How to make condensed milk at home. How to cook condensed milk at home. How to make delicious homemade condensed milk

Nourishing, tasty, just melts in your mouth! It contains all childhood dreams! But not only kids are in love with this product, we all easily turn into pooh-poohs when it comes to... condensed milk. It is used to lubricate cake layers for your favorite waffle cake, which more than once saves any housewife when guests are on the doorstep or when you want to pamper your family.

This product is used in creams or as a filling for cakes and dried fruits, for homemade sweets. Condensed milk is such a popular product in making desserts that it is worth paying attention to it. Or rather, we will talk about how to cook condensed milk in a jar at home. Let's break some housewives' spell of fear before cooking condensed milk. For the purity of the experiment, everything I say will be done right there, before your eyes.

The main thing is not to explode =)

For convenience, I will divide the whole process into 3 stages:

  • Preparing for cooking condensed milk;
  • The process itself;
  • Summary and important conclusions.

Yes, everything is in order. All we need is a tin of condensed milk, a plastic bag, a saucepan and water. We can begin!

Getting ready to cook condensed milk

There is a traditional sticker on the can, we don’t need it. Yes, and it will peel off on its own and it will not be entirely pleasant to watch how it colors the water and what it turns into. We remove it and wash the jar or wipe it with a damp cloth to remove dust.

But here is a secret that I got from my mother. She complained more than once that the glue that held the sticker could not be washed off with any water, but during the cooking process it melts and settles on the walls of the pan. What to do? It's simple! We put a clean plastic bag on the jar, and the pan is protected!

And here, girls, pay attention! It is worth taking a large, or better yet, deep saucepan. The main rule for cooking condensed milk is that water should ALWAYS cover the jar. Therefore, in order to calmly do other things all this time, and not stand over the pan and constantly add water to it, you need a spacious container.

And one more point why it’s right to do this. If you constantly add cold water and lower the temperature in the pan, this will affect the quality of the finished product. Let's protect ourselves from surprises. Of course, if we see that there is critically little water left in the saucepan, and the cooking is still long enough, then it is better to add without hesitation. But then it is better to pour in water that is about to boil.
So, we place the jar vertically. I poured water 5 cm above the can of condensed milk. This allowed me not to add water for the entire 3.5 hours of cooking.

Cooking process

Place a saucepan with a can of condensed milk on the fire. Turn up the heat and wait for the water to boil. All this time the pan is covered with a lid. This creates the necessary conditions for preparing the product.
The water began to boil. Without removing the pan from the heat or removing the lid, simply reduce the heat. Let's make it very small. The process of simmering the product has begun.
From this moment on, the cooking time for condensed milk is measured.
So, my jar, weighing 380g and with a milk fat content of 8.5%, was cooked for 3.5 hours. This is the ideal time to prepare it.

Advice! Condensed milk takes a long time to cook and you can easily forget about it. Just get carried away with cleaning and miss the time when it will be the consistency we need. We get out of the situation using an alarm clock or timer on the phone.

Time has passed, the condensed milk is ready, you can safely turn off the heat. But don’t rush to remove the jar from the hot water. Let's let them cool together. This way the milk still “arrives.” And after 1.5-2 hours, you can safely remove and free the jar from the plastic bag. Boiled condensed milk is ready!

What is useful to know for those who want to learn how to cook condensed milk

It's time to take stock. Secrets, subtleties, nuances, alternatives!

Choose quality condensed milk

Not every condensed milk is recommended to be boiled; some will not work at all. If it contains ingredients such as milk powder, flavoring additives, vegetable fats, etc., then it is not a fact that you will be able to prepare condensed milk; it simply will not thicken. Only experimentally can such milk be tested for suitability for preparing a boiled product.

Density is determined by composition, fat content, jar volume and cooking time.

After I cooked several cans of condensed milk, I accidentally made a discovery for myself! The density of the resulting product depends directly on several factors: composition, fat content of condensed milk, volume of the can, boiling intensity and cooking time. So, the longer the milk is boiled, the thicker it turns out (of course, we are not talking about 5-6 hours, because cooking too long can also in rare cases lead to an unwanted explosion, and to check whether we are included in this number, oh, no matter how you want it).

The condensed milk in the jar should be completely covered with water.

