Where can I find out the INN number from my passport? Is it possible to quickly get an Inn without registration and how to do it. What is needed to obtain a TIN

Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN, read as "ienen") is a special digital code that is issued to individuals and legal entities in order to streamline and control the payment of taxes.

TIN plays one of the main roles in the individualization of legal entities and individuals with the status of individual entrepreneur (IP) as taxpayers.

Check the TIN and get information about the counterparty

TIN of legal entity and individual entrepreneur

Entity receives a tax identification number from the tax authority at the place of registration of the person simultaneously with other registration documents.

Individuals with individual entrepreneur status can obtain a TIN in two ways:

1) simultaneously with the assignment of individual entrepreneur status and the issuance of a certificate of registration as an individual entrepreneur;
2) at any time before registration as an individual entrepreneur (in this case, upon registration There is no need to get a TIN again).
Without a TIN, an individual will not be able to obtain individual entrepreneur status.
Legal entities and individuals with the status of individual entrepreneurs, when concluding any agreements, are obliged indicate your TIN in the details.
The TIN must be located on stamps (for individual entrepreneurs - if there is a stamp).

TIN of an individual without individual entrepreneur status

Individual can obtain a TIN from the tax authority at the place of residence.
Currently obtaining TIN by individuals is voluntary. Exception: TIN is required for an individual when appointing him to the position of a civil servant.
In practice, when applying for employment in other positions, they are often asked to present the TIN along with other documents. Such a requirement cannot be mandatory, since it is not reflected in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

TIN verification

Anyone can visit our website for free check the correctness of the TIN counterparty - a legal entity or an individual with the status of an individual entrepreneur, as well as the fact of making an entry on the registration of a legal entity in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

Knowing the TIN and the name of the organization, you can obtain an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities for verification:

  1. the reliability of documents received from the counterparty (since legal entities and individual entrepreneurs are required to indicate the TIN on any local acts and documents they issue);
  2. the fact of the existence of a legal entity (situations are possible when an unscrupulous counterparty, for selfish purposes, acts in a transaction on behalf of a non-existent legal entity);
  3. the reliability of the counterparty's legal address;
  4. last name, first name and patronymic of the director of the legal entity and other information about the legal entity.

An individual can, via the Internet, and knowing the TIN - the amount of debt for taxes and fees. TIN verification individuals is carried out free of charge online.

Verification of the counterparty: procedure in questions and answers

Verifying a counterparty by TIN is a mandatory procedure that all business representatives face sooner or later, regardless of their line of business. Is it worth cooperating with a counterparty, is it possible to trust him and make an advance payment? This is only a short list of questions that can be answered by carrying out a procedure such as checking the counterparty by TIN.

If we consider individual situations, the need to check the counterparty can be useful to an accountant who wants to make sure of the transparency of the activities of a potential partner of his company before concluding an agreement. By using the TIN number on our website you can obtain an extract about the legal entity from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, as well as expanded financial data on the legal entity.

It will be rational to present basic information about conducting a verification of a counterparty by TIN in the form of questions and answers in order to achieve a high degree of understanding of the need for this procedure and the features of its implementation.

What is verification of a counterparty by TIN?

Checking a counterparty by identification number includes a search for information about him and its further analysis aimed at determining the integrity/bad faith of a potential partner.

Who is responsible for checking counterparties?

In most cases, checking the counterparty by TIN is the responsibility of employees of the legal service and economic department. If there are no such structural units at the enterprise, the person authorized to conclude the contract will be responsible for checking the counterparty.

Why do you need to check your counterparty?

The verification of the counterparty is carried out to minimize financial risks from cooperation with him. Analysis of data obtained using the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) will help avoid delays in deliveries, problems with the quality of goods or services, and will make it possible to stop fraudulent schemes of the counterparty.

In addition, this check is necessary to avoid sanctions from the tax authorities: if violations are found, then responsibility for choosing a counterparty will fall entirely on your organization. The consequences may be different (exclusion of a transaction of a dubious nature from expenses, refusal to accept VAT for deduction), so it is imperative to check the counterparty.

What exactly is studied when checking a counterparty?

The specifics of checking a counterparty - the procedure, responsibilities of the parties, the criteria by which research is carried out - are not established at the legislative level. The concept of “verification of a counterparty” is currently not prescribed in regulations and is absent in the Tax Code.

