In a dream, they gave me scissors. Scissors dream, scissors in a dream, scissors dream book. Dream Interpretation - Hairdresser

Scissors in a dream are an ambiguous symbol. Some interpreters characterize it as a hidden threat hanging over the dreamer. Others claim that this image indicates an unbearable burden that the owner of the vision thoughtlessly took upon himself. For a more accurate interpretation of night dreams, it is necessary to remember the size of the scissors, their appearance and condition. You should also take into account the actions that the sleeper performed in relation to this object.

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    What kind of scissors did you dream about?

    If you dream of scissors, then this sign can be interpreted in different ways, depending on the type of object:

    • Manicure. They often have erotic overtones. If a woman tries to cut a large piece of fabric with them, it means that her sexual partner no longer satisfies her. The dreamer dreams of diversifying intimate relationships and adding some zest to them. If you leave everything as it is, then in the near future the couple will separate. If a girl cuts a huge sheet of paper with small scissors, then in reality she will give her lover a reason for jealousy.
    • Metal scissors. For a man, such a dream promises great difficulties and confrontation with business partners.
    • Large tailor's ones. They portend major trials and undeserved accusations against the dreamer from close relatives. To avoid misunderstandings, the sleeper needs to analyze his behavior in the past and apologize to the people he offended.
    • Garden. This symbol characterizes the sleeper as an excessively wasteful person who spends more than he earns. He should be more economical, otherwise financial troubles will not be long in coming. In some cases, such a vision indicates the need to adjust your plans. Some tasks will now have to be abandoned, even if they seem incredibly attractive to the dreamer.
    • Golden scissors. Dream about joyful events, pleasant changes in life. A pregnant woman who sees such a vision should not fear for the health of her baby. Childbirth will be easy and quick, and the baby will be strong and beautiful.
    • Silver. The dreamer will achieve a lot in his life, but for this he will have to work hard.
    • Scissors drawn on a sheet of paper. This is a sign that business prospects will be very vague, but the sleeper will have time to acquire new envious people, whom it is better to beware of.

      State of scissors in a dream

      The interpretation also depends on the condition of the dreamed scissors:

      • Acute - to failures and troubles due to the fact that the sleeper is minding his own business. If the dreamer cuts himself with them, then in reality he experiences fear of the future and therefore is afraid to change anything in his life.
      • Stupid people characterize the dreamer as a greedy person who disdains his close friends. Sharpening such scissors in a dream means finding a way out of the situation, avoiding the traps of ill-wishers.
      • Broken - to serious difficulties in business, lack of mutual understanding between loved ones.
      • New ones - for an easy trip that will give you many pleasant, unforgettable moments.
      • With smooth, well-sharpened blades - to unpleasant and low-paying work, which the sleeper will soon have to do.
      • Old and rusty - ill-wishers will soon remind the sleeper of all his mistakes committed in the past.


      Depending on where the scissors were in the dream, the vision has a different interpretation:

      • In the hands of another person, this is a sign that the sleeper considers his connection with him too burdensome. This relationship has long outlived its usefulness and should be ended.
      • On the floor - a dream foreshadows the arrival of guests.
      • On a table, with open blades - this characterizes the dreamer as a person who does not know how to keep his mouth shut and tells secrets entrusted to him right and left.
      • On a beautiful tablecloth - positive changes in life.

      If the sleeper places the scissors on the edge of the kitchen table, then he should not take active action for now. It is better to hide and wait for a more opportune moment. Watching a hairdresser at work cutting a complete stranger's hair means meeting a rival.

      The dreamer's actions

      Breaking scissors in a dream is an indefinite sign that must be interpreted depending on the mood of the dreamer. If the sleeper was satisfied with what he had done, then in reality he will get rid of boring, routine responsibilities. A dream in which a person is upset indicates unrealistic dreams.

