Presentation on the shape, size and movements of the Earth, their geographical consequences, presentation for a geography lesson (grade 5) on the topic

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Who was the first to suggest that the Earth is spherical? Who proved it? How? What other evidence is there that the Earth is spherical? WHAT IS THE SHAPE OF THE EARTH?

Through precise measurements, Isaac Newton established that the shape of the Earth is different from a sphere: the distance from the center to the poles is less than from the center to the equator Polar radius = 6,356.8 km Equatorial radius = 6,378 km The difference in radii is 22 km Average radius = 6,371 km ELLIPSOID OR GEOID

the total surface area of ​​planet Earth is 510,000,000 sq. km The circumference of the Earth is 40,075 km. DIMENSIONS OF THE EARTH


AXIAL OR DAILY MOTION The Earth rotates around an axis from west to east, i.e. counterclockwise when looking at the Earth from the North Pole, making a full rotation in a day or 24 hours.

The inclination of the earth's axis to the orbital plane is 66.5 0 ORBITAL OR ANNUAL The speed of the earth in its orbit around the Sun is about 29 km/sec. During the lesson we fly 81 thousand km. The Earth makes a full revolution in 365 days and almost 6 hours

1. Due to the movement of the Earth around its axis, a change of day and night occurs. 2. Due to the rotation of the Earth around the Sun and the tilt of the axis of rotation, a change of seasons occurs. CONSEQUENCES OF EARTH MOVEMENTS

Pole (from Greek “point”) is a point on the earth’s surface through which the imaginary axis of the Earth passes. North and South Pole POLES AND EARTH'S EQUATOR? The equator is an imaginary line on the earth's surface drawn at equal distances from the north and south poles.

Name the continents and oceans that are entirely in the gray hemisphere? In the southern hemisphere? Name the continents and oceans located in both the northern and southern hemispheres? WORKING WITH THE MAP Equator

What is the true shape of the Earth? What is the circumference of the Earth and its area? What is the radius of the Earth? Equator length? What is called a reduced model of the Earth? Types of Earth movement? What is the tilt of the earth's axis? What is the point where the axis intersects the Earth's surface called? What hemispheres does the equator divide the Earth into? Summarize.

The Holy Grail is a graphic representation of our universe. Ch2.

Shape of the Earth of the 5th dimension. December 2018

We have already figured out the shape of the Earth of the third dimension (See http://www..html)

Now we will try to very VISUALLY, graphically imagine the Earth of the fifth dimension, and not “go crazy.”

We have already found out that our CONSCIOUSNESS perceives the fourth dimension absolutely calmly. (It’s not for nothing that Mars, the planet of the fourth dimension, has been so exciting the minds of some earthlings lately!)

Left introduce, WHAT might the fifth-dimensional Earth look like?

Let's turn to Jupiter - the planet fifth dimension.

We see something strange on spherical Jupiter convex Red spot discovered by Giovanni Cassini in 1666. It is believed that this is a giant hurricane that has been raging on the surface of the planet for many centuries. (Note the word “convex.”)

Fig.1. Red bulging spot on Jupiter

Looking at the spot, we remembered information from Yuri Babikov. (Astrus recommended paying attention to his research, emphasizing the greater accuracy of the information that “can be relied upon”).

Yuri Anatolyevich Babikov was known only to a narrow circle of specialists as the Chief Designer of a series of armored vehicles, the founder of a new class of Russian special armored vehicles. Author of a number of inventions and special works and publications.

In his book “Worldview or the Return of Prometheus,” he describes the history of an expedition visiting our planet from the planet Uleu.

We do not question the possibility of such a visit. Because Armavir researchers recently sent us photographs of their finds. There was a skull there. Kretov tuned in: “Oddly enough, these are aliens. This is clearly connected with the alien structure. Obviously, obviously, obviously, obviously. They have a certain background. Genetic background, structurally genetic background, with the help of which... Any structure of some kind, different, not of our civilization, some kind of fragment, element... Through it you can even influence the planet.”

Babikov believes that this spot was generated by a vortex from the engines of the Guardian of Heaven ship, which was forced to remain on Jupiter for several centuries.

Why did we remember this now? Yes, because the ship had previously visited the Earth, and was quite material, as they say, from the third dimension. And I was able (!) to land on a planet of the fifth dimension. Its engines turned on and were in a state create and maintain a protective field for the ship in which the disgraced leader of the Semyas expedition, Prometheus, is located.

And this landing zone became that Red Spot on Jupiter, which so excites the minds of astrologers.

Let's call this raised spot ZONE of the third dimension on a planet of the fifth dimension!

