Prayer during critical days. Is it possible to read prayers during menstruation for Christians? Is it possible to pray during menstruation?

Complete collection and description: prayer during menstruation for the spiritual life of a believer.

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Is it possible to pray during menstruation?

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Anyone can offer prayer to the Lord, including women. But there is much disagreement about whether you can pray during your period. The discussion of this issue dates back to the Old Testament.

Historical information

The commandments of the Old Testament stated that a woman who has monthly bleeding has no right to enter the temple, read a prayer, or appear in public. There was an opinion that any disease, like female bleeding, was considered unclean. That is why it was prohibited:

It is difficult to explain such a ban, but it can be assumed that in ancient times women did not use hygiene products and there was a danger that they could stain the floor with their blood.

At this time everything has changed. In the New Testament, Christ revised this rule and said that if a person with a pure soul comes to him, he will be resurrected with him. And no illness or death will have power over him. It was believed that a woman should not be prohibited from visiting the temple due to natural processes in her body.

There is a story that one day a woman came to Christ during natural bleeding and took him by the hem of his robe. He not only did not drive her away, but listened and helped.

Prayer during menstruation

If you feel fine and do not experience discomfort, then you can go to the temple and pray, and also light a candle. But it happens that a woman does not want to visit the temple during this period.

Is it possible to pray at home during your period? It happens that a woman’s health does not allow her to visit the temple. In this case, you can read a prayer at home in front of the image. If your faith is strong, then the Lord will hear your prayer and will definitely not leave you.

But it is necessary to remember that priests are different and many still prohibit menstruating women from entering the temple. It's up to you to make the decision.

Is it possible to perform prayers at home and in temple during menstruation?

The question of whether it is possible to pray during menstruation and how to do it interests many women. However, you shouldn’t even think about such obvious things. After all, prayer as an appeal to God can be said in absolutely any state if it comes from the heart and is sincere.

Menstruation and turning to God

Since ancient times, any bleeding among the weaker sex was not considered a sin at all. We have received beliefs that some women who approached Christ himself, as well as took hold of the hem of his robe, were in a state of natural bleeding at the time of repentance. This was not considered a sin, since the Creator himself decided so. In this way, the woman’s monthly cleansing took place.

So why is the modern church and many clergy simply convinced that a woman during her period should not even enter the threshold of a church? If you follow the teachings of the Lord, then you can and even need to pray, provided that the prayer comes from the heart.

When a woman’s health does not allow her to attend church, she can pray at home, standing in front of an icon. If a person’s faith is unshakable, then the Lord will definitely hear his prayer, no matter where and in what condition he is.

However, even now, according to the beliefs of many peoples, a woman during menstruation is forbidden not only to cross the threshold into a church, but also to show herself to people in general. But in many civilized, developed countries, menstruation is not considered such a sin that because of it one cannot turn to God and visit Holy places.

Home prayers

Some people think that during such periods you cannot even pray at home. But they are wrong, because the Lord accepts any sincere prayer. It doesn't matter at all where it is said. You are allowed to pray at home at any time of the day or night. This can and should be done under any circumstances, not only when illness or some other misfortune occurs. At the same time, you can pray during menstruation, since a woman’s critical days are no exception.

About critical days in the Old Testament

The Old Testament expresses the only opinion that during menstruation a woman is considered unclean and should not enter church. This was due to three simple reasons. The most primitive is hygiene standards. The other two are of a philosophical and spiritual nature.

According to the Old Testament, it is believed that Adam and Eve, having sinned, lost their immortality. Since then, a woman’s menstruation appeared as a constant reminder of the sin committed. According to some beliefs, a woman these days is considered unclean, since a dead egg is released with the blood, that is, the death of the embryo itself occurs.

What does God's Commandments say about menstruation?

The Commandments of God say that praying at home during menstruation cannot in any way be considered a sin, therefore, without leaving the threshold, you can pray at any time, even when a woman is sick. In this way, she can beg for healing for herself if her appeal is truly sincere.

The New Testament says that a person who turned to the Lord of his own free will and with a pure soul will be resurrected with him. At the same time, no illnesses or even death can dominate him.

So a woman who believes with all her soul cannot be considered a sinner because of the most natural processes occurring in her body, over which she has no control.

Thus, women should not be prohibited from attending church even while menstruating. The only thing that some priests can advise ladies is not to stand for the entire service from beginning to end. But this is done only to preserve the strength and health of women.

Today, there are several opinions about a woman’s coming to the temple during her period. It all depends on the beliefs of the priest himself. However, every lady herself should have common sense. After all, if during menstruation she also feels unwell, then it would be better for her to stay and pray at home.

Social beliefs

The female population, who are not too aware of the rules for visiting holy places, may still be wondering whether it is even possible to pray during menstrual periods, be it at home or in a temple. They only need to understand that sincere prayer will never be a sin before the Lord. It is very important that a woman always maintains her faith, so prayer is not only possible, but also absolutely necessary.

For a long time it was believed that a woman during menstruation could smear the floor of the sanctuary with her unclean blood. But then there were no such good hygiene products that the modern generation can use. This is probably why it was believed that a woman these days is unclean. Now everything has changed a little.

If a woman has completed all the required hygienic measures, she can still visit the cathedral to turn to the Lord. And this is even more true for prayer in front of home icons. After all, a woman cannot be forbidden to believe in God and talk to him, no matter what state she is in. However, much depends on the beliefs of the parishioner herself. After all, some are still convinced that the appearance of a woman in church while on her period is considered a great sin.

It is only worth remembering that any appeal to the Almighty, spoken from a pure heart, will be heard.

If faith is sincere, the Lord will help a woman endure any situation, therefore, even without attending church, you can always turn to God with prayer in front of a home icon.

Is it possible to jog during menstruation?

Why do you crave sweets during your period?

Why is it possible to get your period early?

How to deal with heavy flow during menstruation


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Is it possible to pray during menstruation at home - prohibitions, superstition, truth

Is it possible to pray at home during your period? For some, this question may seem strange, because the answer is obvious. Others are seriously racking their brains and trying to find out everything from the priest. Is it possible or not? What do different religions say about this?

Concept of prayer

To determine the answer, you first need to understand the concept. What is prayer? This is a mental or verbal appeal to God, the Saints, with a request for something. Prayer differs from an ordinary request in its energetic frame. The request comes from a pure heart, from the soul, out of true need. If you read a memorized prayer just like that, without putting meaning into it, it turns into an ordinary verse and has no power. Prayer is not a memorized poem written by someone at one time, a call from within, in which it is not words that play the main role, but thoughts. The only prayer that God gave to make it easier for people to turn to him, the words were heard - Our Father. It has been translated into all languages ​​of the world. Available in every religion.

God is our Father Almighty. So why can’t you turn to him when you need it? Often the meaning of the appeal concerns painful periods, severe blood loss, and diseases of the reproductive system. God created a woman this way, he knows all her secrets. It doesn’t matter at all whether there is blood or not, the main thing is that the prayer comes from a pure heart. God gives to everyone according to their true needs.

