Female sex hormones during menopause: how they change, hormone levels. What are new generation hormonal drugs and why are these drugs prescribed for women during menopause? What hormones should you take during menopause?

During menopause, a woman's body undergoes major changes. In particular, hormones change during menopause. This is due to the decline of reproductive function, the ovaries stop producing eggs, and the gonads do not reproduce hormones. It is as a result of hormonal imbalance that symptoms of menopause appear - instability of menstruation, hot flashes, disturbances in the emotional state.


Changes during menopause cause discomfort in women and lead to a loss of self-confidence. However, you can prepare for the onset of this period in advance. If you regularly take hormone tests, you can find out approximately the time of the onset of menopause.

Hormonal changes

Every woman is born with a certain number of eggs in her ovaries, and when they run out, menopause occurs. An egg is produced by the ovaries approximately once a month, and if fertilization does not occur during the ovulation cycle, it is excreted along with menstrual flow.

At what age does menopause occur? This indicator is individual for each woman. Most often this is observed after 40, when too few eggs remain in the ovaries, and reproductive function declines. However, this process occurs gradually, and it is accompanied by the following symptoms of premenopause:

In addition, during menopause a woman may become insecure. Indeed, as a result of metabolic disorders, the appearance of skin, nails and hair worsens. Wrinkles appear, hair turns gray - all this brings a woman closer to old age.

The effect of menopause on hormone production

Hormonal levels during menopause undergo serious changes. The synthesis of many hormones is disrupted, which leads to serious consequences for the body.


In particular, the synthesis of hormones belonging to the group of estrogens (female hormones) is disrupted. First of all, the synthesis of estradiol, the most active hormone among this group, slows down. When its quantity reaches a critically insignificant level, menstruation stops - menopause occurs. After the very last menstruation, the production of this hormone stops altogether. Now the main estrogen is estrone, but it is less active compared to estradiol. Therefore, its protective properties are much lower.

As a result of the fact that estradiol in a woman’s body decreases during menopause, problems with the thyroid gland appear. It produces worse the hormone calcitocin, which is necessary to maintain bone mass. Therefore, during menopause, a woman may develop osteoporosis.

However, male hormones are still synthesized in a woman's ovaries. Therefore, some patients may experience excessive body hair. However, androgens are also very important during menopause - they prevent heart disease.


Progesterone production occurs after a mature egg leaves the follicle. However, during menopause, reproductive functions decline, and the number of released eggs decreases significantly. If a lack of progesterone is observed in another period, before the onset of menopause, this is regarded as a pathology. Lack of this hormone leads to infertility. Therefore, it is imperative to monitor its level throughout your life.

During menopause in women, from about 45 years of age, a noticeable decrease in progesterone levels begins. This is a male hormone that performs important functions in the female body. In particular, it is necessary for normal conception and gestation of a child, as it contributes to the formation of the placenta. Therefore, even if women become pregnant during menopause, the child may be born with abnormalities due to insufficient amounts of hormones in the mother’s body.

Hormonal treatment for menopause should include taking both estrogen and progesterone medications. If you take only female hormones during menopause, this can lead to serious consequences. This therapy often causes cancer or stroke.

In order for a woman’s health to be normal, hormone levels must be adjusted. For this, special medications are prescribed, and the patient must adhere to a special diet.

Why do a test for female hormones?

What happens during menopause? Every woman during menopause experiences hormonal instability, resulting in the cessation of menstruation. However, in premenopause it is necessary to take a hormone test. After all, the absence of menstruation can be a sign of serious pathologies that are dangerous for a woman. There is a certain norm of hormones during menopause, and if deviations from it are observed, the patient requires special therapy. And the treatment of menopause symptoms also depends on what level of hormones is observed in the body.