      Doing cutting in a dream means financial well-being. This vision is especially relevant for people who are just starting their own business. But don’t worry, everything will go strictly according to plan and will definitely give you a good profit. Cutting clothes means major troubles in the family. Cutting out various figures from paper is a symbol of the fact that the sleeper dreams of shifting his responsibilities to other people. But he does this not because he cannot cope, but because of natural laziness.

      Lending scissors to a friend is a warning dream. The sleeper needs to be more attentive in relationships with relatives and close friends. There is a high probability that one of them will decide to betray him.

      Seeing yourself telling fortunes with scissors is a sign that the sleeper is doing something that brings him nothing but trouble. Accepting scissors as a gift means a quarrel with a loved one, and this will happen because of some trifle that could be ignored. A vision in which you had to cut your own hair warns about unplanned expenses. If a murder occurs in a dream with the help of scissors, in reality the dreamer is too worried about his future, although no troubles are expected now.

      Interpretation of the image by popular dream books

      Most dream books interpret the symbol as a negative sign, but some interpreters believe that this vision promises positive changes in life:

      • Dream book Meneghetti. This image is a destructive symbol and indicates the dreamer’s desire to cause harm to himself or loved ones.
      • Universal dream book. Interprets the vision as routine work that the dreamer will have to perform for a fairly long period of time.
      • Autumn dream book. Scissors promise a new thing.
      • Women's dream book. Broken scissors mean a big quarrel with close friends. Many of them will then turn away from the dreamer. And everything will happen because of overly eccentric manners and unwillingness to coordinate your actions with others.
      • Small Velesov dream book. If single people dream of scissors, then soon their marital status will change dramatically. If the dreamer is already married, he can count on a new addition to the family.
      • Dream book of the 21st century. The appearance of scissors in a dream means the division of material values, love affairs.
      • Miller's interpreter. Dreamed scissors symbolize quarrels in the family. Spouses will be picky towards each other, and lovers will begin to torment their partner with unmotivated jealousy.

Miller's Dream Book

Scissors- an unkind sign: wives will be jealous and picky towards their husbands, lovers will begin to quarrel and torment each other with mutual accusations. Business prospects will be very vague.

If you dream of sharp, well-honed scissors- it means you have to do something that is deeply disgusting to you.

Breaking scissors in a dream- means that you will strive to get rid of tasks that are unpleasant to you.

Scissors you dreamed about- can make you stingy and unfriendly with friends.

If you dream about already broken scissors- this means that you are in danger of losing friends and position due to strange eccentric manners.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Scissors- indicate the need to cut some knots, including unnecessary connections.

Broken scissors- reconciliation.

cut something off- to separation, changes.

Seeing cut parts or cutting- an opportunity to solve a problem in a new way, to make an effort.

Freud's Dream Book

Scissors- the appearance of this symbol in a dream indicates that prosperity awaits you in all matters that you undertake. Everyone around you will treat you with love and even some admiration. The time for unbridled flirting and dating is coming.

If you saw in a dream small scissors with which you tried to cut some large canvas- such a dream is a hint that you are not satisfied with your own sex life, and what exactly you don’t like, you cannot yet understand. You don’t need to make far-reaching conclusions, try to figure out what you would like to receive, what emotions to experience, and then try to experiment. Try to refrain from any kind of accusations against your partner, as they will lead to nothing, but will only postpone the solution to the problem indefinitely.

Dream book of lovers

If a woman dreams of scissors- this means that she will be picky about her husband or lover. Such a dream for lovers- portends quarrels and mistrust.

If in a dream you hurt yourself on sharp scissors- in reality you experience fear and anxiety about the future.

A dream in which you cut out various figures from paper- means that in real life you are trying to shift your worries and problems onto others.

If in a dream you tell fortunes using scissors- this means that in reality you are doing something too risky and unprofitable for you.

To see in a dream how your hair is cut off with scissors- in reality you will have to incur unexpected financial expenses.

Seeing old and rusty scissors in a dream- in reality you should be more prudent so as not to get into an awkward position.

A dream in which you ask to borrow scissors- means that due to an annoying misunderstanding you will quarrel with a near and dear person.