Is it possible to pray at home as an Orthodox Christian?

In Old Testament times, a woman who was menstruating was considered unclean. She was forbidden to visit temples, sacred places, touch shrines, or appear in public places. In those days, one showed one's devotion to God through sacrifice and strict observance of the rules of the Old Testament. However, everything changed with

the coming of Jesus Christ. He atoned for the sin of humanity with his blood, everything material became spiritual. He gave one prayer - Our Father. He encouraged people to pray in their own words while alone. The New Testament simplified the rules of the Old Testament and removed the stigma of “unclean” from women. After the death of Christ, it became possible not only to pray at home in any condition, but also to visit holy places.

However, Orthodoxy retained its own views on this matter. Some priests still prohibit women from entering the temple during menstrual periods. Most of them insist on the impossibility of taking communion or touching icons these days. You can come to church, pray, but stay close to the entrance. Since the time of the New Testament, all these prohibitions have been unfounded. But Jesus also called the soul of a person, and not a specific building, a temple. It follows from this that true Christians can pray at home without going to church. Menstruation is not a hindrance.

For those who follow the rules of the Orthodox Church, it is possible to pray at home. You cannot read prayers written by someone in order to receive something. For example, the prayer of St. Mitrofan for well-being in the house. This is no longer a prayer, but a ritual, which requires compliance with special rules. Place the icon, light a candle, read in a whisper several times. This kind of ritual, and similar ones, cannot be performed during critical days.

Is it possible for a Muslim woman to pray at home during her period?

The prayer of a Muslim woman is no different from women from other religions. True appeal to Allah, which follows from the depths of the soul, can be done anywhere, at any time, in any condition. The ban applies to Lent, which precedes the great holiday of Ramadan. Lent consists of observing certain rules for 30 days in a row. These include reading prayers daily. However, during menstruation women are prohibited from continuing the ritual, but she must continue it after the end of menstruation. As for true prayer, for example, a child is sick, the mother asks Allah for recovery, there are no prohibitions.

The priest's answer

“A person should be in prayer every day. He receives a blessing for the coming day, thanks for all the events that have passed. Menstruation does not affect this process in any way. A woman can turn to God with her problems, express gratitude, and make requests. No one has the right to prohibit saving his soul if the person himself needs it.”


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Is it possible to pray during menstruation and where is the best place to do it?

Any person can offer a prayer to God, as can a woman during her period. All people were created by the Creator and cannot be unclean until they commit sinful deeds. Any outflows from bodies are not sinful.

Is it possible to pray during menstruation?

In the days of the first Christians, a girl's bleeding was not considered something unclean. Even a woman came up to Christ during natural flows and took him by the hem of his robe. He did not get angry, but said that monthly cleansing is not a sin, since all people were created this way by the Creator. The Lord did not drive her away, but heeded her prayer and healed her. How can priests now take responsibility and prohibit menstruating women from entering the temple? When talking with God, the main thing is faith, and not the state of the body, so you can and should pray.

If due to health reasons it is not possible to come to church, it is not forbidden to offer prayer at home in front of the icon. The Almighty will definitely hear your prayer and answer it if your faith is strong. Among some peoples, to this day, female malaise is considered an obstacle not only to entering the temple, but also to appearing in public. However, in civilized countries they no longer consider a woman unclean because of this. And the Commandments say that menstruation is not considered a sinful thing.

Many people ask: is it possible to pray during menstruation at home, not knowing that the Almighty pleases a prayer uttered from the heart. And it doesn’t matter where it is said. And at home you should pray at any time, regardless of whether the person is sick or not and whether the woman has a leak at that moment. Judging by the Old Testament, any disease, like female bleeding, is unclean and, therefore, the sick cannot go to church, much less kiss the cross and receive communion.

However, in the New Testament, Christ revises these words and says that anyone who comes to the Lord with a pure soul will rise with him, and no illnesses have power over that person, just like death itself. Therefore, a woman cannot be considered unclean because of the natural processes in her body if she honestly, with all her soul, believes in God. And you can’t forbid her to go to church. Some priests warn women not to strive to fully endure the service at this time, but this is done to preserve health.

Just as there are different people in general, priests can be different. Some of them strictly prohibit women from entering church during a certain period, others do not see any sin in visiting a temple. Every parishioner should use common sense. If she feels unwell during her period, it is of course better to stay home.

Women who do not know church rules may wonder whether it is possible to pray in church or at a home icon during menstruation. It should be understood that a person cannot offend God with prayer, no matter what state he is in. It is important to maintain spiritual purity and faith in God, so prayer is a must.

In ancient times, women did not have hygiene products that are used during menstruation, which is why there was probably a danger of staining the floor in the church with their blood. Now this is no longer a problem. And you can pray anywhere.

Are there any nuances in reading prayers during menstruation?

Is it possible to read prayers during menstruation? This is a question that requires special consideration, since the religious theme during this period of the month is of particular relevance for a woman. However, many clergy believe that this is not even worth worrying about. This is due to the fact that saying prayers is the most direct appeal to God and a person can do this exactly when he considers it necessary.

The most basic rule is complete sincerity and that prayer must come from the heart and soul of a person who does not have dirty thoughts.

Prayers during the menstrual period

In ancient times, the church’s view of menstruation in women was twofold, but most priests were inclined to believe that it was still allowed to visit the temple during this period, since it was considered completely biological and intended by God for the further successful birth of a woman.

Historical information knows cases when some women were brought to Jesus Christ and they kissed the hem of his clothes and his hands, and during this period these female representatives were menstruating. Therefore, menstruation is not a sin at all, but a natural process of cleansing the female body, provided for by the Creator himself.

So why do such prejudices arise today, and many priests consider a woman during her period to be a sinner? In some temples, a woman during menstruation is not even allowed to enter the holy house, which is completely incomprehensible and falls into the category of prejudice.

If we consider all the commandments of the Lord, then prayer is salvation for the soul and it must be done when a person feels the need for it. Therefore, menstruation is absolutely no exception.

In the case when a woman feels very bad, the prayer can be read without leaving home. The most important thing is a sincere appeal to God. To do this, it is necessary to read a prayer before the Holy Face, and if a person unshakably believes, then according to his faith he will be rewarded. God hears everyone who turns to him.

However, today the period of menstruation is considered by some proponents of prohibitions to be dirty and such that a woman is not only prohibited from attending church, but also from being visible to people when leaving the house. However, this can be considered nothing more than a prejudice, since the entire civilized world has long recognized that menstruation is not a sin and during this period one can attend church and pray. If a woman needs to talk to her Creator, then she can do this at any time, the main thing is to do it with pure thoughts and an open soul.

How to pray correctly at home

Some women believe that you cannot pray even at home during your period, but this is nothing more than a mistake. Any sincere prayer will be heard by God. At home, you can pray at a variety of times, both day and night. Menstruation is not an obstacle to such prayer at all. Therefore, home prayer is very useful, not only when a person faces any troubles or illnesses, but also when everything is fine with him. The Lord loves it when people respect him and try to tell him everything. Consequently, menstruation is not an exception and not a sin at all, but simply a cleansing of the female body, provided by the Lord.

