Medicine to terminate early pregnancy. Termination of pregnancy in the early stages. Drugs for medical abortion

Modern pharmaceuticals have an alternative to abortion that can be offered to the fairer sex.

The ability to end an unwanted pregnancy without surgery using pills is called medical abortion. Pregnancy is terminated in the early stages, up to about seven weeks.

Early abortion drug

What pills can be used to terminate a pregnancy, and how safe it is, we will try to figure it out below.

To get rid of an unwanted pregnancy with medication, the antiprogestagen Mifepreston will help. This drug has many other names.

  • Pencrofton.
  • Mifeprex.
  • Mifegen.

This drug may also help with emergency contraception. But the dosage in this case is different and the name of this medication is Ginepriston.

Abortion with drugs can be fraught with side effects, the main one being a blood clotting disorder, which can lead to bleeding. Various tumors and inflammations may develop, and there is no one hundred percent guarantee that the pregnancy will disappear.

Conditions under which an abortion can be performed:

  • First of all, this desire of a woman does not become a mother.
  • If a woman is pregnant for no more than forty-nine days.

Benefits of using tablets

When you have a medical abortion, you receive some benefits:

  • A hospital that you don't need to visit.
  • Fetal rejection is similar to menstruation.
  • Minimal risk of secondary infertility.
  • There is no need for anesthesia or surgery.

Contraindications for use

Termination of an unplanned pregnancy using pills is not recommended:

  • If you are in the eighth week of pregnancy.
  • If you suspect .
  • Acute and chronic liver failure.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the urine and reproductive system.
  • Acute and chronic renal failure.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Uterine fibroids.
  • Personal intolerance.

List of medications

To avoid having to undergo an abortion using any methods, you can use emergency contraception using pills after unprotected sexual intercourse.

  • . A drug that helps against unwanted pregnancy. The package contains two tablets. The first tablet should be taken immediately within seventy-four hours. The next tablet is taken twelve hours after the first. This process will help you urgently protect yourself from pregnancy. The guarantee is 85%.
  • Pencrofton. This medication can be used as an emergency contraceptive. It is also used to terminate an already existing pregnancy at a short period of time. This remedy is recommended for women who have not given birth.
  • Mytholian. To get rid of a pregnancy that does not exceed six weeks, you can use these pills. They are also used as a means to induce labor.
  • Mifepristone. Helps end pregnancy for no more than six weeks. To do this, you need to use three tablets at once.
  • Mifeprex. A medicine that is very effective for... It is also quite easy to carry.
  • Mifegin. A very good product, distinguished by its reliability. Used in the first trimester of pregnancy.

What tests need to be taken for pharmabort?

Abortion without surgery should, like surgical intervention, be supervised by specialists. And it is not advisable to spend it at home. List of tests you will have to take:

  • The first step is to undergo an ultrasound.
  • Rhesus is a trading blood group.
  • Smear.
  • Tests for HIV, Hepatitis, Syphilis.

Remember that the deadlines are not long, so the sooner you get tested, the better. Some clinics perform express tests and terminate pregnancy on the same day of treatment.

What is medication interruption?

Such an abortion must be performed in a medical institution, since it is a complete miscarriage.

Drugs that are approved for this procedure in Russia.

  • Mytholian.
  • Mifepristone.
  • Pencrofton.
  • Mifegen.

Mirolut and Misoprostol are taken a few hours after the above drugs so that the fetus comes out.

Interrupt stages:

  1. Determine pregnancy.
  2. Make a decision about medical abortion.
  3. Sign the relevant documents.
  4. Get tested.
  5. Determine the absence of contraindications or their presence.
  6. If everything is fine, then the doctor gives you a pill, which you should take on an empty stomach and under the supervision of a specialist.
  7. After taking the medication, the doctor’s observation continues for a couple of hours, in order to react urgently in case of side deviations.

Each organism’s reaction to this process is individual and can manifest itself after an hour or within two days. If spotting appears, then the process has begun. Be sure to purchase and take pads with you before going to the hospital. Don’t forget to take all the specialist’s contact information so that if something happens you can contact him.

You will have to visit the doctor again a couple of days after the procedure.

