Why do you dream of chains - interpretation of dreams according to dream books. Why do you dream of chains - interpretation of the dream Dream Interpretation chain on the neck

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn (detailed)

Dream Interpretation Chain

  • A chain is made up of many links joined together. All links must be equally strong, otherwise there will be a weak point in the chain, due to which trouble will befall the entire chain. Has a situation arisen in your life that requires you to unite to achieve a common goal?
  • Do you feel like you are chained to a certain situation or person? You can change this. The first step is your realization that you are truly connected. The next step should be to decide to free yourself from this situation, either through conscious action or through psychotherapy.

Dream Interpretation: Mayan Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about the Chain?

  • Good value
    If you dreamed that you were chained, you will be given a good gift in the near future. To make this happen faster, brew a cup of coffee and leave it at the entrance to your house; you will receive a gift after someone drinks the coffee.
  • Bad value
    If you dreamed that you were making a chain, someone will try to set you up. To prevent this from happening, make a chain out of paper and hang it near the entrance to the house.

Dream Interpretation: Noble Dream Book by N. Grishina

Dream Interpretation Chain

  • A dog chain is a minor nuisance.

Dream Interpretation: Gypsy Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Chain

  • Restrictions. To be bound by a chain is to refrain from doing the things you want to do. A chain as an element of clothing - a belt of metal rings or a similar decoration for a dress means union.

Dream Interpretation: Eastern Women's Dream Book

See a Chain in a dream

  • A given neck chain in a dream symbolizes a lasting love affair; forged chains - to strong financial or social dependence on people who do not wish you well.

Dream Interpretation: Freud's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Chain

  • Trying to break the chain - this dream means that now you are too determined, slow down a little, otherwise you may sweep away everything in your path.
  • Forging a chain or seeing someone else do it in a dream - the dream indicates that in real life great luck awaits you, for which you will thank the wrong person. The one who deserves your gratitude will remain in the shadows.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Why do you dream about the Chain?

  • The chain is a nuisance, a disease, and for the patient it is a difficulty in recovery.

Dream Interpretation: Esoteric Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about the Chain?

  • With large links - your moral debts interfere with your life and constrain your movements;
  • Breaking the Chain (shackles) - freeing yourself from annoying troubles and responsibilities;
  • As a decoration - a strong connection, strong bonds, quite pleasant if the Chain is gold or with precious stones; painful if the Chain is dark or rusty.

Dream Interpretation: Italian Dream Book by Meneghetti

Dream Interpretation Chain

  • They mean unbreakable ties, indicating a negative state from which there is currently no way out.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

Dream Interpretation Chain

  • Primary elements - wood, fire, earth, metal.
  • Elements - wind, heat, humidity, dryness.
  • Emotions - anger, joy, thoughtfulness, sadness.
  • Organs - liver, gall bladder, spleen, pancreas, stomach, heart, small intestine, colon, lungs.
  • Explanation and Interpretation
  • The chain is a symbol that some internal desire will merge in harmony with its external embodiment: the links of the chain are steps towards embodiment. Each link is both self-sufficient (closed) and at the same time aimless without connection with others. Chains are usually made of metal: this is a new substance created by man from natural elements and a sign of man-madeness - belonging to the sphere of human relations, which spiritualize the material symbol (chain) of the desire for something. A chain is a chain weighed down by negative emotions/aspirations, when the goal begins to justify the means, and earthly and inert yin matter disharmoniously oppresses yang-sky: chains of prisoners, chains and the like. What exactly the chain symbolizes in life depends on the mutual desires of the donor and the wearer. In a dream there are some stable meanings of the symbol. To see/wear a chain in a dream (to give): the desire of external yang for some internal goal - yin; the chain is an ancient symbol and the key to achieving a goal and constancy of relationships in motion - a continuing, living, developing cycle. Seeing a chain on yourself (the same as if you see it on someone in a dream) - usually worn - signifies the immutability of aspirations. To see a tarnished, broken chain (it has fallen and is being looked for) - the goal/views are outdated/unattainable, counterbalance health/possibly leading to illness. The chain is strangling - a complete discrepancy between the aspirations and tasks of a person, a danger. Giving/receiving a beautiful chain is a sign/desire for friendship and the opportunity to find it in reality; giving a favorite chain is a very warm feeling. Giving a dull chain, or it breaks when given, is insincerity (see above) or an empty friendship without obligations. Chain material: silver - a penchant for intelligence and reasonable friendship; gold - bias towards emotions and strength; tree - purity and directness of personal relationships between people, closeness of feelings to nature in a good sense, rootedness in the earth. Chain
    to wear/be chained to oneself/to see another in chains - the desire for a goal has enslaved and erased the concept of the expediency of achieving it, the result is an inadequate assessment of the surrounding world, failure in business, in relationships, perhaps an unnoticed suggestion of someone else's will or complete enslavement of oneself by one's own idea. All together - ill health of both the Yang (vertical) and Yin (horizontal) meridians. With a high probability, the dream film will suffer from vertical and horizontal distortions (size disproportion).