If in a dream you hold something on scissors- in reality you need to be wary of a thief.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

If you dreamed of nail scissors- this means that in reality it will be possible to avoid serious complications from a dangerous disease. Cutting paper with scissors- a sign of jealousy and suspicion on the part of a husband or lover.

Large tailor's scissors- to quarrels and mutual accusations. Gardening scissors- deterioration of financial situation, metal scissors- loss of independence.

Old or rusty scissors- you will cut coupons and bask in luxury, having achieved unprecedented success. Golden scissors- joy in the house, replenishment of the family. Broken scissors- your behavior will alienate your friends and cause the disapproval of others.

Sharp, good cutting- mind your own business and incur losses; stupid, worthless- try to avoid the company of people unpleasant to you, refusing to go on a visit.

Sharpen scissors- you will be involved in a scandalous story and read about yourself in the press. Prick yourself with sharp scissors until you bleed- gossip will be spread about you as a careless housewife and a worthless mistress.

Women's dream book

Scissors in a dream- an unkind sign: wives will be jealous and picky towards their husbands, lovers will begin to quarrel and torment each other with mutual accusations. Business prospects will be very vague.

Sharp, well-honed scissors- indicate that you will have to do something very unpleasant for you.

Break them in your sleep- means that you will strive to get rid of these matters.

If you dream of already broken scissors- you can lose friends and your status due to overly eccentric manners.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Scissors- declare to yourself: “I am not isolated from the world around me. I am one with everything else.”

Dream book of the 21st century

Seeing scissors in a dream- means a possible division of material assets, love gossip; cut something off with them- to material gain; cutting clothes with scissors- unfortunately with my wife.

Cutting with scissors- to happiness, material well-being, change.

Broken scissors- to an outwardly peaceful attitude in the family, but a complete lack of mutual understanding in it.

For a lonely woman such a dream- can be a harbinger of family happiness, a successful marriage or meeting a person who will become her close friend for many years. For married people- to increase the family.

Italian dream book

Scissors- tool for cutting.

The appearance of scissors in the image- denotes a desire to cause damage, harm oneself or another, a desire for severity in business or personal relationships. Feelings of hostility or aggression, a desire to reduce someone's power over us, fear that other people are trying to reduce our influence. The most common image when a woman cuts clothes that belong to a man, this denotes the woman's desire to reduce his strength, fertility, or her fear of sex in general. By symbolically castrating a man, a woman frees herself from responsibility for sexual relations with him.

Scissors image- is associated with the negative semantics of cutting off, which is from “nothing” (cutting off from life), a negative symbol, a diminutive of a knife.

Dream book of lovers

A dream in which you broke a pair of scissors- portends you that you won’t have long to be with your lover.

Scissors- such a dream portends good luck in all matters. You will want to flirt, meet new people and start new relationships.

Small scissors with which you are trying to cut a large piece of material- mean that you are dissatisfied with your intimate life, but cannot understand what exactly does not suit you about it. Try to understand what you like, and only then make your fantasies come true. And don’t blame your partner for your failures; it’s possible that he is not to blame for anything, but you will only upset him and create an obstacle to a harmonious relationship.

Dream Interpretation of Dashka

Scissors- this symbol can be interpreted in two ways; it is a symbol of duality, and on the other hand, it is a sharp object that can hurt you.

You sharpen dull scissors- in life you manage to get around sharp corners; getting hurt with scissors, fear and anxiety about the future.

Lunar dream book

Scissors- to discord in the family.

Chinese dream book

Scissors- foreshadow the division of material assets.

Cutting something with scissors- portends material gain.

Scissors cutting clothes- portends misfortune with his wife.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Scissors- a symbol of connection, crossing the line of life (crossing the umbilical cord), initiation (circumcision), birth and death. Symbolic castration.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Scissors- scandal, dispute, discord; refusal of something (for example, cutting something off - cutting off, breaking off a love affair, giving up a relationship with a person).

