Coprostasis symptoms. Obstructive intestinal obstruction in children. What can cause coprostasis?

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Reasons for the development of coprostasis

Stagnation of food masses inside the colon is an unacceptable condition that interferes with the normal functioning of the digestive tract. Late awakening is a favorable condition for the development of coprostasis.

Food constantly moves through the intestines and accumulates, but bowel movements do not occur, because, accordingly, the person is sleeping. The transit of chyme and feces is systematic, so a normalized, orderly rhythm of life has a positive effect on intestinal motility - without lack of sleep and late awakening.

The following factors contribute to stagnation of feces and subsequent difficulty in bowel movement:

Low water consumption (less than 1 liter per day);
lack of physical activity;
poor, uniform diet (cereals or dry foods);
aging of the body, slowdown of metabolic processes;
weight loss due to helminthiasis;
long-term abstinence from natural bowel movements.

Drying of feces in the intestines entails an increase in coprostasis with the formation of coprolite as the only type of feces. Fecal stones are direct evidence of a violation of the gastrointestinal microflora. Among the dangerous diseases that increase the risk of developing or relapse of constipation are intestinal paralysis and rectal paresis. The accumulation of feces inside the large colon or cecum is facilitated by atony, anatomical narrowing of the digestive canal, and adhesive disease.

Frequent suppression of the urge to defecate leads to a decrease in the receptor sensitivity of the sphincters and significant distension of the rectum with feces.

Classification of coprostasis

Pathology is encrypted in medical practice and has a code according to ICD 10 (international classification of diseases) - K 59.0.

According to the etiology of development, it is divided into several types:

1. Mechanical constipation. Includes chronic disorders of the colon: Hirschsprung's disease (detected in childhood, on average - 1 case out of 4000), mobile cecum syndrome. This also includes pathological changes in the sigmoid colon (dolichosigma, which provokes coprostasis in adults), idiopathic, as well as secondary megacolon. Often, the expansion of the colon flows into the elongation phase - megadolichocolon, with a characteristic thickening of the intestinal wall. Any physical obstacles along the entire intestinal canal can contribute to the pathogenesis of obstipation - adhesions, enlarged lymph nodes, malignant or benign tumors, strictures.

2. Alimentary constipation. It is explained by the destabilization of the motility of the digestive system by foods low in fiber and poor diet.

3. Toxic coprostasis. Caused by oversaturation of the body with drugs, poisons of any origin (lead or mercury intoxication), heavy metals, alcohol, smoking, narcotic substances. All pathogenic components are detected using urine and blood tests.

4. Neurogenic constipation. Appears as a result of diseases of the nervous system: these include psychosis or depression of various types, anorexia nervosa, schizophrenia. Pathological changes in the activity of the mechanisms of the peripheral nervous system entail disruptions in the functioning of the intestinal tract.

5. Reflex constipation. Its appearance is preceded by diseases of the pelvis or gastrointestinal tract, dehydration, destabilization of water and electrolyte balance and, as a result, hypokalemia (low concentration of potassium ions in the colon). Risk factors are heart pathologies, renal failure.

6. Endocrine constipation caused by hypothyroidism, hyperparathyroidism, acromegaly. It is advisable to solve the problem of stool retention through the joint efforts of an endocrinologist and a gastroenterologist, following a well-designed diet.

An unnatural load on the intestinal sections is potentially dangerous due to the appearance of anal fissures and hemorrhoids. The functionality of the sphincter weakens over time and can lead to atony or fecal incontinence, irritation of the epidermis of the perianal area and even complete gaping of the anal muscle.

The intestinal mucosa reacts to the formed coprolite and secretes a special liquid to dilute stagnation. This factor causes the occurrence of false diarrhea. Experienced specialists first determine the reasons for the weakening of the reflex of the bowel movement process, study the patient’s medical history so as not to make a mistake in making a diagnosis.

Symptoms of coprostasis

Symptoms of constipation increase rather slowly. The first signs are the extinction of the full functioning of the intestinal muscles, atony. Under the influence of these factors, a fecal impaction develops - an accumulation of feces fragments that have a high density. The conglomerate is motionless, becomes drier every day, its mass increases and can reach 12 kg. It is extremely difficult for the patient to defecate; all parts of the gastrointestinal tract are affected.

