Chlamydia in women: symptoms. How to treat chlamydia in women? Tests for chlamydia in women. Chlamydia in men: symptoms, treatment regimens, effective drugs How to treat chlamydia in men tablets name

Today, the problem of treating chlamydia poses great difficulties for many doctors and patients, since often after treatment with antimicrobial agents, after a certain time, this insidious disease manifests itself again.

The problem is that most patients have chronic urogenital chlamydia, drug treatment for which is often ineffective.

What is the danger of chlamydia?

Chlamydia trachomatis most often causes the following pathologies of the urogenital tract:

  • urethritis in men and women (over half of all non-gonococcal urethritis),
  • prostatitis and orchiepididymitis in men, cervicitis, salpingitis, endometritis,
  • Combined organ damage is often observed (for example, urethritis, arthritis and conjunctivitis in the Reiter's syndrome program).

At the same time, there is a fairly extensive list of laboratory methods for diagnosing chlamydia, although the most reliable methods today are immunoassays with monoclonal antibodies (venous blood is used) and PCR diagnostics (usually scrapings of the endothelium of the urogenital tract).

In the treatment of chlamydial infection, as well as in the treatment of other infectious processes, the primary tasks are eradication of the pathogen and getting rid of acute or chronic inflammation of the genitals and urinary tract, which reduces the quality of life. Fortunately, a urologist, gynecologist or venereologist does not have a goal to reduce mortality from chlamydia, since dying from a chlamydial infection of the urogenital tract is very problematic.

An intermediate goal may be to avoid the chronicization of chlamydia, reduce the number of relapses of the chronic chlamydial process, as well as reduce the number of articular and ocular complications of urogenital chlamydia. We can also talk about the desire to reduce the number of complicated or miscarried pregnancies due to chlamydia and to avoid post-chlamydial infertility in both women and men.

Choice of drugs for the treatment of chlamydia

With an active inflammatory process, a whole range of medications is required for a full course of treatment for chlamydia. The drugs used in treatment regimens are selected by the doctor taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient’s body, clinical symptoms of the disease, the severity of the inflammatory process and the results of all tests - immunogram, liver tests, general blood test, urine culture, PCR results, ELISA and other laboratory data.

Today, treatment standards do not require the use of immunostimulants or immunomodulators in the treatment of even complicated chlamydia. Drugs of these groups, with the exception of serious cytostatic drugs that have strict indications and are prescribed only after an immunogram, should not be used as drugs with unproven effects. The shamanism of a large number of urologists, venereologists or gynecologists in this area is more often explained by bonuses from pharmaceutical representatives or an attempt to lengthen and increase the cost of treatment for patients of paid clinics and medical centers.

All information about medications and treatment regimens is intended for informational purposes only. Treatment of chlamydia is prescribed only by a qualified doctor based on test results, taking into account the patient’s medical history, concomitant diseases, etc.

Chlamydia eradication tactics

Eradication is essentially ridding the body of an infectious agent. Chlamydia is an intracellular resident, which, in addition to its main form, can exist in the L-variant (vegetative), which is not capable of exiting the cell and reproducing without significantly suppressing the host’s immunity, escaping from the effects of antibacterial agents or physical influences (increased temperature). The best way to treat chlamydia is with drugs from three antibacterial groups: tetracyclines, macrolides and fluoroquinolones.

It is worth noting that before starting therapy, sowing chlamydial cultures to determine sensitivity to antibiotics is not advisable, since studies conducted in 2000 at the Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology named after. D.O. Otta RAMS, St. Petersburg, Research Institute of Physico-Chemical Medicine of the Russian Ministry of Health, Moscow, Institute of Clinical Bacteriology, Uppsala University, Sweden, showed that laboratory-resistant strains retained their sensitivity to antibiotics in patients.

Antibiotics for chlamydia

Antimicrobial agents are the main ones in the treatment regimen for chlamydia. And as a rule, for chronic chlamydia, drug treatment consists of using a combination of 2 antibiotics. The duration of the course of treatment and individual dosage are determined by the attending physician depending on the type of disease and the dynamics of the inflammatory process.

When choosing an antibiotic for chlamydia, laboratory data to determine the sensitivity of the pathogenic microorganism to a specific antibacterial drug is indispensable. Therefore, it is advisable to supplement cultural methods of laboratory diagnostics with an antibiogram.

Name of the drug Treatment regimen for chlamydia


Doxycycline (Unidox Solutab, Dorix, Vibramycin, Vibra-Tabs). The Solutab form increases the bioavailability of the drug (that is, its penetration into tissues) by up to 93%.

0.1 twice a day for 7 days.


