Input control. Control dictation for the year On warm ground Departure from the castle

Lesson 18 (16)

Lexical and phraseological dictionaries

Lesson Objectives:

Generalize and expand students' knowledge of lexical and phraseological dictionaries.

During the classes 1

I. teacher lecture

Students write lecture notes, which are then evaluated by the teacher.

Teacher's word:

Dictionaries are deservedly called satellites of civilization. Their place among other books on the first flank. Dictionaries are a treasure trove of the national language. “Every word,” wrote a prominent linguist of the 19th century. I. I. Sreznevsky, is a representative of the concept that was among the people: what was expressed in a word was in life; what was not in life, for that there was no word. Many concepts have passed away, and only by words can we find out that once there were archers and solicitors, a policeman and a policeman, a warrior and recruits, etc.

Dictionaries are real friends. The sooner you make friends with them, learn how to use them, the wider your horizons will be, the more thorough your knowledge.

Dictionaries are not only friends, but also helpers. Don't let this seem strange to you. What help do dictionaries provide? They help not only to write words correctly, determine their meaning, explain the origin of words, but also broaden your horizons, provide new information from various fields of science, technology, art and literature, develop your culture of speech, introduce you to the culture of the people.

Scientists, writers, journalists, teachers, students constantly work with dictionaries. Dictionaries bring great joy to those who constantly use them and read them. The French writer A. France expressed his love for dictionaries in the following words: “After all, dictionaries are the whole universe in alphabetical order! When you think about it, a dictionary is a book of books. It includes all other books, you just need to extract them from it...

I love them (dictionaries) not only for the great benefits they bring, but also for everything that is beautiful and majestic in them ... Here are the thoughts, joys, labors and sorrows of our ancestors and our own, monuments of public and personal life all those who breathed... the air we breathe now in turn; consider that each word in the dictionary corresponds to a thought or feeling that was the thoughts and feelings of many people; think that all these words put together are the work of the flesh, blood and soul of the motherland and humanity!” (From the book of V. N. Sergeev “Dictionaries are our friends and helpers”).

Linguistic Dictionary - a dictionary that explains the meaning and use of words (as opposed to an encyclopedic dictionary that provides information about the relevant realities - objects, phenomena, events).

Dialect (regional) dictionary - a dictionary containing dialect vocabulary and its explanation. The first dialect academic dictionaries began to be published in the middle of the 19th century. These were the Experience of the Regional Great Russian Dictionary, containing 18,011 words (1852), and the Supplement to the Experience of the Regional Great Russian Dictionary, containing 22,895 words (1858). Currently, a lot of work is underway to compile the multi-volume Dictionary of Russian Folk Dialects (under the guidance of V.P. Filin).

Dialect (regional) phraseological dictionary - a dictionary containing dialectal phraseology and other set phrases and their explanations. Until recently, there were no special dialect phraseological dictionaries. Now the first experiments of special dialect phraseological dictionaries have been published: “A dictionary of phraseological units and other stable phrases of Russian dialects of Siberia” by N. T. Bukareva, A. I. Fedorova (1972), “Materials for a phraseological dictionary of dialects of the Northern Kama region” by K. N. Prokosheva (1972).

Historical dictionary - a dictionary containing the history of words (their appearance, development of meanings, changes in the word-formation structure, etc.). The main historical dictionary of the Russian language was “Materials for a Dictionary of the Old Russian Language” by I. I. Sreznevsky, containing many words and about 120,000 excerpts from various monuments of Russian writing in the 11th-14th centuries.

reverse dictionary - a dictionary in which the alphabetical arrangement of the material is preserved, but not at the beginning of words, but at the end of them, that is, from right to left. In 1958, a reverse dictionary of the modern Russian language was published in Berlin, ed. G. Bielfeldt, containing about 80,000 words. More complete is the reverse dictionary, ed. M. Fasmer, in the 6th issue. (1957-1959). In 1974, the Reverse Dictionary of the Russian Language was published in Moscow, containing about 125,000 words.

orthographic dictionary - a dictionary containing words in their normative spelling. The first such dictionary was the "Reference Index", attached to the "Russian Spelling" by Ya. K. Grot and containing about 3,000 words (1885).

Pronouncing dictionary - a dictionary containing words in their standard literary pronunciation.

Dictionary of antonyms. In 1971, L. A. Vvedenskaya’s first Dictionary of Antonyms of the Russian Language was published. The dictionary contains over 1,000 pairs of words, which are single-root or multi-root antonyms.

Dictionary of foreign words - a dictionary containing words of foreign origin, more or less special, and their explanation. The first dictionary of foreign words was the handwritten Lexicon of New Vocabularies in Alphabet, compiled at the beginning of the 18th century. During the eighteenth century various dictionaries of foreign words and terminological dictionaries close to them were published.

Dictionary of linguistic terms - a dictionary containing the terms of linguistics and their interpretation. The most complete, reflecting the current state of linguistic science, containing about 7,000 terms with translation into English and comparisons from French, German and Spanish, is O. S. Akhmanova’s Dictionary of Linguistic Terms (1966).

Dictionary of homonyms. In 1974, O. S. Akhmanova, the first in our country, “Dictionary of Homonyms of the Russian Language” was published. The dictionary lists homonymous pairs in alphabetical order (less often groups of three or four words), if necessary, grammatical information and stylistic marks are given, as well as the qualification of homonyms in terms of their formation or origin. A feature of the dictionary is that for each member of a homonymous pair (group), its translations into English, French and German are given.

Dictionary of paronyms. In 1974, O. V. Vishnyakova's book "Paronyms in the Russian Language" was published, consisting of two parts - a theoretical part and the dictionary itself, which includes more than 500 pairs of paronymic pairs. An interpretation of each word-paronym is given, a common root for each lexical unit included in the pair is indicated, illustrations are given confirming the semantic difference of words.

