I can’t cure inflammation in a feminine way. Inflammation of the appendages - Women's Health magazine. Medicinal suppositories for inflammation of the female part

Inflammation of the ovaries is a dangerous disease, because if treatment is not started in a timely manner, a woman’s reproductive health may suffer. According to statistics, almost 20% of patients were eventually diagnosed with infertility. To avoid the dangerous consequences of the disease, it is important to know how to cure ovarian inflammation and what methods are used.

Treatment methods

The doctor determines which treatment method for the disease will be most effective, taking into account the stage at which it was diagnosed, what reasons contributed to its development, and the nature of the clinical manifestations. The acute form of the inflammatory process requires the woman to be in a hospital setting with bed rest.

In the first few days, the patient is prescribed antibacterial drugs, painkillers, sulfonamides and restorative drugs. The subacute form of the disease is treated not only with drugs, but also with physiotherapeutic procedures. Chronic inflammation of the ovaries can be corrected by balneotherapy and other physiotherapeutic techniques.

An acute inflammatory process is treated much faster and easier than a chronic one. In addition, in the latter case, the risk of negative consequences that require other specific therapy increases. Incompletely cured acute inflammation of the ovaries can cause the disease to become chronic.


Only a specialist can determine how to treat inflammation of the ovaries.

As a rule, antibiotics are first prescribed, which help to quickly suppress the inflammatory process. Such medications should be taken only in accordance with the dosage prescribed by the doctor.

Which group of drugs is needed is determined based on the results of a comprehensive diagnosis. To do this, a blood test, gynecological ultrasound, and a test are performed that shows the type of pathogenic microorganism that caused the inflammation. An analysis is also carried out to determine the sensitivity of the pathogen to various types of antibacterial drugs.

It is prohibited to prescribe medications on your own, otherwise you can cause the disease to transition from acute to chronic.

In the treatment of the inflammatory process, drugs of the following groups are used:

  • aminoglycosides, which help stop the development of gram-negative bacteria that have increased sensitivity to antibiotics of other groups;
  • tetracyclines, which help inhibit the development of foreign cells in the body;
  • penicillins, which are allowed to be used even during pregnancy;
  • cephalosporins, which help suppress the synthesis of cells of pathogenic microorganisms, have a detrimental effect on both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.

In most cases, antibiotics such as Amoxicillin, Cefazolin, Gentamicin, Ampicillin are used to stop the inflammatory process.

Antifungal agents

Such tablets have a detrimental effect only on fungal infections, while they have no therapeutic effect on other pathogens. Antifungal agents are prescribed as additional therapy for ovarian inflammation. This can be explained by the fact that taking massive doses of antibacterial drugs can cause thrush and the development of other fungal infections.

Antifungal drugs used in the treatment of oophoritis (inflammation of the ovaries) include:

  • Nystatin (daily dosage - 2,500,000 units, 6-8 times a day for 10 days);
  • Amphotericin (daily dosage – 200 mg twice a day for 3 days);
  • Nizoral (daily dosage – 200 mg once a day for 3 days).

Side effects of such medications include nausea and vomiting, general malaise, diarrhea, allergic reaction, and dizziness.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

Inflammation of the ovaries in women is accompanied by various unpleasant symptoms. In this case, anti-inflammatory drugs will come to the rescue. Preference is given to the rectal and vaginal form of release of drugs that have antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal effects.

To relieve pain, you can use pain-relieving suppositories, for example, Diclofenac

Rectal suppositories called Indomethacin are often prescribed. The drug has an analgesic effect and quickly relieves the inflammatory process. Despite the effectiveness of the drug, its use can cause side symptoms: nausea, dizziness, diarrhea, increased anxiety, etc.

The drug Diclofenac is often used as an analogue. Contraindications to the use of the drug are presented only in the form of an increased tendency to hypertension, and side effects do not occur at all. Even despite these advantages, Diclofenac is significantly inferior in effectiveness to Indomethacin.

Another medicine is Movalis in the form of suppositories, which is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. Effective vaginal suppositories used for oophoritis are Klion D, Terzhinan, Betadine. Only a specialist should prescribe them, because there are many contraindications to their use.

Immunomodulators and vitamins

To increase general immunity and the body's resistance to infectious agents, immunomodulators are prescribed, for example, Anaferon, Cycloferon, Immunal.

Vitamin preparations are used both during the main treatment of the disease and after its completion as preventive and supportive agents. If a malfunction occurs in the monthly cycle, the attending physician may prescribe vitamins E, B, C. Magnesium and vitamin B6 help maintain normal women's health.


Physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed both for acute oophoritis and in the acute stage of a chronic disease (after stopping the main inflammatory process). Such therapeutic measures are carried out both in inpatient and outpatient settings. Initially, the use of external physiotherapy is prescribed, and if there are even minimal manifestations of inflammation, intravaginal ones.