Along with this, in 2006, a Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation appeared, which somewhat clarifies who should check the counterparty. It is devoted to the issue of assessing the validity of a person receiving a tax benefit. It may be found unfounded in court if it turns out that the taxpayer acted imprudently. In practice, this means that responsibility for checking the counterparty rests with business representatives. In fact, in most cases the audit is carried out by accountants.

What documents are most often requested when checking a counterparty?

The absence of a written counterparty verification scheme somewhat complicates the process. At the same time, a standard practice has already developed, which involves collecting and studying such documents of the counterparty as the charter, an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, certificates of state registration and tax registration, a letter from statistics indicating activity codes, documents identifying the counterparty and confirming his authority .

Sometimes there is a need to find out the individual taxpayer number (), but the document from the tax office is not at hand. Below we will tell you how to find out your TIN without visiting the territorial tax office, via the Internet.

TIN of an individual: certificate

In some cases, a person may not know what TIN was assigned to him or, as stated above, he may not have a document from the tax office at hand. A similar situation can arise for a number of reasons: a personal application for assignment of a TIN was not written, it is not available at the right time. What to do in this case?

In this situation, Internet resources will come to the rescue, using which you can find out the TIN from a citizen’s passport. The individual taxpayer number is not classified information and is provided absolutely legally. Here are ways to find out your TIN:

  1. on the official website of the Federal Tax Service, at https://service.nalog.ru/inn-my.do;
  2. by contacting the public services service, where it is possible to access citizen services provided by government agencies, at https://www.gosuslugi.ru/pgu/fns/findInn.

The above methods will allow you to find out the TIN if you have the citizen’s passport data.

How to get TIN data online using passport data?

By contacting the online addresses indicated above, you will need to fill out the form presented on the Internet pages, entering your data in the appropriate fields:

  • surname, first name, patronymic;
  • information about the date and place of your birth;
  • the name of the document with the help of which you need to obtain a TIN (in our case it is a passport);
  • details of your passport (series and number, as well as date of issue at the FMS department);

You may not fill out the column indicating your place of birth. If you do not fill out the other fields, you will not be able to obtain a TIN, since the search form simply will not work.

When all personal passport data has been entered, you need to enter a captcha in the corresponding window - a set of certain numbers to confirm that the person is requesting the data. After this, you need to click on the “Check” or “Submit Request” icon (this depends on which site you use to obtain TIN data). In a second or two, a result will be issued that will indicate the TIN if it was assigned to the person.

A video consultation will teach you how to find out your Taxpayer Identification Number in one minute:

Search for TIN of an individual on the Federal Tax Service website

How to find out the tax identification number of an individual: on the Federal Tax Service website

If there is no link address to the TIN data search pages described above, you can go to the website of the Federal Tax Service. Here is the TIN search service. You can access it using the “Electronic Services” link from the main page of the site. Having entered “Electronic Services” you need to click on “Find out TIN”.

After completing these steps, you will be taken to the TIN search page. On this page you need to select the “Find out your TIN” item, then fill out the request form. Fields marked with a red asterisk are required. By clicking “Send request” we get the TIN.

On the Federal Tax Service website you can find out both your own and another person’s TIN, having passport data. If your TIN can be obtained immediately on the website, then the TIN of another person can only be obtained by personally contacting the Federal Tax Service. Please note that this service is paid and costs 100 rubles.

The inspection will provide the TIN of the other person upon presentation of a passport and a receipt for payment for the service.

Is it possible to obtain TIN data by last name?

Passport details required

Let's consider the case when it is necessary to obtain TIN data in the absence of a passport and its data. Is it possible to obtain TIN data by name, surname and patronymic of a person without having his passport data?

It must be said right away that for an ordinary citizen who is not registered as an individual entrepreneur or is not the head of a peasant farm, this is impossible today. To find out a citizen’s TIN through online services, you must have your passport details.

The Federal Tax Service website offers the service “Business risks: check yourself and your counterparty.” This service makes it possible to find out the TIN of the individual entrepreneur and the head of the peasant farm. To carry out a search, you need to enter information about the last name, first name, patronymic and region of residence of the entrepreneur. Ultimately, you will be able to find out all the data related to the credentials in the state register of individual entrepreneurs. This is the number and date of registration as an individual entrepreneur, location address, TIN data, information about the areas of activity of the individual entrepreneur, changes previously made to the state register.

Is it possible to find out a person’s passport details using the TIN?