Synonym dictionary - a dictionary containing synonyms, their explanations, illustrative material for them. The first Russian dictionaries of synonyms were “The Experience of the Russian Soslovnik” by D. I. Fonvizin (1783), containing 32 synonymic series, 105 words in total.

Dictionary of abbreviations - a dictionary containing complex abbreviated words (including abbreviations of the initial type) formed from compound names.

Writers language dictionary - a dictionary containing the vocabulary of the works of a particular writer. A serious publication of this type is Pushkin's Dictionary of Language in 4 volumes, containing over 21,000 words and giving a visual representation of the lexical richness of the creator of the Russian literary language (1956-1961). The dictionary of one work is the “Dictionary-reference book“ Words about Igor’s Campaign ”, compiled by V. L. Vinogradova. (Issue 1. 1965).

Derivative dictionary - a dictionary showing the word educational structure of the most common words of the language. Z. A. Potikha, Ed. S. G. Barkhudarova.

Dictionary - a dictionary containing words with an explanation of their meanings, grammatical and stylistic characteristics (the most common type of monolingual linguistic dictionary). The first Russian dictionaries, which appeared at the end of the 13th century, were small lists of incomprehensible words with their interpretation, found in the monuments of ancient Russian writing. In the sixteenth century such dictionaries began to be compiled in alphabetical order, as a result of which they were called alphabet books. The first printed dictionary, containing 1,061 words, appeared in 1596 as an appendix to the grammar of Lawrence Zizania. The four-volume Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language by V. I. Dahl (1863-1866) has retained its significance to a large extent for our days. Dictionary of S. I. Ozhegov (the dictionary was repeatedly reprinted and in the latest edition contains over 52,000 words). The dictionary has a well-represented socio-political vocabulary, the exact meanings of words and expressions are given, the principle of normativity is observed in the selection of vocabulary, word usage, shaping, pronunciation, and the presentation of stylistic marks. Much richer in terms of vocabulary (about 120,000 words), in terms of coverage of various layers of vocabulary (it partially contains outdated vocabulary, common vernacular, dialectal) is the academic "Dictionary of the Modern Russian Literary Language" in 17 volumes (1950-1965).

Toponymic Dictionary - a dictionary containing geographical names (names of countries, cities, rivers, seas, mountains, etc.).

Phrasebook - a dictionary containing the phraseology of the language. In 1892, the collection of S. V. Maksimov “Winged Words” was published, containing the interpretation of 1290 words and expressions (stable combinations of words, sayings, etc.). Russian phraseology is presented with great completeness in the edition published in 1967, ed. A. I. Molotkov "Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language", containing over 4,000 entries. Phraseologisms are given with possible variants of components, interpretation of meanings is given, forms of use in speech are indicated. Each of the meanings is illustrated with quotations from fiction and journalism. In some cases, etymological information is given.

frequency dictionary - a dictionary in which the most common words in speech are selected (usually within a few thousand). In 1970, the Frequency Dictionary of General Scientific Vocabulary was published, ed. E. M. Stepanova, and in 1971 “The Frequency Dictionary of the Language of the Newspaper” by G. P. Polyakova and G. Ya. Solganik.

Etymological dictionary - a dictionary containing words with an explanation of their origin. The first Russian etymological dictionary was “The Korneslov of the Russian language, compared with all the main Slavic dialects and with 24 foreign languages” by F.S. Shinkevich (1842).

II. Acquaintance with dictionary entries of lexical and phraseological dictionaries

Articles are written on the board and analyzed.

Determine which dictionary this article is from, justify your answer.

1. Flies won't hurt. Gentle, harmless, kind. - You see, I have known him for a long time, and I love Mashenka, your sister-in-law. Sisters-in-law - beaters, well, this fly will not offend! (L. N. Tolstoy. "War and Peace"). ( Phrasebook)

2. Yermolka, -i, f. Small, soft, round hat. ( Dictionary)

3. Reason(French raison - argument, reasonable basis, meaning. ( Dictionary of foreign words)

4. Joy is sadness. Carefree-joyful mood, cheerfulness. - Mood of sadness, slight despondency. Everyone is ready to share the fun. Nobody wants to share sadness. (M. Yu. Lermontov. "Loneliness"). ( Antonym Dictionary)

5. Coward. Vile, pitiful, petty, insignificant, desperate, notorious, vile, despicable. ( Gorbachevich K. S. Dictionary of epithets of the Russian literary language)

6.Painter- from German. Makler - "painter".

7. ring- from obsolete. finger - "finger"; cf. thimble, glove. (Shansky N.M. Ivanova V.V., Shanskaya T.V. Brief etymological dictionary of the Russian language. M: Education, 1971.)

Lesson 19

Independent work 1

The purpose of the lesson:

Consolidation of the systematization of students' knowledge.

During the classes

I. Text analysis

Immediately, the famous defender Fetyukovich appeared, and as if (as if) some kind of (something) suppressed .. a rumble swept through the hall. He was a long .. lean man with long .. thin legs with extremely .. extremely long .. pale thin fingers with a shaved face with modestly combed .. rather short hair with thin occasionally .. crooked not quite a mockery or a smile with his lips. He looked to be forty years old. His face would be (would) be nice if it weren’t for his eyes in themselves (not) large and (not) expressive, but extremely close. only one thin bone of his oblong, thin nose. In a word, this physiognomy had in itself something sharply birdlike, which struck. ( F. M. Dostoevsky.)