As a rule, for oophoritis, complex physiotherapy is used with several types of manipulations. This can be explained by the fact that each technique has a different effect on a woman’s body, and together they lead to recovery. The most effective are:

  • electrophoresis with antibiotics, sulfonamides, anti-inflammatory drugs (manipulation is carried out daily for 10 days);
  • UHF therapy (manipulation is carried out every day for 10 days);
  • DMV treatment (sessions are carried out every day for 10 days);
  • infrared laser therapy (course of therapy – 10 days, sessions are carried out daily);
  • paraffin therapy (manipulation must be carried out once every 2 days for 10 days);
  • treatment with healing mud (sessions are held once every 2 days for 15 days).

Physiotherapy methods include ascending showers and therapeutic baths. The first technique helps improve blood microcirculation in the pelvic organs and metabolic processes in the uterine appendages. As a result, rapid restoration of the affected tissue occurs. Therapeutic baths are carried out with the addition of iodine and bromine, hydrogen sulfide. Such beneficial substances improve metabolic processes, eliminate inflammation in general, and participate in the restoration of damaged tissues.

Despite the effectiveness of physiotherapy, it also has some contraindications, namely: the presence of a malignant tumor in the body, the development of endometriosis, uterine fibroids, uterine bleeding, polycystic testicles (both ovaries).

Electrophoresis helps quickly deliver medicinal substances to the area with inflammation

Folk remedies

Inflammation of the ovaries at home can be treated with folk remedies, but only in combination with the main therapy prescribed by the doctor. Folk remedies will help relieve unpleasant symptoms, such as pain. Can be used:

  • infusion of cinquefoil (2 tablespoons per 500 ml of hot water; leave for an hour and take 100 ml before meals);
  • infusion of blueberry leaves (1 tsp per 200 ml of hot water; leave for 30 minutes, use for douching);
  • linden infusion (2 tablespoons of flowers per 500 ml of hot water; leave for an hour and take 5 tablespoons before meals);
  • infusion of barberry roots (0.5 tsp of roots per 200 ml of hot water; leave for an hour and take 1 tsp 3 times a day);
  • a decoction of centaury, coltsfoot, sweet clover (pour 20 g of raw material into 200 ml of boiling water, simmer for an hour, then take 75 ml at a time 5 times a day);
  • decoction of rose hips and black currants (pour 20 g of the mixture into 200 ml of water, simmer for an hour, then take instead of tea).

It is useful to take steam baths with the addition of forest hay and sit over the steam of fresh cabbage boiled in milk.

When is surgery necessary?

If conservative treatment does not bring the desired recovery, surgery is performed. Also, surgical intervention is necessary in case of intractable pain syndrome, with the development of peritonitis due to rupture of the abscess capsule and the threat of abscess breakthrough, with intestinal obstruction.

In the above situations, the operation is performed urgently. Many gynecological specialists agree that first of all it is necessary to preserve the appendages completely or part of them, and, as a result, women’s health (especially in young women). For this reason, radical surgery is performed in extreme cases.

To avoid the need for surgical intervention, it is important to identify the disease at the initial stage, when the chances of a complete recovery using conservative techniques are quite high.

Candidate of Medical Sciences, obstetrician-gynecologist of the scientific-outpatient department of the Scientific Center of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences in Moscow answers questions from readers about a common female disease.

Vladimir Viktorovich Yaglov.

I sorted out the erosion, all tests for atypia are negative. I won’t do cauterization yet; all the doctors say that I need to give birth first.

Only now I’m faced with another problem - my appendages hurt a lot.

Infections, including sexually transmitted ones; intrauterine contraceptives (IUDs); decreased immunity; surgical interventions in the female reproductive system, diagnostic curettage, abortions; severe stress; hypothermia; injuries; autoimmune disorders; chemical factors.

Prevention of inflammatory diseases:

Regular visits (1-2 times a year) to a gynecologist; timely treatment of foci of infection in the body; maintaining personal hygiene; using contraceptives and condoms to avoid unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections; absence of hypothermia and stress, strong nervous stress; maintaining and boosting immunity.

Compress with wormwood for inflammation of the appendages

For many years I suffered from chronic inflammation of the appendages, until they told me about a good method of treatment - compresses and warming with wormwood.

