How many calories are in a cup of coffee. Calorie content of coffee without sugar

The calorie content of coffee worries not only coffee lovers, but also people who want to lose weight or are on various diets. How much weight can you gain if you drink a lot of coffee? The calorie content of this drink depends on many factors.

For example, a spoonful of sugar, condensed milk or milk can increase the calorie content of coffee tenfold. Let's find out how the addition of certain ingredients affects calorie content? How much coffee can you drink to maintain your figure in perfect condition?

There are several coffee options. The caloric content of each of them may be different, for example:

  • Natural coffee with and without sugar;
  • Instant coffee with and without sugar;
  • Brewed or powdered coffee with added milk;
  • Stickers from the store – 3 in 1 coffee;
  • And many other types of coffee that we will look at in this article.

There are different types of diets; in some, coffee is initially prohibited. In others, drinking a coffee drink, even with sugar, is acceptable. It all depends on the diet itself, the speed of losing extra pounds and your initial weight.

If you want to lose weight quickly and at the same time have a clear excess of body fat, then you will most likely have to give up sugar and full-fat milk in coffee, but not always. It is important to understand how many calories you will get by drinking this or that coffee. And for this you need to know the calorie content of the additives that are put in coffee.

Additives in coffee:

  • 100 ml of low-fat milk has 45-50 calories;
  • A spoonful of sugar ranges from 45 calories;
  • 100 ml of cream, depending on its fat content, reaches 100-300 calories.

If you consider that 100 ml of coffee contains 2 calories, then putting 1 spoon of sugar in it, you will get 47 calories. And if you drink 3 of these servings a day, then you will burn 141 calories. But it’s better to exclude it, especially since many people drink it with sugar, which means the calorie content is quite high. In any case, it's up to you.

Calorie content of coffee with milk, sugar

Let's look at some coffee recipes and find out how many calories they contain. The calorie content of coffee with sugar can be calculated by the amount of sugar. Take, for example, a cup of natural coffee - 2 calories and 1 spoon of sugar - 45 calories, for a total of 47 calories per 100 ml of instant coffee.

And the calorie content of coffee with milk depends on how much milk you add to the coffee and what fat content it is. Let's imagine that you drink coffee without sugar, but add 30 g of milk with good fat content, say 2.5%. In this case, the calorie content of 100 g of coffee will be equal to 18 calories. And if you add sugar, then one cup of coffee will contain 75 calories.

Other options for coffee with milk, sugar (standard serving 100 ml):

  • “Americano” with milk – 17 calories;
  • Instant coffee with a spoon of sugar – 50 calories;
  • A cappuccino with sugar will give you 130 calories;
  • Just coffee with milk will give - 37 calories, and if you add sugar - 53 calories;
  • Coffee made with milk - 58 calories;
  • Calorie content of coffee with condensed milk - 55 Kcal;
  • Coffee with condensed milk and sugar – 324 Cal;
  • Regular coffee with milk contains 40 calories per serving.

Calorie content of coffee without sugar and without milk

If you drink only natural coffee and don’t add anything to it at all. Without cream, sugar and milk, the calorie content of such a drink will be equal to 2 units.

It becomes obvious from the example below that drinking coffee without additives cannot in any way affect the acquisition of excess weight. The only catch is that such a drink will not be very tasty and few people will drink it.

Calorie content of ground coffee without sugar, examples:

  • The calorie content of ground natural coffee in a 225 gram cup is 2 calories;
  • Empty Americano - 2 calories;
  • The well-known Espresso has 4 calories;
  • The calorie content of 100 ml of Turkish coffee reaches 12 kcal.

Instant coffee calories with and without sugar

Instant coffee has slightly different characteristics than ground coffee. In addition, instant drinks are absolutely harmful, as we have already written. Therefore, if possible, replace it with custard. It’s better to exclude any coffee from your diet altogether. It's easy to do. To do this, it is enough to gradually reduce the dose of coffee consumption.

  1. the calorie content of instant coffee without sugar will have only 2 calories;
  2. and the calorie content of instant coffee with sugar is plus 45 Cal, i.e. 47 calories.