Types of analyzes

Disorders during menopause (depression, hot flashes, etc.) are associated with hormonal imbalance. And to improve a woman’s well-being, special treatment is required. Before prescribing it, the doctor takes a blood test for hormones. And it comes in several varieties:

  1. Analysis for the level of estradiol concentration. Premenopausal women are tested 6-7 days after the end of their period. If menopause has already reached the stage of menopause, when menstruation has stopped, the test is taken at any time. To get the most accurate result, it is recommended to repeat the procedure after 20 days. Before taking tests, you should not have sex or expose your body to increased stress. You should not take contraceptives, because after this the level of hormones in the blood rises. The material for analysis is taken from a vein in the morning on an empty stomach. The norm of estradiol during menopause is 54 pm/ml. Elevated estradiol can be a symptom of various diseases, for example, cervical fibroids.
  2. Blood test for the hormone progesterone. Taken before the expected date of menstruation. You can donate blood in the morning or after lunch, but be sure not to eat for at least 5 hours beforehand. The hormone norm during menopause is no more than 0.64 nmol/l.
  3. FSH analysis. FGS is a hormone that stimulates the follicles, due to which the process of egg release is accelerated. It is produced by the pituitary gland and controls the formation of estrogen. If there is a sufficient amount of estrogen in the blood, the concentration of FGS is low. But the level of FGS during menopause increases to critical levels, as the amount of estrogen decreases. The norm for FGS in menopause is from 25 to 100 mIU/ml.
  4. Analysis for LH. This is a hormone involved in ovulation. When it increases in the blood, the level of FGS decreases during menopause. The normal value of this hormone in the blood is 16-54 mIU/ml.

It must be taken into account that tests are necessary not only when a woman feels unwell. Every patient over 40 must donate blood to check the level of hormones in her. After all, after menopause and during it, serious diseases may appear, which are most effectively treated in the early stages.

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For many women, it is much more difficult to cope with the hormonal changes that the female body undergoes with the onset of menopause. While some representatives of the fair sex experience only mild discomfort, many, on the contrary, complain of a whole range of unpleasant symptoms that significantly worsen their quality of life.

In all countries, in order to facilitate women’s well-being, it is customary to carry out hormonal treatment during menopause, which involves taking medications containing synthetic analogues of hormones that are necessary for the woman’s body. In the medical field, this method is called hormone replacement therapy.

As a rule, the deterioration in well-being that women experience during menopause is inextricably linked with a decrease in the level of estrogen and progesterone in the body.

Synthetic analogues will help “deceive” the body. Unfortunately, this type of therapy is not suitable for everyone, as it has a number of contraindications, including:

  • thrombophilia of an acquired or hereditary nature;
  • chronic diseases affecting the biliary tract;
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • severe form of diabetes mellitus;
  • various autoimmune diseases;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • oncological diseases, among which the leading role is given to breast and uterine cancer;
  • endometriosis.

You should only take hormones during menopause strictly as prescribed by your doctor, because many serious diseases can get worse during replacement therapy. Only a qualified specialist, guided by the results of the necessary tests, will be able to accurately determine , what hormones are needed during menopause, as well as the optimal duration of treatment and dosage. A woman undergoing hormone replacement therapy is required to undergo the necessary examination by a gynecologist at least once every 6 months.

Estrogen and progesterone are the main female hormones. During menopause, the female body urgently needs to replenish the deficiency of these hormones. The production of hormones occurs in the ovaries, the functionality of which sharply decreases with the onset of menopause. In such conditions, hormone replacement therapy becomes appropriate.

The production of estrogen begins in the early stages of puberty in the female body and ends only with the onset of menopause. The first signs of the onset of estrogen production are represented by an increase in the mammary glands in size and the active development of girls.

The normal formation of the female body depends on the sufficient production of estrogen by the ovaries during adolescence. Estrogens are entrusted with a whole range of important functions to ensure the full functioning of the entire female body. In this case we are talking about:

  • protecting blood vessels and preventing the formation of cholesterol plaques that contribute to the development of atherosclerosis;
  • ensuring sufficient skin hydration and elasticity;
  • general regulation of water-salt metabolism;
  • renewing bone tissue and ensuring their strength.

