Extract from the register with tax digital signature. How to get an extract from the Unified State Register with a tax digital signature Egrip personal account

Extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities on paper are no longer valid for some entities. But this certificate is still required for many operations. How to order a tax extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in 2019?

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An extract from the state register of legal entities is required for any official transactions and procedures. Previously, it was possible to receive it in paper form from the Federal Tax Service.

Currently, some applicants are not provided with extracts from the unified register in paper format. How can you get an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities from the tax office in 2019?

What do you need to know?

An extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is an official document containing detailed information about a legal entity. Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE) is an open federal resource.

Any individual or legal entity has the right to officially request information about a particular company. To do this, you just need to submit a proper request and pay the established state fee.

Only the Federal Tax Service, the federal tax service, is responsible for issuing statements. The issued extract has a personal unique number and an indication of the date of issue.

The document must be sealed with the official seal of the institution and the signature of the responsible employee. If data about a specific organization is not in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, this is indicated in the extract.

That is, the Federal Tax Service officially confirms that this organization is not officially registered and does not legally exist. From this we can conclude that any relationship with this company is undesirable.

The official issuance of a paper extract is carried out within five days. If urgent, you can receive a paper document the very next day.

Basic Concepts

An extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is an official document confirming any changes in the founders’ composition, authorized capital and other important aspects in the activities of a legal entity.

The Unified State Register of Legal Entities is an information base that systematizes the economic activities of entities on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Information in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is constantly updated based on any changes made to the constituent documents of the organization.

The extract can be compared to an identity document, since it contains information such as:

  • legal and actual location of the organization;
  • information about the founders and management;
  • information about authorized representatives;
  • date of creation of the legal entity;
  • type of organizational and legal form;
  • all available options for the company name;
  • TIN indicating the exact date when the legal entity registered for tax purposes;
  • types of activities implemented;
  • branches and representative offices of the organization;
  • Contact details;
  • codes according to the Russian Federation classifier;
  • size of the authorized capital;
  • value of assets for the last reporting period;
  • probable successors;
  • availability of licenses;
  • procedures taking place in the company (sanitation, liquidation, reorganization, etc.);
  • changes made to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in early periods.

An electronic extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is provided in electronic format and also contains a lot of useful information, in particular:

  • confirmation that the organization has not been deregistered from taxation;
  • Company details;
  • place of registration;
  • type of organizational form;
  • information about the director of the organization.

An electronic statement is not considered an official document, since it is not certified by the seal of the tax authority.

However, the same document, but with the electronic signature of the head of the organization, has absolute legal force.

Purpose of the document

An extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities becomes in demand in the following circumstances:

  • acquisition of counterparty data;
  • registration of property rights;
  • confirmation of the legal status of the company or the powers of certain persons.

An extract is also required for:

  • company activities;
  • changing types of activities;
  • participation in tenders;
  • amendments to the constituent documents.

An electronic statement without digital signature is used, as a rule, to clarify data about one’s own company or to verify a counterparty.

If you need to submit this document to government agencies, you will have to obtain a paper version of the extract with the Federal Tax Service stamp or certify the electronic document.

As a rule, an official document is provided for a fee, but knowing some subtleties you can get it for free.

Legal basis

The paper version of statements practically disappeared after it came into force on June 30, 2019.

This law also regulates the procedure for issuing information to individual subjects. Thus, state bodies, extra-budgetary funds, courts and local governments can now receive extracts only in electronic format.

All other entities can receive an extract in the most convenient form. An electronic statement is obtained based on an online request or you can submit a request at any tax office.

The document is provided in electronic format and certified with an enhanced qualified electronic signature of the tax authority.

You can receive the finished document on the electronic media attached to the request, or to the email address specified in the application.

Maintaining electronic statements has not significantly changed the procedure for exchanging information between government agencies.

The issuance of information was previously carried out in electronic format or through the SMEV (interdepartmental electronic interaction) system.

Paper statements were issued only when it was technically impossible to use SMEV. Now individuals can also generate an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities on the tax service website in electronic format.

The Federal Tax Service website presented an updated service “Providing information from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities/Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs”. Using this tool you can obtain an electronic document for free.

To submit a request on the Federal Tax Service website, an individual does not need an electronic signature. You need to register, provide the correct information, and then “submit”.

To receive an extract about a legal entity, you need to enter the OGRN of the organization of interest or the OGRNIP of the entrepreneur. Previously, using this service it was only possible to obtain a paper statement.

How to make an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities on the Russian tax website

You can order an extract on the website of the Russian Tax Service for free. but in this case a document with only the most basic data will be provided.

The free statement does not have an electronic signature and is not legally valid. It can only be used for informal procedures.

In order to receive a legal official document, you need to order an extended electronic statement. Such an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities with the digital signature of the tax service may also include data from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, which is very convenient.

