What foods are natural antidepressants? What natural antidepressants do you know? Which product from our range is the best antidepressant?

Depression is not just low mood and apathy. Depression is a disease, and it is accompanied by a lack of vitamins and nutrients. In the early stages, it is not at all necessary to grab pills; it is enough to include special antidepressant products in your diet. They will help saturate the body with everything necessary and useful, cope with temporary difficulties and bring cheerfulness.

To fight depression, our body needs to monitor the content of special substances:

Tryptophan. This is an essential amino acid that we can only get from food. In the process of its multi-stage synthesis, serotonin is formed, which is called the hormone of happiness. For successful hormone production, auxiliary elements are also needed: carbohydrates, B vitamins, magnesium and zinc. If all these substances are not in the body, then it will be difficult for tryptophan to reach the brain and begin the synthesis of serotonin.

Cortisol. This is a stress hormone, it is produced in times of danger and when a person is hungry. The level of this hormone in the blood must be reduced. After all, high levels of cortisol lead to constant stress, increased irritability, and worsen metabolism. We inherited this hormone from primitive people: it was once necessary to force them to act - to run away from wild animals or, conversely, to go hunting if they were hungry. Life has changed, and in moments of stress you no longer need to run somewhere headlong, and cortisol in the blood requires movement and food. This is why if stress becomes chronic, we begin to gain weight.

Dopamine. Causes a feeling of pleasure when we do something we enjoy (for example, sports). Thanks to dopamine, we can be active, motivated, and feel satisfied. To regulate the level of the substance in the blood, you need to consume the amino acids tyrosine and phenylalanine; vitamin helps them turn into dopamine B6 and folic acid.

Antidepressant products that help maintain an even good mood and energize:


It’s no wonder that cocoa is the most popular drink of autumn. This is because cocoa beans contain a very large dose of tryptophan. They also contain energizing caffeine so you can start your work day with a boost.


It contains a lot of vitamins A and E, as well as fatty acids - substances that are called natural antidepressants. Cheese also contains tryptophan, which reduces stress and relieves irritation and anger. Cheese also helps improve sleep and sleep peacefully throughout the night; scientists even recommend eating a small piece of cheese at night, but you just need to remember that cheese is extremely high in calories.


A natural antidepressant that can relieve nervous tension, overcome seasonal depression, improve mood, because this fruit is rich in magnesium and iodine, has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system and the thyroid gland - the creators of our well-being and mood.


In terms of the amount of magnesium and potassium, plums are record holders in the autumn garden. And these elements are very necessary for a good mood. In addition, plums are a powerful antioxidant due to the presence of polyphenolic compounds, so they will also be an excellent sweet remedy for seasonal depression and stress.



This cabbage contains a huge amount of vitamins and microelements: vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, B9, PP, potassium, calcium, iron, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, manganese, iodine, chromium, boron. Thanks to this set, broccoli can eliminate symptoms of stress, relieve inexplicable anxiety, and improve mood.


Almonds contain vitamin E, which has a calming effect and reduces stress hormones.


The main wealth of beans is magnesium, an element that relaxes muscles and, accordingly, calms. After all, in a relaxed body, the nervous system automatically calms down. Magnesium also helps regulate the level of cortisol, a substance responsible for stress relief and a harmonious, calm mood.


Lingonberries, currants, raspberries, strawberries, blueberries... All these berries are extremely healthy, they effectively fight irritability and apathy with the help of B vitamins and folic acid.

Seafood and fish

They contain a large amount of healthy fats, which help absorb vitamin D, an important element for a cheerful mood. Fish also contains tryptophan and vitamin B6, which improve immunity and provide energy.

Medicinal herbs

In pharmacies, infusions of valerian or motherwort are in great demand. These herbs reduce emotional tension during stress and help cope with panic attacks. But other medicinal herbs can also help:
  • Melissa
  • St. John's wort
  • hop
  • oregano
  • rose hip

Regular consumption of herbal teas will help normalize stress:

1 handful of rose hips

1 tbsp. raspberry leaves

1 tbsp. oregano

1 tbsp. dry mint

1 tbsp. St. John's wort

Mix the herbs, pour a liter of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. Strain and drink a glass throughout the day.

1 tbsp. St. John's wort

1 tsp valerian

Mix, pour 500 ml of boiling water. Leave for an hour and drink throughout the day for at least 2 weeks in a row.

