Nutrition after kidney removal for the first month. Recommendations for diet after kidney removal: healthy and prohibited foods. How to eat after kidney removal

If a person has undergone surgery to remove one kidney, he is required to have a special one with certain dietary restrictions for the rest of his life.

The diet after kidney removal involves serious restrictions on protein foods, fatty and fried foods, and liquids. In order to get used to such living conditions and diet, the patient must go through a considerable range of adaptation, allowing him to feel more confident and fulfilling in society.

The essence of the diet is to eat fresh, fortified, high-calorie food, which will be devoid of harmful and unsafe substances for the body. That's it, a steamer or oven is used for cooking. Fried and fatty foods are completely excluded from the diet.

After removal of a kidney, doctors prescribe soups made from cereals and vegetables, and the addition of pasta is also allowed. You can only use 5 g of salt per day, and what food will contain it is decided independently. Kefir and butter are used as a dressing for dishes.

The principles of the diet are as follows:

  • Food should be easily digestible and taken warm;
  • Salt consumption per day is no more than 5 g;
  • It is important to reduce the consumption of protein foods in the form of fish, meat, legumes, but there is no need to completely exclude them from the diet;
  • The drinking regime is reduced exactly by half; only 1 liter of liquid is allowed per day, including broths and tea.

The duration after kidney removal is determined strictly individually; for many patients it is prescribed for life. The complex is taken to help maintain optimal functioning of the body.

Menu table

According to Pevzner, it is prescribed, which describes in detail the features of this nutrition, aimed at maintaining an optimal level of functioning. When creating your daily or weekly diet, it is important to monitor the use of protein and carbohydrate dishes; they should alternate. Despite the fact that protein foods burden the body, taking up a lot of energy to digest it, nutritionists do not recommend excluding it from the diet completely.

Meat dishes are allowed to be used in minimal quantities no more than once a day. The quantity is up to 100 g, and sometimes less. You are also allowed to consume 50 g of sugar, 50 g of butter, and 400 g of bread per day. Despite the fact that eggs contain protein, their consumption is allowed daily, there are no restrictions.

In the first stages of the recovery process after surgery, the attending physician is responsible for the diet, who gives recommendations on nutrition, and also forces you to study the menu according to Pevzner, in particular. Taking into account the condition after surgery, as well as the presence or absence of concomitant diseases, the following nutrition plan for the day is created.

The diet is medicinal and gentle, devoid of various harmful foods that contain cholesterol and components that negatively affect the kidney. The main thing is always. If for a healthy person it is from 2 liters per day, then a person with one kidney will have restrictions in any drinking regimen, which is reduced by exactly 2 times.

Gentle nutrition also includes, which is intended for people with diseases of the heart and vascular system.

In the first weeks of the diet, it is strictly forbidden to eat meat dishes, which will create additional stress on the body. Their inclusion in the diet is permissible only in the second month after surgery, when the body adapts a little to its new lifelong diet.

It must be remembered that the absence of a kidney is not just a disease that can be cured with diet. This is a lifelong condition that requires careful attention to yourself and compliance with all dietary and lifestyle recommendations that will help you achieve a state as close to healthy as possible.

How to prepare dishes?

To prevent dishes from creating a burden on the body and causing a feeling of heaviness, they are prepared either in the oven; the use of low-fat broths in limited quantities is also allowed. The permissible amount of salt per day varies between 3-5 g.

It is necessary to prepare dishes from those products that contain large amounts of vitamins, micro- and macroelements, as well as minerals. For the body to function properly, two healthy kidneys are needed – the right and the left. When one of them is removed, many functions are immediately disrupted, so additional supply of the body with nutritional components is simply vital.

What can you eat on a diet?

People who are faced with such problems are wondering what they can eat after kidney removal, so as not to further harm the body, but to help it work more harmoniously. There is a list of products that are allowed to be included in your diet in moderate doses:

  • Vegetables;
  • Greenery.;
  • Nuts and dried fruits;
  • Oatmeal, buckwheat, pearl barley porridge;
  • Pasta;
  • White rice;
  • Semolina;
  • Rabbit, chicken;
  • Chicken eggs.

All these products allow you to prepare dietary medicinal dishes that saturate the weakened body with necessary and healthy components. They contain many vitamins that support the patient’s immunity, preventing the formation of various viral and infectious diseases of the body.

What can't you eat on a diet?

