Exercises for various types of radiculitis. Physical therapy for radiculitis: movement is life! Prevention of sciatica exercises

Radiculitis is a pinched nerve root. This is not an independent disease, but a pathology of the peripheral nervous system, which is characterized by severe pain, limited mobility of the spine at the site of injury and temporary disability.

Exercise for radiculitis

Physical exercise for this pathology is an integral part, which, in addition, includes taking painkillers from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants, B vitamins and those that have a local effect on the area of ​​inflammation.


This part of the spine is the most fragile. It consists of the smallest vertebrae, and pinched nerve roots occur here quite often. Exercises are aimed at ensuring flexibility of the spine, strengthening the muscle corset, and relieving tension:

  1. Sit or stand with your hand holding onto some support. Slowly turn your head to the right 90 degrees, then to the left. The number of repetitions for acute radiculitis is as long as the condition allows, for chronic radiculitis - from 5 times. Increase the number of repetitions by 1 every day until you reach 15.
  2. Sit or stand with your hand holding onto some support. Lower your head forward, lift it, move it back, trying to touch the back of your head to your shoulder blades. Movements are slow, smooth, pain is excluded. In the acute period, repeat no more than 5 times.
  3. Make rotational movements with your head: slowly lower it, then roll it to the right, trying to touch your shoulder with your ear, then back, with the back of your head along your shoulder blades, then touch your ear to your left shoulder and return to the starting position.

Thoracic department

In this part of the back, the vertebrae are larger; they are surrounded by a fairly strong corset of muscles. Therefore it is rare. However, if such misfortune does occur, physical exercise will help cope with pain and stiffness:

  1. Exercise to stretch the thoracic spine. It can only be performed while lying down. Reach your arms back and place them on the floor. Start stretching your fingers in one direction, your toes in the other. Feel the spine stretch. The number of such stretches is 5 times.
  2. . Performed while lying down. Bend your legs at the knees, clasp them with your hands and bring your face as close to your knees as possible. Relax in a horizontal position. Repeat at least 5 times.
  3. Exercise to strengthen the pectoral muscle corset. Starting position - face down on the floor, hands at your sides. Lift your front head and shoulders and hold this position for 5-10 seconds. Relax while lying down. Repeat at least 5 times.


This part of the spine constantly experiences maximum stress. The vertebrae here are large, but this does not relieve the lumbar region from pinched nerves. Usually “”, as this pathology is popularly called, comes unexpectedly - a person can neither straighten up nor move, appearing to be not paralyzed, but at the same time completely incapacitated.

Some exercises will help stretch the spine in the lumbar region and slightly relieve pain:

  1. Get on all fours. Imitate the movements of a cat that has just woken up: stretch with one hand, then with the other, pushing your pelvis up. Then gently bend your back in the lower back and stay in this position for a couple of seconds. Then bend in the opposite direction, feel how the spine stretches. The exercise is done once, in the morning, almost immediately after sleep.
  2. Lie on your back, arms at your sides, legs bent at the knees. Lift your pelvis off the floor, trying to arch. It’s ideal if you can bend your lower back at least a little. Hold this position for a few seconds and lower yourself to the floor. Repeat 5 or more times, depending on the condition.
  3. Lying on your stomach, arms extended in front of you, legs straight. Lift your arms and legs off the floor, hold the position for 5 seconds, then relax. Repeat 5 or more times.

Exercise therapy for radiculitis

Always complements drug and physiotherapeutic treatment for most spinal diseases. The difference with regular exercises performed without a doctor’s prescription is significant:

  • Therapeutic exercises for radiculitis are prescribed by a specialist after a detailed examination.
  • All movements are worked out under the supervision of a doctor-trainer.
  • The load is given in increasing order - from simple exercises to complex ones.
  • The patient's condition is monitored.
  • After the course, a repeat examination is carried out, the dynamics are recorded and adjustments are made in accordance with the results.

Some physical therapy exercises can be performed at home after a course conducted under the supervision of a trainer.


There are few prohibitions on physical activity. These are acute infectious diseases, severe pain (period of acute inflammation), the general serious condition of the patient, problems with the cardiovascular system (decompensation of the heart).