In the evening I brewed 2 tbsp. l. wormwood with a glass of boiling water, let it sit for 15 minutes and pour it into a bucket one-third filled with boiling water. She sat over this bucket for 15-20 minutes, and then wrapped herself up warmly and went to bed. I did this every other day, alternating these procedures with wormwood compresses. For them, I poured boiling water over 100 g of wormwood so that the herb was just covered with water, brought to a boil and left for 20-30 minutes. Then she squeezed out the grass and laid it out in a thin layer on a thick cloth, wrapping it so that it turned out to be a large flat cake. She laid it out on the bed, putting an oilcloth on it, and lay on top of it with the entire lumbar region to the tailbone on a compress. This procedure was repeated for half an hour every other day 10 times, although noticeable relief came after the first procedures.

A.I. Shebalina, Perm

Doctor's comment Wormwood has a pronounced analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, and it can be used in the treatment of chronic adnexitis as an addition to drug treatment.


The girl must avoid unprotected sexual intercourse. Create mental and complete physical peace, normalize nutrition.

To relieve pain and swelling, NSAIDs are prescribed - Ibuprofen, Intomethacin, etc.

Previously, other folk remedies were used that were effective for inflammation of the appendages. For example, at home, the disease could be eliminated with the help of dried chamomile herb. But how is chamomile used? Chamomile is initially brewed (1.5 tablespoons of herb per 250 ml of water), then infused for 20 minutes. During this time, you need to do a cleansing enema with warm water. Strain the prepared broth and take it into a syringe, insert it into the anus and release the contents. Lie on your side.

For chamomile to really help, the decoction must be completely absorbed by the body. How often can procedures be performed? Herbs, namely chamomile, have a beneficial effect on the body, but it is not recommended to do the procedure more than once (maximum two times) a day.

Before carrying out such independent treatment with folk remedies, be sure to consult your doctor.

The disease can be treated if the drug is administered intravenously, for which amoxiclav is dissolved in water for injection (for 600 mg of the drug - 10 ml of water). The contents are introduced slowly over 4 minutes.

Also, the drug is called “Amoxiclav Quitkab”. Before use, read the instructions.

Treatment can be carried out by taking the drug amoxicillin, which also has a bactericidal effect. Before prescribing treatment with amoxicillin, the patient undergoes tests that are necessary to determine the degree of sensitivity of the flora that provoked the disease.

The dosage of amoxicillin is prescribed to each patient individually, taking into account the severity of the disease and the degree of sensitivity of the pathogen. That is why, before taking amoxicillin, you need to consult a doctor.

Doxycycline - tetracycline antibiotics Doxycycline - available in capsules, is active against a wide range of bacteria, and has a bacteriostatic effect. Doxycycline is prescribed for inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs in women (with endometritis), for urinary tract infections with chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, syphilis, and gonorrhea.

The drug can be taken after meals, followed by plenty of water. The daily dose is 2 tablets (100 or 200 mg each), which must be taken every 12 hours. Also, the drug is administered intravenously, for which the contents of the ampoule are mixed with water for injection.

How tired I am of this! Maybe someone has had the same thing, because inflammation of the appendages is a common problem. How were you treated? Is it possible to get rid of this once and for all? And How? Even at the first hospital they told me that if there was inflammation of the appendages once, then there was an 80% chance that it would be permanent. But I can’t be in the hospital every time!

  • Bilateral inflammation of the ovaries can be cured with an infusion of juniper berries. To do this, pour 15 berries into a glass of water and let it brew for four hours. The infusion is taken one tablespoon three times a day.
  • Two tablespoons of cinquefoil are poured into two glasses of boiling water and left for an hour. Take half a glass half an hour before meals. There should be four meals.
  • Mix 20 g of sweet clover, centaury, coltsfoot flowers. Pour boiling water at the rate of a tablespoon of the mixture per glass of water and let it brew for an hour. Take a third of a glass 6 times a day for a month.
  • The most delicious infusion is made from rose hips and black currants. They need to be mixed in equal proportions and pour a glass of boiling water per 20 g of mixture. Leave for an hour, then strain and add a teaspoon of sugar. Take half a glass 3-4 times a day.
  • Grind a tablespoon of dried walnut leaves. Pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 4 hours. Divide into 5 servings and drink throughout the day.
  • Brew and drink wintergreen leaves as tea. St. John's wort can be added to wintergreen and brewed with regular black tea. You should drink 3-4 cups a day for several months. Such teas are taken for chronic inflammation of the ovaries.
  • Grind a tablespoon of one-sided ortilia and pour a glass of boiling water. Let it brew for two hours, then take a third of a glass half an hour before meals.
  • The femoral plant copes well with women's problems. A tablespoon of thigh is poured into a liter of water and boiled for 10 minutes. Add honey and drink throughout the day. Make this decoction every day for a week. Next, you need a break, and if the pain still bothers you, continue the course.
  • Grind 50 g of marina root and pour half a liter of vodka. Place the tincture in a dark bottle or jar and leave for 10 days in a dry place. Take 40 drops three times a day half an hour before meals.
  • Pumpkin is good medicine. It must be included in the diet. But it is more beneficial to drink freshly squeezed juice. To treat inflammation, this is best done in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Douching is not the best way to cure the disease: the liquid will not reach the ovaries, but it will damage the vaginal microflora. This also applies to tampons soaked in decoctions - at best there will simply be no effect.
  • It is not recommended to sit over any decoctions: the “healing” steam will not reach the inflammation, but you can easily get burns to the vagina and uterus. And then the problem will not only be gynecological.