Dream Interpretation: Danilova's Erotic Dream Book

See a Chain in a dream

  • A chain seen in a dream indicates that your rivals are trying to slander you in the eyes of your loved one. A dream in which you see yourself chained means that soon the burden of an unhappy relationship with a jealous and hysterical person will fall on your shoulders. If in a dream you break chains, it means that in reality you will get rid of an unwanted admirer. If you dreamed of someone in chains, he is suffering from unrequited love for you. Church
  • The church you saw in a dream suggests that you will be disappointed by the person whose arrival you have long been looking forward to. If in a dream you enter a dark church, it means that you will have to refuse love to a person who is passionately in love with you. A wedding in a bright and spacious church predicts a fabulously happy marriage with your loved one.

The dream book site - the largest dream book on the Runet, contains 75 of the best dream books: Miller's dream book, folk dream book of beliefs and omens (folklore), Health dream book, eastern women's dream book, self-instructional dream book (Vrublevskaya's dream book), Hasse's dream book, spiritual dream book, Cleopatra's dream book, dream book of Nostradamus, dream book of happy omens, new family dream book, dream book (1829), children's dream book, Danilova's erotic dream book, ancient French dream book, Denise Lynn's dream book (detailed), dream book of love, Russian dream book, women's dream book, Jung's dream book, lunar dream book, modern dream book, Chinese dream book of Zhou Gong, Islamic dream book of Ibn Sirin, and others.

The dream “Chain” is interpreted based on what kind of chain you saw and what function it served in the dream.

Firstly, the chain can be interpreted as chain-shackles (chains-chains, chains of prisoners or chains-shackles) that constrain your movements. Therefore, a chain seen in a dream from this position may symbolize the forcible restraint of your will or the oppression of your actions in the name of someone else’s good. Perhaps you have been burdened with responsibilities that burden you, perhaps you are tied “hand and foot” by force, or perhaps you have “chained” yourself to this situation. But one thing remains clear - at this moment in time you cannot get rid of these chains.

Secondly, a chain is a product consisting of individual links interconnected. The chain links must be equally strong and the connections must be equally secure, otherwise the chain will break at a weak point. If you saw a chain in a dream from this point of view, then most likely a situation has arisen in your life when you need to unite to achieve a common goal or solve a common problem, since you simply cannot cope alone.

Thirdly, a chain in a dream can be a massive gold or silver jewelry that men prefer to wear around their neck, the analogue of which is a more delicate and elegant chain, so loved by women (See, and dream). It is clear that for such a chain the interpretation will be different.

Fourthly, an animal, for example a dog, a bear or a cow, can be sitting on a chain in a dream. This already has a completely different meaning and is interpreted based on what kind of animal it was and how it behaved while sitting on the chain: it lay quietly or behaved aggressively. Below are collected well-known dream interpreters who, in one way or another, decipher the dream about chains and provide answers to questions that may arise after seeing the “Chain” dream.

I dreamed of chains-shackles (chains-chains, chains of prisoners or chains-shackles)

I dreamed of a chain as a piece of jewelry

I dreamed of a dog on a chain

I dreamed of an animal on a chain

Mayan Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream of a chain in a dream? There are two interpretations of the dream:

  • First, positive interpretation - If you dreamed of an iron chain and you are chained in it, then a useful gift awaits you. To make it really useful, brew coffee in a cup and place it right at the entrance to your house.
  • Second, negative interpretation - If you dreamed of making a chain yourself, it means you will be set up. To prevent this from happening, make a chain out of paper and hang it above the front door.

Freud's Dream Book

Noble dream book by Grishina

I dreamed of a dog chain in a dream - small troubles in reality.