From Babikov’s dialogue with Semyasa Prometheus:

“In December 1974 during the flight of the American research apparatus Pioneer II near Jupiter, it was discovered on the surface of the planet Black spot, diametrically opposed to Red. I immediately contacted Semyasa and told him about it. Prometheus was quite surprised: he knew nothing about the Black Spot, but became very interested, asking me to tell him everything I knew in as much detail as possible. After thinking, he confidently stated that on the far side of Jupiter, precisely at the point diametrically opposite to the Red Spot, there must be something. Apparently there is a Black Spot reaction of the planet’s atmosphere to the gravitational impulse of the power plant of the ship “Guardian of the Heavens”" At the same time, he added that the linear parameters of the disturbance zones from the engine (15,000 km back along the axis of the ship) were measured in a vacuum, and the long-term impact of a working engine on the fields of such a large planet as Jupiter (diameter 142,800 km) was not studied. This is very, very interesting. You should definitely explore it. Try to explain this to people."

From a dialogue with Kretov:

They showed him photographs of the red and black spots.

Rice. 2. Jupiter’s spots: on the left - 1974 (both spots near the equator), on the right - 2017 (black spot at the North Pole)

Kretov. It's like a tunnel, a tunnel effect.

Can we say that the landing of a third-dimensional ship on fifth-dimensional Jupiter looks like a red spot to us, and the same event caused the effect of a black spot on the other side of the planet?

Kretov. Close to it. Both, when summed up, express something.

So, we have the right to imagine such a figurative picture (Fig. 3) - where on Jupiter of the fifth dimension the Cup of the Earth of the third or fourth dimension with its atmosphere perches. And it creates a kind of tunnel effect on the other side of the planet.

Rice. 3. Jupiter. Red spot area.

Let's remember the diagram of the three-dimensional Earth

Rice. 4. Until December 21, 2012, the Earth’s cup was turned toward the Sun.

The bowl of the Earth is located with its convex part towards the Sun. And so it was until the significant date of December 21, 2012.

But on this day, or rather it took 8 days, the cup of the Earth turned around as in the fairy tale, where the fabulous Ivanushka commanded: “Stand with your back to the forest, and stand in front of me!”

Astrus. “During these eight days, seven “dips” will roll in waves, when it will suddenly get dark, but not to blackness. Moreover, six failures will be active, and the seventh will be weak. When it gets dark there will be flashes. At the same time, a red glow will be detected at the planet’s poles.”

Dialogue with Kretov:

Keeping in mind that our world is an illusion, a program, can we say that the system was simply switched?

Kretov. There is such a thing.

So, The Earth's cup has turned!

Now its main “leg” is formed by Jupiter .

Jupiter is the source of life on Earth. () And it is he who now supplies us with the main streams of new time in the form of gamma rays.

Rice. 5. The bowl of the Earth turned towards Jupiter from December 21, 2012.

Astrus says: “Treat the Holy Grail as a symbol that is an object of attachment. What’s important is the collective image, not the bowl specifically.”

What then about the Sun?

The sun is a special story! It has started behaving very unusually lately. There has been a lot of activity on it and near it, which we have been tracking since 2005, since the appearance of an armada of UFOs near the Sun.

(This is a separate story - the topic of the next article).

Tyunyaev says that the Sun will become the second Moon.

We considered the possibility that Jupiter would becomesecondThe sun. ( )

We'll see what actually happens!


It can be said that there has been a spatial shift of humanity to another Niche.

Babikov. “It’s very simple and very complicated. The Creator thinks billions of years ahead. And he creates the foundations of the future today.

...There are seven spatial levels of the Universe, seven niches. Man is given the opportunity to master three niches: the physical world, the space of the yellow spectrum (the other world according to Tikhoplav) and the space of the gray spectrum (the mirror world according to Tikhoplav) - the space of eternal life. These are all material worlds, where the substance is electron, viton, Alpha-viton and Beta-positron.

...Each space has its own characteristics. It is impossible to use the life of a planetary system only for that brief moment when the Sun, in its spectrum, and the planet are suitable for aquatic life according to teroid No. 157. The Sun inevitably loses its energy, gradually cooling down. Also, the Earth will sooner or later lose its atmosphere, becoming like Mars. Gradually, aquatic life on it will become impossible.

The Creator's program solves this problem simply: as soon as the Sun reaches its critical point in terms of energy release in the space of the physical niche, and the Earth becomes cold and waterless, life on your planet will move into the space of the Yellow spectrum. And in the Yellow spectrum, life can continue almost until a “supernova”, i.e. billions of years longer than in your space.