An important hormone, which is present in certain quantities in both the female and male body, is progesterone. In some periods, there is an absence of this hormone, which is considered normal. We are talking about the first years after the onset of menstruation and menopause. In other cases, against the background of progesterone deficiency, serious pathological changes occur in the body.

As medical research shows, progesterone has the function of preparing the uterus for the conception of a child, balancing an unstable emotional state and reducing excessive female activity.

Normal production of breast milk after the birth of a child is also ensured by these sex hormones. During menopause, women face a deficiency of progesterone, which results in a deterioration in mood and general well-being.

Hormone replacement therapy: negative aspects of treatment

It has long been known that hormonal levels require a responsible approach to correcting them, because any wrong decision can have irreversible consequences. Thus, replacement therapy is also dangerous due to the following side effects:

  • weight gain;
  • swelling;
  • headaches;
  • engorgement of the mammary glands;
  • stagnation of bile, as a result of which the organs of the digestive system suffer greatly.


In addition, it is important to consider that replacement therapy can lead to exacerbation of existing diseases. Therefore, if ailments are identified that are direct contraindications for HRT, the woman is prescribed phytoestrogens - plant hormones for women. During menopause, only such methods can achieve relief of well-being.

Video about hormones during menopause

Female hormones for menopause in tablets, list of drugs, diagnosis, treatment, contraindications - the main issues when the menopause occurs. A woman pays special attention to age-related changes in her body: dryness and loss of elasticity of the skin, wrinkles, changes in blood pressure, decreased libido, and depression. In order not to trigger a number of pathological diseases, you should undergo an examination, establish a diagnosis of the onset of menopause and begin therapy.

What hormones are deficient during menopause?

When menopause occurs, a hormonal imbalance occurs in the female body, which causes a gradual cessation of the menstrual cycle due to low levels of sex hormones. The menopausal period usually lasts up to 10-15 years, and in some cases up to 20 years, and after this time the reproductive function of the ovaries dies out. Low levels of hormones provoke the manifestation of unpleasant symptoms of menopause, numerous disorders in the body, and also cause pathologies that can lead to serious diseases of all systems.

Female menopause consists of three stages:
  1. The perimenopausal phase, which on average lasts from two to four years.
  2. The menopause phase is the peak of age-related hormonal changes. Its duration usually takes from five to eight years.
  3. Postmenopausal phase. The duration of this phase continues until the woman’s hormonal levels reach a new stable level.

Each phase of menopause is accompanied by a decrease in the amount of sex hormones. The process of the menstrual cycle is divided into two halves: the first is characterized by the predominance of estrogen, and the second by progesterone. The premenopausal stage is expressed by a deficiency of the female hormone estrogen, which is why menstruation fails. The second stage is accompanied by a decrease in the male hormone progesterone, which is responsible for the uterine endometrium. The postmenopausal phase involves stopping the production of all sex hormones, which is why the uterine cavity, ovaries and appendages are reduced in volume.

Symptoms of menopause

Menopause in a woman is accompanied by many symptoms:

  • jumps in systolic and diastolic pressure;
  • hot flashes to the upper regions (neck, face, décolleté, as well as to the hands and back);
  • cessation of the menstrual cycle;
  • instability of psycho-emotional state (tearfulness, irritability, nervousness);
  • depression;
  • sleep problems;
  • anxiety;
  • dry skin;
  • deterioration of hair and nails;
  • gaining excess body weight;
  • increased sweating;
  • problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • urinary incontinence or prolonged abstinence from going to the toilet;
  • uterine prolapse;
  • dry mucous membranes in the genitals;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • spasm;
  • attacks of tachycardia.

Manifestations of age-related changes and their intensity depend on the characteristics of a woman’s body, her lifestyle and nutrition.

To alleviate the symptoms, the patient is recommended to make adjustments to her lifestyle. A woman should pay attention to a rational and balanced diet, drinking regimen, physical activity, and proper and healthy sleep. You also need to give up smoking, drinking strong alcohol and being in stressful situations.