This is practically the reverse procedure of the previous one. And, as in the previous case, an ordinary person who is not an individual entrepreneur or the head of a peasant farm will not be able to find out passport details.

You can also find out information about a businessman using the “Check yourself and your counterparty” service. Here you can find information about the entrepreneur by TIN or individual entrepreneur registration number. To do this, you need to enter the TIN number in the specified window and, after entering the captcha, you will receive complete data about.

To summarize, we can say that an individual who is not an individual entrepreneur can easily find out the TIN on the website of government services or the Federal Tax Service, but you need to have passport data. Otherwise, it is only possible to find out the TIN of a citizen-entrepreneur.

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Letter of the Federal Tax Inspectorate No. ММВ-7-6/435@ dated 20.04. 2010, a clarification of the concept of the term “Taxpayer Identification Number” or simply TIN was introduced. This is a personal number of a citizen or organization in the Tax Service of the Russian Federation, which is intended to collect information about income that is subject to taxation and control the deduction of taxes. It is issued once and can be received by any person both at the place of registration and at the place of residence (registration).

Do I need to change my TIN when changing my registration?

Many people, when moving to a new place of residence, are interested in the question: “Do I need to change the TIN certificate?” In this case, you need to pay attention to Art. 84 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, which states that the TIN certificate is valid throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation and must be replaced in the event of:

  • loss;
  • change of personal data (full name or gender);

It is important to know: The only reason for replacing a certificate when moving to a new place of residence may be employment in a government agency, which requires full compliance with the information in the documents.

How to apply for a TIN not at your place of registration

Since 2012, the procedure for obtaining a TIN has been simplified. Now it can be issued not only at the place of registration, but also at the place of actual residence. This greatly simplifies the situation in cases where it is necessary to obtain a TIN for a child who is studying in another city or even region. This point also applies to foreign citizens who work in the country under a contract and do not have a residence permit.

What is needed to obtain a TIN

Sample application for TIN (click to enlarge)

In order to obtain a TIN certificate, you must contact the local tax office in any convenient way:

  • personal visit to the regional tax office;
  • sending the necessary documents by mail;
  • filling out an application for issuing a TIN certificate through the website on the Internet.

For those who personally apply for a certificate, you must have the originals of the following documents with you:

  • application in the prescribed form, filled out in printed capital letters;
  • any document established by the state that proves identity (passport, birth certificate or military ID);
  • documents with information about place of residence.

For those people who are not citizens of the Russian Federation, additional documents will be required:

  • certificate from the Federal Migration Service for citizens of other countries working in the Russian Federation under a contract;
  • refugee certificate for immigrants from other countries who have not accepted Russian citizenship.

For those who are a proxy and are issuing a certificate for another person, it is also necessary to provide a notarized power of attorney.

To submit documents by mail, photocopies of the above documents certified by a notary must be enclosed in the envelope.

To submit an application online (using a website on the Internet), you do not need to send any documents other than the completed electronic form. However, they must be available at the time of receipt of the completed certificate from the tax authorities.

How to make a TIN according to registration

Sample TIN (click to enlarge)

The algorithm for obtaining a TIN at the place of registration looks almost the same. The difference is that the person applying for the certificate applies in a convenient way to the Tax Inspectorate at the place of registration. Thus, additional documents, namely:

  • certificate from the Federal Migration Service;
  • You will not need a refugee ID.

You can save time by skipping the trip to the tax office and filling out an application for a TIN online. For this purpose, a special section has been created on the official website of the Federal Tax Service, where online each citizen can submit an application for a TIN and receive related official information in a comprehensive form.

Advice to parents: In order to avoid the procedure for registering a taxpayer code not at the place of registration or conflict situations with the Tax Service of the Russian Federation, parents need to worry about assigning a TIN to their child in advance.

Today find out the tax identification number using the passport of an individual, organization (legal entities) or individual entrepreneur, you can do it online on the tax website. To complete the request, it is enough to know your passport details or the name of the company.

The tax number is considered an important document; it may be required by various government services of the Russian Federation and private organizations, such as banks. To check your TIN on the tax office website, simply follow the instructions presented in this material.

What is TIN

TIN is an abbreviation that stands for individual taxpayer number. Issued to all individuals from the moment of birth, as well as individual entrepreneurs and legal entities in the process of state registration.

Your TIN number is stored in a specialized register, which is accessible from any region, region and even country at any time of the day.