There is also a small nuance: fetal death does not always occur without the use of drugs that contract the uterus. So, you may also have to take another medication on an empty stomach and under the supervision of specialists.

After taking the uterine contraction, bleeding should begin, so the presence of medical personnel is very important.

Types of body reactions to taking the drug

Each body tolerates medication differently.

  • In the best cases, abortion proceeds like normal menstruation, although with the release of clots and more abundantly.
  • In some cases, nausea and vomiting occur.
  • Headaches may bother you.
  • Cramping pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Diarrhea.

Mifepristone is eliminated from the body within four days. This occurs naturally through feces and urine.

If the pregnancy is not terminated

Ten days after the pharmaboration, you should definitely undergo an ultrasound, this will help determine whether the pregnancy was terminated or not, and check for the presence of remnants of the fertilized egg.

  • If the abortion was not complete and there are residues, then you will have to use other methods for complete cleansing.
  • If, despite the bleeding, the pregnancy continues, then under no circumstances should it be abandoned.


The body is given one month for this process. During this period, we must take seriously any even minor deviations from the norm. If suddenly something starts to cause concern for you, contact your doctor immediately.

Medical abortion seems to be such a simple procedure that it is completely unclear why a doctor is needed. Can't you just buy the pills and take them according to the instructions? Why do you have to go to the clinic and get tested? This is a fairly common question that will have to be answered seriously.

A little history

Researchers have long dreamed of creating the ideal product for safe abortion. After all, women often died from abortions - curettage of the uterus with a sharp curette is dangerous due to many risks: perforation of the uterus with injury to the intestines or bladder, bleeding, purulent-septic complications.

The idea of ​​a “pregnancy pill” was wonderful: the doctor writes a prescription, the patient buys the medicine at the pharmacy and calmly terminates an unwanted pregnancy at home, without undergoing any intervention.

In the 1970s, a large-scale research program began in France to study hormonal and antihormonal drugs. Already in 1980, mifepristone was synthesized, which worked as an antiprogesterone that terminated pregnancy.

How it works?

Mifepristone blocks the action of progesterone at the receptor level. Deprived of its beneficial effects, the endometrium ceases to feel pregnant and is rejected along with the fertilized egg.

After the invention of mifepristone, they thought more and supplemented the new drug with the use of prostaglandins (misoprostol). Prostaglandins help soften the cervix and stimulate contractions, facilitating the expulsion of the fertilized egg.

In 1988, the method was approved by WHO, and France became the first country to license the use of mifepristone in combination with prostaglandin for abortion in early pregnancy. The method came to Russia in 1999, and the US FDA approved medical abortions in 2000.

It would seem that the dream of a safe abortion has come true? But, alas, life shattered these fantasies.

The pill also kills

The first case occurred in France in April 1991. A woman died as a result of a medical abortion. As it turned out, she had contraindications to the use of the drug: smoking, high blood pressure and heart disease. But the drug turned out to be dangerous for those who, at first glance, had no contraindications.

In September 2001, a Canadian woman died of septic shock 8 days after taking mifepristone. The cause was infection of the uterus, most likely due to parts of the embryo remaining in it. Another woman suffered a severe heart attack but survived.

Septic shock caused by Clostridium sordellii, turned out to be an uncommon, but almost completely fatal complication of medical abortion. The disease develops almost at lightning speed and has a gradual course. By 2013, US regulatory authorities (FDA) had collected information on 15 such cases.

On September 12, 2001, a 38-year-old US woman died 5 days after taking Mifepristone. In the clinic where the medical abortion was performed, they did not see the fertilized egg during the preliminary ultrasound, but decided that it was not scary, because the pregnancy was still short.

At home, the patient developed severe abdominal pain and bleeding. The woman called the clinic several times, where she was assured that everything was “okay, this is how it should be.” When the patient was brought to the clinic and operated on, it turned out that the pregnancy was ectopic. The rupture of the tube caused profuse intra-abdominal bleeding and peritonitis.