Erythromycin (Erythrocin) - approved for pregnant and lactating women 500 mg 4 times a day after 6 hours, 7 days
Azithromycin (, Zithromax, Hemomycin) 500 mg 2 tablets once
Josamycin (Vilprafen) and Clarithromycin (Klarbakt, Fromilid Uno) 750 mg 3 times a day every 8 hours 7 days
Spiramycin (Rovamycin) 3 million units every 8 hours 3 times a day, 7 days


Ofloxacin (Floxin, Zanotsin, Tarivid, Ofloxin) 300 mg twice daily after 12 hours, for 7 days
Levofloxacin (Tavanic, Glevo, Levostar, Flexid) 1 time per day after meals, 500 mg 1 time per day for 10-14 days, in complicated forms for more than 14 days.
Lomefloxacin (Lomflox) 400 mg/day for 10 days.
Sparfloxacin (Sparflo) 200 mg twice on the first day, 1 tablet on the second day
Ciprofloxacin (Cifran, Ciprobay, Cyprinol, Cipro-bid) 2 times a day, 500 mg for a week
Norfloxacin (, norbactin) 2 times a day, 400 mg. within 7-10 days;

In practice, preference is given to:

  • 15-membered macrolides, that is, Azithromycin
  • 16-membered macrolides, that is, Josamycin,
  • but resistant forms of chlamydia, especially chronic ones, are treated with fluoroquinolones.

But this will be second-line therapy, since it is not advisable to prescribe fluoroquinolones right away, remembering that soon there will be nothing to treat tuberculosis. And fluoroquinolones are reserve drugs. And commercial gain should not blind the eyes, and if it can be treated with a macrolide, then it should be treated with a macrolide. For pregnant women, the approved drug today is Josamycin (Vilprafen), which is preferred by European standards.

  • Regimen: Azithromycin 500 mg 2 tablets. once, Doxycycline 0.1 twice a day for 7 days.
  • Second row:
    • Erythromycin 500 mg 4 times a day after 6 hours 7 days
    • Ofloxacin 300 mg twice daily every 12 hours for 7 days
    • Roxithromycin 150 mg twice daily every 12 hours 7 days
    • Spiramycin 3 million units every 8 hours 7 days
  • For pregnant:
    • Erythromycin 500 mg every 6 hours 4 times a day for 7 days
    • Josamycin 750 mg 3 times a day every 8 hours 7 days, Spiramycin 3 million units every 8 hours 3 times a day 7 days

Both partners undergo therapy. In this case, tetracyclines can be used for the treatment of acute uncomplicated urethritis or cervicitis in previously untreated patients. Strains of chlamydia that are resistant to one of the tetracyclines also show resistance to other drugs in this group, that is, there is no point in changing drugs from one to another if they are ineffective within one group.

The criterion for cure will be negative PCR of scrapings of the urogenital tract 1.5-2 months after the end of therapy.


In order to prevent antibiotic-associated diarrhea and, after treatment of chlamydia, it is recommended to take probiotic preparations (see all prices and composition).

We remind you once again that only the attending physician prescribes a course of therapy; self-diagnosis and self-medication are not acceptable, this can harm your health.

Sexually transmitted diseases reduce the quality of life. They cause unpleasant symptoms and cause the development of serious pathologies in the genitourinary and other body systems. A common sexually transmitted disease is chlamydia, affecting up to 8% of women. Without treatment, the infectious disease damages the external and internal genital organs and the urinary tract. Depending on the nature of the pathology and the condition of the body, doctors determine how to treat chlamydia in women. Timely therapy increases the chance of quickly coping with the disease.

If a woman is diagnosed with chlamydia, her sexual partner should also undergo treatment. Chlamydial infection is extremely persistent; the main danger of microorganisms is the emergence of drug resistance. Therapy should include a set of measures to destroy pathogens and support the woman’s body in order to quickly and effectively cure chlamydia.

How does infection occur?

Knowing how chlamydia enters the body helps to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment. The manifestation of the disease and its damage to certain organs depends on how the woman became infected with chlamydia. Infection occurs through four main routes of infection. By distributing them by frequency, you can understand where the disease comes from:

  • The occurrence of itching and burning when urinating;
  • The appearance of discharge that has a yellowish color and an unpleasant odor;
  • Temperature increase;
  • Fatigue and weakness.

It is imperative to pay attention to these first signs of chlamydia in women, especially if their appearance was preceded by unprotected sexual contact. After some time, the symptoms disappear without treatment - the disease enters the chronic stage. In some cases, discharge due to chlamydia in women, fever, itching, and burning do not appear. A sexually transmitted disease is hidden, develops and causes an inflammatory process that provokes the appearance of pathologies. How does chlamydia manifest in women:

  • Colpitis. The mucous membrane of the vagina and the glands that are nearby become inflamed. The disease is accompanied by discharge, pain in the lower abdomen, problems with urination, and a slight increase in body temperature. Chlamydia in this form is more pronounced in women with a deficiency of the hormone estrogen.
  • Cervicitis. It is characterized by the occurrence of an inflammatory process in a woman’s cervix. Signs of the disease are dull pain, purulent or mucous secretion with a bad odor. If left untreated, cervical erosion occurs.
  • Salpingo-oophoritis(inflammation of the uterine appendages), endometritis (inflammation in the uterine tissue of the endometrium), salpingitis (inflammation of the fallopian tubes). They occur when infection penetrates into the internal genital organs. In this case, the symptoms of chlamydia in women are bleeding, abdominal pain, discharge, fever, weakness, and pain on palpation.

