Erzgamma star amulet how to wear correctly. An amazing amulet with an Erzgamma star will bring good luck. Erzgamma star meaning

Probably, at least once in your life, on another person’s neck, you have seen an interesting decoration made in the form of a twelve-pointed star, with a cross depicted inside. This decoration is not a stylish accessory, as it seems at first glance, but an ancient amulet-star of Erzgamma, which allows the one who possesses it to come into harmony with himself and establish interaction with the world. Also, the twelve-pointed star of Erzgamma helps to reveal the spiritual potential of its owner and improves overall well-being. With its help you can find family happiness and find your love.

The meaning of the Erzgamma star symbol

Let's look at what this talisman is. These are four triangles with equal sides. The triangle is interpreted to mean harmony of soul, body and consciousness. In fact, a symbolic image of a person is presented in this form. One of the interpretations states that this is an image of a person whose spirituality is torn between passions and temptations, but at the same time his consciousness strives for perfection.

The Erzgamma Star and its meaning have been demonstrating to people for centuries that man and his inner world are an integral part of the Universe. In addition, an amulet of this kind helps to evoke positive vibrations of harmony in a person, since it contains the well-known principle of the golden ratio. If you are interested in the Erzgamma star amulet and its meaning and you decide to purchase such an accessory for yourself, but the store does not offer you what you originally wanted, it is important to know that there are several varieties of such amulets. Each type allows you to achieve harmony in something specific. There are varieties that are more suitable for experienced people in matters of harmonization of biological energy than for beginners.

How to wear the Erzgamma star correctly?

Most often, people wear this amulet around their neck. This is especially recommended for sick people. Also, this accessory can be attached in the most visible place in the house, thus ensuring maximum visual contact with the symbol and interaction with the universe. This amulet is best worn by placing it on a long chain so that it hangs down to the middle of the chest. This arrangement allows you to achieve maximum effect. Wearing this amulet every day, you should ask her for help and work on yourself, gradually opening the chakras.

Quote from message Makosh311

This star is depicted on the shoulders and headdress of the Mother of God on the Miraculous Icon of the Tenderness of All Joys. The Erzgamma star bestows family happiness, love and health. This sacred symbol should be in every home; it brings people closer to the Almighty. Usually the star is attached in the most visible place in the house, but you can also wear it on yourself. It is especially recommended to give it to the sick, hanging it around their neck. For healthy people, it plays the role of a protective amulet. The Star of Erzgamma is a powerful energy tool that reveals human capabilities.
The twelve rays of the Erzgamma star repeat the pattern of the twelve-petalled Anahata chakra
(love chakra), an energy center located in the center of a person’s chest. On the other hand, the Erzgamma star is the oldest Christian sign, symbolizing with its twelve rays the apostles - disciples and Jesus Christ standing in the center. A person who constantly wears the Erzgamma star has his biofield strengthened several times. He becomes inaccessible to evil thoughts. The Erzgamma Star reveals the essence of a person - it helps to determine one’s path in life, one’s spiritual purpose.
Ertsgram actively saturates all fields and chakras with a flow of light energy, clearing away negative layers, removing blocks, harmonizing the bioenergy of the body, creating an active protective shell.
Associated effects of using Erzgamma.
People working with the Star noted the activation of the chakras, their opening, and the transition of leading consciousness programs to the upper chakras. The vision intensified, the results of healing work among practicing healers improved. People who practiced pure work in bioenergy found real masters and received initiations in spiritual healing. All this is easily explained by the influence of the Ertsgram - increased acceptance of energy from the higher spheres of consciousness and the fulfillment of a person’s personal mission.
The task was set to create more narrowly targeted versions of the Ertsgram. And there is a result.
The first option is an emerald star, which activates the work of the heart chakra, Anahata.
The work of this chakra is often underestimated, paying more attention to working with the flows from the seventh, sixth, fifth chakra, which manifest our higher self, leading a person along his karmic path.
Saturating himself with streams of violet flame (seventh chakra) and surrendering to the will of higher powers, a person for some time goes through life in the rut of higher guidance. But few people think that the violet flame requires consciousness not of the Ego, but of the Spirit. And to cultivate this consciousness by simply following the rules, that is, by doing the right thing, actively striving for this, hiding from the signals of the unworked, not yet realized, not retired, - this is very difficult. This can be done either by very strong people who are able to control their every thought and perceive everything around them as a personal lesson, or by those who have been chosen for service.
The consciousness of the higher chakras is always based on the foundation of the lower ones, and only a soft green ray filled with divine love, emanating from the heart chakra, is capable of allowing it to improve without forcing the consciousness. The open heart chakra is connected to the only unquenchable source of Power - the Spark of God, given to us by the Creator. It is in this chakra that Spirit and Ego are united. It is from here that the Ego receives lessons of love that allow it to avoid resentment, jealousy, evil, anger, vanity, pride and rise through the steps of evolution to divine love.
It is not for nothing that great attention is paid to working with Anahata in spiritual practices. Only after experiencing the all-encompassing feeling of bliss that accompanies the discovery of Anahata, our psyche ceases to strive for the previous sources of satisfaction that are activated at the lower chakras - money, sex, power. A person does not give up on them, but attachments and fixated consciousness disappear.
Just as a person is not attached to the breathing process, the processes of the lower chakras become natural and normalized. When a person breathes, he consumes as much air as he needs. He does not seek to breathe in reserve or limit his breathing to certain moral or moral principles. Breathing is energy. Those walking in the Spirit notice that their breathing becomes deeper and less frequent.
And when they don’t breathe at all, the energy goes through other channels. So it is with the work of the lower chakras - what they demanded before: money, carnal pleasures, attention to oneself, usefulness - moves to the energy level and no longer takes your attention, but simply happens by itself
Of course, the symbol will work more deeply and effectively the more you understand the meaning of the interaction between its different facets and rays. The work is painstaking and independent, but it is worth it. What this symbol reveals and how it interacts with everyone’s energy has already become a byword and the Internet is full of relevant stories. If you do not have the opportunity to purchase the Star of Erzgamma amulet, you can make a working version of it on paper - it is intended for a session and is kept at home.