Let me remind you again! It is important! Water should be poured in advance a few centimeters above the can of condensed milk. Otherwise, if it boils away, this is a direct path to the Great Explosion in your apartment, but I’m afraid that you won’t be able to create a new way to create life, but it will help you get to know the Emergency Doctor and the person on duty at the emergency room. I don't think that's our goal right now. So let's be careful!

Cook over low heat

Do not think that the process of simmering condensed milk over low heat can be replaced by quick cooking if the fire is made larger. It's better not to get down to business if you don't have these 3-4 hours. Or put it away from the fire if urgent matters arise. Yes, this time you won’t get the desired result, but there won’t be an explosion either.

It’s interesting that many people are afraid to buy condensed milk for cooking in cans that open with a ring. But I can confidently recommend them for use. In any case, for me they behaved the same way as those that were completely sealed.

Cool the jar of condensed milk slowly

When cooling the condensed milk, take your time. Don't open the jar right away; I don't recommend adding cold water to cool it down. I definitely understood that cooling is part of the cooking process, and should happen gradually.

You can cook it in different ways, but with caution

You can cook condensed milk not only in water on the stove. There are more original and fresh recipes. For example, in the microwave, oven or in a pressure cooker and multicooker. And recently I heard about a new recipe: in a frying pan! But I haven’t tried one of them yet, but it’s interesting!
Girls! I will always be glad to hear your opinion, advice and recommendations on how to cook condensed milk in a jar at home. Your experience and what secrets you have are interesting. Share them! But not only your positive experience is interesting, but also stories that are lethal for condensed milk. Let's work on the mistakes together to uncover the golden recipe for cooking condensed milk.

Childhood... Warmth... Comfort... Mom's care... This is what many adults remember when they hear the word “condensed milk”. I just want to go back to that wonderful time, open a jar and eat this delicacy to my heart’s content. Of course, you can still go to the store and buy condensed milk. However, the modern product only vaguely resembles that past condensed milk. What to do? You can feel nostalgic and give up and go about your business, or you can buy all the necessary products to prepare a delicacy at home and try it. The choice is, of course, yours. However, if you are reading this article, then you are interested in the question of how to make condensed milk at home. It is worth noting that this is quite easy.

How to make condensed milk at home?

There are several cooking recipes. To begin with, we present to your attention the simplest one, for which you only need two ingredients:

  1. Milk - 1 liter.
  2. Sugar - 1 glass.

So, let's start cooking. We will need a deep saucepan. Pour milk into it, then immediately pour sugar into it. Put the pan on the fire and leave it there until the milk is about one and a half times less. It is also important to stir the mixture from time to time. If you carefully monitor the cooking process, you will at some point see that the brew has become quite thick and has also acquired a beautiful creamy color. Then you can remove the pan from the stove. Homemade condensed milk is ready. You can pour it into a smaller container and enjoy the excellent taste, just like in childhood. You will also be sure that the product does not contain preservatives, thickeners, or soy derivatives, because you yourself put only two ingredients in the saucepan - sugar and milk. Condensed milk prepared according to this recipe can be safely given to a child and without fear for his health.

Recipe using milk powder

There is another wonderful recipe for condensed milk. You can use that too. What will you need for cooking?

  1. 220-300 ml milk.
  2. 150-200 g of milk powder.
  3. 300-400 gr. Sahara.

Let's start cooking by mixing natural and powdered milk. Then, using a whisk, the mass must be thoroughly stirred so that there are no lumps. The next step is adding sugar. And mix thoroughly again. This mixture must be boiled in a steam bath for an hour. Don't forget to stir from time to time. Do not worry that at the end of the cooking process the condensed milk turned out to be quite liquid. Let it cool and then put it in the refrigerator overnight. The next morning you will be able to enjoy thick and tasty, and most importantly, natural homemade condensed milk.

How to cook condensed milk from milk quickly?

Now you know two main ways to make condensed milk at home. However, you can use another wonderful recipe. Cooking will only take 15-20 minutes.

Required ingredients:

  1. 200-300 ml of milk.
  2. 200-300 gr. powdered sugar.
  3. 20-30 gr. butter.

Take a saucepan, pour milk into it, add powdered sugar and butter. Mix these ingredients thoroughly. Place the pan on the fire and bring the mixture to a boil. It is very important to constantly stir the mixture so that the sugar dissolves well. The next step is to reduce the heat and cook for 15-20 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat and let the condensed milk cool.