Obvious symptoms of constipation:

Inability to have a bowel movement;
body weakness, fever;
pallor, sallow skin color, dermatological problems, external signs of anemia;
nausea, vomiting, heartburn, coating on the tongue;
sharp or nagging pain in the abdomen, without specific localization.

If the patient is not provided with timely medical care, the pathology will progress to a more severe form.

Coprostasis in children

Coprostasis in children under 3 years of age with proper feeding and care is congenital in nature - it appears as a result of serious pathologies of the intestinal structure (Hirschsprung's disease). Impaired transit of feces through the digestive tract is caused by the appearance of an aperistaltic region in the colon. As a result of this phenomenon, coprolites are formed in the denervated area with a corresponding stretching of its walls. The result is hypertrophy and hypotonia of the muscles involved in the act of defecation.

Signs of coprostasis are complemented by fecal incontinence, since the rectum and sigmoid colon are abnormally expanded in volume. The phenomena lead to the development of idiopathic megacolon, which most often develops in the first years of a child’s life.

It is advisable to minimize the main clinical manifestation of coprostasis - the lack of independent bowel movement. This will prevent the development of fecal intoxication and the progression of pathology.

Children's symptoms are increasing:

1. Abdominal bloating is accompanied by cramping pain, spreading to the umbilical region and epigastrium.
2. Lack of emptying, slight release of gases.
3. Vomiting with characteristic signs of intoxication.

Signs of constipation in older children are often based on functional disorders, immaturity or dehydration of the body, and potassium deficiency. If coprostasis is a manifestation of peptic ulcer, cholecystitis or gastritis, self-treatment of constipation is highly not recommended.

Constipation during pregnancy

Coprostasis during pregnancy is quite understandable, because favorable conditions are created in the female body for the development of pathology:

Motor activity decreases;
endocrine status changes;
compression of the intestines by the enlarging uterus increases;
neurogenic factors appear due to hormonal changes;
motility of the smooth muscles of the colon worsens due to an increase in the concentration of progesterone.

Compliance with all preventive procedures will prevent the occurrence of constipation, which not only negatively affects general well-being, but also creates a risk of miscarriage. Indeed, due to coprostasis, a woman is forced to strain her muscles during bowel movements, which creates a significant load on the tone of the uterus.

Problems with bowel movements in old age

Coprostasis in the elderly carries nutritional symptoms, since people of this age group tend to slow down their metabolism. Risk factors include atrophy of the pelvic floor muscles and anterior abdominal wall; physical inactivity, poor nutrition with a lack of plant fiber.

Correcting the diet and increasing mobility is enough to speed up metabolic processes and normalize stool in older people. In more complex cases, the doctor prescribes the use of a laxative (usually of herbal origin).

Diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis of coprostasis, including x-ray, sigmoidoscopy, irrigoscopy, colonoscopy, reveals fecal fragments dispersed throughout the large intestine. The stones are defecated spontaneously, incompletely, and with corresponding unpleasant sensations.

Feces that are not evacuated from the body naturally make life difficult for the patient and cause the development of more dangerous diseases. When the first signs of constipation appear, you should go to the hospital and get a referral to a gastroenterologist.

In most cases, treatment is limited to special physical exercises and normalization of the diet.

A conservative approach is to use all types of enemas (especially siphon ones); following an appropriate diet aimed at improving intestinal motility; strengthening the abdominal muscles and pelvic floor. The radical method is abdominal-perineal resection of the colon.

Features of nutrition for coprostasis

A diet for coprostasis involves eating healthy food at least 3 times a day and has the following features:

1. The presence of fresh fruits and vegetables containing fiber is mandatory. The body needs a sufficient amount of vitamins, amino acids, and microelements.

2. Make sure that the consumption of purified water without gas is at least 1 liter.

3. Additionally, introduce a decoction of chamomile and mint into the diet to improve peristalsis.

4. It is important to avoid foods that contribute to irritation of the mucous membrane and the development of putrefactive processes in the intestines.