Diagnostic methods

Due to its asymptomatic course, the infection is detected against the background of other diseases for which a woman consults a gynecologist. If there is a suspicion of chlamydia, the doctor collects anamnesis from the patient, conducts an examination, and prescribes additional tests. If an infection is detected, your sexual partner must also be tested. How to determine if a woman has chlamydia:

  1. Vaginal smear for bacteria (detects other pathogens of STDs, detects chlamydia with a probability of 15%);
  2. Antibody test in the blood (detects antibodies against chlamydia, which are a sign of infection);
  3. PCR test for chlamydia (determines the genetic material of microorganisms);
  4. Chlamydia culture (detects the presence of chlamydia with a 70% probability, their type, necessary drugs for the treatment of a specific type);
  5. Immunofluorescence (with a 50% probability of finding infectious agents);
  6. Ultrasound (determines structural changes in the internal genital organs caused by chlamydia).

How to treat chlamydia in women

The doctor selects a treatment regimen for chlamydia individually for each case. Therapy for infection is complex and is carried out with the help of antibiotics, immunomodulatory drugs, multivitamins, and topical medications. An important part in the treatment of chlamydia in people is dietary adjustment, lifestyle changes, and physical procedures. Before prescribing medications, the gynecologist determines the type of chlamydia and the general condition of the woman’s body.

The use of physical therapy in the treatment of chlamydia has become widespread. Physiotherapeutic methods include: ultrasound irradiation, magnetic therapy, electrophoresis. Infection treatment procedures reduce painful symptoms and increase the body's resistance. How do physical procedures affect chlamydia in women:

  • Ultrasound irradiation. Increases immunity, relieves inflammation, accelerates tissue regeneration processes.
  • Magnetotherapy. Relieves inflammation, swelling, eliminates pain.
  • Electrophoresis. It has an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and vasodilator effect. Improves metabolism.

Local preparations - suppositories, tampons

In complex therapy against infection in women, suppositories and vaginal or rectal tampons are used (depending on the location of chlamydia), which have received good reviews from patients. In some cases, the use of topical medications replaces pills, for example, during pregnancy. What medications are used in treatment:

  • "Vitaferon" (suppositories). An interferon-based drug that stimulates the immune system, effectively fights viruses, improves phagocytic activity, and has an antibacterial effect. Treatment: 1 suppository, twice a day, up to 10 days. Contraindications: intolerance to components. Side effects: allergies (rash, urticaria).
  • "Hexion" (candles). The active ingredient is chlorhexidine. The drug has an inhibitory effect on chlamydia and other microorganisms and relieves inflammation. Treatment of infection: 1 suppository twice a day, up to 10 days. Contraindications: individual intolerance. Side effects: dry skin, taste disturbance.
  • "Clean Point" (tampons). The drug contains natural ingredients, has an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, regenerating effect, and normalizes the vaginal microflora. Course: 6 pieces, the interval between use is determined by the doctor. Contraindications to the use of the drug: menstruation, pregnancy, feeding, drinking alcohol. Adverse reactions: allergy.
  • Tampons with propolis. A folk remedy that has a regenerating, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal effect. Course of administration: 1 tampon, lubricated with propolis, at night for the period determined by the doctor. Contraindications: individual sensitivity. Side effects: allergic reactions due to personal intolerance.

Drugs that improve digestion and intestinal microflora

Chlamydia in women requires antibiotics. Antibiotic drugs have a negative effect on the immune system, the state of the gastrointestinal tract, and disrupt metabolism. To protect the body, medications are used that improve digestion, restore and maintain normal microflora of the stomach and intestines.

  • Enzymes. They break down food into simpler molecules, improving digestion. The drugs of the group are “Mezim”, “Festal”, “Pancreatin”.
  • Hepatoprotectors. Support liver function, reducing the destructive effect of antibiotics. Medicines of the group – “Essentiale Forte”, “Phosphogliv”, “Esliver Forte”
  • Probiotics. Bacteria and yeast that restore intestinal microflora. The drugs of the group are “Acipol”, “Lactobacterin”, “Hilak Forte”.
  • Bacteriophages. They are used instead of antibiotics, selectively affecting harmful microorganisms. Drugs of the group against chlamydia infection - “Coliphage”, “Intestibacteriophage”.

Regime and proper nutrition

A healthy diet, sleep and rest patterns strengthen the body, increase immunity and contribute to the treatment of chlamydia. During therapy, it is recommended to exclude coffee drinks, alcohol, spicy and salty foods, sweets from the diet, and reduce cigarette consumption. Reducing sexual activity and physical activity also helps treat the infection.

Treatment regimens for chlamydia in women

Effective treatment of infection in women is based on taking drugs that destroy chlamydia or inhibit the growth of microorganisms. The doctor gives a general assessment of the patient’s body condition, identifies concomitant diseases in order to prescribe the correct therapy. Treatment regimens for chlamydia in women:

  • Acute chlamydia. The following medications are prescribed: the antibiotic doxycycline (3 weeks, 100 mg 2 times a day), an immunomodulator of the doctor’s choice, multivitamins. After 7 days, systemic enzyme therapy is carried out. If fungal infections are present, the drugs Fluconazole and Nystatin are used. In combination with therapeutic agents, probiotics and hepatoprotectors are prescribed, physical procedures, and local treatment are prescribed.
  • Sluggish chlamydia. In the first two weeks, immunotherapy and systemic enzyme therapy are performed. Then the doctor prescribes antibiotics, multivitamins, and antifungal agents. To restore and support the body, the gynecologist prescribes physical procedures, local treatment, probiotics, and hepatoprotectors. The treatment regimen from the start of taking antibiotics is identical to that of acute chlamydia.
  • Chronic chlamydia. Inductotherapy is carried out for two weeks, Amiksin is prescribed for 30 days (every other day). Systemic enzyme therapy is carried out (2 weeks). 10 days after the start of treatment for the infection, antibiotics are prescribed (the amount of the drug is identical to the amount used in the treatment of an acute disease), and multivitamins. Physiotherapy is carried out, hepatoprotectors are used. Treatment of chronic chlamydia in women may be accompanied by taking hyaluronidase drugs (for example, Longidase, 1 suppository every 10 days).

