Lexical topic "trees" card index on the topic. Lexical topic: “Autumn. Trees Vocabulary exercises theme autumn for preschoolers

Planning subgroup speech therapy work

In a preparatory school group for children with special needs development

By lexical topic "Trees".

1. Lexico-grammatical exercises.

A). Activation of the dictionary. Development of auditory attention and memory.

It's so nice in the shade of the trees:

Comfortable, green, cool.

We thank the trees

We are talking about them today.

Game "Remember More". Children repeat a series of words after the speech therapist -

names of trees by main types: deciduous, coniferous, fruit-bearing

berry For example: cherry, pine, poplar. Cherry, pine, poplar, ash.

The vocabulary gradually increases.

b). Enrichment of the dictionary. Development of imagination and motor skills.

Remember, draw, imagine:

Part of the tree, friends, you wish

Game "Aerial Drawings". One of the children is asked to portray

with your finger in the air a trunk, a twig, a leaf (that is, any part of a tree.)

The rest of the children guess the part of the tree depicted.

V). Inflection: Instrumental plural

nouns Agreement of nouns with adjectives

in number and case.

The autumn bouquet is bright.

He is autumn's gift

Game "Collect a bouquet". Children are encouraged to collect tree leaves

from colored paper (or herbarium). As the action progresses, everyone is asked:

What leaves did you go for? (I went for oak leaves.)

G). Working on a phrase. Compound sentence with conjunction A.

Let's compare a tree with a bush:

We will find the differences in them!

For example: The tree is tall and the bush is low.

d). Work on the semantic meaning of the word.

People walk on foxes...

There are DIFFERENT forests!

Let's remember what they are called.

Game "Explainers". Children are asked to explain the concepts: birch

grove, pine forest, oak grove, spruce forest, apple orchard, linden alley.

2. General speech skills. Working on the syllable structure of a word

A). Pronouncing tongue twisters:

Oak oaky, widely green.

b). Playing rhythms with wooden spoons.

Be careful along the path

We can jump in different ways.

Children listen with their eyes closed to the proposed series of rhythms.

(If it’s difficult, use open ones). Repeat, reproducing strong (/) and

weak (-) blows: /-, //-, ///-; /-, //-, -///.

V). Long speech exhalation training.

And then rest.

Inhale and exhale for a long time.

Children take a breath and on one exhale say a phrase, with each

increasing it with subsequent exhalation. For example: “That’s what a pine tree is,” “That’s what a tall pine tree is,” “That’s what a tall, beautiful pine tree is.”

G). Work on intonation.

If you liked it, tell me

Show your mood.

Children are given pictograms, taking into account which the phrase is pronounced -

attitude towards the walk. For example: I had a very good rest.

(Pictogram “joy”). I'm very tired. (Pictogram “sadness”).

If children find it difficult to choose the text to display their

pictograms, then the phrases are composed by an adult (or a “strong” child),

and the “owner” of the pictogram repeats.

3.Phonetic-phonemic processes. Certificate.

Motor skills. Mental processes.

a) Development of visual attention, fine motor skills of the hands.

Fixing the graphic image of letters.

Letters played with leaves

the silhouette was remembered.

Children are given outlines of leaves (inner outline) and are offered on a sheet

with letters: letters A“hide” in oak leaves, letters U- into maple leaves.

b). An exercise in sound analysis of words. Development of auditory memory to linear


We also know how to play with letters.

Let's select words for the diagrams.

D/i “Guess the vowel order.”

Children are asked to connect with a line the pictures with the appropriate name of the pictures.

scheme. Only vowels are written on the diagram. For example, A_____U, U_______A.

The first scheme matches the following pictures: sail, apron, watermelon, ostrich, cactus.

To the second scheme: letter, bag, fur coat, pen, bun and others.

V). Development of tactile memory and fine motor skills.

Wonderful bags in a row

Already ready for the guys.

Take it with any hand,

What he is with - decide quickly!

Children lay out the given letters from the material that turns out to be

they have it in their bag. For example: From seeds, from juice caps, from buttons.

G). Development of orientation on the sheet. Color differentiation.

Differentiation of letters.

The trees give us the prize.

Which one then? I won't give an answer.

Letters made of colored paper are laid out on the table. On them there are “gifts” of fruit -

berry trees. (Dummy fruits and berries). Task options: Collect

tangerines. What letters were they on? Or: Collect fruits from purple letters.

(Name these letters and these fruits). Or: Take the fruit from the letter in the upper right

corner. What letter is this? What fruit? Etc.

d). Isolating the first sound in a word. Prevention of dysgraphia. Development

fine motor skills of hands.

Play with the trees

Guess the first sound

Indicate with a letter.