Modern universal dream book

There's no better way to separate something from something than with scissors.- what do you want to get rid of in life? What do you do with scissors in your sleep? Do you use them to cut things? What do you want to cut?

Scissors are also associated- with a ceremony. Do the scissors in your dream symbolize the beginning of something new or the completion of an old creative project? Scissors are also associated with creativity. In your dream, do you create something with scissors?

There are times when we want to take shortcuts and cut corners in order to get to our goal faster.- does the dream mean that you do not have time to wait and you must quickly complete the work at any cost?

Dream book of a gypsy

Scissors- you will see the enemy, you will experience hatred.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Dreams reflect not only our daytime experiences. Often, a dream carries predictions about the future, tips on what to do in a given situation. The dream book gives very interesting predictions about what paired objects mean in dreams. Scissors are both a sign of life and death, and the beginning and end of a journey.

According to the interpretation of the Italian dream book, this rather harmless object carries a hidden danger. Seeing scissors in a dream is a subconscious desire to harm someone, or even yourself. It is quite possible that such a plot means a heavy burden of responsibilities that the dreamer cannot get rid of.

Seeing scissors in a dream is most often a bad sign, and the predictions of the Women's Dream Book boil down to unfavorable forecasts. If a married woman saw such a picture, then this means her groundless jealousy of her husband, endless nagging and inquiries, which will ultimately lead to serious problems in the relationship.

What events do scissors foretell according to Miller’s dream book? If the blades were perfectly sharp and smooth, it means that soon there will be work that will cause only hatred and disgust in the dreamer. And if you managed to break them, then the desire to get rid of unpleasant things will be stronger than ever.

From the psychoanalytic side, Freud’s dream book gives a very interesting and positive interpretation of what scissors mean in a dream. This is a symbol of constant good luck in business, and the excellent attitude of the people around you. This plot is a harbinger of love games and flirting.

Different scissors and actions with them in a dream

A bad symbol is also why you dream of finding scissors in a dream. If the item was rusty or falling apart, then you can safely expect news from ill-wishers. They will suddenly decide to remember all the old grievances.

If these were new scissors, shiny and sharp, then the dream book’s forecasts are positive. Your wit and easy-going nature will help you quickly establish temporary love relationships that will bring many pleasant moments, but in the end they will be successfully completed and forgotten.

Why do you dream about nail scissors? If you had to cut an immense, very large canvas with scissors, then in reality, according to the interpretation of the dream book, your dissatisfaction with your sex life can result in serious disagreements with your partner. There is no need to “cut from the shoulder”, look into your thoughts and ask yourself the question: “What exactly does not suit you?” It is possible that you will not be able to find an easy answer.

Cutting a piece of paper with scissors in a dream is a sure harbinger of mistrust in a married couple. According to the interpretation of the dream book, this is a symbol of a break, the dreamer’s desire to “cut off” unnecessary, burdensome relationships and connections from his life.

Why do you dream of broken scissors? If you saw such a plot in a dream, then beware of unusual antics and indecent behavior. Because of such actions, it is quite possible to lose a friend who in the future would be able to help more than once with advice and deeds.

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Choose your dream!

Have you ever dreamed about it?


    I dreamed of a complete manicure tool, in good condition. I start doing a manicure and see the scissors are bent and dull. I begin to scold my mother, why did she allow them to fall to the floor and all the ends bent? How to understand this?

    25-Mar-2018 Lisa:

    I dreamed that all my friends died, only I survived and the following picture shows me running through the forest and constantly seeing heaps of leaves (yellow), in which open scissors wrapped in red thread stick out. P.S. They were completely new and I would even say shiny.

    I had a strange dream, there is a young man, we have mutual sympathy, but we are not together. I dream about him very often. I see that I was walking in front of him, he grabbed me and tried to hug me, I didn’t allow it, and he said, I want to kiss you, I said something like “not here and not now,” our friends were also walking ahead of us. Then, after a while, through the window, I said goodbye to everyone, but not to him, but he stood there smiling at me, please tell me the meaning, otherwise it’s some kind of nonsense.

