Good deeds for life are given as a proverb. Class hour “Life is given for good deeds T koti good friend read

General lesson on the topic: “Life is given for good deeds.”

Lesson objectives: generalize knowledge about humorous works (know the features of the construction of story texts; the characters of stories; the main distinctive features of their character); learn how to plan a text; learn to retell the text in detail, briefly, selectively;

learn to compose a monologue statement on a topic (oral composition); determine the meaning of proverbs, correlate proverbs with the material being studied.

Planned results of mastering the topic:

understanding the features of a narrative text; the ability to characterize the hero of the text; the ability to compare plots, compare characters; searching for the necessary information in accordance with the task; dividing the text into semantic parts, drawing up a plan; detailed, brief, condensed retelling of what was read; determining the main idea, correlating the proverb with the material being studied.

Resources and equipment:

Literary reading. Textbook. 3rd grade. Part 1.

T. Coty. Creative notebook. 3rd grade.

Progress of lessons

    Organizing time.

Hello my friends!

I'm glad to see you!

Let me hug you,

I wish you all good luck.

go to the board, hang up proverbs and explain their meaning.

2. Game “Good-Evil” - brainstorming

The first step to kindness is a kind word.

I will ask questions, and you all together, in unison, will answer - good or evil.

*Interrupt during a conversation?

*Call your neighbor an offensive word?

*Apologize for being late?

*Leave and not say goodbye?

*To help parents?

*Can't give up your seat to elders on the bus?

* Run through the corridors, knocking everyone down?

*Should I say hello when I meet?

*Push and not apologize?

*Help pick up a fallen item?

*Don't take off your hat when you enter school?

*Saying “Thank you” for a gift?

*To talk loudly?

4. Parable (video clip)

Preliminary work

5.Checking homework

Working with question No. 2 of the textbook.

Read the topic of the section you are studying again. Relate it with the works you have read.

Why are humorous stories included in the theme “Life is given for good deeds”?

How could the section be titled differently?

Offer your options.

Can all the stories read in this section be called humorous?

Working with question No. 5 of the textbook.

When completing this task, you need to draw up a plan for a selective retelling:

determine a fragment for a selective retelling (one event, a portrait of a hero, a characterization of a hero, a description of an act that the hero committed);


3.Retell the text;

5.Re-tell the text;

Working with question No. 6 of the textbook .

To which of the heroes can the words “Life is given for good deeds” be addressed? Replace this statement with proverbs or sayings that are similar in meaning.

Working with question No. 7 of the textbook.

Read all the proverbs.

Read only those proverbs that you have heard and know. In what cases were these proverbs used?

What proverbs can replace the title of our section?

Working with question No. 8 of the textbook.

The group works with one proverb and presents works that correspond to it.

Match: title of the work, author, hint (proverb, quotation from the text, supporting words)

N. Nosov


“One day Pavlik took Kotka with him to the river to fish. But that day they were unlucky: the fish didn’t bite at all.”

M. Zoshchenko

"Do not lie"

“You can’t get far by deception”?

“And I didn’t know anything about what happens in high schools. And for the first three months I literally walked around in a fog.”

L. Kaminsky


So he’s lying so well that he believes himself”?

"In Thirty Years"

billiards, ball, gifts.

"Difficult task"

radio, problem book, song, flea, bell.


"What Wins"

The most difficult struggle is to overcome yourself.

"What's more important"

In which family there is love and advice, there is no grief.

V. Dragunsky

"Where has this been seen, where has this been heard..."

“I stood and watched him eat. He is small, and the sausage is thicker than his neck. He held this sausage with his hands and ate it straight whole, without cutting it, and the skin cracked and burst when he bit it, and hot, fragrant juice splashed out from there.”

6 Testing

Test work No. 2 on the section “Life is given for good deeds”

N.N. Nosov

"Where has this been seen, where has this been heard..."

MM. Zoshchenko

"Difficult task"

V.Yu. Dragunsky

"In Thirty Years"

2. What genre does the work of L.D. belong to? Kaminsky "Essay"?

a) “Dreamers” b) “Mishkina porridge” c) “Living Hat” d) “Cucumbers”

4. Why did Lelya from the work “Thirty Years Later” say that she swallowed a ball?




5. What does the word “satirist” mean?

b) A satirical work

c) The person who wrote the article in the newspaper

6. Which proverb reveals the essence of the parable “What is more important”?

a) If you make money, you will live without need.

b) In which family there is love and advice, there is no grief.

c) Friends are known in trouble.

d) Don’t put off today’s work until tomorrow!

7. Find out the work by keywords: radio, problem book, song, flea, bell.

a) “Where has this been seen, where has this been heard...” c) “Cucumbers”

b) “Difficult task” d) “Essay”

8. Which work fits the proverb “You can’t get far by deception”?

a) “Where has this been seen, where has this been heard...”

b) Parable “What wins?”

c) “No need to lie”

Test work No. 2 “Life is given for good deeds”

2. What genre does M.M.’s work belong to? Zoshchenko “In Thirty Years”?

a) true story b) story c) fairy tale d) fable

3. Which of the works of N.N. Nosov is included in the section “Life is given for good deeds”?

a) “Mishkina porridge” b) “Difficult task” c) “Entertainers” d) “Patch”

4. Why in the work “No need to lie” did dad pick up Minka, kiss him and promise him a camera after he learned about the deuce and about several of his son’s diaries? __________________________________________




5. What does the word “canopy” mean?

a) haystack

b) the entrance part (hallway) of a traditional Russian house; unheated and non-residential premises

c) a hill where they go sledding

d) living space in the house

6. Which proverb reveals the essence of the parable “What conquers”?

a) The most difficult struggle is to overcome yourself.

b) Look for a friend, but if you find him, take care.

c) Health is more valuable than money.

d) Finished the job - go for a walk safely.