Miller's Dream Book

  • on a chain is a dream warning of misfortune in which you will be involved thanks to those around you.
  • The dream of “holding a cross in your hands” (for a woman) foreshadows an excellent future precisely because of her modesty and goodwill.
  • Why do you dream of shepherd dogs on a chain - favorable circumstances in business.
  • If you dreamed of a large dog on a chain with two heads - the dream warns you not to get carried away with many things at once: this turns into vanity.
  • I dreamed of an angry dog ​​on a chain, breaking and baring its teeth - expect failures and treacherous actions from your enemies.

Vanga's Dream Book

  • The dream “chain with a cross” is a symbol of forgiveness, repentance and love for others.
  • Seeing a golden cross on a chain around your neck in a dream means that in real life you have such character qualities as the ability to forgive insults and forget all the bad things, they are the ones that will help you in life.

Gypsy dream book

  • Seeing chains in a dream means having limitations in reality.
  • The dream of “being tied by a chain” advises: refrain from doing the actions you wanted to do, they will bring a lot of trouble.
  • In a dream, a chain as an element of clothing (on a dress there is a chain in the form of decoration, a belt in the form of a metal chain, etc.) - in reality, a marriage, a strong union.
  • Finding a gold chain in a dream and breaking it means a quarrel with your wife for the family, and a quick release for someone imprisoned.
  • The dream “golden chain with a cross” promises a wedding for a single person, and the birth of a child for a married person.

Eastern women's dream book

Danilova's erotic dream book

  • If you dreamed of a heavy chain - in reality your rivals want to slander you in front of your loved one.
  • If you dreamed of being chained in a dream, in reality you will link your fate with a jealous and hysterical person.
  • If you dreamed of breaking the chains that bound your body in a dream, in reality you will get rid of a fan who will be unpleasant to you, and whose communication will be burdensome.
  • I dreamed of a man in chains in a dream - if you know this person in real life, then it is he who suffers from unrequited love, perhaps this love is for you.

Islamic dream book (Muslim dream book)

  • If you see yourself with a chain around your neck in a dream, you will get a grumpy and harmful wife.
  • I dreamed of a shaitan bound in chains in a dream - he will defeat his enemies.
  • If you dream of being chained in a dream, it means that in reality you will show steadfast faith. If you were in another city or place and stood chained in a dream, it is in this place that you will settle down to live forever.
  • If you dream of “standing in chains in the house,” you will experience torment and suffering from your wife.
  • If you dream of being tied with a chain to another person in a dream, you will commit a great sin and you will be afraid of punishment and punishment, for the Almighty said: “And you will see sinners on that Day who are chained with a single chain.” (Sura-Ibrahim, 49), as well as “Verily, we have prepared chains for the disbelievers...” (Sura-Insan, 4)
  • If you dreamed of silver chains in a dream, it means a quick marriage in reality.
  • Dreaming of aluminum chains in a dream means weakness or illness in reality.
  • If you dreamed of wooden chains in a dream, it means hypocrisy in reality.
  • If you dreamed of copper chains in a dream, it means a sin in reality.
  • If you decide to travel or go on another trip and you dreamed of chains and shackles, postpone the trip for at least a week.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Dream Interpretation: seeing chains in a dream means in reality experiencing troubles or suffering a serious illness for a healthy person, and a difficult recovery for a sick person.

Esoteric dream book

  • Why do you dream of iron chains with large links? Dream Interpretation: iron chains with large links dream of debts that hinder your movements and prevent you from living a full life.
  • If you dreamed of breaking a chain (shackles), in reality you will be freed from the troubles and responsibilities that burdened you.
  • The dream of a chain on your neck symbolizes your sexual relationship or marriage.
  • The dream of a “golden chain around your neck” speaks of a strong love affair or family ties that you enjoy.
  • Seeing a gold chain with precious stones in a dream means a strong, happy and joyful marriage.
  • The dream “a rusty chain around your neck” speaks of painful family ties.
  • The dream “a darkened gold chain on your neck” speaks of connections that weigh heavily on you, but by the will of fate you cannot get rid of them.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

The dream “chain, cross” warns you against the temptation to succumb to dangerous feelings and passions.
If you dreamed of finding a chain and a pectoral cross in a dream, such a dream suggests that your life will certainly improve, unless you yourself cross the dangerous line.