Writing letters with your fingers on the manna “field”.

e). Development of attention and switchability.

Be careful, my friend!

We stand in a large and even circle.

You can distinguish the plants

Choose the second word.

Word game "Choose the word." For example: Lilac is a bush, oak is .... (tree).

4. Coherent speech.

A). Compiling a story based on the plot.

We'll go to the forest with the dog,

What will we find in the forest?

The plot of “An Incident in the Forest” from the book by T.A. Tkachenko “If a preschooler feels bad

speaks"). A more difficult option is to compose a story based on this plot, but

on behalf of the girl.

b). Making sentences using reference words and combining them in a chain

into the story.

Trees grow not only in the forest:

I can also find them in the garden and at the dacha.

The plot of “At the Dacha” from T. A. Tkachenko’s manual “Telling from Pictures”

with problematic content."


1. Osmanova G. A, Pozdnyakova L. A. “Games and exercises for the development of children’s general

speech skills."(6 – 7 years old). S – Pet. "KARO" 2007.

2. Agranovich Z.E.“A collection of homework to help speech therapists and parents.”

(To overcome violations of lexico-grammatical underdevelopment of speech in preschoolers

with ONR). S – Pet. "CHILDHOOD - PRESS". 2003

3. Tkachenko T.A.“If a preschooler speaks poorly.” St.-Pet. "CHILDHOOD - PRESS". 1999

4. Tkachenko T.A."Telling from pictures with problematic content." S. – Pet.


Nouns:rosehip, currant, raspberry, barberry, hawthorn, thorns, lumps, clusters, berries, aspen, rowan, linden, apple tree, spruce, pine, birch,

buds, branches, trunk, leaves, fruits, seeds, earrings,

crown, top, bark, roots, cones.

Adjectives: white-trunked, slender, tall, low, elegant, beautiful, large, carved, birch, spruce, rustling, rough, branched, evergreen, spreading, small, green, yellow, red, prickly, smooth, round, oblong, sweet, sour, mature, bitter, hard, soft,

juicy, healthy, medicinal.

Verbs: pricks, grows, stands, sways,

fall, ripen, swing, pick, collect, bloom, decorate, fly, crumble, make noise, land, tremble,

Water, fertilize, protect.


Acorns grow on... oak;
Bunches of rowan grow on - rowan;
Apples grow on an apple tree;
Earrings grow on - birch, alder;
Round cone on a pine tree;
Long cone on - spruce;


Spruce - Christmas tree.
Pine - pine.
Birch - birch.
Needle - needle.
Branch - twig.
A lump is a lump.



Slender, curly, white-trunked...(birch);
Sad, sorrowful, weeping...(willow);
Slender, green, prickly...(spruce);
Strong, mighty, spreading... (oak);

Select the signs (at least three signs):

  1. Birch (what kind?) ...
  2. Spruce (what kind?) ...
  3. Aspen (which one?) ...
  4. Oak (Which one?) ...
  5. Spruce (Which one?) ...
  6. Rowan (Which one?) ...
  7. Apple tree (Which one?) ...


  1. It's fun in the spring,
    It's cold in the summer,
    Nourishes in autumn
    Warms in winter.
  1. Takes from my flower
    The bee has the most delicious honey.
    But they still offend me:
    The thin skin is torn off.
  1. I have longer needles than a Christmas tree.
    I grow in height very straight.
    If I'm not on the edge,
    The branches are only at the top of the head.
  1. Like pine trees, like fir trees,
    And in winter without needles.

5. Green in the spring, tanned in the summer,
In the fall I wore red corals.(Rowan)

6. A Russian beauty is standing in a clearing,
In a green blouse, in a white sundress.(Birch)

7. I dropped the curls into the river
And I was sad about something,
What is she sad about?
Doesn't tell anyone.(Willow)

8. You will find her in the forest,
Let's go for a walk and meet.
Stands prickly like a hedgehog
In winter in a summer dress. (Spruce)

9. In summer - snow! Just laughter!
Snow is flying around the city,
Why doesn't he melt?(Poplar fluff)

What branch?

  1. The birch branch has a birch branch;
  2. Aspen has...
  3. At the oak -...
  4. At the ate -...
  5. At the pine -...
  6. At the maple -...

Lexical work on the topic “Autumn. Trees"

Target: introduce children to trees of our region, give an idea of ​​life trees in autumn; draw children's attention to the color of the leaves in autumn; form grammatically correct speech; introduce a general concept trees, strengthen the ability to portray tree, learn to establish correspondence between the number and quantity of objects; strengthen the ability to count objects (within 5) cultivate a caring attitude towards plants.

Physical education minute


Leaves autumn ones are quietly circling, (spinning on tiptoes, arms to the sides.)