The diet after kidney removal has food intake restrictions that you should pay attention to. Their consumption negatively affects human health, destroys the immune system, and interferes with the full functioning of a healthy kidney. Note:

  • Highly extractive dishes;
  • Fatty fish and meats;
  • Pickled and salted vegetables;
  • Semi-finished products;
  • Drink plenty of fluids;
  • Strong tea, coffee;
  • Hot sauces;
  • Marinated mushrooms;
  • Salt more than 5 g per day;
  • Alcohol;
  • Chocolate;
  • Shortbread dough.

All this negatively affects the functioning of one kidney, slowing down its processes, destroying the body. After the operation, the patient must completely change his habits in order to return to normal life at least 50% and enjoy it.

Dish recipes

Faced with the situation of complete removal of one kidney, a person finds himself in strict limits regarding lifestyle and nutrition. At this stage, eating habits and food needs are completely changed, and any harmful products are replaced with others that are no less dangerous, but quite tasty.

There are many options for diet recipes after kidney removal, with or without cancer. All recipes require the use of only high-quality and fresh products in minimal quantities, eliminating salt and spices that irritate a weak body.

Carrot puree


    • Butter;
    • Large carrots;
    • 3 g salt;
    • Weak chicken or vegetable broth;
    • Greenery.

It is necessary to wash the carrots well, remove the outer skin and cut it into small circles. The carrots are filled with broth and sent to the stove for cooking. Next, add a little salt and oil and grind everything together in a blender until a paste forms. If desired, you can grate hard cheese on top and garnish with one boiled egg. The carrot puree is ready and can be used as lunch or dinner.

Fish cutlets


  • Cream;
  • Egg;
  • Salt 2-3 g;
  • Bread.

The bread needs to be broken into slices and rolled in cream. The fish is ground into minced meat using a blender or meat grinder, bread, salt and egg white are added to it. From the resulting mixture you need to make homogeneous minced meat, from which cutlets will be created.

You only need to bake the cutlets in the oven or steam them. In this case, the frying pan is completely excluded from the life of a patient with one kidney. Fish cutlets are cooked for 20-25 minutes, served with lemon or herbs. They are a hearty lunch.

Apricot mousse

The diet does not limit the patient from eating desserts, but they must be prepared at home, using only high-quality and natural products.


  • Cardamom;
  • Fresh apricots;
  • Gelatin.

The fruits must be washed well, the seeds removed, and pureed with a blender. Next, you need to crush the cardamom grains and mix them with the resulting apricot puree. The puree is sent to the stove for heating; it is important to have time to remove the container from the stove before it boils. After this, melted gelatin is added to the puree, everything is mixed well and poured into glasses. Place in the refrigerator overnight to harden.

Recipes for preparing dishes intended for patients after kidney removal do not contain anything complicated, are prepared quickly and consist of healthy products. There is no need to eat according to a standard menu, which will be monotonous every day. The main thing is to exclude absolutely all products that, even in the slightest way, can affect the functioning of a weakened, sick body. Only in this case will a person with one kidney be able to lead a lifestyle as close as possible to the life of a healthy person, and not feel disabled.

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(kidney removal surgery) patients must follow certain rules and restrictions both in diet and lifestyle. A diet after kidney removal, if strictly followed, will help the patient recover after surgery (even if it is oncology) and return to their normal lifestyle relatively quickly. The reasons are different, but the most serious is the removal of an organ with a cancerous tumor. Cancer spreads into metastases, so doctors’ orders cannot be ignored. Life depends on their observance.

What to eat for the first days with one kidney?

In the first days after nephrectomy, the one remaining kidney takes on a double load and requires careful treatment. The recovery period after surgery lasts at least 10 days, maximum - a month. At this time, you need to be attentive to yourself and follow the recommendations, otherwise the consequences will be sad. Rehabilitation continues for another year and a half, when the only kidney gradually increases in size in order to fully perform its functions.

On the first day, if the operation is successful, food should be liquid, and no more than 1 liter. This is possible after permission from doctors; often after surgery, substances necessary for people are administered by drip. Over the next few days, food becomes more varied (thin cereals, soups). The two main restrictions of the postoperative diet are water and salt. If less fluid enters the body than necessary, dehydration will begin. But if the load on the second kidney exceeds the norm, it will simply fail. The daily dose of salt is 3−5 g, this is a teaspoon. You need to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions. Food should be crushed. These recommendations are valid for a month.

Rules and principles of nutrition after nephrectomy

Healthy sleep and exercise are as important as proper nutrition.

For a person with one kidney, therapeutic nutrition is vital, the consequences of non-compliance can lead to hospitalization or, in the worst case, to lifelong hemodialysis. At the same time, the regime is important: healthy sleep, physical activity, the need to protect yourself from infections. Diet after kidney removal requires strict adherence to medical recommendations. You can't eat haphazardly. Fats and carbohydrates do not need to be limited, but it is also undesirable to exceed the required amount per day. The amount of protein should be reduced, but the amount of vitamins in foods should be increased. Remember, a properly composed menu is a kind of treatment, which after a while will give positive results for patients.