It is important to take into account that timely treatment can not only relieve the symptoms and signs of menopause, but also makes it possible to restore a woman’s stable psycho-emotional state.

Advantages and disadvantages of hormone replacement therapy

The advantages of HRT are:

  1. Medicines contain in their chemical composition hormones of synthetic origin, which are analogues of natural ones. For this reason, their effectiveness is much higher than that of hormones taken from plants or foods.
  2. Medications developed using new technology are not addictive, so you can stop treatment without any difficulty and at any time. The pills do not have a negative effect on a woman’s body.
  3. Medicines include not only the sex hormones estrogen and progesterone, but also those produced by the thyroid gland and pituitary gland. It is important that the male hormone androgen is not included in the list.
  4. Comfort during sexual intercourse and absence of pain.
  5. The use of this therapy does not provoke excess body weight gain, despite the fact that obesity is one of the symptoms of menopause. This occurs due to low physical activity and an unbalanced diet, which contains a lot of fatty, spicy, salty and smoked foods.
  6. Restoration of the nervous system.
  7. The presence of progesterone in drugs serves as a preventive measure against the occurrence of cancer of the breast and genitourinary system.
  8. Various formats for the release of hormonal products not only in the form of tablets and capsules, but also in the form of gels, ointments, and patches, which make it possible to carry out therapy for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  9. Reducing the development of pathologies of the heart muscle and blood vessels.
  10. Preventive effect against osteoporosis.

The disadvantages of hormone replacement treatment include the fact that there is still a risk of developing cancer. In order to avoid such consequences, a woman needs to regularly visit the office of her gynecologist, take tests and undergo an ultrasound examination of the mammary glands and pelvic organs.

Contraindications for menopause treatment

Hormone replacement therapy is not suitable for every woman of menopausal age.

Treatment has the following contraindications:

However, before going to the pharmacy to buy a medicine, a woman needs to consult a doctor for advice in order to assess all possible risks and not cause harm to the body.

Self-medication in the presence of one of the above contraindications can aggravate the course of the disease, which is fraught with the development of pathologies of other systems.

Categories of medications during menopause

The chemical composition of drugs can be divided into five main categories:

  1. Composition of the artificial hormone estrogen. Doctors most often prescribe drugs on this basis when artificial menopause occurs, which is provoked by a previous operation to remove the uterus. However, indications include advanced cases of mental disorder and serious problems with night rest.
  2. Medications consisting of progesterone and estrogen. This combination allows you to cope with the painful manifestations of menopause symptoms, and also has a preventive effect on their occurrence.
  3. Hormone-based drugs that are intended for women with late menopausal syndrome.
  4. Vaginal topical preparations. Most often, this medicine can be found in the form of suppositories, which help cope with itching, dryness and redness in the genital area and vagina. Also, suppositories restore the functionality of the genitourinary system.
  5. Herbal medicines. The hormones contained in the medicine are of natural origin, which are similar to natural estrogen. Herbal medicines are recognized by doctors as a more gentle therapeutic agent for eliminating menopausal symptoms and can be used for preventive purposes. The main advantage is its use by patients for whom hormonal drugs are contraindicated.

Treatment with hormone replacement therapy for women is carried out individually and lasts from six months to a year, and is most effective.

List of drugs based on synthetic female hormones

Menopause therapy with hormonal drugs allows a woman to restore health and maintain youth. The Russian pharmacological market provides a wide range of medicines.