Tasks for the text:

1. Rewrite the text, inserting missing letters and opening brackets, add missing punctuation marks.

3. Match the root words to the word face.

4. Pick up synonyms for the word inexpressive.

5. The word modest (modestly) comes from the old Russian word chrome, which meant "loom", which is associated with the ancient German frame- “frame, bed”. Give an interpretation of the word modestly (modest) and logically connect the meaning that existed earlier and the modern one.

Answers to tasks:

1. Immediately, the defender, the famous Fetyukovich, also appeared, and, as it were, some kind of suppressed rumble swept through the hall. He was a long, lean man, with long, thin legs, extremely long, pale, thin fingers, with a shaved face, modestly combed, rather short hair, with thin lips that occasionally curled up either in mockery or in a smile. He looked to be forty years old. His face would have been pleasing if it were not for his eyes, which in themselves are small and inexpressive, but extremely close to one another, so that they were separated by only one thin bone of his elongated thin nose. In a word, this physiognomy had something sharply birdlike in it, which was striking.

3. Physionomy, physiognomy, physiognomy, physiognomist, physiognomic.

4. Inexpressive- inexpressive, colorless, gray, dull, pale, dim, lifeless. (Aleksandrova Z. E. Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. - M., 1989. P. 206).

5. Modest- "not going beyond" - "one who keeps himself within the limits does not go beyond what is permitted." (Fasmer M. Etymological dictionary of the Russian language: In 4 vols. T. 3. - St. Petersburg, 1996. S. 658, 659).

II. Observation of the lexical means of a language

For observation, an excerpt from the 4th chapter of N.V. Gogol's poem "Dead Souls" was taken:

Nozdryov was in some respects a historical person. Not a single meeting he attended was without a story. Some kind of story was bound to happen: either the gendarmes would lead him by the arms out of the gendarme hall, or they would be forced to push out their own friends. If this does not happen, then nevertheless something will happen that will never happen to others: either he will cut himself in the buffet in a way that only laughs, or he will lie in the most cruel way, so that at last he himself will become ashamed. And he will lie completely without any need: he will suddenly tell that he had a horse of some blue or pink wool, and similar nonsense, so that the listeners finally all leave, saying: “Well, brother, it seems you have already begun to pour bullets ". There are people who have a passion to spoil their neighbor, sometimes for no reason at all. Another, for example, even a man in rank, with a noble appearance, with a star on his chest, will shake hands with you, talk to you about deep subjects that cause reflection, and then, look, right there, before your eyes, and spoil you. And he will spoil like a simple collegiate registrar, and not at all like a man with a star on his chest, talking about subjects that cause reflection; so you just stand there and marvel, shrugging your shoulders and nothing more. Nozdryov had the same strange passion. The closer someone got along with him, the more likely he was to piss everyone off: he spread a fable, more stupid than which it is difficult to invent, upset a wedding, a trade deal, and did not at all consider himself your enemy; on the contrary, if chance brought him to meet with you again, he treated you again in a friendly way and even said: “After all, you are such a scoundrel, you will never come to me.”

Tasks for the text:

1. What lexical means does N.V. Gogol use to vividly present the comic image of Nozdrev?

2. What is the relationship between the image of Nozdrev and the ideological and figurative content of the entire poem?

3. Choose a number of definitions that characterize Nozdryov. Complete the sentence: Nozdrev is a person.

In preparation for the answer to the first question, students write out lexical means of creating comedy in a notebook:

The use of words and expressions of different styles: high, bookish ( utter, they are forced, did not consider myself your enemy, talking about subjects that cause reflection) - and low, colloquial (a scoundrel, lies, cuts himself in the buffet, “Well, brother, it seems you have already begun to pour bullets”);

The use of high style words with diminutive suffixes ( passion);

Use of contrasting vocabulary to convey the unpredictability of the character's character (he messed up, spoiled you, manages again in a friendly way);

Pun ( "historical man", because "not a single meeting where he was, did not do without history");

The use of comparisons that differ in semantic novelty (“he will spoil like a simple collegiate registrar, and not at all like a man with a star on his chest ...”);

The repetition of the same combinations of words in order to depict the immutability, rigidity, and limitations of the world of landowners and officials (“Some, for example, even a man in rank, with a noble appearance, with a star on his chest ... will talk to you about deep subjects that cause reflection, and spoil you ... like a simple collegiate registrar, and not at all like a person with a star on his chest, talking about subjects that cause reflection ... ");

The use of synonyms that are expressive ( take out - push out).

After analyzing the lexical means of the language, the students independently answer the second question written on the board and complete the task "Finish the sentence ...".


Pick up a passage (text) and independently conduct an observation on the lexical means of the language.

Lesson 20 (17)

Control dictation with additional tasks

The purpose of the lesson : Testing students' knowledge.

During the classes


An experienced person, even now I am joyfully excited, irresistibly attracted by the vast expanses of native Russian nature. Perhaps that is why I was so passionately fond of hunting. In hunting, in long-standing sea wanderings, in forest poetic lodgings, a fair-haired, dreamy boy with a bare, sun-bleached head came to life in me.

People who do not break their connection with nature cannot feel completely alone. As in a dreamy childhood, the beautiful sunny world is still revealed before them. Everything is pure, joyful and free in this dazzling world! And, as in the distant days of childhood, over the head of a weary traveler, who lay down to rest after a tiring hike, white and golden flowers sway, and a hawk-buzzard circles high in the sky, looking for a way.