In other cases, feasible physical activity will benefit the patient from any part of the spine, including the lumbar spine.

Class Rules

Engaging in therapeutic physical exercises is allowed only during the period of remission. This is the main condition for gymnastics for radiculitis. Other requirements are no less important:

  1. It is prohibited to exercise if you have pain. If you feel pain during the next exercise, stop. It's better to tell your doctor about this.
  2. Don't exercise on a bare floor. Lay yourself either a special rug or a warm blanket, folding it in several layers. The last option is preferable, as it will protect your back from drafts.
  3. For home activities, dress in cotton, comfortable clothes. To work in the exercise therapy room, purchase comfortable shoes.
  4. Don't drink while exercising. If you need rest, prefer breathing exercises and relaxation.
  5. Do muscle relaxation exercises first. Only after this start pumping them up.
  6. The minimum duration of the course is 2 months. Gymnastics for problems with the spine has a cumulative effect. The first improvements will be noticeable no earlier than in a month.
  7. Avoid all sudden movements, jolts and twisting. The main task is to relax tight muscles and strengthen the corset that holds the spine.

Pilates exercises for radiculitis

The basis of such classes is to work on muscle groups that are never used even during exercise therapy. All Pilates exercises are performed slowly and smoothly. You need to enjoy them, feeling every muscle of your body. There are no absolute contraindications to such activities.

All Pilates exercises for the spine are divided into 3 groups: those performed on the floor, those performed with various objects, and training loads. You can learn the following few exercises on your own:

  1. Relaxation of the back muscles. Starting position: kneeling. Sit on your heels, lean forward and touch the floor with your palms (lay them flat). At the same time, try not to lift your butt off your heels, otherwise the whole point of the exercise will be lost. Stretch your fingers forward, feeling the muscles of your entire back relax and your spine stretch. Watch your breathing, it should be free. Number of repetitions – from 5 times, depending on physical fitness.
  2. Spinal stretch. Sit on the floor, feet shoulder-width apart, toes pointing towards you, straighten your back. Stretch your arms forward and imagine that there is a large inflatable ball in front of you. Start wrapping your body around him, rounding his spine. Return to the starting position. Then bend over to one foot, clasping it with your hands, then to the other. Number of repetitions minimum 5.

  3. Strengthening the back muscles. This exercise is quite difficult for a beginner with poor physical fitness, but its benefits for strengthening the abdominal muscles are invaluable. Lie on your back, hands clasped under your head, legs extended, together. Raise your upper body, simultaneously bend one leg at the knee and lift the other off the floor. Imagine that you are riding a bicycle. Legs can be bent at any angle no more than 90 degrees. The minimum load is 10 “bicycle” movements.

Radiculitis is not so scary for an active person. Therefore, try to force yourself to do something useful every day - warm up in between sitting at the computer, walk in the fresh air. Physical exercise is the basis of human health. Without them, he turns into a disabled person.

is a reliable means of preventing and treating back pain. Doctors always include them in the comprehensive treatment of patients, along with medications, massage, physiotherapy and other medical procedures.

Lumbosacral radiculitis manifests itself with severe pain in the lower back and leg. The pain is such that it is impossible to endure it and you desperately want to get rid of it as soon as possible!

What you will learn from this article:

Causes and symptoms of the disease


In 95% of cases, the basis of pain in the back and legs is

Hernias form in the tissues of the spine, the height of the discs decreases, muscle spasms and other degenerative-dystrophic and inflammatory changes occur. They lead to deformation and narrowing of the spinal foramina through which the roots exit the spinal canal. It is here that they are pinched, which causes the development of pain.

Other reasons:

In 5% of cases, radiculitis is caused by a tumor, trauma, osteomyelitis, tuberculosis, purulent infiltrates in the retroperitoneal space.



Sharp, aching, gnawing - do not give rest to the patient either day or night. The lower back and sacrum are at the epicenter! The pain spreads to the buttock area and further to the leg, along the compressed root. The most common compression occurs on the fifth lumbar (L-5) and first sacral (S-1) roots. This means that the pain is concentrated along the lateral surface of the thigh and lower leg, as well as in the area of ​​the calf muscle.