Consequences of infection

If the infection is not treated, complications arise that significantly affect the woman’s quality of life. Chlamydia causes various types of inflammatory processes and leads to pathological changes in the tissues of the genitourinary system. Possible consequences of infection if left untreated:

  • Inflammatory processes in the fallopian tubes and appendages. The diseases cause the formation of adhesions, which cause infertility and ectopic pregnancy.
  • Inflammation of the cervix. A long-term pathological process leads to the development of cancer.
  • Inflammation of the endometrium. Prevents pregnancy and causes miscarriage.
  • Reiter's syndrome (damage to joints, eyes, genitourinary organs).

Prevention measures

Treatment of chlamydial infection is a long and unpleasant process that has a negative impact on the body and psychological state of a woman. Preventive measures will help the fair sex avoid the disease:

  1. Changes in sexual behavior: avoiding even protected sexual contact with untested partners (a condom does not provide 100% protection against chlamydia), using contraception;
  2. Using only your own personal hygiene products;
  3. Increased attention to hygiene, washing hands after visiting public places, especially swimming pools, toilets, etc.;
  4. Planned visits to the gynecologist to check for the presence of the disease;
  5. Paying attention to unusual symptoms.

The most common sexually transmitted disease is chlamydia. Treatment in women is complicated by the absence of severe symptoms in many cases. Meanwhile, the disease progresses and complications develop. Statistics show that over 140 million people are infected every year. What causes the disease, its symptoms, possible complications and what effective treatment exists for chlamydia in women will be discussed in this article.

What is chlamydia?

Chlamydia is a range of diseases caused by different types of the Chlamydia bacterium. These microorganisms cause skin diseases, pneumonia and other respiratory diseases. One type of chlamydia, namely Chlamydia trahomatis, contributes to the occurrence of urogenital chlamydia.

But usually at this stage, chlamydia is not treated in women; medications are not taken, since often the infected person is not aware of the disease due to the absence of symptoms. Meanwhile, the bacteria multiplies and new lesions appear. The incubation period of chlamydia is up to a month, depending on the person’s immunity.

Routes of infection

Genital chlamydia is transmitted sexually. Oral contraceptives and interrupted sexual intercourse cannot protect against infection. Infection occurs in 70% of cases during unprotected intimate relationships with a partner who is a carrier of the bacteria.

Chlamydia is transmitted from an infected mother to a newborn child both in utero and during labor. In medical science, there is controversy over the possibility of household transmission of the bacterium through shared personal hygiene products and underwear. It is known that chlamydia can exist in the external environment for up to 2 days. They die only when treated with high temperature. But what is the probability of a person being infected in this case - there is no consensus.

Forms of the disease

In medicine, two forms of chlamydia are distinguished depending on the degree of damage and duration of the disease. Each of them has its own symptoms and individual treatment regimen. The classification is as follows:

  1. The fresh form affects the lower part of the genitourinary system. The duration of the disease is up to 2 months.
  2. When bacteria spread to the lower parts of the urinary tract and their life cycles last more than 2 months, doctors diagnose chronic chlamydia. Treatment in women in this case involves additional, often combined antibacterial drugs.

Medical statistics claim that in 67% of chlamydia infections, the disease is completely asymptomatic. In this case, the disease manifests itself only in the stage of chronicity and the development of complications with corresponding symptoms. Most often, pronounced symptoms appear only at an advanced chronic stage of chlamydia development and manifest themselves as follows:

  • burning in the urethra and vagina;
  • itching of the genitals;
  • cloudy discharge with an unpleasant odor;
  • pain during urination;
  • nagging pain in the lower abdomen;
  • discomfort during sexual intercourse;
  • spotting in the middle of the menstrual cycle;
  • increased body temperature;
  • menstrual irregularities.

Causes of chlamydia

The reasons for the large-scale spread of chlamydia are the lack of public awareness of the problem, especially among adolescents. Few people know how chlamydia is treated in women. The drugs needed to combat the disease, meanwhile, cause additional harm to the health of the young body, acting quite aggressively on it and having a number of side effects.

Contribute to infection with the bacterium: early onset of sexual activity, indiscriminate change of partners, sexual intercourse not protected by a condom.

Why is it dangerous for a woman?

This begs the question: what is so terrible about chlamydia, if in most cases the disease does not manifest itself with any pain symptoms? The answer is clear - the disease is dangerous due to the development of serious complications. In the absence of the necessary treatment, chlamydia can affect the reproductive organs and contribute to the occurrence of the following pathological processes:

  • cervicitis or inflammation of the cervix;
  • pathological processes in the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes;
  • adhesions in the pelvic organs;
  • endometritis - endometrium of the uterus;
  • cystitis and urethritis;
  • as a consequence of complications - infertility.