What does the Old Testament say about menstruation?

The Old Testament says that menstruation is a period when a woman is considered completely unclean and entry into the church is strictly closed to her during this period. The most common reason described in Holy Scripture is that menstruation is a consequence of the sin of Adam and Eve. This is due to the fact that after they sinned, they lost their eternal life, and as a constant reminder of this, Eve began to menstruate.

As for the second opinion, this is that during menstruation, the female body rejects a dead egg, and, therefore, this is considered infanticide, since the most direct purpose of the fair sex is the continuous birth of children.

It was also believed that one should not enter a church during menstruation due to the fact that this period is completely unclean, but today this is completely irrelevant, since you can purchase a large number of special protective equipment that will make menstruation completely invisible. This was due to the fact that any bloodshed in the Temple of the Lord is a mortal sin.

God's commandments and explanation of the menstrual period in women

Whether it is possible to read prayers during menstruation is quite clearly described in the Commandments of the Lord. Based on this, such a condition in a woman is not at all considered a sin, since it is part of a biological process provided for by God himself. Therefore, you can pray in sorrow, in joy, and in illness.

In the event of any illness, a person can try to pray for his healing, especially if the prayer is sincere and comes from the heart.

The New Testament made certain adjustments to the Old Commandments. Consequently, it says that menstruation is not a sin at all and a person can turn to God, despite his outer bodily shell. The greatest wealth of each individual person is a pure soul and steadfastness of thoughts.

Thus, a woman cannot control the natural process of cleansing her body, which the Creator himself provided.

Based on this, no one can prohibit a representative of the fair sex from praying in the temple of the Lord during menstruation, if she feels a special need for this. The only thing that can be done is not to be completely at the entire service, and this is done not because it is undesirable for a woman to be there, but in order to preserve her strength as much as possible, which is very quickly consumed during natural blood loss.

Today, every priest has his own opinion about menstruation in women, but each individual case should be considered individually, because if the health of the fair sex is not good enough, then in this case you can pray at home and not stand the entire service in the temple.

Basic beliefs of the public

Women who do not go to church very often and are not competent in its prohibitions and permissions may not even know what to do during menstruation and whether it is possible to go to church and generally pray at home. However, it is worth considering only one thing: in order to turn to God, it does not matter what kind of bodily shell you have, the most important thing is to have purity of thoughts and complete sincerity and openness. Only then does the Lord hear our prayers and make all the necessary decisions. Faith is the main thing that a woman should have even then, whether it is the period, menstruation or not.

This has long been due to the fact that during menstruation blood may flow out and the floor of the church will be stained with it. However, as noted earlier, today, due to the emergence of a large number of hygiene products, this is absolutely irrelevant. This may have been the reason why women were considered unclean, but today this is almost completely excluded.

Thus, if a woman is very careful about her hygiene, then in this case she can freely visit the temple and, even more so, pray to God. As for home prayer, there are absolutely no obstacles here.

No one can prohibit anyone from believing in God, and as they say, we are rewarded according to our faith.

But a lot can depend not only on general beliefs, but also on the point of view of the woman herself. This is due to the fact that many parishioners today do not go to church during menstruation, since they consider themselves unclean and try to abstain from sins as much as possible.

However, this is the conviction of each individual person, and if a woman believes that this is advisable, then in this case it is really worth refraining from going to the temple of the Lord.

In this case, if you need to pray, and you decide not to go to church during menstruation, then in this case you can simply pray in front of the icon at home, which will also be quite effective.

Drinking holy water during menstruation

Today, many clergy are inclined to believe that during menstruation a woman should refrain from drinking holy water and prosphora. It is also not advisable to touch shrines, so as not to stain them with blood.

However, this is only a specific recommendation, and not a law, therefore, if a woman observes all the basics of her personal hygiene, then in this case there are no obstacles and she can do everything that other believers do.

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Devotional Reading: Prayer During Menstruation to Help Our Readers.

The question of whether it is possible to pray during menstruation and how to do it interests many women. However, you shouldn’t even think about such obvious things. After all, prayer as an appeal to God can be said in absolutely any state if it comes from the heart and is sincere.

Menstruation and turning to God

Since ancient times, any bleeding among the weaker sex was not considered a sin at all. We have received beliefs that some women who approached Christ himself, as well as took hold of the hem of his robe, were in a state of natural bleeding at the time of repentance. This was not considered a sin, since the Creator himself decided so. In this way, the woman’s monthly cleansing took place.

So why is the modern church and many clergy simply convinced that a woman during her period should not even enter the threshold of a church? If you follow the teachings of the Lord, then you can and even need to pray, provided that the prayer comes from the heart.

When a woman’s health does not allow her to attend church, she can pray at home, standing in front of an icon. If a person’s faith is unshakable, then the Lord will definitely hear his prayer, no matter where and in what condition he is.

However, even now, according to the beliefs of many peoples, a woman during menstruation is forbidden not only to cross the threshold into a church, but also to show herself to people in general. But in many civilized, developed countries, menstruation is not considered such a sin that because of it one cannot turn to God and visit Holy places.

Home prayers

Some people think that during such periods you cannot even pray at home. But they are wrong, because the Lord accepts any sincere prayer. It doesn't matter at all where it is said. You are allowed to pray at home at any time of the day or night. This can and should be done under any circumstances, not only when illness or some other misfortune occurs. At the same time, you can pray during menstruation, since a woman’s critical days are no exception.

About critical days in the Old Testament

The Old Testament expresses the only opinion that during menstruation a woman is considered unclean and should not enter church. This was due to three simple reasons. The most primitive is hygiene standards. The other two are of a philosophical and spiritual nature.

According to the Old Testament, it is believed that Adam and Eve, having sinned, lost their immortality. Since then, a woman’s menstruation appeared as a constant reminder of the sin committed. According to some beliefs, a woman these days is considered unclean, since a dead egg is released with the blood, that is, the death of the embryo itself occurs.

What does God's Commandments say about menstruation?

The Commandments of God say that praying at home during menstruation cannot in any way be considered a sin, therefore, without leaving the threshold, you can pray at any time, even when a woman is sick. In this way, she can beg for healing for herself if her appeal is truly sincere.

The New Testament says that a person who turned to the Lord of his own free will and with a pure soul will be resurrected with him. At the same time, no illnesses or even death can dominate him.

So a woman who believes with all her soul cannot be considered a sinner because of the most natural processes occurring in her body, over which she has no control.

Thus, women should not be prohibited from attending church even while menstruating. The only thing that some priests can advise ladies is not to stand for the entire service from beginning to end. But this is done only to preserve the strength and health of women.

Today, there are several opinions about a woman’s coming to the temple during her period. It all depends on the beliefs of the priest himself. However, every lady herself should have common sense. After all, if during menstruation she also feels unwell, then it would be better for her to stay and pray at home.