If you have a slow cooker, you can cook condensed milk in it. To do this you need:

  1. Milk - 2 multi-cups.
  2. Sugar - 2 multi-cups.
  3. Milk mixture - also 2 multi-cups.

Pour the milk into the cooking bowl, and then add the sugar and milk mixture. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Select the "Extinguishing" mode and set the time - 30 minutes. Stir the milk from time to time to prevent lumps from forming. Let the condensed milk cool and put it in the refrigerator for a while. After this, you can enjoy yourself and remember your childhood.

Roll condensed milk into jars

You can take note of another interesting recipe for how to cook condensed milk from milk. After preparation, such a product is rolled into jars and used for filling custard and other cakes. Condensed milk prepared according to this recipe can be stored for quite a long time.

Shall we start cooking? We need fresh fresh milk (1.5 l), sugar (0.5 kg), soda (one-third of a teaspoon). It is best to take a fairly wide aluminum basin; moisture will evaporate well from it during the cooking process. Pour the milk into a bowl, then pour sugar and soda into it. You may ask why soda is needed, because the previous recipes do not contain it. There are two reasons. Baking soda helps achieve a more uniform consistency and will also make the condensed milk suitable for canning. So, we wait until our mixture boils, then reduce the heat to minimum and cook, stirring thoroughly. After some time, you will notice that the mixture has turned yellow and finally turned brownish. Do not forget to stir and make sure that the condensed milk does not burn. Taste it too. When you see that the milk has become quite thick, you can remove the basin from the stove. Now the resulting condensed milk should be poured into jars and rolled up. The product will taste similar to Korovka candies.

Now you know how to cook condensed milk. However, you will undoubtedly need some tips for preparing it.


By making condensed milk at home, you will save money and also protect yourself from harmful substances, which are abundant in condensed milk from the store. By the way, this product is included in many confectionery products that you can prepare yourself.

We hope that this article was useful to you, because now you know for sure how to make condensed milk at home, and you can prepare it at any time convenient for you.

Bon appetit and original culinary ideas!

Condensed milk is rightfully considered a universal dish; it is added to cupcakes, pastries, and pies. The delicacy can be used as an independent dish as a snack for tea. Condensed milk is often used with pancakes; children and adults love it. Store-bought formulations are packed with additives and preservatives that extend shelf life and improve viscosity. For this reason, experienced housewives prefer to prepare the delicacy themselves. We will highlight the most delicious recipes and provide practical recommendations.

  1. It is better to prepare condensed milk at home using fresh whole milk. In cases where purchasing such an ingredient is difficult, use pasteurized milk with a high degree of fat content (3.2% and above). If desired, you can replace milk with heavy cream (25%), observing the proportions.
  2. To prepare condensed milk, it is very important to choose dishes. The best option is a thick-walled and thick-bottomed pan (steel, aluminum or cast iron). To prevent the composition from burning, you can also use a steam bath.
  3. The classic recipe and its variations involve the use of granulated sugar as the main component. If desired, it can be replaced with powdered sugar; it dissolves many times faster. The main thing is not to violate the quantitative ratio (g). In addition, the powder contains starch, which gives the condensed milk the necessary viscosity.
  4. To obtain a homogeneous mixture without inclusions or lumps, baking soda is added to the classic recipe. It also emphasizes the taste of condensed milk, making the delicacy richer and brighter.
  5. For variety, you can add cocoa powder to condensed milk. Children like this variation, but the final product may be slightly bitter (if you add too much cocoa). In this case, the condensed milk will acquire a characteristic brown tint; it can be used as a decoration for a cake or pastries.
  6. To make condensed milk sweet, use cane sugar rather than beet sugar. At the same time, it can be crushed into powder to improve viscosity and give a porous consistency.
  7. Ready condensed milk must be stored in a glass container with a tight-fitting lid. A heat-resistant container for storing food or heating food in the microwave is also suitable.
  8. You can make “Iris” candies from condensed milk. Simply pour the final product into candy or ice molds, place in the refrigerator and cool until hardened.
  9. The duration of cooking condensed milk directly depends on the amount of sugar used in the cooking process. The more bulk composition you add, the faster the process will proceed. At the same time, the dish will turn out sickly sweet.
  10. You can add high-fat butter to homemade condensed milk. As a rule, this move is used by confectioners when they want to make condensed milk tender and viscous (for cupcakes, cakes, muffins, etc.). However, it is worth remembering that the presence of such an ingredient in the composition reduces the shelf life.