To make it you need to prepare. The generally accepted method is a preliminary three-day fast (not necessarily strict), accompanied by spiritual meditation and prayer. It is better if the day of production falls on a Sunday or a spiritual holiday. And it’s very good to visit church on this day. Then take a clean white sheet of thick paper and, slowly, while reading the prayer, very accurately draw the Star of Erzgamma according to the proposed layout. You need to color according to the goals that you set (healing effect - use of gold, blue, pink colors, more gold).

To work with a self-made amulet, certain conditions are required. The first is the mandatory reading of prayers at the beginning and end of work. The second is a burning church candle next to the star. Third - daily sessions. Fourth - after two months the old star is burned with thanksgiving and a new one is made.

You can use a single scheme for work. Wear the star on yourself or with you. At home, you can hang it on the wall so that it saturates the whole house with beneficial energy. And at least once a day do the following:

1. Focus on the center of the star, ask it for help. Feel the general flow of power (about 3-5 minutes).
2. Place the star in the center of your palm and work with the chakras, starting with the seventh. Holding your palm with the star at a distance of 30-40 cm from the chakra, slowly move it away or bring it closer - the hand will stop on its own. At this time, focus on the sensations in the chakra and body, follow the thoughts that arise, that is, conduct meditation. Then slowly lower your palm to the next chakra.
3. After the chakras, work with all organs in the same way.
4. End the session with a general flow that aligns the aura. Thank the Forces of Light for their help.

And be sure to remember: no amulet will ever do anything for you! Amulets of healing power help you, create favorable conditions for your self-realization, protection from negative influences, but karmic problems are not solved for you. Your spiritual aspirations, purity of thoughts and firm intention will be supported by the amulet, but you must manifest them yourself!

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The Erzgamma star is an ancient symbol that leads a person to harmony and the unfolding of one’s potential.

In essence, this is an equilateral triangle symbolizing the interaction of soul, body, consciousness, which rotates counterclockwise and thereby shows how exactly, in the process of the cycle of life, one turns (rotates) into another. It is in the harmonious development of these three components that there is a true spiritual path, the revelation of oneself and the secrets of the universe.

Unwinding the halo

To fulfill a wish

It is enough to hang this star in the most visible place in your home. Throughout the day, when passing by the star, residents will repeatedly glance at the star, thereby awakening and activating its action. The nervous system will calm down, all body systems will work clearly and harmoniously.

The Erzgamma star is an ancient symbol that leads a person to harmony and the unfolding of one’s potential.

In essence, this is an equilateral triangle symbolizing the interaction of soul, body, consciousness, which rotates counterclockwise and thereby shows how exactly, in the process of the cycle of life, one turns (rotates) into another. It is in the harmonious development of these three components that there is a true spiritual path, the revelation of oneself and the secrets of the universe.

The Erzgamma star is associated with the anahata chakra (the energy center located in the center of the human chest) and its image activates and cleanses this chakra. This allows a person to feel more deeply the world and other people, and this is true love, which Jesus spoke about in his time. Therefore, it is not surprising that the Erzgamma star is also related to Christianity. To the very origins of Christianity, before the division into Orthodoxy and Catholicism. According to Christians, the twelve rays of this star symbolize the apostles, and the cross in the center of Jesus himself crucified on the cross.

The name Ertsgamma came to us from the language of the ancient Egyptian Copts, who preached the creed of the first Christians: Erts means 12, and gamma means harmony. Thus, the symbolic meaning of Erzgamma is the light of truth, contained in the harmonious combination of twelve rays.
Another interpretation is worthy of your attention. The star of Erzgamma symbolizes a person who is bursting with passions, but he longs to take the path of truth and knowledge.

Of course, the symbol will work more deeply and effectively the more you understand the meaning of the interaction between its different facets and rays. The work is painstaking and independent, but it is worth it. What this symbol reveals and how it interacts with everyone’s energy has already become a byword and the Internet is full of relevant stories. Here we will present the main drawing with a decoding of the meaning of each ray to begin independent work.