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Questions and answers on: how to cure inflammation of the uterus

2013-09-18 03:28:02

Olesya asks:

Help, please, I don’t know what to do anymore. Last year, my boyfriend infected me with chlamydia, as a result of which the erosion of the cervix turned from small to very extensive. Chlymidiasis was treated with Vilprafen, after PCR it was always negative. Erosion was treated with Surgitron (radio wave coagulation). Afterwards, everything seemed to be fine, except for a slight inflammation (you can see it on video colposcopy). Then I moved to the other side of the country, where the climate is completely different. Apparently the immune system has weakened - copious curdled discharge of a milky, yellowish tint and itching at the entrance to the vagina, redness, and swelling appeared. PCR for chlamydia - negative. I thought candidiasis - the smear was negative, the cytology showed inflammation. After menstruation, these symptoms disappeared, only small milky discharge remained). I took a smear from “C” for flora with determination of sensitivity to antibiotics - Staphylococcus aureus moderately (moxifloxacin, clarithromycin, ofloxcin, disosamycin, ceftriaxone.)
Tell me, what causes the inflammation (endocervicosis) - Staphylococcus aureus or latent chlamydia, which has worsened against the backdrop of climate change and weakened immunity? The young man donated blood to determine the titer of antibodies to chlamydia LgG (chronic form) result 1:160. Does this mean we were not cured, the antibiotics were chosen incorrectly? How should this be understood and how to get rid of this infection forever? More than a year has passed since the treatment.
How to cure inflammation and what is its cause after all? I’m already tired of this, against the background of endocervicosis, erosion again made itself felt and again I don’t know how to finally get rid of it.
The thought of untreated chlamydia still haunts me; we are planning a pregnancy soon. What to do?

Answers Kolotilkina Tatyana Olegovna:

Hello, Olesya. Your inflammation is caused by staphylococcus. Antibodies G do not indicate the presence of a fresh infection in the body, but rather the strength of your partner’s immunity. Let him take a PCR test. Treat staphylococcus according to the results of the tank. sowing And we can tell about the erosion that has reappeared after inspection.

2013-01-28 16:38:56

Alena asks:

Hello Igor Evgenievich. My ultrasound dated January 22, 2013, the uterus is in normal shape. M-echo 4.4 structure is not changed. The right ovary is length 51. thickness 35, the structure is heterogeneous due to a 2-chamber anechoic formation measuring 39 * 28 mm, also available follicles 5 mm. Left length 21, thickness 11 with follicles 3 mm stringy. free fluid is not determined. Conclusion: cyst of the right ovary. Before the formation of the cyst, ultrasound results: Uterus length 52, anteroposterior 37, width 58. Myometrium: structure is not changed. Endometrium : 6 mm does not correspond to the m.c. phase. There is a hypoechoic rim along the periphery. In the structure of the endometrium there are single small hyperechoic inclusions. Cervix: the structure does not change. In the endocervix there are single cysts 6 mm or less, as well as small hyperechoic inclusions. Right ovary: length 30, width 16, thickness 15 structure homogeneous, average echogenicity. Near the ovary echo-negative formation 9 mm. Left ovarian length 31, width 21. thickness 19, homogeneous structure, average echogenicity, visualized corpus luteum 18 mm. Along the periphery ovaries small hyperechoic inclusions. Free fluid determined in small quantities. Conclusion: Ultrasound signs of endometrial hypoplasia (chronic endometritis, chronic salpingoophoritis, paraovarian cysts. Signs of inflammation include constant pain in the lower abdomen, especially during sexual intercourse, discharge, abundant leucorrhoea, sometimes itching. If it doesn’t itch, then there is so much leucorrhoea that you have to change 2-3 panty liners a day. Tingling and a feeling of heaviness on the part of the ovaries. Hormones prolactin 2200 (normal is up to 600) MRI showed nothing, cortisol 977 .9 (normal up to 600), dihydrotestosterone 1299 (normal for women up to 300), aldosterone 531 (normal up to 300) - such hormone tests after taking hormonal pills Diane-35 (during taking the breasts were very sore - a consequence of increased prolactin and stagnation liquids) And this has been going on for 5 years and the inflammation does not go away. I took almost everything from antibiotics: ceftriaxone, cefazolin, Unidox Solutab, Zoflox, Klion, gentamicin, metrodidazole, diclofenac, augmentin, tinidazole, vilprafen, and bacteriophages (staphylococcal bacteriophage) to destroy what
then rods. Also on genetic tests, FGB is increased - fibrinogen-1, plasminogen activator inhibitor 5G/4G (heterozygote) -1, relative sum for the genes of the fibrinolysis system -1 total genetic predisposition to a complicated course of pregnancy - 3.25 (average from 2-3.9) Leukocytes from the cervix-38 always. All the problems began after a frozen pregnancy, tell me what to do, what other tests to take, and how to cure the inflammation, there are not even remissions, every month everything starts again. Constantly on antibiotics, and how to pass PCR smear if I am constantly undergoing treatment and they put tampons with dimexide and antibiotics. How else can you check for specific and non-specific infections. And what to do next, I really want children.