Ectopic pregnancy is a contraindication for medical abortion. In very early stages of pregnancy, the doctor should be patient and wait for the opportunity to see the fertilized egg in the uterine cavity. A couple of years ago in our country there was a case where the patient had a combination of intrauterine and ectopic pregnancy. A medical abortion nearly killed a woman. Only close medical supervision and timely assistance saved the patient.

In 2003, 18-year-old Holly Patterson died in the United States after taking Mifepristone. Death occurred from incomplete abortion. Fragments of the embryo lingering in the uterine cavity led to septic shock and the death of the young woman. That same year, 16-year-old Rebecca Tell Berg from Sweden died of bleeding.

8 days after a medical abortion, carried out in a specialized clinic and strictly according to instructions, her body was found in the shower. Investigators concluded that the doctors acted correctly, but the patient did not seek help in a timely manner.

In 2004, the FDA reported 17 medical abortion-related deaths. In 8% of cases, bleeding lasted about 1 month, in 72 cases a blood transfusion was required. 7 patients developed life-threatening sepsis. Fortunately, everyone was saved then.

That is why in most countries of the world, including Russia, the USA and the European Union, only doctors perform medical abortion. Not nurses, not physician assistants, not midwives. Only highly qualified specialists.

Why do you need a doctor?

The doctor must accurately assess the duration of pregnancy, reliably exclude ectopic pregnancy, provide emergency surgery in case of heavy bleeding or incomplete abortion, and be able to hospitalize the patient in a specialized hospital where abdominal surgery or blood transfusion can be performed.

The doctor performing the medication interruption procedure must carefully advise the patient, talking about the sequence of actions, possible undesirable effects, and make sure that the woman understands everything. Of course, several kilograms of informed consents are signed during the counseling process. The patient must read all papers in the presence of a doctor.

The doctor must examine the patient’s initial health status, take into account contraindications and conditions requiring caution, find out the risk of drug interactions, and select a drug interruption regimen that best suits the situation. Ultimately, the doctor should discuss possible contraceptive methods with the patient so that she can start using contraception as soon as possible and never experience an unwanted pregnancy again.

In our country, pills for medical abortion cannot be purchased at a pharmacy, even with a doctor’s prescription. These drugs are supplied only to medical institutions.

"Mifepristone" is intended only for use in medical institutions; its sale in pharmacies is strictly prohibited.

Moreover, since December 2017, licensing of clinics that provide abortions has been tightened. All this is done in order to minimize the risks of surgical and non-surgical termination of an unwanted pregnancy.

Oksana Bogdashevskaya


Pregnancy is not always desirable for a woman. For various reasons, social and medical, there is a need to terminate pregnancy. The safest type of abortion is medication. Pregnancy pills in the early stages lead to the death of the embryo and its expulsion from the uterine cavity.


A drug with the same active substance. Synthetic steroid antigestagenic agent. Blocks at the receptor level. Stimulates myometrial contraction and increases its sensitivity to prostaglandin. Leads to desquamation of the inner lining of the uterus and the release of the fertilized egg.

Contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to components, adrenal insufficiency, porphyria, fibroids and scars on the uterus, inflammatory diseases of the genital area, severe extragenital pathology, hemostasis disorders and anemia.

Mifepristone tablets should not be taken in the early stages for ectopic pregnancy, or for women over 35 who smoke. The consequences can be pain in the lower abdomen, bleeding, exacerbation of infectious and inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs.


The active ingredient of the drug is mifepristone. It blocks the activity of progesterone, a hormone that promotes embryo implantation. In addition, it enhances myometrial contractions and its sensitivity to prostaglandins. As a result, the uterine mucosa desquamates after the fertilized egg has attached to it.

When Pencrofton is used correctly, its effectiveness reaches 96%, and it does not lead to secondary. But these tablets have many contraindications: smoking and age over 35 years, ectopic pregnancy, the presence of an IUD, hemorrhagic disorders, inflammation in the genitals, etc.

After administration, the temperature may rise, bleeding, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, severe pain in the lower abdomen, and increased inflammation in the uterus may develop.


The active ingredient is misoprostol. The drug is a synthetic analogue of prostaglandin E. The main indication for its use is gastric ulcer. Cytotec protects mucosal cells and increases the formation of mucus in the stomach. Misoprostol suppresses the secretion of gastric juice and reduces the production of pepsin.