Patients experience numbness or an unpleasant tingling sensation, a burning sensation in the same areas as the pain.

The mobility of the spinal column is significantly limited

The patient cannot bend over and reach the floor with his hands, straighten up and straighten his back, tilt his torso to the right or left

Scoliosis of the spine and defans the lumbar muscles

S-shaped curvature of the spine and muscle spasms in the lumbar region are reflex symptoms with which the lumbar muscles and spine react to pain.

During a neurological examination, a doctor reveals a number of characteristic symptoms that indicate pinching of the spinal cord roots at the lumbar and sacral level. The reliability of the diagnosis is confirmed by X-ray data, photographs or tomograms. You can read more about this in

the importance of physical therapy (physical therapy)

Therapeutic gymnastics is one of the leading methods of treating osteochondrosis and its complications. The importance of physical therapy will vary at different stages of medical rehabilitation. In the initial period of the disease, exercises are gentle. They prepare the patient for a gradual expansion of the motor regime.

Acute stage of the disease

In the first 5-6 days after an exacerbation, physical exercises are not carried out at all. The patient is recommended to rest in bed. The surface of the bed must be level and sufficiently hard. The main means of treatment are medications in the form of injections, tablets, warming ointments and compresses.

Subacute stage of the disease

As the pain subsides, a person’s movements become freer and he can already perform the simplest exercises. Most often, this becomes possible by the end of the first week after the exacerbation occurs.

Rehabilitation period

After the second week from the onset of the disease and within 2-3 months, the pain gradually subsides, motor activity increases, and the volume and complexity of gymnastic exercises expands.

Interictal period

After complete cessation of pain, patients feel better. Many people think that a complete recovery has occurred.

However, morphological signs of osteochondrosis remain. Recovery of degenerative damage occurs slowly.

During this period, it is especially important to actively and systematically engage in physical therapy. This will be your guarantee against new exacerbations and pain in the lower back and leg.

At all stages of the disease, the goal is :

  • Improve blood circulation in the area of ​​the affected spinal roots;
  • Ensure the flow of oxygen and nutrients;
  • Strengthen metabolism;
  • Relieve muscle spasms and tension;
  • Increase the elasticity of the spinal muscles;
  • Strengthen venous outflow and removal of waste, salts, inflammatory exudate from the lesion;
  • Give freedom of movement in the lower back and sacral region (bending and turning the body, strengthening lumbar lordosis);
  • Restore statics and mobility of the entire spine, including the thoracic and cervical regions;
  • Completely eliminate pain and prevent possible exacerbations of radiculitis;
  • Eliminate morphological signs of spinal destruction (reduction or elimination of intervertebral hernias, resorption of adhesions and scars around injured roots, increased elasticity of connective tissue).

Step-by-step instructions for those starting gymnastics classes

You can start exercise therapy only if the diagnosis of radiculitis due to osteochondrosis is confirmed by a neurologist and X-ray, MRI or CT data. Otherwise, you may miss a tumor or other diseases that are causing lower back pain. Time will be lost, the forecast is unpredictable.

For each period of the disease, it is necessary to select an appropriate therapeutic set of exercises. Of course, if you are being treated in a clinic, a physical therapy doctor will do this for you. But now many people rely on videos from the Internet. Always look who is the author of the course. Trust only professionals with medical education.

Never do exercises that cause you pain. The appearance of pain means that you are overstraining your muscles, ligaments, and increasing pressure on the roots. This can lead to undesirable consequences: tissue injury, swelling, and an increase in hernial protrusions.

Perform all exercises slowly, stretch your muscles as much as possible. Fast paced exercise will cause muscle spasms. The task of exercise therapy is to relax spasmodic muscles and at the same time strengthen those fibers that have lost tone due to impaired innervation.

The health and integrity of the spine must be protected starting from a young age. The best way is prevention. Do morning exercises every day, don’t lie on the couch in front of the TV, walk more, visit fitness centers, dance studios, swim in the pool, learn from webinars from experienced doctors and physical therapy trainers.