The name of the Star - “Ertsgamma” comes from the language of the ancient Copts who lived in Egypt and preached the faith of the first Christians. The word consists of two parts - “ertz” in the Coptic language means 12, “gamma” means harmony. As a result, the symbolic meaning of Erzgamma is the light of truth contained in the harmonious combination of twelve rays. These rays mean the 12 apostles, while the cross depicted in its central part is the consecrated place of the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ.
The Star of Erzgamma was depicted on the cover of the Holy Mother of God, but this is a more ancient sign than Christianity itself, which absorbed it, like many other symbols, from paganism.
The Erzgamma star has twelve rays, exactly the same number in the twelve-petal Anahata chakra, which is responsible for love and emotional status. The center containing the energy is located in this chakra in the central part of the human chest. The biofield of a person who wears the star of Erzgamma all the time is much stronger than usual. Malicious thoughts also do not affect him.
The Erzgamma Star is rightfully considered the most powerful and ancient talisman, which helps to cure spiritual and physical ailments, protect yourself from unpleasant situations, improves thinking, become lucky in everything and immune to damage, removes tension and prevents the action of negative energies.
In order to make your biofield stronger, to receive protection from bad thoughts, and not only your own, this amulet, when worn around the neck, should be located above the sternum (between the throat and heart chakras).
But for the Erzgamma Star to be not just a talisman, but a powerful tool for self-development and various external achievements, it is not enough just to wear it, you need to work with it. And it is desirable that this amulet be made and charged by a magician.

There are quite a few techniques for working with the Star of Erzgamma and most of them are associated with the contemplation of this amulet.

When we look at this symbol for a long time, mechanisms for establishing all aspects of the body’s life are awakened in the body. A wide variety of interactions between worlds is created at the physical and spiritual levels, a person’s inner world is strengthened and enriched, and the degree of adaptation to the surrounding world is strengthened and enriched.

Unwinding the halo

The Erzgamma Star allows you to enhance the work of a person’s biofield, thereby, as it were, “pulling up” vitality. This procedure must be done with an assistant (a trusted person in whose good intentions you are confident). The owner of the Star sits down on a chair and closes his eyes. The assistant stands behind the person sitting, lifts the Star above his head and begins to slowly lower it down to the top of the person’s head until the person sitting feels something (warmth, pressure, tingling, energy sensations, etc.). After this, the assistant begins to slowly move the Erzgamma star clockwise at the distance at which some sensations arose. The procedure is carried out in the evening, once a day, for no more than three minutes.
To fulfill a wish

Focus on the plexuses of the Erzgamma Star, looking carefully at each of the four triangles in turn, while keeping your desire in mind as if it had already come true.
It is enough to hang this star in the most visible place in your home. Throughout the day, when passing by the star, residents will repeatedly glance at the star, thereby awakening and activating its action. The nervous system will calm down, all body systems will work clearly and harmoniously.

The Star of Erzgamma is one of the most amazing symbols that people know about. He appeared in ancient times and since then he has been helping everyone who turns to him for help! This is a unique, very powerful symbol that can change lives and make wishes come true. The star “shines” for everyone who turns to it with requests for protection or help. This is a book about how to use the talisman as effectively as possible, coordinating your energies with the energy of each lunar day and bringing harmony into all areas of your life.

A series: Witch Doctor (AST)

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by liters company.

I have been using the Erzgamma talisman for a long time and am very pleased with the result. But this book is a real treasure; it reveals the enormous possibilities of working with a star!

Ilya G., Moscow

A wonderful gift from Andrei Alekseevich to all his students - a talisman for all occasions, which can be cut out from a book. Wherever I go, he is always with me!

Maria P., Astrakhan

Like all of Andrei Levshinov’s books, this one is a real textbook of life. A textbook for a happy life!

Elena L., Arkhangelsk

A wonderful book for those who do yoga: simple practices make it possible to significantly enhance the effect of any exercise. Checked!

Sergey N., Sevastopol

This book is for those who are not waiting for a good wizard, but want to become such a wizard themselves. It's amazing how easy it is!

Pavel D Voronezh

Combining practices to work with the Star of Erzgamma, taking into account the energy of lunar days, produces amazing results.

Konstantin V., Kazan

Erzgamma star. history of a unique energy device

The impact of the Erzgamma star on the human aura: results of scientific research

Research on the human aura began in 1978 under the auspices of the USSR Academy of Sciences. The result of the joint work of scientists and psychics was a device that allows you to diagnose the aura using photo and video equipment. Diagnosis of the aura occurs by measuring the electromagnetic field through energy channels concentrated in the hands, that is, you place your hand on a special touch panel, the recorded data is transmitted to the computer, and the monitor screen displays information about the state of your aura and energy centers - chakras.

By the color of the aura, you can judge a person’s character, his psychotype, emotional characteristics, choose a suitable profession, see a picture of his health, including the beginnings of future diseases, in a word, learn much more about himself than traditional research methods can provide.

