.

Lifestyle and nutrition as the basis for natural preservation of potency

The basis of most acquired potency problems is lifestyle and nutrition. Inactivity and overeating provoke not only direct erectile dysfunction, but also the occurrence of diseases, the development of which then indirectly affects the decrease in potency. To strengthen potency in the long term at home, the recipe is simple:

  • an increase in time spent not at the table, but in active movement,
  • refusal of overeating and monotonous nutrition in favor of consuming a varied menu and products that raise the level of microelements necessary for a man (primarily zinc and iodine), vitamins, acids,
  • training the pubococcygeus muscles (the so-called PC muscles),
  • contrast shower in the morning to improve the reaction of the nervous system,
  • general massage, as well as massage of the prostate, prostate gland, genital organs, lumbar region, biologically active points,
  • conducting a medical examination to identify diabetes mellitus, pathological processes in blood vessels, testosterone levels (the latter must be carried out repeatedly and in dynamics to obtain more or less reliable results).

How to prolong sexual intercourse using folk remedies at home

  1. What does a man need to prolong sexual intercourse?
  2. Products that prolong sexual intercourse
  3. Exercises to prolong sexual intercourse
  4. And some other useful folk remedies

Premature ejaculation is perhaps the most painful situation in the life of every man. In terms of the degree of wounded pride, early ejaculation may give way only to the inability to achieve an erection for sexual intercourse. But if erectile dysfunction is a serious disease of the male genital area that requires medical attention, then the question of how to prolong sexual intercourse can be solved quite effectively with folk remedies at home.

What does a man need to prolong sexual intercourse?

Sexual intercourse without problems and time limits is an objective reality for any healthy man. The duration of a single “session” of intimacy is influenced by many factors, most of which can be eliminated with desire and diligence. Among the reasons that reduce the time of sexual intercourse are:

  • age-related changes;
  • features of a man’s lifestyle;
  • characteristics of temperament (often a factor of heredity);
  • irregularity of sexual activity with significant interruptions;
  • exposure to stress and emotional stress;
  • the presence of diseases of the genitourinary system and infectious diseases.

It is obvious that some factors, such as age-related changes, cannot be eliminated even with the efforts of doctors and taking pills. Other causes of premature ejaculation, such as poor diet and avoidance of unnecessary body movements (everything that can be called lifestyle features), can also be eliminated using traditional methods.

On the way to determining how to prolong sexual intercourse at home using available means, it is extremely important to determine what exactly caused the development of problems with rapid ejaculation.

If this is the presence of diseases, they should be cured, after which it will be possible to strengthen the immune system and improve sexual health using folk methods and recipes. If stress or an unhealthy lifestyle are the culprits for the rapid loss of erection, then it will be necessary to eliminate them, helping to cope with the consequences with soothing decoctions and nutritious drugs. And even the influence of the age factor with the natural decline of male sexual function can be neutralized by the use of alternative medicines that stimulate sexuality - tinctures of ginseng and ginger in various forms.

Products that prolong sexual intercourse

Proper nutrition is the key to health and longevity in general, as well as long and full functioning of the sexual sphere in particular. To prolong sexual intercourse, a man is recommended to eat certain foods rich in:

  • vitamins, and especially vitamin E (positively affects the functioning of the sex glands, normalizes the cardiovascular system, supports healthy sexual activity, optimal volume of sexual desire, protects against potency failure), which is found in nuts, vegetable oils, fatty fish, liver, dairy products, rose hips;
  • zinc (normalizes the production of the hormone testosterone, “responsible” for the healthy functioning of the reproductive system), which is found in liver, raw eggs, wheat, peas, and seafood;
  • magnesium (performs the functions of an antioxidant, protects the male body from the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system, from prostate cancer, from nervous disorders), which is found in various cereals, sunflower seeds, potatoes, nuts, figs, apricots.

Substances that help both prolong sexual intercourse using folk remedies and improve the quality of intimacy for men are beekeeping products, in particular, raw honey and propolis. It is thanks to these products that it will be possible to quickly and effectively improve men's health and protect him from a variety of problems, from accelerated ejaculation to prostate cancer. Beekeeping products contain pollen - a natural and very rich source of hormonal components that have a positive effect on the reproductive system.

The closest competitor to honey and propolis for the title of the best product for prolonging sexual intercourse is oak bark (in the form of a decoction). This remedy is useful for the functioning of the nervous system, corrects the function of the nerve endings of the male reproductive system, slowing it down if necessary, thereby eliminating increased sensitivity and excitability. On average, the course of treatment with oak bark decoction is a week; if necessary, the effect of this substance can be enhanced by adding raspberry and currant leaves to food. Important: men suffering from low excitability should not take substances that prolong sexual intercourse and at the same time affect the nervous system.