It's never too late to start doing gymnastics for your health. The main thing is, once you start taking action, never stop exercising if you have lumbosacral radiculitis. Then you will have no chance of developing sequestered hernias and experiencing endless pain, leading to surgery and disability.

What exercises help relieve pain during exacerbation of lumbosacral radiculitis?

For very severe pain, which is characteristic of the initial stage of the disease, exercises are performed from a lying position on the back or stomach, as well as on the right and left side. If you cannot even turn in bed yet, make light movements only while lying on your back.

Back position:

  • Lying on your back, reach the top of your head towards the head end of the bed, and your heels towards the foot end. Slowly stretch the cervical and thoracic vertebrae. At the same time, pull down the lumbar and sacral regions. Stretch your spine and relax. Feel lightness throughout your body, no pain, no muscle tension. Lie like this for 3-5 minutes. Repeat this exercise 3 times during the day;
  • Press your heels to the bed, make circular movements with the toes of your feet towards each other, then in the opposite direction (8 circular movements each);
  • Alternately pull your toes towards you and away from you (10-12 repetitions);
  • Bend your knees and place your feet on the surface of the bed. Arms stretched to the sides. Slowly tilt both knees to the right and touch the bed. Return to your previous position and tilt your knees to the left. The exercise is repeated 5 times to the right and left.

Prone position:

  • Place your forehead on your crossed arms in front of you. Raise your straight leg up. Lower it. Raise your other leg. Repeat 5 times on each side.
  • Move your right leg as straight as possible to the right and return back. Repeat the exercise alternately with each leg 8 times;
  • Stretch your arms forward, place your palms on the bed. Alternately raise your right arm and left leg up. Change limbs 8-10 times.

Position on the left and right side:

Lie on your right side, place your arm bent at the elbow under your head. With your other hand, rest on the surface of the bed at chest level. Raise your straight leg up and do a series of exercises:

  • Swing your extended straight leg forward, then back;
  • Make circular movements with your straightened leg;
  • Bend your leg at the knee and hip joint, pull it towards your stomach and then straighten it.

Exercises for lumbosacral radiculitis are a mandatory and effective treatment. Exercises are included in the treatment process very early - 5-6 days from the moment of exacerbation, when the pain subsides a little. Therapeutic exercises for radiculitis relaxes spasmed muscles, relieves pain, and improves spinal mobility.

The picture of the acute period gradually smoothes out, the pain goes away, and the patient returns to his previous life and work. All you need to do now is eat right, exercise regularly and take.

Watch the video! These exercises are for those who often experience chronic lower back pain. Do them according to the method of Alexandra Bonina, a doctor of exercise therapy and sports medicine, and muscle tension will go away and there will be obvious relief.

Now that the pain has significantly decreased, it’s time to get serious about restoring the spine from lumbar osteochondrosis. Do physical therapy every day! Strengthen your muscle corset. Develop movements in the lumbar region and lower extremities. Master all the exercises that are performed from a sitting, lying and standing position. A special exercise therapy course will help you with this, and a smart and kind doctor, Alexandra Bonina, will become your mentor on the path to recovery. Click on the picture below or download the free course from this link!

We wish you good health, freedom from back pain, slender posture and freedom in the movements of the spine!

Physical exercise is your indispensable assistant in the fight against inflammation of the radicular nerve. Medicines for radiculitis can only eliminate the external symptoms of the disease, but cannot affect its cause.

Therapeutic gymnastics, on the contrary, leads to significant positive changes: it strengthens the muscle corset and spine, stimulates blood circulation in the affected area, stops destructive processes and normalizes the patient’s general well-being. It can be performed at home and at any convenient time.

What are the benefits of physical exercise?