The most effective are the following:
  1. "Klimonorm". The product in the form of tablets replenishes the loss of the hormone estrogen, guarantees therapy to improve the functioning of the genitourinary system, and minimizes the likelihood of the appearance and development of diseases of the heart muscle and vascular pathology.
  2. "Premarin." One of the leading drugs that has a preventive effect on the depletion of the skeletal system (the disease is called osteoporosis).
  3. "Ovestin". Tablets of this product improve the condition of the vaginal mucosa and also reduce the risk of inflammation of the genitourinary system.
  4. "Vero-Danazol". Helps treat endometriosis and mastopathy during menopause in women.
  5. "Divina." The drug improves blood quality, minimizes the likelihood of development and progression of atherosclerosis, and also prevents the appearance of endometrial malignancy and hyperplasia.
  6. "Angelique." Despite the fact that the medicine does an excellent job of relieving the symptoms of menopause, it also helps improve memory and increases concentration.
  7. "Climodien." The product contains only artificial estrogens, which help normalize female hormonal levels.
  8. "Qi-Klim." The best medicinal drug for women who have undergone surgery on the reproductive organs.
  9. "Femoston". The chemical composition includes a combination of estrogen and progesterone, which gives an improved result in the treatment of the last phase of menopause and serves as a preventive measure against osteoporosis. It also helps restore women’s health in the postoperative period.
  10. "Climodinon". The drug is indicated for pathologies of the vegetative-vascular system during menopause.
  11. "Divisek." The drug includes progesterone and estradiol. This combination not only helps eliminate menopausal symptoms, but also reduces the risk of pelvic cancer.
  12. "Livial." It has a positive effect on a woman’s hormonal levels, relieves hot flashes in the upper parts of the body, and restores the natural environment of the vagina. The drug has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system.
  13. "Ovestin". The medication in the form of tablets improves the condition of the mucous membrane of the woman’s genital organs, and also helps to normalize the process of urination.
  14. "Pauzogest." The drug includes a combination of sex hormones, which has a positive effect on the nervous system. Minimizes the risk of developing pathologies of the skeletal system.
  15. "Klayra." The best medicine (according to patients) to eliminate heavy bleeding from the vagina.
  16. "Norkolut." Gently and effectively eliminates any manifestations of menopausal syndrome.
  17. "Trisquence". Serves as a preventive measure to eliminate osteoporosis during menopause.
  18. "Cyclo-Proginova". Restores women's health after undergoing hysterectomy operations.
  19. "Ladybone." Leader in improving bone health.
  20. "Estrofem". A drug containing the hormone estrogen, which is necessary in the treatment of osteoporosis.
  21. "Lindynet." The tablets quickly relieve the pain of menopause symptoms.
  22. "Yarina." The drug is prescribed for frequent inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system of a woman.
  23. "Triquilar." The medication balances hormonal levels and also increases sexual desire for the opposite sex.
  24. "Chloe." It perfectly eliminates headaches and normalizes the psycho-emotional state of a woman during menopause.
  25. "Janine." The medicine improves the microflora in the female genitals, relieving dryness, redness and itching.
  26. "Orgametril." Prescribed for the treatment of endometriosis and endometrial hyperplasia, as well as for benign breast tumors.
  27. "Nemestran." The drug can be prescribed by your doctor to maintain your menstrual cycle at the first signs of menopause.

For a woman who is experiencing age-related hormonal changes, it is important to remember that there is no best medicine for relieving menopausal symptoms. Since the treatment is influenced by the woman’s health status, her lifestyle, nutrition, habits, environment at home and at work, as well as personal characteristics. Each case is unique and requires an individual approach to therapy.

This period is characterized by the gradual loss of a woman's ability to become pregnant. This is explained by the cessation of the ovaries’ production of female hormones, which contribute to maturation, fertilization, and the consolidation of the egg in the body of the uterus.

The decline of reproductive function leads to changes in the body as a whole - vital organ systems adapt to work in a different mode.

This is due to the fact that female sex hormones affect not only the genital organs, but also determine the coordinated functioning of other systems. When they are deficient, a restructuring of organ functions occurs.