Depression is a common mental illness in the modern world. Every 20th adult on the planet suffers from it. Before moving on to drastic measures to eliminate it, through various medications and psychological sessions, you can resort to herbal medicine. Treatment with herbal antidepressants is no less effective. In addition, a properly formulated diet containing the vitamins and minerals necessary for the body will help you get rid of the disease faster.

According to scientific research, a depressive state arises and develops due to a lack of necessary nutrition for brain cells, or, more precisely, certain elements. Without them, cellular development and functioning are not complete. Cellular tissue starves, and the load on the body increases with age. Subsequently, the general state of health worsens and mental disorders of various types progress.

Causes of depression

As mentioned above, the problem lies in the deficiency of certain substances. These include:
  • Ascorbic acid. Its lack is provoked by constant stress and bad habits. As a result, the metabolism of folic acid and iron is disrupted, and the rate of synthesis of elements necessary for humans decreases.
  • Vitamin group B. In women they are lost during menstrual periods. As a result, the transmission of nerve impulses is destabilized, and the synthesis of neurotransmitters, proteins and amino acids is disrupted.
  • Magnesium. Its deficiency provokes an increase in nervous excitability. There is excessive irritability and anxiety.
It is necessary to monitor your condition and eat properly, including the vitamin and mineral components necessary for the body in your diet.

Symptoms of depression

Depression does not occur instantly; it is the result of quite a long period of exhaustion, stressful situations and nervous disorders. You should turn to natural herbal antidepressants if:
  1. Sleep disorders. Nightmares, anxiety, restlessness, especially if there is no reason for strong feelings.
  2. Somatogenic and reactive depression associated with diseases or organic lesions.
  3. Rapid heartbeat, dizziness, excessive sweating, urinary disturbances, feeling of lack of air and other psycho-vegetative manifestations.

It is also worth considering that treatment with herbal antidepressants is not a panacea. They are considered an accompanying and restorative element, but are not able to cure severe disease.

Treatment of depression with pharmaceutical herbal remedies

Pharmaceuticals have long used medicinal plants to treat many diseases. Consider a list of natural antidepressants. These include:
  1. Containing St. John's wort. These include Deprim and Gelarium. They perfectly calm down, remove causeless anxiety syndrome, nervous tension, and psycho-emotional disorder.
  2. A combination of lemon balm, valerian and mint. Novo-passit and Persen. They help with insomnia, neurosis, and extreme emotional stress.
  3. Complex of mint, lavender, hops (cones) and orange - Nephrofluk. This tea composition calms and helps you relax.
There are also tinctures of valerian, motherwort, and hawthorn in alcohol. If you frequently use teas, infusions or tinctures, you should consult a specialist. He will be the one who will tell you whether this treatment method is right for you and will be able to prescribe the necessary dosage of antidepressants.

Nutrition for depression

In addition to taking antidepressants, it is worth reviewing your menu. Regular nutrition helps lift your mood no worse than a vitamin cocktail or good news. The simplest products can become your partners on the path to a life without depression. These include:
  • Chocolate, preferably dark, bitter. With its help, endorphin and serotonin are produced.
  • Oatmeal in flakes and porridge form, meat, bran, lentils. They support the production of dopamine. He is the one responsible for satisfaction.
  • Seeds, nuts, sea fish (fatty), avocado. Saturated with Omega-3 acids.
  • Eggs (white), seaweed, lean pork, veal, chicken breast, turkey. Vitamin B contained in these products regulates the absorption of microelements.
  • Honey. A product containing useful acids, trace elements, chromium, iron. Natural energy booster that gives strength.
  • Fresh vegetables and fruits. They have a beneficial effect on hormonal levels in general and on well-being.
A vegetable and fruit diet helps in the fight against toxins, supports the vital activity of the cerebral cortex and affects the amount of endorphin (the hormone of happiness).