Social beliefs

The female population, who are not too aware of the rules for visiting holy places, may still be wondering whether it is even possible to pray during menstrual periods, be it at home or in a temple. They only need to understand that sincere prayer will never be a sin before the Lord. It is very important that a woman always maintains her faith, so prayer is not only possible, but also absolutely necessary.

For a long time it was believed that a woman during menstruation could smear the floor of the sanctuary with her unclean blood. But then there were no such good hygiene products that the modern generation can use. This is probably why it was believed that a woman these days is unclean. Now everything has changed a little.

If a woman has completed all the required hygienic measures, she can still visit the cathedral to turn to the Lord. And this is even more true for prayer in front of home icons. After all, a woman cannot be forbidden to believe in God and talk to him, no matter what state she is in. However, much depends on the beliefs of the parishioner herself. After all, some are still convinced that the appearance of a woman in church while on her period is considered a great sin.

It is only worth remembering that any appeal to the Almighty, spoken from a pure heart, will be heard.

If faith is sincere, the Lord will help a woman endure any situation, therefore, even without attending church, you can always turn to God with prayer in front of a home icon.

Is it possible to jog during menstruation?

Why do you crave sweets during your period?

Why is it possible to get your period early?

How to deal with heavy flow during menstruation


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Is it possible to pray during menstruation?

"Save me, God!". Thank you for visiting our website, before you start studying the information, we ask you to subscribe to our VKontakte group Prayers for every day. Also visit our page on Odnoklassniki and subscribe to her Prayers for every day Odnoklassniki. "God bless you!".

Anyone can offer prayer to the Lord, including women. But there is much disagreement about whether you can pray during your period. The discussion of this issue dates back to the Old Testament.

Historical information

The commandments of the Old Testament stated that a woman who has monthly bleeding has no right to enter the temple, read a prayer, or appear in public. There was an opinion that any disease, like female bleeding, was considered unclean. That is why it was prohibited:

It is difficult to explain such a ban, but it can be assumed that in ancient times women did not use hygiene products and there was a danger that they could stain the floor with their blood.

At this time everything has changed. In the New Testament, Christ revised this rule and said that if a person with a pure soul comes to him, he will be resurrected with him. And no illness or death will have power over him. It was believed that a woman should not be prohibited from visiting the temple due to natural processes in her body.

There is a story that one day a woman came to Christ during natural bleeding and took him by the hem of his robe. He not only did not drive her away, but listened and helped.

Prayer during menstruation

If you feel fine and do not experience discomfort, then you can go to the temple and pray, and also light a candle. But it happens that a woman does not want to visit the temple during this period.

Is it possible to pray at home during your period? It happens that a woman’s health does not allow her to visit the temple. In this case, you can read a prayer at home in front of the image. If your faith is strong, then the Lord will hear your prayer and will definitely not leave you.

But it is necessary to remember that priests are different and many still prohibit menstruating women from entering the temple. It's up to you to make the decision.

Is it possible to pray during menstruation at home - prohibitions, superstition, truth

Is it possible to pray at home during your period? For some, this question may seem strange, because the answer is obvious. Others are seriously racking their brains and trying to find out everything from the priest. Is it possible or not? What do different religions say about this?

Concept of prayer

To determine the answer, you first need to understand the concept. What is prayer? This is a mental or verbal appeal to God, the Saints, with a request for something. Prayer differs from an ordinary request in its energetic frame. The request comes from a pure heart, from the soul, out of true need. If you read a memorized prayer just like that, without putting meaning into it, it turns into an ordinary verse and has no power. Prayer is not a memorized poem written by someone at one time, a call from within, in which it is not words that play the main role, but thoughts. The only prayer that God gave to make it easier for people to turn to him, the words were heard - Our Father. It has been translated into all languages ​​of the world. Available in every religion.

God is our Father Almighty. So why can’t you turn to him when you need it? Often the meaning of the appeal concerns painful periods, severe blood loss, and diseases of the reproductive system. God created a woman this way, he knows all her secrets. It doesn’t matter at all whether there is blood or not, the main thing is that the prayer comes from a pure heart. God gives to everyone according to their true needs.

Is it possible to pray at home as an Orthodox Christian?

In Old Testament times, a woman who was menstruating was considered unclean. She was forbidden to visit temples, sacred places, touch shrines, or appear in public places. In those days, one showed one's devotion to God through sacrifice and strict observance of the rules of the Old Testament. However, everything changed with

the coming of Jesus Christ. He atoned for the sin of humanity with his blood, everything material became spiritual. He gave one prayer - Our Father. He encouraged people to pray in their own words while alone. The New Testament simplified the rules of the Old Testament and removed the stigma of “unclean” from women. After the death of Christ, it became possible not only to pray at home in any condition, but also to visit holy places.

However, Orthodoxy retained its own views on this matter. Some priests still prohibit women from entering the temple during menstrual periods. Most of them insist on the impossibility of taking communion or touching icons these days. You can come to church, pray, but stay close to the entrance. Since the time of the New Testament, all these prohibitions have been unfounded. But Jesus also called the soul of a person, and not a specific building, a temple. It follows from this that true Christians can pray at home without going to church. Menstruation is not a hindrance.

For those who follow the rules of the Orthodox Church, it is possible to pray at home. You cannot read prayers written by someone in order to receive something. For example, the prayer of St. Mitrofan for well-being in the house. This is no longer a prayer, but a ritual, which requires compliance with special rules. Place the icon, light a candle, read in a whisper several times. This kind of ritual, and similar ones, cannot be performed during critical days.

Is it possible for a Muslim woman to pray at home during her period?

The prayer of a Muslim woman is no different from women from other religions. True appeal to Allah, which follows from the depths of the soul, can be done anywhere, at any time, in any condition. The ban applies to Lent, which precedes the great holiday of Ramadan. Lent consists of observing certain rules for 30 days in a row. These include reading prayers daily. However, during menstruation women are prohibited from continuing the ritual, but she must continue it after the end of menstruation. As for true prayer, for example, a child is sick, the mother asks Allah for recovery, there are no prohibitions.

The priest's answer

“A person should be in prayer every day. He receives a blessing for the coming day, thanks for all the events that have passed. Menstruation does not affect this process in any way. A woman can turn to God with her problems, express gratitude, and make requests. No one has the right to prohibit saving his soul if the person himself needs it.”


  • You are experiencing sudden abdominal pain.
  • And I’m already quite tired of long, chaotic and painful periods.
  • You do not have enough endometrium to become pregnant.
  • Discharge that is brown, green or yellow.
  • And for some reason the recommended medications are not effective in your case.
  • In addition, constant weakness and ailments have already become a firm part of your life.

An effective remedy for the treatment of endometriosis, cysts, fibroids, unstable menstrual cycle and other gynecological diseases exists. Follow the link and find out what the chief gynecologist of Russia recommends to you

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All rights reserved © 2016 The information posted on the site is for reference purposes only and cannot be considered medical advice or replace it. For more detailed information, we recommend that you contact a specialist.

Are there any nuances in reading prayers during menstruation?