7. Find out the work by keywords: billiards, ball, gifts.

a) “Difficult task” c) “Essay”

b) “In Thirty Years” d) “Cucumbers”

8. Which work fits the proverb “He lies so well that he believes himself”?

a) “Essay”

b) Parable “What wins?”

c) “where has this been seen, where has this been heard...”

7. Making a collage.

What is more on earth: good or evil? Maybe someone can help us identify an antique cup clock? On one side of the scale we will put “evil” (tablets - envy, greed, rudeness, betrayal, war, lies). To defeat evil, you must try to tip the scales with “good”. Let's remember what good deeds you have done, and put them drop by drop on the scale with “good”

- You see, guys, how you can defeat evil. It’s the same in life: droplets of goodness, merging, turn into a stream, a stream into a river, rivers into a sea of ​​goodness. It's good when a person leaves behind a good mark.

8. Reflection. Summary of the lesson.

The path to kindness is not an easy, long path, on which a person expects ups and downs, descents and ascents, alternation of good and evil. Learning to be truly kind is difficult. A person should stop more often and reflect on his committed actions.

And today I thank everyone for the warm, confidential conversation, for the kind, smart thoughts, for the creative attitude to work.

Kind words are roots.

Good thoughts are flowers.

Good deeds are fruits.

Kind hearts - garden

Read the text.

V. Zheleznyakov

The ABC story

After lessons I went into the first class. I wouldn’t go to them, but a neighbor asked me to look after her son. After all, it’s the first of September, the first day of school. I dropped in, and the class was already empty. Everybody left. Well, I wanted to turn around and go. And suddenly I see: there is some kind of button sitting on the last desk, it’s almost invisible from behind the desk. It was a girl, not the boy I was looking for. As befits first-graders, she was in a white apron and with white bows exactly

ten times the size of her head. It's strange that she was sitting alone. Everyone has gone home and maybe already

they eat broths and milk jelly there and tell their parents miracles about school, but this one sits and waits for who knows what.

Girl, I say, why don’t you go home?

No attention.

Maybe she lost something?

He sits like a statue and doesn’t move.

I do not know what to do. It seems awkward to leave.

I went up to the board, figured out how to move this “statue,” and slowly drew on the board with chalk. I drew a first-grader who came home from school and is having lunch. Then his father, mother and two grandmothers. He chews, devours both cheeks, and they look into his mouth. It turned out to be a funny picture.

And you and I, I say, are hungry. Isn't it time for us to go home?

No,” he answers, “I’m not going home.”

So, are you going to spend the night here?

Then my conscience bothered me, and I returned.

“You,” I say, “if you don’t tell me why you’re sitting here, I’ll call the school doctor now.” And he - once twice! - “ambulance”, siren - and you’re in the hospital.

I decided to scare her. I'm afraid of this doctor myself. He’s always saying, “Breathe, don’t breathe,” and he puts the thermometer under his arm. Cold as an icicle.

Well, good. I'll go to the hospital.

Honestly, she was crazy.

“Can you tell me,” I shouted, “what happened to you?”

My brother is waiting for me. He's sitting in the yard.

I looked out into the yard. Indeed, there was a little boy sitting on the bench.

So what?

And the fact that I promised him that I would learn all the letters today.

You are strong to promise! - I said. - The whole alphabet in one day!

Maybe you will finish school in one year then? Strong to lie!

I didn't lie, I just didn't know.

I see she's about to cry. She lowered her eyes and turned her head somehow incomprehensibly.

Letters are taught throughout the year. This is not an easy matter.

Our mom and dad have gone far away, and Seryozha, my brother, misses him a lot. He asked his grandmother to write them a letter from him,

and she still has no free time. I told him: I’ll go to school, learn the letters, and write a letter to mom and dad. And he told the boys in the yard. And today we wrote sticks all day. - Now she should have cried.

Sticks, I say, are good, wonderful! You can make letters out of sticks. - I went up to the board and wrote the letter “A”. Printed. - This is the letter “A”. It is made of three sticks. Letter hut. I never thought that I would be a teacher. But it was necessary to distract her so as not to

started crying.

“And now,” I say, “let’s go to your brother, and I will explain everything to him.”

We went out into the yard and headed towards her brother. They walked like little ones, holding hands. She put her hand in my hand. Her palm is soft and warm, and her fingers are padded. Now, I think, if any of the guys see it, they will laugh. But you can’t throw her hand away - he’s a human... And this sad knight Seryozha sits and dangles his legs. Pretends not to see us.

Listen, I say, old man. How can I explain this to you?

Well, in general, to learn the entire alphabet, you need to study for a whole year. This is not such an easy matter.

So you haven't learned it? - He looked defiantly at his sister. - There was nothing to promise.

“We wrote sticks all day,” the girl said despairingly. - And letters are made from sticks.

But he didn't listen to her. He slid off the bench, lowered his head and began to walk like a duck.

He simply didn't notice me. And I'm tired of it. I was always getting involved in other people's affairs.

I learned the letter "A". It's written as a hut! - shouted

girl in her brother's back. But he didn't even look back.

Then I caught up with him.

“Listen,” I say, “what’s her fault? Science is a complex matter. Go to school and find out for yourself. Do you think Gagarin or Titov mastered the entire alphabet in one day? Oh, how we sweat too! And your hands have given up.