In the aura diagnostic studio, our “test subject,” Elena, sits in a chair and places her left hand on the aurasensor. After a few seconds, we see that the main color of her aura is indigo, which characterizes her as a sensitive person, guided by intuition and feelings (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1

First of all, I am interested in what changes will occur in her aura after she puts on the Star of Erzgamma. A few more seconds of waiting, and the results are before our eyes: Elena’s aura has changed color! Now the main color is dark green (Fig. 2). This color is the dream of many, the color of Universal harmony, characterizing a person as harmonious, compassionate, possessing inexhaustible love and kindness of heart, emitting light.

Moreover, for Elena it is concentrated in the center, which is a kind of bowl in which all the experience of past lives accumulates, and such a person becomes much wiser, he knows exactly his goal and purpose in this world. In addition, Elena’s overall energy potential and aura size increased, all chakras and emotional background were balanced.

Of course, this is not the only research we have conducted. After Elena, several more of my students sat in the chair, as well as random studio visitors. The result is the same for everyone! Now the wonderful properties of Erzgamma have been scientifically confirmed!

Everyone in whose life the Erzgamma symbol is present gains the favor of fortune and the ability to avoid trouble, receives protection from the evil eye and energy supply from the Star, can heal their body, is always in a vigorous physical and mental state and certainly finds their divine destiny.

Rice. 2

And the more images of the Star around you, the stronger its power will manifest itself!

Provided, of course, that the symbols are “awakened”, their energy is activated, the Star not only illuminates everything around with its light, but is tuned in to you, to your desires and requests.

This is definitely a very difficult job. After all, you need not only to get in touch with the Star, but also to receive its energy, and then redirect it to the task you need. In my books, I tried to teach you to feel this force, to control it. I know that not everyone was able to do such work; many were never able to feel the Star. But this book is a new step in communicating with the Star Erzgamma.

Rules for working with the book and performing rituals

This book itself is not only a collection of unique practices that allow you to fulfill absolutely any (but only bright!) desires, it is a real energy device, a kind of generator of information fields that allows you to create an atmosphere of harmony around each person. Therefore, when performing rituals and exercises, you will always need the book!

The main active part of the book– The Star of Erzgamma, placed on a colored insert.

Please note that the Star symbol is presented in four different versions - the background color under the image was not chosen randomly, the vibrations of each color help enhance the impact of the Star on a certain area of ​​life.

Red color activates the energy of money, wealth, success in work.

♦ Green color enhances healing energy.

Blue color helps fulfill desires in the sphere of love and relationships with loved ones.

Yellow used to work to attract good luck, luck, awakening intuition.

If you open the color insert, you will notice that each Star comes in two sizes - large and small. Before you start, you need to cut out all the images of the Star of Erzgamma. You will use the Big Star to perform rituals, meditation and charge water. The small paired image of the Star at this time should lie under the large one!

Having finished the practice, put the large image in the book - the Stars should be stored only in the book and strictly in the order in which they are placed on the insert - carry the small image with you during breaks between practices - in your wallet, purse, breast pocket. Be sure to put little Stars in a book at night.

Attention! If you are experiencing acute difficulties in some area of ​​your life - with finances, health, etc., regardless of the practices performed that day, carry with you the Star corresponding to this area!

Algorithm for choosing a practice to make your desires come true

1. Read the book to the end.

2. Think about what desire is most important to you now, what area of ​​life requires correction. Formulate for yourself a problem, desire or question that you want answered.

3. Select a suitable exercise from the appropriate chapter (using the table of contents of the book), and be sure to check the table of lunar days, which indicates the most favorable time for working out the desires of a particular area of ​​​​life.

Before each section it is indicated which image of the Erzgamma should be worked with in order to obtain the fastest result.

4. Prepare everything you need, open the book and place the selected Stars in the desired position.

5. Do an exercise or meditation. You only need to do this once (unless otherwise stated in the description). In isolated cases, the ritual will need to be repeated.

Meditation or exercise (ritual) that U given in the book in order to make the vibration of your desire clearer, they appeared as a result of special work with several meditation masters. These meditations were then tested by other specialists. Quite a lot of difficult work was done. The result of this work is the texts that are placed in the book. I highly recommend using them in your work. But if, for some reason, these rituals do not suit you, do not force yourself. For the result, it is enough if you focus on your desire and concentrate on the image of the Star of Erzgamma. After this, the impulse of your desire - your vibration - will activate the mechanism of the image placed in the book.

♦ If a specific time is not specified, then the exercises are done in the morning or evening (during the day the energy-informational background around us is too dense).

♦ The ritual should be performed no earlier than half an hour to an hour after eating.

♦ While performing the exercise, you need to retire and achieve peace and quiet. This is necessary to better concentrate your consciousness.

But we must remember that there are still desires that will not come true. These desires are divided into three types.

1. Evil, sinful desires

That is, if your desire is aimed at harming someone else, if it is envious, negative. If you envy someone, want to outdo someone in wealth or deprive someone and get rich at someone else’s expense, then such desires need to be eradicated in yourself!

Remember: The Star of Ertsgamma is the Star of Harmony.

Suffering is a violation of harmony; a star cannot act against its nature.