D. Loff's Dream Book

Italian dream book Meneghetti

Dream Interpretation: an iron chain in a dream means inextricable ties that you are unable to break; these are negative ties from which you suffer. However, at this moment in time you do not have the opportunity to get rid of them.

Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

Seeing a chain in a dream

The primary elements are fire, wood, metal and earth.
Elements – heat, wind, dryness and humidity.
Emotions – joy, anger, sadness and thoughtfulness.
Organ - gallbladder, liver, pancreas, spleen, heart, lungs and stomach, as well as small and large intestines.

Interpretation of the dream “Chain”:

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

What does a chain mean in a dream? The chain consists of individual links combined into a single structure. There is only one condition for the existence of this product - the links and connections must be equally strong, otherwise the chain will simply break at a weak link or weak connection. In your real life, a situation has arisen that you cannot solve on your own and therefore requires a joint effort.

What does a chain mean in a dream? On the other hand, they are chained, perhaps in real life you are chained to this situation and cannot change it? If this state of affairs bothers you, and you want to “get rid of the bonds,” then you should realize why you became tied and what actions you took. The next step should be this: you must realize the mistake of your behavior, find a logical explanation for your conscious actions that led to such a situation and try to get rid of them. If you cannot do this, then you should ask for help from psychotherapy or a psychologist.

Ivanov’s newest dream book

Why see a chain in a dream? Moreover, in real life you will be required to guarantee your honesty and reliability.

Dream Interpretation of Cleopatra

Psychotherapeutic dream book

  • The dream “a chain of silver” is a dream for the benefit of forced troubles. (cm. )
  • The dream of “a chain of gold around the neck” symbolizes time spent usefully. (cm. )
  • The dream of being “chained” is a dream of family happiness.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

I dreamed of a chain - the dream book says that this is a symbol of silence, the inability to act independently, dependence burdened with negativity.
Why dream of a golden chain with a cross - connection and protection.

Dream Book of Schiller-Schoolboy

Dream Interpretation: the interpretation of a dream about a chain comes down to a happy and free life.

Old Russian dream book

I had a dream about a chain, why? To fidelity and a strong marriage.

Ukrainian dream book

  • I dreamed of an iron chain - an unsuccessful marriage for a single person or a widower, and for a family man - obstacles in business.
  • If you dreamed of breaking a chain, you would break marriage, death, mourning.
  • I dreamed of a gold chain in a dream - an unexpected wedding.

Autumn dream book

According to the dream book, a chain seen in a dream is interpreted as follows: you will incur the wrath of your boss, after which he will fire you from your job.

Summer dream book

To see a chain in a dream - the dream book says that you will soon go on a profitable trip.

Spring dream book

Why did you dream of a chain around your neck? Dream Interpretation: dreamed of a chain signifies a strong marriage.

Intelligent dream book

  • In a dream, a silver chain symbolizes the benefit of forced troubles.
  • In a dream, a gold chain around your neck symbolizes time spent usefully.
  • To be chained in a dream means that in reality there will be family happiness.


In conclusion, I would like to say once again that the interpretation of the dream “Chain” depends on what kind of chain you saw in your dream: a chain-chain or shackles, a chain like jewelry, or animals on a chain. Even from this list it immediately becomes clear that the interpretations will be very different. For example, the interpretation of the dream “oak tree with a chain” says that you are a hardy and strong person, but even you cannot cope with the tests and assigned responsibilities that you are now obliged to bear in real life. So, from the above suggested options for dream interpretation, choose the one that suits your sleep and try to heed the advice or warnings that were given to you from above in the form of night dreams.

Why do you dream of different types of shackles? This is a rather complex image that can be interpreted in both positive and negative ways. The best answer, which summarizes all the meanings at once, is given by the dream book: chains in a dream symbolize an invisible connection between the dreamer and some object, both on the material and spiritual levels.

What are you addicted to?

Why do you dream of chains most often? They reflect an inability to act, weakness of will, pressure, or a specific goal.

Did you wear chains at night? Perhaps a certain idea has absorbed you so much that you have lost adequate perception and act to the detriment of yourself.

Beware of evil people!

Are you literally shackled in your night dreams? You will experience strong dependence, socially or financially, on unkind individuals. The same image predicts attacks from envious people and slanderers.