“I spent the whole day composing a letter to my mother as a souvenir,” he said.

He had such a sad face, and I thought that it was a shame that his parents didn’t take him if he missed him so much. If you are planning to go to Siberia, take your children with you. They will not be afraid of long distances or severe frosts.

My God, what a tragedy! - I say. - I'll come today

to you after lunch and I will draw everything on paper under your dictation in the best possible way.

That's good! - said the girl. - We live in this house, for

iron fence... Really, Seryozha, okay?

Okay,” Seryozha answered. - I'll be waiting.

I saw them enter the yard and their figures flashed between the iron bars of the fence and the green bushes. And then I heard a loud, malicious, boyish voice.

Seryozha, well, has your sister learned all the letters?

I saw that Seryozha stopped, and his sister ran into the entrance.

Learn the alphabet, do you know how much you need to study? - said Seryozha. - You have to study for a whole year.

That means your letters were crying,” said the boy. -

And your Siberia cried.

“I didn’t cry,” Seryozha answered. - I have a friend, he has not been in first grade for a long time; he will come to us today and write a letter.

“You’re all lying,” said the boy. - Oh, and you are strong at pouring! Well, what's your friend's name?

There was silence.

Another minute, and the victorious, triumphant exclamation of the malicious boy should have been heard, but I did not allow this to happen. No, it was not in my nature. I climbed onto the stone foundation of the fence and stuck my head between the bars.

By the way, his name is Yurka,” I shouted. - There is such a world-famous name.

This boy's mouth opened in surprise, like a hound's when it misses a hare. But Seryozha said nothing. He wasn't the type to hit people when they were down. And I jumped to the ground and went home. I don’t know why, but I was in a good mood. It's fun at heart, that's all. I was in a great mood. I even wanted to sing.

Complete the tasks: (to the whole class)

1. Determine the genre of this text.

2.What is discussed in the text. Please note:

about the friendship between Yura and the little girl;

about how the girl went to school;

about how the girl wanted to help her brother.

5.What character qualities did the girl have?

6.Answer the question: I would like to be friends with such a girl

3.Divide the text into parts. Make an outline of this text.

4.What kind of retelling can be done according to this plan (brief; selective; detailed) - memo

Compose 5 questions in test form

Write a feedback.


1. Underline the main (key) words on which the retelling of the text will be based;

2.Spread these words by making a sentence;

3.Retell the text;

4. Determine which important words and phrases were missed during the retelling;

5.Re-tell the text;

6.Evaluate the retelling yourself;

7.Get an assessment from your classmates.


I may not have been able to become very good. It is very difficult. But this is what I always strived for, children.”

Key:1 option

Key:2 option

Satire is 1. Accusatory, flagellating irony.

2. A literary work exposing the negative phenomena of reality.

Lesson objectives: generalize knowledge about humorous works (know the features of the construction of story texts; the characters of stories; the main distinctive features of their character); learn how to plan a text; learn to retell the text in detail, briefly, selectively;

learn to compose a monologue statement on a topic (oral composition); determine the meaning of proverbs, correlate proverbs with the material being studied.



General lesson on the topic: “Life is given for good deeds.”

Lesson objectives: generalize knowledge about humorous works (know the features of the construction of story texts; the characters of stories; the main distinctive features of their character); learn how to plan a text; learn to retell the text in detail, briefly, selectively;

learn to compose a monologue statement on a topic (oral composition); determine the meaning of proverbs, correlate proverbs with the material being studied.

Planned results of mastering the topic:

understanding the features of a narrative text; the ability to characterize the hero of the text; the ability to compare plots, compare characters; searching for the necessary information in accordance with the task; dividing the text into semantic parts, drawing up a plan; detailed, brief, condensed retelling of what was read; determining the main idea, correlating the proverb with the material being studied.

Resources and equipment:

Literary reading. Textbook. 3rd grade. Part 1.

T. Coty. Creative notebook. 3rd grade.

Progress of lessons

  1. Organizing time.

Hello my friends!

I'm glad to see you!

Let me hug you,

I wish you all good luck.

go to the board, hang up proverbs and explain their meaning.

2. Game “Good-Evil” - brainstorming

The first step to kindness is a kind word.

I will ask questions, and you all together, in unison, will answer - good or evil.

*Interrupt during a conversation?

*Call your neighbor an offensive word?

*Apologize for being late?

*Leave and not say goodbye?

*To help parents?

*Can't give up your seat to elders on the bus?

* Run through the corridors, knocking everyone down?

*Should I say hello when I meet?

*Push and not apologize?

*Help pick up a fallen item?

*Don't take off your hat when you enter school?

*Saying “Thank you” for a gift?

*To talk loudly?

4. Parable (video clip)

Preliminary work

5.Checking homework

Working with question No. 2 of the textbook.

Read the topic of the section you are studying again. Relate it with the works you have read.

Why are humorous stories included in the theme “Life is given for good deeds”?

How could the section be titled differently?

Offer your options.

Can all the stories read in this section be called humorous?


Working with question No. 5 of the textbook.

When completing this task, you need to draw up a plan for a selective retelling:

determine a fragment for a selective retelling (one event, a portrait of a hero, a characteristic of a hero, a description of an act that the hero committed);


3.Retell the text;

Working with question No. 6 of the textbook.

To which of the heroes can the words “Life is given for good deeds” be addressed? Replace this statement with proverbs or sayings that are similar in meaning.

Working with question No. 7 of the textbook.

Read all the proverbs.

Read only those proverbs that you have heard and know. In what cases were these proverbs used?