Leaves fall under our feet (squat.)

And they rustle and rustle underfoot, (Move your hands right - left.)

As if they want to get dizzy again. (they get up and circle around.)

Finger gymnastics

« Autumn leaves»

One two three four five,

Let's collect leaves (clench and unclench fists)

Birch leaves,

rowan leaves,

poplar leaves,

aspen leaves,

we will collect oak leaves (bend fingers, starting with thumb)

mom We'll bring an autumn bouquet. (walk along the table with their middle and index fingers).

Leaf fall, leaf fall,

Yellow leaves are flying.

Yellow maple, yellow beech,

Yellow circle in the sky of the sun.

Yellow yard, yellow house.

The whole earth is yellow all around.

Yellowness, yellowness,

Means, autumn is not spring.

N. Nishcheeva


If on trees

the leaves have turned yellow,

If the land is far away

the birds have flown away

If the sky is gloomy,

if it rains,

It's that time of year

it's called in autumn.

M. Khodyakova

Finger gymnastics

« Autumn»

The wind flew through the forest, Smooth, wave-like movements of the palms.

The wind counted the leaves: Bend one finger on both hands.

Here's an oak one,

Here's a maple one,

Here is a carved rowan tree,

Here is a golden one from a birch tree.

Here is the last leaf from the aspen tree

The wind blew it onto the path. Place your palms on your knees


« Trees»

Ate at the edge of the forest

To the top of the sky -

They listen, they are silent,

They look at their grandchildren.

The aspen tree is chilling,

Trembling in the wind

It gets cold in the sun,

Freezing in the heat...

Give it to the aspen

Coat and boots -

Need to warm up

Poor aspen.

Near the river, at the cliff,

The willow is crying, the willow is crying.

Maybe she feels sorry for someone?

Maybe she's hot in the sun?

Maybe the wind is playful

He pulled the willow's pigtail

Maybe the willow is thirsty?

Maybe we should go and ask

If you gave a birch a comb,

Birch would change her hairstyle.

Looking into the river, like looking into a mirror,

I would comb my curly strands,

And it would become a habit for her

Braid your hair in the morning.

The pines want to grow to the sky,

They want to sweep the sky with branches.

So that within a year

The weather was clear

Apple tree.

Little apple tree

In my garden.

White, white,

Everything is in bloom.

I put on a dress

With a white border.

Little apple tree

Make friends with me.

A little red berry

Rowan gave me

I thought it was sweet

And she is like a hina.

Is it this berry?

I'm just not ripe

Is it the cunning rowan tree,

I wanted to make a joke.

Oak of rain and wind

Not afraid at all.

Who said that oak

Scared of catching a cold?

After all, until late autumn

It's green.

This means the oak is hardy,

So, hardened.

I. Tokmakova

The story about Autumn:

Early called autumn"gold"- the grass turns golden, the leaves on trees and bushes.

The air is cool, transparent and silver threads of cobwebs fly in it. There are fine sunny days "Indian summer". But the sun no longer rises high, the days become shorter and the nights longer. Small cold rains drizzle, fog creeps in in the mornings. Gusts of wind blow away yellow trees, crimson and purple leaves that cover the ground with a variegated carpet. It's time for leaf fall. Trees gradually lose their lush bright decoration, their branches are exposed.

In the middle autumn The sun rarely comes out, the days become cloudy, and there are often cold, lingering rains. There are frosts at night.

Late called autumn"silver". The first thin ice covers the puddles, silver stars - snowflakes - fly to the frozen ground, icy branches ring in the wind trees Fallen, frost-covered leaves glisten in the sun. Insects are disappearing, migratory birds are flying south.

Animals are preparing for winter, stocking up, building and insulating nests and burrows, changing their summer coats to winter coats - fluffier and lighter in color, in order to become invisible in the white snow. People have a lot of work in autumn: it is necessary to harvest vegetables and fruits, prepare arable land for spring, and sow winter crops.

We also need to take care of those birds that remain to spend the winter in our area, collect seeds and fruits for them, and prepare feeders.

Complete the sentence about Autumn

Summer has replaced it. (golden autumn) .

The sun appears less and less often. (from behind the clouds).

Trees put on. (multi-colored outfit).

. (red, yellow) the leaves burn in the sun and then. (fall, circle, cover) the ground like a golden carpet.

Rain. (drizzle) and makes you hide. (home).

Birds gather in flocks. (and fly away to warmer climes).

Animals have no time to frolic, they do. (stocks for winter).

Soon the white-winged winter will come into its own.

Proverbs Autumn

Summer with sheaves - autumn with pies.

September is cold, but full.

In spring the rain grows, and in autumn it rots.

It's winter in November fights in the fall.