Answers Palyga Igor Evgenievich:

First you need to separate two problems - the inflammatory process and hormonal imbalance. This is not a normal situation, that inflammation lasts 5 years and you have taken almost all possible antibiotics! What kind of body can withstand this! Are you experiencing an increase in temperature? What is the general blood test that can be used to diagnose inflammation? Excessive leucorrhoea and itching can be caused by dysbiosis of the vagina and the whole body from so many antibiotics taken. I would advise you to stop taking antibiotics, restore the vaginal microflora locally + take bacterial preparations orally. In addition, you are indicated for sanatorium-resort treatment, plasmol injections, etc., because the process became chronic. It is necessary to give the body some rest and recovery. Hormonal imbalance must be corrected with adequate hormone therapy. Such elevated levels of hormones after taking COCs are also abnormal. Prolactin needs to be knocked down with Dostinex, which will relieve chest pain. Hyperandrogenism needs to be treated with complex treatment, which includes not only COCs or another group of drugs altogether. The cyst needs to be monitored over time. After the issue with inflammation is resolved, it will be necessary to check the patency of the fallopian tubes; after so many years of the inflammatory reaction, adhesions could have formed. The situation is advanced, you need to find an experienced gynecologist with whom you can be constantly monitored, for now your situation is being treated symptomatically, without eliminating the root cause, but only driving the process into a chronic form.

2015-06-08 21:18:58

Marina asks:

I am 38 years old. What should be my further treatment? On 05/05/15 I underwent double curettage of the walls of the uterus, I received a histological answer: an endometrial polyp with severe chronic inflammation. After that, I took tests for hormones: DHEA-4.02; LH-0.03; Progesterone-7.09; Testosterone-0.69; TSH-2.75; FSH-1.65; Estradiol-59.4. Treatment was prescribed to cure inflammation: Avelox, flucostat, diplovit suppositories, polyoxidonium, and then the Mirena spiral was recommended for further treatment ", but I read the reviews that are not very positive, what should I do now??? How to treat further, please tell me...

Answers Sitenok Alena Ivanovna:

Hello, Marina. Whose reviews did you base your opinion on? Doctors, I hope?! Mirena is the second stage of treatment for your pathology after anti-inflammatory therapy.

2013-11-30 20:48:33

Elena asks:

Hello! 3 months ago I lost my virginity, did not use protection and had a cold. Profuse white discharge began. When examined by a gynecologist, they said that I had colpitis and slight inflammation on the cervix, I took tests for infections and found HPV-16. A smear 2 months ago for flora was normal. They prescribed isoprinosine, viferon and genferon, a course of 10 days. I was treated, took tests and am waiting for the results. After reading your answers, I realized that treating HPV is useless, especially since I am only 20 years old. I still have discharge and my stomach is starting to hurt... I’m already tired of it, please tell me how to cure colpitis? I think I will be prescribed “magic” useless pills again and I just don’t want to spend money. Thank you

Answers Chernenko Evgenia Yurievna:

Dear Elena!
In the absence of clinical manifestations before the age of 30, detection and, especially, treatment of HPV infection is considered inappropriate by international standards. However, it is not entirely clear what exactly was meant by “inflammation of the cervix.” Check this point with your gynecologist.
The question “how to cure colpitis” can only be answered after examining the patient and conducting additional studies (according to indications) because colpitis, like their causes, are different.
Contact your gynecologist.

2012-10-07 09:59:39

Alena asks:

Hello! 10 years ago I had an abortion, subsequently inflammation of the uterus began, the inflammation was cured and adhesions formed in the uterine tubes, I took pictures. 8 years ago I was diagnosed with 2nd degree infertility. One tube is completely blocked, the other is partially patent. Regarding treatment, I plan to do a laparoscopy, I’m just tormented by the question of how effective this will be in my case and whether there is even a chance for natural conception since I haven’t done anything with adhesions for 10 years... I’m currently 27 years old. Or is there already a chance for normal functioning of the tubes over such a long period of time? no? thanks in advance for your answer!