In combination with mifepristone-based drugs, Cytotec is used to terminate early pregnancy. It enhances contractions of the muscular layer of the uterus and dilates the cervix.

Contraindicated in cases of severe liver failure or hypersensitivity to the components. Can cause abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, dyspepsia, flatulence, diarrhea, skin rash. In rare cases, seizures develop.


The active ingredient of the drug is mifepristone. It blocks progesterone at the receptor level, enhances contraction of the muscular layer of the uterus, and increases its sensitivity to prostaglandins. As a result, the uterine mucosa is desquamated and the fertilized egg is released. The drug also inhibits the ovulation process, changes the endometrium and prevents the fertilized egg from attaching to the wall of the uterus.

This drug is contraindicated in case of anemia, taking glucocorticosteroids, adrenal, liver and kidney failure, fibroids and uterine scars, hemostasis disorders, porphyria, severe extrogenital pathology and hypersensitivity to components. After using Mifolian, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, pain in the lower abdomen, bleeding, and weakness may occur.

Taking pills to prevent early pregnancy is called a medical abortion. It is carried out up to 6-7 weeks if there are medical or social indications for interruption, as well as at the request of the woman. The procedure is performed only after diagnosis: establishing the fact of pregnancy and its duration, confirming the uterine location of the ovum.

The tablets are taken in a hospital setting under the supervision of a doctor, since the development of bleeding and other adverse reactions is possible. Abortion drugs include Postinor, Mifepristone and its analogues (Pencrofton, Mifolian, etc.). For greater effectiveness, drugs of the latter group are used in combination with Cytotec, a synthetic analogue of prostaglandin E1.

Useful video about early pregnancy termination pills

As you know, the most gentle method for terminating an unwanted pregnancy at a short term is medical abortion. It is carried out by the woman taking drugs that expel the fertilized egg out due to increased contractile movements of the uterine myometrium. Let's name the medications that are used in this case, talking in detail about which pills can be used to terminate a pregnancy in the early stages.

What medications are used for medical abortion?

To begin with, it must be said that these medicines are not freely available, and it is impossible to purchase them in the pharmacy chain. They are used exclusively in a medical clinic, under the direct supervision of doctors.

The thing is that after taking the woman it is necessary to monitor the woman, because... there is a high probability of developing uterine bleeding requiring emergency care.

If we talk about which pills terminate pregnancy in the early stages, i.e. are used for medical abortion, the most common means are:

  1. Mytholian. The active ingredient is mifepristone. This substance can be used to interrupt the onset of gestation, the duration of which does not exceed 6 weeks. Promotes self-detachment of the fertilized egg from the uterine wall.
  2. Mifeprex. It is used for abortion up to 42 days of pregnancy. It is highly effective and well tolerated by women.
  3. Mifegin. It has the same properties as the drugs described above. Used up to 6 weeks of pregnancy.

What pills can you take to terminate a pregnancy?

The medications described above are used exclusively by doctors. However, there are so-called ones. They must be taken within 72 hours from the moment of sexual intercourse. Later they are not effective.

When answering women's questions regarding which pills can be used to terminate a pregnancy at home, doctors call Postinor. It has been used for quite a long time and has proven its high efficiency. The active ingredient is levonorgestrel. Take 2 tablets: one preferably almost immediately after unprotected intercourse, the second - 12 hours later. However, after 3 days from the moment of conception, it is ineffective.

If we talk about what other pills you can take to terminate a pregnancy, you need to name Pencrofton. Also used as emergency contraception. Recommended for young girls who have not given birth, because... does not lead to development

Unplanned pregnancy is usually a consequence of neglecting protective measures or using low-quality contraceptives. This problem requires an immediate solution, since it is easier to eliminate it in the early stages.

Pills for unplanned pregnancy after intercourse are almost as effective as surgical abortion. However, such medications should be used with caution, so it is advisable to learn more about them before using them.

Pregnancy pills after an act in which fertilization of the egg may have occurred should be taken as soon as this fact has been discovered.