Products should not be salty. It is better to add salt to the finished dish. It is useful to eat a variety of low-fat soups with cereals and pasta. They are cooked in vegetable broth and seasoned with butter or vegetable oil. The best bread with bran or special dietary bread. It is better to replace fresh milk with fermented milk products. Perhaps the most basic rule of nutrition for patients after surgery is not to eat too many calories. A normal weight will allow one kidney to perform its functions best. Over time, the diet after kidney removal will become more varied.

After the removal of one kidney, the main products should be vegetables and fruits. They can be consumed in fairly large quantities and in different forms: fresh, baked, in the form of jam. As for meat, choose lean varieties. This is chicken breast, not too young veal, turkey, rabbit. Eat fish often. It is lighter than meat and is better digestible. You can eat eggs, but no more than 1-2 per day, or cook dishes from them. Kefir, sour cream, and yogurt should also be consumed almost every day. Cottage cheese is desirable in the form of casseroles, soufflés or puddings. Porridge and pasta are also shown. As for drinks, drink rosehip infusion, weak tea or compote. Juices cannot be drunk concentrated; they must be diluted with water. Treatment combined with proper nutrition is more effective.

A person’s rehabilitation after nephrectomy will be jeopardized if white bread, sweet pastries, or salty crackers are included in the menu. You cannot eat smoked sausage, frankfurters, or salted fish. Avoid fatty pork and any chocolate. Do not add garlic, sorrel, spinach or parsley to your dishes. Alcohol, beer and strong black coffee are strictly prohibited. A single kidney may not be able to withstand this, and the consequences in this case are not difficult to predict.

Dietary nutrition after the removal of an important organ and an experienced illness is designed to ease the burden. You need to help yourself recover as quickly as possible. It is necessary to adapt the metabolism to new conditions and remove toxins remaining after removal.

The diet requires the close attention of specialists, loved ones and relatives. There is only one organ left, and it is subject to enormous stress. The adaptation process will take up to one and a half years with strict adherence to nutritional rules.

At first, the patient is required to be kept in a hospital. Here nurses monitor him, and doctors adjust his treatment depending on the test results. Removing a kidney is a significant stress for the body. There are no extra organs, but a person can adapt to a lot.

First of all, the patient should completely abandon additional stress on the body. Doctors often insist on taking immunostimulating drugs. It is necessary to eliminate the risk of infectious diseases. Here are the main features:

  • You can’t eat fried or fatty foods;
  • spicy, hot and overly salty foods should be excluded;
  • food dyes also have a negative effect on the body;
  • moderate fluid intake is necessary, each case has its own norm;
  • The menu should include food rich in beneficial microelements.

All functions of the removed kidney fall on the one remaining organ. The main task is to unload it, to help it free itself from the effects of toxins. Because of such stress, it will be really difficult for the body to cope and adapt to a new mode of operation.

Therapeutic effect of diet

Dietary nutrition after surgery to remove a kidney with a tumor will help a person return to their previous rhythm. The second organ must be gradually prepared for the patient’s normal lifestyle.

It is important to know! Initially, the diet frees the body of salts and toxins left after resection. Subsequently, low load on the digestive and excretory systems leads to a rapid restoration of all functions.

The duration of the rehabilitation period largely depends on the patient’s age and individual characteristics. Older people take longer to return to normal.

Diet plan and diet, portion size

When eating therapeutically, it is recommended to adhere to the “plate principle”. The formation of a healthy portion for any meal is limited to some division. Half the plate is filled with vegetables, a quarter consists of lean meat or fish, the remaining space is reserved for side dishes.

Gentle cooking methods

Nutrition after kidney removal for cancer involves taking special dishes. Cooking must be correct, and the patient’s relatives and friends must be informed about this. Mostly it should be steamed, boiled, or baked.

People living nearby need to remember some psychological factor. At this period of life a person has a difficult time, and he needs to be supported. It is advisable for relatives to also switch to a gentle menu and not offer the patient fried, smoked or spicy food. Eating healthy will benefit everyone.

Healthy foods

The diet menu after removal of a kidney with a tumor is very specific. During this period, it is necessary to exclude salt and protein. After two weeks they can be reintroduced into the diet. After a month, these elements are easily absorbed. The best products are: chicken, quail, rabbit, white fish. Cereals, vegetables and fruits should be firmly included in the menu. You can eat eggs, but not more than 2 pieces. in a day.