The calculation is based on a standard 100 ml cup of coffee, but as you know, few people drink in such small portions, usually a standard cup is 250 ml, so you can safely multiply the calculations by three.

Coffee calorie content per 100 grams

Let's see how many calories are STANDARDLY included in 100 grams of the finished drink:

  • Any instant or natural coffee: calorie content per 100 grams – 2 calories;
  • If you make coffee with sugar: calorie content per 100 grams – 47 calories.
  • Cappuccino 130 calories;
  • Calorie content of Latte coffee, according to the standard recipe, is 175 Kcal per 100 g of coffee;
  • A large serving of natural coffee at MD (McDonalds) has no calories at all;
  • MD latte contains 40 calories per 100 ml or 180 kcal per 450 ml;
  • Mocha from MD 450 g 330 kcal or 73 calories per 100 ml;
  • Cappuccino from MD - 450 g 130 kcal or 29 cal per 100 grams;
  • Starbucks Americano – 3.5 calories per 100 grams or 450 g 15 kcal;
  • Fappuccino (with cream) from Starbucks - 95.5 calories per 100 grams or 450 g 430 kcal. - This is the highest calorie coffee.

Coffee with cream calories

As for the calorie content of coffee with cream, much depends on the fat content of the cream itself and the amount of it added per serving of coffee. Let's assume that you want to brew brewed coffee without sugar and put in it 30 grams of cream, the fat content of which is 10%. The output will be 41 calories.

Or these popular examples of coffee with cream:

  • 225 ml Frappuccino with cream, the highest calorie coffee in the world, contains about 220 kcal;
  • A serving of Mocha with cream reaches 360 calories;

Coffee 3 in 1 calories per bag

If we consider the benefits of 3 in 1 coffee, then there is no doubt what kind of poison it is. Since regular coffee, as we wrote about, has no benefit, only harm, then one can only imagine what is being sold to customers under the guise of 3-in-1 coffee.

The calorie content of 3 in 1 coffee is 69 calories. Imagine, if you drink 4-5 stickers a day, and this is basically not that much, for example for an office worker, then we do the calculations in our heads and get 69 * 5 = 345 calories per day. And this does not take into account any goodies. As you know, sometimes a candy, sometimes a bun, sometimes a gingerbread goes with coffee. Here's the arithmetic for you, it seems like you haven't eaten anything all day, just coffee and a couple of buns, but you've eaten more than 1000 calories.

We understand that at work, and at home too, there is no time to brew a natural type of coffee, so we have to choose 3 in 1, however, think about whether it is worth it. Maybe it’s better to get rid of this harmful drink altogether?

Number of calories in coffee per 100 grams of product, specifically the product, not ready-made coffee:

  • Roasted coffee beans contain 331 calories;
  • Instant (powder, granules, freeze-dried) coffee contains 241 calories;

Or here is a more accurate calculation for 1 serving: the calorie content of 8 g of ground coffee is 2 kcal, which is equivalent to one 100 ml cup.

The calorie content of coffee can really reach its maximum limit if you add sugar, condensed milk, cream and milk to it. On the other hand, without such additives you won’t even want to drink coffee. Decide for yourself what is more valuable to you: a few cups of coffee every day or a slim, beautiful figure. I got rid of this drink more than 1.5 years ago and don’t regret it one bit.

Most people drink their coffee sweet. A pure black drink can taste sour (Arabica) or bitter (Robusta), or it can combine both of these shades. Sweeteners are especially often added to instant drinks in order to somehow dampen the chemical taste and make it at least a little tasty. And if coffee itself contains almost no calories, then even a spoonful of granulated sugar significantly increases the calorie content of the drink. But many of us drink not from a small cup, but from a large mug, and put two spoons, and even heaped ones. So how to calculate the calorie content of coffee with sugar, depending on various parameters?

There is no definite answer to this question and there cannot be. Everything varies depending on the volume of the cup, the amount of dry matter, and especially the sweetener, as well as the method of preparation. But you can roughly calculate the number depending on how much and what kind of sugar you add, since the calorie content of the finished drink will depend entirely on the amount of sugar. At the same time, we assume that there are no more additives in the coffee.