After lying down in the fragrant grass, admiring the golden summer clouds, motionless frozen in the heavenly ocean, with a new surge of strength I rise from the warm dear Earth to continue my journey among the blooming beloved world ... (136 words)

(I. Sokolov-Mikitov. "On the warm earth")

Additional tasks

1. Give an interpretation of the words (meanings used in the text): poetic, dazzling, extensive, dear.

2. Make a synonymous series with words wandering, road, traveller, hike.

Lesson 21

Analysis of the control dictation and work on errors

Section 4


Lesson 22 (18)

Repetition. Morphemics and word formation

Lesson Objectives:

Repeat previously studied material on the topic "Morfemics and word formation"; improve spelling skills.

During the classes

I. Work on the topic of the lesson

1. Dictation.

Do you know, for example, what a pleasure it is to leave before dawn? You step out onto the porch. Stars twinkle in a dark gray sky, a damp breeze stirs the dark branches of trees: a restrained obscure whisper of the night is heard. Here they put a homespun carpet on a cart, put a box with a samovar at their feet. Behind the wicker fence, the watchman snores peacefully; each sound seems to hang in the frozen air.

2. Explain punctuation.

3. Write out from the dictation 2-3 examples of spellings in morphemes, fill in the table, explaining the spelling.

For the correct spelling of these words, you need to be able to highlight the significant parts of the word.

What branch of the science of language studies the composition of the word?

What is a morpheme? What morphemes do you know? What do they stand for?

To consolidate this material, study the textbook material on pages 55-57, 59.

Ex. 99, 100, 101, 102, 103.

4. Spelling of alternating vowels at the root of a word.

For fixing - ex. 106, 107, 108.

5. Spelling oohafter hissing and c.

Textbook, pp. 60, 61, ex. 113, 116.

6. Spelling s-andafter c.

Ex. 113, 116.

7. Spelling prefixes.

Prefixes ending in letters h, s(textbook, p. 62), ex. 119, 120,121.

Prefixes pre-, at-(textbook, p. 63), exercise. 122, 123.

You should remember the words: pursue, neglect, claim, obstacle, pretender, prestige, president, prerogative, punctuation, pretend, privilege, private, priority.

8. Spelling separators band b.

Textbook, p. 63, ex. 124.

Similar documents: - M., 2011 Egorova N.V., Dmitrieva L.P., Zolotareva I.V. lesson development on Russian language. 10 Class. - M., "VAKO", 2006 Work programs on Russian language. 5-11 classes ...

Articles are written on the board and analyzed.

Determine which dictionary this article is from, justify your answer.

1. Flies won't hurt. Gentle, harmless, kind. - You see, I have known him for a long time, and I love Mashenka, your sister-in-law. Sisters-in-law - beaters, well, this fly will not offend! (L. N. Tolstoy. "War and Peace"). ( Phrasebook)

2. Yermolka, -i, f. Small, soft, round hat. ( Dictionary)

3. Reason(French raison - argument, reasonable basis, meaning. ( Dictionary of foreign words)

4. Joy is sadness. Carefree-joyful mood, cheerfulness. - Mood of sadness, slight despondency. Everyone is ready to share the fun. Nobody wants to share sadness. (M. Yu. Lermontov. "Loneliness"). ( Antonym Dictionary)

5. Coward. Vile, pitiful, petty, insignificant, desperate, notorious, vile, despicable. ( Gorbachevich K. S. Dictionary of epithets of the Russian literary language)

6.Painter- from German. Makler - "painter".

7. ring- from obsolete. finger - "finger"; cf. thimble, glove. (Shansky N.M. Ivanova V.V., Shanskaya T.V. Brief etymological dictionary of the Russian language. M: Education, 1971.)

Lesson 19

Independent work

The purpose of the lesson:

Consolidation of the systematization of students' knowledge.

During the classes

I. Text analysis

Immediately, the famous defender Fetyukovich appeared, and as if (as if) some kind of (something) suppressed .. a rumble swept through the hall. He was a long .. lean man with long .. thin legs with extremely .. extremely long .. pale thin fingers with a shaved face with modestly combed .. rather short hair with thin occasionally .. crooked not quite a mockery or a smile with his lips. He looked to be forty years old. His face would be (would) be nice if it weren’t for his eyes in themselves (not) large and (not) expressive, but extremely close. only one thin bone of his oblong, thin nose. In a word, this physiognomy had in itself something sharply birdlike, which struck. ( F. M. Dostoevsky.)

Tasks for the text:

1. Rewrite the text, inserting missing letters and opening brackets, add missing punctuation marks.

3. Match the root words to the word face.

4. Pick up synonyms for the word inexpressive.

5. The word modest (modestly) comes from the old Russian word chrome, which meant "loom", which is associated with the ancient German frame- “frame, bed”. Give an interpretation of the word modestly (modest) and logically connect the meaning that existed earlier and the modern one.

Answers to tasks:

1. Immediately, the defender, the famous Fetyukovich, also appeared, and, as it were, some kind of suppressed rumble swept through the hall. He was a long, lean man, with long, thin legs, extremely long, pale, thin fingers, with a shaved face, modestly combed, rather short hair, with thin lips that occasionally curled up either in mockery or in a smile. He looked to be forty years old. His face would have been pleasing if it were not for his eyes, which in themselves are small and inexpressive, but extremely close to one another, so that they were separated by only one thin bone of his elongated thin nose. In a word, this physiognomy had something sharply birdlike in it, which was striking.

3. Physionomy, physiognomy, physiognomy, physiognomist, physiognomic.

4. Inexpressive- inexpressive, colorless, gray, dull, pale, dim, lifeless. (Aleksandrova Z. E. Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. - M., 1989. P. 206).

5. Modest- "not going beyond" - "one who keeps himself within the limits does not go beyond what is permitted." (Fasmer M. Etymological dictionary of the Russian language: In 4 vols. T. 3. - St. Petersburg, 1996. S. 658, 659).