In parallel with the extinction of the existing biosphere of the Earth, the Creator is forming the biosphere of the planet in the Yellow spectrum. A plant biosphere already exists.”

This is what Babikov wrote in 2002 about the creation of a “reserve site” for humanity. A lot has changed since then...

Astrus. “The Earth's surface is several times larger than we think. She has as many bodies as a human. These are ecological niches... Now you are moving into one of these niches. Humanity will be given the opportunity to hit only three."

Recently, Astrus said that there are already 112 civilizations in our space.

And this is exactly the amount that is obtained by merging spaces - the physical (84 civilizations) and the space of the Yellow Spectrum (28 civilizations)!

Rice. 6. “A bright orange glow over the Earth as the ISS passed over Australia at an altitude of 400 kilometers. What the astronaut photographed is called the atmospheric glow. Usually the glow takes on distinct shades, and then red or green rays are visible in photographs, but orange is rare, so this photo is especially interesting.”

We were interested in this rare glow, because the picture was taken over Australia, over the ZONE of the second dimension.

Kretov. “There is some recombination and recombination going on. There is more recombination than recombination.”

(We are talking about the recombination of any information that is stored in the space of the Yellow Spectrum. Apparently, this process is not limited only to Australia - it is noticed here).

The map of the new Earth of the fifth dimension is still a blank spot for us.

Most likely, it is ALREADY populated, and for us it’s easy will appear. ALREADY MANIFESTING!

Here's today's news:

“In the southern Gulf of California, at a depth of 3,800 meters, American and Mexican scientists have discovered a new field of hydrothermal vents that host an ecosystem unlike any previously recorded, with many unknown species. "Researchers will have to catalog new species, as well as figure out what their unknown behavior patterns mean and why the creatures they find are blue."

“In 2017, an international group of scientists discovered 157 new representatives of the Earth’s biological kingdom. All of them were found in the Mekong River basin in the territories of Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam. The biological diversity of our planet has been replenished with three species of mammals, 23 species of fish, 14 species of amphibians, 26 species of reptiles and 91 species of plants.”

One wonders where the place for so many new species came from - after all, there appeared even gibbons!? The earth is expanding, everything is changing!

Returning to the fifth dimensional shape of the Earth...

As long as Astrus's logic is not broken, the ZONE of the third dimension INTERFERES with the fifth. (A wandering black tornado storm has formed on Jupiter). But here on Earth, many previously unseen tornado storms have formed, even fire ones!

How long will this grandiose process last? in perception, in awareness humanity of the new paradigm of the Earth?

Astrus speaks of a time phase of 200 years (starting from 12/21/2012), and Tyunyaev - 259 years (from 03/01/1953). And the numbers match perfectly! (Every 259.2 years there is a change of era).

You and I were lucky to be born at this special time of TRANSITION, when it is possible to perceive a new paradigm without leaving the physical body, because “there is no time for incarnation,” as esotericists say.

Babikov wrote that “the earthly code of souls will be replaced by the code of the Yellow Space.” And Astrus talks about the average life expectancy of a person being 176 years.

Even cautious scientists suddenly announced that “According to the forecast of Danish scientists, those born after 2000 will live about a hundred years on average. Moreover, in old age they will be much healthier than modern old people.”

Also, scientists are now constantly providing new evidence of the process of radical transformation of both man and space.

Blood is a spatial characteristic.

A new source of blood cells has been discovered in the human body.

“The bone marrow was thought to be the only place where new blood cells are produced in the human body, but the discovery of American scientists suggests that our intestines also contain hematopoietic stem cells, which play the role of early precursors of blood cells. The study was published in Cell Stem Cell. It is not known for certain exactly how much blood the intestinal tissue produces, but scientists suggest that the figure could reach up to 10% of the total blood volume in the body.”

Traditionally, we are interested in HOW will everything that happens affect people? Like us note what's happening? After all, all this time the streams of time (“the leg of the Holy Grail”) will come from both the Sun and Jupiter. They will rush around in this enclosed space, reflecting and changing direction.

Kretov: “A person will “see” different things: if the flows of time coincide, then we will somehow strangely see the PAST and the PRESENT at the same time. If you meet it, you will see the other world. If at the same time, then forget what you saw.”

St. Petersburg Center for Spiritual Technologies “Co-Creation”.