2. Desires that are not destined to come true

Sometimes people make a wish that seems harmless to them, but it doesn’t come true. Why?

The Erzgamma Star is associated with the Universe, which contains knowledge about all living beings and their destinies. She has access to knowledge unknown to us - knowledge of the future. Therefore, I do not recommend persisting in a desire that does not come true. Think about whether you really need what you are asking for. Will your life be happier if you get what you want?

3. Desires are greedy, too large

You need to realistically assess your situation. If you live on the brink of poverty, then making a wish to receive a huge amount of money in a short time most often makes no sense, since it is very difficult to believe in it and achieve the desired vibration, even when using such a powerful assistant as Erzgamma. First, level up your financial situation and achieve stability.

Go towards your goal step by step. This way you will get what you want faster!

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The given introductory fragment of the book Star of Erzgamma. A talisman of great power. How to apply it so that it works 100% (A. A. Levshinov, 2016) provided by our book partner -

The Star of Ertsgamma is one of the most ancient talismans. It is also a symbol belonging to Christianity. It is believed that the Erzgamma star helps a person find harmony with himself and the world around him. In addition, the amulet gives the owner exactly what he needs most at a certain period of his life.

For example, if a person is tired of loneliness and cannot find his love, then she will help him with this. Moreover, this event will happen for him in the very near future. Today we will tell you what other properties this unique amulet has, and also find out how to use it correctly.

The Erzgamma star is a star with twelve rays that form four equilateral triangles. The meaning of such triangles is harmony. They symbolize harmony in everything - in thoughts, soul and body. This is the essence of man. The intersection of triangles represents passions and temptations that lead a person astray.

In the center of this amulet there is a cross. In this regard, the erzgamma star has the following meaning - this is the death and resurrection of Christ after it. This means that after death life does not end, but only begins. 12 rays are 12 apostles. This is the meaning of this amulet in Christianity.

In addition, the talisman is very popular in Judaism. In this case, it is believed that the erzgamma star is the double star of David. It symbolizes the masculine and feminine, heaven and earth, as well as God and man. This is the harmonious existence of two opposites. In this case, the erzgamma star amulet protects a person from any negativity directed against him.

This amulet is also used in Hinduism. The meaning of the erzgamma star in this case is associated with the anahata chakra - the human energy center. This center in Hinduism is always depicted with twelve rays. It is believed that such an amulet cleanses the central chakra of a person, i.e. his heart.

In addition, each ray of a star has its own meaning - it is a paradox, reason, soul, faith, mistakes, experience, comprehension, logos, era, pain, body, being, faith.

This talisman helps to achieve what a person needs most at the moment, as already mentioned above. In addition, it attracts good luck and grants protection from evil forces.

How to choose a talisman

In order for the Erzgamma star to bring happiness, luck and wealth, you need to choose the right talisman. First of all, you need to pay attention to what it is made of. Gold and silver amulets are considered the most powerful.

The fact is that these metals enhance the effectiveness of the symbol. In addition, they have a positive effect on the health of the owner of the talisman, and do not deform, change color or break over time.

You need to pay attention to the back of the amulet. If it is empty, then it has no magical power. The fact is that the Erzgamma star is a two-sided amulet.

In addition, the tops of the talisman should be free. If any of them is sealed, then the amulet will not “work”. In this case, it is a beautiful decoration, nothing more. In addition, the triangles forming the star must be superimposed on each other. There should be no intertwining of rays with each other.

If you choose a talisman taking into account these rules, then in the very near future you will be able to verify its effectiveness.

How to wear an Erzgamma star

The easiest way to use this amulet is to wear it on yourself. It is best to use the amulet in the form of a pendant or pendant. Such a talisman should not be worn close to the body. It is worn on clothes. The length of the lace in this case should be such that the pendant or pendant is at the level of the middle of the chest.

This will help the owner’s energy to merge with the energy of the talisman. In addition, such a star can be attached to a bracelet, used in the form of a brooch or any other decoration. In any case, the amulet should be removed at night.

You can also get a tattoo with an Erzgamma star. It will help a person take the right path and cope with all the temptations that overcome him. For a tattoo to have magical powers, it must be done on the forearm of the left hand.

With the help of the Erzgamma star you can get rid of many ailments. To do this, you need to carry out regular rituals with this talisman. All sacraments are performed in the evening. In this case, not a single electrical appliance should work, and the light of the lamp should be replaced by candles. So, the Erzgamma star can be used as follows:

  • Bring the talisman to the sore spot. Keep it like this until the heat comes out of it. After this, move the amulet around the sore spot clockwise for three minutes.
  • Take a photo of a sick person and place an amulet on the image. All this should be wrapped in a piece of canvas. The package should be placed in a place where no one will see or disturb it. In a week it will be ready to be deployed.
  • For people with low vision, the following procedure is recommended: hold the star at eye level and look around all its rays clockwise. Repeat the procedure 12 times in a row. After this, look around the rays counterclockwise also 12 times in a row.