How to find out the TIN of an individual

A single instruction will help you find out a citizen’s TIN in 3-5 minutes. The following steps must be performed sequentially:

  1. Open the address of the Federal Tax Service of Russia website in a browser on your personal computer (the “Find out INN” page): https://service.nalog.ru/inn.do
  2. Enter information about the individual. The first block requires entering the Last Name, First Name and Patronymic (if the patronymic is missing, check the box next to it). Next, fill in the date and place of birth according to the automatic prompt. Indicate the details of the internal passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation (series, number, date of issue of the document).
  3. Check the form carefully, write down the security characters in the line and click “Submit request”.
  4. Immediately after processing, your individual tax number, which consists of 12 digits, will be displayed at the top of the page.

Helpful information: The service allows you to find out the TIN from a Russian passport and foreign document, birth certificate, as well as from a temporary and permanent residence permit.

According to your passport at the tax office

You can find out the TIN from your passport at the regional office of the Federal Tax Service during business hours.

Go to the hall administrator and inform them of your intention to find out your Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) and wait in line with your coupon. The request is generated immediately after the application, however, in order to receive a number on a government form, you must wait.

A tax inspector will notify you of the deadlines regulated by law. A paper copy of the document may be required during official employment, so it is recommended to prepare such an extract in your free time.

It works around the clock, providing access to all services after registering on the site.


  1. Log in to your State Services personal account through the official website (the service is available for individuals, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs).
  2. If your account is confirmed, you will not need to enter data; the TIN will be displayed immediately on the page https://www.gosuslugi.ru/16816/2/form

Important: The government services service allows you to find out your TIN using SNILS, since during authorization you can use either a phone number and email address, or an insurance certificate number.

How to find out the TIN of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur

To find out the identification number of a legal entity, you need to go to the tax website where the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE) is located, it is available at: egrul.nalog.ru.

Select a tab to refine your request:

  • Entity. Fill in the name (full name without errors) and click the “Find” button.
  • Individual entrepreneur / peasant farm. For individual entrepreneurs, everything is similar to the first point, only instead of the name of the organization you need to enter your full name.

Debt according to TIN

Using your individual tax number, you can check and find out your debt online, without visiting a branch of the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

To understand what debts exist to the state for paying taxes, you need to know your TIN number, so first make a request to clarify this information. You can read more about how in this material.

How to check debt according to TIN correctly:

  • Individuals. Open or the Federal Tax Service and go through authorization (standard mobile phone number and password are used). After logging in, the main page will display the debt or lack thereof.
  • Legal entities. Turn on your work computer with the software installed and configured to log in using a cryptographic key (EDS). Go to your account and look at the main page, where information on debt or overpayment of taxes will be provided in detail.
  • Individual entrepreneurs. Similar to the previous option, the only exception is the authorization procedure, since you can log in from the State Services website. The tab for changing the presentation form is at the top.

Please note that debt verification by TIN is carried out through government databases, the so-called taxpayer register. The information is current at the time of request.


Qualified assistance will be provided to all citizens who apply for tax issues using several methods and means of communication:

  • Through the official. A specialized Internet resource contains a lot of relevant information that can solve all questions by providing a comprehensive answer.
  • By multi-channel telephone contact center. Call the Federal Tax Service hotline at 88002222222 and wait for the operator to join the dialogue (response time can range from 1 to 30 minutes).
  • In the mobile application of the Federal Tax Service of Russia. The phone program has a feedback function that can be used online.

Video instructions from the Federal Tax Service on TIN

You can find out your Taxpayer Identification Number on the unified government services portal gosuslugi.ru and on the Federal Tax Service website. To do this, you do not need additional registration and authorization in these services; you just need to fill out a simple form and complete the request. If you are registered with the tax authorities with a TIN, you will receive a response with a number.

How to find out the TIN on the government services portal

In order to send a request for a TIN, you must fill out a form indicating personal data (full name, date of birth, place of birth) and details of an identity document (series, number and date of issue). Additionally, you need to enter a verification code. Submit the data for verification by clicking the Check button.

If all the data is entered in your personal account, in a few seconds you will receive a response with your TIN.

How to find out the TIN on the website of the Federal Tax Service

The link https://service.nalog.ru/inn-my.do will open the “Find out your INN” service page. We fill in all the fields in the “Information about the applicant” section: full name, date and place of birth, document indicating the number and date of issue. Next, enter the code and click the “Send request” button

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