Herbal antidepressants

Natural antidepressants are available without a prescription and are reasonably priced. They are safe, rarely cause side effects, but despite this, they are quite effective. For this reason, herbal infusions and teas are considered excellent helpers in improving the condition. They promote the production of serotonin and norepinephrine in the body. The most effective herbs include:
  • St. John's wort. It contains hepericin, flavonoids, hypertrophin. Has a sedative effect (moderate). Teas with it normalize the sleep process. It is recommended to fill one tbsp. spoon of herb with 200 milliliters of boiling water, then boil for 10 minutes, and then let it brew for about two hours. Drink half a glass before meals three times a day. A bath with this decoction will also be useful.
  • Peppermint. Its leaves contain many beneficial essential oils. Relieves nervous tension, strengthens general immunity, reduces the level of irritability and excitability, and relaxes. Used in the form of decoctions and teas.
  • Motherwort. It contains oils and many phytoncides. Good sedative. Helps with emotional instability, will save you from nervous exhaustion. Combines well with mint, lemon balm, and St. John's wort. In its own form it is used in alcohol tinctures.
  • Hop. Cones are used. Medicines made from them increase resistance to stress, normalize metabolism, and regulate water, lipid and mineral metabolism.
  • Valerian. Contains alkaloids, glycosides. Regulates the functioning of the heart muscle, is a sedative and tranquilizer.
  • Nettle. It contains more than enough flavonoids and trace elements. Removes toxins, nourishes and stimulates the body. Consume as fresh juice and as infusion.
  • Rose hip. Riboflavin, carotene, vitamins K, C, I, R. Tones, saves from vitamin deficiency.
  • Hawthorn. Quercetin, vitexin, hyperin, hyperoside. Improves blood circulation in the brain, regulates central nervous system processes.
  • Melissa. The leaves contain flavonoids, saponins, calcium, zinc, iron, selenium, potassium, manganese, and ascorbic acid. Replenishes mineral deficiencies and makes you more resilient.
All these plants are extremely useful and can be found at every step. So, before you try to heal yourself with expensive medications, you should try to take advantage of the gifts of nature.

Side effects of natural antidepressants

In some cases, an allergic reaction, morning drowsiness, headache, increased excitability, as well as loss of strength, hypersensitivity to ultraviolet radiation, gastrointestinal upset, and dry mouth may occur. Such phenomena are extremely rare. Most often they are caused by an overdose or individual intolerance to the substance. Therefore, before taking it, it is still recommended to consult a doctor and follow his advice during the entire course of treatment.

“Old age is not necessarily a period when matters of the heart turn into cardiovascular affairs.” (With)

1. Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate contains a substance that is a precursor to serotonin (the hormone of joy).

2. Kiwi

Kiwi contains a large amount of vitamin C, which is involved in the synthesis of serotonin. In addition, vitamin C helps maintain high levels of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter involved in the transmission of nerve impulses.

3. Mint

Mint is rich in folic acid, a deficiency of which causes depression.

Our mood depends not only on external circumstances and health, but also on the function of the endocrine glands: the hypothalamus and pineal gland. The hormones they produce regulate our sleep, the state of the immune system, emotional state and the degree of protection of the body in stressful situations.

A special place is occupied by neurotransmitters - chemical substances in the brain that transmit information from one neuron to another.

They are synthesized by amino acids, and their formation requires a constant supply of certain nutrients in our diet. The most well-known neurotransmitters that influence the neuropsychic state of a person are serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine (dopamine), acetylcholine and gamma-aminobutyric acid.

What substances regulate our mood?

Of all these substances, dopamine (dopamine) and serotonin have the most significant influence on our mood.

Dopamine produces feelings of pleasure when we do things we enjoy (e.g., eating, listening to music, playing sports). Thanks to it, we can be active, be motivated and feel satisfied.

By the way, drugs such as cocaine, nicotine, opiates, heroin and alcohol increase dopamine levels. For this reason, many researchers believe that a deficiency of dopamine in the brain is behind some people's tendency to smoke, use drugs and alcohol, gamble, and overeat.

A decrease in dopamine levels leads to deterioration of memory and concentration, a decrease in vital energy (the so-called “vital activity”), a person stops enjoying life and becomes susceptible to bad habits and obsessive states.

A lack of dopamine in the corresponding areas of the brain leads to a loss of initiative (to “sitting and daydreaming”), while a more serious deficiency leads to a complete inability to take an active action. However, it must be remembered that an excess of this substance promotes behavior associated with “seeking pleasure” (hedonic behavior).

Serotonin in our body is synthesized from the amino acid tryptophan, which comes from food. It is involved in mood regulation, suppresses anxiety, affects libido and appetite. With its deficiency, social disorders, phobias, sleep and memory disorders, as well as disorders of cardiovascular and endocrine functions can be observed.

Low levels of serotonin can lead to depressed mood, anxiety, low energy, migraines, sleep disorders, obsessive or manic states, feelings of tension and irritation, cravings for sweets or, conversely, loss of appetite, poor memory and concentration, angry and aggressive behavior , slow muscle movements and slow speech.