In some cases, the dream book offers a more optimistic interpretation and considers chains to be a symbol of the philosophical search for the meaning of existence.

What will the marriage be like?

Often a chain in a dream is associated with serious relationships, for example, marital ones. Especially if it was given to you as a gift.

But seeing a too heavy chain around your neck means that you will not get the best person as your companion, because the relationship with him will be painful and difficult.

Fate is preparing tests!

It's bad to see heavy chains on yourself. This is a sign of a difficult situation and hopelessness. Why do you dream of a huge knot on a chain? This is an omen of an insurmountable obstacle or a fatal event.

Did you imagine that you were shackled with metal shackles? The dream book interprets such a plot in two ways: you will have to perform terribly unpleasant work, duties, or you will fall into a state of extreme need. It is possible that both phenomena will become relevant at once.

What's stopping you?

Did your dream feature a product with very large links? Past debts, illusions or some personal beliefs prevent you from moving forward. What is a very rusty chain for? Soon a problem will arise that you have not solved before.

If metal chains entangled your entire body, then in the real world you are threatened with a terrible disease. However, this same plot can be interpreted as an attempt by the subconscious to protect the dreamer from rash steps.

Think through every action!

Did you dream about how you personally forged the chains? The dream book is sure: your happy future depends solely on the correctness of today’s behavior.

Did you watch someone else forge the thing? Someone from the outside will play a fatal role in your destiny.

Wait for the guests!

Why do you dream if you were forced to sit on a chain? Prepare for a miserable and dependent existence. Did you happen to repair links in a dream? You have to work hard before what you want comes true.

Did you have to link another character? Someone will fall in love with you, become dependent, or remain in debt. It’s good to hit someone with a tenacious grip in your dreams: in reality you will make a friend, a lover. And if they beat you to the point of blood, then a relative will come to visit you.

Who dreamed it?

What does it mean if you managed to break a chain in a dream? The dream book warns: circumstances will change dramatically, and a long-standing problem will suddenly be resolved. However, in this case it is necessary to clearly establish who exactly was able to break the shackles:

  • Family man - family quarrel.
  • Lonely - dramatic changes in personal life.
  • Prisoner - release.
  • Sick - recovery.
  • The old one is a close ending.

A gold chain in dreams is a multifaceted symbol. In some cases, it can be a harbinger of pleasant life events, and in other cases it warns of serious troubles. Therefore, it is important to know what this attribute means in a dream in order to be able to correct the situation in reality in your favor.

Gold chain - dream book

A gold chain can appear in a wide variety of nightly dream scenes. Therefore, in order to understand why she dreamed, you need to try to remember the smallest nuances of the dream you saw. But most often, a gold chain is a symbol of wealth and prosperity. And it’s very good if you saw gold jewelry on your neck in your night dreams. This is a harbinger that soon all your affairs will be crowned with success. On the other hand, gold emphasizes the need to act judiciously and without haste.

gold chain

A gold chain with large links symbolizes big profits, but most likely you will have to work hard to get them. But if you see that your neck is decorated with another chain (not gold), then this only foreshadows a pleasant meeting.

Others have a gold chain around their necks

A gold chain seen on the neck of another person has a negative interpretation. Such a symbol is a harbinger of betrayal of a loved one. In addition, such a dream can emphasize the fact that you often get involved in things that don’t belong to you.

I dreamed of a gold chain with a cross

The most asked question is why you dream of a gold chain with a cross. Such a dream foreshadows a marriage in the near future. It may also indicate a new acquaintance, which could become the beginning of a long-term romance. The chain on which the large cross hangs symbolizes the beginning of a new stage in life. This may be due to a job change.

When you dream of a chain with a heart-shaped pendant, it indicates that in real life your heart will be filled with love for a worthy person. And when a decoration with the symbol of your zodiac sign appears in your night dreams, life will soon present you with a pleasant surprise.

And if you see in a dream a decoration with some other pendant, then this indicates that calm and trust reign in your family relationships. Such a dream emphasizes the need for partners to treat each other with care. Only under this condition will it be possible to maintain existing successful relationships for a long time.

Gold chain decorated with expensive stones

If the gold chain dreamed of is decorated with expensive stones, then in reality it foreshadows many useful and promising acquaintances. If you are able to use them, then great success awaits you in real life.

