Hippocrates: The doctor cures diseases, but nature heals. What does a general practitioner treat? What kind of doctor is a therapist?

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"Hello!" - we say to each other when we meet. One person wishes another person health. It happens that we begin to think about health only during our own illness or the illness of people close to us. Disease often strikes us unexpectedly. It invades our usual life, disrupts our plans, bringing with it pain and suffering. If we fail to recover on our own, we seek help from doctors. Every person seeks and finds a doctor to their liking.

If you are still searching, we would like to briefly tell you about our medical center “TERAPEUTIKUM”. We are treated by homeopathic doctors who have been trained at international seminars on homeopathy and anthroposophical medicine and have practical experience in the treatment of both acute and chronic diseases.

In anthroposophical medicine, health and illness are not opposed to each other, but are considered as parts of one circle, one cyclic process. A disease occurs when a process similar to some process in external nature occurs in the internal environment of the body. For example, in nature, precipitation, the deposition of mineral substances from solutions, from living plant cells (formation of calcium, crystals of oxalic acid salts in plants), is widespread. In the human body, bone formation can be considered a similar healthy process. If this process of mineral deposition becomes too strong, then uric acid crystals begin to deposit in the joints, gout occurs, and “stones” form in the kidneys or gall bladder. Something arises in the human body that does not fit into the integral system of its activity. This is the disease.

All so-called disease processes are nothing more than normal body processes that occur with the wrong intensity, in the wrong place, or at the wrong time. And health is an individual and specialized process of maintaining balance. This balance is not frozen, but highly mobile. It is maintained thanks to the rhythmic system (breathing and circulation system) existing in the human physical body.

The THERAPEUTIKUM medical center aims to create an individual, trusting relationship between doctor and patient. During a conversation with the patient and examination, the doctor develops an individual image of the disease for each person who comes to him for healing. In this case, it is important not only the therapeutic beliefs of the doctor himself, but also the active work of the patient who wants to recover. Healing occurs by stimulating the processes that the body itself carries out to overcome the disease. The fact that in this case the doctor only supports the powers of healing given by nature, in ancient times was expressed in the aphorism: “Nature heals, the doctor only creates the conditions for this.”

The diagnosis itself, made by the doctor at our center, will be an indication of the use of a particular drug in this case. So, for example, by introducing formic acid prepared by the potentiation method into the body of a person suffering from gout, we provide him with support, since we give him something that he cannot produce himself. Anthroposophical medicines do not replace certain substances in the human body and do not suppress abnormal processes. Their action is aimed at influencing processes that are out of balance so that they can flow harmoniously again.

The THERAPEUTIKUM medical center offers effective assistance:

  • for disorders of attention and behavior in schoolchildren and students;
  • congenital pathology and developmental disorders;
  • consequences of injuries, operations, infections;
  • consequences of stress;
  • for all types of allergic and autoimmune processes;
  • help with infertility;
  • pregnancy management;
  • for urological, gynecological, neurological, endocrinological, skin, cardiovascular, bronchopulmonary, ENT diseases;
  • disorders of the musculoskeletal system and many other pathologies;
  • concomitant therapy in the treatment of benign and malignant neoplasms.

Homeopathic doctors at our center, if necessary, recommend:

  • rhythmic massage with elements of lymphatic drainage;
  • therapeutic eurythmy (therapeutic movement);
  • painting therapy.

We will be glad to meet you. Be healthy!

Nature is a healer

What most of conscious humanity suffers from is an acute lack of nature.

We spend 24 hours a day under apartment and office arrest, work in artificial light, eat indoors, move from home to office in transport and generally do not set foot in nature. And if we step, then this nature has the appearance of a predictably geometric park with cement paths and benches along the edges of the lawns, where it is written: “Do not walk on the lawns!”

Most of us still remember the good old days when we played robber detective in the yard as children and came home only to sleep and eat. These times are already in the distant past and our children are also unlikely to carelessly run for a walk in the yard, because it is dangerous and because the yard is dirty or because the game fight is more interesting. And we habitually inhale the air circulated between our nose and the air conditioner and a little exhaust fumes on the way home and consider it lucky that we have this job (after all, our standard of living has risen so much!).