II. Observation of the lexical means of a language

For observation, an excerpt from the 4th chapter of N.V. Gogol's poem "Dead Souls" was taken:

Nozdryov was in some respects a historical person. Not a single meeting he attended was without a story. Some kind of story was bound to happen: either the gendarmes would lead him by the arms out of the gendarme hall, or they would be forced to push out their own friends. If this does not happen, then nevertheless something will happen that will never happen to others: either he will cut himself in the buffet in a way that only laughs, or he will lie in the most cruel way, so that at last he himself will become ashamed. And he will lie completely without any need: he will suddenly tell that he had a horse of some blue or pink wool, and similar nonsense, so that the listeners finally all leave, saying: “Well, brother, it seems you have already begun to pour bullets ". There are people who have a passion to spoil their neighbor, sometimes for no reason at all. Another, for example, even a man in rank, with a noble appearance, with a star on his chest, will shake hands with you, talk to you about deep subjects that cause reflection, and then, look, right there, before your eyes, and spoil you. And he will spoil like a simple collegiate registrar, and not at all like a man with a star on his chest, talking about subjects that cause reflection; so you just stand there and marvel, shrugging your shoulders and nothing more. Nozdryov had the same strange passion. The closer someone got along with him, the more likely he was to piss everyone off: he spread a fable, more stupid than which it is difficult to invent, upset a wedding, a trade deal, and did not at all consider himself your enemy; on the contrary, if chance brought him to meet with you again, he treated you again in a friendly way and even said: “After all, you are such a scoundrel, you will never come to me.”

Tasks for the text:

1. What lexical means does N.V. Gogol use to vividly present the comic image of Nozdrev?

2. What is the relationship between the image of Nozdrev and the ideological and figurative content of the entire poem?

3. Choose a number of definitions that characterize Nozdryov. Complete the sentence: Nozdrev is a person.

In preparation for the answer to the first question, students write out lexical means of creating comedy in a notebook:

The use of words and expressions of different styles: high, bookish ( utter, they are forced, did not consider myself your enemy, talking about subjects that cause reflection) - and low, colloquial (a scoundrel, lies, cuts himself in the buffet, “Well, brother, it seems you have already begun to pour bullets”);

The use of high style words with diminutive suffixes ( passion);

Use of contrasting vocabulary to convey the unpredictability of the character's character (he messed up, spoiled you, manages again in a friendly way);

Pun ( "historical man", because "not a single meeting where he was, did not do without history");

The use of comparisons that differ in semantic novelty (“he will spoil like a simple collegiate registrar, and not at all like a man with a star on his chest ...”);

The repetition of the same combinations of words in order to depict the immutability, rigidity, and limitations of the world of landowners and officials (“Some, for example, even a man in rank, with a noble appearance, with a star on his chest ... will talk to you about deep subjects that cause reflection, and spoil you ... like a simple collegiate registrar, and not at all like a person with a star on his chest, talking about subjects that cause reflection ... ");

The use of synonyms that are expressive ( take out - push out).

After analyzing the lexical means of the language, the students independently answer the second question written on the board and complete the task "Finish the sentence ...".


Pick up a passage (text) and independently conduct an observation on the lexical means of the language.

Lesson 20 (17)

Control dictation with additional tasks

The purpose of the lesson: Testing students' knowledge.

During the classes


An experienced person, even now I am joyfully excited, irresistibly attracted by the vast expanses of native Russian nature. Perhaps that is why I was so passionately fond of hunting. In hunting, in long-standing sea wanderings, in forest poetic lodgings, a fair-haired, dreamy boy with a bare, sun-bleached head came to life in me.

People who do not break their connection with nature cannot feel completely alone. As in a dreamy childhood, the beautiful sunny world is still revealed before them. Everything is pure, joyful and free in this dazzling world! And, as in the distant days of childhood, over the head of a weary traveler, who lay down to rest after a tiring hike, white and golden flowers sway, and a hawk-buzzard circles high in the sky, looking for a way.

After lying down in the fragrant grass, admiring the golden summer clouds, motionless frozen in the heavenly ocean, with a new surge of strength I rise from the warm dear Earth to continue my journey among the blooming beloved world ... (136 words)

(I. Sokolov-Mikitov. "On the warm earth")

Additional tasks

1. Give an interpretation of the words (meanings used in the text): poetic, dazzling, extensive, dear.

2. Make a synonymous series with words wandering, road, traveller, hike.



An experienced person, even now I am joyfully excited, irresistibly attracted by the vast expanses of native Russian nature. Maybe that's why I was so passionately fond of hunting. In hunting, in long-standing sea wanderings, in forest poetic lodgings, a fair-haired, dreamy boy with a bare, sun-bleached head came to life in me.

So wrote I. S. Sokolov-Mikitov in an old essay "On the Warm Land", which is included in his new book "Across the Seas and Forests" (publishing house "Soviet Writer", Leningrad, 1965).

A hunter and a sailor, a fisherman and a traveler, a man "thoroughly tarred with life" was and always remained primarily a writer. In his book, storms rumble, a huge sun mercilessly burns the earth, guttural speech sounds in the narrow streets of overseas ports, and the sky in the raids is stitched with large stars.

But the writer did not give his heart to the southern exotic. He devoted the most touching, kind and exciting pages of this book to the country of his childhood - his native Smolensk region, its forests, rivers, ravines and fields. And here you immediately encounter an age-old difficulty: how to tell about it? You want to quote and quote the pages of the book endlessly, its visual and verbal charm is so great. A student of Aksakov and Prishvin, Sokolov-Mikitov knows the "great magic of the word." He writes leisurely, without external frills, stopping, as if giving the reader plenty to enjoy the discreet beauty described, and just as leisurely continues the story.