Changes in a woman's body during menopause

Any changes in the functioning of the body during menopause are reflected not only in the work of internal organs - the external characteristics of the skin, hair, nails and figure as a whole undergo certain transformations:

  • from the female genital area. Since estrogen ceases to be produced in sufficient quantities, the maturation of follicles in the ovaries does not occur. Ovulation does not occur, fertilization does not occur. Follicles in the ovaries are increasingly replaced by connective tissue;
  • from the skin. The inner walls of the vagina, as well as all tissues in the body, including the outer skin, lose elasticity, since this indicator is provided by estrogens. The mucous secretion also ceases to be produced, which is why it intensifies. Vessels lose elasticity, wrinkles appear on the skin. Decreased collagen synthesis due to decreased estrogen production causes dry and sagging skin;
  • from the genitals. The tubes of the uterus become overgrown over time, which prevents the passage of an egg through them. Its internal cavity gradually becomes overgrown with connective tissue, and the body of the uterus becomes smaller. The outer labia lose their tone due to the replacement of fat cells with connective tissue. Pubic hair becomes thinner;
  • from the cardiovascular system. The work of the heart and blood vessels will become more difficult due to increased cholesterol. Estrogen helps dissolve cholesterol deposits, and if there is a lack of hormone, it is more difficult for the blood vessels to cope with the load, which affects the functioning of the heart;
  • from the mammary glands. The fat layer in the breast is replaced by connective tissue, which can provoke a decrease in breast tone. If your breasts are large, they may become larger; if they are small, they may sag. The shape changes, the size of the gland may change;
  • from the side of bone tissue. Tissue density decreases due to hormonal imbalances. A common disease during menopause is osteoporosis. The older the woman, the more fragility and porosity of the bones.

Menopause can also affect the functioning of other organs (thyroid, liver, digestive organs).

All changes negatively affect the nervous system. Psychological and emotional mood changes for the worse due to the manifestation of menopausal symptoms.

What happens to hormones


It is necessary to understand that short-term use of synthetic estrogens may not have negative consequences, but with long-term use, the risk of developing pathological processes increases significantly.

Types of HRT

Hormone therapy involves replacing natural organic elements in the body with hormones when they are deficient and can be of the following types:

  • substitution. Replenishes the deficiency of the missing hormone. Involves the use of small doses of the drug to compensate for missing elements. Treatment can be short-term or long-term;
  • pathogenetic. Involves taking high doses of hormonal drugs and limited treatment time;
  • suppressive(overwhelming). Hormones are aimed at suppressing the function of a pathologically developing gland. Most often, this type is used for prostate cancer in men and is not related to the course of menopause.

Depending on the composition of the hormonal drugs, glucocorticoids and thyroid-stimulating drugs, hormonal contraceptives and other hormonal drugs can be used.

Therapy can be long-term or short-term. The duration of treatment depends on the symptoms and severity of the menopause.

Basic drugs

Common replacement therapies are new generation drugs that have a minimum of side effects and also successfully cope with the symptoms of menopause.

Here is a list that lists to combat the symptoms of menopause at this time:

  • . Antimenopausal agent. The active substance is estradiol. The drug contains gray and pink tablets, they contain different amounts of the active substance. The drug is intended to eliminate the symptoms of menopause, as well as prevent the development of osteoporosis. Has contraindications. The dosage of the drug is once a day. Depending on the presence and course of menstruation, it is possible to additionally use progesterone;
  • . Contains estrogen and gestagen. Contains yellow and brown pellets. The drug restores the menstrual cycle, helps eliminate vegetative problems associated with menopause, increase the amount of collagen in the skin, and reduce cholesterol. Treatment involves taking the drug for 21 days according to the regimen specified in the application;
  • . The product is available in tablets and drops. Refers to phytotherapeutic agents. Contains dry extract of the black cohosh plant. Tablets or drops are taken once every two days. The doctor can determine the duration of the course of taking the drug depending on individual characteristics;
  • . Contains gray-pink tablets (28 pieces per package), which contain estradiol and drospirenone. The medicine is indicated for HRT during menopause, as well as to prevent the development of osteoporosis. The dose should be taken once a day at the same time.
  • For problems with the stomach or kidneys, it is advisable to use external agents or implants. If other medications are taken in parallel, drug interactions can be avoided.