After using the star for treatment, the amulet should be placed in a glass of water taken from the tap. Next, it should be placed in the freezer for 12 hours. After the specified time has passed, the glass must be removed and defrosted. The water should then be poured down the drain.

The Erzgamma star talisman is a symbol with a sacred meaning for Christian believers. This is one of the most powerful signs through which you can get in touch with higher powers, spiritual guides and get help.

The Star of Erzgamma is a powerful sign that is used in many cultures

Everyone has times when, in order to gain strength and recover from a shock, they resort to the last hope and the most powerful means of recovery. The erzgamma symbol will provide such assistance.

The star is a very ancient symbol that was also used in the Christian religious system. This sign harmonizes people, builds a channel of communication between the soul and higher forces, the cosmic principle, and reveals the energy potential of everyone who uses this symbol.

This name of the sign comes from the Coptic people - ancient people from Egyptian lands. The Copts were the first to bring Christianity to the masses. In this dialect, ertz means twelve, and gamma denotes the concept of harmony.

Everyone who decides to wear this symbol understands its essence in their own way. The deeper you comprehend the essence of this symbol, the clearer its power, the stronger it becomes for you as the owner. The history of the Erzgamma extends across all world religions and they interpret the meaning of this symbol in their own way.

Erzgamma in the Christian faith

Here the Erzgamma sign with a cross represents the first star that shone in the sky when the Son of God Jesus was born. Inside the amulet there is a cross, which symbolizes the Son of the Lord, his birth, death and rebirth. Twelve angles-rays around the circumference of the star are the designations of the twelve apostles, disciples of Christ.

The talisman itself is made as an isosceles triangle rotating along an axis. This movement reveals the unification of spiritual impulses, human strengths and capabilities. Such a merger personifies the discovery of the secrets of the world, the power of man, his greatness.

The star of the Erzgamma among the Jews

For the Jewish tradition, the symbol of the erzgamma is the Star of David in a double form; it denotes the harmony of top and bottom, male and female, balance in the world, God and man, earth and heaven. A star can protect anyone from negative energy and the harmful actions of dark forces.

Erzgamma symbol in Hindu tradition

Among Hindus, the interpretation of this talisman is considered in connection with the doctrine of the chakra system. Thus, Erzgamma is connected with the heart chakra - anahata. The Anahata chakra is drawn with the symbol of a lotus with twelve petals.

The Erzgamma star has its own interpretation in different cultures. In Hinduism it is associated with the chakra system

Erzgamma in other traditions

In addition to religions spread throughout the world, this star can also be found in the Celtic culture, the ancient northern peoples of Russia, and the Semites. This is a very powerful and long-standing energy symbol. Like any symbol, it is also a tool that must be used very carefully and skillfully direct the power of its influence, then you can get the maximum benefit from its use.

How to use this amulet

There are several ways in which this talisman can influence a person and his energy:

  1. Wear on the body.
  2. Get a tattoo on the skin.
  3. Treat with the symbol.
  4. Use it to make what you want come true.
  5. Regulate the rotation of the energy field.

It is worth considering each method separately.

Wearing a sign on the body

This amulet star of the Erzgamma is best worn on a chain over your clothes. When the length of the chain allows you to lower the amulet to the center of the chest, its effect will be even more harmonious and strong. If you have been wearing the amulet for a long time, then your energy field is sufficiently charged and protected with absolute strength from negative energy and the influence of ill-wishers. Also, your energy shell receives an additional charge of strength.

If you can’t imagine how you can sleep with amulets and jewelry, then you can remove the star talisman while you sleep. At this time, you can continue to wear your usual amulets with the star - a cross, jewelry and other things.

Star tattoo

If you like to apply significant symbols and protective ornaments to your body, then this Erzgamma star will suit you. On the body, it takes on the meaning of a talisman for a warrior who follows the path of truth and renounces passions. This tattoo is done on the left forearm.

Treatment with the Erzgamma symbol

These activities should be carried out with caution, strictly adhering to the rules. Star treatment is performed only in the evening hours by the light of a wax candle. Be sure to turn off all electrical devices from the network.

Amulet of Erzgamma. If you lower the amulet to the center of the chest, its effect will be even more harmonious and strong

Warming up the problem area

From a distance, you should slowly bring the symbol to the place that hurts. Follow the sensations. If there is warmth or something tingles, then everything is going right - now move the talisman clockwise for about three minutes.

Impact from photo

You will need a photograph of the person receiving assistance. Place the amulet on the front side. Wrap everything in a linen napkin and hide it in a closed place. The photo must remain there in secret for seven days.

Vision treatment

Every day you can contemplate the talisman, bringing it closer to your eyes. Trace the lines of the star clockwise twelve times in a row, then repeat in the reverse order - counterclockwise.

If for some reason you cannot perform the rituals yourself, then you can attract someone knowledgeable in such matters, whom you trust. After each session, carry out activities to cleanse the star amulet.

Cleansing the Erzgamma Star amulet

Simply dip the talisman into a glass of water. Place this water in the freezer for a day. After the specified time has passed, you will see a dark coating on the ice - these are traces of negative energy. Defrost the glass and dispose of the water in a deserted place. Rinse the talisman under a stream of water.