There are several types of drugs for ending pregnancy:

Drugs belonging to these types act differently and have different properties. However, the unpleasant sensations that arise after taking it are similar, since the action has the same direction. Regardless of the type of drug, side effects such as vomiting, headache and abdominal pain cannot be avoided.

Medicines for emergency contraception

Emergency contraception (other names: ambulance, emergency) involves the termination of pregnancy using various medications. With emergency contraception, the attachment of a fertilized egg to the uterus and the further development of the fetus at an early stage are prevented.

The effectiveness of emergency contraception depends on when the drugs were taken and on the type of drug itself.

The most effective emergency contraceptive medications are:

The drugs listed above are the best for emergency contraception. If you follow the instructions, the effectiveness is 95%.

Medicines containing mifeprestone

Medicines containing mifeprestone are effective even 3 weeks after conception. Mifeprestone acts on the uterus, increasing its tone. As a result, the fertilized egg is rejected by the uterus. Medicines containing mifeprestone have a strong effect on the female body, so they should only be used in the presence of a specialist.

The most popular drugs in this group are:

  1. Mifepristone- These are tablets that have a yellowish or greenish tint. In addition to the main component, the composition includes the following substances: cellulose, magnesium stearate, lactose, a mixture of amylose and amylopectin polysaccharides, polyvinyl lyrrolidone. You need to take the tablets 1.5 hours after a small snack, 3 tablets at a time. They must be washed down with water. They can be purchased at a pharmacy only with a doctor’s prescription, the approximate cost is 1500-3000 rubles.
  2. Mifegin- These are tablets with a yellowish tint, having a biconvex shape. The front side is engraved with the number 167. The composition also includes silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate, cellulose and povidone. Mifegin is the most effective remedy that has few side effects compared to others. Mifegin should be used in the same way as Mifepreston, 3 tablets at a time, in the presence of a doctor, after meals (at least 1 hour). The price of the drug ranges from 2500 to 3500 rubles.
  3. Genale. The drug Zhenale is available in the form of yellow or green round tablets. The composition includes magnesium stearate, a mixture of polysaccharides amylose and amylopectin, povidone and lactose monohydrate. Unlike the drugs listed above, you can take it yourself, 1 tablet. At least 2 hours should pass after the last meal. After taking, you should not eat for 2 hours. It is not recommended to use the drug for people suffering from porphyria, sexually transmitted diseases, anemia, liver and kidney diseases. It is also not recommended to take it together with painkillers, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic drugs. The price of the drug ranges from 300 to 800 rubles.
  4. Mytholean are abortion pills based on mifeprestone. Mytholeana tablets are round in shape and have a yellowish tint. In addition to mifeprestone, the composition also includes a mixture of polysaccharides amylose and amylopectin, magnesium stearate, lactose, and hypremelose. Like other drugs that include mifeprestone, it should only be used under the supervision of a doctor. You need to take 3 tablets at once. The effect of the drug will be reduced if it interacts with anti-inflammatory drugs. The approximate price of Mythelian is 2000 rubles.

Products containing mifeprestone are 98% effective. Their effectiveness does not depend on the time of administration. However, such drugs can only be taken under the supervision of a doctor.

Abortion of pregnancy using birth control pills

Pregnancy pills after intercourse without the use of contraceptives give results if taken within 3 days. During the first few days, you can even use birth control pills to terminate a pregnancy.

However, these pills are less effective than other remedies because they simply suppress ovulation and increase mucus production, which prevents the semen from reaching its destination.

There are exceptions among contraceptives that are quite effective:

  1. Yarin tablets. The drug is a yellowish tablet in the shape of a hexagon. On the front side there is the inscription “DO”. The main components are ethinyl estradiol and drospirenone; it also contains a mixture of polysaccharides amylose and amylopectin, lactose, magnesium stearate and povidone. The cost ranges from 1000 to 1500 rubles.
  2. Logest Available in the form of round white tablets. The main components of the composition are ethinyl estradiol and gestodene; the composition also includes starch, lactose monohydrate, polyvidone, calcium carbonate, sucrose, talc, glycolic wax. Price 700-2500 rub.
  3. Novinet– tablets with a yellowish tint, having a convex round shape. There is an engraving on both sides. The main active ingredients are ethinyl estradiol and desogestrel. Also contains: silicon dioxide, stearic acid, povidone, tocopherol, a mixture of amylose polysaccharides and amylopectin, dye. The cost ranges from 500 to 1000 rubles. The price depends on the number of tablets in the package and the region of sale.
  4. Silest– tablets with a blue tint, round in shape with modified edges and engraved on both sides. The main elements in the composition are norgestimate and ethinyl estradiol. In addition, the composition includes a mixture of polysaccharides amylose and amylopectin, a compound of magnesium and stearic acid, and a dye. Approximate price – 500 rub.