How to cook condensed milk: a classic of the genre

  • baking soda - 3 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 580 gr.
  • milk with fat content from 3.2% - 1.2 l.
  • vanillin - 20 gr.
  • drinking water - 80 ml.
  1. As mentioned earlier, cooking condensed milk should be done in a non-stick pan with thick walls and bottom. Milk in combination with sugar/powder will first begin to foam and then stick to the dishes. If the bottom is too thin, the composition will burn and become unusable. In cases where it is not possible to use a thick-walled pan, the mixture will have to be stirred intensively (do not leave the stove).
  2. Once you decide on the container, wash and dry it. Mix granulated sugar (preferably cane) with vanillin, add drinking water, mix with a wooden spatula.
  3. Turn the burner to between minimum and medium and place the pan on the stove. Stir with a whisk or spatula until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved and the mixture becomes homogeneous.
  4. After preparing the vanilla syrup, begin to slowly pour in the milk, having previously cooled it to room (!) temperature. While stirring the mixture, do not reduce the heat, bring the mixture to a boil.
  5. After the first bubbles appear, reduce the burner to minimum power and add baking soda. Begin stirring the mixture vigorously as it will begin to foam and burn.
  6. Simmer the condensed milk for about an hour, cover with a lid, but do not completely cover the opening of the pan. During cooking, the composition must be stirred every 7-10 minutes. Don't forget to skim the foam off the sides and then put it back into the pan.
  7. After a certain period of time, the mixture will acquire a light chocolate shade. If you set a goal to prepare condensed milk with a liquid consistency, remove it from the stove at this stage.
  8. If you need to get thick condensed milk, simmer it for another 30-40 minutes. Determine readiness by color, taste and consistency. The longer the composition is cooked, the sweeter, more viscous and darker it will be.
  9. At the end of cooking, cover the dish with a lid and leave to cool at room temperature. Then pour the condensed milk into a glass jar or heat-resistant container and seal.
  10. Place the final product in the refrigerator. To increase storage time, scoop up the mixture with a dry and clean plastic spoon, then return it to the storage chamber.

  • powdered milk - 375 gr.
  • granulated sugar (cane) - 1.3 kg.
  • cream with fat content 27-33% - 1.1 l.
  • dry baby formula (milk) - 220 gr.
  • filtered water - 125 ml.
  • vanilla sugar - 10 gr.
  1. Prepare the dishes for cooking. The pan should have thick walls and bottom, as well as a non-stick coating (preferably). Wash and dry the container, add vanillin and granulated cane sugar, add water.
  2. Place the mixture over low heat, do not bring to a boil; the sugar crystals should not completely dissolve at this stage.
  3. When the mass reaches a more or less homogeneous consistency, remove the pan from the heat. Pour in the cream, add baby formula and dry milk. Place the container back on the stove, turn the heat to low, stir with a whisk until the lumps disappear completely.
  4. Leave the mixture to simmer for 1-1.5 hours. During the specified time, constantly stir the condensed milk and remove excess from the walls, then return it to the container.
  5. When the product turns brown, sticky and sweet, turn off the burner. Cool to room temperature, pour into jars, and place in the refrigerator for long-term storage.

Condensed milk based on butter

  • milk or drinking water - 320 ml.
  • dry cream - 500 gr.
  • granulated sugar (cane or beet) - 270 gr.
  • butter - 75 gr.
  1. Prepare an enamel pan with a non-stick coating and a thick bottom. Pour water or milk into it, the second option is preferable (the condensed milk turns out tender).
  2. Place the pan over medium heat, bring the liquid to a boil, then remove the pan from the heat. Add dry cream (you can replace it with dry milk), and start whisking the mixture at the same time with a whisk or mixer until it rises 2-2.5 times.
  3. Add cane sugar and butter, softened at room temperature. Whisk again, making sure there are no lumps in the mixture.
  4. Prepare a steam bath: pour boiling water into a wide saucepan, place the container with the composition in it so that the smaller container rests on the handles (the lower parts of the containers do not touch).
  5. Turn on medium heat, stir the mixture and simmer for about 1.5-2 hours. The consistency will tell you that the condensed milk is ready: the paste will become viscous, sweet, and brown.
  6. After all manipulations, cool the condensed milk to room temperature, then pour into containers or jars and seal. Store in the refrigerator door and remove the mixture with a clean plastic spoon.