If the decoration breaks in a dream

A very bad omen is a dream in which the decoration is torn in the dreamer’s hands. Why do you dream about such a plot? It indicates that in reality a person will harm himself with his own hands. It is important, after such a dream, to carefully think through any decision you make. Spontaneous actions and rash actions should be avoided. If you dreamed of a broken chain in the hands of another person, then most likely he is the cause of your failures in life.

Why do you dream about a broken chain?

If you saw a broken chain in a dream, then in reality you may experience health problems. To avoid possible negative consequences, you need to give up bad habits and work on improving your body’s health. This dream can be a harbinger of painful losses in real life.

Find a gold chain

Many people are interested in why they dream of finding gold in a dream. A very good sign is the discovery of gold jewelry. It indicates that in the near future you will have happy events and a significant improvement in your financial condition. Also, such night dreams can predict a meeting with a pleasant person who can further influence your destiny. And it’s very bad if you dreamed that you walked past an abandoned gold chain without picking it up. This symbolizes that in reality you will miss the chance to change your life.

If in your night dreams the chain was found on the things of a familiar person, then in reality you need to take a closer look at him. Most likely, he is using you for his own purposes, and is not a true friend to you. During this period, you need to be careful when communicating with unfamiliar people.

Losing gold jewelry - how to interpret it

Losing a gold chain in a dream is not a very favorable sign. This symbolizes the fact that you are self-absorbed and oblivious to the events that are happening around you. A lost chain that was lost by someone indicates that enemies around you are weaving intrigues and spreading gossip that can greatly harm you.

Why dream of buying a gold chain

If you dreamed that you were buying a chain, then this foreshadows great disappointments in the near future. Perhaps they are due to the fact that you overestimate your capabilities and set yourself difficult tasks that you cannot handle.

Receive a gold chain as a gift

But receiving gold jewelry as a gift in a dream is very good. This means that your loved one is very sensitive to you and you should not doubt his feelings.

Find out from the online dream book what the Chain means in dreams by reading the answer below as interpreted by the interpretive authors.

Why do you see a chain in a dream?

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream of a Chain in a dream?

Seeing yourself in chains and shackles in a dream means that the burden of worries and responsibility will undeservedly fall on your shoulders. But if you manage to break the chains, then you will be freed from some unpleasant affairs.

Just seeing chains foreshadows slander and treacherous plans of your envious people.

Seeing others in chains is a harbinger of failure and misfortune specifically for them.

Gypsy dream book

The meaning of the dream about the Chain

Seeing is a sign of thoughtfulness; to break a chain for a married man means a quarrel with his wife, and for a prisoner it foretells liberation; Putting a gold or other expensive chain on a single person foreshadows marriage, and for a married person the birth of children.

Intelligent dream book

What to Expect If You've Seen The Chain

Why see - Silver - the benefit of troubles; gold on the neck - useful time; being chained is happiness.

Intimate dream book

If you had a dream about a Chain

A chain seen in a dream indicates that your rivals are trying to slander you in the eyes of your loved one. A dream in which you see yourself chained means that soon the burden of an unhappy relationship with a jealous and hysterical person will fall on your shoulders. If in a dream you break chains, it means that in reality you will get rid of an unwanted admirer. If you dreamed of someone in chains, he is suffering from unrequited love for you. Church The church you saw in a dream suggests that you will be disappointed with the person whose arrival you have long and impatiently awaited. If in a dream you enter a dark church, it means that you will have to refuse love to a person who is passionately in love with you. A wedding in a bright and spacious church predicts a fabulously happy marriage with your loved one.

Freud's Dream Book

Why did you dream about the Chain?

Trying to break up - this dream means that now you are too determined, slow down a little, otherwise you may sweep away everything in your path. Forging a chain or seeing someone else do it in a dream - the dream indicates that in real life you will have great luck, for which you will thank the wrong person. The one who deserves your gratitude will remain in the shadows.

Dream Interpretation of Vladislav Kopalinsky

The meaning of the dream about Swirl

Chain – Patience, care.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Why do you dream of Chains?

Iron - for an unmarried person or a widower - an unsuccessful marriage, for a family man - some obstacles, difficulties in business. Breaking the chain means breaking the marriage, leading to death. A gold chain is an unexpected wedding in the family.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of Chains from your dream

Chain – Lack of will, inability to act, dependence. Chain – connection, protection.

Dream Interpretation Tarot

Interpretation of the Circuit

Chain - Hardships, adversities.