It is important to follow the principle of food compatibility. For example, carbohydrate foods will not combine well with protein foods. It is better to divide dishes into different meals. It is recommended to eat a salad before lunch (15 minutes before). Alkaline foods are good for recovery.

Advice! There are also several products that have some anti-tumor properties. Oncology has long approved them. This group includes all vitamins and amino acids containing carotenoids and carotenes, lentinan, sulforaphane.

Here is a small list of such products.

  1. Carrots rich in carotene.
  2. Seaweed containing large amounts of iodine.
  3. Pomegranate contains ellagolic acid, which inhibits the development of tumors, including cancer.
  4. Broccoli containing sulforaphane. This is a substance that can slow down the division of cancer cells.
  5. Tomatoes are recommended for their lycopene.
  6. A diluted green tea rich in antioxidants.
  7. Rosehip decoction, famous for its richness of vitamins.

All these ingredients must be included in the menu, but their excessive consumption will not lead to anything good. A balanced diet is important, as confirmed by reviews.

Forbidden food

Meals after surgery to remove a kidney with a tumor should consist mainly of seasonal fresh products. The transition to the patient’s usual food (the time when he was healthy) should be gradual. One after another, at different stages of the rehabilitation period, more and more complex dishes are included in the diet. But there are forbidden foods.

There are several principles of proper nutrition. Weak stomach functionality does not predispose you to eat dry food, and you should also not starve. You will also have to forget about toxic products and preservatives until better times. Any food additives should be treated with suspicion, and consultation with a doctor regarding their use is necessary. Alcoholic and carbonated drinks are strictly prohibited. The additional load on the liver and kidneys will definitely not have a positive effect on the patient’s recovery.

It is strictly prohibited to eat the following:

It is important to know! It is worth recognizing that consuming the vast majority of products from the above list is a serious burden on the body, even for a healthy person. The hardest thing will be to give up salt. It is introduced into the diet first, the concentration is increased gradually.

Description of the menu for the week

In the process of drawing up the correct menu, it is important to remember that its total energy value per day should not exceed 3 thousand kcal. It is best to balance the diet so that the patient consumes less than 450 g of carbohydrates and 80 g of fat and protein. You can suggest the following power plan. Despite all the limitations, she is quite pleasant.

Even from the few permitted dishes you can create a complete nutritious and tasty menu. To improve gastric motility and not go to bed hungry, it is recommended to drink kefir, yogurt or fermented baked milk before bed.

This menu is suitable for most patients during the rehabilitation period, but it does not take into account the individual characteristics of the body and the size of the budget allocated for restoring health. You definitely need to consult with a specialist to create a menu for a specific case based on the above dishes.

Consequences of dietary errors in the postoperative period

If you do not follow the recommendations of nutritionists, your continued satisfactory quality of life is in question. It is likely that errors will lead to hemodialysis. This is a therapeutic consequence of serious renal failure - blood purification using a special device.

The danger cannot be overstated. Complications can be fatal. And only an artificial kidney can then prolong the patient’s life, and the cost of the procedures will be about one and a half million rubles per year. This is an unaffordable amount in most cases. Stick to proper nutrition so that your body can return to normal.


The diet after removal of a kidney with a tumor must be followed. But all the information that can be gleaned from this article is not a panacea. There is always a strong influence of other factors - the individual characteristics of the patient’s body. To achieve a positive result, you need to work closely with your doctor and not neglect the recommendations offered.

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The therapeutic diet after kidney removal is intended to facilitate the functioning of the remaining organ. There can be many reasons for such an operation, and the diet is adjusted based on the diagnosis. General recommendations are as follows - remove salt, fried, salty and spicy foods, give up junk and sweet foods. The diet helps speed up adaptation processes and speed up recovery after surgery.

Therapeutic nutrition after kidney resection is a vital necessity. The consequences of non-compliance with the diet threaten hemodialysis for the rest of your life. You need to be patient - rehabilitation can take up to a year and a half. The remaining organ takes on a double task, because in the postoperative period the filtration capacity of the remaining kidney increases, which is necessary to ensure the normal functioning of the body.

Food in the first days after removal

In the absence of complications, liquid food with a total volume of up to 1 liter is indicated on the first day. Often food is replaced by infusion of nutrients. In the following days, new dishes are gradually introduced - boiled liquid porridges, vegetable soups. Restrictions apply to salt and water. With a lack of water, dehydration develops; with too much water, the likelihood of kidney failure increases. Particular attention is paid to the first month after surgery to remove a kidney.