What proverbs can replace the title of our section?

Working with question No. 8 of the textbook.

The group works with one proverb and presents works that correspond to it.

Match: title of the work, author, hint (proverb, quotation from the text, supporting words)

N. Nosov


“One day Pavlik took Kotka with him to the river to fish. But that day they were unlucky: the fish didn’t bite at all.”

M. Zoshchenko

"Do not lie"

“You can’t get far by deception”?

“And I didn’t know anything about what happens in high schools. And for the first three months I literally walked around in a fog.”

L. Kaminsky


So he’s lying so well that he believes himself”?

"In Thirty Years"

billiards, ball, gifts.

"Difficult task"

radio, problem book, song, flea, bell.


"What Wins"

The most difficult struggle is to overcome yourself.

"What's more important"

In which family there is love and advice, there is no grief.

V. Dragunsky

"Where has this been seen, where has this been heard..."

“I stood and watched him eat. He is small, and the sausage is thicker than his neck. He held this sausage with his hands and ate it straight whole, without cutting it, and the skin cracked and burst when he bit it, and hot, fragrant juice splashed out from there.”

6 Testing

2. What genre does the work of L.D. belong to? Kaminsky "Essay"?

a) “Dreamers” b) “Mishkina porridge” c) “Living Hat” d) “Cucumbers”

4. Why did Lelya from the work “Thirty Years Later” say that she swallowed a ball?




5. What does the word “satirist” mean?

b) A satirical work

c) The person who wrote the article in the newspaper

6. Which proverb reveals the essence of the parable “What is more important”?

a) If you make money, you will live without need.

b) In which family there is love and advice, there is no grief.

c) Friends are known in trouble.

d) Don’t put off today’s work until tomorrow!

7. Find out the work by keywords: radio, problem book, song, flea, bell.

a) “Where has this been seen, where has this been heard...” c) “Cucumbers”

b) “Difficult task” d) “Essay”

8. Which work fits the proverb “You can’t get far by deception”?

a) “Where has this been seen, where has this been heard...”

b) Parable “What wins?”

c) “No need to lie”

Test work No. 2 “Life is given for good deeds”

Option 2

2. What genre does M.M.’s work belong to? Zoshchenko “In Thirty Years”?

a) true story b) story c) fairy tale d) fable

3. Which of the works of N.N. Nosov is included in the section “Life is given for good deeds”?

a) “Mishkina porridge” b) “Difficult task” c) “Entertainers” d) “Patch”

4. Why in the work “No need to lie” did dad pick up Minka, kiss him and promise him a camera after he learned about the deuce and about several of his son’s diaries? __________________________________________




5. What does the word “canopy” mean?

a) haystack

b) the entrance part (hallway) of a traditional Russian house; unheated and non-residential premises

c) a hill where they go sledding

d) living space in the house

6. Which proverb reveals the essence of the parable “What conquers”?

a) The most difficult struggle is to overcome yourself.

b) Look for a friend, but if you find him, take care.

c) Health is more valuable than money.

d) Finished the job - go for a walk safely.

7. Find out the work by keywords: billiards, ball, gifts.

a) “Difficult task” c) “Essay”

b) “In Thirty Years” d) “Cucumbers”

8. Which work fits the proverb “He lies so well that he believes himself”?

a) “Essay”

b) Parable “What wins?”

c) “where has this been seen, where has this been heard...”

7. Making a collage.

What is more on earth: good or evil? Maybe they can help us identify an ancient cup clock? On one side of the scale we will put “evil” (tablets - envy, greed, rudeness, betrayal, war, lies). To defeat evil, we must try to tip the scales with “good”. Let's remember what good deeds you have done, and put them drop by drop on the scale with “good”

- You see, guys, how you can defeat evil. It’s the same in life: droplets of goodness, merging, turn into a stream, a stream into a river, rivers into a sea of ​​goodness. It's good when a person leaves behind a good mark.

8. Reflection. Summary of the lesson.

The path to kindness is not an easy, long path, on which a person expects ups and downs, descents and ascents, alternation of good and evil. Learning to be truly kind is difficult. A person should stop more often and reflect on his committed actions.

And today I thank everyone for the warm, confidential conversation, for the kind, smart thoughts, for the creative attitude to work.

Kind words are roots.

Good thoughts are flowers.

Good deeds are fruits.

Kind hearts - garden

Read the text.

V. Zheleznyakov

The ABC story

After lessons I went into the first class. I wouldn’t go to them, but a neighbor asked me to look after her son. After all, it’s the first of September, the first day of school. I dropped in, and the class was already empty. Everybody left. Well, I wanted to turn around and go. And suddenly I see: there is some kind of button sitting on the last desk, it’s almost invisible from behind the desk. It was a girl, not the boy I was looking for. As befits first-graders, she was in a white apron and with white bows exactly

ten times the size of her head. It's strange that she was sitting alone. Everyone has gone home and maybe already

they eat broths and milk jelly there and tell their parents miracles about school, but this one sits and waits for who knows what.

Girl, I say, why don’t you go home?

No attention.

Maybe she lost something?

He sits like a statue and doesn’t move.

I do not know what to do. It seems awkward to leave.

I went up to the board, figured out how to move this “statue,” and slowly drew on the board with chalk. I drew a first-grader who came home from school and is having lunch. Then his father, mother and two grandmothers. He chews, devours both cheeks, and they look into his mouth. It turned out to be a funny picture.

And you and I, I say, are hungry. Isn't it time for us to go home?

No,” he answers, “I’m not going home.”

So, are you going to spend the night here?

Then my conscience bothered me, and I returned.