His world is multicolored. Many of our leading masters were amazed by his writer's vigilance. Already his early stories were noticed and appreciated by such demanding artists as Bunin and Kuprin (by the way, the book contains excellent memories of both). He knows how to lighten up every overgrown forest path, tell about a lonely birch standing by the highway, so that you feel its quiet charm with your whole being; convey the aroma of simple flowers of the forest, the smell of a rotten autumn leaf and the uniquely exciting smell of chopped warm village huts. He knows how to see and hear poetry in every spring bud, in every blade of grass that looks out of the ground, in the business cry of birds that have flown from the southern latitudes.

Sokolov-Mikitov has the rarest quality. He saw his own, native, so well-known places from childhood as a local resident and a traveler at the same time. Perhaps this is what gave his descriptions such a physical tangibility.

In this book, in short memoirs about M. Prishvin, there are the words: “Each word spoken by Prishvin, as it were, has its own special smell, color and taste. This rare quality is a sure sign of true talent, only very few possess this magnificent quality.

These lines refer entirely to Sokolov-Mikitov.

Read this book. Read it slowly (and by the way, otherwise you won’t be able to read it, it captures from the first lines and sets the necessary rhythm of communication by itself), because this is true poetry in prose, a deep and pure word of love for the native land, nature, people .


The beginning of all beginnings

What did the word in general mean for people's life? Such a question is even somewhat creepy to ask, not only to answer it. The fact is that the word was equated by our ancestors with life itself. The word generated and explained life, it was for the peasant the keeper of memory and the guarantee of the infinity of the future. At the same time, it consoled, helped, moved to a feat, interceded, healed, inspired. And all this happened by itself, like the flow of river water. Will it seem surprising under such conditions that the cult of the word, which exists in the villages in our time, has arisen?

The ability to speak figuratively and tactfully was a measure of social and social status, the cause of respect and reverence. For small and evil people, such a skill was the subject of envy. The word - whether spoken, sung, or even generally only felt - has always strived for its figurative perfection ...

Beautiful speech cannot be stupid speech. The ability to speak well is not at all tantamount to the ability to speak a lot, but the dense silent ones were by no means in honor, they were also ridiculed. Deliberate silence was considered a sign of cunning and malevolence, with all the ensuing consequences.

1. Explain the punctuation in the first paragraph.

2. From the text, write out examples of continuous or separate writing NOT with words. Explain your choice.

3. Write out a sentence that formulates the main idea of ​​the text.

Control dictation with grammar tasks.

An experienced person, even now I am joyfully excited, irresistibly attracted by the vast expanses of native Russian nature. Perhaps that is why I was so passionately fond of hunting. In hunting, in long-standing sea wanderings, in forest poetic lodgings, a fair-haired, dreamy boy with a bare, sun-bleached head came to life in me.

People who do not break their connection with nature cannot feel completely alone. As in a dreamy childhood, the beautiful sunny world is still open before them! And, as in the distant days of childhood, over the head of a weary traveler, who lay down to rest after a tiring hike, white and golden flowers sway, and a hawk-buzzard circles high in the sky, looking for the way.

After lying down in the fragrant grass, admiring the golden summer clouds, motionless frozen in the heavenly ocean, with a new surge of strength I rise from the warm native land to continue my journey among the blooming beloved world ...

(I. Sokolov-Mikitov. "On the warm earth")

Additional tasks

1. Give an interpretation of the words (meanings used in the text): poetic, dazzling, extensive, dear.

2. Make a synonymous series with words wandering, road, traveler, hike.

The Andes are the highest mountains of the American continent, cutting it from north to south. 4 They amaze with changing landscapes. Here you will see unconquered peaks, peaks covered with eternal snows, smoking volcanoes. In the west, the Pacific Ocean sparkles with turquoise, in the east, endless jungles, cut by a web of silver rivers, delight.

After a one-day stay in the capital of Peru, we fly out in the direction of the lost city of the Incas. We arrive by train to a small town and on foot through the eucalyptus forest we get to the village. Clay houses and thatched huts are reminiscent of an ancient civilization. We try not to lose in places the disappearing path, winding up.

A mysterious city appears in the distance, located on a rocky peak. After five hours of ascent, we pass through the heavy gates and enter the fortress, located on the mountain. 4 On numerous terraces, connected by countless stairs, there is a stone world with streets and squares. The ancient city enchants us.

(121 words) (According to Ya. Palkevich.)

grammar task

3. Follow :

The Andes are the highest mountains of the American continent, cutting it from north to south. 4 (1 option);

After five hours of ascent, we pass through heavy barriers and enter the fortress, located on the mountain. 4 (2nd option).

Control dictation for the first half of the year


There is a small pond at the edge of a young forest. From it beats an underground key. This pond is the cradle of the great Russian river. The Volga will be born in swamps and bogs, and from here it sets off on a long journey. Volga is beautiful. It passes through places that are amazingly beautiful and diverse in climate, vegetation and wildlife. The beauties of the Volga are glorified by the people in legends, and by poets, and artists.

From Rybinsk, the Volga begins to turn to the southeast. Its low banks are covered with a green carpet of meadows and shrubs. Picturesque hills alternate with valleys. There is a unique beauty and charm in these Volga landscapes. Beyond Kostroma, both banks become mountainous, and the farther, the more picturesque. The slope on the embankment near the old Kremlin wall in Nizhny Novgorod is one of the most beautiful places on the upper Volga. The nature of the Zhiguli Mountains is peculiar and picturesque. Zhiguli is the pearl of the Volga.

Volga! This name is close and dear to millions of inhabitants of our Motherland.