Answers Palyga Igor Evgenievich:

Your situation is not unique, to be honest, you, of course, can do laparoscopy, but there is little chance that the functional patency of the fallopian tubes will be completely restored. The optimal method in your case is IVF, the chances of which are quite high, but ultimately it’s up to you to decide.

2011-08-15 21:49:53

Vita asks:

Hello! My name is Vita and I am 20 years old. I have been losing hair in very large quantities for almost two years. It was like this: after giving birth, 3 months. I started having inflammation of the uterus, now it has turned into a chronic disease and I can’t cure it in any way. Almost at the same time, the loss began. It seems to me that this is probably due to this, or perhaps after childbirth stress or general anesthesia, since the birth was difficult. I visited many doctors, a private clinic, and they told me that the living roots simply died. I took a lot of expensive and well-known medicines, injections, bought expensive sprays, capsules, rubbed in burdock oil, washed my hair with boiled burdock root, and a lot of Drugov... Help me, please, somehow get rid of this problem, there is almost no hair left. Thank you in advance!

Answers Todorova Larisa Petrovna:

Hello Vita! It is clear to me that you have diffuse alopecia. But it is impossible to treat such a pathology over the Internet! Here it is impossible to get by with a couple of tips and guarantee a good result. Treatment of alopecia is a very complex and lengthy process in which several specialists are involved. . When complaining of hair loss, a diagnostic program is traditionally prescribed to identify pathologies of the thyroid gland, central nervous system, diseases of the ovaries and adrenal glands, liver, immune system, metabolism, digestive system, etc. in order to establish the true cause of baldness. After taking antibiotics and anesthesia, pregnancy and childbirth, hair may fall out from 6-8 months to a year. The growth of new hair can be monitored using trichodermatoscopy, a method for studying hair growth and its quality using a special video camera and computer program. Hair restoration is a long process. It is necessary to take not only internal medications, but also physiotherapeutic effects (head massages, mesotherapy, laser therapy), and external therapy in the form of specially selected restorative care products (shampoos, masks, balms, lotions). Very often, treatment of the underlying disease is at the same time the key to successful treatment of diffuse hair loss, since there are still no 100% effective means of causing hair growth. Therefore, pharmacological therapy for hair loss in many cases is of secondary importance. All treatment is prescribed after examination and examination. I will not list the medications for you, since you wrote that you have already taken many different ones. You need to go to a good clinic, see a dermatovenerologist or trichologist, where, together with a gynecologist-endocrinologist and a psychoneurologist, you will be prescribed adequate complex therapy. This is the only way and with your faith you will grow beautiful hair, don’t despair, don’t close the vicious circle (stress-hair loss-stress). Good luck!

2010-09-21 16:13:02

Ira asks:

Dear doctor, Please help me figure it out
Diagnosis: type 1 dysplasia and HPV.
- flora smear – leukocytes 5-10 in the field of vision, abundant mixed flora, inflammatory type of smear, copious discharge.
- Complaints of severe pain in the lower abdomen on the first day of menstruation, as well as severe pain in the chest 4-5 days before menstruation. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs confirmed the diagnosis of cervical adenomyosis, and ultrasound of the mammary glands confirmed the diagnosis of dyshormonal adenomyosis.
- Tests for ureaplasma, mycoplasma, chlamydia IgG/IgM/IgA, gardenella, cytomegalovirus, Neisser gonococcus, trichomonas - negative, not detected.
- The PCR test for HPV also turned out to be negative, despite the fact that there are papillomas on the vaginal walls.
They did a colposcopy, according to the cytology of the material from the surface of the cervix - type 1 dysplasia, epithelium of the cervix. superficial and intermediate layer with signs of reactive changes, single two-nucleated cells; glandular epithelial cells were not found, rod flora in large quantities, a small amount of filamentous bacteria of the Leptothrix type, mucus impurities.
Cytology of material from the cervical canal – rod-coccal flora in large quantities.
Please help me understand:
- Is it worth removing dysplasia with a laser at this stage? Does it make sense to remove papillomas, cure inflammation caused by coccal infection, conduct antiviral therapy - but not remove dysplasia?
- what could have caused the coccal flora, what kind of Leptothrix bacteria are they, is it possible to cure them, how can they be cured, and what are their dangers? Does my partner need treatment?
- What additional tests are recommended?
Thanks a lot

2008-07-21 13:14:13

Lera asks:

Hello! I am 22 years old. At the age of 20 I had a miscarriage. When I went to the doctor, they discovered cervical erosion and inflammation of the vagina. The doctor explained that he did not understand where the erosion could come from. After some time, thrush also appeared. I was treated, took a course of fluconazole capsules 2 times (1 capsule on the first day of menstruation for three months). A few months ago I took tests again, laboratory tests showed that everything was fine, but the discharge was still bothering me. How to cure thrush permanently? Because of the erosion, the doctor said that it was better not to touch it for now, but just observe. Could erosion appear due to pregnancy and miscarriage? Thank you in advance!