Is it possible to read prayers during menstruation? This is a question that requires special consideration, since the religious theme during this period of the month is of particular relevance for a woman. However, many clergy believe that this is not even worth worrying about. This is due to the fact that saying prayers is the most direct appeal to God and a person can do this exactly when he considers it necessary.

The most basic rule is complete sincerity and that prayer must come from the heart and soul of a person who does not have dirty thoughts.

Prayers during the menstrual period

In ancient times, the church’s view of menstruation in women was twofold, but most priests were inclined to believe that it was still allowed to visit the temple during this period, since it was considered completely biological and intended by God for the further successful birth of a woman.

Historical information knows cases when some women were brought to Jesus Christ and they kissed the hem of his clothes and his hands, and during this period these female representatives were menstruating. Therefore, menstruation is not a sin at all, but a natural process of cleansing the female body, provided for by the Creator himself.

So why do such prejudices arise today, and many priests consider a woman during her period to be a sinner? In some temples, a woman during menstruation is not even allowed to enter the holy house, which is completely incomprehensible and falls into the category of prejudice.

If we consider all the commandments of the Lord, then prayer is salvation for the soul and it must be done when a person feels the need for it. Therefore, menstruation is absolutely no exception.

In the case when a woman feels very bad, the prayer can be read without leaving home. The most important thing is a sincere appeal to God. To do this, it is necessary to read a prayer before the Holy Face, and if a person unshakably believes, then according to his faith he will be rewarded. God hears everyone who turns to him.

However, today the period of menstruation is considered by some proponents of prohibitions to be dirty and such that a woman is not only prohibited from attending church, but also from being visible to people when leaving the house. However, this can be considered nothing more than a prejudice, since the entire civilized world has long recognized that menstruation is not a sin and during this period one can attend church and pray. If a woman needs to talk to her Creator, then she can do this at any time, the main thing is to do it with pure thoughts and an open soul.

How to pray correctly at home

Some women believe that you cannot pray even at home during your period, but this is nothing more than a mistake. Any sincere prayer will be heard by God. At home, you can pray at a variety of times, both day and night. Menstruation is not an obstacle to such prayer at all. Therefore, home prayer is very useful, not only when a person faces any troubles or illnesses, but also when everything is fine with him. The Lord loves it when people respect him and try to tell him everything. Consequently, menstruation is not an exception and not a sin at all, but simply a cleansing of the female body, provided by the Lord.

What does the Old Testament say about menstruation?

The Old Testament says that menstruation is a period when a woman is considered completely unclean and entry into the church is strictly closed to her during this period. The most common reason described in Holy Scripture is that menstruation is a consequence of the sin of Adam and Eve. This is due to the fact that after they sinned, they lost their eternal life, and as a constant reminder of this, Eve began to menstruate.

As for the second opinion, this is that during menstruation, the female body rejects a dead egg, and, therefore, this is considered infanticide, since the most direct purpose of the fair sex is the continuous birth of children.

It was also believed that one should not enter a church during menstruation due to the fact that this period is completely unclean, but today this is completely irrelevant, since you can purchase a large number of special protective equipment that will make menstruation completely invisible. This was due to the fact that any bloodshed in the Temple of the Lord is a mortal sin.

God's commandments and explanation of the menstrual period in women

Whether it is possible to read prayers during menstruation is quite clearly described in the Commandments of the Lord. Based on this, such a condition in a woman is not at all considered a sin, since it is part of a biological process provided for by God himself. Therefore, you can pray in sorrow, in joy, and in illness.

In the event of any illness, a person can try to pray for his healing, especially if the prayer is sincere and comes from the heart.

The New Testament made certain adjustments to the Old Commandments. Consequently, it says that menstruation is not a sin at all and a person can turn to God, despite his outer bodily shell. The greatest wealth of each individual person is a pure soul and steadfastness of thoughts.

Thus, a woman cannot control the natural process of cleansing her body, which the Creator himself provided.

Based on this, no one can prohibit a representative of the fair sex from praying in the temple of the Lord during menstruation, if she feels a special need for this. The only thing that can be done is not to be completely at the entire service, and this is done not because it is undesirable for a woman to be there, but in order to preserve her strength as much as possible, which is very quickly consumed during natural blood loss.

Today, every priest has his own opinion about menstruation in women, but each individual case should be considered individually, because if the health of the fair sex is not good enough, then in this case you can pray at home and not stand the entire service in the temple.

Basic beliefs of the public

Women who do not go to church very often and are not competent in its prohibitions and permissions may not even know what to do during menstruation and whether it is possible to go to church and generally pray at home. However, it is worth considering only one thing: in order to turn to God, it does not matter what kind of bodily shell you have, the most important thing is to have purity of thoughts and complete sincerity and openness. Only then does the Lord hear our prayers and make all the necessary decisions. Faith is the main thing that a woman should have even then, whether it is the period, menstruation or not.

This has long been due to the fact that during menstruation blood may flow out and the floor of the church will be stained with it. However, as noted earlier, today, due to the emergence of a large number of hygiene products, this is absolutely irrelevant. This may have been the reason why women were considered unclean, but today this is almost completely excluded.

Thus, if a woman is very careful about her hygiene, then in this case she can freely visit the temple and, even more so, pray to God. As for home prayer, there are absolutely no obstacles here.

No one can prohibit anyone from believing in God, and as they say, we are rewarded according to our faith.

But a lot can depend not only on general beliefs, but also on the point of view of the woman herself. This is due to the fact that many parishioners today do not go to church during menstruation, since they consider themselves unclean and try to abstain from sins as much as possible.

However, this is the conviction of each individual person, and if a woman believes that this is advisable, then in this case it is really worth refraining from going to the temple of the Lord.

In this case, if you need to pray, and you decide not to go to church during menstruation, then in this case you can simply pray in front of the icon at home, which will also be quite effective.

Drinking holy water during menstruation

Today, many clergy are inclined to believe that during menstruation a woman should refrain from drinking holy water and prosphora. It is also not advisable to touch shrines, so as not to stain them with blood.

However, this is only a specific recommendation, and not a law, therefore, if a woman observes all the basics of her personal hygiene, then in this case there are no obstacles and she can do everything that other believers do.

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Is it possible to pray at home during your period? For some, this question may seem strange, because the answer is obvious. Others are seriously racking their brains and trying to find out everything from the priest. Is it possible or not? What do different religions say about this?

To determine the answer, you first need to understand the concept. What is prayer? This is a mental or verbal appeal to God, the Saints, with a request for something. Prayer differs from an ordinary request in its energetic frame. The request comes from a pure heart, from the soul, out of true need. If you read a memorized prayer just like that, without putting meaning into it, it turns into an ordinary verse and has no power. Prayer is not a memorized poem written by someone at one time, a call from within, in which it is not words that play the main role, but thoughts. The only prayer that God gave to make it easier for people to turn to him, the words were heard - Our Father. It has been translated into all languages ​​of the world. Available in every religion.

God is our Father Almighty. So why can’t you turn to him when you need it? Often the meaning of the appeal concerns painful periods, severe blood loss, and diseases of the reproductive system. God created a woman this way, he knows all her secrets. It doesn’t matter at all whether there is blood or not, the main thing is that the prayer comes from a pure heart. God gives to everyone according to their true needs.