IN autumn bad weather, seven weathers in the yard - sows, blows, twists, stirs, and roars, and pours, and sweeps from below.

Puzzles Autumn

Hanging on a branch

Gold coins. (Autumn leaves)

In the morning we go to the yard -

Leaves are falling like rain,

They rustle underfoot

And they fly, fly, fly. (leaf fall)

Came without paints and without a brush

And repainted all the leaves. (Autumn)

She brings us a harvest,

The fields are re-sowed,

Sends birds south

Trees cover,

But it does not concern the fir trees and pine trees,

Because it. (Autumn)

Who is this gardener?

I watered the cherries and gooseberries,

Watered the plum and flowers,

Washed the herbs and leaves.

And when twilight came,

They told us on the radio

That he will come tomorrow too

And our garden will be watered. (Rain)

Choose an action

Leaves in autumn(what are they doing)- turn yellow, fall off, etc.

Rain in autumn - drizzling, goes, etc.

Harvest in the fall - cleaned.

Birds in the fall - they fly away.

Trees in autumn - dropping leaves.

Leaves in autumn(which)- yellow, red, crimson, gold.

How can you say this in one word? (Multi-colored.)

Rain in autumn(Which)- cold, drizzling.

Weather in autumn(which)- cloudy, rainy, gloomy, frosty (later in autumn) .

Trees in autumn(which)- early - with multi-colored leaves, late - bare.

Animals autumn - preparing for winter, change their fur coats.

fox, squirrel, ermine, hare (does not change color); squirrel, vole mouse, hare, badger (does not stock).

Poems about Autumn


All of our: poor garden.

Yellowed leaves are flying in the wind;

They only show off in the distance, there, at the bottom of the valley

Brushes of bright red withering rowan trees.

The birdhouse is empty,

The birds have flown away

Leaves on trees

I can't sit either.

All day today

Everyone is flying, flying...

Apparently, also to Africa

They want to fly away.

Here is a maple leaf on a branch.

Now it's just like new!

All ruddy and golden.

Where are you going, leaf? Wait!

Autumn. (A.S. Pushkin)

It's a sad time!

Eyes charm

I am pleased with your farewell beauty

I love the lush decay of nature,

Forests dressed in scarlet and gold.


Spun autumn

Red blizzards,

Golden leaves

They flew from the maples,

The leaves are spinning

Motley round dance,

Glistened in the puddles

The first thin ice.

Poems by E. Trutneva « Autumn» .

Suddenly it became twice as bright,

The yard is like in the sun's rays -

This dress is golden

On the shoulders of a birch tree.

In the morning we go to the yard -

Leaves are falling like rain,

They rustle underfoot

And they fly, fly, fly.

Cobwebs fly by

With spiders in the middle,

And high from the ground

Cranes fly by.

Everything flies! This must be

Our summer is flying by.

The bare branches are knocking,

Black jackdaws scream

Rarely shine through the clouds -

Has arrived autumn.

The ice cube will crunch loudly,

The bird will cry subtly,

As if he’s asking for food -

Has arrived autumn.

The black nests are empty,

The bushes have become smaller,

The wind carries leaves:

Autumn, autumn, autumn.

Subject: « Autumn is different»

Items: autumn, September, October, November, month, season, leaf fall, rain, fog, dampness, bad weather, clouds, departure, harvest, garden, trees, bushes, frost, leaves,

forest, vegetables, fruits, birds, slush, winter, weather, haze, sky, time.

Actions: falling, crumbling, flying, rustling, rustling, advancing, coming, saying goodbye, frowning, flying away, leaving, cleaning, collecting, plucking, digging up, preparing, drying, turning yellow, withering, drizzling.

Signs: early, late, golden, sad, dull, farewell, foggy, faded, distant, ore, rich, long, short, frequent, rare, gloomy, stormy, damp, crimson, bare, sad, wondrous.

D.I. “Which one, which one, which one?” (feature selection)

Autumn(which)– early, golden, late, sad, rainy, damp, cold...

Rain (Which)– fine, drizzling, cold, frequent, short, dull, strong...


Weather (what,

Sky (what...

D.I. “Tell me what he’s doing?” (choose actions)

Autumn is coming, comes, brings sadness...

The rain is pouring, drizzling, falling, covering...

Leaves turn red, turn yellow, fall, rustle...

D.I. "Pick up" (match the items to the signs)

Autumn - day, evening, rain, wind, forest...

Autumn weather, night, bad weather, clothes, dampness...

Autumn - sky, coat, tree, bad weather...

Autumn vacation, leaves, gloves, frost...

Go for a walk in autumn forest and write a story about autumn as planned.


Name autumn months.

What's happening in autumn in nature, in the life of animals and birds?