Loose sugar

One standard size teaspoon holds:

  • 5 g without slide;
  • 7 g with a small slide;
  • 10 g with a large slide.

When they talk about a spoonful of sugar, they usually mean a small heaped teaspoon, that is, 7 grams.

Calorie table for different types of sugar

Type of sugar Kcal per 100 g kcal, per 5 g kcal, per 7 g kcal, per 10 g
Sand 390 19,5 27,3 39
Raw, crystals 360 18 25,2 36
Reed 400 20 28 40
Maple 350 17,5 24,5 35

Refined sugar

Refined sugar is not standardized in any way in terms of the weight of the cubes. Depending on the shape of the abs, one cube can weigh from 3.4 to 5.95 grams.

Caloric content of refined sugar – 400 kcal per 100 grams. To calculate the exact weight of one cube, you need to open the package, count how many cubes are in one layer, multiply by the number of layers. We get the total number of cubes in the package. Divide the total weight by the quantity, we get the exact answer. Sometimes manufacturers write this data on the packaging, but this is rare.

  • On average, small cubes weigh 4.5 g;
  • Large cubes of “standard” size – 5.5 g.

Based on the energy value and total calorie content per 100 g of product, we find that 1 gram of refined sugar contains 4 kcal.

Cube weight One cube, kcal Two cubes, kcal 3 cubes, kcal
Cubes 4.5 g 18 36 54
Cubes 5.5 g 22 44 66

Sugar in sticks

Usually available in standard 5 gram sticks. There are exceptions in the form of large sachets of 10 g and small sticks of 4 grams. Ordinary granulated sugar with a nutritional value of 390 kcal per 100 grams is placed there, that is:

Packing 1 piece, kcal 2 pcs, kcal 3 pcs, kcal
Stick 4 g 15,6 31,5 46,8
Stick 5 g 19,5 39 58,5
Stick 10 g 39 78 117

Calorie content of natural coffee with sugar

A 200-220 ml cup provides 2-4 calories. Let's calculate the energy value if you put 1 or 2 tablespoons of sand in a cup, with or without a slide. If you use sticks or refined sugar, focus on the indicators of 1 or 2 level spoons (5 grams).

Calorie table for coffee with sugar

Type of drink Volume, ml Coffee calories per serving

With 1 spoon of sugar

With 2 spoons of sugar

With 1 spoon of sugar 7 g With 2 spoons of sugar 14 g
Ristretto 15 1 21
Espresso 30 2 22 41 29
Americano 180 2,2 22 41 30 57
Double Americano 240 4,4 24 43 32 59
Filter or French press coffee 220 2 22 41 29 57
Infused in cold water 240 6 26 45 33 61
In Turk, cooked 200 4 24 43 31 59

Calorie content of instant coffee with sugar

The nutritional value of instant coffee drink is higher than that of natural coffee. This is due to the fact that during the manufacturing process 15-25% of natural grains remains, the rest are stabilizers, emulsifiers, dyes and other chemical components. It happens that even crushed flour or chicory is added. Therefore, a teaspoon of instant powder or granules contains many more calories.

Different manufacturers have different components of the finished product, and the energy value of pure soluble powder (or granules) can range from 45 to 220 kcal per 100 grams. One cup of instant coffee is usually placed with a large heap or 2 almost without a heap (10 g in total). Let's calculate the total nutritional value of a 200 ml drink made from coffee of different calorie content and different amounts of sand.

200 ml is the standard volume of an average plastic cup or medium-sized cup.

If you do not know the exact calorie content of coffee, calculate at the rate of 100 kcal per 100 g, this is the mass average. The energy value of granulated sugar is calculated as 3.9 kcal in 1 gram. The exact numbers for a specific brand and a specific product can be found on the packaging; we will focus on the 3 most popular values.