The document received after ordering can be downloaded and printed. You can receive an electronic extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities using your TIN in 2019. This is provided free of charge.

However, the main condition is that the TIN extract can only be obtained directly for the applicant. Information about third parties is not provided in this way.

The extract is provided immediately after the applicant registers on the Federal Tax Service website in the form of a download link or by sending it to the specified email address.

Required data

When submitting a request to the tax authority for an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, you must provide the following details:

If you do not specify that an electronic statement format is required, the document will be sent by mail as a paper version.

A request to the tax authority can be submitted in different ways:

  • through the postal service;
  • when contacting the multifunctional center;
  • to the tax authority or its representative office;
  • on the website of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation;
  • using the Unified Government Services Portal.

The request can be made in any form. If it is submitted by a representative, then his authority must be officially confirmed.

Once the tax authorities receive the request, the deadline begins to count down. Within five days, a completed document must be provided, including in electronic form.

If there is an urgent need, you can order a document and receive it within one business day, that is, the day after submitting the request.

The process is significantly accelerated when you independently order an electronic statement on the Federal Tax Service website.

Sending a request

In order to send a request for an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities yourself, you need to visit the official website of the Federal Tax Service. It is located at www.service.nalog.ru.

You can also order an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs. The data will be provided directly on the tax service website with certification by an electronic signature. The only thing left to do is print the electronic form of the document.

Procedure for obtaining a document

An extract ordered online is provided to the applicant within five to ten minutes in electronic format.

You should immediately clarify for yourself what type of electronic statement is needed - an official paid one or a free trial one.

If you submit a request by regular mail, you should not expect a prompt response. Please note that postal delivery times are quite long.

It is important that when sending a postal request, you should attach payment of the state duty to it. It is advisable to send your request by registered mail with notification so that it is not lost.

Is it possible to view the extract on the Federal Tax Service website?

At this time, the easiest way is to order an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities on the official website of the Federal Tax Service. The electronic document is provided to the applicant as a link in PDF format.

In order to receive an extract, the applicant himself does not need to have an electronic digital signature or a key certificate.

An electronic document with an electronic signature has the same legal force as its paper counterpart with the seal of the Federal Tax Service.

If you need to regularly receive information about changes, you can use the “Request to the Unified State Register of Information Resource” service.

An extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is a mandatory document for owners of organizations. It reflects the main provisions about the company - action status, information about the owner, information about the company. If you have an extract, you can not only draw a conclusion about the reliability of the counterparty. The document is necessary for reporting to the tax authorities on proof of the legality of cooperation. If you enter into an agreement with a new supplier, seller or partner, you should definitely request a certificate from the register.

The Unified State Register of Legal Entities provides up-to-date information about companies in the Russian Federation with legal ownership. Registration in it is a mandatory condition for all organizations of this form. In addition to this register, there is also a resource containing data on individual enterprises.

In what situations may an extract be needed:

  • to confirm the authority of the manager. This is usually necessary when concluding contracts with new partners and companies. To participate in auctions, trades, tenders and other similar forms of selecting applicants for an order;
  • to verify the reliability and integrity of the counterparty’s data;
  • to confirm the status of the company (current or discontinued);
  • to decide on the advisability of entering into civil legal relations with the company;
  • for documentation of the accounting and legal departments;
  • to exercise control throughout the entire period of cooperation;
  • for attachment to the statement of claim to the judicial authority.

Advice. Request an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities from your counterparties (for owners it is issued free of charge) every 3-6 months. This way you will avoid problems with the Tax Inspectorate related to the activities of your company during the audit. Discuss this point at the negotiation stage.

Types of extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities

There are two types of documents, one of which is divided into several forms:

  • On paper:
  1. a regular form contains public data;
  2. extended includes personal information about the owner;
  3. an official bound document with the signature and stamps of the tax office.
  • In electronic form.

To obtain an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities of the first type, you should contact any Tax Service. To receive a certificate in electronic form, we recommend using the official service on the Federal Tax Service website.

Advice. If your company’s activities involve regular requests for extracts about various organizations, the best solution would be to obtain access to the entire Unified State Register of Legal Entities or Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.

Get an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities online at nalog.ru

To obtain an extract, go to the official website of the Tax Inspectorate. Please note that licensed and trusted sites are marked with a closed padlock icon. It is located in the left corner of the search bar.

Request an electronic statement

You do not need to provide any personal information to make your request. It is enough to know information about the company you are looking for:

  • OGRN;
  • company name.

Important information. An extract about your own company is provided free of charge. It follows that you can request a certificate from the counterparty. He will independently receive a certificate about his company and give it to you.

For legal entities, there is a way to obtain an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities free of charge. Many companies use special programs for secure document flow and submission of information to the tax office. This opportunity is provided by:

  • Contour and others.