By the way, serotonin deficiency contributes to alcoholism (alcohol temporarily increases serotonin levels, but in the long term lowers it). Excessive amounts of serotonin cause calmness, decreased sexual arousal, and a feeling of well-being and bliss.

Extremely high levels of serotonin can be toxic, but such levels cannot be achieved through food. This condition can only occur with the abuse of antidepressants.

Antidepressant products

How can foods regulate your mood?

An increase in serotonin levels naturally comes from a diet rich in tryptophan, vitamins, zinc and low in “empty” carbohydrates. And, of course, it is a misconception that serotonin is already found in finished form in foods. Serotonin is produced in the brain from the essential amino acid tryptophan.

Tryptophan is found in meat, eggs, cheese, bananas, milk, and yogurt.

However, without enough vitamins B3, B6, and omega-3 fatty acids, tryptophan can be converted into a different chemical formula and become a substance that has no effect on mood. Therefore, it is important to consume food sources of these essential substances.

To increase the amount of dopamine in the body, which affects mood and motivation, the content of the preceding amino acids tyrosine and phenylalanine in the diet should be increased.

These amino acids are converted into dopamine by vitamin co-factors such as vitamin B6 and folic acid. Large amounts of dopamine precursors are found in beets, soy, meat, almonds, grains and eggs.

Folic acid and iron are also important in the production of mood-regulating substances. A study at King's College Hospital in London, for example, found that 33 percent of patients with mental disorders, including depression, were deficient in folic acid and iron.

The amount of serotonin in our body is influenced by the level of female sex hormones (estrogens). In this regard, some women experience mood problems during the premenstrual period, as well as during menopause. In addition, we must remember that stress reduces the amount of serotonin, since the body uses its reserves to calm down.

Physical exercise and good lighting help stimulate the synthesis of serotonin and increase its amount. Antidepressants also help the brain restore serotonin stores.

Foods that improve your mood

It is worth noting that recommended antidepressant products do not contain these neurotransmitters. Both serotonin and dopamine are produced only by the human body when eating food rich in precursor substances already known to you (carbohydrates, tryptophan, tyrosine, etc.), from which they are synthesized.


Fatty fish (herring, sardines, mackerel, salmon, cod, salmon) are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which regulate serotonin levels. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, in addition to fish, include nuts, seeds, avocados, and unrefined vegetable oil.

By including fatty fish in your diet twice a week in an amount of at least 200 grams (per week), you will provide your body with the necessary amount of omega-3 fatty acids.

Antidepressant foods: fish

Chicken, turkey, lean pork and beef, egg whites, low-fat dairy products

They are leading sources of the amino acids tyrosine and tryptophan and B vitamins necessary for the synthesis of “pleasure hormones”.

In particular, meat contains pantothenic acid, which is involved in the production of the amino acid phenylalanine, which is a precursor to dopamine, a hormone that improves mood and prevents the development of depression.

Sea kale

Sea kale is rich in B vitamins, which regulate the functioning of the adrenal glands and, accordingly, the production of the hormone adrenaline, the lack of which can cause chronic fatigue.

It is also a leading source of organic iodine and other trace elements that normalize the functioning of the thyroid gland, on whose activity our mood depends.

It is better to buy seaweed not pickled, but dried, and then cook it yourself at home, or grind it in a coffee grinder and use it as a seasoning and as a substitute for table salt.

Fruits, especially bananas

In addition to tryptophan, bananas contain vitamin B6, which, as already mentioned, is necessary for the synthesis of serotonin, the main mood regulator.

In addition, bananas are rich in the alkaloid harman, the basis of which is the “drug of happiness” - mescaline, which can cause a feeling of euphoria. To maintain strength, it is recommended to eat 1 banana, mashed and poured boiling water (in the form of puree).

bitter chocolate

The cocoa beans from which chocolate is made contain phenylethylamine, which promotes the body's production of endorphins, mood-enhancing substances. In addition, cocoa beans contain magnesium, which can relieve stress.

Dishes made from oatmeal and buckwheat

Like meat, oatmeal and buckwheat contain a precursor to serotonin - the amino acid tryptophan.

These foods also contain complex carbohydrates, which, when absorbed slowly, normalize blood sugar levels and, therefore, regulate insulin concentrations.

And insulin, in turn, carries out the function of transporting tryptophan to the brain, where it is already processed into serotonin.


Especially green leafy tomatoes, chili peppers, beets, garlic, broccoli, celery and cauliflower are sources of essential substances (vitamins: A, C, E, B1, B2, B9, PP, minerals: potassium, calcium, iron, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, manganese, iodine, chromium, boron), which are necessary for the formation of basic neurotransmitters.