Preventing diseases without returning to nature is simply not possible. For all of us and especially for children. Children feel the inferiority of city life more subtly and express this in the form of allergies, frequent colds, and poor performance. Nature does disease prevention and nature cures, but which of the traditional doctors attributes healing to nature. That's great rarity.

But the magic means of healing are:


Without sunlight, you and I would not exist. We are children of the sun in the literal sense of the word. Therefore, we need healing rays for at least 10 minutes a day. To produce vitamin D3 (one of the most amazing substances yet discovered by man), which is a natural prevention of cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes, increases bone density and improves immune function. It also prevents infectious diseases much better than any vaccine. To get vitamin D in its natural form, you just need to spend more time in nature.

Sounds of nature

The singing of birds, the rustling of leaves, the crunching of branches, the murmuring of a stream, the chirping of grasshoppers, the rustling of grass underfoot - gives a therapeutic effect, reduces the level of stress hormones and blood pressure.

Some of the most healing sounds are the sounds of water: waterfalls, streams, rain, thunderstorms, the sea. You can record all this and listen to it while working at the computer, but is the audio sea comparable to the real thing?

Colors of nature

In scientific terms, colors are electromagnetic radiation that differs in wavelength, which hits the retina of the eye and is interpreted by the brain as colors. This electromagnetic radiation carries healing energy, the energy of color. It’s very good if every day you can come into contact with colors of the entire spectrum, look at flowers, plants, animals, the sky. It heals you and stimulates your brain.

If you observe colors and shades in nature, your brain begins to function at a higher cognitive level. People who spend the whole day in a room where nothing changes do not have the opportunity to stimulate their intellect.


Spending time in nature, we are forced to move: walk, run, ride a bike, swim, climb a mountain. The beautiful landscape makes any physical exercise enjoyable. If you go for a morning jog in the forest, it seems like it's just a brisk walk.

Movement gives us a second youth, improves blood circulation, increases bone density, makes us more flexible, mobile, increases lymph circulation, improves mood.


The qualitative difference between indoor air and the fresh air of a forest or meadow is enormous. The indoor air is polluted by gases emanating from synthetic materials: carpets, furniture, paints, varnishes, adhesives, etc., and is also filled with mold spores that live in bathrooms, kitchens, on window sills and under wallpaper. Forest air has a completely different composition! There is more life, vigor, and health in the forest air.


Traditional medicine drilled into us that sterile cleanliness is the key to health. We believed that we could only be healthy when all the germs in our environment were killed by detergents, antibacterial soaps, pharmaceuticals.

Some microbes are an integral part of our lives and our well-being! By being exposed to microbes, we train our immunity and bring the entire body into balance. The best way to let our body experience the microcosm is to go out into nature.


This energy is less noticeable. Think about why a big city devastates us, takes away energy, and in return gives us bustle, the angular geometry does not give us peace? And why does the forest leave us filled with strength, joy, life?

Bioenergy is felt when in contact with nature. Walking barefoot, hugging a tree, touching a flower, contemplating a sunrise or sunset, lying on the grass or in the snow - this makes you part of the planet. It is said that we get rid of static electricity by walking barefoot on the ground, which creates white noise in our body and interferes with healing. But our ancestors did not wear sneakers, they walked barefoot. And they did not suffer from degenerative diseases.

Children especially suffer without communication with nature!

The life of our children passes in a closed room, among computer games and social networks on the Internet. Very few children can boast that they spend most of their time outdoors.

Working parents can, at best, offer their children a summer camp or go to the seaside for a week.

Few people can afford to go camping with their child for several days, sleep in a tent, swim in a cold river, or make a fire. Few people want to introduce a growing person to nature and, together with him, plunge into a completely different, living and extraordinary world and teach him some useful things.

The best thing we can do for our children now is to get rid of the TV. TV is our enemy. The enemy who replaces the real reality with a fake one. The more time we spend watching TV shows, the less time we have to spend time in nature.

Go to nature, communicate with real people directly, look at the sky, listen to birdsong, breathe fresh air!

Nature gives health!

A general practitioner is a specialist in diagnosing diseases and studying the general state of human health.