Answers Buyalo Valentina Vitalievna:

In case of erosion, it is important to undergo a cytological analysis to exclude unwanted cell degeneration and a mandatory analysis to exclude papillomavirus infection. Of course, erosion occurs both due to hormonal disorders (and pregnancy is, after all, a hormonal change for the body), and due to inflammatory processes (in your case, thrush). If, after a course of treatment, tests show the presence of mycelium of a yeast-like fungus, it means either the treatment was insufficient, or this microorganism is resistant to the drug you took (at the same time, you need to rule out high blood sugar and gastrointestinal pathology). You can have your discharge cultured to check for the presence of a yeast-like fungus and sensitivity to various antifungal drugs, and select the most appropriate medication for treatment.

Inflammation of the ovaries or appendages (this also includes the fallopian tubes) is a disease that leads to serious consequences: hormonal imbalances , infertility and early menopause . the site analyzes the causes of the disease and explores the possibility of getting rid of this disease forever. Remember: being healthy means being beautiful and successful!

What is ovarian inflammation?

As a child, our mothers and grandmothers often told us not to sit on cold benches, stones or concrete slabs. They were partly right, but usually the disease occurs due to other reasons.

Inflammation of the ovaries, or oophoritis, can be acute and chronic, but if the inflammation affects all the uterine appendages, it is called adnexitis. It occurs as a result of the spread of infection of the genital organs and vagina, less commonly – the abdominal organs or urinary system. This is usually streptococcal, staphylococcal or gonorrheal infections or tuberculosis.

In addition, ovarian inflammation occurs against the background of hormonal imbalance and weakened immunity. It is promoted by hypothermia, frequent stress, menstrual irregularities, abortions , taking hormonal medications.

If in case of acute inflammation, pain in the lower abdomen, fever and poor health do not allow a woman to not notice the problem, then with a chronic course it is more complicated. Sluggish inflammation - due to an untreated acute process or occurring independently - leads to serious disturbances in the reproductive function of a woman. Inflammation causes adhesions in and around the fallopian tubes, causing them to become obstructed and tubal ulcers may occur. infertility .

In addition, inflammation of the ovarian tissue disrupts the regularity of menstrual cycles, periods become heavy and painful, or scanty and rare. Decreases and libido , sex ceases to be enjoyable and discomfort occurs during sexual intercourse.

Principles of treatment

First of all, you need to know that adnexitis is not a disease for which it is worth trying traditional medicine and self-medication with various methods of dubious origin. Your health, both general and female, is at stake, so if you experience the slightest pain in the genital area, you should consult a doctor.

Adnexitis is treated by a gynecologist; in the case of an acute process and a serious condition, hospitalization in the gynecological department of the hospital is usually required, or the woman is treated at home, undergoing outpatient treatment, and attends procedures in the antenatal clinic.

Acute process

If acute adnexitis occurs, antibiotics are prescribed. They are usually chosen taking into account the culture of the flora from the genital tract, since inflammation is often caused by special microbes that are not amenable to conventional antibiotic therapy - mycoplasmas, chlamydia or gonococci. However, in addition to suppressing the microflora that caused inflammation, pain relief and anti-inflammatory therapy are also necessary.

If intoxication occurs, the woman is given IV drips with solutions that remove toxins and microbial waste products, and also introduce vitamins and antioxidants to combat inflammation. Against the background of antibiotics, fungi can actively multiply in the genital area, so the woman, in parallel with antibiotics, is given Metrogyl - it suppresses the activity of harmful fungi and microbes.

If pus or fluid accumulates in the sacs in the area of ​​the appendages, laparoscopic operations are performed to remove them under general anesthesia. As the woman’s condition normalizes, immunostimulating agents are added to therapy; they help the body fight infection and stimulate tissue repair.

For chronic infection

Often the inflammation proceeds latently or sluggishly, becoming chronic, and the principles of therapy change. In this case, antibiotics are prescribed only for exacerbations or specifically for the pathogen that caused the inflammation, but strictly according to sensitivity cultures.

While taking antibiotics, immunomodulatory drugs are prescribed - they activate lymphocytes to fight infection. Typically, cycloferon, viferon, echinacea, and galavit are used.