“You,” I say, “if you don’t tell me why you’re sitting here, I’ll call the school doctor now.” And he - once twice! - “ambulance”, siren - and you’re in the hospital.

I decided to scare her. I'm afraid of this doctor myself. He’s always saying, “Breathe, don’t breathe,” and he puts the thermometer under his arm. Cold as an icicle.

Well, good. I'll go to the hospital.

Honestly, she was crazy.

“Can you tell me,” I shouted, “what happened to you?”

My brother is waiting for me. He's sitting in the yard.

I looked out into the yard. Indeed, there was a little boy sitting on the bench.

So what?

And the fact that I promised him that I would learn all the letters today.

You are strong to promise! - I said. - The whole alphabet in one day!

Maybe you will finish school in one year then? Strong to lie!

I didn't lie, I just didn't know.

I see she's about to cry. She lowered her eyes and turned her head somehow incomprehensibly.

Letters are taught throughout the year. This is not an easy matter.

Our mom and dad have gone far away, and Seryozha, my brother, misses him a lot. He asked his grandmother to write them a letter from him,

and she still has no free time. I told him: I’ll go to school, learn the letters, and write a letter to mom and dad. And he told the boys in the yard. And today we wrote sticks all day. - Now she should have cried.

Sticks, I say, are good, they’re wonderful! You can make letters out of sticks. - I went up to the board and wrote the letter “A”. Printed. - This is the letter “A”. It is made of three sticks. Letter hut. I never thought that I would be a teacher. But it was necessary to distract her so as not to

started crying.

“And now,” I say, “let’s go to your brother, and I will explain everything to him.”

We went out into the yard and headed towards her brother. They walked like little ones, holding hands. She put her hand in my hand. Her palm is soft and warm, and her fingers are padded. Now, I think, if any of the guys see it, they will laugh. But you can’t throw her hand away - he’s a human... And this sad knight Seryozha sits and dangles his legs. Pretends not to see us.

Listen, I say, old man. How can I explain this to you?

Well, in general, to learn the entire alphabet, you need to study for a whole year. This is not such an easy matter.

So you haven't learned it? - He looked defiantly at his sister. - There was nothing to promise.

“We wrote sticks all day,” the girl said despairingly. - And letters are made from sticks.

But he didn't listen to her. He slid off the bench, lowered his head and began to walk like a duck.

He simply didn't notice me. And I'm tired of it. I was always getting involved in other people's affairs.

I learned the letter "A". It's written as a hut! - shouted

girl in her brother's back. But he didn't even look back.

Then I caught up with him.

“Listen,” I say, “what’s her fault? Science is a complex matter. Go to school and find out for yourself. Do you think Gagarin or Titov mastered the entire alphabet in one day? Oh, how we sweat too! And your hands have given up.

“I spent the whole day composing a letter to my mother as a souvenir,” he said.

He had such a sad face, and I thought that it was a shame that his parents didn’t take him if he missed him so much. If you are planning to go to Siberia, take your children with you. They will not be afraid of long distances or severe frosts.

My God, what a tragedy! - I say. - I'll come today

to you after lunch and I will draw everything on paper under your dictation in the best possible way.

That's good! - said the girl. - We live in this house, for

iron fence... Really, Seryozha, okay?

Okay,” Seryozha answered. - I'll be waiting.

I saw them enter the yard and their figures flashed between the iron bars of the fence and the green bushes. And then I heard a loud, malicious, boyish voice.

Seryozha, well, has your sister learned all the letters?

I saw that Seryozha stopped, and his sister ran into the entrance.

Learn the alphabet, do you know how much you need to study? - said Seryozha. - You have to study for a whole year.

That means your letters were crying,” said the boy. -

And your Siberia cried.

“I didn’t cry,” Seryozha answered. - I have a friend, he has not been in first grade for a long time; he will come to us today and write a letter.

“You’re all lying,” said the boy. - Oh, and you are strong at pouring! Well, what's your friend's name?

There was silence.

Another minute, and the victorious, triumphant exclamation of the malicious boy should have been heard, but I did not allow this to happen. No, it was not in my nature. I climbed onto the stone foundation of the fence and stuck my head between the bars.

By the way, his name is Yurka,” I shouted. - There is such a world-famous name.

This boy's mouth opened in surprise, like a hound's when it misses a hare. But Seryozha said nothing. He wasn't the type to hit people when they were down. And I jumped to the ground and went home. I don’t know why, but I was in a good mood. It's fun at heart, that's all. I was in a great mood. I even wanted to sing.

Complete the tasks: (to the whole class)

1. Determine the genre of this text.

2.What is discussed in the text. Please note:

about the friendship between Yura and the little girl;

about how the girl went to school;

about how the girl wanted to help her brother.

5.What character qualities did the girl have?

6.Answer the question: I would like to be friends with such a girl

1 group

2nd group

3 group

3.Divide the text into parts. Make an outline of this text.

4.What kind of retelling can be done according to this plan (brief; selective; detailed) - memo

Compose 5 questions in test form

Write a feedback.


1. Underline the main (key) words on which the retelling of the text will be based;

2.Spread these words by making a sentence;

3.Retell the text;

4. Determine which important words and phrases were missed during the retelling;

5.Re-tell the text;

6.Evaluate the retelling yourself;

7.Get an assessment from your classmates.


I may not have been able to become very good. It is very difficult. But this is what I always strived for, children.”

Key:1 option

Key:2 option

Satire is 1. Accusatory, flagellating irony.

