What you can and cannot eat if you have diabetes: list of foods and diet options. List of allowed and prohibited foods for diabetes mellitus What foods can people with diabetes mellitus eat?

Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder in which glucose levels in the body increase. Hyperglycemia negatively affects the condition of blood vessels and can provoke the development of atherosclerosis, which subsequently leads to heart attack, stroke, deterioration of internal organs, decreased vision and other complications.

To prevent the negative consequences of hyperglycemia, it is recommended not only to follow your doctor’s recommendations regarding treatment, but also to eat right. This article outlines the basic principles of dietary nutrition in the presence of diabetes.

The basis of the therapeutic diet for this disease is to reduce the load on the pancreas and gradual weight loss. Basic rules of proper nutrition:

  • reducing the calorie content of the daily diet by limiting the consumption of carbohydrates and animal lipids;
  • a sufficient amount of proteins and fats of plant origin;
  • exclusion of easily digestible carbohydrates;
  • limiting the use of spices and salt;
  • permitted dishes must be served boiled and stewed; anything fried or smoked should be completely abandoned;
  • regular and split meals;
  • inclusion of sweeteners in the menu (for example, sorbitol or xylitol);
  • daily fluid intake, which does not exceed 1600 ml per day;
  • strict adherence to dietary rules, taking into account the glycemic index of foods (this indicator reflects how quickly foods are broken down and converted into glucose). The lower the glycemic index, the slower the sugar level in the body rises.

It should be noted that the correct ratio of proteins, lipids and carbohydrates is important, which should correspond to the proportion 16:24:60. In addition, the calorie content of food must correspond to energy expenditure, therefore, when creating a menu, you should take into account age and gender, body weight, as well as characteristics of work and physical activity. Also, all dishes must contain enough microelements and vitamins.

What to eat for type 2 diabetes?

For this disease it is allowed:


Features of use

berries and fruits

Except for bananas, grapes, persimmons, dried fruits and other products containing a lot of sugar (and no more than 300 g per day).

lean meat, fish

Use baked or boiled. Preference should be given to veal, rabbit or turkey meat. Among the fish, cod and pike are considered the most useful.

Since eggs contain a lot of cholesterol, you should not abuse them. It is best to eat a soft-boiled egg; you can also prepare a protein omelet.

Special diabetic or with bran, but not more than 200g per day.

Which ones are possible?? Preference should be given to buckwheat, barley or oatmeal. Much less often you need to include wheat and pearl barley porridge in your diet.

vegetable proteins

For example, in the form of beans. Eating legumes is allowed, but you should definitely reduce the amount of bread.


It is allowed to use, but up to 2 times a week. In this case, you should choose products that are made from durum wheat.

dairy products

It is better to include unsweetened yogurt and kefir, and yogurt in the menu. Milk can also be consumed (no more than 400 ml per day). Cheese should be low-fat, its maximum amount is 200 g per day.

most vegetables

Cucumbers and tomatoes, cabbage, lettuce and eggplants are allowed to be eaten in any quantity. Potatoes and carrots, as well as beets, are recommended to be limited to 200 g per day.

It is better to choose green or black tea, mineral water and vegetable juices.

Foods with fiber

It does not require interaction with digestive juices and is not absorbed, but provides a long-lasting feeling of satiety. Fiber must be present in the menu of diabetics, as it has hypoglycemic properties and reduces lipid levels in the body. All this contributes to the rapid loss of excess weight. It is recommended to eat bran, pumpkin, mushrooms, lemons, sorrel, and nuts.

Vegetable salads

They should be filled exclusively with vegetable oil (no more than two tablespoons per day are allowed).

Seafood and vegetable soups are also beneficial.

Forbidden food

All carbohydrates that are quickly digested are prohibited. You should not consume fruit juices, chocolate, raisins, sugar and baked goods, ice cream, jams and honey. Other prohibited products include:

  • hot, spicy and fried foods, various sauces and mayonnaise;
  • fatty dairy products;
  • fatty meat (such as lamb, duck or pork);
  • strong broths;
  • smoked fish;
  • sausages;
  • margarine and butter;
  • sweet raw materials and fatty cheese;
  • pickled vegetables;
  • semolina and rice cereals;
  • semi-finished products;
  • alcohol, especially for various liqueurs, champagne and dessert wines, since they contain a lot of sugar,
  • fast food;
  • prohibited oils such as peanut, coconut, and palm;
  • Do not eat corn (in any form).

When purchasing packaged products, you need to pay attention to its composition. The presence of fructose, maple or corn syrup, malt or maltodextrin is a contraindication for use by people with diabetes. The daily menu should be balanced and provide the body with the necessary substances and vitamins. With the correct ratio of essential dietary substances, you can stick to it almost throughout your life. A special diet allows you to gradually lose weight and maintain weight and blood sugar concentration at an optimal level, which prevents a number of serious complications and ensures good health for patients.