Calorie table for instant coffee without sugar, with 1 spoon, with 2 spoons

Kcal in coffee per 100 grams Kcal in coffee per 200 ml serving

With 1 spoon of sugar

With 2 spoons of sugar

With 1 spoon of sugar 7 g With 2 spoons of sugar 14 g
50 5 25 44 32 60
100 10 30 49 37 65
220 20 40 59 47 75

Calories in decaffeinated coffee with sugar

Natural decaffeinated black coffee contains no more than 1 calorie per cup, instant coffee can have calories and about 15 kcal per cup of drink made from 10 grams of powder or granules (1 heaped teaspoon or 2 almost level). So if you drink a natural decaffeinated drink, you can simply add 1 calorie to the calories from the sweetener, regardless of cup size, and if you drink an instant drink, on average, you can add 10 kcal. The exact information can be found on the packaging.

Despite the fact that the natural decaf drink has almost no energy value, it is not recommended to consume it in quantities of more than 6 servings per day.


  1. Basically, the calorie content of the drink depends on the amount of granulated sugar added - 390 kcal per 100 grams of sand, 400 for refined sugar.
  2. For maximum convenience of counting, you can take a heaped teaspoon of granulated sugar for 30 kcal.
  3. Instant coffee itself has more calories than natural coffee, and a drink in a standard 200 ml glass with two sticks / refined sugar cubes / level spoons of sugar is 50 kcal.
  4. In an average portion of natural coffee ~200 ml and with two sticks / cubes of refined sugar / level spoons of sugar - 40-43 kcal.

What could be better than a mug of freshly brewed coffee? The intoxicating aroma makes you fall in love with it again and again. And although it is generally accepted that an unsweetened drink can be consumed with impunity for the sake of one’s figure, it is necessary to know the calorie content of coffee without sugar and with sugar, how many calories are in coffee with milk or in your favorite cappuccino from McDonald’s.

How can coffee help you lose weight? Is the coffee diet right for you? How many calories are in a cup of coffee, and how can you make your favorite drink less dangerous for your figure? What are its benefits, and whether it can cause harm to health - read in our material. You will find a detailed table of caloric content of all types of coffee with and without additives at the end of our article.

Many people who watch their figure are interested in the calorie content of coffee. And this depends on what kind of coffee drink you choose. Because you can drink natural black coffee without worrying about your figure. The amount of calories in it is minimal - 2 kcal per 100 ml. But every teaspoon of sugar that you add to it will increase the calorie content by 15 kcal. Cream will increase the energy value by another 50. For example, the calorie content of one serving (525 ml) of iced cappuccino “Shokoladnitsa” exceeds 200 kcal.

Coffee composition

This drink contains:

  • potassium and calcium;
  • phosphorus and magnesium;
  • sodium and iron, sulfur.

Depending on the variety, the chemical composition of the drink may vary. For example, the composition and calorie content of an Americano may differ from a latte or cappuccino. But its basis remains the same: sugar and caffeine, nitrogenous substances, fat and fiber, as well as B vitamins. Approximately ¾ of the drink is fat, cellulose and water. The remaining quarter includes alkaloids and mineral salts, acids and proteins.