2. A literary work exposing the negative phenomena of reality.

Page 76

  • What do you think good deeds are? Give examples from the works you read in the textbook “Literary Reading”.
  • What good deeds have you done?

1. I take out the trash every morning.
2. I help my neighbor grandmother lift a heavy bag to the fifth floor.
3. I leave food for a stray dog ​​in the yard.
4. I help mommy and tell her kind words.

  • Think about the difference between the words kind and kind. Look in the dictionary what the word kindness means.

Kind- sympathetic, sincere, ready to help others.
Kind sounds ironic. Fake, embellished kindness.

Kindness- responsiveness, emotional disposition towards people, desire to do good to others.

  • Remember the proverbs and sayings about goodness and good deeds. Write down the proverb that you liked best. Explain how you understand it.

Page 77

Life is given for good deeds. A proverb about why we are born. Do good to others and it will definitely come back to you.

  • Come up with a short story “How I helped my mother” and write it down. Use the words from the “Vocabulary Box” (cleanliness, order, clean the room, take care, look after, help)

Page 78

How I helped my mother

Every year on my mother’s birthday there are a lot of guests who rush to congratulate her. Some even come from other cities, because my mother is the best in the world!
This year, dad said that we would surprise mom and cook the holiday dinner ourselves. The day before I was very worried and set the alarm for five in the morning so that I could do everything in time. When the alarm clock rang, I jumped out of bed and started cleaning. I carefully dusted the whole house, watered the flowers, and put my room in order. Then he filled a bucket with water and began to wash the floors.
When mom woke up, delight lit up her face with radiant purity. Dad held a huge bouquet in his hands and smiled. We sent mom to the beauty salon to prepare a festive dinner for her arrival. As soon as the door closed behind her, Dad and I put the chicken in the oven, quickly chopped up the salad and started baking the chocolate cake.
When mom arrived, the house was sparkling clean, the windows were sparkling, the table was set and the whole house was decorated with balloons. That day I never saw any guests, because by the time they arrived I had fallen into a peaceful sleep from fatigue. The next day I woke up to my mother's kiss. I opened my eyes and saw that my mother had been sitting on my bed for a long time and was waiting for me to get up. She smiled and held out a huge teddy bear. Then she kissed me again and said: “Thank you, my dear, I couldn’t have done it without you.”

material preview

Educational hour

“Life is given for good deeds”

Goal: formation of moral personality traits in students; consolidation of generally accepted rules of behavior, manifestations of good feelings and actions.

    reveal the essence of the concepts of “goodness”, “kindness”, “good deeds”;

    promote the development of communication skills, teamwork, the ability to analyze life situations and give them an appropriate assessment;

    cultivate the desire to do good deeds and show kindness to others.

Form: round table.

Progress of the educational hour

Org. moment

A person almost always knows whether he is doing good or bad. Throughout his life, from childhood, a person learns “What is good and what is bad.”

And you, how are you doing? It's not easy to evaluate correctly. We have a good helper - our conscience.

Conscience is a feeling of moral responsibility for one’s behavior and actions towards oneself, the people around you and society. It tells us what is good and evil, keeps us from evil deeds and encourages us to do good ones. Conscience warns us from evil and guides us to the path of good.

Collect a proverb that will accompany us and be the theme of the educational hour “Life is given for good deeds.”

Main part

Every person has repeatedly wondered why he lives in this world, what is the meaning of his existence. And everyone probably came to the conclusion that life is too precious to waste. There must be some higher purpose in life, some meaning that makes it worthwhile. Life is given to us not just to eat and sleep, but in order to create and express ourselves in something, life is given to us in order to do good, to make this world even more beautiful and perfect.

And on the contrary, if you do evil to people, then the meaning of such life is lost, a person turns into an empty but dirty place. This is a sure path to loneliness, and a lonely person simply goes crazy. Therefore, doing good is not only our duty, but also a vital necessity. So let's do only good deeds and don't waste our lives in vain.

Definition of the concepts of good and evil.

The difficulty arises in the fact that each person has his own idea of ​​what good and evil are.

Goodness brings peace, happiness, and peace into people's lives. Naturally, one should not think that good has the same meaning for every person. Not at all. Naturally, the cultural environment in which a person grew up plays a role in the formation of this concept. In our culture, goodness is associated with light colors. Good is also understood as the desire to do something pleasant and good for another (person, nature, animal...), and this desire should not contain benefit, and the desire should come from a “pure heart.”

Evil is the concept opposite to good. It is quite extensive and includes many smaller “components”.

Evil has its own “ideals”, which include violence, hatred, destruction, anger, restriction of freedom against the will of a person, terrorism, envy, fear, lies, anger, etc. If we consider evil not so broadly or abstractly, then its designation can be formulated , as inflicting suffering on living beings by any means (both physical and moral).

The parable of two wolves.

Once upon a time, an old Indian revealed one vital truth to his grandson.

There is a struggle in every person, very similar to the struggle of two wolves. One wolf represents evil - envy, jealousy, regret, selfishness, ambition, lies...

Another wolf represents goodness - peace, love

The little Indian, touched to the depths of his soul by his grandfather’s words, thought for a few moments, and then asked:

Which wolf wins in the end?

The old Indian smiled faintly and replied:

The wolf you feed always wins.

How do you understand the meaning of these words?

Video “Even animals save each other”

(Discussion, answers to questions.)

Test “What kind of person are you?”

(Each student completes the test, scores are calculated, and then the test answers are read out)


Pupils take turns reading proverbs about goodness.

    Good is not exchanged for bad.

    Hurry to do good.

    Good will overcome bad.

    From good to bad is one step.