What do people do in the fields, gardens and vegetable gardens?

What kind of clothes and shoes do they wear? in autumn? Why?

Read poems to your child about autumn.

A. S. Pushkin, "It's a sad time! The charm of the eyes...". "it's heaven it was breathing in autumn...» .

F. I. Tyutchev, "Is in initial autumn...» .

A. N. Pleshcheev, « Autumn has come, the flowers have dried up...".

A. A. Fet, “The forest has showered its peaks...”.

A.K. Tolstoy, « Autumn! Our whole poor garden is crumbling...".

Conversations on topic

After what time of year comes autumn?

Name autumn months.

What's happening in autumn in nature, in the life of animals and birds?

What do people do in the fields, orchards and vegetable gardens?

What kind of clothes and shoes do they wear? in autumn? Why?

What holidays are celebrated in autumn?

6. Game "Correct mistakes"

Autumn months - February, June and March.


Autumn months - September, October November.


The weather is clear in autumn, sunny and warm.


When does this happen weather: early autumn or late autumn?

Tell me which of the two sentences correct: in autumn children wear panama hats, shorts and

sandals. Children wear raincoats in autumn, jackets and boots.

What would happen if you went outside in autumn in panama hats, shorts, T-shirts and


Articulation gymnastics.

Autumn the leaves were transferred to autumn forest, where the friends of the Merry Tongue live.

We are happy and happy in autumn forest. Let's smile at each other and the forest inhabitants.

Show how thick the cheeks are on a hamster that carries supplies into its burrow. Puff out your cheeks.

The hamster spilled grain in the hole. Pull in your cheeks.

The squirrel gnaws nuts. Smile and chatter your teeth.

The squirrel treated us to nuts. We ate them, now let's brush our teeth.

But the clubfoot bear yawns, he I want to sleep in the fall. Open and close your mouth.

There are a lot of raspberries at the bear's den. Let's enjoy some raspberries. Very tasty

Raspberry, let's lick our lips.

D.I. "From what tree leaf

(Oak leaf - oak. Maple leaf - maple. Birch leaf - birch. Linden leaf - linden. Poplar leaf - poplar. Aspen leaf - aspen. Rowan leaf - rowan.)

Conversations based on stories

« Autumn» N. Kalinina

It's raining, windy and cold outside.

Sasha ran to the window. And under the window a large tree. The branches are already bare, without leaves. Only at the window itself one leaf is swaying. Sasha noticed him, shouted: “Look, what a beautiful leaf!”

The guys ran up. And a strong wind blew, the leaf was torn off and unseen.

Questions: What was the weather like outside? What did Sasha see from the window? Why couldn't the guys see the last piece of paper?

"Clearing in the Forest" M. Prishvin

The Berzki pour the last of their gold onto spruce trees and sleeping anthills. I'm walking along a forest path and, autumn The forest becomes like the sea to me, and the clearing in the forest becomes like an island. On this island there are several locas crowded together, under them I sat down to rest. These lokas, it turns out, have their whole life at the top. There, in the wealth of cones, squirrels are in charge,

crossbill birds and many other creatures unknown to me. Below, under the fir trees, it’s gloomy, black, and only

you see how the husks from the cones fly. It is squirrels and crossbills that peel the fir cones and take them out

delicious seeds. From such a seed once grew the tall spruce tree under which I am now sitting.

Questions: What does Prishvin compare the forest and a separate clearing in the forest with? Who lives on the tops of Christmas trees?

What do squirrels and crossbills eat? What did the spruce tree under which the author rested come from? What time of year is Prishvin talking about? What can you tell yourself about autumn forest?

Summary of a lesson on an autumn theme for children of senior preschool age

Educational activities in the senior group on the lexical topic “Autumn. Trees"

Target: clarification, expansion and activation of the dictionary on the topic “Autumn. Trees"
Educational: expand children's understanding of autumn.
Developmental: develop memory, thinking, visual and auditory attention, fine and gross motor skills.
Educational: To foster activity, initiative, independence, and cooperation skills in the classroom.
Correctional: improve the grammatical structure of speech (practice in the formation of relative adjectives; in agreeing adjectives with nouns in gender, number, case), develop coherent speech.