35,000–50,000 rub. (rabota.yandex.ru)

Place of work

Clinics, hospitals, private medical centers, sanatoriums, private practice.


The profession of a general practitioner involves performing the following tasks:

  • visual examination of the patient, measurement of temperature and blood pressure;
  • prescribing treatment, monitoring the healing process;
  • if the cause of the disease is difficult to determine, a full examination is prescribed and, if necessary, the patient is transferred to a hospital in a highly specialized medical department;
  • Sometimes therapists prescribe preventative measures and give lectures on a healthy lifestyle.

Important qualities

In the work of a therapist, a therapist cannot do without such qualities as: impeccable analytical skills, attention to detail, communication skills, stress resistance, responsibility, accuracy and observation.

Reviews about the profession

“I started my professional activity as a local therapist. I had to work a lot with people of different ages, education, and social status. This gave me, as a specialist, invaluable experience. I have always liked treating people holistically. After all, it is not enough for a therapist to simply examine a person and prescribe treatment. Working with a patient at the primary level includes many issues in the field of psychology and sociology. Only this direction in medicine provides such an opportunity. I explain that there are different ways to maintain your health, and the appointment of tests and subsequent treatment depends on the individual characteristics of each patient.”

Irina Bogdanovna Zarembskaya, general practitioner.

Stereotypes, humor

The profession is traditionally considered the most interesting among all medical fields, since it covers a large number of medical sciences. Therapists often become good diagnosticians.


To work as a therapist, a higher specialized medical education is required.

Higher education can be obtained at such universities as: St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical Academy, First St. Petersburg State Medical University. Academician I.P. Pavlov.

Medical universities in Moscow: Moscow State University. Lomonosov, First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov, Russian National Research Medical University RNRMU named after N.I. Pirogov.

Therapist is one of the most common medical specialties. Most often, it is this doctor who first meets with the patient, regardless of what kind of pathology he has developed.

Who is a general practitioner?

This is a doctor of the widest profile. A therapist is a doctor who has a lot of knowledge on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of a wide variety of diseases. This specialty is the most widespread, largely due to the fact that it does not require additional training after graduating from medical university and internship. In order to obtain a narrow specialization, a therapist will have to go to a postgraduate education institution for about 4 months.

Where can I get advice?

A therapist is a doctor who sees patients in almost any medical institution. You can get a consultation with such a doctor at a regular public clinic. Naturally, private medical centers are also capable of providing a similar service. You can also consult with a specialist in large public clinical hospitals. There, the patient will be seen by a highly qualified therapist who can solve almost any medical problem.

What diseases does it treat?

This specialist is able to help get rid of a fairly large number of diseases. Most often, people turn to him for acute respiratory pathology. In addition, the general practitioner often treats cardiovascular pathologies. Such a doctor has skills that allow him to help people with diseases of the digestive, nervous, and musculoskeletal systems.

A general practitioner can also provide some assistance in the case of hematological, rheumatological, otorhinolaryngological, ophthalmological and even surgical diseases. Moreover, here his participation will turn out to be additional rather than decisive in recovery. A therapist can cure a simple and harmless pathology of this type on his own, but in all other cases, consultation with a specialized specialist is required.

This doctor conducts his professional activities in public clinics. Its task is to monitor the health of the population. Currently, there are more than a thousand patients per local therapist. The main area of ​​his activity is dispensary observation. Unfortunately, not all people take sufficient care of their own health and visit a general practitioner not only for illness, but also for preventive purposes. The result of this is a more severe course of diseases, as well as chronicity of acute ailments. To undergo medical examination, a person must not only appear before the doctor, but also undergo at least general tests. In addition, you should undergo fluorography and electrocardiography. The clinic physician will evaluate the results of the studies and, if any abnormalities are detected, will prescribe further examination, consultation with a specialist, or a rational course of treatment.

Social role

In addition to the fact that this doctor treats the largest number of different diseases, he also plays an important social role. The fact is that it is precisely such a specialist who provides a wide variety of certificates. First of all, you should note the documents for referral to sanatorium-resort treatment. In addition, he issues a health certificate, which may be requested at work or by government agencies. It is also the therapist who most often opens sick leave. This is not the entire list of documents issued by this specialist.