These programs provide the opportunity to obtain an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities about your company or a counterparty’s company for free.

Using the VLSI program as an example, you can understand the acquisition process.

  • Enter the company name, INN or OGRN.

  • In the window that opens, in its lower right corner, click on “Unified State Register of Legal Entities”.

  • Choose an extract option - with or without a signature.
  • Download the file to your computer.

Using the same principle, you can receive a statement through other telecommunication systems that provide this service.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Many users have questions about obtaining an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. You will find answers to the most popular ones below.

How to gain access and make an entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities?

To gain access to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and make changes to it for your company, you should use the service for preparing documentation for registration on the Federal Tax Service website or come to the tax office in person. If submitting documents online, the legal entity must provide an electronic signature.

Within 5 days, tax officials will check the data and transfer a document on making changes to the register and a copy of the charter with a note about the change in data.

How to obtain an EDS?

To obtain an electronic signature, you should contact the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation. An electronic signature gives the right to sign serious documents to confirm the authenticity of data.

What types of extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities are there?

There are two main forms: certificate in physical form and electronic. In turn, they can be expanded (all data about the organization), open (without hidden data about the owner). They are also distinguished by the speed of provision - urgent and non-urgent.

Cost of extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities

An open certificate is provided online on the Tax Office website for free. To obtain extended data, you must pay a fee in the amount of:

  • 200 rubles for production within the usual time frame;
  • 400 rubles for an urgent certificate.

Is it possible to obtain an extract without paying a fee?

Yes, you can. For legal entities For persons using the software of telecommunication systems VLSI, Tensor, Kontur and others, this service is free.

Extracts from Unified State Register of Legal Entities(Unified State Register of Legal Entities) and USRIP(Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs) can be ordered/received directly via the Internet and you don’t even need to go to the tax office. The Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation has launched a special service “Check yourself and your counterparty” to obtain information about organizations and individual entrepreneurs in electronic form.

Who can use this service and why?

  • individuals(obtaining information about your or potential employer);
  • owners of legal entities(data monitoring to prevent raider takeovers);
  • accounting department(to keep counterparty data up to date - to issue correct documents);
  • security services(to check counterparties, to check potential employees for participation in competing organizations);
  • HR services(also to check employees for participation in competing organizations);
  • individual entrepreneurs(to check counterparties);
  • just curious :-)

The service for extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs from the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation is located.

Watch the video to learn how to use online statements and other free official services to check counterparties:

There are also many organizations on the market that provide services for obtaining (including urgent) extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities/Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, just type in the search engine " extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities", go to the website of the company you like, fill out the online form there and wait for the courier with an extract (but this is already paid).

*USRLE - Unified State Register of Legal Entities. Conducted by tax authorities. They enter all registration data here, including:

  • change of general director;
  • changes in constituent documents;
  • change of legal address;
  • change in the composition of founders;
  • launching bankruptcy, liquidation, merger, acquisition, reorganization procedures, etc.

An extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs for oneself in paper form an individual entrepreneur can receive for free. To do this, you need to submit a free-form application to the relevant tax authority (you can download an example of filling out an application for an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs about yourself). Instead of the data highlighted in color, substitute your data and the data of the Federal Tax Service where you receive the extract. Before printing, do not forget to select the entire document in black ("Edit" - "Select All" - and change the color).

A certificate from the Unified State Register is a document that contains all the information about a registered organization. It is needed for notarization of documents of a legal entity, for banking operations, participation in tenders or court, for concluding transactions. Such extracts are issued by the tax office upon personal application to the department. A quicker and easier white paper can be obtained from . Below is how to issue an extract in a few minutes.

Executing an extract via the Internet

The official website of the Federal Tax Service, nalog.ru, contains information and services for convenient communication with the tax office. Here it is possible for ordinary citizens, individual entrepreneurs, legal entities. After registration, the user sees his tax accruals, debts to the budget, and can pay his bills online. You can also correspond with the tax office through your account, receive advice, and ask questions.

The portal is especially convenient for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities. Accounts for these categories of taxpayers have been created for quick and convenient interaction with the Federal Tax Service. One of the most popular features of the site is the preparation of extracts from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs and the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. For legal entities, such a document may be needed at any time; without it, it is difficult for the owner of the organization to prove his rights to property.

The extract happens:

  • The official one is the one issued only by the tax office. A document in the form of sewn numbered sheets, certified with the official stamp of the tax office;
  • electronic - this is the one that can be obtained remotely. It contains general information about the enterprise that is available to everyone. It is confirmed by an electronic signature of the tax office and has the same legal force as its paper counterpart.

Only an electronic version can be obtained from the tax office. It can also be printed on paper. Such a document is of interest to those companies that want to verify information about counterparties or potential partners in order to eliminate risks.