    Depending on the required dosage, the doctor can determine the duration and form of treatment.


    Hormone deficiency patches are used quite effectively in HRT.

    They are glued to an area of ​​the body under clothing for a week, and then replaced with a new one.

    The active substance gradually penetrates the skin into the body and replenishes the lack of missing estrogen.

    The drug has almost no side effects, but, like other HRT agents, it requires the approval of a doctor.


    The gel should be applied once a day to the stomach or buttocks. Fast absorption ensures ease of use, however, limited showering or bathing in the first hour after taking the product reduces its popularity.

    The most famous and effective gels:

    Most women are interested in what to take during menopause so as not to age. Menopause is often referred to as menopause in women. Menopause symptoms such as hot flashes, vaginal dryness, loose skin, brittle dry hair and nails associated with hormonal changes occur in every woman's body as she ages. However, their consequences can be alleviated. Along with home remedies for menopause, such as proper nutrition and an active lifestyle, phytoestrogens supplements or hormone replacement therapy are used. These methods allow a woman to stay young and healthy longer.

    Menopause is the last menstruation in a woman's life, after which there is no bleeding for 12 months. The menopause period is the time when the ovaries stop doing their job, i.e. produce female hormones. The consequence of a deficiency of sex hormones is not only loss of fertility and cessation of the menstrual cycle, but also a number of changes occurring in the body, which are typical symptoms of menopause. These include:

    • deterioration of skin condition (skin becomes thin and less elastic);
    • vaginal dryness;
    • decreased libido;
    • violation of the statics of the reproductive organ and urinary incontinence;
    • mood swings and tendency to decrease;
    • irritability;
    • fast fatiguability;
    • deterioration of memory and concentration;
    • increased risk of osteoporosis;
    • tendency to corpulence.

    During menopause, other symptoms are observed - harbingers of menopause, including hot flashes, night sweats, and rapid heartbeat.

    Therapeutic measures

    A woman struggling with menopause symptoms may consider hormone replacement therapy (HRT). HRT, in addition to alleviating the symptoms of menopause, has a beneficial effect on the skeletal system (reduces the risk of osteoporosis) and lipid profile. Hormone replacement therapy reduces the risk of developing certain types of cancer: it reduces the likelihood of colon, liver, and bile duct cancer. However, it increases the risk of developing breast and cervical cancer.

    What to drink during menopause so as not to age? Hormone replacement therapy involves taking estriol, beta-estradiol in combination with gestagens, which prevent changes in the endometrium (the mucous membrane of the uterine body). Preparations with estrogens themselves are used less frequently; they can be used by patients after removal of the uterus.

    The main female hormone contained in the drugs is estrone, a weak estrogen. The most powerful estrogen, estradiol, is taken in small concentrations. There are different routes of hormone administration: transdermal (patches and subcutaneous implants), intramuscular, vaginal, so the patient has a wide choice of the form of HRT used.

    Before starting hormone replacement therapy, it is necessary to conduct a number of studies that are aimed at eliminating possible contraindications for HRT. In addition to collecting anamnesis and gynecological examination, the doctor will order an ultrasound of the female organs, mammography, and blood tests.

    Not every woman can use hormone replacement therapy. Hormone replacement therapy increases blood clotting, which can lead to the development of thromboembolic complications. The decision to introduce this type of treatment must be well thought out; before starting it, the doctor must collect a thorough history of the health of the patient, as well as her family. It should be remembered that HRT should not be used by women (current or past) with cervical or breast cancer.

    Taking phytoestrogens to reduce symptoms

    Due to the low incidence of side effects, supplements containing phytoestrogens and isoflavones are a good alternative to hormone replacement therapy. These natural substances that occur in soy act similarly to estrogens, which are secreted in smaller quantities during menopause and gradually cease to perform their functions.

    You can take phytoestrogens during menopause so as not to age.

    If you notice the first signs of menopause, take herbal estrogen supplements.