To make your dreams come true

Taking the amulet in your palm, mentally concentrate on the patterns of the Erzgamma star. Let your gaze enter each of the triangles, its essence, in turn.

Inside, you should mentally pronounce your desire, revealing and clarifying its essence.

Use the wording in the present tense, as if it has already happened.

In Hindu culture, Erzgamma is associated with the heart chakra - anahata.

Technique for unwinding energy flows

There are invisible energy flows above the body of every person, especially around the head. In Orthodoxy this is called a halo. We do not see this halo, because for this we need to have very powerful energy, and for many people it is not yet at that level. Energy decreases when a person loses faith, gets sick, becomes discouraged, or does things with negative intentions. In order for the energy flow to level out and the rotation of energy particles to intensify, you need to place the amulet on the crown of your head every evening and leave it for fifteen minutes.

How to choose an erzgamma

You may see many talismans in retail outlets, but not every one of them will work and positively influence you and your life. In order for the twelve-pointed star Erzgamma to have a good influence on you and become a powerful amulet, follow the detailed instructions:

  • A working genuine star will be made of silver or gold. These precious metals have a positive effect on the human body, positively affecting the immune system. These metals do not darken or oxidize;
  • The original talisman is double-sided. If the back is empty, then it is just a trinket that can be worn as jewelry;
  • Make sure that the star is formed by overlapping two triangles on top of each other. If you see that the triangles are intertwined or soldered, then you should not purchase such an amulet;
  • Each point of the star must remain separate. If one of the rays is sealed, then the talisman has no power.

When you have chosen and purchased your talisman correctly, charge it. To do this, it is better to fast for three days, you can do it lightly, but be sure to pray and meditate. Charge the talisman on a strong spiritual holiday or Sunday. When you do this work, go to the temple.

Take the talisman on your left palm and cover it with your right. You can mentally turn to the star with a story about yourself, thus making an acquaintance. Feel the energy of the sign, let it penetrate you, get used to it. About ten minutes will be enough. Once you have charged the amulet, it can no longer be passed on to anyone. In this case, the connection with you will be interrupted and the protection will disappear.

Star color

If you want success and discover your talents, you should choose an emerald-colored star. A star with an amethyst will help doctors. The blue star of the Erzgamma or ultramarine star will give strength and protection to people of mental work.

If you combine a star with runes, the effect is enhanced. The main thing is to choose the right runic symbols.

The Ertsgamma Star is an ancient symbol that has several interpretations. The amulet is used in different religions and mystical schools. Most people believe that this talisman brings good luck and makes a person happy. It removes energy blocks and releases energy and hidden talents. The star has a positive effect on health, which is why it is often used in healing practices. The amulet received numerous positive reviews from people whom it helped in their lives.

The meaning of the talisman among different peoples and religions

The very name of the star Erzgamma comes from the language of the Copts, an ancient Egyptian people. Formed from two words: “ertz”, which means twelve, and “gamma”, or harmony. The star is known by this meaning in Christianity, because the Coptic church is one of the oldest, its history goes back to the first apostles. But in many other religions a similar symbol and its image were also present. Here are the meanings that were given to it in different beliefs:

  • Christianity. According to tradition, the star first appeared over the birthplace of the Baby Jesus. The cross in its center symbolizes the sacrifice of Christ, 12 rays are the twelve apostles. Christians often wore a cross around their necks, consecrated in church, instead of the usual cross. It is used in both Catholicism and Orthodoxy.
  • Judaism. In Jewish tradition, a star with twelve rays is a double Star of David. It symbolizes the union of man with God, woman with man, earth with heaven. Serves as a powerful amulet against evil forces.
  • Hinduism. According to Hindu religion, it is a symbol of the heart chakra, which has the same number of faces or petals. The heart chakra is located at the very center and is the focus of human energy.

In addition to major world religions, the star sign was used by Celtic magic, decorating it with runes. You can find the original symbol among some Semites, as well as among the peoples of the north. Astrologers see the star as a symbol of the 12 signs of the Zodiac. Numerologists interpret the ancient talisman as the personification of harmony, the interaction of the moon and the Sun, the maternal and paternal principles in a person, because, according to numerology, the number 1 is the Sun, 2 is the Moon. According to another interpretation, 1 is a symbol of the father, 2 is a symbol of the mother.

The Erzgamma star is in perpetual motion. It is depicted in the form of six isosceles triangles, which seem to rotate around a central axis. The circulation promotes the merging of strengths and capabilities in the soul. It symbolizes the reunification of humanity with the secrets of the universe. Under the influence of a star, the real ultimate goal of its owner’s life is easily determined.

When to use a talisman

Whatever the meaning of the symbol in a particular religion, it is important to use it correctly. Most practitioners attribute the positive properties of the star to the amulet. It is used for the following purposes:

  • protection from negative influences;
  • strengthening the biofield;
  • removing the energy block;
  • talent discovery;
  • attracting good luck and happiness;
  • healing;
  • fulfillment of desires.