Abortion pills (birth control) can only be used 1 to 3 days after sexual intercourse. You need to take 2-5 tablets at once. The same amount should be drunk after 12 hours. Birth control pills often fail, their effectiveness is 80%, even if taken immediately, so it is better to use other drugs.

The effectiveness of drugs against unwanted pregnancy

Medical termination of pregnancy is much simpler than surgical termination. However, pills do not always bring results.

The effectiveness of medications depends on the following factors:

  1. age;
  2. physical data (weight, height);
  3. health;
  4. menstrual cycle.

The most important effect on effectiveness is the amount of time that has passed since sexual intercourse. If you use emergency contraception immediately after contact or after a short time, the effectiveness is 99%. With every hour and day that passes, the percentage of success decreases.

The most effective emergency contraception drugs are those containing mifepristone:

  1. Mifegin.
  2. Mytholian.
  3. Mifeprex.
  4. Pencrofton.

It is prohibited to use them independently.


Anti-pregnancy pills should not be taken after intercourse without the use of contraceptives without familiarizing yourself with the composition and contraindications, since they affect not only the uterus and egg, but the entire body. Some people are not advised to terminate their pregnancy using the pill. This can lead to childlessness.

It is prohibited to perform a medical abortion procedure:

  • with advanced pregnancy or ectopic pregnancy;
  • with disturbances in the functioning of the liver and kidneys;
  • for anemia, blood leukemia, etc.;
  • with inflammation of the pelvic organs;
  • people suffering from asthma;
  • women with tumors of the breast and uterus;
  • for sexually transmitted diseases;
  • with hormonal imbalance.
  • if an allergic reaction occurs to the components indicated in the composition.

These are general contraindications that apply to all means for terminating pregnancy in the early stages. Some drugs have additional contraindications, so it is important to fully study the characteristics of the selected drug before use.

Side effects

Terminating pregnancy using medications always causes discomfort, since pregnancy, even at an early stage, changes the female body, and the removal of semen is an external intervention. Side effects almost always occur after emergency contraception.

It could be:

Such unpleasant sensations should not cause concern to a woman, as they are natural and pass quickly. But sometimes (if taken incorrectly) more serious side effects can occur.

For example:

  • uterine bleeding;
  • unbearable abdominal pain;
  • infertility (with frequent use of pills).

Where can you buy abortion products and can you use them yourself?

You can only purchase emergency contraceptives at a pharmacy. Medicines will be issued only if there is a doctor's order. Most emergency contraceptives can be taken independently, but only after carefully studying the characteristics and instructions.

However, it is advisable not to perform abortions on your own, since complications often arise after an incorrect procedure. Emergency contraceptives, which include mifeprestone, can only be used in a medical facility, under the supervision of a specialist.

How to check if the termination of pregnancy was successful

It is impossible to verify the success of the procedure on your own. You can find out whether the procedure was successful only by performing a control ultrasound or visiting a specialist. Only a specialist in this field will be able to determine the result of taking the drugs; for this he needs to study the condition of the woman’s reproductive organs.

A woman should choose means to terminate pregnancy, taking into account the characteristics of the body and contraindications.

Pregnancy pills will help prevent the development of a fertilized egg after unprotected intercourse, however, they can also cause serious complications.

Before the procedure, you must consult with a gynecologist who will help you choose the drug. Pregnancy, even in the early stages, is a major change in the body, and carrying out the procedure without due care often leads to infertility.

Article format: Lozinsky Oleg

Video about pregnancy pills after intercourse

Emergency contraception:

Types of contraception:

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