    After all, supplements with phytoestrogens provide a safe way to relieve unpleasant symptoms, such as hot flashes, insomnia and decreased mood. It is worth knowing that they belong to the group of antioxidants that inhibit the aging process, support the functioning of the immune system, and have an antitumor effect.

    In addition to the described actions, women during menopause are recommended to follow symptomatic treatment. The feeling of vaginal dryness can be relieved by using topical moisturizers. And low mood and depression should prompt a woman to attend psychological and psychiatric consultation, as well as to use the recommended treatment. Typically, drugs from the SSRI group (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) are used.

    Characteristics of plant hormones

    Phytoestrogens, plant hormones, are substances that occur naturally in plants. Among these substances the following classes are distinguished: isoflavones, lignans, stilbenes and coumestans. The structure of plant hormones, as well as the functions they perform, are very similar to the female hormone estrogen. True, their effect is much weaker than that of hormones that are produced in the body, but their consumption along with food can help the body function properly.

    The main health benefits of a diet rich in phytoestrogens are:

    • preventing the development of cancer, for example, prostate and breast cancer, due to antioxidant properties, inhibiting the development of cancer cells;
    • relief of ailments associated with menopause;
    • influence on improving the blood lipid profile, primarily reducing the level of so-called bad cholesterol and increasing the high-density lipoprotein (HDL) fraction;
    • counteracting the formation of inflammatory processes in the body and reducing the risk of developing various types of infections;
    • steering mechanism of diabetes treatment, reducing insulin resistance.

    Products containing the necessary elements

    The presence of phytoestrogens in food is as follows:

    • isoflavones are found in large quantities in soybeans, soy flour and products, and in small doses they are found in lentils, bran, oat flakes, rice and some fruits and vegetables;
    • lignans - their richest source is flax seeds and flaxseed oil, slightly less of them are found in sunflower seeds, fruits (pears, cherries, apples) and vegetables (carrots, onions, dill);
    • stilbenes - this type of plant hormones is found mainly in red wine, grapes, nuts (peanuts);
    • coumestans – This class of phytoestrogens comes from sunflower seeds, clover seeds and bean sprouts.

    Other ways to deal with the problem

    Some women experience menopause relatively mildly, while others experience severe symptoms. For the former, it is often enough to apply only small lifestyle modifications to ease this difficult period.

    It is desirable that a woman be socially active and have a person in her environment who will support her and will say that, despite entering old age, she is still attractive.

    To reduce symptoms, you should avoid provoking factors such as stuffiness, stress, alcohol, and spicy seasonings.


    To make menopause easier, it is recommended to stop smoking cigarettes and using other stimulants. Diet is essential: it should be rich in vitamins, calcium and foods containing phytoestrogens. The following types of foods should be excluded from the diet: fatty and fried foods, sweets and carbonated drinks.

    Menopause is not a disease, but a physiological feature of a woman. There are many ways to eliminate the signs of menopause, but to do this you need to contact qualified specialists and strictly follow their advice and recommendations.

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How to remove phlegm from the lungs? The question is quite relevant, since it is directly related to the lifestyle of each person. Reasons...

During a gynecological examination, changes in the cervix may be detected. They do not always mean the presence of cancer...

Page 6 of 9 Treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract Gastritis Gastritis is an inflammation of the gastric mucosa, which...

Many people have heard about such a disease as dropsy. What kind of disease this is and how it manifests itself, not everyone knows. Hydrocele or...
Flax (seeds) 1 tbsp. spoon Seeds pour 200 ml of boiling water, close, leave for 5 hours, drain. Drink in 2 doses with an interval of 30...
Flax is an annual plant with pretty blue flowers. Blooms in June. The plant is widespread everywhere, its...
Coughing is a reflex process that helps eliminate mucus, dust, and foreign bodies that have entered the respiratory tract. He calls...
One of the advantages of the medusomycete infusion is its ability to be a concomitant and enhance the effect of the main medicinal drugs...
An infectious disease with inflammation of the tonsils is called tonsillitis. Infection often occurs through the usual airborne route....