Is it possible to pray at home as an Orthodox Christian?

In Old Testament times, a woman who was menstruating was considered unclean. She was forbidden to visit temples, sacred places, touch shrines, or appear in public places. In those days, one showed one's devotion to God through sacrifice and strict observance of the rules of the Old Testament. However, everything changed with
the coming of Jesus Christ. He atoned for the sin of humanity with his blood, everything material became spiritual. He gave one prayer - Our Father. He encouraged people to pray in their own words while alone. The New Testament simplified the rules of the Old Testament and removed the stigma of “unclean” from women. After the death of Christ, it became possible not only to pray at home in any condition, but also to visit holy places.

However, Orthodoxy retained its own views on this matter. Some priests still prohibit women from entering the temple during menstrual periods. Most of them insist on the impossibility of taking communion or touching icons these days. You can, but stay close to the entrance. Since the time of the New Testament, all these prohibitions have been unfounded. But Jesus also called the soul of a person, and not a specific building, a temple. It follows from this that true Christians can pray at home without going to church. Menstruation is not a hindrance.

For those who follow the rules of the Orthodox Church, it is possible to pray at home. You cannot read prayers written by someone in order to receive something. For example, the prayer of St. Mitrofan for well-being in the house. This is no longer a prayer, but a ritual, which requires compliance with special rules. Place the icon, light a candle, read in a whisper several times. This kind of ritual, and similar ones, cannot be performed during critical days.

Is it possible for a Muslim woman to pray in front of period at home

The prayer of a Muslim woman is no different from women from other religions. True appeal to Allah, which follows from the depths of the soul, can be done anywhere, at any time, in any condition. The ban applies to Lent, which precedes the great holiday of Ramadan. Lent consists of observing certain rules for 30 days in a row. These include reading prayers daily. However, during menstruation women are prohibited from continuing the ritual, but she must continue it after the end of menstruation. As for true prayer, for example, a child is sick, the mother asks Allah for recovery, there are no prohibitions.

The priest's answer

Priest Sergius Osipenko:

“A person should be in prayer every day. He receives a blessing for the coming day, thanks for all the events that have passed. Menstruation does not affect this process in any way. A woman can turn to God with her problems, express gratitude, and make requests. No one has the right to prohibit saving his soul if the person himself needs it.”

Interesting video:

Every woman sooner or later wonders whether it is possible to read prayers during menstruation. Trying to find the answer, the girls turn to the clergy for help. Most priests believe that menstruation is not an obstacle to saying prayer, since in it a woman turns to God. The main requirement is that the reading of the prayer be sincere and without evil thoughts. However, there are priests who question the possibility of praying on menstrual periods and suggest refraining from visiting church during menstruation.

Concept of prayer

Prayer is considered to be an appeal to the Almighty in mental or verbal form, during which a woman asks the Saint to give her advice and guide her on the right path. The difference between prayer and ordinary petition is that the former has an energetic frame. Prayer must be sincere, come from the soul, and requests must not be of a material nature. If a person memorizes a prayer and says it without spiritual awareness, it loses its power and turns into a beautiful poem. It is worth remembering that in the process of prayer, the dominant role is given to human thoughts, and not to spoken words.

Is it possible for an Orthodox woman and a Muslim to pray?

According to historical references, when approaching Jesus Christ and kissing his hands, women were in a state of natural bleeding, that is, this was not considered a sinful act. Modern churches, on the contrary, do not consider it correct to visit a holy place during menstruation, despite the fact that there is absolutely no doctrinal basis for this.

Orthodox women who follow the rules of the holy temple can pray at home at any time of the day. The only prohibition is the performance of special rituals that require the presence of a priest. A woman who reads a prayer during her period does not commit a sin, but cleanses her body and her thoughts.

A Muslim woman can also simply pray at home in front of icons. Sincere appeal to Allah does not require a certain place, a certain time, or a certain state for reading a prayer. Praying during critical days is prohibited during Lent, which involves reading prayers daily for a month. Women who have started menstruation stop reading prayers, and after the end of the cycle they begin to perform the sacred ritual together with everyone else.

What does the Old Testament say?

To the question of whether it is possible to pray during menstruation, the Old Testament gives a categorical answer, explaining this for the following reasons:

  1. During menstruation, a woman is unclean and therefore cannot comply with hygiene standards. In modern times, this argument is losing its relevance, since there are many hygiene products that make the menstrual period as easy as possible.
  2. A woman cannot attend church in any condition, since during menstruation the female body rejects a dead egg, which is perceived by many clergy as the murder of an unborn child.
  3. The menstrual cycle is the result of Adam and Eve committing sin, after which they lost the opportunity to live forever. Thus, the presence of menstruation prohibits a girl from visiting a temple, praying, or even picking up a prayer book.

God's commandments and menstruation

According to the Commandments of the Lord, there are no obstacles to reading prayers during critical days. The menstrual cycle is a natural biological process that the Almighty himself created, so it cannot be a sin. Reading a prayer should be carried out in any human condition - during a serious illness, during a period of hopelessness, as well as in joy. Prayer will help a seriously ill person to heal, return to his former life, and feel healthy.

According to the New Testament, turning to God does not depend on one’s physical form; the main thing is one’s sincerity and pure soul. Thus, there is no prohibition on reading prayer during menstruation. A woman can visit a holy place during her menstrual period, but she is not recommended to attend the service, since this process requires significant physical strength, which is not enough during natural blood loss.

Society's Beliefs

Women who occasionally attend church are poorly acquainted with its prohibitions and permissions. In many cases, they turn to relatives, acquaintances, and friends for advice. The opinions of most representatives of the fair sex agree that visiting the temple during menstruation is permitted. Firstly, when turning to God, it is important to be sincere and open, and not to have any particular appearance. Secondly, a woman will not desecrate a holy place in any way, since she uses hygiene products that make menstruation invisible to other people. If a woman independently decides not to attend church during her period, she can pray at home. The main thing is to believe in its power.

The priest's answer

Priest Anatoly Smirnov:

“I, like many clergy, believe that a person should pray daily. Reading a prayer does not have to have a significant reason. When turning to the Almighty, a person can ask for a blessing or express gratitude for the past day. A woman's menstruation should not be an obstacle to performing a holy action. No one can prevent a woman from communicating with God if she needs it.”

Prayer to induce menstruation when delayed

Prayer for menstruation is very popular among the fair sex. Unfortunately, a missed period does not always indicate pregnancy, but can also notify a woman of many serious diseases. In order to induce menstruation, it is necessary to say the following words: “Mother of God, Mother of God Mary, command Your servant to give blood in time, not to know grief. Amen". Once you are convinced that the cause of the delay is not related to pregnancy, you need to use this prayer.

New article: cleansing prayer for menstruation on the website - in all the details and details from the many sources that we were able to find.