Treatment of radiculitis always involves performing special gymnastics, selected with the participation of a doctor. When the acute phase of the disease has passed, you can begin physical activity. They are aimed at improving the patient’s condition and preventing relapses of the disease in the future.
Exercise therapy for radiculitis is aimed at normalizing metabolism in the affected area, eliminating stagnant processes, stimulating blood circulation and lymph flow. As a result, the corresponding part of the spine begins to receive more oxygen and nutrients, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of cartilage tissue.
The muscle corset becomes more stable, and the clearance between the vertebrae increases. As a result, the compression of the nerve roots becomes less severe, and inflammation and swelling gradually disappear. The patient notes a decrease in pain and an increase in muscle mobility in the affected area.

A set of exercises is selected by the attending physician taking into account the severity of the disease, the patient’s age and the general condition of his body. Today, at different stages of the disease, different types of movements are used that can be performed at home. Their goal is not pain relief, but a deeper treatment: strengthening muscles and increasing mobility of the spine.

Rules for prescribing exercise therapy for inflammation of the radicular nerve

Gymnastics for radiculitis is prescribed by a doctor subject to the following rules:

  1. It is permissible only when the acute stage of radicular syndrome has passed. Otherwise, serious complications may occur.
  2. Physical education treatment is always selected individually for each specific patient. The choice of exercises is influenced by the patient’s age, location of the disease and its severity.
  3. Regardless of the patient’s condition, the complex should be gentle. The loads increase gradually: from simple exercises to more complex ones.
  4. The loads should be combined: static exercises are combined with dynamic ones. Only mild discomfort is acceptable: if acute pain occurs, the activity should be stopped immediately.
  5. Therapeutic physical education should be regular, not a course. It is agreed with the doctor, but is performed at home. Sometimes such exercises are necessary throughout the patient's life.

When prescribing physical therapy for radiculitis, the doctor must take into account contraindications, which include the serious condition of the patient, his heart problems or the acute phase of the disease.

Rules for performing therapeutic exercises

Physical exercises for radiculitis should be performed regularly. Doctors recommend spending 15-20 minutes daily on them. If you don’t have time, you can limit yourself to 3-4 classes per week, but less frequent exercise will not give the desired result.
In order to make exercise therapy as effective as possible, follow the following rules:

  • exercise in a well-ventilated area;
  • choose comfortable clothes for training that will not hinder your movements;
  • watch your breathing: it should be calm and even;
  • If you feel pain when doing any exercise, give it up;
  • minimize the load on the spine: do exercises in a lying position, sitting and on all fours;
  • loads from a standing position are permissible only for patients with obvious positive dynamics;
  • Start your classes with exercises to relax the muscles of your arms, shoulders and back, and then gradually move on to activities aimed at strengthening them.

Carry out therapeutic exercises for radiculitis as carefully as possible. Avoid heavy lifting, jumping, and other sudden movements that could cause pain. If exercises for flexion-extension of the back cause discomfort to the patient, then they are also excluded from the complex.

Exercise therapy for cervical radiculitis

Treatment of radicular syndrome of this localization involves strengthening the pleural girdle and cervical muscles. The following exercises will help you improve your condition and avoid relapses:

  1. Tilt your head far forward, touching your chin to your chest. From this position, perform sliding movements to the right and left.
  2. Tilt your head back as far as possible and hold for a couple of seconds.
  3. Tilt your head to both sides, touching your shoulders. Then make circular movements along the minor axis.
  4. Make circular movements with your shoulders without using the rest of your torso. Work with both of them first, then each in turn.
  5. Sit on a chair, rest your elbows on the table. Place your left palm under your chin and your right palm on the back of your head. Turn your head to the left with your hands. Then repeat in the opposite direction.

Exercise therapy for lumbar radiculitis

The main goal of the activities is to strengthen the muscles of the lower back and back, which will significantly speed up the treatment of the disease. When starting a lesson, do a warm-up in the form of a calm run or walking in place.

  1. Stand up straight, stretch your arms forward. Roll from heel to toe, helping yourself with your hands.
  2. From the same starting position, raise your arms up and at the same time bend as much as possible.
  3. Stand up straight, put your hands on your waist. Lean to the left, slightly bending your right leg at the knee. Repeat by analogy in the other direction.
  4. From the same position, bend towards your right and left legs (as you inhale) and touch your knees with your hands. Unbend as you exhale.
  5. Squat (as you exhale) with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms extended forward.
  6. Lie on the floor and simultaneously lift your opposite arm and leg.