The daily portion of salt does not exceed a teaspoon. After removing a cancerous kidney, it is better to avoid salt.

Principles of nutrition during the rehabilitation period

Nutrition after kidney removal is based on the following rules:

The patient is allowed to consume no more than a teaspoon of salt per day.

  • The nutritional value of food is up to 3 thousand kcal, up to 80 g of proteins, 500 g of carbohydrates and 90 g of fat.
  • Liquid rate - up to 1 liter.
  • Gentle types of heat treatment.
  • Do not eat excessively cold or hot food.
  • The norm for meat and fish is up to 100 g per day.
  • Meals are fractional, in small portions.
  • Only ready-made food is salted, the amount of salt is 1 tsp. in a day.
  • Products are only of natural origin, without preservatives.
  • The basis of the diet is fruits and vegetables, especially prunes, baked apples, and dried apricots.

Treatment includes an integrated approach:

  • Hypothermia, excessive exercise, food poisoning and infections have a harmful effect on the kidneys. Moderate sports are recommended.
  • Taking medications and treatment with alternative methods is only as prescribed by a doctor.
  • The regime is strictly observed.
  • The skin must be clean to ensure normal functioning of the excretory system. Sauna, bath - in agreement with the doctor.

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What can you eat after surgery?

In order for the only kidney to function without interruption, the diet must consist of fresh and natural foods. The patients' menu is based on the following foods:

The diet after removal of a kidney with a tumor is based on plant foods. For cancer, add to the diet:

If the organ was removed due to a cancerous tumor, then the patient is recommended to eat broccoli.

  • Broccoli. Kills cancer stem cells and prevents the development of cancer.
  • Pomegranate. The ellagic acid contained in the fruit stimulates the production of an enzyme that blocks the growth of cancer cells.
  • Seaweed. Rich in iodine and carotenoids - an excellent remedy for tumor development.
  • Green tea. Strong antioxidant, contains catechins and polyphenols. Slows down cell growth.

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What foods are harmful?

A diet for people with one kidney prohibits eating the following foods:

  • spicy, smoked, salty foods;
  • conservation;
  • sweet sodas;
  • alcohol;
  • fast food;
  • fatty fish, meat;
  • spinach, radishes, sorrel, peas, onions, soybeans, garlic, beans;
  • confectionery;
  • fatty soups with meat broth;
  • semi-finished products;
  • fresh bread and baked goods.

If the reason for kidney removal was oncology, there can be no question of fasting or eating on the run. Rehabilitation of cancer patients is aimed at facilitating the functioning of the kidney and getting rid of toxins and waste.

What should you not eat after removal of one kidney due to urolithiasis?

The menu is subject to adjustment if kidney removal was caused by urolithiasis. How to eat depending on the type of stones:

  • Oxalates. Products with oxalic acid are prohibited: rhubarb, strawberries, coffee, cocoa, spinach, nuts. Sugar is limited.
  • Phosphates. Dairy products are removed and vegetables are limited.
  • Urats. The amount of protein food is reduced.

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What to consider when creating a menu?

It is recommended to always keep a list of permitted and prohibited products at hand. This helps to avoid mistakes when planning your diet. One kidney requires careful selection of products, the right combination. Maximum nutrients and vitamins should be supplied with food. This is especially important after removal of kidney cancer. Eating right is not difficult: the restrictions are not so strict, and over time the menu for the patient ceases to be a big difficulty. The table shows food options for main meals:

A therapeutic diet after kidney removal allows the body to recover. The remaining healthy organ, if you adhere to dietary nutrition, will take on the work of the remote organ much faster and will work with double force.

Even with one kidney, you can live a full life: the main thing is to adhere to a healthy lifestyle and eat right.

Help after surgery

Most patients who have had to remove one kidney are wondering how to help the other after surgery? Rehabilitation can last more than a year, and the patient must understand that a healthy kidney now works twice as hard.

If you help the organ, rehabilitation will go quickly. At first, the kidney will function at the limit of its capabilities, so you should not overload yourself with large amounts of fluid, infections or physical activity.

You should only take medications prescribed by a doctor; there should be no self-medication. It is useful to go swimming, go to the bathhouse or sauna. You should also follow a daily routine and diet. It is this that, after cutting out the diseased kidney, helps in the adaptation of the healthy one.

A diet after kidney removal is mandatory. Food should be easily digestible. You should not drink a lot, as this overloads the organ. However, not enriching the body with fluid at all is no less dangerous.

There must be moderation in everything. You can drink up to 1 liter per day. liquids.