The danger of chlamydia during pregnancy

Chlamydia is extremely dangerous in pregnant women. Treatment is complicated by the patient’s inability to take a number of necessary medications, since most of them can have an extremely negative impact on the development of the fetus. The asymptomatic course of the disease, and, accordingly, its late detection and untimely prescription of treatment can lead to complications or termination of pregnancy: fever, polyhydramnios, non-developing pregnancy, rupture of the membranes, miscarriage or premature birth. The likelihood of developing an ectopic pregnancy increases if conception occurs while there is an infection in the woman’s body. In 30% of cases, the fetus is infected in utero, and in 40% the child is infected during passage through the birth canal.

How dangerous it is for a child

Diagnosis of chlamydia

A gynecologist may suspect the presence of an infection during a general examination using a speculum. He will be able to detect symptoms characteristic of most diseases of the reproductive system: inflammatory processes, areas of erosion, a large amount of discharge, its corresponding consistency, color and smell.

To confirm the diagnosis and identify the causes of pathological processes, the specialist will take a smear from the vagina for bacteriological analysis. A general smear cannot detect the presence of chlamydia, but it will detect other sexually transmitted infections, which often develop in parallel with chlamydia.

A blood test to determine antibodies to chlamydia also cannot reliably confirm the diagnosis. Since the presence or absence of antibodies cannot reliably indicate the presence of living bacteria in the body.

PCR diagnostics are carried out to determine the DNA of chlamydia. The material for analysis is vaginal discharge. A positive test result will reliably confirm the presence of infection. But if negative, additional research is needed.

Bacterial culture is the most reliable way to detect chlamydia. The material for analysis (vaginal discharge) is placed in an environment favorable for chlamydia. Then, after the time necessary for the growth and reproduction of bacteria, the presence or absence of bacteria is determined under a microscope.

Treatment methods for chlamydia

The disease is treated with general and local methods. The main treatment for chlamydia in women is antibiotics. The treatment regimen is developed by the doctor on an individual basis. When choosing an antibacterial agent, the following factors must be taken into account:

In addition to antibacterial agents, immunomodulating drugs, probiotics, and enzymes are prescribed.

Treatment regimen for chlamydia

Once the diagnosis is confirmed, it is necessary to prescribe the correct treatment for chlamydia in women. The scheme is as follows:

1. Macrolides for the treatment of chlamydia are most effective:

  • drug "Erythromycin": 0.5 g 4 times a day for 2 weeks;
  • "Josamycin" product: 1 g once, then 0.5 g twice a day for 10 days;
  • medicine "Spiramycin": three times a day, 3 million IU for 10 days;
  • drug "Klacid": 250 mg twice a day for 14 days.

2. Fluoroquinolones are used less frequently, since many types of bacteria are resistant to this type of antibiotics:

  • "Ofloxacin": one tablet twice a day for 10 days. If ineffective, the doctor may increase the dosage;
  • medicine "Lomefloxacin": 1 tablet once a day, 10 days, used for uncomplicated forms of chlamydia;
  • drug "Pefloxacin": 600 mg once for 7 days.

3. Broad-spectrum antibiotic “Clindamycin” is taken 2 tablets 4 times a day for a course of 7 days. This drug effectively treats chlamydia in women. Reviews indicate the majority of cases of complete cure and a minimal number of adverse reactions to the medicine.

Immunomodeling therapy helps the body strengthen its strength to fight infection when treating chlamydia in women. The following drugs are prescribed: the drug "Cycloferon" in a course of 5 injections according to the prescribed regimen in parallel with taking antibiotics. And the drug "Neovir" of 7 injections of 250 ml every 48 hours after a course of antibiotics.

Antibiotics have an extremely negative effect on the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. To prevent the development of stomach diseases, enzyme preparations and probiotics are prescribed: Bifidumbacterin, Lactobacterin, Chlorella, Hilak-Forte and others.

Local treatment of chlamydia

In addition to general therapy, the gynecologist also prescribes local treatment for chlamydia in women. Suppositories have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Dimexide solution is also used in the form of tampons, antibacterial gels and creams, and douching. To restore the body's strength, the doctor will prescribe a complex of multivitamins, for example "Supradin". While treating the infection, you must abstain from sexual intercourse or use a condom.

Physiotherapeutic procedures

In the treatment of chlamydia, especially in chronic form, effective additional treatment methods are physiotherapy methods:

  • low frequency ultrasound;
  • local laser phoresis;
  • electrophoresis;
  • UFOK.

Treatment of chronic chlamydia

If a doctor diagnoses chronic chlamydia, treatment in women involves the following regimen:

  1. Injections of the drugs "Neovir" or "Cycloferon" 7 times every other day.
  2. The drug "Rovamycin" is started to be taken at a dose of 3 million IU three times a day after the third injection of cycloferon. The course of treatment is 14 days.
  3. The drug "Diflucan" 1 capsule on the 7th and 14th day of treatment with the main antibiotic.
  4. Vitamin complexes.
  5. Physiotherapy procedures according to indications.

Treatment during pregnancy

  1. Antibiotic therapy as prescribed by a doctor: drugs "Erythromecin", "Rovamycin", "Sumamed".
  2. Immunomodeling therapy with the help of drugs, suppositories, which include substances such as myelopid, econazole nitrate or interferon.
  3. Probiotic preparations in the form of topical suppositories and oral agents.