It's easy to cook condensed milk at home. Use the classic recipe, consider the cooking technology based on milk powder, butter, liquid heavy cream. Add cocoa or vanilla if desired.

Video: how to cook condensed milk



In our age of “advanced technologies”, it’s scary to buy something in a store. Eat a spoonful of thickened wallpaper paste with white and sugar and... it’s good if they save you.

According to GOST USSR sweetened condensed milk should contain no more than 26.% moisture, no less than 43.5% sugar (sucrose), no less than 28.5% fat, proteins, milk sugar and minerals, including fat - no less than 8.5%.

You can distinguish a product with added vegetable fats from a product made from whole milk by carefully reading the information on the label. The can should say "Whole condensed milk with sugar", 8.5% fat. If the name of the product is “Condensed Milk” or simply “Condensed Milk”, and the composition contains not only milk and sugar, but also other additives, then you have a combined dairy product that is manufactured in accordance with the specifications. Condensed milk that is too thick indicates a violation of the production technology or the use of emulsifiers.

In condensed milk with sugar, there should be more than 2 times more dry substances (not counting sugar) than in natural milk. In addition, real condensed milk preserves vitamins B1, B2, a significant part of vitamin B12 and vitamin A.

In order to obtain condensed milk, a large amount of water must be evaporated from milk. If the evaporation process occurs at a temperature of 100°C, the nutritional value of the milk will decrease, the properties of the protein will change, the content of vitamins will decrease (if they do not disappear completely), so the milk is evaporated under vacuum and boils at a low temperature (the boiling point of milk in these conditions is 55- 60°C).

During condensation, sugar syrup is added to the milk. Sugar plays the role of a preservative - sweetened condensed milk is a very stable product: an open can of condensed milk with sugar can be stored in the refrigerator and used for a month and nothing should happen to you.

Then the condensed milk is kept for some time in coolers, also operating under vacuum. At this time, the process of transformation of milk sugar occurs in it - it falls out in the form of tiny, invisible to the eye and undetectable crystals.

You can make condensed milk from whole cow's milk and sugar or fructose. in a home multifunctional thermomix machine 3.5 hours. Everything is mixed and cooked continuously at a given temperature. The taste is like GOST condensed milk.


milk 1 liter, sugar 1.5 cups, soda pinch

Mix milk with sugar, add a pinch of soda. Cook over low heat until thickened (1.5 - 3 hours depending on the size of the portion). It is advisable to take a pan that is not enameled and has thick walls.


For 1.5-2 liters of whole milk (even better, of course, cream) you need to take a kilogram of sugar. We pour sugar into a bowl for making jam, drink a little water to moisten it, put it on the fire and cook the syrup. When it boils well for about five minutes, add milk. Reduce the heat and simmer, stirring occasionally, so as not to burn. It will take a long time to cook, if you don’t have time, you can do it in 2-3 batches.. When the mass in the basin becomes thick and viscous, it’s ready. If you want to prepare condensed milk for future use, pour it hot into thoroughly washed and scalded jars, roll up the lids and place to a cold place.


Contains only natural milk and sugar. Cook in a non-stick pan, for example, stainless steel, because... You cannot boil milk in an enamel pan - it will burn. Stir continuously without leaving the stove for 3 - 4 hours, then beat additionally in a food processor.

Condensed goat milk

Evaporate a liter of goat milk over low heat for an hour and a half, add sugar - 300g and cook for another hour. A liter of milk yields 450 grams.


Take fresh, whole, unseparated milk, put it on the fire, when it boils, reduce the heat so that it gurgles a little, add sugar, and cook for 3 hours with constant stirring. The main thing is not to overcook - the color should be light beige and the droplet sample should not spread. You can also add vanilla.


1.5 cups of milk powder 1.5 cups of sugar 250 ml of milk, mix and cook in a water bath for EXACTLY 1 HOUR, stirring occasionally. then cool and place in the refrigerator overnight.

caramelized condensed milk (varenka)

Pour the condensed milk into a microwave-safe bowl and cook in the microwave on medium mode for 10-15 minutes, stirring every 2 minutes.