Tomatoes contain lycopene, which is a powerful antioxidant that regulates metabolic processes in the brain, which helps cope with depression.

In addition, tomatoes contain other "mood enhancers" such as folic acid and magnesium, as well as iron and vitamin B6, which are important for the brain's production of mood-regulating neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine.

Beets contain another active substance - betaine - a vitamin-like compound that affects the hormonal status of a woman, thereby helping to normalize mood during the premenstrual and menopausal periods.

Thanks to the capsaicin in chili peppers, dishes not only become spicy, but are also beneficial for our mood.

The fact is that in response to the use of this irritating substance, our brain produces endorphins - natural compounds that have a calming effect.

As for garlic, it contains a large amount of chromium, which affects the regulation of the formation of serotonin, the “happy” chemical.


Unlike useless refined sugar, honey contains B vitamins, folic acid, iron, manganese, chromium, plus about 180 bioactive compounds such as quercetin and caffeic acid, which increase the production of “mood hormones” and energy in the brain.

Anti-stress diet menu

Breakfast: 2 tsp. sprouted and washed grains with sprouts 1.5-3 mm long, oat muesli with dried apricots, raisins and nuts, a cup of cocoa, 2 slices of rye bread toasted in a toaster, banana.

Second breakfast: orange, 2-3 cubes of dark chocolate and a cup of green tea, rye or oatmeal bread.

Lunch: vegetable soup, a side dish of brown rice or buckwheat, a piece of chicken or fish, a salad of tomatoes and sweet peppers with vegetable oil and chili pepper, rye bread, green tea or mineral water.

Afternoon snack: yogurt and chocolate chip cookies, raisins, dates, nuts.

Dinner: vegetable stew (stewed asparagus, peppers, kohlrabi, celery root and greens, tomatoes), cheese or feta cheese. Juice or biokefir. Before bed - hot milk or a cup of cocoa with milk and honey or an infusion of herbal mood regulator + a brewer's yeast tablet.

Mood-regulating herbs

Among the medicinal herbs that have a sedative effect, the root and leaves of valerian, oregano, lemon balm, St. John's wort and hops will help reduce emotional tension during stress.

For stress, depression, and apathy, it is useful to brew tea from St. John's wort, rose hips, raspberry or strawberry leaves, oregano and mint. It is better to use a thermos: a handful of rose hips, 1 tbsp. herbs, pour a liter of boiling water and leave for at least 2 hours.

You don’t have to strain, but add boiling water throughout the day. In the morning, prepare a new infusion.

This soothing tea can be drunk throughout the day, 5-7 days.

An infusion of St. John's wort and valerian root will also be effective: 1 tbsp. St. John's wort, 1 tsp. valerian root. Prepare and take in the same way as the previous collection.

Try brewing this soothing herbal tea instead of regular or green tea for a week - you will feel a noticeable improvement in your emotional state.

Antidepressant products: herbal decoction

An infusion of hop cones and mint acts similarly to synthetic tranquilizers, but has no side effects and is safe for health.

The infusion is prepared as follows: 1 tsp. Steam hop cones and mint with a glass of boiling water. Leave for 30 minutes, strain and drink in 2 doses, adding a slice of lemon and a tsp. honey

In order to normalize sleep and relieve neuropsychic tension in the body, you can prepare a sachet from a collection of herbs: hop cones, lavender, oregano, lemon balm. With this collection, you need to fill a small pillow made of cotton fabric or linen and place it under the pillow at the head of the head.

In addition, aromatic essential oils will help improve your mood: lavender will soothe, ylang-ylang will relax and reduce tension, cedar will help cope with anxiety and fears.

During the day, other aromatic oils will help: orange oil - tones, reduces mental fatigue, spruce and pine oil also tones and stimulates physical and mental performance.

Natural antidepressants can be divided into two broad groups, which include certain foods and plants. Natural antidepressants are much more effective than synthesized drugs, since they have fewer contraindications and side effects, and in some cases are much cheaper than their artificial counterparts. Below we will discuss natural drugs and products that are most often used as antidepressants.