    It's good to live with kindness.

How do you understand the meaning of these proverbs? (a person who does good to others feels happy)

Real goodness must be selfless. You need to give a part of your life to others.


Let's think about the questions of the hero of the poem by Alexander Yashin.

“Whose heart I softened,

Who did you give your hand to?

Who did you ease your mental anguish for?

Whose old age did you console?

Who did you make happy?

Whom did you bring out onto the road?”

These questions are addressed to each of us. And I am convinced that in the lives of all of us there have been moments when someone helped us in a timely manner in a variety of situations. Or you yourself supported someone in trouble, regardless of whether it was a loved one or a complete stranger.

No matter how life flies -

Don't regret your days,

do a good deed

For the sake of people's happiness.

To make the heart burn,

Didn't smolder in the darkness

Do a good deed -

That's why we live on Earth.

Now listen to V. Oseeva’s story “On the River Bank” and think about what qualities the heroes of this story have.

Yura and Tolya walked not far from the river bank.

It’s interesting,” said Tolya, “how these feats are accomplished?” I would really like to accomplish some feat!

“But I don’t even think about it...” Yura answered and suddenly stopped.

Desperate cries for help were heard from the river.

Both boys rushed to the call. Yura kicked off his shoes as he walked, threw his books aside and, reaching the shore, threw himself into the water.

And Tolya ran along the shore and shouted:

Who called? Who was screaming? Who's drowning?

Meanwhile, Yura hardly pulled the crying baby ashore.

Ah, here it is! That's who screamed! - Tolya was delighted. - Alive? Well, good! But if we hadn’t arrived in time, who knows what would have happened!

The next day, Tolya loudly boasted about how they saved the baby. And Yura stood modestly on the sidelines.

    What qualities did Tolya and Yura demonstrate?

    Why did Tolya talk about the feat, but Yura was silent?

    Today we talked a lot about kindness. Tell me, what is kindness, good deeds, a kind person?


View the top 10 kindest deeds.

Result, reflection.

What good deeds can we do at school, on the street, in transport? (question in a circle).

Why do they need to be done? (so that the world becomes more joyful, warmer, more fun, so that everyone is friends, so that there is no evil...).

Don't stand by indifferently.

When someone is in trouble.

Need to rush to the rescue

Any minute, always.

And if it helps someone, someone

Your kindness, your smile,

Are you happy that the day was not lived in vain?

That the years you live are not in vain.


Test “What kind of person are you?”

People are different...

Some are ready to give their last to the first person they meet, while others even feel sorry for the snow in winter. What category of people do you belong to? Are you always kind and attentive to others? The test will help you answer these questions; choose one answer:

1. You have money. Could you spend everything you have on gifts for your friends?

2. A friend (friend) tells you about his troubles. Will you let him know that you are not interested in this, even if this is true?

3. If your partner is bad at checkers or another game, will you sometimes give in to him in order to please him?

4. Do you often say nice things to people just to cheer them up?

5. Do you like evil jokes?

6. Are you vindictive?

7. Can you listen patiently even to something that doesn’t interest you at all?

8. Do you know how to put your abilities into practice?

9. Do you quit the game if you start losing?

10. If you are sure that you are right, do you refuse to listen to your friend’s arguments?

11. Do you willingly fulfill requests?

12. Will you make fun of someone to make others laugh?

Test results:

More than 8 points. - You are polite and kind, people like you, you know how to deal with people. You probably have a lot of friends. You try to have good relations with everyone, but you won’t please everyone, and it won’t do you any good.

From 4 to 8 points. - Well, your kindness is a matter of chance. You are not kind to everyone. For those who managed to win your favor, you are ready to do anything, but with those you don’t like, you don’t intend to be nice. It's not so bad. But, perhaps, we should try to behave evenly with everyone so that people do not get offended.

Less than 4 points. “Communicating with you, I must admit, is sometimes just torture even for the people closest to you. Be kinder and you will have more friends. After all, friendship requires a good attitude...


    Good is not exchanged for bad.

    To create good things is to amuse yourself.

    Hurry to do good.

    Gain good things and get rid of bad things.

    Rye and wheat will be born every year, but a kind person will always come in handy.

    Everyone loves goodness, but not everyone loves it.

    The eyes light up at someone else's goodness.

    It happens, good, but not everyone cares.

    Good will overcome bad.

    From good to bad is one step.

    It is bad for him who does no good to anyone.

    A good deed does not drown in water.

    It's good to live with kindness.

In the opinion of many elementary school teachers, this is a rather stupid creative notebook, and therefore most do not even purchase them for textbooks. Absolutely the same material and almost the same questions are in the textbook, and therefore we will also go through this creative notebook briefly, without stopping or special explanations. Let us clarify that this creative notebook is for a textbook on literary reading for grade 3 according to the Perspective program, author T.Yu. Koti, who apparently composed half of the tasks and poems right there on the go. Well, she made it up, and we completed all the tasks. All you have to do is copy down the answers in our workbook with ready-made homework assignments.

We will be glad if our GDZ is still useful to you.

Answers to assignments for a creative notebook on literature for grade 3

Page 4-6. Books are my friends

The book that Vanya read in the summer is called “The Adventures of Bibigon”, its author is K.I. Chukovsky.

I am also familiar with Chukovsky’s works: “Aibolit”; "Barmaley"; "Stolen Sun"; "Moidodyr"; "Confusion"; "Telephone"; "Fedorino's grief"; "Cockroach."

Books read over the summer: List the books you read.