Progress of the lesson

Speech therapist: Guys, listen and guess the riddle.
The days have become shorter
The nights have become longer
Who's to say, who knows
When does this happen?
Children: This happens in the fall.
Speech therapist: Guys, what time of year is it now?
Children: It's autumn time of year now.
Speech therapist: Name the autumn months.
Children: September, October, November are the autumn months.
Speech therapist: Well done! Guys, name the signs of autumn.
1st child: It often rains in autumn.
2nd child: In autumn, birds fly south.
3rd child: In autumn there is leaf fall.
4th child: In autumn, the days become shorter and the nights longer.
5th child: In autumn, people wear warm clothes.
6th child: In autumn people harvest.
Speech therapist: Children, I now name the word, and you repeat it with the word “autumn, (autumn, autumn or autumn).”
Children: autumn leaf
Speech therapist: Branch.
Children: autumn branch

Speech therapist: Tree.
Children: autumn tree
Speech therapist: Forest
Children: autumn forest
Speech therapist: Bouquet
Children: autumn bouquet
Speech therapist: Weather
Children: autumn weather.
Speech therapist: Right! Guys, look at the board and name the trees that you saw, noticed, noticed, recognized.
1st child: I saw a birch tree.
2nd child: I noticed a spruce.
3rd child: I recognized the oak tree.
4th child: I noticed a maple tree.
5th child: I saw a rowan tree.
Speech therapist: Children, let's look at the trees and choose beautiful words, for example, what kind of birch?
Children: slender (white-trunked, curly, tall) birch.
Speech therapist: What oak?
Children: Mighty (powerful, strong, hardy) oak.
Speech therapist: Children, the leaves have fallen from the trees. Tell me, what are they? From a birch tree - which leaf?
Children: From a birch tree - a birch leaf.
Speech therapist: From aspen - which leaf?
Children: From aspen - aspen leaf.
Speech therapist: From an oak tree - what leaf?
Children: From an oak tree - an oak leaf.
Speech therapist: From a linden tree - what a leaf.
Children: From a linden tree - a linden leaf.
Speech therapist: From a maple tree - what leaf?
Children: From a maple tree - a maple leaf.
Speech therapist: Well done! Let's relax and do some finger exercises.
Finger gymnastics
The wind flew through the forest, Smooth wave-like movements of the palms.
The wind counted the leaves: Bend one finger on both hands
Here's an oak one,
Here's a maple one,
Here is a carved rowan tree,
Here from a birch tree - golden,
Here is the last leaf from the aspen tree. Calmly place your palms on the table.
The wind blew it onto the path.
Speech therapist: Guys, let's write a story about autumn, and pictures and diagrams will help us with this. Look carefully and tell me what time of year it is?
Children: Autumn has come.
Speech therapist: What started?
Children: The leaves have begun to fall.
Speech therapist: Where do the leaves fall?
Children: Leaves fall on paths, benches, flower beds.
Speech therapist: Where do wipers sweep leaves from?
Children: Janitors sweep leaves from paths and flower beds.
Speech therapist: What do children do and where do they collect leaves?
Children: Children walk and collect leaves from benches.
Speech therapist: What did they make from the leaves?
Children: they made an autumn bouquet from leaves.
Speech therapist: How did the bouquet turn out?
Children: The bouquet turned out very beautiful.
Compiling the story “Autumn, leaf fall” according to a pictorial and graphic plan.
1st child: Autumn has come. The leaves have begun to fall. Leaves fall on paths, benches, flower beds. Janitors sweep leaves from paths and flower beds. Children walk and collect leaves from benches. They made an autumn bouquet from leaves. The bouquet turned out very beautiful.
The speech therapist asks two or three children.
Speech therapist: Well done. Guys, I really liked how you worked in class today. This concludes our lesson.


1 LEXICAL TOPIC "TREES AND SHRUBS". CHILDREN SHOULD KNOW THE NOUNS: rosehip, currant, raspberry, barberry, hawthorn, thorns, lumps, clusters, berries, aspen, rowan, linden, apple tree, spruce, pine, birch, buds, branches, trunk, leaves, fruits, seeds, earrings , crown, top, bark, roots, cones. ADJECTIVES: white-trunked, slender, tall, low, elegant, beautiful, large, carved, birch, spruce, rustling, rough, branched, evergreen, spreading, small, green, yellow, red, prickly, smooth, round, oblong, sweet, sour, ripe, bitter, hard, soft, juicy, healthy, medicinal. VERBS: prickly, grow, stand, sway, fall, ripen, sway, pick, collect, bloom, decorate, fly, crumble, make noise, plant, tremble, water, fertilize, protect.

2 CHILDREN SHOULD BE ABLE TO FORM ADJECTIVES FROM NOUNS: Birch birch. Spruce spruce. Rowan rowan. Pine pine. Aspen aspen. Currant currant. Linden linden. Apple tree apple tree. CHILDREN SHOULD BE ABLE TO DESCRIBE TREES (SHRUBS) BY QUESTIONS: What is the name of this tree? Tree or shrub? How big is it? Where does it most often grow? What parts does it consist of? What kind of tree trunk does it have? (thick, thin, tall, short...) What kind of bark does the tree have? (dark, light, smooth, rough...) What shape are the leaves? (round, oval, carved, elongated, needles...). How can it benefit people? How does it change at different times of the year? What can be made from this tree? Why do people plant trees on city streets? TO DISTINGUISH A TREE FROM A BUSH BY SIGNS: An adult tree is taller than a bush. The tree has one trunk.