The desired number of repetitions for each exercise is 10-15 times.

Treatment of radiculitis is impossible without properly selected physical activities. Do the exercises daily and you will notice how much faster your recovery will be.

Therapeutic gymnastics will not only strengthen the muscles of the lumbar region, but also relieve inflammation, which is the main cause of pain in radiculitis. It is recommended to warm up before starting the exercises. Warm-up can be running in place or walking for 7-10 minutes. The gymnastics itself will not take more than 20 minutes.

As a rule, people suffering from these diseases perform a standard set of exercises. However, there may be exceptions depending on the course of the disease. In any case, it is not recommended to begin implementation without consulting this issue with your doctor.

Set of exercises

The standard complex is as follows:

  1. Lie on your back (on a hard, flat surface), bend your legs. Place your right hand along the body, your left hand on your stomach (or vice versa). Tighten your abdominal muscles. Hold them tense for a few seconds. Then relax. Repeat, keeping your hand on your stomach and using it to control tension and relaxation. 10 repetitions are enough. If you feel severe pain when doing this, straighten your legs so that the distance between your feet is approximately shoulder width. While performing this exercise, you should feel how your spine bends upward each time you tense your abdominal muscles.
  2. Continue lying down with your knees bent. Feet should be on the floor. Place your hands along the body. Without lifting your feet from the floor, raise your body and stay in this position for 5 seconds. After this, slowly lower your body to the floor. Repeat after a few seconds. Do 15 reps. In the future, you can complicate the exercise: instead of straightening your arms and positioned along your body, hold them behind your head.
  3. Lying on your back, straighten your legs and place your arms along your body. Bend your left leg and lift it so that it is 3-5 cm from the floor. Straighten your leg and slowly lower it. Then bend your right leg and do the same. Repeat 10 times (on each leg). After this, do it 10 more times, lifting 2 legs at the same time.
  4. In the same position, raise your legs above the floor so that in a raised position they are at a distance of 25-30 cm from the floor. Lock this position and remain in it for 5 seconds. Lower your legs, rest for a few seconds and repeat the exercise. Do 10-15 reps.

Also, the standard set of exercises includes the well-known “Bicycle” and “Scissors”.

These exercises are very simple to perform. To perform the “bicycle”, lie on your back, raise your legs, bend them at the knees and make movements with your legs, imagining that you are pedaling. In this case, your arms should be placed along the body and kept straight. “Scissors” is an exercise that is also performed while lying on your back. Raise both legs and make crossing movements without bending. In the initial stages, it is enough to perform this exercise 5 times, and then gradually increase the amount of movement to 15.

If you have sacral sciatica, the bridge exercise is very effective for treating this disease. To perform it you need to lie on your back. Straighten your arms and place them along your body. Raise your lower back so that your shoulder blades touch the floor (something like a regular gymnastics bridge). Stay in this position for 15 seconds. After this, lower your body to the floor, rest for a few seconds and repeat the exercise.

It is also useful to perform the following exercise to treat this disease. Lying on your back, bend your knees and spread your arms to the sides and place them so that your palms touch the floor. Move your bent knees first to the left, trying to touch your knees to the floor, then to the right. Repeat 10 times in each direction (alternately).

Some exercises can be done standing. The standard package includes:

  • raising and lowering the arms, accompanied by inhalation and exhalation;
  • stepping from heel to toe and back;
  • body tilts left and right.

The first exercise is very useful because it also includes breathing exercises. Stand up straight and while inhaling, raise your arms up. Stay in this position for a few seconds (hold your breath too) and lower your arms, exhaling. Repeat 5-10 times.

When performing the exercise, which involves stepping from heel to toe and back, your arms should be relaxed and lowered.

To perform bends, you need to stand straight. Hands on the belt. Feet shoulder width apart. Bend your left leg and tilt your body to the right. Then repeat the same with the other leg and in the other direction. Do 10 repetitions in total.