First the basics and the beeches, and then the sciences. (First a person learns the alphabet, and then reads books).
ABC is science, and for the kids - beech. (Sometimes the alphabet is hard for children).
For az and beeches, and a pointer in hand. (Those who have learned to read and write are entrusted with leadership)

Proverbs, sayings and riddles about the book

Select a few of your favorites from the list below.

The book decorates in happiness, and consoles in misfortune.
Those who know more will get the books.
A book is the best friend.
A book is not beautiful in its writing, but in its mind.
From time immemorial, a book has raised a person.
It's not good to read books when you can only grasp the top of them.
I owe everything good in me to books (M. Gorky).
Love a book - a source of knowledge (M. Gorky).
A book is a book, but also move your mind.
The book is good, but the readers are bad.
Books don't tell, but they tell the truth.
Read books, but don’t forget things to do.
Reading books is not playing nice.
If you read books, you will know everything.
Choose a book like you choose a friend.
A book is to the mind what warm rain is to sunrise.
Books do not like to be honored, but they like to be read.
A book is like water: it will make its way everywhere.
The book will help in work, and will help out in trouble.
One good book is better than any treasure.
A good book is a sincere friend.
A good book shines brighter than a star.
A book is food for the mind.
A book is your friend, without it it’s like having no hands.
The book has two pages and the middle is empty.
Books are different: one teaches, the other torments.
The book is not a plane, but will take you far away.
The book is not a hat, but choose according to your head.
In a book, look not for letters, but for thoughts.
For a book, move your mind.
Some books enrich you, and others lead you astray.
Some books will add to your mind, others will turn you off.
Some people follow a book with their eyes, but their mind wanders around.
To whom a book is entertainment, and to whom it is teaching.
Those who know the basics and basics will find books in their hands.
It is wasted labor to fish without a hook and study without a book.
One book teaches thousands of people.
To be familiar with books is to gain intelligence.
Living with a book is a breeze.
If you get used to the book, you will gain intelligence.
A mind without a book is like a bird without wings.
You can't get any smarter than a book.
Some from books, some from the valley.
There is not a single book in the house - the owner has bad kids.
Riddles about books

Russian riddles about the book:

She is small,
but gave me intelligence.

Not a bush, but with leaves,
Not a shirt, but sewn,
Not a person, but a storyteller.

Not a tree, but with leaves,
Not a shirt, but sewn,
Not a plant, but with a root,
Not a person, but with intelligence.

Who speaks silently?

The answer to the riddles: BOOK. This answer could become the title of a poem by T. Koti.

Page 6

  1. Ivan Fedorov
  2. Ivan groznyj
  3. Drukhar
  4. ABC

Page 7-21. Life is given for good deeds

good friend
T. Coty

Life is given for good deeds,
So that heart reaches out to heart,
So that the good word returns
And the road was bright.
Life is given for good deeds.
A man has a good friend.
This is conscience.
Everyone knows her.
In someone's heart, she is at home.
It will make someone scared
If you don't have time to listen to the truth.
Conscience teaches us how to live.
You will always recognize her voice.
You won't always hear what you want.
But you will understand what is best to do.
Conscience teaches us how to live.
Life is given for good deeds,
So that heart reaches out to heart,
So that the good word returns
And the road was bright.
Life is given for good deeds.

Why do you think the author chose these words for the title of the poem? Can conscience be a good friend? Why? Have there ever been situations in your life when you heard the voice of conscience? Did you listen to her advice? Suggest your own ideas for the title of the poem. Write them down.

The author chose these words for the title of the poem because they express the main idea of ​​this work.
Conscience can be a good friend because it teaches people how to live.
There have been situations in my life when I heard the voice of conscience. I had to listen to her advice.
My options for the title of the poem: “Life is given for good deeds”, “You will always recognize the voice of conscience”, “Bright road”.

Read what Vladimir Ivanovich Dal said about his native Russian language in “The Word of Advice.” Don't you think that he
Do words spoken almost 150 years ago sound very modern today?

V. Dahl
Look at Derzhavin, at Karamzin, Krylov, at Zhukovsky, Pushkin... isn’t it clear that they avoided the speech of others; that they tried, each in their own way, to write in pure Russian? And how much Pushkin valued our people’s speech, with what fervor and delight he listened to it... Simply put, Russian speech faces one of two things: either to be utterly debased, or, having come to its senses, to turn onto a different path, taking with it all that has been abandoned in a hurry stocks. Explain how you understood the words foreign language, send, come to your senses. Look up the meanings of these words in a dictionary. What kind of reserves, abandoned in a hurry, do you think V. Dahl is talking about? Why should we take care of them? Discuss with a friend how you yourself feel about your native language, whether you take care of it, and whether you don’t litter your speech with unnecessary, ugly words.

The words of V. Dahl, spoken almost 150 years ago, today sound very modern, because Russian speech is filled with jargon and a large number of foreign words.

Alien speech is words borrowed from a foreign language.
To vulgarize - to become vulgar, to become vulgar.
Having come to my senses - having come to my senses, having come to my senses.

I think that V. Dal is talking about original Russian words, which is what he means by the expression “reserves abandoned in a hurry.” We must take care of them, because they constitute the wealth of the Russian language.

Sometimes my friends and I use slang words, but we try to say them as rarely as possible. The native language must be loved and protected - we understand this.

Page 9

Answers to pages 22-28. Fairy tale

Pages 29-38. Love all living things

Answers to questions pages 39-42. Pictures of Russian nature

Pages 43-51. Great Russian writers

Answers to questions pp. 52-54. Literary fairy tale

Page 55-63. Pictures of native nature

That's it, end of the notebook!

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