5. Preference should be given to boiled rather than fried food.

If, with the joint efforts of the sphincters, abdominal muscles and pelvic floor, defecation does not occur, you will need to introduce fatty fish into the diet. Thanks to the presence of oils in its composition, you can achieve painless bowel movements without the need for increased muscle tension. Immediately after eating fish, the intestinal walls will become smoother, and feces will move towards the rectum.

Systematic consumption of liquid food is a good prevention of constipation. Such nutrition improves peristalsis, preventing digested chyme and feces from stagnating inside the intestines.

In acute forms of coprostasis, drinking clarified beetroot juice before bedtime, 1 tbsp. honey on an empty stomach or 250 ml of low-fat kefir with the addition of ground flax seeds.

With the constant use of the above remedies, it will be possible to restore the full functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. This will avoid catastrophic consequences in the form of necrosis of the intestinal walls and immediate surgical intervention.

Complex treatment and prevention of coprostasis should be carried out under the supervision of an experienced specialist. He will establish the correct diagnosis, competently plan a diet and, if necessary, prescribe the necessary medications for each individual case.

  • Straining during defecation
  • Feeling of fullness in the intestines
  • Increased gas formation
  • Rare urge to defecate
  • Dry stool
  • Hardness of stool
  • Increase in abdominal volume
  • Feeling disgusted by food
  • Coprostasis is fecal stagnation, which causes complete or partial blockage of the lumen of the large intestine. The disease develops in both adults and children. Treatment can only be prescribed by a doctor after diagnosis.

    The pathology almost never occurs as an independent disease, but progresses against the background of other gastroenterological or endocrinological anomalies. There are several physiological predisposing factors.

    The fundamental external sign is the inability to independently carry out the act of defecation. The clinical picture includes pain, heaviness and rumbling in the intestines, changes in the general well-being of the patient.

    The diagnostic process must necessarily take an integrated approach and include a wide range of laboratory and instrumental examinations, primary diagnostic manipulations carried out by a clinician.

    Treatment of pathology begins with the use of conservative methods - taking medications and enemas. In cases of the formation of hard fecal stones, surgical intervention is indicated.

    According to the international classification of diseases ICD-10, intestinal stagnation of feces has a separate meaning - code K59.0.


    A large number of unfavorable predisposing factors can cause the pathology. The most common triggers are diseases that negatively affect the intestines. Among them it is worth highlighting:

    • and diverticula;
    • dolichocolon, and other pathological conditions that lead to an increase in the volume of some parts of the organ;
    • the occurrence of inflammatory, infectious or pathological processes in a given localization;
    • dysfunction of the intestinal sphincters.

    Intestinal obstruction can be caused by diseases associated with other internal organs and systems:

    • and other diseases of the endocrine system;
    • metabolic disorder;
    • external and internal hemorrhoids;
    • diseases of the cardiovascular system and central nervous system;
    • poisoning;
    • body.

    Every person is susceptible to the disorder, and older people are no exception. In such situations, provocateurs can serve as:

    • a completely normal aging process;
    • the presence of a large number of chronic diseases;
    • dysfunction of the nervous regulation of the intestines.

    Coprostasis syndrome in children most often appears due to the following factors:

    • enzyme deficiency;
    • congenital pathologies, for example;
    • purely childhood diseases, in particular;
    • prolonged refusal to eat;
    • food that does not correspond to the child’s age category;
    • in the family, kindergarten or school.

    Among female representatives, the condition is diagnosed more often. This is due to the influence of such specific reasons:

    • , arising against the background of entry into the postmenopausal period;
    • the period of intrauterine development of the fetus, during which the growing uterus, like a growing child, leads to compression and displacement of internal organs, which causes;
    • the pursuit of an ideal figure, which forces women to adhere to strict diets;
    • labor - provokes weakening of the pelvic floor muscles;
    • the passage of critical days;
    • overdose of hormonal drugs.

    Sometimes coprostasis is formed against the background of physiological sources, i.e. those that do not have a pathological basis. This category of predisposing factors combines:

    • alcohol and tobacco abuse;
    • prolonged refusal to eat followed by overeating;
    • ingestion of cold foods and drinks;
    • drinking insufficient volume of liquid - a person needs to drink an average of 2 liters of water per day;
    • psycho-emotional stress;
    • physical;
    • sedentary lifestyle.