The diet involves limiting nutrition to protein foods. You can consume carbohydrates and fats in normal quantities, but it is better to avoid salt; very little is allowed. It is recommended to eat fractionally, preferably in small portions 5-6 times a day. Food consumed after surgery must be fortified.

Food can include fried, boiled, steamed and steamed food. Dishes should not be too cold or too hot. Food must be fresh. Thanks to dietary nutrition, you can speed up the transition to a classic, standard diet for every day. The bread should be unsalted. You can have bran rolls, cookies, bran without salt, but not more than 400 grams. per day.

Vegetarian borscht and vegetable soups are acceptable among soups. Soups should be seasoned with vegetable oil. Greens are not prohibited. You need to add salt on the table - no more than 5 grams. per day.

It is better not to eat meat for the first 14 days after surgery. You can start based on your general condition. You should start with chicken or turkey meat. A little later you can add rabbit and veal. It is better to prefer stewed meat. Can be boiled. It is allowed to bake in the oven as a whole piece. Allowed quantity - 100 gr. per day.

For fish, preference should be given to low-fat varieties. It is better to eat more fish than meat. It can also be boiled, stewed, baked. Fish puts the least stress on the organ, so it is better to replace meat with it.

Eating eggs is not prohibited: up to 2 eggs per day are allowed. But it is better not to abuse dairy products. Calcium promotes the development of stones and sand in the organ. Drinking milk is strictly prohibited. Fermented milk products include kefir and cottage cheese.

Vegetables can be eaten in any form and quantity. You can also eat as much greens as you like. There should be fruit on the menu every day. You can have mousses, jams, preserves. You cannot deprive your body of pasta and cereals; porridge should be in your diet every day.

Sauces are allowed; strong, rich broths should be avoided. Vegetable fats should be preferred. Drinks include decoctions, weak teas, and dried fruit compotes. You need to consume approximately 3000 kcal per day: 70 - 80 g. fats and proteins, 500 gr. carbohydrates.

Prohibited Products

After removal of a kidney with a tumor, it is prohibited to include the following foods in your daily diet:

  • White bread;
  • sweet pastry;
  • black bread;
  • salty;
  • broths;
  • smoked meats;
  • sausage;
  • cheeses;
  • salty fish;
  • canned food;
  • pates;
  • radish;
  • parsley;
  • mushrooms;
  • spinach;
  • dishes with celery;
  • beans;
  • garlic;
  • sorrel;
  • cocoa;
  • coffee;
  • strong tea;
  • chocolate products;
  • alcoholic drinks.

All of the above foods should absolutely not be eaten during the rehabilitation period. It is best to abstain from alcohol altogether even after rehabilitation. Smoking is harmful to the general condition of the body.

Sample menu

Nephrectomy is a serious stress for the body. No matter how difficult the diet may seem, it must be followed for at least 1.5 years.

It is ideal to include diet bread and juices diluted with water in your diet. Nutritionists offer the following menu for the day:

  1. The first meal begins with a sandwich with butter, vegetable salad and dried apple compote.
  2. For the 2nd meal, porridge with milk and rosehip infusion is suitable.
  3. For lunch you can eat vegetable soup, baked fish with stewed vegetables, tea with milk.
  4. During dinner, you should eat porridge with water, chopped steamed meat, jelly or berry mousse.
  5. Before going to bed, it is useful to eat unsalted cookies with herbal tea.

By following a diet, you can speed up kidney recovery.

Diet after kidney removal is a specially designed diet for patients who have undergone nephrectomy in order to prevent relapses.

Diet after removal of one kidney: features

Removal of one kidney is carried out if the second one is absolutely healthy, otherwise the body will not be able to withstand the increased load.

After surgery, the drinking regime should be adjusted and observed: drink about one liter of water per day. It is necessary to limit the consumption of protein foods and reduce the amount of meat, fish dishes, peas, as well as pickles and marinades. It is recommended to replace traditional flour products with cereal breads and sweet cookies.

The basis of the diet is light first and steam courses (meat, fish, vegetables).

Low-fat soups with added vegetables, cereals or broths with pasta are perfect for this. A small amount of butter or kefir will provide the rich taste of lean dishes.

It is necessary to follow such strict recommendations, since the body with one kidney must adapt to increased stress. 2-3 weeks after the operation, dietary meat of rabbit, calf and chicken is introduced into the diet - no more than 150 g per day. If a person feels the need for additional protein nutrition, you can steam low-fat fish or offer chicken or quail eggs for breakfast (1-2 per day).

You should wait a bit with dairy and fermented milk products; they can cause nephrolithiasis (kidney stones). After nephrectomy, it is recommended to increase the consumption of vegetables and fruits in any form: jam, jam, fresh juices. In the summer (only after 2 months after the end of the operation), you can and should enjoy sweet watermelons, which help remove stones. In winter, rosehip decoctions and herbal teas are useful.