Another exercise should be performed while standing on all fours. As you inhale, stretch your neck forward and bend your lower back. As you exit, lower your head down, arching your back. Repeat 10 times.

As you can see, the complex includes simple exercises that will not require you to make maximum efforts and strain very much. All exercises are performed sequentially, slowly. Some patients feel their effectiveness already on the 2nd day, while with more complex and advanced forms of radiculitis, the effectiveness will become noticeable only after a month of regular use. This complex is suitable for patients of any age. The entire complex must be performed daily, since otherwise it will be almost impossible to achieve the desired effect from gymnastics.

Physical therapy for radiculitis first mate.

Unlike drug treatment, which only helps eliminate the symptoms of exacerbation of the disease, physical exercise helps eliminate the very cause of sciatica.

It is important to understand all the rules for using physical therapy for radiculitis, when you can perform physical exercises so as not to worsen the health situation and what they should be.

Not all exercises are suitable for treating radiculitis.

It is necessary to use only complexes specially designed for this purpose, developed by specialists.

What is radiculitis, symptoms

Radiculitis affects the peripheral nervous system. It occurs due to pinching of the nerve roots of the spinal cord. At the same time, the latter are subject to an inflammatory process and can even be damaged due to serious pinching. This disease characterized by periods of exacerbation and remission.

During periods of exacerbation, severe pain occurs in the affected area of ​​the spinal column.

The cause of exacerbations of radiculitis can be:

  • stressful situations;
  • hypothermia;
  • passive lifestyle;
  • playing sports;
  • progressive osteochondrosis;
  • hard physical labor;
  • tumors of the spinal column;
  • expanding osteophytes;
  • deposited salts.

Depending on the location, the following types of radiculitis are distinguished::

Cervical Soreness appears in the neck and occipital region. The pain increases significantly with coughing and head movements.
Cervicobrachial Pain occurs in the neck, shoulders and upper extremities.
Chest Manifests itself as girdling pain in the sternum area.
Lumbosacral Characterized by pain in the lumbar region, which can radiate to one of the lower extremities.

Traditional treatment of sciatica

Traditionally, sciatica is treated conservatively. The patient is prescribed:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs (Diclofenac, Ortofen, Ibuprofen);
  • painkillers (Ketonal, Movalis);
  • novocaine blockades;
  • muscle relaxants (“Mydocalm”, “Sirdalud”);
  • warming ointments based on bee or snake venom;
  • B vitamins.

Severe damage to the intervertebral discs may require surgical treatment.

In addition to drug and surgical treatment for radiculitis, physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed to relieve the inflammatory process, as well as to accelerate tissue regeneration and have a warming effect. Manual therapy and visits to a massage room and exercise therapy room are also recommended.

Video: "Exercises for acute back pain"

The use of exercise therapy for radiculitis

Did you know that...

Next fact

Exercise therapy plays one of the most important roles in radiculitis.. Therapeutic physical exercises are prescribed for any type of radiculitis. Only the set of exercises itself can differ.

Exercise therapy is aimed at strengthening the spinal column, increasing its functionality by strengthening the surrounding muscle corset, including the abdominal muscles, which play an important role in maintaining the lumbar region of the spine.

Besides therapeutic exercises improve blood circulation, which has a positive effect on the condition of the spinal nerves, improving their nutrition and swelling of soft tissues, helping to eliminate existing swelling.

For radiculitis, all exercises should initially be performed in a gentle manner. Only gradually can you increase the intensity of physical activity. Exercises should be performed from simple to more complex.

Exercises that involve a lying position must be performed on a hard, flat surface. Ideally, use a specially designed mat during classes.

Physical therapy classes are not prescribed to patients:

  • during the period of exacerbation of radiculitis (there is a high probability of only aggravating health problems);
  • for cardiac pathologies;
  • with intervertebral hernias, in which there is a possibility of damage to the spinal cord;
  • with increased ESR;
  • with an increase in body temperature.

Even if you do not fit into the category of patients for whom there are contraindications to exercise therapy, Before starting the exercises, it is still recommended to consult a specialist, which must give its approval for this method of treating radiculitis. In addition, exercise therapy is an excellent prevention of this disease, and also helps to recover faster after surgical treatment.