Antidepressant products can improve the patient’s mood, introduce into his body the missing vitamins B and C, various minerals and metals, and allow the patient to accelerate the synthesis of certain substances that relieve depression. They can be divided into the following groups:

  1. Chocolate and various products using it contain theobromine and phenylethylamine, which accelerate the synthesis of serotonin in the patient’s body, thereby achieving a state of bliss.
  2. Products containing iron are especially needed by women due to their menstrual cycle. Their deficiency leads to the development of severe fatigue. The list of such foods includes spinach, red meat, lentils, wheat and oat bran. But their use should not be combined with tea containing tannin, as this leads to a decrease in the amount of iron in the body.
  3. Vitamin C is contained in foods such as kiwi, red berries, tomatoes, lemons and oranges, spinach, green and red peppers, grapefruit (juice), rose hips, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, melon, strawberries. They help relieve fatigue and sadness.
  4. Oily fish is very important for normal heart function. It is especially good to eat it 2 times in 7 days. Mackerel, tuna, and salmon are the best. But you can also use plant products, for example, pumpkin, nuts.
  5. Foods high in vitamin B6 relieve symptoms of depression such as irritability, sadness, and fatigue. To do this, you need to eat potatoes, corn flakes, chicken, bananas, pork, whole grain products, and fish.
  6. Food rich in carbohydrates provides the human body with energy for cells. It is good to eat quince, pasta, corn, dates. It is recommended to eat wheat, beans, raisins, and dried figs.
  7. Foods high in magnesium and potassium relieve stress and improve mood. Irritability and fatigue disappear. To replenish magnesium and calcium, you should use foods such as legumes, nuts, cheese, milk (natural or soy), oysters and squid.

Useful material

There are some compounds that can be obtained from food that help the body fight depression. These are amino acids. Usually, to recover a person from an illness, the following are used:

  1. Products containing tyrosine. The amino acid directly regulates mood. Stress, mental and physical fatigue reduce the amount of tyrosine in human brain cells, reduce concentration, and impair emotional stability. To obtain the required amount of tyrosine, you need to eat eggs, meat, fish, and poultry dishes.
  2. The amino acids tryptophan and phenylalanine are needed by the brain to produce serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine, which regulate human physical and mental activity. Act as natural antidepressants. To replenish tryptophan and phenylalanine, you need to eat more milk, fish, cottage cheese, peanuts, pumpkin seeds, bananas, sesame seeds, and almonds.

Antidepressants from plants

To eliminate depression, many people use various herbs, since, not without reason, they consider their use safer than the use of synthetic pills. Antidepressants of plant origin are used in the form of decoctions, teas, liqueurs, etc. The lists of modern medications against depression include the following herbs:

  1. St. John's wort - it contains the substance hypericin, which effectively eliminates the symptoms of depression. The plant is used to create drugs such as Hypericum, Deprim, etc.
  2. Melissa is included in herbal antidepressants. A decoction is often made from its leaves and shoots. It is used in the production of drugs such as Nervoflux, Novo-passit, etc.
  3. To calm down after stress, you can use peppermint, from which a healing decoction is made using the leaves of the plant.
  4. Five-lobed motherwort is used quite rarely separately from other herbs. It is usually one of the components of a medicine that contains St. John's wort and lemon balm. This is due to the bitter, very unpleasant taste of motherwort.
  5. Valerian - this plant is used as a sedative to eliminate nervous excitement. Most often it is used in the form of an infusion, but it can also be part of any drug.
  6. Licorice root itself has a weak sedative effect, but has the ability to enhance the effect of other drugs. Therefore, it is used as part of complex infusions
  7. Hawthorn can cope with depression, as it removes all toxins from the body and increases blood circulation.
  8. Rosehip is a natural “storehouse” of vitamin C. It strengthens the human immune system and relieves depression.
  9. Hop cones are often used to make various soothing teas.
  10. As mentioned above, to combat the disease, you can use herbs such as bananas, cocoa fruits, coffee, and citrus fruits such as oranges. They promote the synthesis of serotonin in the patient’s body and eliminate depression.

These are not all the plants and foods that can be consumed to eliminate depression. Only the most famous and popular ones were listed above.

When you have a bad mood, a stressful day, a post-stress situation or apathy, do not rush to take medications. They can help you natural antidepressants: products and medicinal herbs, aromatic oils.

Our mood and emotions depend not only on external circumstances and health, but also on the function of the endocrine glands: the hypothalamus and pineal gland. The hormones that they produce, the state of the immune system, the emotional state and the degree of protection of the body in stressful situations.

The substance melatonin, which is produced by the pineal gland, helps cope with stress, during which intense production of adrenaline occurs, but blood sugar levels decrease.