Confirmation of cure

Since chlamydia rarely manifests itself with pronounced symptoms and their absence cannot be used to judge the effective treatment of the disease, after completing a drug course to combat the infection, it is imperative to carry out control tests in several stages and using different methods:

Prevention of chlamydia

Chlamydia can cause serious complications. Treatment in women is carried out with antibacterial drugs that have an adverse effect on various internal organs. Preventive methods will help you avoid many health problems, namely: a responsible attitude towards your own health, which is manifested in the exclusion of promiscuity and the use of barrier methods of contraception and regular medical examinations. To prevent complications during pregnancy and during pregnancy planning, it is necessary to be tested for chlamydia and other sexually transmitted infections.

Chlamydia is insidious due to its asymptomatic nature and rapid spread. Therefore, the lack of treatment or independent attempts to fight the infection can lead to unforeseen consequences and serious impairment of the health of the infected person and his partner. Seeing a doctor will help prevent the development of complications and overcome the disease.

Chlamydia is a type of hidden sexually transmitted infection, the consequences and complications of which can be unpredictable without treatment.

Before starting conservative therapy, the doctor must conduct laboratory diagnostics of the woman, since the final stage of recovery and rehabilitation depends on this.

The treatment regimen for chlamydia in women includes an individual approach and combination therapy with drugs and agents.

Description, main symptoms

Chlamydia is a disease that is predominantly sexually transmitted. It is caused by the bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis.

Theoretically, a household route of transmission of infection is also possible, but this is very rare, because the bacterium itself is not viable in an open environment.

Chlamydia is more likely to cause inflammation and pathologies of the pelvic organs, vagina, urethra (urethra), rectum, etc.

If a woman self-medicates or does not take any therapeutic measures, the disease can manifest serious complications in the form of the following diseases:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • immunodeficiency;
  • Reiter's syndrome;
  • pathologies of the cervix, ovaries.

In this case, treatment should be started immediately. Symptoms of chlamydia vary from person to person every woman. It all depends on the immune system and the specifics of the body.

Often the patient does not feel any discomfort or pain, except for copious mucopurulent discharge from the vagina.

Slightly less common are acute symptoms in the form of itching, burning, pain in the lower abdomen, and bleeding in the middle of the cycle.

Sometimes this is accompanied by urological symptoms in the form of cystitis, urethritis, pain during urination, etc.


The first stage of treatment is an accurate diagnosis of the disease. Chlamydia is detected using special tests, which are carried out using the PCR technique.

Due to their specificity, no other tests (smear for flora) can accurately detect chlamydia, since they do not have the same degree of sensitivity as PCR.

This is the main difficulty, since laboratory tests performed using polymerase chain reaction often show false positive or false negative results.

This may occur as a result of the following factors:

  • incorrect collection of biomaterial;
  • lack of preparation for the study;
  • use of cheap reagents by laboratory technicians;
  • taking antibiotics, vaginal suppositories;
  • other reasons.

In this case, gynecologists often direct the woman to retake tests to make sure of the presence of infection.

Often, violation of the conditions of preparation for the study (urination before taking a smear, the first phase of the menstrual cycle, antibacterial therapy, etc.) lead to false negative results.

To accurately detect the disease A whole list of laboratory diagnostic methods is used:

  • smear or scraping using the PCR method for all sexually transmitted infections from the cervical canal, vagina;
  • venous blood for Chlamydia trachomatis IgA and IgG antibodies;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvis;
  • colposcopy.

These are standard tests that a woman must undergo to accurately identify chlamydia.

In this case, it is advisable to be tested for a variety of sexually transmitted infections, since along with chlamydia, the patient has other STDs.

If a woman has a regular sexual partner, then he should also be carefully diagnosed, otherwise the prescribed treatment will be meaningless and ineffective.

How to treat the disease

After a complete examination, the gynecologist prescribes an individual course of treatment, which is aimed at eliminating the infection itself and its complications.

Antibacterial therapy for chlamydia

There are no universal drugs for the treatment of chlamydia Trachomatis, since rehabilitation therapy in women will be complex.

The main means of combating all STIs is antibiotics.. No other medicine can remove such bacteria from the body.

The use of folk remedies, vaginal suppositories, and antimicrobial drugs will be useless in this case, since they are used to complement the main treatment of chlamydia in women.

For such an infection, it is important to prescribe the correct type of antibiotic to which the infection is sensitive.

If chlamydia is detected, then laboratory technicians in addition conduct a special test for the sensitivity of the infection to antibiotics.

Based on these data, the doctor prescribes the necessary medications., otherwise antibacterial therapy will not bring any results.

Using such strong drugs “blindly” will lead to the infection becoming resistant to all drugs taken.

Basically, doctors in a situation of chlamydia prescribe the following antibiotics:

  • tetracyclines (Doxycycline, Tetracycline);
  • cephalosporins (Cefazolin);
  • penicillins (Amoxicillin, Flemoxin Solutab);
  • fluoroquinolones (Levofloxacin, Ofloxacin);
  • macrolides (Azithromycin, Midecamycin, Spiramycin);
  • carbapenems (Imipenem);
  • lincosamides (Lincomycin);
  • aminoglycosides (Kanamycin).