13 reasons to drink coffee

  1. After drinking a cup of coffee you can feel a surge of strength and energy. And all this is thanks to the caffeine contained in the drink - the most common psychoactive substance in the world. After consumption, it is absorbed into the blood and then enters the brain. Studies have shown that caffeine improves mental performance. During clinical trials, it was possible to find out that the substance affects a person’s emotional state, memory, reaction speed and attentiveness.
  2. Coffee without sugar and cream is an excellent fat burner. It's no secret that all popular weight loss drugs and dietary supplements contain caffeine. It is this substance that makes metabolism faster by 3-11%. It is known that it accelerates fat burning by 10% in obesity, in all other cases - up to 29%. In order for the weight loss process to go faster, you need to know the calorie content of coffee, both in its natural form and with various additives. If you drink a drink with milk or cream, you are unlikely to lose weight.
  3. Black coffee without sugar helps improve body performance, increases endurance and improves physical performance by 10-12%. Therefore, fitness enthusiasts often drink it 30-60 minutes before training. This fact is explained very simply: caffeine increases the level of adrenaline in the blood and releases fatty acids, which promotes physical activity.
  4. It is foolish to think that coffee is just colored hot water, the calorie content of which is practically zero. In fact, the drink contains a lot of nutrients. Among them: riboflavin (vitamin B2) - 11% of the daily value, pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) - 6% of the daily value, manganese and potassium - 3% of the daily value, as well as niacin (vitamin B3), magnesium - 2% from the recommended daily dose.
  5. Regular coffee consumption may reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Currently, over 300 million people worldwide suffer from this disease. Research shows that people who drink this drink reduce their risk of diabetes by 25-50%.
  6. Natural black coffee helps prevent Alzheimer's disease. Scientists claim that such a diet can reduce the risk of developing this neurodegenerative disease by 65%.
  7. Caffeine protects against the development of Parkinson's disease (the risk of development is reduced by 30-60%).
  8. Surprisingly, coffee can also protect against liver cirrhosis. It is enough to drink 1-2 cups of drink a day to reduce the risk of developing the disease by 50-60%. This information will be especially relevant for people suffering from hepatitis.
  9. Black coffee reduces the risk of depression. It is enough to drink 1 cup of this invigorating drink per day (of course, if there are no contraindications).
  10. Drinking coffee reduces the risk of two types of cancer - liver and colon. It has been proven that people who regularly consume a natural product are 15-40% less likely to develop these diseases.
  11. It is a common belief that this invigorating and aromatic drink increases blood pressure. Everything is true, but only by 3-4 mm. rt. With. Some studies confirm the fact that people who regularly consume this product reduce the risk of stroke by 20%. However, the effects of increased blood pressure may persist in some people. Those who suffer from frequent surges in blood pressure should be especially careful when using this invigorating drink.
  12. Coffee increases life expectancy. And this is not an unfounded statement. The results of clinical studies show that in men who drink it every day, the risk of mortality is reduced by 20%, and in women - by 26%.
  13. Freshly brewed black coffee, not instant coffee, contains many antioxidants. It is believed that the amount of “rejuvenating” substances contained in this drink is no less than in vegetables and fruits. Connoisseurs of homemade cosmetics use cake in cosmetology. And craftswomen involved in cream making enrich handmade cosmetics with coffee oil.

Doctors recommend drinking a cup of coffee not in the morning, but a couple of hours after breakfast. Firstly, this way you will not consume the product on an empty stomach, and secondly, at 10-11 o’clock a person’s performance decreases. A cup of fresh drink will help restore energy during this period.

6 reasons to drink coffee with caution

  1. Drinking the drink on an empty stomach actively stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid. But it should be produced only to digest food. Otherwise, undigested protein can cause bloating or lead to more tragic consequences - for example, intestinal tumors. Therefore, drinking coffee on an empty stomach is harmful!
  2. The caffeine and acids contained in the drink can irritate the colon and stomach mucosa. This contributes to the exacerbation of certain diseases: ulcers, gastritis, Crohn's disease.
  3. Coffee can cause heartburn. To prevent this, drink a quality drink on a full stomach.
  4. Many people suffering from constipation and aware of the laxative effect of this product use it for this purpose. But with active stimulation of peristalsis, the stomach stops thoroughly digesting food, and its contents quickly pass into the small intestine. This increases the risk of irritation and inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract. Not to mention the fact that a person receives only a tenth of nutrients from food.
  5. Some coffee drinks can be hazardous to your health. The darker the grain, the more acrylamides it contains - carcinogenic substances that can cause cancer. Acrylamides are formed during heat treatment of grains at very high temperatures.
  6. Drinking too much coffee releases the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline. These chemicals help increase heart rate.

Coffee removes water from the body, so you should drink a glass of water before or after drinking it.

Gourmet diet

The coffee diet for weight loss is very popular among connoisseurs of the tart drink. The process of getting rid of extra pounds occurs due to caffeine, which reduces appetite and allows those losing weight to avoid overeating. In addition, this substance accelerates the breakdown of fats and the process of oxygen consumption by the body. And the low calorie content of coffee will not allow you to go overboard with your daily intake.