3 STORY ABOUT THE BIRCH. This is a birch tree. She has a white, thin, slender trunk. The branches have round leaves. The birch tree feeds with the help of its roots. Birch is a large deciduous tree. Most often it grows in the forest. In the city, people plant birch trees to make the air clean. Various crafts are made from birch bark. In spring, buds appear on the birch tree and turn into leaves. The birch tree remains green all summer. In autumn the leaves turn yellow and fall off. In winter, bare branches are covered with snow.

4 All plants can be divided into three groups: trees, shrubs and herbs. Trees are the largest and longest-living representatives of living nature. They are as tall as a ten-story building. The tree consists of three main parts. The roots hold it in the ground and absorb water and mineral salts from the soil. The trunk and branches carry the sap and lift the leaves towards the sun. The tree becomes taller and wider due to the growth of shoots and branches at the top. The trunks of all trees are covered with bark, which protects the delicate interior of the tree from drying out and various damage.

5 Trees are deciduous and coniferous. Deciduous trees shed their leaves in the fall and the leaves appear again in the spring. Deciduous trees include willow, linden, maple, oak, birch, and poplar.

6 Coniferous trees, instead of leaves, have long thin needles, which are called needles, and they do not shed them in the fall, but remain with the needles all year round. In spring, coniferous trees, along with old needles, produce new young needles. That's why coniferous trees are always green. Coniferous trees include fir, spruce, and pine.

7 Shrubs are similar to small trees, but differ from them in that they do not have one thick trunk, like a tree, but several thin trunks connected together at the base. WHAT ARE TREES FOR, THE BENEFITS OF TREES: Trees purify and moisturize the air, create coolness, and some produce delicious edible fruits. Sawn wood is a building material: dried trunks are used to make boards, plywood, furniture, toys, and paper. Trees grow slowly, so they need to be protected. We need to protect the trees, take care of them, sometimes talk to them kindly, and in the spring, plant young trees together with our parents.

8 CONVERSATION ON QUESTIONS: What trees do you know? (deciduous and coniferous). Where do trees grow? What types of forests are there? (If pine and spruce trees grow in the forest, then this forest is coniferous. If oaks and aspens grow in the forest, then this forest is deciduous. If spruce, birch and oak trees grow in the forest, then this forest is mixed. If birch trees grow in the grove, then this is a birch grove. If oaks grow in the grove, then it is an oak grove. If maples grow in the grove, then this is a maple grove.) Why are they called that? What does the tree have? (Root, trunk, branches, leaves (needles), crown, fruits.) Are trees different from shrubs? How? Are trees living or non-living? Who (or what) helps them grow? GAME "WHOSE FRUITS?" Acorns grow on oak trees; rowan clusters grow on rowan trees; apples grow on an apple tree; catkins grow on birch and alder; round cone on a pine tree; long cone on a spruce tree. Etc. GAME "NAME IT AFTERLY". Spruce tree. Pine pine. Birch birch.

9 Needle needle. Branch twig. Bump bump. GAME “GUESS WHICH TREE I AM TALKING ABOUT?” Slender, curly, white-trunked (birch) Sad, sad, weeping (willow) Slender, green, prickly (spruce) Strong, mighty, spreading (oak). READING THE STORY. There was a tree growing near the house spruce. There were cones on the spruce. Lena collected the cones in a bag. Lena gave the cones to her mother. Mom made toys from the cones. CONVERSATION ON QUESTIONS. Where did the spruce grow? What did mother make from the cones? What toys could you make from the cones? RETELLING THE RIDDLE O IN THE TREES: In the spring it cheers, in the summer it cools, in the autumn it nourishes, in the winter it warms. (Tree) From my flower the Bee takes the most delicious honey. But they still offend me: They tear off the thin skin. (Linden)

10 I have longer needles than a Christmas tree. I grow in height very straight. If I'm not at the edge, the branches are only at the top. (Pine) Like pines, like fir trees, And in winter without needles. (Larch) Turned green in spring, tanned in summer, wore red corals in autumn. (Rowan) A Russian beauty stands in a clearing, wearing a green blouse and a white sundress. (Birch) She lowered her curls into the river and became sad about something, but what she is sad about doesn’t tell anyone. (Willow) You will find her in the forest, Let's go for a walk and meet her. Stands prickly, like a hedgehog, In winter in a summer dress. (spruce) In summer - snow! Just laughter!