The gynecologist prescribes in an individual dosage a certain type of antibiotic to which the bacteria is sensitive according to PCR tests.

Usually women take them for 5-14 days, and then take control tests. If the antibiotic does not help, and chlamydia remains in the body, then another group of medications is prescribed.

Carbapenems and aminoglycosides are used to treat STIs in the most severe cases. Medicines from the group of tetracyclines, fluoroquinols, and macrolides are widely used, as they successfully treat chlamydia of the urogenital tract.

As a rule, a woman takes antibiotics in combination with other drugs. This is an auxiliary treatment, which is also necessary for a speedy recovery.

Immunotherapy for chronic form

The main complication of chlamydia is immunodeficiency, which appears during a long course of the disease.

Immunotherapy is used as a combination treatment, which includes the following categories of drugs:

  • immunostimulants and immunomodulators of synthetic or plant origin;
  • interferon-based medications;
  • interferon inducers;
  • vitamin complex;
  • hepatoprotectors;
  • antioxidants.

The doctor usually prescribes immunostimulants and other interferon-based drugs along with antibiotics for a week. This strengthens the therapeutic effect of antibiotics.

Among the popular immunostimulants are Immunomax, Polyoxidonium, Imunofan etc. They are of synthetic origin, so their restorative effect is more noticeable.

All other medications should be taken after stopping antibiotics. This can be said to be the third stage of treatment, which includes an immunomodulatory effect.

After taking antibiotics, a woman takes immunostimulants, vitamins, antioxidants, interferon inducers, etc. for 1 month.

All of them can be used together. Antioxidants have proven to be particularly effective in eliminating the complications of chlamydia and having an anti-inflammatory effect.

Antioxidants of natural origin are Vitamin C or ascorbic acid, as well as Vitamins E1, which must be used for 2 weeks.

Hepatoprotectors are medications that protect the liver from the toxic effects of antibiotics and other drugs.

If a woman has liver diseases, then it is prescribed Karsil, Essentiale Forte, Legalon etc.

Interferon inducers activate the body's own defenses without side effects. A detailed immunomodulatory and antibacterial treatment regimen can be presented in the table.

The course of treatment of chlamydia in women with drugs should be 1-1.5 months, if the woman does not have complications in the form of inflammation of the appendages (or cervical diseases).

Then the treatment for chlamydia will be the same, but the rehabilitation period for women will be approximately 3-3.5 months. It all depends on the severity of the disease and complications.

Probiotics - medicines to restore microflora

Antibiotics tend to have a toxic effect on the intestinal microflora, causing bacterial imbalance.

Taking such drugs can not only cause intestinal dysbiosis, but also vaginal dysbiosis.

Vaginal dysbiosis is dangerous due to the activation of pathogenic bacteria, which can cause local inflammation.

It can turn out to be a vicious circle, which is why gynecologists always prescribe probiotics immediately after a course of antibacterial therapy.

There are many drugs on the pharmaceutical market that restore the microflora of the intestines and vagina. These can be either medications or vaginal suppositories or solutions.

Tablets can also be used to prevent bacterial vaginosis.

The most popular remedy is Trichopolum or its analog Metronidazole, which restores the vaginal microflora.

This medicine successfully copes with another sexually transmitted infection -.

Metronidazole is taken for 10 days after a course of antibiotics. The drugs are used together with immunomodulatory therapy.

Find out even more about the symptoms and treatment features of chlamydia from the following video:

Treatment of chlamydia is complex and complex.

First, you need to prescribe antibiotics, and then probiotics and immunostimulating drugs.

In complex cases, treatment will be lengthy, and the doctor may combine several types of antibiotics.

The final stage is a control smear using PCR 2 weeks after antibiotic therapy. A negative result will indicate recovery, but otherwise additional treatment will be required.

One of these diseases is chlamydia, a very dangerous disease, since it can be asymptomatic for a long time and have irreversible consequences for the health of an adult and a child.

To ensure their safety, every person needs to know what chlamydia is and how to treat it?

Infection mainly occurs through unprotected sexual intercourse. extremely rare, since these bacteria are not able to live outside the host cells. It is also possible for a child to become infected from a sick mother during childbirth.

The incubation period for the development of bacteria ranges from seven to thirty days. It all depends on the specific organism, on how strong its immune system resists. During this period no symptoms may not appear.

In medicine, there are two types of the disease. Depending on the time of infection, chlamydia can occur in:

  • acute form - with this course, only the bottom of the urethra is affected;
  • chronic form - with this development of the disease, the entire genitourinary tract is completely affected.

In men, when infected, the prostate gland or seminal vesicles are affected along with the urethra.

When infected, women experience symptoms of other urinary tract diseases.

In a newborn child, the disease also affects the nasopharynx.

Important! When a person gets sick, they do not produce antibodies to these bacteria. That is, even with complete cure of the disease, the risk of re-infection remains.

What danger does the disease pose?

The greatest danger to human health comes from all sorts of complications that develop during infection.