Daily diet after nephrectomy

The daily menu is developed together with a nutritionist, who will draw up a list of permitted and prohibited foods. There are several balanced diets that you can change and alternate to add variety to your daily menu.

  • Breakfast - the first meal (approximately at 8 am) should consist of a light vegetable salad without salt, bread with a piece of butter, juice or compote.
  • Second breakfast (lunch) - at noon, includes an omelet, porridge with low-fat milk and herbal tea based on rose hips.
  • Lunch is the optimal time from 15 to 16 hours. The main table is lean vegetable soup, baked fish in the oven, several fruits to choose from and weak tea.
  • Dinner - from 19 to 20 hours. You can eat porridge, steamed chicken, veal or fish cutlets, and berry mousse for dessert.
  • Second dinner - no heavy dishes, only unleavened cookies and herbal tea.

A balanced diet is the key to a speedy recovery and return to your normal lifestyle.

Due to the absence of one kidney as a result of nephrectomy for oncology, the second one that remains has a double load and can hypertrophy.

Diet after kidney removal helps the body adapt to new life and changes in it. If you stick to it throughout 10-12 months, your health will be fine.

What nutrition is prescribed immediately after surgery?

For the first time in the postoperative period, eating is prohibited. The patient's viability is maintained for several days by administering nutrients intravenously through a drip.

Allowed after 2-3 days fractional meals.

Its essence is to take only freshly prepared food in compliance with a clear regimen - feeding in moderate portions with frequent intervals between them.

Resection or removal of the urinary system organ means eliminating the habit of eating dry food.

The dietary menu includes the use of foods rich in beneficial microelements and vitamins. Fermented milk products with a low fat content, steamed vegetables, and boiled fish are recommended. Fresh honey is beneficial.

You can’t suddenly switch from a protein diet for plant-based or dairy foods. Any changes are made smoothly so as not to cause damage to the weakened body.

Spicy and salty foods and canned foods are contraindicated. It is undesirable to drink mineral water. It contains excess salts, which can cause urolithiasis. Improves well-being complete abstinence from salt and reducing the amount of fluids consumed.

The maximum allowable amount of salt per day is up to 3-5 g, if it is impossible to abandon it completely.

Then the food is salted immediately before eating it, and not during the cooking process.

Diet features

The dietary menu is aimed at restoration of body resources and maintaining normal functioning of the urinary system. In the postoperative period, the load on the remaining kidney increases, which is forced to do double work, compensating for the lack of a paired organ.

The rehabilitation process takes 1-1.5 years. At this time, the kidney hypertrophies, increasing its size. Its ability to process harmful substances increases. Thanks to this, the balance of the internal environment is ensured.

A balanced diet plays an important role in this. His goal is make your work easier the only organ, speed up its adaptation to the current conditions.

The diet includes the following features:

  • Strictly regulated amount of liquid per day – up to 1 liter. A larger volume is contraindicated; the kidney cannot cope with it.
  • Control the consumption of salt and spices - up to 3 g per day.
  • Reducing the amount of protein consumed – within 70-80 g.
  • The temperature of the food served is average, it cannot be too hot.
  • The daily intake of carbohydrates is 0.4-0.5 kg, and fats – 80-90 g.
  • The total calorie content of meals per day is 2800-3000 units.
  • Priority is given to easily digestible products of natural origin and high quality, which do not contain dyes or preservatives.
  • Splitting the daily norm into 5-6 doses.

After a diagnosis of kidney cancer and its removal, the consumption of baked goods is reduced up to 0.4 kg per day. It is advisable that they be unsalted. Whole grain breads are a good alternative.

The main emphasis is on soups and vegetable broths with cereals and pasta. Kefir, sunflower or butter are added to food. The duration of dietary nutrition depends on the speed of adaptation of the body. Upon completion of this stage, the menu gradually includes familiar dishes in agreement with the attending physician.

How to eat, what you can eat and what you can’t?

Postoperative menu for a patient who has undergone kidney resection or nephrectomy, must be varied and contain vitamins and beneficial microelements in the required quantities.

To improve the taste of prepared dishes, it is permissible to add cinnamon, citric acid, and cumin.

The basis of the menu is fresh fruits and vegetables, which help maintain normal metabolic processes in the body. Animal fats can be consumed in quantities no more than 100 g per day.