Boil 2 liters of milk, 2 cups of sugar for 3 hours with constant stirring, then add 2 cups of starch and mix well.


Freeze the milk to ice, collect the sour cream, and cook the milk with sugar in a ratio of 2 to 2, until the desired consistency. Pour into sterilized jars. In the same way, you can make good ghee from store-bought butter.


700 gr. goat milk, 1 cup sugar. cook for 1.5 hours

powdered milk 300 gr. ,baked milk 1 cup, 2 cups sugar. Heat the baked milk, dissolve the sugar in it and add baby food or powdered milk, stir well so that there are no lumps left and place in a water bath for an hour until the required consistency.


2.5 glasses of water, 400 g of milk powder, 1 kg of sugar

In a blender, blend boiled water with dry milk. Pour into a saucepan and heat slightly. Add sugar and cook over low heat, stirring continuously until thickened.

Do not bring to a boil! As soon as large bubbles appear on the surface, remove from heat and stir well for 1-2 minutes. and cool. Then, I strain the still warm milk through a double layer of gauze.


3 liters of milk, 1 kg of sugar, 1 pinch of salt, 0.5 tsp of soda.

Mix all the ingredients in a large saucepan (preferably with a thick bottom) and place on low heat. Cook without stirring until it thickens. Then take a large wooden spoon and mix thoroughly, as if whisking, until the bottom of the pan appears. Remove from heat, let cool and transfer to a container for further storage. You should use regular milk, just not skim milk.


1 glass of water (boiling water), 2 glasses of sugar, 50 gr. drain butter, 4 cups of milk powder (cup - 200 ml).

Beat boiling water, sugar and butter with a blender. Add 1 cup of milk powder. Continuing to beat, gradually add the remaining 3 cups of milk powder. Beat until there are no lumps left in the milk mixture. The milk thickens quickly.


Take fresh milk in which the cream has not yet settled. You will need an aluminum bowl of the same type as for jam - wide and low. Pans are not suitable in this case: moisture will not evaporate from them during cooking.

Pour milk into a basin - 1.2 l, add sugar - 0.4 l, the ratio should be 3:1. For this amount of milk, take a third of a teaspoon of baking soda. Without soda, condensed milk may turn out lumpy, but with its addition, the consistency of the product will be homogeneous. Bring to a boil, stirring the sugar thoroughly with a wooden spatula, and reduce heat to low. So the milk slowly boils and evaporates. After an hour it turns yellow, then as it thickens the color turns light brown. At this time, you should watch carefully, avoiding boiling and burning. Every five minutes you need to turn it off and take a sample: if the milk thickens as it cools, then you can finish the process. The final volume of the product should be equal to the initial volume of sugar. When the condensed milk has cooled in the bowl, transfer it to a 0.4 liter jar and simply close or roll it up. If you roll it up hot, then after a while condensation will appear on the inside of the lid, followed by mold on the surface of the condensed milk.

This condensed milk is used as cream for homemade cakes and cookies. The taste is similar to Korovka candy. As a dessert, you can prepare mixtures of condensed milk and jam - apple, rhubarb, plum - for tea.


Take 250 ml. warm milk - preferably high fat content (3.2%), add 1.5 cups of milk powder and 1.5 cups of sugar to it. All products should be thoroughly mixed using a whisk. To taste, you can add 1 packet of vanilla sugar, then the condensed milk will acquire an extraordinary vanilla taste and smell.

The prepared mixture is poured into a saucepan. Place a large pot of water on the fire and bring it to a boil. Then the pan with the mixture is carefully immersed in a large pan of boiling water and the heat is reduced. Boil the mixture in a water bath for about one hour, stirring occasionally.

From this volume of the mixture you get a half-liter jar of excellent homemade condensed milk, which is perfect for morning tea or coffee, and for confectionery purposes.


Boil the milk in a wide container (for example, a frying pan). For 1 l. add 0.5 tbsp of milk. spoons of sugar. Cook, stirring continuously over high heat for 20 minutes (it starts to bubble and boil - it’s ready). Stirring, cool (to prevent foam from forming), pour into a jar, cover loosely.

Nowadays you can find almost everything in the supermarket, including ready-made condensed milk. And unfortunately, purchased condensed milk tastes far from the same as homemade condensed milk. No surprise, because homemade is always better! You can verify this once again by preparing condensed milk at home. Today our website will tell you how to cook condensed milk yourself. Simple, but the best homemade condensed milk recipes for you!