The appearance of this symbol in your dream can be interpreted in two ways. On the one hand, scissors are considered a necessary item in everyday life, but on the other hand, scissors are very sharp and can injure a person.

Fans of fortune telling know that scissors are used not only in everyday life, but also for fortune telling. They make wishes about their betrothed and call upon the spirits of dead people to ask them for advice.

So, if in your dream you saw open scissors, this means that in reality one of your ill-wishers is preparing a trap for you.

Dropping scissors on the floor means that guests are rushing to you from afar.

In a dream, you decided to sharpen dull scissors - this is a sign that in real life you always find a way around sharp corners.

If in a dream you hurt yourself on sharp scissors, in reality you experience fear and anxiety about the future.

A dream in which you cut out various figures from paper means that in real life you are trying to shift your worries and problems to others.

If in a dream you tell fortunes with scissors, this means that in reality you are doing something too risky and unprofitable for you.

If you see in a dream how your hair is cut off with scissors, in reality you will have to incur unexpected financial expenses.

Seeing old and rusty scissors in a dream means that in reality you should be more prudent so as not to get into an awkward position.

A dream in which you ask to borrow scissors means that due to an unfortunate misunderstanding you will quarrel with a near and dear person.

If in a dream you hold something on scissors, in reality you need to be wary of a thief.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient Dream Book

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Seeing Scissors in a dream

Possible division of material assets, love gossip.

Cutting something with scissors means material gain.

Cutting clothes with scissors means bad luck with your wife.

Cutting with scissors means happiness, material well-being, change.

Broken scissors - to an outwardly peaceful attitude in the family, but a complete lack of mutual understanding in it.

For a single woman, a dream with broken scissors can be a harbinger of family happiness, a successful marriage, or meeting a person who will become her close friend for many years.

For married people, broken scissors mean a larger family.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 21st century

What does the dream Scissors mean?

Seeing is a section of material assets.

Cutting something off with scissors portends material gain.

Cutting clothes with scissors means misfortune with your wife.

They foretell the division of material assets.

Interpretation of dreams from the Chinese dream book

Seeing Scissors in a dream

Scissors - The appearance of this symbol in a dream indicates that prosperity awaits you in all matters that you undertake. Everyone around you will treat you with love and even some admiration. The time for unbridled flirting and dating is coming.

If you saw in a dream small scissors with which you were trying to cut some large canvas, then such a dream is a hint that you are not satisfied with your own sex life, and what exactly you don’t like, you cannot yet understand. You don’t need to make far-reaching conclusions, try to figure out what you would like to receive, what emotions to experience, and then try to experiment.

Try to refrain from any kind of accusations against your partner, as they will lead to nothing, but will only postpone the solution to the problem indefinitely.

Interpretation of dreams from Freud's Dream Book

What do dreams about Scissors mean?

Scissors in a dream are an unkind sign: wives will be jealous and picky about their husbands, lovers will quarrel and harass each other with mutual accusations. Business prospects will be very vague.

If you dream of sharp, well-honed scissors, it means. You have to do something that is deeply disgusting to you.

Breaking scissors in a dream means that you will strive to get rid of tasks that are unpleasant to you.

Dreaming about scissors can make you stingy and unfriendly with friends.

If you dream of already broken scissors, it means that you are in danger of losing friends and position due to strange eccentric manners.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

Dream about Scissors

Scissors - jealousy, quarrels, reproaches.

Broken - there will be a desire to get rid of tedious work.

Sharp scissors mean painful worries and troubles.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book for a bitch

Interpretation of the dream Scissors

Scissors in a dream are an unkind sign: wives will be jealous and picky about their husbands, lovers will begin to quarrel and harass each other with mutual accusations. Business prospects will be very vague. Sharp, well-honed scissors indicate that you will have to do something very unpleasant for you. Breaking them in a dream means that you will strive to get rid of these matters. If you dream of already broken scissors, you may lose friends and your status due to overly eccentric manners.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

What does Scissors predict in a dream?