    It is noteworthy that the influence of genetic predisposition to the disease and the formation of fecal stones cannot be excluded.


    The main division assumes the existence of several forms of pathology, differing in etiological factor. Coprostasis happens:

    • functional - a consequence of diseases of other internal organs and systems;
    • organic - caused by diseases that negatively affect the intestines directly;
    • allergic - influenced by individual intolerance to a particular food product;
    • hypodynamic;
    • medicinal;
    • toxic;
    • nutritional - provoked by poor nutrition (insufficient amounts of vitamins and other nutrients entering the body);
    • neurogenic;
    • mechanical;
    • intoxication;
    • proctogenic - the main reason;
    • endocrine.

    Separately, it is worth highlighting idiopathic coprostasis, the causes of which cannot be established.

    Forms of flow:

    • acute coprostasis;
    • chronic.


    The disease is distinguished by the fact that it has its own specific clinical picture, which is why an experienced specialist has virtually no problems establishing the correct diagnosis.

    The most characteristic symptoms of the pathological syndrome are:

    • rare urge to defecate - the minimum duration of constipation can be 3 days;
    • change in the consistency of feces - feces become dry and hard, which provokes the appearance in the anal area;
    • the need to push hard so that a small amount of dense and spherical feces comes out;
    • heaviness and fullness of the intestines;
    • paroxysmal nausea, which in rare cases causes vomiting;
    • abnormal heart rate;
    • loss of appetite or complete aversion to food;
    • sleep disorders;
    • an increase in the size of the anterior wall of the abdominal cavity;
    • excessive release of gases;
    • frequent mood swings;
    • rumbling and severe pain in the abdomen;
    • decreased ability to work;
    • pale skin;
    • the presence of blood impurities in the stool.

    All clinical manifestations of the disease are typical for both adults and children; only the degree of severity of symptoms may differ.


    Often, no problems arise in establishing a final diagnosis, but it is much more difficult to find out why a person has developed coprostasis. The diagnostic process will include a whole range of activities.

    A specialist in the field of gastroenterology must personally carry out several activities:

    • get acquainted with the medical history - in some cases this will allow you to accurately determine which pathological factor provoked the stagnation of feces in the terminal intestine;
    • collect a life history - information regarding a person’s eating habits, medications and lifestyle;
    • tapping and palpating the anterior wall of the peritoneum;
    • digital examination of the rectum;
    • a detailed survey of the patient - to determine the severity of characteristic clinical manifestations.

    Additional laboratory and instrumental examinations involve the following procedures:

    • general clinical blood and urine tests;
    • blood chemistry;
    • PCR tests;
    • coprography;
    • ultrasonography of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • irrigoscopy of the large intestine;
    • EFGDS;
    • endoscopic biopsy;
    • sigmoidoscopy;
    • colonoscopy;
    • anorectal manometry;
    • sphincterometry.

    However, in some cases, such measures are not enough; consultation with specialists from other fields of medicine may be required.


    After a final diagnosis is made, conservative therapeutic methods are turned to, among which the most effective are:

    • diet therapy - the diet is compiled individually, depending on the etiological factor;
    • taking medications must be individual;
    • use of rectal suppositories with a laxative effect;
    • performing cleansing enemas;
    • therapeutic massage course;
    • specially designed gymnastic exercises;
    • traditional recipes - patients are allowed to use only after the approval of the attending physician.

    If a month after the start of treatment the methods do not show a positive result, there is a need for surgical intervention. During the operation, the fecal stone and the intestinal wall where the calculus was attached can be excised.

    Prevention and prognosis

    The formation of coprostasis can be prevented using the following preventive measures:

    • complete renunciation of addictions;
    • avoiding overwork - both physical and emotional;
    • proper and nutritious nutrition;
    • taking medications as strictly prescribed by the clinician;
    • engaging in early diagnosis and full treatment of those pathological processes that can lead to coprostasis syndrome;
    • undergoing a complete preventive examination several times a year.

    The prognosis for fecal stagnation is often favorable, but people should remember that this pathology is characterized by frequent relapses.

    Coprostasis is constipation or, in simple terms, constipation. It occurs due to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, when stool retention occurs for more than two days. This pathology can occur in both adults and children. This condition is treated with medications or surgery.