To protect yourself from negativity, the Erzgamma star should be worn on your chest, closer to your heart. You can wear it every day or only in places where the chance of getting damaged is very high. Along with protection, the amulet strengthens the biofield. It removes anxiety, depression, and bad thoughts from a person’s soul, which significantly enhances his energy, because sadness and melancholy, sins and bad deeds block a person’s strength. Often failures haunt people because of this block. After removing the seals, the owner of the talisman reveals many hidden talents. If a person manages to implement them, luck will smile on him and he will be happy.

Healing diseases

Pendants with the Erzgamma star can be used for treatment in different ways. Here are some of them:

  • Warming up the sore spot. It is important to turn off all electrical appliances in the house, then apply the amulet to the sore spot. When you feel the warmth, move the star in a circle in a clockwise direction.
  • Attaching to photo. This way you can treat a person at a distance. They put the Erzgamma star on the front side of the photo, wrap everything in a canvas rag, and put it in a secluded place. They hide an amulet with a photograph there for seven days.
  • Improved vision. You need to place the Erzgamma star in front of your eyes. Concentrate your gaze on it, then walk your eyes along all twelve rays, first clockwise, then counterclockwise.

Healing can be done independently or with the help of a specialist you trust. After the session, you must clean the amulet. To do this, place the star in a glass of clean water and place it in the freezer for a day. When it is taken out of the refrigerator, a dark stain becomes noticeable on the frozen water. This is negative energy that accumulated in the star during treatment.

Choosing a mascot

The Erzgamma star amulet will work when worn only if it is made correctly, from the proper material. If you decide to order or buy it, you need to pay attention to the following nuances:

  • The talisman must be made of metal; it is best to choose gold or silver. The silver star is more suitable for women, the gold one for men.
  • You can place a stone in the center; it enhances the power of the talisman. Use red crystals or those that correspond to the zodiac sign. Gemstones with lunar energy work well: zirconium, moonstone, diamond.
  • The star must be double-sided. When there is emptiness on the other side, it loses its power.
  • The triangles must overlap each other; soldering or braiding is not permitted.
  • All rays of the Erzgamma star must be made free, otherwise its power will be lost.
  • To enhance the energy of the talisman, you can decorate it with ancient runes.

It is best to make an amulet on a moonlit night; its energy most closely matches this celestial body. You cannot make an amulet on Wednesday. If you order it from a jeweler, it is advisable to specify your wishes and warn what you will use the jewelry for. It is ideal when the master is a specialist in esotericism and understands the power and meaning of amulets and talismans. Then he will transfer his own energy to the star and improve its quality.

Many people prefer to apply esoteric signs in the form of tattoos. Such an image on the body serves as a powerful source of strength and amulet. The Erzgamma star tattoo is a symbol of a warrior man who has gotten rid of passions and embarked on the path of spiritual improvement. Apply it to the left forearm. Only people who are familiar with spiritual practices and are ready for the powerful influence of a talisman on their lives can make a drawing, otherwise the tattoo will begin to work to its detriment and deplete spiritual strength.

How to charge the talisman

In order for the Erzgamma star to gain strength, it must be properly charged.

  • The easiest way is to contact a psychic specialist. This should be a reliable and experienced person whom you completely trust. Even after such charging, wearing should begin with fasting. They stick to it for three days, during which time they not only abstain from certain types of food, but also clear their thoughts and tune in to a positive perception of the world.
  • The second way to charge the amulet is meditation. It is suitable for people who have at least the slightest experience of this practice. Conduct meditation twice a day, morning and evening. Session duration is 5-15 minutes. For better concentration, turn on calm music and forget about problems. All thoughts should concentrate on the image of the talisman. In addition, you need to visualize your desire and entrust its fulfillment to the star of Erzgamma. Meditation should be practiced for 12 days in a row.
  • The third method is performing a ritual. To do this, take six white candles, place them in a circle and light them. A pendant without a cord or chain is placed in the center. They pronounce a mantra, prayer or magical combination of words that most corresponds to the purpose for which the pendant was purchased. They whisper prayers until a powerful influx of energy is felt.

When the talisman is activated, you can make requests to it. To do this, concentrate your gaze on the center of the star for a few seconds. Clearly imagine a desire, question or request. If everything was done correctly, after a while the answer to the question asked will come to mind, and the problem that has arisen will be easily solved.

Basic rules for handling an amulet

An activated Erzgamma star can only be beneficial if you adhere to the rules for its use, otherwise it will lose its energy or cause harm to the owner. Experts recommend:

  • You cannot tell anyone that the star of Erzgamma is an amulet, and not a simple decoration.
  • You cannot transfer the talisman to another person. It will not bring him any benefit, and will take away luck and energy from his former owner.
  • You cannot make copies of your amulet: it will lose some of its strength and power.
  • The star should be worn constantly, then its effect will be effective. This is especially true at the very beginning of use, when the energy of the talisman is tuned to the energy of its owner.
  • If Erzgamma's star is lost, there is no need to look for it. The amulet has fulfilled its role and is no longer needed. If at some point a person needs his energy again, he will be there.
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