Work in a hospital

Currently, one of the most common department profiles in various types of hospitals is therapy. Patients with pathologies that do not require specialized intervention are treated here. In this department, a more serious therapeutic effect on a person is carried out than the clinic can offer. The therapist will provide assistance with pneumonia, chronic bronchitis, coronary heart disease, hypertensive crisis, which is a complication of arterial hypertension, pyelonephritis, gastritis, ulcers without bleeding, as well as many other diseases.

Therapeutic departments in hospitals should ideally be filled with patients as planned. That is, the most rational here is the treatment of patients with chronic compensated or subcompensated pathology. Decompensated conditions are best treated in specialized departments.

Difficulty of the profession

A therapist is a rather labor-intensive profession. The fact is that such a doctor diagnoses and treats most diseases. Although he can almost always refer his patient for a consultation with a specialized specialist, in practice it turns out that it is still the therapist who “guides” the patient.

In addition, the complexity of this profession lies in the large amount of documentation that has to be filled out. Moreover, its number is constantly increasing. This leads to a situation where the therapist has less and less time to make the right decision in terms of diagnosing and treating his patients. In the case of young specialists, this often leads to medical errors, but in general, therapists, engaged in such intense work activity, very quickly accumulate valuable experience and, relative to specialized specialists, quickly reach a good clinical level.

The complexity of this profession also lies in the fact that the therapist is the first point of contact for the patient. A sick person goes to all other doctors after being examined by a doctor and preparing for further treatment. As a result, it is the therapist who most often takes the brunt of “chronic complainers” and patients simply dissatisfied with their own lives.

Medicine is addition and subtraction: taking away everything that is superfluous, adding what is missing. And whoever does this best is the best doctor.

Unreasonable fatigue portends illness

Nature cures diseases, the doctor only helps her

In any illness, the presence of spirit and taste for food is a sign of well-being

The art of healing is the most important of all arts.

A skilful physician waits until he has a clear understanding of the nature of suffering before taking up his case, and tries to treat with prudence rather than with mad courage, with gentleness rather than resorting to violence.

If there are several doctors, one of whom treats with herbs, another with a knife, and the third with words, first of all, turn to the one who heals with words.

A doctor must be a prudent person, wonderful, kind and humane.

The doctor should have a face full of reflection, but not stern. Severity in treatment interferes with the availability of a doctor, both for the sick and for the healthy

A doctor must do everything in his power to save a life, preserve health, or at least alleviate suffering

The doctor should not treat the disease, but the patient

A doctor whose mistakes are minor deserves praise

It is not appropriate for a doctor to be a clown, as well as an impostor, an executioner, or a frivolous person. First of all, he must be a kind and decent person.

For a sick person, a doctor should be a father, for a convalescent person - a guardian, a healthy day - a friend. He must maintain the joyful hope of salvation

Where there is love for people, there will be love for the art of medicine

When a doctor cannot do any good, let him do no harm

Recovery is a matter of time, but sometimes it is a matter of chance

Life is short, the path of art is long, opportunity is fleeting, experience is deceptive, judgment is difficult.
For an emergency illness - emergency remedies

Treat the patient the way you would like to be treated is the hour of illness. First of all, do no harm

That doctor seems to me the best who is able to foresee

Neither satiety, nor hunger, nor anything else is good if it exceeds the measure of nature

A powerful spirit saves a weakened body

Just as clothiers clean cloth, knocking it out of dust, so gymnastics cleanses the body.

The effects of dietary supplements are long-lasting, while the effects of medications are transient

Gymnastics, physical exercise, walking should become firmly established in the everyday life of everyone who wants to maintain
productivity, health, full and joyful life

Very often the best medicine is to do without it.

Warm baths heal many diseases when everything else has ceased to help.

Work is necessary for health

The opposite is cured by the opposite

Natural forces within us are the true healers of illness.

Before a great mind I bow my head, before a great heart I bow my knees

Wisdom is to know everything that nature has done.

An evil thought compresses the heart, a cheerful thought makes it beat freely

A person carries a doctor within himself, you just need to be able to help him in his work

And don't forget that often the best medicine is to do without it.

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