    The main sign of the development of such a disease is the inability to empty the intestines independently. In addition, pain occurs and a person’s general condition deteriorates.

    Diagnostics is carried out only in combination with laboratory tests. Based on its results, medications are prescribed for oral administration, and an enema is also used. If the examination shows the presence of hard fecal stones, then surgery is performed. Coprostasis has its own ICD-10 code: K59.0.


    There are quite a few factors that can trigger the development of this pathology.

    However, most often this occurs due to various diseases, namely:

    • (IBS);
    • dysbacteriosis;
    • pathological enlargement of some parts of the intestine;
    • the development of inflammation or the presence of infections in the intestines;
    • disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract.

    In addition to these diseases, there are other pathologies that can provoke intestinal obstruction, namely:

    • diabetes;
    • violation of metabolic processes;
    • hemorrhoids of various locations;
    • heart diseases;
    • intoxication of the body.

    Coprostasis (constipation) can occur in anyone, and older people are no exception.

    In this case, the reasons are:

    • the aging process of the body;
    • numerous chronic pathologies.

    The causes of this condition in children may be:

    • allergies to certain foods;
    • congenital diseases;
    • lactose intolerance;
    • rickets;
    • poor nutrition;
    • stress related to family, kindergarten or school.

    A hereditary predisposition cannot be ruled out either. Experts have noted that the female half of the population more often suffers from this condition, especially during pregnancy.


    The disease can occur in two forms - acute and chronic.

    In addition, in medicine there are several types of coprostasis, depending on the reasons for its occurrence:

    • functional;
    • organic;
    • allergic;
    • hypodynamic;
    • medicinal;
    • toxic;
    • nutritional;
    • neurogenic;
    • mechanical;
    • intoxication;
    • proctogenic;
    • endocrine.

    There is also an idiopathic type of coprostasis, but it is currently impossible to establish the true causes of its occurrence.


    This pathology has specific symptoms, so a qualified doctor will make the correct diagnosis without any problems.

    The most obvious signs of this condition are as follows:

    • rare urge to have a bowel movement;
    • change in the consistency of stool;
    • strong efforts during bowel movements;
    • feeling of heaviness in the intestines;
    • nausea and vomiting;
    • cardiopalmus;
    • refusal to eat;
    • insomnia;
    • pain in the abdominal cavity;
    • pale skin.

    Any of these signs can appear in both adults and children, only in them the manifestation of symptoms will not be so obvious.


    Usually the doctor makes the correct diagnosis without any problems, however, establishing the cause of this condition is more difficult.

    Therefore, various sets of diagnostic procedures will be used, as well as:

    • the doctor studies the person’s previous illnesses;
    • anamnesis is collected;
    • the specialist palpates the anterior wall of the abdominal cavity;
    • conducts a digital examination of the rectum.

    In addition, hardware and laboratory tests are carried out, namely:

    • blood and urine tests;
    • coprography;
    • polymerase chain reaction test;
    • ultrasonography of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • MRI, CT;
    • biopsy;
    • colonoscopy and sigmoidoscopy;
    • gastroscopy.

    However, in some situations, the results of these examinations cannot determine the true cause, so consultation with other specialists is required.


    Once the diagnosis of coprostasis is made, treatment begins, which includes the following methods:

    • It is recommended to follow a diet that is individual for each patient;
    • medications are prescribed for oral administration, as well as rectal laxative suppositories;
    • cleansing enemas;
    • massotherapy;
    • special gymnastic exercises;
    • traditional medicine recipes, but only with the permission of the attending physician.

    If the patient's condition does not improve after a month of treatment, then the issue of surgical intervention will be decided. During the operation, the fecal stone and the part of the intestine to which it was attached will be removed.


    Coprostasis can be prevented by following some rules of prevention:

    • rejection of bad habits;
    • do not overwork the body physically and emotionally;
    • balance your diet;
    • take medications prescribed by a doctor;
    • carry out timely treatment of all emerging pathologies;
    • Conduct a preventive examination of the body once a year.

    By following these preventive measures, you can avoid the appearance, however, be careful, since coprostasis has a predisposition to relapse.

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    Constipation (syn. constipation, obstipation) - is a violation of the passage of feces, i.e. their stagnation in the intestines. This disorder develops regardless of age and gender, and also entails a number of complications.