How to cook condensed milk - traditional recipe

The first and simplest condensed milk recipe requires a minimum of ingredients. However, condensed milk prepared according to this recipe will have a pleasant creamy color, will become quite thick when cooled, and will taste yummy! So, if you don’t yet know how to cook condensed milk and this is your first attempt, this recipe is perfect.


  • fresh milk - 1 liter (high fat content);
  • sugar – 500 gr.;
  • vanilla sugar – 1 tsp.


For cooking, it is better to take a pan with a thick bottom. Pour milk into it, add sugar and stir until sugar is completely dissolved. Over medium heat, bring the milk to a boil.

Stir the milk periodically until it has lost two-thirds of its original volume and has acquired a nice creamy color. After acquiring a creamy color and losing volume, the milk will become slightly thick, which indicates its readiness.

In the last minutes of cooking the condensed milk, add vanilla sugar; when it dissolves, wait another 15 seconds and turn off the stove. Our condensed milk is ready!

Freshly cooked condensed milk will not be too thick and stringy, but this will change as it cools.

How to cook condensed milk - recipe two

The second differs from the first recipe for making condensed milk at home not only in the presence of one more ingredient, but also in the cooking method. In this case, the condensed milk is cooked in a “bathtub”, that is, water is poured into a large pan, and a smaller pan is placed in it, in which the condensed milk is boiled.


  • fresh milk - 250 ml;
  • powdered milk - 1.5 cups;
  • sugar - 1.5 cups;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet.


We select two pans (smaller and larger) so that one fits into the other and there is still space for pouring water between them. Pour some water into a large saucepan and place it on the stove.

In a smaller saucepan, mix warm fresh milk, milk powder, sugar and vanilla sugar.

Place the smaller pan in the larger one, fill the space between the pans with water (not to the very top, so that the water does not run away during boiling).

When the water boils, reduce the heat slightly and cook, stirring the milk occasionally for about another hour. When the milk thickens, the condensed milk is ready. We have half a liter of delicious condensed milk.

How to cook condensed milk - recipe with butter

The recipe for condensed milk with butter differs from all previous ones not only in the new ingredient, but also in a completely different preparation method. To cook condensed milk according to this recipe, you need a minimum of time, but in addition to cooking, you also need to leave it in the refrigerator for a long time. More details below.


  • milk - 375 g;
  • powdered sugar - 0.5 kg;
  • butter - 40 g.


Pour milk into a saucepan, add butter and powdered sugar. Stir, put on the stove and bring to a boil.

After boiling, reduce the heat to medium and cook for another 10 minutes, stirring constantly.

When these 10 minutes are up, turn off the stove and pour the condensed milk into a jar.

We wait until the jar cools down, then put it in the refrigerator overnight to thicken. In the morning we open the refrigerator, your condensed milk is already ready!

How to cook chocolate condensed milk - recipe with cocoa

At home, you can prepare not only regular condensed milk, but also chocolate. In this case, the preparation will hardly differ from the usual recipe; we just need to add cocoa at a certain stage. So, let's find out how to cook chocolate condensed milk.


  • fresh milk - 1 l. (high percentage of fat content);
  • sugar - 0.5 kg;
  • cocoa powder - 1 tbsp. l. (good quality)


Pour sugar into a thick-bottomed pan and pour milk. Stir constantly until the sugar is completely dissolved and the milk is boiling. Continue cooking over low heat until thickened. Stir constantly while doing this.

When our condensed milk finally thickens and becomes creamy, you need to add cocoa powder through a sieve and mix thoroughly until smooth.

Let our chocolate condensed milk simmer for a few more minutes and turn off the stove. Leave the condensed milk to cool.

  • Now you not only know how to cook condensed milk, but also know how to prepare it according to different recipes, even chocolate ones. But I would like to give a few more tips that will help you successfully prepare condensed milk. Therefore, it is better to remember these tips.
  • To cook condensed milk, it is better to use a pan with a thick bottom and high walls, so you don’t have to constantly stand over it for fear that it will “run away.”
  • After the condensed milk has been cooked, you need to let it cool. This will make it thicker and more viscous.
  • Ideally, use only fresh homemade milk, and if store-bought, then high-fat milk from a good manufacturer.
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