All of the above applies to the natural product in grains. Unfortunately, the instant drink does not have such advantages and it can only be called coffee conditionally. It irritates the sensitive mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, and can also speed up the process of cellulite formation. Also, Raf, generously seasoned with cream and vanilla sugar, is not suitable for the diet. And in order not to think about how many calories are in coffee with sugar or milk, nutritionists advise consuming the product exclusively in its natural form. You should not get carried away with Raf drinks or instant drinks with cream, their calorie content is off the charts.

Diet options

There are several variations: three-day mono-diet- perhaps the most strict option. It involves drinking a freshly brewed (not instant) drink without additives and nothing else. In addition to this, you need to drink 1.5-2 liters. clean water a day. This will help prevent dehydration.

A more gentle dietary option - seven days for losing excess weight. In addition to the main ingredient, her menu includes proteins, fats, carbohydrates and fiber. At the same time, try to minimize the amount of salt in your diet, and it is better to avoid sugar altogether during the diet. It is recommended to consume no more than 100 ml at a time. coffee. As in the previous version, you need to drink from 1.5 liters. water per day.

Menu for 7 days

Breakfast A cup of freshly brewed coffee without sugar - 100 ml. (all subsequent days, stick to the same volume).
Dinner Two poached eggs, a portion of vegetable salad and a glass of tomato juice (with a minimum amount of salt).
Dinner 100 g of fish or seafood with fresh vegetables.
Breakfast Coffee with a piece of bread or cracker.
Dinner Baked fish with vegetable salad, a cup of coffee.
Dinner 100 g of lean meat and a glass of kefir with a low fat content.
Breakfast A cup of coffee.
Dinner Salad with carrots - 100 g and one chicken egg, coffee.
Dinner Apples (preferably sweet and sour varieties).
Breakfast A cup of freshly brewed coffee.
Dinner Vegetables and herbs, green apples and coffee.
Dinner 100 g of poultry and a portion of cabbage salad, seasoned with a small amount of vegetable oil (sunflower or flaxseed).
Breakfast Boiled carrot salad, baked green apples and a cup of aromatic drink.
Dinner A serving of boiled fish with a glass of tomato juice.
Dinner Cabbage salad with a piece of baked chicken (without skin).
Breakfast Freshly brewed coffee.
Dinner 150 g vegetable salad with poultry, a cup of coffee.
Dinner Carrot salad and steamed chicken breast.
Breakfast A cup of freshly prepared coffee and rye cracker.
Dinner Boiled beef and green apples, coffee.
Dinner 100 g of baked or boiled fish with fresh vegetables.

Low-calorie Frappuccino with caramel: video recipe

Coffee as a product still causes a lot of controversy. At the same time, they talk about its incredible benefits and severe harm to health. Is it possible to drink coffee every day, several times a day, does it help you lose weight or, on the contrary, contribute to weight gain? According to some data, coffee is contraindicated for people with heart problems and arterial hypertension, and according to others, it helps remove excess water from the body and, as a result, reduces blood pressure if it is higher than normal. Does coffee invigorate for good or takes away energy resources from a person, hidden for a special occasion? In fact, there is no one answer to all these and many other questions. It all depends on what kind of coffee you drink: instant, natural, freshly ground or pre-packaged, black bitter or sweet, with milk, condensed milk or cream. Each ingredient significantly changes the calorie content of this product, its nutritional value, and chemical composition. The body's reaction to different coffees is completely different.

For example, instant coffee is simply a tasty drink that has little in common with real coffee. Its effect is completely different from the natural one; for humans it brings only a pleasant taste sensation, but at the same time it negatively affects the body: the stomach, kidneys, heart, blood vessels. Natural coffee is harmless when consumed in moderation, abuse can cause tachycardia, dizziness, nausea, increased blood pressure and even a heart attack.

To understand how different types of coffee affect a person, whether they are harmful or beneficial, we need to consider the composition and nutritional value in more detail.

How many calories are in natural coffee?

The calorie content and nutritional value of natural coffee directly depends on the variety, roasting method, and grinding. During roasting of coffee beans, quite complex processes occur and many new chemical compounds are formed. Roasted coffee contains more than a thousand different substances, 80% of which are responsible for the taste of the future drink. The subtleties of roasting can change not only the taste and aroma of coffee, but also its calorie content and nutritional value.. Various studies are conducted to determine the composition of a particular type of coffee, but since the roasting technique is such a subtle and delicate process, the results often differ slightly. Therefore, all varieties of natural coffee can be combined into one group and be guided by average data for calculating calories, vitamins, and microelements.