Additional tasks

1. Designate the grammatical basis in the first four sentences, determine the type of predicate:

First paragraph (1 option). Second paragraph (Option 2)

2. Make a parse of the sentence:

Zhiguli - the pearl of the Volga.(1 option)

Volga is beautiful.(Option 2)


Lent is over, it was a passionate week. The weather was beautiful: the days are bright, quiet and warm. The snow was all covered with black tulle, and in places large clearings appeared. The walkways, from which superfluous snow was occasionally shoveled in the winter, had completely turned black and lay in black ribbons. But then you step out of the yard and plunge into the water. You could only drive on the highway. The peasants were digging in the yards, pulling harrows and plows, the children let streams flow through which all the fruitful juices from the dung heaps heaped in the middle of the yard flowed into the river.

The smell of manure over the villages. In the middle of the day it seemed that the yards were heated. But this did not harm anyone: neither people nor animals. And the roosters, standing at the very top of the dung heaps of smoking dung, imagined themselves to be some kind of priests. They solemnly puffed up their feathers, shook their red combs and, throwing their heads solemnly, proclaimed: “Long live spring!”

Take care of this kochet, - leaning on a pitchfork, the peasant said to his wife, pointing to a walking rooster. - This is a real bird, and that one, the ruffled one, must be slaughtered for the holiday.

And the peasant, spitting on his hands, again began picking with his pitchfork.

(160 words) (According to N. Leskov.)

grammar task

1 option

Option 2 is harder

Designate the types of predicates


The walkways, from which superfluous snow was occasionally shoveled in the winter, had completely turned black and lay in black ribbons.

They solemnly puffed up their feathers, shook their red combs and, throwing their heads solemnly, proclaimed: “Long live spring!”

Parsing a sentence

But this did not harm anyone: neither people nor animals.

And the roosters, standing at the very top of the dung heaps of smoking dung, imagined themselves to be some kind of priests.

good she-wolf

A young she-wolf walked in the pack that winter, not forgetting her childish amusements. 4 During the day, the wolves, curled up in balls, dozed, and she jumped up, circled, trampling the snow, and woke up the old people. The wolves rose unwillingly, poked their cold noses at her, and she snarled playfully, biting their legs. The old wolves, curled up and not raising their heads, glanced at the young naughty. 4

One night the she-wolf got up and ran into the field, and behind her, sticking out their tongues, the old men began to shake. The wolves remained lying, then they ran after the pack.

The wolves ran along the road, and shadows glided after them, breaking in the snow. The snow in the rays of the moon shone with diamonds. From the village came the sound of bells. It seemed that the stars that had fallen from the sky rang as they rolled along the road. The wolves, tied up to their belly, withdrew into the field and lay down, turning their muzzles towards the village.

(125 words) (According to I. Sokolov-Mikitov.)

grammar task

  1. Write out examples of 3 different types of predicates from the text.
  2. Write down 3 different phrases and analyze them: from 1 paragraph (1 option); from paragraph 3 (option 2).

A young she-wolf walked in the pack that winter, not forgetting her childish amusements. 4 (1 option);

The old wolves, curled up and not raising their heads, glanced at the young naughty. 4 (2nd option).


The duke took no small pleasure in inviting Don Quixote and Sancho to the castle and amused himself with their eccentricities. But Don Quixote began to be weary of bondage and an idle life, believing that a real, and not an imaginary knight, wandering, should not indulge in laziness and incessant amusements and sit idly by. That's why he asked permission to leave.

Saying goodbye to everyone early in the morning, Don Quixote, dressed in the same ridiculous armor, appeared in the square in front of the castle. 4 From the gallery, perplexed, barely restrained from laughter, all the inhabitants of the castle stared at him: the duke, duchess, courtiers ... .

Bowing courteously to the duke, as well as to all present, Don Quixote turned Rocinante around and, accompanied by Sancho, rode out the gate into the open field, saying:

“With freedom, Sancho, no treasure is incomparable!”

(126 words) (According to M. de Cervantes.)

grammar task

1. Write out examples of 3 different types of predicates from the text.

2. Write down 3 different phrases and analyze them: from 1 paragraph (1 option); from paragraph 3 (option 2).

3. Parse the sentence:

Saying goodbye to everyone early in the morning, Don Quixote, dressed in the same ridiculous armor, appeared in the square in front of the castle. 4 (1 option);

From the gallery, perplexed, barely holding back laughter, all the inhabitants of the castle stared at him: the duke, duchess, courtiers ... 4 (2nd option).

Control dictation with a grammar task

at the end of the second quarter

The estate was all white, the trees were covered with fluffy flakes, as if the garden had again blossomed with white leaves. A fire crackled in a large old fireplace, and every person who came in from the yard brought freshness and the smell of soft snow with him.

The poetry of the first winter day was, in its own way, accessible to the blind. Waking up in the morning, he always felt a special cheerfulness and recognized the arrival of winter by the stomping of people entering the kitchen, by the creak of doors, by sharp, barely perceptible smells, by the creak of footsteps in the yard.

The frozen earth, covered with a fluffy, soft layer, was completely silent, but the air became somehow especially sensitive, clearly transferring to far distances the cry of a crow, and the blow of an ax, and the slight crackle of a broken branch. From time to time a strange ringing could be heard, as if from glass, passing to the highest notes and fading in the distance. These boys were throwing stones on the village pond, covered with a thin film of the first ice.

But the river near the mill, heavy and dark, still oozed in its fluffy banks and rustled at the locks.

(160 words) (According to V.G. Korolenko "The Blind Musician".)

grammar task

1 option

Option 2 is harder

Write out the predicate

simple verb

compound nominal

Underline in text

isolated circumstance

isolated definition

Write down 3 phrases of different types

from 1-2 paragraphs

from 4 paragraphs

Parsing a sentence

From time to time a strange ringing could be heard, as if from glass, passing to the highest notes and fading in the distance.