Is it possible to pray at home during your period? For some, this question may seem strange, because the answer is obvious. Others are seriously racking their brains and trying to find out everything from the priest. Is it possible or not? What do different religions say about this?

Concept of prayer

To determine the answer, you first need to understand the concept. What is prayer? This is a mental or verbal appeal to God, the Saints, with a request for something. Prayer differs from an ordinary request in its energetic frame. The request comes from a pure heart, from the soul, out of true need. If you read a memorized prayer just like that, without putting meaning into it, it turns into an ordinary verse and has no power. Prayer is not a memorized poem written by someone at one time, a call from within, in which it is not words that play the main role, but thoughts. The only prayer that God gave to make it easier for people to turn to him, the words were heard - Our Father. It has been translated into all languages ​​of the world. Available in every religion.

God is our Father Almighty. So why can’t you turn to him when you need it? Often the meaning of the appeal concerns painful periods, severe blood loss, and diseases of the reproductive system. God created a woman this way, he knows all her secrets. It doesn’t matter at all whether there is blood or not, the main thing is that the prayer comes from a pure heart. God gives to everyone according to their true needs.

Is it possible to pray at home as an Orthodox Christian?

In Old Testament times, a woman who was menstruating was considered unclean. She was forbidden to visit temples, sacred places, touch shrines, or appear in public places. In those days, one showed one's devotion to God through sacrifice and strict observance of the rules of the Old Testament. However, everything changed with

the coming of Jesus Christ. He atoned for the sin of humanity with his blood, everything material became spiritual. He gave one prayer - Our Father. He encouraged people to pray in their own words while alone. The New Testament simplified the rules of the Old Testament and removed the stigma of “unclean” from women. After the death of Christ, it became possible not only to pray at home in any condition, but also to visit holy places.

However, Orthodoxy retained its own views on this matter. Some priests still prohibit women from entering the temple during menstrual periods. Most of them insist on the impossibility of taking communion or touching icons these days. You can come to church, pray, but stay close to the entrance. Since the time of the New Testament, all these prohibitions have been unfounded. But Jesus also called the soul of a person, and not a specific building, a temple. It follows from this that true Christians can pray at home without going to church. Menstruation is not a hindrance.

For those who follow the rules of the Orthodox Church, it is possible to pray at home. You cannot read prayers written by someone in order to receive something. For example, the prayer of St. Mitrofan for well-being in the house. This is no longer a prayer, but a ritual, which requires compliance with special rules. Place the icon, light a candle, read in a whisper several times. This kind of ritual, and similar ones, cannot be performed during critical days.

Is it possible for a Muslim woman to pray at home during her period?

The prayer of a Muslim woman is no different from women from other religions. True appeal to Allah, which follows from the depths of the soul, can be done anywhere, at any time, in any condition. The ban applies to Lent, which precedes the great holiday of Ramadan. Lent consists of observing certain rules for 30 days in a row. These include reading prayers daily. However, during menstruation women are prohibited from continuing the ritual, but she must continue it after the end of menstruation. As for true prayer, for example, a child is sick, the mother asks Allah for recovery, there are no prohibitions.

The priest's answer

“A person should be in prayer every day. He receives a blessing for the coming day, thanks for all the events that have passed. Menstruation does not affect this process in any way. A woman can turn to God with her problems, express gratitude, and make requests. No one has the right to prohibit saving his soul if the person himself needs it.”


  • You are experiencing sudden abdominal pain.
  • And I’m already quite tired of long, chaotic and painful periods.
  • You do not have enough endometrium to become pregnant.
  • Discharge that is brown, green or yellow.
  • And for some reason the recommended medications are not effective in your case.
  • In addition, constant weakness and ailments have already become a firm part of your life.

An effective remedy for the treatment of endometriosis, cysts, fibroids, unstable menstrual cycle and other gynecological diseases exists. Follow the link and find out what the chief gynecologist of Russia recommends to you

Read more:

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All rights reserved © 2016 The information posted on the site is for reference purposes only and cannot be considered medical advice or replace it. For more detailed information, we recommend that you contact a specialist.

Cleansing prayer for menstruation

Is it possible to read the Bible and drink holy water during menstruation?

You can read the Bible and drink water. I don’t even know about periods. Once upon a time, my sister asked this question to a priest. The child was baptized and something had to do with the fact that menstruation fell on that day, in general I don’t remember the exact situation, the point is what the priest answered.

He said that during menstruation it is possible to attend church as there are hygiene products. Previously, when there was no underwear, women would hold the homemade pad with their feet. And there were tracks on the floor in the church, and after the sermon they were stained with blood. Therefore, they asked women not to come on these days so as not to get dirty.

I don’t know if this is the correct answer or not, maybe something is written in the Bible about this, I didn’t specifically find out, since these days I simply don’t go, one might say out of habit. I questioned his words then, but did not specifically study this issue. Maybe someone something.

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Is it possible to go to church during your period?

Hello Svetlana. You can, but you are not supposed to touch sacred objects - icons, relics, etc., or approach Communion. It is better to stand in the vestibule (the first room after the outer door of the temple), but not all churches have it; in this case, you should try to stand immediately at the entrance. God bless you.

Priest Sergius Osipov

Bless me, father. I love going to church and read the Holy Scriptures daily. But my family, looking at me, say that I want to be a mother. But I had no idea about this. Tell me what to do. And one more question. Is it possible to attend church during your period if you really want to? What should a woman do during this period? God bless you.

Is it possible to take Holy water during menstruation?

When a woman is unclean, she cannot accept Holy water or eat prosphora, much less receive communion. A woman is not allowed to touch sacred things while unclean.

The Holy Hieromartyr (Dionysius) of Alexandria in the 2nd rule commands that women who are in a state of purification should not begin the divine meal and not partake of the most pure Mysteries; for the bleeding woman did not dare to touch the Lord, but only the hem of His robe; It is not forbidden to remember the Lord and ask for help for those in such a state, but approaching the Holy of Holies with someone who is not entirely pure is tempting and dangerous.

Women worried about the flow of menstrual blood, St. The Father calls “those who are en afedro” because they are separated from sitting with others as unclean: for Jewish women during the monthly flow are silent, sitting in a special place, until.

priest Konstantin Parkhomenko

Oh, how many times a day a priest serving in a temple has to deal with this topic. Parishioners are afraid to enter the church, venerate the cross, they call in panic: “What should I do, I was preparing this way, I was preparing to take communion for the holiday and now...”

From the Diary: One girl calls on the phone: “Father, I could not attend all the holidays in the temple due to uncleanness. And she didn’t pick up the Gospel and holy books. But don't think that I missed the holiday. I read all the texts of the service and the Gospel on the Internet!”

Great invention of the Internet! Even in the days of the so-called ritual impurity can be touched on the computer. And it makes it possible to prayerfully experience the holidays.

It seems, how can the natural processes of the body separate us from God? And educated girls and women themselves understand this, but there are church canons that prohibit visiting church.

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I would like to clarify what women can and cannot do during their periods. You wrote that according to the canons you cannot only take communion, but you can venerate icons, is it possible to do the same?