Natural coffee contains caffeine, alkaloids, mono- and disaccharides, phenolic compounds, lipids, amino acids, organic acids, mineral elements, proteins and other substances. The calorie content of natural coffee beans is 331 kcal per 100 grams of beans.

Nutritional value of natural coffee

— dietary fiber — 22.2 g
— organic acids — 9.2 g
— ash — 6.2 g
– saturated fatty acids – 5.7 g
— water — 4.7 g
— mono- and disaccharides — 2.8 g


— vitamin PP (Niacin equivalent) - 19.7 mg
— vitamin PP — 17 mg
— vitamin E (TE) — 2.7 mg

— vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 0.07 mg


— potassium (K) — 2010 mg
— magnesium (Mg) - 200 mg
— phosphorus (P) — 198 mg
— calcium (Ca) — 147 mg
— sodium (Na) — 40 mg
— iron (Fe) — 5.3 mg

Instant coffee - how many calories and what composition

Instant coffee is a product that is often made without natural coffee as a base. The nutritional value of instant coffee is questionable, but it still exists and must be taken into account. Nutritionists do not recommend drinking instant coffee, especially on an empty stomach, which often happens when dieting. Calorie content of instant coffee - 118.7 kcal

- proteins - 15 g
— fats — 3.6 g
— carbohydrates — 7 g
- water - 7 g
- ash - 1 g


— vitamin PP (Niacin equivalent) - 26.49 mg
— vitamin PP — 24 mg
— vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 1 mg


— phosphorus — 250 mg
— calcium — 100 mg
– iron – 6.1 mg
– sodium – 3 mg

Coffee with condensed milk is one of the most popular coffee drinks. Condensed milk makes coffee softer, richer, and the sweetness is not as obvious as from sugar. With the addition of condensed milk to coffee, the caloric content and nutritional value of the drink changes significantly.

Calorie content of coffee with condensed milk

Calorie content: 75.1 kcal
- proteins - 3 g
– fats – 5 g
— carbohydrates — 4.8 g
- water - 80 g


— vitamin A (RE) - 50 mcg
— vitamin B12 (cobalamins) — 0.4 mcg
— vitamin B2 (riboflavin) — 0.2 mg
— vitamin B5 (pantothenic) - 0.4 mg
— vitamin B9 (folic) - 5 mcg
— vitamin C — 1.5 mg
— vitamin E (TE) — 0.09 mg
— vitamin H (biotin) — 3.2 mcg
— vitamin PP — 0.1 mg
— vitamin PP (Niacin equivalent) - 0.6 mg
— choline — 23.6 mg


- aluminum - 50 mcg
— iron — 0.07 mg
— iodine — 9 mcg
— potassium — 146 mg
— calcium — 120 mg
— magnesium — 14 mg
- copper - 12 mcg
– sodium – 50 mg
– tin – 13 mcg
– sulfur – 29 mg
— strontium — 17 mcg
— phosphorus — 90 mg
- fluorine - 20 mcg
- chlorine - 110 mg
- chromium - 2 mcg

Espresso, coffee with cream and latte macchiato can brighten up a gloomy day. And no matter where we are: in the office or a cafe, drinks containing caffeine invigorate us and create a cozy, friendly atmosphere. But how many calories are in different types of coffee? So, let's find out the calorie content of coffee with milk without sugar.

How do milk and sugar affect the energy value of coffee?

Once upon a time, the most popular drink in Russia was tea, and it remains so to this day. But lately he has to share the palm with coffee. Per capita tea consumption in Russia today is 1.4 kg per year, while coffee is 1.7 kg. Of course, this is not the highest figure in the world, however, the figures indicate the popularity of this drink in our country.

Who among us has not resorted to this tactic: to save time and avoid extra calories, we skip breakfast and reinforce ourselves on the way to work with a cup of coffee with milk and, of course, without sugar? At the same time, we hope that such a diet may not help you lose weight, but at least prevent the appearance of extra pounds.