Video: "Gymnastics for acute radiculitis"

Exercise therapy for the treatment of radiculitis, technique

For cervical radiculitis, the following set of exercises is recommended::

  1. I.P. – standing, legs brought together. Bow your head towards your chest so that your chin touches the chest. In this position, make smooth movements of your head from left to right and vice versa, without lifting your chin from your chest. Repeat up to 15 times.
  2. I.P. – standing, feet together. Slowly move the back of your head back, almost touching it to your upper back. Stay in this position for at least 2 seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat 10-15 times.
  3. While standing, make circular movements with your head, without allowing strong deviations back (i.e. movements should be performed along the minor axis). Repeat at least 10 times.
  4. The fingers of both hands are clasped together at the back of the head. In this position, tilt your head forward, completely touching your chest. In the final position, completely relax and hold for about 10 seconds. Then return to the starting position. Repeat 15-20 head tilts.
  5. Standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, place your chin on your right hand, while clasping the back of your head with your left. In this position, make smooth movements with your head to the right side, holding at the end point for 20 seconds. Then return to the starting position. Repeat 15-20 times. Then change your hand and repeat the same manipulations, but only in the opposite direction.

For thoracic radiculitis, you can perform the following set of exercises in the starting position standing:

  1. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, bend both arms at the elbow joints at chest level. Raise your arms to the sides as you inhale, trying to bring your shoulder blades together and return to IP. on exhalation;
  2. Bend your arms at the elbow joints and place your hands on your shoulders. Alternately raise your left and right arms up so that they form a right angle with your shoulders and stay in this position for a few seconds. Then you can raise both hands together. It turns out: one lift - the left hand, the second lift - the right, the third lift - both hands together. Each position must be repeated at least 5 times;
  3. Bend both arms at the elbow joints. Raise your arms bent at the elbows up and back into IP, holding at the top point for 2-3 seconds;
  4. While lying on your stomach, alternately lift your left arm and left leg, and then your right arm and right leg. Lifting should be done while inhaling. There should be 8-10 lifts for each pair of limbs.
  5. Feet shoulder width apart. Swing alternately with each upper limb in the appropriate direction, i.e. left - to left, right - to right. Swings should not be abrupt. Repeat 10-15 movements in each direction.

For lumbosacral radiculitis, the following exercises are recommended::

  1. In a standing position, spread your legs shoulder-width apart. Bend your arms at the elbows and place them on your lower back. Perform smooth bends alternately to the right and left, pausing at the bottom point for 3 seconds and returning to I.P. Repeat 10-15 times.
  2. Standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, gently bend your body forward and backward., lingering at the bottom point for several seconds. Your hands should be on your lower back. Repeat at least 10 times.
  3. Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms in a free position on both sides of the body, bend back and forth. The tilt should be while inhaling, and you should try to reach the floor with your hands. At the lowest point, freeze for 2-3 seconds. Repeat 5-10 bends in each direction.
  4. Lying on your stomach, place your arms loosely on either side of your body. As you inhale, leaning on your forearms, simultaneously lift your head and shoulders up, holding at the top point for 2 seconds, then return to IP. Repeat at least 5-7 lifts.
  5. Lying on your stomach, clasp your hands behind your back. As you inhale, lift your head up, while bending in the chest area. At the top point, pause for 2-3 seconds, and then exhale, return to the starting position.


Exercise therapy plays an important role in the treatment of radiculitis. But you should not resort to it without consulting a specialist. All exercises must be performed under the supervision of an instructor, who will ensure that the exercises are performed correctly and will help prevent mistakes that could aggravate the health condition.

Exercise therapy is aimed not only at strengthening the spinal column, but also at strengthening the muscle corset surrounding it, as well as improving blood circulation. It is not always possible to resort to therapeutic exercises for radiculitis. Therefore, consultation with a doctor comes first. It will not be possible to completely cure radiculitis by resorting to exercise therapy alone, so treatment of the disease should be carried out comprehensively - you should not refuse drug treatment.

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