If you saw scissors in a dream, such a dream warns that jealousy and disagreements will ruin your relationship with a loved one. Broken scissors, on the contrary, indicate an imminent reconciliation and resumption of sexual relations.

Interpretation of dreams from the Intimate Dream Book

What does it mean to see Scissors in a dream?

Scandal, dispute, discord; giving up something (for example, cutting something off, cutting off a love affair, giving up a relationship with a person).

Interpretation of dreams from the Wanderer's Dream Book

Seeing Scissors in a dream

Indicate the need to cut some knots, incl. Unnecessary connections.

Broken scissors - reconciliation.

Cutting something off means separation, change.

Seeing cut parts or cutting is an opportunity to solve the problem in a new way, to make an effort.

Interpretation of dreams from the Self-Teacher on Dream Interpretation

What does the dream Scissors mean?

Cutting something with scissors means prosperity awaits you in all matters that you undertake.

Imagine that you are cutting a large piece of silk with scissors.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

Seeing Scissors in a dream

The likelihood of surgery for the patient.

For others - separation, quarrel, material losses.

To the meanness of the arrival of an unexpected guest.

Interpretation of dreams from the Newest Dream Book

What do dreams about Scissors mean?

Scissors - A dream in which you broke scissors foretells you that you will not be together with your lover for long.

Interpretation of dreams from the Love Dream Book

Dream about Scissors

Scissors - separation, slander that will separate.

Cutting them is happiness in everything related to money / change.

Cutting something off is theft.

Interpretation of dreams from the Noble Dream Book

What does Scissors mean in a dream?

Dreaming about scissors has many of the same meanings as a knife. Sharpening them in a dream means quarrels and litigation. However, cutting something with scissors in a dream is a sign of profit, receiving money or some benefits. See interpretation: knife.

Breaking scissors in a dream foretells losses. If you dream that you are holding very sharp scissors in your hands and are afraid of cutting yourself, then in reality you will experience news or events that will touch you to the quick.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

Meaning of dreams Scissors

A dream about scissors is a sign of family discord, jealousy, and decline in business.

Sharp, well-sharpened scissors signify an activity that will disgust you.

Broken scissors - to a break with friends, divorce.

There is also an old interpretation of dreams involving scissors: for family people - to increase the family.

For single people - to marriage.

Interpretation of dreams from Rommel's Dream Book

What does Scissors mean in a dream?

Scissors - this symbol can be interpreted in two ways; it is a symbol of duality, and on the other hand, it is a sharp object that can hurt you. You sharpen dull scissors, in life you manage to get around sharp corners; getting hurt with scissors, fear and anxiety about the future.

Interpretation of dreams from the Russian dream book

Meaning of the dream Scissors

Such a dream portends good luck in all matters.

You will want to flirt, meet new people and start new relationships.

Small scissors with which you are trying to cut a large piece of material mean that you are dissatisfied with your intimate life, but you cannot understand what exactly does not suit you about it.

Try to understand what you like, and only then make your fantasies come true.

And do not blame your partner for failures - perhaps he is not to blame for anything, but you will only upset him and create an obstacle to a harmonious relationship.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Sexual Dreams

Interpretation of the dream Scissors

Scissors are a harbinger of a quarrel with a loved one or family troubles. Broken scissors are a very bad sign: you may have serious difficulties in business if you are not careful about your actions.

Interpretation of dreams from the French dream book

What does the dream of Scissors predict?

If you dreamed of nail scissors, it means that in reality you will be able to avoid serious complications from a dangerous illness. Cutting paper with scissors is a sign of jealousy and suspicion on the part of your husband or lover.

Large tailor's scissors - to quarrels and mutual accusations. Garden shears - deterioration of financial situation, metal scissors - loss of independence.