If pain occurs, it is necessary to prescribe a course of anti-inflammatory and analgesic substances - these are usually rectal suppositories with diclofenac, it has an analgesic and pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. They work great for chronic inflammation. massages and acupuncture.

Psychotherapy and the mindset for recovery should occupy an important place in treatment. It has been noticed that in hysterical and apathetic individuals it is prolonged. Therefore, it is important to have the mindset for a successful resolution and quick recovery.

During remission

How to cure ovarian inflammation?

Chronic adnexitis is highly treatable during the period of remission, then the main treatment options will be procedures that resolve adhesions and physical therapy. For absorbable procedures, tampons with medicines and therapeutic mud, suppositories, magnetic therapy and ultrasound, electrophoresis of substances are used on the lumbar region and ovaries.

One of the effective methods of treating adnexitis in remission is hirudotherapy (treatment with leeches).

Prevention and treatment

One of the most effective methods in the treatment of chronic gynecological pathology is climatotherapy and spa treatment. They combine treatment and psychotherapy, the woman changes her environment, takes a physical and mental break from problems and illnesses, and gains strength.

You can go to resorts in central Russia six months after an exacerbation of adnexitis or an acute process, and to the Crimea, the Caucasus Mountains or the Krasnodar Territory - about eight to ten months after exacerbations.

The most useful and effective spa procedures are mud therapy, mineral water baths and massages, sea bathing, physiotherapy and sea air.

In addition, hormonal contraceptives are used in the treatment of ovarian inflammation; they give rest to the ovary and the possibility of normalizing the menstrual cycle. On average, they are taken for six months, and if they are discontinued, pregnancy is quite possible.

If the adhesive process occupies a large volume of the small pelvis, there are accumulations of fluid or purulent foci, surgery will be required. Unfortunately, in such cases it is not always possible to achieve a complete cure. Therefore, it is better to take care of your health, maintain hygiene and regularly visit a gynecologist.


Inflammation of the ovaries and uterine appendages is a fairly common female ailment, which, in addition to extremely unpleasant symptoms, is also fraught with serious consequences. Among them are the early climatic period, disorders of the menstrual cycle and reproductive function of women, including infertility. To avoid danger, you need to know how to cure inflammation in a timely and effective manner. We will talk about this in this article.

General principles of treatment

If you complain of frequent and painful urination, pain in the lower abdomen that intensifies with the onset of menstruation, discomfort during sexual intercourse, it is very possible that the doctor will diagnose “inflammation of the ovaries and/or appendages.”

Treatment methods directly depend on the form and severity of the disease, as well as its clinical manifestations. In most cases, in acute inflammation, bed rest is prescribed. At the beginning of therapy, various painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics and restorative drugs are used. Against the background of the use of antibiotics, active development of fungi in the genital area is possible. In this regard, it is also necessary to take antifungal agents.

Treatment of inflammation with medications

As a rule, inflammation of the ovaries and appendages is accompanied by pain, to eliminate which non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are most often prescribed. Among them are Indomethacin and Ibuprofen. To avoid the allergic effect of microbes, it is recommended to use antihistamines, which include Suprastin. The activity of microbes and fungi is effectively suppressed by Metrogyl, Diflucan and Nystatin.

In order to strengthen the immune system, it is necessary to take B vitamins, ascorbic acid and vitamin E. And of course, eliminating ovarian inflammation is almost impossible without antibiotic therapy. Most often, a combination treatment is prescribed, which helps to influence various microorganisms that provoke the development of the disease. It is recommended to use drugs that affect the aerobic flora. The most effective of them are Metronidazole, Amoxiclav, Erythromycin, Ceftriaxone.

During the first days of treatment, these drugs can be prescribed by injection. After the patient’s condition has stabilized relatively, you should switch to oral antibiotics and reduce their doses. In cases where such therapy does not produce any results on the first day, urgent surgical intervention may be required. As a rule, these are laparoscopic operations, during which pus or fluid accumulated in the area of ​​the uterine appendages is removed.

How to cure inflammation using traditional methods

To treat chronic inflammation of the ovaries and appendages, it is recommended to take baths with chamomile or wildflowers. This therapy can be combined with the main treatment. To eliminate pain, the pillow is stuffed with wildflowers and heated in the oven. It should be applied to the groin several times a day.

You can also prepare home remedies to treat inflammation. Wintergreen tincture is quite effective. To prepare it, 50 g of dry leaves are poured into 0.5 liters of vodka. The drink should be infused for 2 weeks in a dark place, after which it should be taken three times a day, 40 drops.

When inflammation occurs in an acute form, yarrow tea helps a lot. A tablespoon of dry raw material should be poured with a glass of boiling water and left for 10 minutes. It is recommended to drink the product warm.

You can read about other treatment methods in our article.

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