Among women complications are manifested by the following diseases:

  • cervicitis;
  • urethritis;
  • increased hemorrhagic cystitis;
  • endometritis or the development of inflammation of the endometrium in the uterus;
  • the process of inflammation in the Bartholin glands;
  • various inflammations in the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes;
  • obstruction of the fallopian tubes develops;
  • chronic pain occurs in the pelvic organs;
  • infertility;
  • there is a risk of developing inflammation in the liver.

Among women, infected during pregnancy, The following problems may occur:

In men the consequences of infection are diseases such as:

  • Urethritis;
  • Orchiepididymitis;
  • Prostatitis;
  • Infertility.

In a newborn child The following diseases appear:

  • the likelihood of health problems in the premature baby;
  • conjunctivitis, according to statistics, develops in every second newborn who was born to an infected woman;
  • various infections of the nasopharynx;
  • – an inflammatory process in the lungs, which is in the nature of an infection;
  • otitis.

Is the disease curable?

Patients often ask whether chlamydia is curable or not and why is chlamydia incurable? The statement that the disease is incurable is erroneous, because it is possible to get rid of chlamydia.

Effective treatment of chlamydia trachomatis is possible if it is detected at an early stage.

Then you can get rid of it in one or three weeks. This is possible thanks to an effective course of special medications and consultation with an experienced specialist.

It is much more difficult to determine how to cure chlamydia in the case where the preliminary course of treatment was drawn up incorrectly.

If treated incorrectly, the disease progresses to the chronic stage.. This is due to the fact that with long-term drug treatment in an organism weakened by antibiotics, its immune-compensatory reserves are simply depleted.

When receiving results with a positive test for chlamydia, each patient asks the following questions: how and how to treat chlamydia and is it possible to cure chlamydia forever?

Effective therapy for chlamydia is quite possible with a properly selected treatment regimen and the use of drugs in combination.

Before starting therapy, it is imperative to visit a specialist to make a correct diagnosis. Without high-quality preliminary diagnosis, therapy is unacceptable.

Important! A course of treatment for chlamydia will be effective and bring results only if both sexual partners are examined and treated.

Symptoms of chlamydia and methods of its diagnosis

If chlamydia is present in the body, the following may occur:

If any symptoms of chlamydia appear, treatment should be started immediately to avoid possible complications.

The diagnosis of chlamydia is not made based on the results of a smear examination. Based on the results of this analysis, the specialist can only assume the presence or absence of chlamydia in the body.

To make an accurate diagnosis, you need to go through a number of other surveys:

  1. Cultural sowing, also known as inoculation on McSou medium, is a fundamental method that gives the most accurate picture of the presence of these bacteria in the body. The procedure is quite labor-intensive and time-consuming, but the results obtained in the end are the most accurate.
  2. ELISA And REEF methods - will allow not only to accurately diagnose, but also, if the result is positive, to determine the stage of chlamydia.
  3. DNA diagnostics (PCR) - this method allows you to completely identify chlamydia present in the body. The method is effective even when the number of bacteria in the body is minimal. The results determine not only the existing infection, but also a previous infection.

Important! In practice, chlamydia develops in the body with fairly normal results of a general smear examination in eight out of ten patients.

How to get rid of chlamydia

After the procedures to determine chlamydia in the body have been carried out, you need to get recommendations from an experienced specialist on how and how to treat chlamydia.

The doctor will determine how to treat chlamydia and prescribe the correct course of therapy.

Self-medication is unacceptable, because it can provoke dangerous complications.. This is due to the ability of bacteria to adapt to drug treatment. They also have the ability to hide from medications.

A medical professional develops a course of treatment for chlamydia. Treatment is selected individually in accordance with the characteristics of a particular organism.

During treatment, mixed therapy is always prescribed. It includes the following:

  • a course of broad-spectrum antibiotics;
  • certain food;
  • various immunostimulants that support the immune system during the period of illness and thereby help to cope with it in a milder form;
  • multivitamin complexes;
  • refusal of sexual intercourse;
  • a complete exception.

For local effects and elimination of symptoms, a specialist may prescribe antibacterial ointment from chlamydia.

How to treat: Drug regimen

Patients often ask the question: is it possible to cure chlamydia completely the first time? This is quite possible subject to timely diagnosis and initiation of treatment.

The main emphasis in treatment is on antibacterial drugs. Depending on the specific type of infection and its form (acute or chronic), the specialist determines the duration and single dose of their administration.

To determine a specific drug for treatment, an antibiogram must be done. This will allow you to determine the degree of influence of a particular drug on bacteria.

As a rule, a similar treatment regimen for chlamydia is used:

Group of drugs against bacteria Drug name Single dosage How many times a day to take Number of days of admission
Tetracyclines Doxycycline 0,1 2 7
Macrolides Erythromycin or Erythrocin 500 mg 4 7
Azithromycin or Hemomycin 500 mg 1 1
Josamycin and Clarithromycin 750 mg 3 7
Fluoroquinolones Ofloxacin 300 mg 2 7
Levofloxacin 500 mg 1 10-14
Lomefloxacin 400 mg 1 10
Spiramycin 3 million units 3 7
Sparfloxacin 200 mg on the first day 2, from the second 1 7
Ciprofloxacin 500 mg 2 7
Norfloxacin 400 mg 2 7-10


You should not immediately start treatment with drugs from the fluoroquinol group. These are drugs of the reserve group and are prescribed only when all other antibiotics are ineffective or the form of chlamydia is chronic.

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