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  • Report on the PROJECT “Contact with Civilization from the constellation Alpha Centauri” (Part 9. We say goodbye to the Brothers).
  • Report on the PROJECT “Contact with the Highest Civilization” (Part 8. “White Fog of 2018.”
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  • Twilight Zone. (Tikhoplav V.Yu., Tikhoplav T.S., Kretov Yu.V., Astrus)
  • Report on the PROJECT “Contact with Civilization from the constellation Alpha Centauri” (Part 3. Crystals of the Earth and cleansing of the KIND.).
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  • Re-reading D. Melchizedek... Part 2. WHEN will we find ourselves at THAT point in the precession cycle that D. Melchizedek speaks of?

Earth, with an average distance of 149,597,890 km from the Sun, is the third and one of the most unique planets in the solar system. It formed about 4.5-4.6 billion years ago and is the only planet known to support life. This is due to a number of factors, such as the atmospheric composition and physical properties such as the presence of water, which occupies about 70.8% of the planet's surface, allowing life to flourish.

Earth is also unique in that it is the largest of the terrestrial planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars), which are composed of a thin layer of rock, compared to the gas giants (Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Uranus). Based on mass, density, and diameter, Earth is the fifth largest planet in the entire solar system.

Dimensions of the earth: mass, volume, circumference and diameter

Terrestrial planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars)

As the largest of the terrestrial planets, Earth has an estimated mass of 5.9722±0.0006×10 24 kg. Its volume is also the largest of these planets at 1.08321×10¹² km³.

In addition, our planet is the densest of the terrestrial planets, as it consists of a crust, mantle and core. The Earth's crust is the thinnest of these layers, while the mantle makes up 84% of the Earth's volume and extends 2,900 km below the surface. The core is the component that makes the Earth the densest. It is the only terrestrial planet with a liquid outer core surrounding a solid, dense inner core.

The average density of the Earth is 5.514×10 g/cm³. Mars, the smallest of the Earth-like planets in the solar system, has only about 70% of the density of Earth.

Earth is also classified as the largest of the terrestrial planets in terms of circumference and diameter. The equatorial circumference of the Earth is 40,075.16 km. It is slightly smaller between the North and South Poles - 40,008 km. The diameter of the Earth at the poles is 12,713.5 km, and at the equator - 12,756.1 km. By comparison, the largest planet in the solar system, Jupiter, has a diameter of 142,984 km.

Shape of the Earth

Hammer-Aitov projection

The circumference and diameter of the Earth are different because its shape is an oblate spheroid or ellipsoid instead of a true sphere. The planet's poles flatten slightly, resulting in a bulge at the equator and therefore a larger circumference and diameter.

The Earth's equatorial bulge is 42.72 km and is caused by the planet's rotation and gravity. Gravity itself causes planets and other celestial bodies to collapse and form a sphere. This is due to the fact that it pulls the entire mass of the object as close as possible to the center of gravity (the earth's core in this case).

As the planet rotates, the sphere is distorted by centrifugal force. It is the force that causes objects to move outward from their center of gravity. When the Earth rotates, the centrifugal force is greatest at the equator, so it causes a slight outward bulge, giving that area a larger circumference and diameter.

Local topography also plays a role in the shape of the Earth, but on a global scale it is minor. The largest differences in local topography around the world are Mount Everest, the highest point above sea level at 8,848 m, and the Mariana Trench, the lowest point below sea level at 10,994±40 m. This difference is only about 19 km, which is very insignificant on a planetary scale. If we consider the equatorial bulge, the highest point in the world and the place farthest from the center of the Earth is the summit of the Chimborazo volcano in Ecuador, which is the highest peak near the equator. Its height is 6,267 m.


To properly study the size and shape of the Earth, geodesy is used, a branch of science responsible for measuring the size and shape of the Earth through surveys and mathematical calculations.

Throughout history, geodesy has been an important branch of science as early scientists and philosophers attempted to determine the shape of the Earth. Aristotle is the first person credited with attempting to calculate the size of the Earth and is therefore an early surveyor. This was followed by the Greek philosopher Eratosthenes, who estimated the circumference of the Earth at 40,233 km, which is only slightly larger than the current measurement.

To explore the Earth and use geodesy, researchers often refer to the ellipsoid, geoid, and reference ellipsoid. An ellipsoid is a theoretical mathematical model that shows a smooth, simplified representation of the Earth's surface. It is used to measure distances on a surface without taking into account factors such as changes in elevation and landform. Given the reality of the earth's surface, surveyors use the geoid, a model of the planet that is constructed using global mean sea level and therefore takes elevation differences into account.

The basis of geodesy today is data that acts as guidelines for global geodetic work. Today, technologies such as satellites and global positioning systems (GPS) allow surveyors and other scientists to make extremely accurate measurements of the Earth's surface. In fact, they are so precise that they can measure the Earth's surface down to centimeters, providing the most accurate measurements of the Earth's size and shape.

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