Islamic dream book

And if anyone sees a chain around his neck, he will get a wife with a bad character.

Esoteric dream book

The secret of sleep:

With large links - your moral debts interfere with your life and hinder your movements. Breaking the Ts. (shackles) means freeing yourself from annoying troubles and responsibilities. As a decoration - a strong connection, strong ties, quite pleasant if the center is gold or with precious stones; painful if C. Dark or rusty.

World of images: Antonio Meneghetti

We analyze the vision in which Sereda dreamed

Why do you dream of Chains - Unbreakable bonds. Negative formations that cannot be canceled at the moment.

Maly Velesov dream book

Why do you dream of a chain?

Chains – Loyalty, happiness // obstacle, loss; break up - liberation // quarrel with wife; silver - useful chores; wear gold - wedding, birth of children.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

Dreaming of a Chain, what does it mean?

Chains - An invisible connection binds the dreamer to someone or something. Chains made of gold and silver - wealth, success, “connection with luck.” Iron chains - a series of affairs, a dull marriage. A broken chain (chain) means a change in circumstances; in the next interpreter you can find out what this dream means.

Ancient French dream book

What does the chain mean in dreams, interpretation:

Seeing chains in a dream means melancholy. Wearing or being in chains means deprivation, loss, unexpected expenses, followed by unexpected success. Broken chains predict long torment.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Dream interpretation:

Chain - Marriage.

Great dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why do you dream about the Chain?

Seeing Chains in a dream foreshadows slander and the treacherous plans of your envious people. If you dream of chains or shackles placed on you, in reality a heavy burden of worries and responsibility will fall on your shoulders. If you break these bonds, you will be able to free yourself from some unpleasant responsibilities and acquaintances. Seeing others in chains is a harbinger of failure and misfortune specifically for these people.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Interpretation according to the saint:

Chains - Marriage.

Slavic dream book

What does a dreamer dream of about a chain in a dream?

The chain is a symbol of relationships. Karma. Saturn.

Dream book for the whole family by E. Danilova

Why do you dream about the Chain, how can you understand it?

It means restrictions. Seeing yourself in chains and shackles is a burden of worries and responsibility; dependence on someone; break the chains - free yourself from business; mental dependence; chains on others - your dependence on them; people who depend on you.

Modern dream book for 365 days

Why do you dream about the Chain by day of the week?

Tying a chain to a table leg means happily avoiding the danger of the evil eye. CIRCUS Having fun and applauding at a circus performance A dream on Monday night means that you will discover the hypocrisy of your friends; and on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - it means fun or deception; on Saturday or Sunday night - portends melancholy and despondency. Getting ready for the circus A dream on Monday night means that you will prematurely celebrate your victory; and on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - to complete chaos in business; dreamed on Saturday or Sunday night, it means that you will find yourself in strange company.

Dream Book of Calvin Hall

If you see a Chain, what is it for?

The chain is an unpleasant obligation. Separate the links in the chain - get rid of some obligations. Chains encircling the territory - marriage.

Creative dream book

What do chains mean to the dreamer?

What is this for? 1. If chains appear in any form in a dream, it means a type of prohibition or addiction. We need strength to break free from our chains. Once we realize what is holding us back, we will understand how to free ourselves. 2. In dreams we may become aware of beliefs, which, however, will create some kind of problems. Thus, the links of chains very often symbolize the communication necessary to free oneself. 3. Slavery and oppression, dignity and union are all symbolized by chains. Their ambiguity is illuminated.

Universal dream book for the whole family

Interpretation of the Circuit

Chain – dependence, affection, strong family ties.

Dream book of Simeon Prozorov

Meet the Chain:

Dreamed of Chains - Receive an unexpected invitation to the wedding of a close relative. Imagine that the chains are gold. Imagine their golden shine and melodic ringing.

Great modern dream book

Chain - why does the dreamer dream?

You saw chains in a dream - your actions will be difficult due to the false accusations raised against you; you will be betrayed by friends who envy you. It’s as if you are chained - in the near future you will be weighed down by the burden of responsibility. It’s as if you are breaking them that were holding you back - you will successfully get rid of troubles.

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

Chain - To the marriage bond.

For those born in May, June, July and August

To a profitable trip.

For those born in September, October, November, December

To incur the wrath of the boss with subsequent dismissal.

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