It is no coincidence that in situations where there is apathy, loss of strength, nervous tension, you want something sweet: chocolate, sweets, cakes, sweet fruits - bananas or dates. It is these carbohydrate-containing foods that stimulate the production of melatonin, which helps you relax and calm down.

Foods that improve your mood.

Our mood is regulated by the hormone serotonin and we can easily control its level and stimulate increased production with the help of certain foods.

The most effective natural antidepressant is dark chocolate. To relieve tension, cheer up or cope with a stressful situation, just a few cubes of chocolate or a cup of aromatic cocoa, which contains phenylephylamine, the main function of which is antidepressant. In addition, cocoa contains zinc, indispensable for beautiful hair and clear skin, and substances that regulate blood circulation in the brain.

Antidepressant products also include dried apricots, honey, marmalade, raspberries and strawberries, persimmons, and halva. Of two evils: calories and tension or apathy, it is better to choose the lesser and allow yourself sweets in reasonable quantities. The accumulated calories can be spent either in the pool or.

If your mood changes over a long period of time, like a barometer, then you need to include in your menu foods containing vitamins B1, B2, E and A, as well as trace elements: selenium and zinc.

Vitamin B1 – thiamine

Regulates the state of the nervous system: if it is lacking in the body, it becomes unprotected in stressful situations, and the nervous system is constantly “on the verge of breakdown” and begins to gradually “loose.”

Chronic irritability, dissatisfaction with everything appears: with oneself, with life, and with others, and a depressive state. In addition, there are constant worries and fears about any reason, sleep disturbances and prolonged loss of strength, swelling appears and the aging process of the body accelerates.

The largest amount of vitamin B1 is found in brewer's yeast. They are now sold in tablet form in all pharmacies. But yeast is contraindicated in diseases: hypertension, diseases of the bile ducts, gallbladder and liver, obesity and a tendency to be overweight. In these cases, it is recommended to include an increased amount of cabbage of all types and green peas in your menu.

Vitamin B1 is also found in nuts and potatoes, rye bread and eggs, sunflower and pumpkin seeds. To increase the level of vitamin B1 in the body in a week, 100 g of walnuts or almonds per day is enough. Their calorie content can be compensated by a low-calorie diet.

Vitamin B2 – riboflavin

Another vitamin that directly affects our mood. The main function of this vitamin is skin health, but it also affects vision, brain health, immunity and nervous system. Its deficiency is characterized by fatigue, frequent nervous breakdowns and irritability, and low resistance to infections.

For these symptoms, and for prevention, include in your menu liver, veal, brewer's yeast, fermented milk products, milk, cottage cheese, feta cheese and cheese, wheat sprouts, potatoes and leeks, tomatoes, turnips, green beans, cabbage and green peas .

Vitamin E – tocopherol

Eliminates night muscle cramps, accelerates tissue renewal, age spots gradually disappear in older people, vision, and the condition of muscles, skin, blood and lungs improve. And American scientists have found that vitamin E is the vitamin of energy, positivity and joy. In their opinion, it is thanks to this vitamin that a person becomes energetic and cheerful. Vitamin E is not only an antidepressant, but also a powerful antioxidant: it regulates oxidative processes in the body.

Therefore, products containing tocopherol are part of the “star” diets popular in Hollywood. But it is not recommended to start taking vitamin E in high doses: it should accumulate in the body gradually. And you should not stay in the sun for too long - the content of tocopherol in tissues begins to decrease, so you should always sunbathe in moderation - for health and beauty, and not to cause problems with the skin and health.

To replenish the deficiency of tocopherol in the body, it is necessary to include in your daily menu whole grain bread, unrefined cereals, any vegetable oils, young nettle leaves, mint leaves, celery greens, bran, broccoli. But the increased content of vitamin E is only in sprouts: wheat, oats, peas, soybeans, pumpkin.

All vegetables and fruits that are orange, red and yellow are natural antidepressants. Most of them contain vitamin A - retinol and provitamin A - carotene: carrots, apricots, pumpkin, beans.

Vitamin A

– a vitamin of beauty and youth, healthy skin, hair and nails. With its deficiency, the disease “night blindness” occurs, when a person begins to see poorly in the dark.

Vitamin A is also found in liver, yolks, fish oil, cabbage, pumpkin and sunflower seeds.

Of the microelements, it has antidepressant properties selenium. It is found in very small quantities in sprouts, walnuts, cashews, celery, and asparagus. But with a nutritious and varied diet, the amount entering the body with food is sufficient.

Anti-stress diet.