Exercises to prolong sexual intercourse

In addition to getting rid of the factors that provoked the problem of premature ejaculation, alternative medicine recommends performing exercises to prolong sexual intercourse. The goal of such training is to help a man get to know his body, learn to feel it in general and individual muscles in particular. Often this – complete self-control – is enough for a man to restore normal functioning of the reproductive system. The main condition for achieving success is regularity of classes.

To begin with, you can perform a simple exercise “in formation”, during which you need to:

  1. Stand up straight, lower your arms down (“at your sides”).
  2. Start walking, raising your knees as high as possible, trying to press them to your stomach.
  3. After 3-5 minutes of walking, you can rest, then do another 1-2 approaches.

Useful exercises for prolonging sexual intercourse also include a workout code-named “rock”.

  1. Stand up straight, knees slightly bent, hands on your waist.
  2. Begin to bend your knees more, squatting a little, while simultaneously tensing and relaxing the muscles of your buttocks.
  3. Hold the “stone” between the buttocks for several minutes, then relax, rest and repeat the exercise.

After the first two techniques, you can simply do “jogging in place,” in which you need to stand up straight, bend your knees slightly, and then start shifting from foot to foot, trying to push your knees forward without lifting your toes from the floor. You can complete the exercises by “rubbing”: lie on your back, spread your arms, bend your knees, then start moving your pelvis from side to side, “scratching” your tailbone.

You can also practice at home:

  • Kegel exercises, during which during urination you will have to try to stop this process by squeezing the muscles (3-4 seconds is enough), after which you can continue, and after a while repeat everything again;
  • Taoist technique - during sexual intercourse it is necessary to alternate one full penetration with 3-4 short movements, gradually increasing the number of short frictions until ejaculation;
  • “stop-start” technique, which consists in delaying ejaculation: before ejaculation occurs, you need to stop stimulation of the penis for a few minutes (stop frictions), then, when the orgasm moves away, the exercise can be repeated 2-3 more times.

Training according to the listed scenarios does not give quick results. Their goal is to gradually accustom the body to prolonging pleasure and delaying ejaculation, and only regular practice will achieve the goal.

Of course, in addition to special physical training, which allows a man to feel his muscles in the genital area as best as possible, it is generally necessary to devote more time to sports, an active lifestyle and, at a minimum, daily exercise. These measures in a single complex will help improve blood supply to the entire body and especially the genitals, and with genitals well nourished by blood, a strong and long-lasting erection will become a reality.

And some other useful folk remedies

When thinking about how to prolong sexual intercourse using folk remedies, it is worth evaluating this method: applying a special substance with analgesic properties directly to the penis or the inner surface of a condom. In particular, if there is no individual allergic intolerance, you can use mint juice. If you apply it to the head of the penis, there will be a temporary numbing effect, allowing you to prolong the pleasure of intimacy. Important: such a remedy should be used in advance, some time before intimacy, so that the anesthetic substance is absorbed and begins to act. Otherwise, the numbing effect will spread to the partner’s genitals, and this will significantly spoil the impressions of the date. The same applies to oral stimulation - not every woman will like it if her tongue and lips lose sensitivity at the most crucial moment.

Drinking a small amount of alcohol before intimacy can also be used if it is necessary to prolong sexual intercourse using folk remedies. The components of alcohol have a relaxing effect on a man’s nervous system, so the arousal will last quite a long time. However, this method cannot be recommended to anyone, since drinking alcohol is evil, and even therapeutic purposes do not justify the choice of this remedy. As an alternative, traditional medicine experts suggest drinking elderberry infusion before sexual intercourse, which provides a similar effect, but without the disadvantages of alcohol.

There are different ways that men who suffer from premature ejaculation and too short periods of intimacy can solve problems with their sexual health. However, when considering various exercises and folk remedies to prolong sexual intercourse, one should not forget how important consultation with specialists is. No decoction and no training will be useful if the factor that initially caused problems with the duration of sexual intimacy is not eliminated.

  • He is the head of the urology department. Specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of kidney and bladder diseases, including cystitis, urolithiasis, prostatitis, urethritis and pyelonephritis.
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    How to get rid of rapid ejaculation

    Impaired and delayed ejaculation

    Means for prolonging sexual intercourse

    Retrograde ejaculation


    Benign hyperplasia


    Baldness and hair loss


    Reproductive dysfunction

    MPS diseases

    Common male diseases

    • Balanitis
    • Varicocele
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    • Gynecomastia
  • Sex can be prolonged using a variety of products and means. However, getting carried away with generics and stimulants is not only unprofitable, but also dangerous for your health and heart.