The extract is generated as follows:

  1. We go to the Federal Tax Service website.
  2. If the portal already has a personal account, simply . If you don't have an account yet, create one. It’s worth noting right away that such an account only provides for receiving extracts from the Unified Register. To use all the features of the site, you need.
  3. On the main page we find the “All services” section, go to it.
  1. A list of all electronic services of the Federal Tax Service will open. Among them there is the necessary section.

  1. Click on the link. If there is no account, a login block will appear. Below it there is a link to register. Click on it.

  1. We fill out all the fields in the registration card; it is not necessary to enter the TIN and patronymic.

  1. Click the “Continue” button. An activation link will be sent to the specified email, click on it. It automatically takes you to the request page, click “Submit New”. Obtaining an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities through your personal account is even easier; the request page will appear immediately after going through all services.

  1. Next, enter the TIN of the legal entity or OGRN in the appropriate field. Click “Generate request”.

After this, all that remains is to wait for the document to be generated. The process usually takes 2-5 minutes; it is better to refresh the page periodically to check. If the certificate does not appear within 24 hours, you need to order an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities again. When the document is ready, a link to it will appear in the report.

The document is generated as a PDF file. To view or transfer to electronic media, you just need to click on the link. You can also print such a document if you need a paper statement. Complete general information about the company, its branches, and owner will be presented here. The document does not contain any data that could be used by attackers.

On the last page of the file there is a note that the document is certified with an enhanced qualified signature of the Federal Tax Service. Using the described algorithm, you can obtain information about your personal organization or the company of competitors/companions/suppliers.

An extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities from your personal account is no different from the paper version and is endowed with the same legal significance. If you contact the Federal Tax Service in person, you need to pay 200-400 rubles for such a certificate, depending on the urgency. It’s much easier and faster to do this via the Internet, and you don’t have to pay a fee to receive an electronic statement. Now you know how to do it.

  • full and abbreviated name of the organization in Russian (also, in some cases, company name in English),
  • organizational and legal form of the legal entity,
  • legal address (location),
  • information about the status of a legal entity,
  • management of the organization (information about persons who have the right to act on behalf of a legal entity without a power of attorney),
  • information about the founders (participants),
  • information about the register holder (for joint stock companies),
  • size of the organization's authorized capital,
  • information on the size and nominal value of shares in the authorized capital of the company belonging to the company and its participants,
  • information on the transfer of shares or parts of shares as collateral or on their other encumbrance,
  • information about the person managing the share transferred by inheritance,
  • information about branches and representative offices,
  • information about the types of activities of the organization (main and additional),
  • information about issued licenses,
  • information about being in the process of reorganization,
  • information about being in the process of liquidation,
  • method of terminating activities for liquidated legal entities,
  • information on legal succession - for legal entities created as a result of the reorganization of other legal entities, for legal entities whose constituent documents are amended in connection with the reorganization, as well as for legal entities that ceased their activities as a result of the reorganization,
  • taxpayer identification number (TIN) and information about registration with the tax authority,
  • information about registration as an insurer in the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (PF RF) and in the executive body of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation (FSS RF),
  • information that the legal entity is in the process of reducing its authorized capital,
  • the date of registration of changes made to the constituent documents, or, in cases established by law, the date of receipt by the registering authority of notification of changes made to the constituent documents.

An extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is an extract of basic information about a given legal entity (with the exception of some personal data about individuals, which is provided only to authorized bodies) from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation.

The Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE) is a federal information resource containing general, systematized information about all legal entities engaged in business activities on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as, in some cases, about liquidated organizations and those in the process of liquidation. The register is maintained by the Federal Tax Service of Russia (FTS RF) through territorial bodies. In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, Unified State Register of Legal Entities data is open and publicly available.

The information contained in the extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is key when checking the counterparty and, along with other documents, can confirm ownership, the rights of the founders or management of the organization to conclude contracts and perform other legally significant actions on behalf of a legal entity (LE), and also provide valuable information about the state of the legal entity and the overall reliability of the counterparty.

There are several main types of statements:

Regular (electronic, informational) extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities– contains basic open and publicly available information from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. It does not contain passport data of the founders and managers of the legal entity, as well as information about the organization’s bank accounts.

You can get an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities online and completely free of charge on the website, the data is updated daily from the official source (Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation), the document will be completely identical to the extract that you can download on the official tax website (egrul.nalog.ru). The information is always up to date as of the current date.

Extended statement– contains complete information, including passport data of the participants of the legal entity and its head. It is provided only to authorities, courts, and state extra-budgetary funds. Such a document is also provided by the tax authority to a legal entity or its representative about itself.

Official extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities– a document certified by the seal of the Federal Tax Service and received from the tax authority. It is a numbered and stitched printout on several sheets with the stamp of the tax authority.

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