In order to improve your emotional background, cheer up, get out of apathy and depression, exclude alcohol, strong tea and coffee from your menu: your nervous system now needs not stimulants, but products that regulate hormonal levels.

For the same reason, exclude spicy, peppery, fried and fatty foods from the menu - you will reduce the load on the body. For a while, you should give up seasonings and spices: pepper, mustard, garlic.

Now the following products will be useful to you: fermented milk and cottage cheese, feta cheese or cheese, cereals, dried fruits, eggs 2-3 per week, fish, chicken, turkey or veal meat, olive, corn or flaxseed vegetable oils, fish or beef liver, nuts, sprouts , vegetables.

Especially necessary: ​​raw or baked pumpkin, zucchini, carrots, green peas, cauliflower, white cabbage, broccoli, parsley and dill. And, of course, dark chocolate and cocoa, fruits and juices, brewer's yeast.

Anti-stress diet menu - you can adjust it daily.

tsp sprouted and washed grains with sprouts 1.5-3 mm long, oat muesli with dried apricots, raisins and nuts, a cup of cocoa, 2 slices of rye bread toasted in a toaster, banana.


orange, 2-3 cubes of chocolate and a cup of green tea, rye or oatmeal bread.

Option 1: vegetable soup, a side dish of brown rice or buckwheat, a piece of chicken or fish, a salad of tomatoes and sweet peppers with vegetable oil, rye bread, green tea or mineral water.

Option 2: vegetable stew: cauliflower, celery greens, zucchini, 2 soft-boiled eggs, rye bun, juice and apple.

yogurt and lean cookies, raisins, dates, nuts.

stewed asparagus, pepper, kohlrabi, celery root and greens - vegetable stew of your choice, cheese or feta cheese. Juice or biokefir. Before bed - hot milk or a cup of cocoa with milk, rosehip infusion with honey, a brewer's yeast tablet.

In a week of an anti-stress diet, you can completely improve your emotional state. You only need to monitor the caloric content of the menu, but also not to put additional stress on yourself about a limited diet.

Now the main thing for you is to make up for the deficiency of necessary antidepressant vitamins and provide adequate nutrition in order to be able to adequately perceive the situation and use the brain as much as possible in order to find the right solution or way out of the current situation. And for this, the body needs healthy energy, which is contained in natural and healthy foods.

Vegetable broth will help you control your appetite and adjust your weight.

Soothing medicinal herbs and mixtures.

Among the medicinal herbs that have a sedative effect, the root and leaves of valerian, oregano, lemon balm, St. John's wort and hops will help reduce emotional tension and stress.

For stress, depression, apathy, it is useful to brew tea from St. John's wort, rose hips, raspberry or strawberry leaves, oregano and mint. It is better to use a thermos: a handful of rose hips, one tablespoon at a time. herbs, pour a liter of boiling water and leave for at least 2 hours. You don’t have to strain, but add boiling water throughout the day. In the morning, prepare a new infusion. This soothing tea can be drunk throughout the day, 5-7 days. Then drink an infusion of rose hips, lemon balm, and thyme.

An infusion of St. John's wort and valerian root will be more effective. Infusion: tbsp. St. John's wort, tsp. valerian root. Prepare and take in the same way as the previous collection.

Try brewing this soothing herbal tea instead of regular or green tea for a week - you will feel a noticeable improvement not only in your emotional state, but also in your entire body.

An infusion of hop cones and mint acts as synthetic tranquilizers, but has no side effects and is safe for health. Infusion: tsp. Steam hop cones and mint with a glass of boiling water. Leave for 30 minutes, strain and drink in 2 doses, adding a slice of lemon and a tsp. honey

To ensure a restful and refreshing sleep, you can prepare a sachet from a collection of herbs: hop cones, lavender, oregano, lemon balm. Fill a small pillow made of cotton or linen. Such a fragrant sachet, if left at the head of the bed, will normalize sleep and calm the nervous system, helping to relieve tension in the body.

Aroma oils will help improve your mood: lavender will calm you down, ylang-ylang will relax you and also reduce tension, cedar helps you cope with anxiety and fears. During the day, aromatic oils will help: orange - tones, reduces mental fatigue, spruce oil also tones and strengthens self-confidence, pine oil stimulates brain function.

Natural antidepressants: herbs, products and aromatic oils will definitely and effectively help you cope with bad mood, apathy and stressful situations. Just remain confident in yourself, your strengths and abilities. And the fact is that all bad things come to an end.

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