  • Bran bread, biscuits without salt.
  • Vegetable soup with dill and green onions.
  • Chicken, turkey, beef, rabbit - one month after surgery.
  • Lean fish.
  • Omelette, boiled eggs - 1-2 per day.
  • Low-fat fermented milk products in moderate quantities. Its excess leads to the formation of sand in the kidneys.
  • Vegetable dishes.
  • Fresh fruits, berries, jam from them.
  • Melon - watermelon, pumpkin, melon.
  • Porridges or casseroles from cereals.
  • Protein-free pasta.
  • Cheese without seasoning and with a small dose of salt.
  • Refined oil.
  • Sour cream or vegetable sauce.
  • Add to list prohibited products includes:

    • baked goods and sweets;
    • soups with meat and mushrooms;
    • smoked meats, sausage, frankfurters, small sausages;
    • canned fish, stew.

    Strong tea or coffee, cocoa, and mineral water are harmful. Alcohol is also prohibited. All of them provoke urolithiasis. It is undesirable to eat dishes with the addition of spinach, parsley, garlic, and onions.

    Read our article about what diet you should follow for glomerulonephritis.

    Sample menu for the day

    An approximate daily diet will help you figure out what and at what intervals you can eat after kidney removal during the recovery period. The menu looks like this:

    First breakfast– 8.00. Breakfast is allowed with vinaigrette, unsalted bread with a piece of butter and berry compote.

    Lunch– 12.00. You can eat porridge with low-fat milk or make an omelet. As a drink - rosehip infusion.

    Dinner– 16.00. Soup with vegetable broth for the first course, and for the second - steamed vegetable stew, a piece of baked low-fat fish. An apple and weak tea with cream or milk.

    Dinner No. 1– oatmeal with water, steamed zucchini or cabbage cutlets. For dessert - berry jelly.

    Dinner No. 2– herbal tea with unsalted cookies.

    This maintains a healthy interval between meals, and the body is saturated with essential vitamins and nutrients.

    Dish recipes

    In order not to disrupt metabolism and restore lost weight due to kidney cancer, food should be nutritious, but do not contribute to the formation of stones. Sample recipes will help you maintain a balanced diet and put your weakened body in order.

    The vinaigrette

    All vegetables are boiled. Peels are removed from potatoes, beets and carrots. They are cut into cubes and peas are added. The vinaigrette is mixed and seasoned with sunflower oil. To prepare it you will need:

  • potatoes – 3 pcs.;
  • beets – 1 pc.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • frozen green peas – 200 g;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp.
  • Omelette with vegetables

    Washed peppers and tomatoes are cleared of stalks and seeds. Peppers are cut into rings, and tomatoes into slices.

    Beat the eggs, pour milk into them. Sauté the vegetables in oil for 1-2 minutes and pour the milk-egg mixture over them. Simmer over low heat until done. At the end, sprinkle with finely chopped herbs. Required ingredients:

    • chicken eggs – 2 pcs.;
    • milk – 0.5 l;
    • olive oil – 2 tbsp;
    • bell pepper – 1 pc.;
    • tomato – 2 pcs.;
    • dill – 20 g.

    Baked fish

    To prepare it, you need to take a low-fat variety of fish. Ingredients:

    • pangasius fillet – 100 g;
    • carrots – 1 pc.;
    • lemon – 2 slices;
    • sesame – 5 g;
    • vegetable oil – 1 tbsp.

    Thaw the fish fillet, grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Grease a baking sheet with oil, place the fish, sprinkle with carrots and sesame seeds. Place lemon slices on top. Bake for 10-15 minutes in the oven.

    Steam cutlets

    They include:

  • medium-sized zucchini - 1 pc.;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • potatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • sour cream – 2 tbsp;
  • bran – 2-3 tbsp.
  • Vegetables are peeled, washed and grated on a coarse grater. Add sour cream and egg to them and mix well. Pour bran in there and mix again. Form cutlets with wet hands, place them in a steamer and cook for 20 minutes.

    What is your lifestyle after kidney removal?

    During resection of a kidney with a tumor to normalize health status Diet alone is not enough.

    We need an integrated approach - a revision of the daily routine and lifestyle.

    • Get adequate sleep, lasting at least 8 hours.
    • Additional rest, breaks from work.
    • Elimination of heavy physical labor. You cannot work with irregular, daily schedules or in chemical production.
    • Avoid hypothermia, keep your feet dry and warm.
    • Avoid contact with carriers of viral infections, so as not to weaken the immune system.
    • Take walks in the morning and evening for half an hour.
    • Do physical therapy exercises in consultation with your doctor.
    • Keep skin clean. You can visit the bathhouse once a week.

    These activities, together with dietary nutrition, will bring your health back to normal and will allow you to

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