Old or rusty scissors - you will cut coupons and bask in luxury, having achieved unprecedented success. Golden scissors - joy in the home, addition to the family. Broken scissors - your behavior will alienate your friends and cause the disapproval of others.

Sharp, good cutting - you will mind your own business and incur losses; stupid, good for nothing - you will try to avoid the company of people unpleasant to you, refusing to go on a visit.

Sharpening scissors - you will be involved in a scandalous story and read about yourself in the press. If you prick yourself with sharply sharpened scissors until you bleed, people will spread gossip about you as a careless housewife and a worthless lover.

Interpretation of dreams from

If you want to know what scissors mean in dreams, open the dream book and you will read a detailed explanation of this phenomenon.

Pay special attention to whether they were new or old. The meaning of your dream also depends on this.

New, shiny scissors are harbingers of events that will positively affect your entire future life. And old, rusty ones say that everything that happens is temporary.

See them

If you dream of scissors lying closed on the table, then you have the excellent quality of keeping other people's secrets. And if they were open, then you can hardly be trusted with your secret experiences.

Seeing them on a white sheet of paper means trying to correct your mistakes and start a new life. And scissors on a beautiful tablecloth say that you will achieve changes that will turn your gray everyday life into bright, eventful days.

  • Dreaming of broken scissors means reconciliation with the offender.
  • They are very sharp - a sign of troubles around the house.
  • Stupid - to an invitation to visit from people who are unpleasant to you.
  • Manicure scissors in your cosmetic bag - you will be able to avoid serious illness.
  • Secateurs - to financial difficulties or excessive wastefulness.

As the dream book writes, scissors in a hairdresser are a sign that you are about to have a serious conversation with your rival. And to see how they cut her hair means to feel superior to her.

Watching your friend use nail scissors means worrying about her health. And if you dream that they are lying on a shelf in front of the mirror, then your wishes to your enemy may come true in your life.

Use them

The scissors you use to cut paper symbolize mistrust and suspicion in the family. And cutting fabric with them means you will soon get rich.

Getting rid of old branches using pruning shears is a minor expense. And if you dream that you are cutting metal, then in the near future you will lose your independence.

  • If you fail to cut something, you miss the opportunity to make good money.
  • Sharpening scissors - if you are careful, troubles will pass you by.
  • Dropping them means the arrival of long-awaited guests.
  • If you dream that you are injured by them, you worry about the future of your family.
  • Having your hair cut off means unexpected expenses.

According to the dream book, you dream about the scissors you use to cut flowers before a big holiday. And washing them from dirt means avoiding a well-deserved punishment.

Cut out various figures from paper - transfer your problems to others. And guessing with their help is a profitable, but very risky business.


If you dream that you are using scissors for an important task, this means that your partnership will bring good income. And cutting in a dream without any purpose means being deceived by loved ones.

Breaking scissors on purpose in a dream means getting rid of the need to perform an unpleasant task. And to do it accidentally is to help a friend do a difficult job.

  • Lending them means a quarrel with relatives or friends.
  • With plastic handles - for a comfortable stay with the family.
  • Large tailor's scissors - to unexpected accusations in your direction.
  • Injecting yourself with them and seeing blood means gossip and gossip.
  • Throwing them away means giving in to the argument, but remaining unconvinced.
  • Cutting new clothes means risking your health.
  • Throwing them into the water is an attempt to hide your actions.
  • Receiving them as a gift means new impressions.

If you dream of scissors that you stepped on, get ready for reproaches from your superiors. And if you use them, then in a conflict situation you will definitely emerge victorious.

Throwing them up means trying to improve your skills. And twirling them on your finger means analyzing the current situation.

Golden scissors dream of prosperity in the family. And silver ones indicate that you are capable of achieving a lot.

If you dreamed that they were drawn on a piece of paper, be prepared for betrayal in your close circle. And a tattoo in the form of scissors warns that you have new envious people.

If you dreamed of scissors, the dream book will definitely help you find out the meaning of this dream. Author: Vera Drobnaya

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