    Fecal stagnation, in which the large intestine becomes clogged, is called coprostasis. This happens due to a deficiency of dietary fiber, a sedentary lifestyle or physical inactivity, excess weight and other reasons.

    What is coprostasis in humans?

    Intestinal infections, poor blood circulation, frequent use of laxatives - all this leads to the fact that a person begins to experience difficulty in bowel movements.

    Many people don’t even know what coprostasis is in humans. Although recently, cases of its occurrence have ceased to be rare. The eating habits of modern man lead to the fact that the digestive system begins to work differently. Eating fast food, processed foods and fruits treated with chemicals disrupts the functioning of not only the digestive system, but the entire body as a whole. After all, everyone knows that all systems are interconnected and if a failure occurs in one place, then other organs begin to work differently than before.

    Coprostasis: symptoms

    A poor diet will definitely affect intestinal motor function. If a person gets up late, his gastroileocecal reflex is disrupted, which means that feces move through the intestines, but bowel movements do not occur.

    In order for emptying to occur in a timely manner and without fecal stagnation affecting health, it is also necessary to drink at least a liter of water per day. Physical activity is of great importance. Lately people have stopped moving. Children make all their movements by running; with age, this activity goes away, movements become less and less, and health problems appear. Coprostasis symptoms: abdominal pain, nausea, constipation, heartburn and skin problems.

    Causes and signs of coprostasis

    Sometimes constipation occurs due to the fact that, due to circumstances, a person had to suppress the urge to defecate. After all, defecation is a complex conditioned reflex act in which the abdominal press, anal sphincters and rectal receptors work. Stopping reflexes and suppressing them is a step against nature. Culture does not allow us to do everything the body wants at any time, so we constantly suppress our reflexes, calling it education. But education has its drawbacks; going against nature means disrupting the functioning of the whole organism.

    The causes and signs of coprostasis are described in many medical encyclopedias. Signs are the absence of stool for a certain time, abdominal pain, dermatological problems, and so on. The causes of coprostasis are mainly due to a violation of the diet and the inclusion in the diet of refined foods that do not allow the digestive system to function.

    Alimentary coprostasis

    Modern people mainly consume refined foods that are practically devoid of fiber. This leads to the fact that there is no stimulation of intestinal motility with food. Alimentary coprostasis occurs in people with improper chewing apparatus. In order for the digestive system to work as it should, it is advisable to give up refined foods and follow the daily routine, that is, eat food at certain times and try to be physically active.

    Mechanical coprostasis

    When the rectal ampulla is stretched, the defecation reflex is activated. The coordinated work of the circular muscles of the sphincters and abdominal press allows the evacuation of feces from the intestines. If a person is unable to have a bowel movement, he or she may tense the muscles of the anus and pelvic floor, causing bowel movements to not occur. If you don’t find an opportunity to empty your bowels soon, the stool will stretch the rectum. And if you often suppress the act of defecation, the intestinal receptors will lose their sensitivity.

    Mechanical coprostasis leads to the fact that a person’s complexion becomes sallow, a coating appears on the tongue, and signs of normochromic anemia appear.

    Toxic coprostasis

    If a person has lost his appetite, he is not even interested in his favorite dishes, he has developed weakness and increased fatigue, and suffers from frequent headaches, then this means that he needs to go to the doctor for help. Toxic coprostasis occurs during chronic intoxication with drugs, heavy metals, and also when a person smokes a lot and drinks alcohol. Mercury or lead intoxication is often associated with work; in order to identify harmful substances in the body, it is necessary to donate blood and urine for analysis.

    Reflex coprostasis

    Violation of the water-electrolyte balance leads to the appearance of diseases such as reflex coprostasis, various dermatological problems and malfunctions of the digestive system. Since potassium ions are formed in the large intestine, hypokalemia leads to coprostasis. This happens with kidney failure and heart disease.

    Neurogenic coprostasis

    Pathologies of the peripheral and central nervous systems are often complicated by neurogenic coprostasis. Schizophrenia, anorexia nervosa, the depressive phase of presenile and manic-depressive psychoses are accompanied by constipation. People with such mental illnesses turn to doctors, usually gastroenterologists. As a result of the examination, it is revealed that problems with bowel movements arise due to a breakdown in the mechanisms of nervous regulation of intestinal functions.