Putting on high hunting boots in the morning, he went to the mill, laying a loose trail along the paths.


The doll came out from behind the partition. She smiled, tilting her tousled head to one side. Her hair was the color of the feathers of little gray birds. Her gray eyes sparkled with glee. Now she seemed serious and attentive, but there was no trace of her sadness. On the contrary, they would say that this is a minx pretending to be modest.

Then further. Where did her former magnificent dress go, all this pink silk, golden roses, lace, sequins, a fabulous outfit, from which every girl could resemble, if not a princess, then, in any case, a Christmas tree toy? Now, imagine, the doll was dressed more than modestly. A blouse with a blue sailor collar, old shoes, gray enough not to be white. Shoes were worn on bare feet. Do not think that this outfit made the doll ugly. On the contrary, he suited her. There are such messes: at first you don’t deign to look at them, and then, looking more closely, you see that such a mess is cuter than a princess.

But the most important thing: remember, there were terrible black wounds on the chest of the Tutti heir's doll. And now they have disappeared. It was a cheerful, healthy doll!

(160 words) (According to Yu. Olesha.)

grammar task

1 option

Option 2 is harder

Designate the types of predicates

Write down 3 phrases of different types

A blouse with a blue sailor collar, old shoes, gray enough not to be white.

There are such messes: at first you don’t deign to look at them, and then, looking more closely, you see that such a mess is cuter than a princess.

Define in the text the type of one-part sentences

Parsing a sentence

She smiled, tilting her tousled head to one side.

Her hair was the color of the feathers of little gray birds.

Control dictation for repetition at the beginning of the year

Heavy thunderstorm

I remember a thunderstorm that caught us on the road.

I sat with my mother in a wooden shed with a thatched roof. Lightning flared in blue zigzags in the open mouths, muddy from the pouring rain. Mother hurriedly crossed herself, holding me tightly to her chest. I listened to the sound of the rain, to the heavy peals of thunder, to the crackle of blows that torn my ears, to the restless rustling of mice in the oat straw.

Having risen, we saw a diamond mesh of rain at the gate, and through the transparent drops the joyful summer sun was already shining, shimmering with rays.

Father harnessed the horses, shiny from the rain, frightened by a thunderstorm, impatiently and restlessly shifting their feet. The road lined with birch trees, washed by rain, seemed even more cheerful. A rainbow of many colors hung over the meadow, the bright sun shone on the backs of the briskly running horses. I sat next to my father, looking at the road winding in front of me, shining with puddles, at the leaving dark cloud, illuminated by the sun and still formidable, at the column of white smoke rising in the distance above the barn lit by a thunderstorm. I listened to the cheerful voices of birds in the washed, wonderful sunny world that opened up to me.

(I. Sokolov-Mikitov) (153 words)

Grammar task.

1. Pick up 3-4 words with the same word stepping overshih structure.

2. Underline the participles, highlight the suffixes in them, determine what kind of participles did not occur.

3. Find two adjectives: qualitative and relative.

4. Perform a syntactic analysis of the sentence with a participial turnover (Option I) and with a participle turnover (Option II).

Control dictation based on the results of the third quarter


Soon a path led to the right, on a rather steep hillock. We went along it and in half an hour we found ourselves in a pine forest. Flowering cocen. As soon as we struck a pine branch with a stick, a thick yellow cloud immediately surrounded us. Golden pollen slowly settled in the calm.

Even this morning, forced to live within four walls no more than five meters apart from each other, we suddenly got tipsy from all this: from flowers, from the sun, smelling of resin and pine needles, from luxurious possessions, suddenly inherited for no reason at all. us. I was still held back by a backpack, and Rose either ran forward and shouted from there that lilies of the valley were caught, then she went deeper into the forest and returned, frightened by a bird that fluttered out from under her very feet.

Meanwhile ahead, through the trees, the water sparkled and soon led to a large lake. The lake was, one might say, without shores. There was a dense juicy grass of a forest glade, and suddenly water began to flow at the level of the same grass. Like a puddle poured with rain. So it was thought that grass also continues under water and it was flooded recently and not for long. But through the yellowish water, a dense sandy bottom was visible, going deeper and deeper, making the lake water blacker.

(155 words) (According to V.A. Soloukhin.)

Grammar task:

1. Determine the type of one-part simple sentences, including those in complex ones: 1 paragraph - 1 option; 3 paragraph - 2 option.

2. Parse the sentence:

1 option - Meanwhile ahead, through the trees, the water sparkled and soon led to a large lake.

Option 2 - But through the yellowish water, a dense sandy bottom was visible, going deeper and deeper, making the lake water blacker.

3. Write down the different types of complications from the text.

Control dictation for the year

warm earth

I, an experienced hunter, and now joyfully excite and attract the vast expanses of Russian nature. Maybe that's why I love hunting.

People who do not break their connection with nature do not feel lonely. Years go by, but the transformed, beautiful world is still open before them. As before, white and golden flowers sway over the head of a weary traveler, who lay down to rest, and a hawk circles high in the sky, looking for prey.

After lying down in the fragrant grass, soft and tender, admiring the golden clouds frozen in the blue heavenly ocean, I rise from the warm native land with renewed vigor. I return home to meet new working days cheerful and renewed. From the river, not yet warmed by the sun, a foggy curtain rises, but ahead is the expectation of something bright, pure, beautiful.

I don’t want to talk to anyone, I would just walk on my native land, walking barefoot in the dew and feeling its warmth and freshness.

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