To venerate the cross, the gospel?

There are no canons prohibiting touching or kissing the cross or the Gospel during menstruation.

Is it possible to approach anointing at an evening service?

There are no canons prohibiting receiving anointing with oil (consecrated oil) during menstruation.

On this page we answer your questions.

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Is it possible to drink holy water and eat prosphora and pick up the Gospel during women’s periods (menstruation). And how to follow the prayer rules, is it necessary to wear a skirt and a headscarf, or is it possible to bare your head and wear trousers?

Of course, it is possible and even necessary. As we know, the woman with the issue of blood touched Jesus and He healed her of her illness. The prayer rule must be followed piously, and clothing must be pious, but what kind of clothing you should decide for yourself.

The bleeding woman had SPECIAL boldness, and it is better for us, out of a FEELING OF REVERENCE, to refrain from drinking holy water and eating prosphora for at least a week!

Tatyana’s answer, purely emotionally, is quite understandable. But.

In church publications from different centuries and even different decades, you can see quite different recommendations on how women should behave during the period of monthly cleansing in church and at home. This difference is precisely due to the fact that this area does not relate not only to dogmatized, but even to unambiguously canonically defined ones. Fundamentally, reverence for the sacraments presupposes, in addition to extreme cases of excessive danger, illness, abstinence from communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ and the reception of other church sacraments during the period of regular monthly cleansing. But behind this is not a view of a woman as an unclean creature, but rather reverence for the holy sacraments and the remembrance that in the sacrament of communion the Lord unites with us. On the day of the reception of the Holy Mysteries of Christ, the requirements of chaste and reverent behavior are also applied to men. In this sense, it is easy to understand in what sense abstinence from the sacrament is advised. But I repeat - this is not.

Is it possible to read prayers at home during menstruation?

Dear Marina, in the modern prevailing practice of the Russian Orthodox Church, during the period of monthly purification, a woman is allowed not only to pray at home, but also to be present in the temple and, of course, to pray in the temple, and not just stand. But to be there with some reasonable restrictions, caused by reverence for the shrine. Namely: do not partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ, except in an exceptional situation, illness, before an operation, before any other mortal danger, in some other exceptional situations, do not venerate church shrines, relics, icons, the altar cross given by the priest . Also limit yourself in the use of prosphora and holy water during the period of monthly cleansing, unless there is an emergency need. It is important to remember that behind this attitude, behind this practice, there is not a look at.

Some priests say that it is possible to come to church services during your period, but it is forbidden to approach communion; it is also forbidden to touch icons, as well as to approach blessings. They also say that you cannot enter the temple itself, and you can only stand in the vestibule.

Nikolai Karov, rector of the Church of St. Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine and Helen, based on the authorities of the church, answers as follows:

Saint Gregory the Great, the most authoritative writer in the Orthodox Church, that this prohibition is not correct, because it is not her fault, but it was given to her from above. And the woman, suffering from hemorrhages, came to Christ and touched him, and was immediately healed. From this it follows that a woman during her period can come to the temple and kiss the icons.

But St. Athanasius the Great also says that if we are created in God’s image, then what unclean thing can we have? Why then is the eruption of mucus from the nose when sneezing not considered such, but a natural female cleansing?

In the spirit of the above evangelical and canonical approach, I believe, therefore, that the monthly cleansing of a woman does not make her ritually, prayerfully unclean. This uncleanness is only physical, bodily, as well as discharge from other organs. Outside of this process, a woman, like everyone else, should try in every possible way to come physically clean to general prayer, especially to Communion. But she must work even more on the purity of the soul, on decorating the hidden heart of man, in the incorruption of a meek and silent spirit, which is of great value before God (1 Peter 3:4).

In addition, since modern hygienic means can effectively prevent the accidental flow of blood from making the temple unclean, just as they can neutralize the odor arising from the flow of blood, we believe that in this regard there is no doubt that a woman during her monthly purification, with the necessary caution and taking hygienic measures, he can come to church.

Hello, dear Father Dimitri!

This is the story that happened to me today.

I go up for holy water - without a queue, because I sing in the choir and perform various other obediences at the church. And then another singer, who was distributing water, says to me: “Are you unclean? I saw that you didn’t venerate the cross today. So? Then you can’t take Epiphany water today, shoo from here. Then we’ll pour it for you when you’re clean.”

That singer also told me that if a woman touches consecrated baptismal water while unclean, the water will immediately deteriorate and become rotten.

This is true? Do you think that a woman who is unclean can take baptismal water into a bottle without touching the shrine?

Tatyana, Moscow region

Archpriest Dimitry Karpenko answers:

Hello, dear Tatyana!

There are no church rules stating that a woman cannot take holy water while unclean.

His Holiness Patriarch Paul of Serbia in his.

Let's start with the most important thing, the canons of the church, regulating the issue of “female impurity.” There are only two canons confirmed by the rule of the Ecumenical Council. These canons were confirmed by the second rule at the Sixth Ecumenical (Fifth-Sixth Trullo) Council.

The rule reads: “By our consent we seal all the other sacred rules set forth by our holy and blessed fathers, that is, the three hundred and eighteen God-bearing fathers gathered in Nicaea; also from the fathers who gathered in Agvira, and in Neokesarea, as well as in Gangra; besides this in Antioch of Syria and Laodicea of ​​Phrygia; another hundred and fifty fathers who gathered in this God-protected and reigning city; and two hundred fathers who gathered for the first time in the regional city of Ephesus; and six hundred and thirty holy and blessed fathers gathered at Chalcedon; and from those gathered in Sardica and Carthage; and those who also gathered again in this God-saved and reigning city under Nektarios, the primate of this reigning city, and under Theophilus, Archbishop of Alexandria;

1. Who and when in Orthodox Christianity established the above concepts. Usually priests refer to chapter 15 of Leviticus. However, you cannot but agree that every law is a law only when.

Appendix to the book

Yuri Belanovsky, Alexander Bozhenov

Two into one flesh: Love, sex and religion

Is it possible for women to go to church and receive communion during their periods?

I. The question stated in the title has recently acquired great relevance. Many online forums have published perplexed questions from women to clergy, which boil down to the following: on what theological basis at certain periods of their lives are they excommunicated from communion, and often even simply from going to Church?

Let us illustrate several such questions. For example, Natalya’s question (abbreviated) on the website о

Water, iconostasis, prayer.

Holy water can be stored not only for the first days after baptism, but for the entire next year. It is best to place it in the iconostasis area in the red corner of the apartment. If there is no specially equipped iconostasis in the house, you should store a bottle of holy water next to any icon or icons. Drinking holy water should not be treated as if you were taking regular medication or therapy. Each intake of water should be done with prayer and reverence. The main power of such water lies precisely in the Orthodox faith in its miracle, which is why the effect is achieved only if a person is serious about drinking water and firmly believes in subsequent healing.

If a non-believer drinks holy water, it will not have any effect on him. There will also be no effect from using holy water without the knowledge of the patient. Therefore, if you are going to secretly add holy water to someone's drink or soup.

Also asked

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