    Endocrine coprostasis

    Diseases such as hypothyroidism, acromegaly and hyperparathyroidism often manifest themselves as stool retention. Endocrine coprostasis must be treated together with a gastroenterologist and endocrinologist; only their joint work will give a good result. Treatment of this disease is impossible without correction of the endocrine status. In order to restore the functioning of the colon, you must follow the diet prescribed by your doctor.

    Chronic coprostasis

    To prevent the disease from becoming chronic, it is necessary to promptly consult a doctor and undergo a quality examination. Chronic coprostasis occurs due to the fact that a person does not pay attention to frequent constipation; it seems to him that everything will go away on its own. Days turn into weeks, then into months, the problem is not solved and does not go away on its own, complications appear in which not only the digestive system suffers, but the entire body as a whole.

    Coprostasis: treatment

    In order to recover from any disease, you need to go to the clinic from time to time and undergo examination. Coprostasis is most often treated by a gastroenterologist. However, it all depends on what caused the disease. To do this, first of all, you need to visit a therapist, get tested, and only then it will be clear which way to move next.


    Depending on the cause of coprostasis, certain medications are prescribed. It happens that you can get rid of this disease with basic diet therapy and minor physical activity. There are frequent cases of coprostasis that appears as a result of taking medications.

    Coprostasis: treatment with folk remedies

    Nature gives us its riches, but people most often do not know how to use them. Treatment of coprostasis with folk remedies is quite possible if the disease has not become chronic. In order to improve bowel function, you need to drink water. In the morning on an empty stomach, a glass of cold water, maybe with a spoonful of honey, will allow you to start your body’s work and fill yourself with morning energy. At night you can drink beetroot juice diluted with water. Also useful for the intestines is flaxseed, which needs to be ground and added to kefir.

    Diet for coprostasis

    You can judge a person by analyzing his lifestyle. What we eat, drink, and how much we move clearly characterizes us. You can’t eat everything that comes to hand; you need to follow not only your diet, but always think about what and why we eat. We want to fill ourselves with energy in the morning - fresh vegetable or fruit juice, oatmeal and a small piece of chocolate will provide a good mood and a boost of energy. You need to get rid of fat, you will have to give up starchy and sweet foods, as well as eating after six in the evening. If you want to build muscle, you need to lean on proteins. A diet for coprostasis means eating a lot of fiber and fresh foods that make the intestines work. Don't forget about water. A liter of clean water will ensure proper functioning of the body and restore water and electrolyte balance.

    Coprostasis (fecal stagnation) is a condition in which the lumen of the large intestine contained in the hernial sac becomes clogged with feces, causing disruption of its patency. The appearance of coprostasis is facilitated by a decrease in intestinal motor activity, which is more common in obese patients leading a sedentary lifestyle, suffering from constipation, and with irreducible hernias.

    Symptoms and diagnosis of coprostasis

    Coprostasis develops slowly. Symptoms of this complication appear as the colon fills with feces. The hernial protrusion gradually increases in size, is not painful, has a doughy consistency, and is slightly tense. The symptom of a cough impulse is determined, vomiting periodically appears. The general condition of the patients changes slightly. The closure of the intestinal lumen is incomplete. The progression of coprostasis is complicated by fecal impaction.

    Treatment of coprostasis

    Patients are treated conservatively. A siphon enema is performed with a probe passed to the sigmoid colon, and a bilateral perinephric novocaine blockade is performed according to A. V. Vishnevsky. The use of laxatives is not recommended, since the resulting overstretching of the afferent loop contributes to the transition of coprostasis to the fecal form of strangulation.

    The article was prepared and edited by: surgeon



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    Hysterosalpingography is an invasive procedure, that is, it requires the penetration of instruments into various...
    The prostate gland is an important male organ in the male reproductive system. About the importance of prevention and timely...
    Intestinal dysbiosis is a very common problem faced by both children and adult patients. The disease is accompanied...
    Injuries to the genital organs develop as a result of falls, especially on sharp and piercing objects, during sexual intercourse, during insertion into the vagina...