However, simply counting calories leaves no stone unturned from such weight maintenance tactics. Don't believe me? Check it out for yourself. For example, a sandwich made of black bread with butter and jam for breakfast contains 172 Kcal, and drinks with caffeine and various additives - up to 200 Kcal.

In principle, coffee itself contains virtually no calories. Depending on its type, the calorie content of the drink is 2-4 Kcal. Ingredients such as whole milk, cream, sugar and various flavorings and fillers add energy value to the drink. They ruthlessly turn coffee drunk instead of breakfast into a real calorie-rich dessert.

However, those who can't resist a morning cup of coffee can easily balance out the calories with milk, cream, or sugar, which contain 14, 19, and 16 calories per serving, respectively. Thus, the calorie content of 100 grams of coffee with milk without sugar is no more than 20 Kcal.

Finding out the calorie content of different types of coffee

Coffee is a hot drink obtained from roasted beans of an evergreen shrub. But it comes to our table in many variations. Research on its nutritional value shows that it is a very low calorie drink. But that's as long as you don't add too much sugar and cream to it.

Instant coffee

This is one of the popular types of coffee that has obvious benefits. It is generally cheaper than coffee beans or ground coffee, faster and easier to prepare. In addition, 100 g of instant coffee contains only one calorie.

You can increase the nutritional value of such a drink by adding a little milk, cream or sugar in various variations. For example, the calorie content of instant coffee with milk without sugar is 15 Kcal. And if you add a teaspoon of sugar to a cup of coffee, you will get a drink with a nutritional value of 30 kcal.

Calorie content of brewed coffee

No less popular are various types of brewed coffee. And although preparing natural coffee takes a little longer, the main advantage of such a drink, in addition to its rich taste and aroma, is considered to be the presence of minerals, vitamins and the main ingredient - caffeine. At the same time, brewed coffee still contains the same one calorie.

Espresso, coffee with cream, latte macchiato

Below are the calories per serving of different types of coffee:

  • Sweet latte macchiato - 182 Kcal;
  • latte macchiato without sugar - 148 Kcal;
  • sweetened cappuccino - 96 Kcal;
  • coffee with milk and sugar - 90 Kcal;
  • cappuccino without sugar - 64 Kcal;
  • sweetened coffee with cream - 37 Kcal;
  • coffee with milk without sugar contains 20 calories;
  • sweetened espresso - 17 Kcal;
  • black coffee without sugar - 2 Kcal;
  • espresso without sugar - 1 Kcal.

Can coffee help with weight loss?

Scientific evidence suggests that coffee can help you lose weight, especially when combined with exercise. Recent research supports the idea that drinking a cup of hot coffee in the morning or half an hour before a meal can reduce your appetite by 35% throughout the day. In addition, coffee helps increase metabolism, burn fat and a large number of calories even at rest.

Drinking a cup of coffee before training encourages longer, more intense workouts. Consuming the drink throughout the day will help reduce cravings for high-fat foods and will aid digestion by increasing the secretion of saliva and enzymes.

However, we are talking about low-calorie types of coffee. Drinks with high caffeine content, sugar, and the addition of heavy cream or milk should be avoided. Traditional black coffee in its pure form is best suited for weight loss purposes.

It should be borne in mind that coffee also has a negative side. Before you start a diet based on it, you must weigh the pros and cons. Side effects of drinking strong coffee include:

  • dehydration, especially due to the diuretic effect of coffee, which increases urine secretion;
  • headache;
  • nervousness;
  • anxiety;
  • tremor;
  • insomnia;
  • premature skin aging;
  • kidney problems;
  • the ability to remove vitamins C and B, calcium and iron from the body;
  • heartburn;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • diarrhea;
  • development of peptic ulcer due to high acid content.

Remember that the most effective way to lose weight is through a comprehensive program that promotes a healthy and balanced diet and is accompanied by regular exercise. Regardless, as long as you don't drink more than 3 cups a day with 3 to 4 hours between drinks (that's how long caffeine lasts), coffee won't disrupt your healthy diet in any way.

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