11 Snow is flying around the city, why doesn’t it melt? (Pople fluff) No one is scared, but everyone is trembling. (Aspen)

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Children's age: 5-6 years old, senior group Ecological lesson on the topic: “Journey to the forest.” Goal: to form children’s ideas about the forest. Objectives: - clarify and consolidate ideas and knowledge about trees,


To the south of the tundra zone it becomes warmer. At the same time, there is quite a lot of rainfall here. Thanks to the large amount of moisture and heat, trees can already grow. Gradually the tundra is replaced by forest-tundra,

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GBOU Secondary School 932 d/o 3 Cycle of travel along the ecological trail of the kindergarten. Educator: Nadezhda Viktorovna Kozhunova Moscow, 2015. Cycle of travel along the ecological trail of the Kindergarten (GBOU Secondary School 932 d/o

Forest natural community Completed by: Letova O. V. Instructions Dear students! The work is presented to you in the form of a presentation. The work is divided into 5 lessons, which contain new material and tasks to complete.

Municipal educational institution Kalinovskaya secondary school Krasnogvardeisky district Environmental project “Pine hedgehog” Completed by: 7th grade student Tyatykh Maria Vladimirovna Supervisor: Tyatykh L.G. Kalinovo 2011

MBDOU 87 “SMILE” Report Project “Trees and Shrubs” from 10/12/15 to 10/16/15 Middle group 11 Completed by: Kharitonova E.N October 2015 “Trees and Shrubs” Purpose: To teach to distinguish and name trees and

Summary of direct educational activities in the middle group in the educational field “Cognition” Topic: “Autumn drops gold” Purpose: to consolidate children’s ideas about the characteristic signs of autumn

Cognitive research activity During a walk in the senior group “Sun” “On a visit to the birch tree.” Goal: Expand children's knowledge about birch. Objectives: Educational: Pay attention to the beauty of nature;

Preschool educational institution 96 Project: “Trees and shrubs” Second junior group Educator: Gazieva Natalya Vasilievna Lipetsk, 2016 Type of project: group, educational - research with a given result for children

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten 24" Summary of a lesson on cognitive development in the senior group: "Plant is a living being" Compiled and conducted by the teacher:

Do you know these children? If not, then get acquainted. This is Tanya and Vanya. They are brother and sister. Do you like them? Say hello to them. Say: “Hello, Tanya and Vanya!” What is this in Vanya’s hand? Fungus. Means,

State budgetary educational institution kindergarten 73 combined type of Primorsky district of St. Petersburg. Abstract of Continuous educational joint activities on speech development

Lesson on speech development in the preparatory group Prepared and conducted by: teacher of the compensatory group Shurchkova Tatyana Ivanovna “WALK IN THE AUTUMN MAGICAL FOREST” Correctional and educational

G.rasskazovo 2013 Date: September 23 Time: 30 minutes. Venue: group room. Age group of children: 6-7 years Number of participants: 17 students Event organizer:

Topic: “Autumn” Children should know. Subjects: autumn, September, October, November, month, season, leaf fall, rain, fog, dampness, bad weather, clouds, departure, harvest, garden, trees, bushes, frost, leaves, forest,


Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten 276 combined type" Developed and conducted by: Kurmel Tatyana Vladimirovna Krasnoyarsk 2015 Goal: Consolidating children's knowledge

"HELLO, GOLDEN AUTUMN!" With the onset of autumn, everything changed beyond recognition. The green forest was covered with golden leaves, butterflies disappeared somewhere and even some birds moved to warmer climes.

MyH ufl flafl bhoe orcaxerhoe oopa3obarerbho yqp?na Hl cpeahcq ooureo6pasobatej.rbhafl rukojra.l!!22 r, Eep$HnKr Roacnexm omkpbtmoeo ypok& o -o*t Htacce no mewe t Paspa6o"ra.na: Moxonuxona

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution 128 “Kindergarten of a general developmental type” “Hello, tree” / Abstract of GCD on ecology in the middle group / Educator: Gumennova E.V. Kemerovo

Federal State Budgetary Institution "State Reserve "Yugansky" Senior Researcher, Ph.D. Zvyagina E.A. Woody plants in winter Tables for identifying tree and shrub forms of plants in the Surgut region Methodological manual

Group: Technological map of classes on speech development in the middle group Number of children: 12 children Topic: “Green House” Objectives: Developmental task to continue to develop dialogic speech; Learning task

Municipal educational institution Pomozdinskaya secondary school named after V.T. Chistalev APPROVED by: Director of the Municipal Educational Institution Pomozdinskaya Secondary School named after V.T. Chistaleva F.E. Lindt Instrumentation

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