    The same cannot be said about folk remedies for prolonging sexual intercourse in men, based on natural recipes and ingredients. But herbs alone will not be enough for this, and it is important to provide an integrated approach.

    This approach includes a thorough change in lifestyle, a review of nutrition, and the involvement of various physical activities. And so, gradually, it will be possible to achieve the desired result by prolonging the erection for 20-40 minutes.

    If you take natural dietary supplements in courses, then this figure can be even higher.

    Proper nutrition and moderate exercise are an excellent way to generally strengthen the body, increase potency and prolong sexual intercourse. Where the body is healthy, there are all the prerequisites for eliminating a wide variety of pathologies.

    Additionally, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

    • eat enough protein;
    • pay attention to natural aphrodisiacs - figs, avocados, nuts, honey, chocolate, herbs, sour cream, pineapples and celery;
    • sleep at least 7 hours a day;
    • play sports and take frequent walks;
    • learn to protect yourself from stress, nervous experiences, and avoid depression;
    • Get enough rest and not overexert yourself.

    It is important to pay sufficient attention to gymnastics aimed at maintaining the health of intimate muscles and prolonging sexual intercourse.

    When eliminating the factors that cause premature ejaculation, sufficient attention should be paid to exercises to prolong sexual intercourse for a man.

    Such training teaches a man to understand how his muscles work, and also helps to control them during sex:

    There are other sets of exercises that are easy to use at home, as well as in other places.

    Kegel exercises

    During urination, a man holds the stream for a few seconds, squeezing his muscles, and then relaxes them. You need to repeat it 3-4 times a day, starting with 2-3 seconds of retention.

    Then you can add “swinging” to the exercise during an erection, when a man tries to make the penis “jump” a little from side to side by tensing the muscles.

    Taoist technique

    An equally effective method not only for prolonging sexual intercourse, but also for generally strengthening potency. During sex, alternate full penetration with 3-4 short movements, increasing the number of frictions before ejaculation.

    Stop-start technique

    The idea is that before ejaculation you need to delay ejaculation. To do this, abruptly stop stimulation, stop any sexual contact, and continue after 2-3 minutes. This is repeated 2-3 times.

    All techniques used to prolong sexual intercourse require several weeks of practice for the first visible results.

    Application of "Lidocaine"

    To prolong sexual intercourse, a man can use lidocaine in the form of a spray.. This substance significantly reduces sensitivity, but the partner’s opinion should be taken into account, since without a condom it can also reduce her sensations.

    The spray can be used to solve 2 problems: ejaculation immediately after the start of sex, and also in case of a prolonged erection, but ejaculation is too rapid.

    Using the product is very simple: spray the spray for 15 minutes from a distance of 10 cm, just 1-2 sprays will be enough.

    Can be used together with a condom by spraying inside the latex accessory. Lidocaine will begin to act within 2-4 minutes, and its effect lasts for 4-6 hours.

    Instead of lidocaine, you can choose professional sprays and gels, which are sold in sex shops and are designed specifically to prolong sexual intercourse.

    They contain beneficial plant components that have a positive effect on the male and female body, and also enhance pleasant sensations.

    You can prolong your erection with special devices.

    They are sold in sex shops and usually come in 2 types:

    • condoms with a desensitizing agent, - this could be the same lidocaine and its derivatives;
    • cock rings– put on the root of the penis, there are options with gripping the scrotum. They prolong an erection and prevent ejaculation from occurring for a little longer. However, excessive use of rings can be harmful to your health.

    But pumps, which are used to temporarily increase the size of the penis, cannot prolong an erection.

    You can get rid of short-term erections and help yourself control the process of orgasm by regularly using herbs to prolong sexual intercourse for a man:

    Additionally, you can use a general strengthening recipe made from honey, walnuts, dried apricots and ginger.

    Take equal parts of dried fruits and nuts, add ginger and some lemons, pour honey over everything and grind in a meat grinder. You can beat it in a blender, but add honey after mixing the active ingredients.

    No matter how effective a remedy for prolonging erection and sexual intercourse is, it will not replace a responsible attitude towards one’s health and giving up bad habits.

    If you smoke and drink alcohol regularly, then even the best doctor and high-quality drug or method will not help prolong your erection!

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