Diet for type 2 diabetes is one of the main ways to eat and support normal metabolism and reduce blood sugar levels to normal. Below we will look at the main essence of treatment, what foods will be useful and what you can eat for type 2 diabetes. Nutrition table, what a diabetic can and cannot eat at the initial stage of the disease.

Treatment of the second type of disease cannot be complete without the use of diet. High blood glucose is a leading indicator of type 2 diabetes. This significantly worsens the quality of life of a diabetic, provokes the development of atherosclerosis, and has a negative impact on the condition of blood vessels. Diagnosing type 2 diabetes involves following a strict diet - there is a list of permitted and prohibited foods for patients with a diagnosis such as diabetes.

Diabetes mellitus is a complex pathology that is accompanied by multiple metabolic disorders. With this disease, changes are observed in the functioning of the pancreas, namely, it is responsible for the production of the hormone insulin. Insulin, in turn, is responsible for the absorption of glucose.

Symptoms of type 2 diabetes

This diabetes poses the main danger because in both women and men it can be asymptomatic, in a sluggish form. And it is often discovered completely by accident, during a professional examination. The main test that can confirm diabetes in this case is a urine test.

A diet for type 2 diabetes is no longer a measure that you can temporarily apply, it is your entire subsequent life, and the quality and length of your life will depend on how willing you are to adhere to all the rules of the diet. Lack of diet and weight control can lead to diabetes.

Contrary to popular belief, diabetes does not only occur because a person eats a lot of sweets. There are no exact causes of diabetes, but there are many factors that contribute to the development of the disease. The most important thing is to diagnose the disease as early as possible and begin treatment on time.

The main symptoms of the disease include several main manifestations:

  1. Leg cramps;
  2. Painful sensations in the joints of the arms and legs;
  3. Numbness;
  4. Itching in the vaginal area in women;
  5. Decreased erectile function in men;
  6. Infectious inflammation of the skin;
  7. Overweight.

Another symptom of diabetes is polyuria. It especially bothers the sick person at night. Frequent urination is due to the fact that the body is trying to remove excess sugar.

Thirst may also indicate diabetes. This symptom follows from polyuria, as fluid loss occurs and the body tries to replenish it. Feeling hungry can also indicate illness. Especially strong and uncontrollable, even after the person has eaten.

Diet for type 2 diabetes mellitus: nutritional features

CD-2 is a common disease in the Russian Federation. By January 2014, the total number of people who sought help was 3 million 625 thousand. Of these, children and adolescents accounted for only 753 cases. The vast majority of patients are over 35 years of age and have an increased body mass index.

As a percentage, the ratio of carriers of T1DM and T2DM is 20 and 80% of the total number of cases, respectively. A diabetic needs to make a proper nutrition plan and include the highest priority foods in it, eliminating unhealthy foods.

Women who have had gestational diabetes are at risk for developing type 2 diabetes in the future, which makes it necessary to follow recommendations for lifestyle modification in the future.

Early detection of carbohydrate metabolism disorders in a pregnant woman and monitoring of this condition makes it possible to minimize the risks associated with the influence of minor chronic hyperglycemia on the formation of the fetus, the health of the newborn and the woman herself.

In diabetic patients who, intentionally or unknowingly, do not follow a diet before diagnosis, due to excessive amounts of carbohydrates in the diet, cell sensitivity to insulin is lost. Because of this, glucose in the blood increases and remains at high levels.

The point of dietary nutrition for diabetics is to restore lost insulin sensitivity to cells, i.e. ability to metabolize sugar. What should be the classic diet for type 2 diabetics?

The amount of carbohydrates is adjusted by the doctor depending on the degree of increase in sugar, the patient’s weight and concomitant diseases. To maintain the normal general condition of the body with type 2 diabetes, you must follow the rules:

  • The first and most important rule is strict adherence to the rules of the diet and your doctor;
  • It is forbidden to starve;
  • Frequent (3-5 times a day) fractional low-carbohydrate meals in small portions;
  • It is not advisable to take long breaks between meals;
  • Correction of body weight – it is necessary to try to reduce it, since there is a direct correlation between weight and cell sensitivity to insulin;
  • You can't skip breakfast;
  • Avoid eating fatty foods as much as possible, since fats entering the blood from the intestines impair the utilization of carbohydrates by the body’s cells;
  • Vegetables are eaten first when eating, and only after them - protein products (cottage cheese, meat);
  • Great emphasis should be placed on vegetables (up to 1 kg per day), unsweetened fruits (300-400 g), lean meat and fish (up to 300 g per day) and mushrooms (up to 150 grams);
  • All food must be chewed thoroughly; you should not rush or swallow large pieces;
  • Individual selection of diet, depending on the age, gender and physical activity of the person;
  • The food served should not be hot or cold;
  • During the day, it will be enough for the patient to eat 100 g of bread, cereals or potatoes (one is chosen);
  • The last meal should take place no later than two hours before going to bed;
  • If you want to somehow diversify your carbohydrate menu, then it is better to choose diabetic sweets (with sweeteners), but you should not get carried away with them. It should be compiled only by the attending physician, who knows what the patient can and cannot eat, as well as what foods are permissible to eat in limited quantities.;
  • If the stomach reacts negatively to raw vegetables, baking them is recommended;
  • It is not recommended to fry, coat foods in breadcrumbs, cook them in batter, or add sauces. In addition, fried foods have a higher glycemic index. Boiled or steamed dishes will be more beneficial for a diabetic;
  • When making minced cutlets, the loaf is excluded, replaced by oatmeal and vegetables;
  • If carbohydrates are present in a portion (a significant amount), they are diluted with proteins or permitted fats - to reduce the rate of digestion and absorption;
  • Allowed drinks are used before meals, not after them;
  • The total amount of free liquid daily is 1.5 liters;
  • Remove all provoking foods (rolls, mayonnaise, cakes, etc.) away from your eyes, replacing them with plates of fruits and vegetables;
  • Fast carbohydrates (sweets, sugar, baked goods, soda, etc.) are prohibited; complex carbohydrates are consumed in moderation;
  • Controlling the amount of carbohydrate intake. The easiest way is to count bread units (XE). Each food product contains a certain number of bread units; 1 XE increases blood glucose by 2 mmol/l.

It is important to know! 1 Bread unit (1 XU) is a measure for calculating the amount of carbohydrates in foods. Conventionally, 1 XE contains 12-15 g of carbohydrates, and it is convenient to measure various products in it - from watermelons to sweet cheesecakes.

Calculating bread units for a diabetic patient is simple: on the factory packaging of the product, as a rule, the amount of carbohydrates per 100 g is indicated, which is divided by 12 and adjusted by weight. You should consume no more than 6 XE per meal, and the daily norm for an adult with normal body weight is 20-22 bread units.

Examples of 1 XE in products:

  • Borodino bread - 28 g;
  • Buckwheat – 17 g;
  • Raw carrots – 150 g;
  • Cucumber – 400 g;
  • Apple – 100 g;
  • Dates – 17;
  • Milk – 250 g;
  • Cottage cheese – 700 g.

Foods that normalize blood sugar

The modern diet for type 2 diabetes, which includes nutritional correction, refutes those recommendations that took place in the past: doctors advised all patients with type 2 diabetes, without exception, to eat as little carbohydrates as possible.

  1. Oatmeal. This dish contains soluble fiber, which normalizes blood sugar;
  2. Vegetables. Minerals, vitamins and antioxidants are found in fresh vegetables. To reduce sugar, experts recommend eating broccoli and red peppers. Broccoli – fights inflammatory processes in the body, and red pepper – is rich in ascorbic acid;
  3. Jerusalem artichoke. Helps eliminate toxins, improves metabolism and reduces blood sugar;
  4. Fish. Eating fish twice a week reduces the risk of developing diabetes. It is preferable to steam it or bake it in the oven;
  5. Garlic. This product affects the production of insulin, stimulating the pancreas. In addition, garlic contains antioxidants that have a positive effect on the functioning of the entire body;
  6. Cinnamon. This spice contains magnesium, polyphenols and fiber, which reduce sugar levels in the body;
  7. Avocado. The properties of avocados are of interest to many. This green fruit is rich in beneficial microelements, folic acid, proteins, monounsaturated fats and magnesium. Its regular use will increase immunity, improve the condition of skin and hair, and protect the body from the development of diabetes.

How to replace sweets with diabetes

Stevia is a zero-calorie, sugar-replacement supplement made from the leaves of the perennial stevia plant. The plant synthesizes sweet glycosides, such as stevioside, a substance that gives leaves and stems a sweet taste, 20 times sweeter than regular sugar.

Can be added to prepared dishes or used in cooking. It is believed that stevia helps restore the pancreas and helps produce its own insulin without affecting blood sugar.

Officially approved as a sweetener by WHO experts in 2004. The daily norm is up to 2.4 mg/kg (no more than 1 tablespoon per day). If the supplement is abused, toxic effects and allergic reactions may develop. Available in the form of powder, liquid extracts and concentrated syrups.

The role of dietary fiber in nutrition for type 2 diabetes mellitus

Proper nutrition for patients with type 2 diabetes is a vital necessity. Strict adherence to the diet makes it possible to reduce sugar levels and improve the quality of life of a diabetic without taking medications.

In addition, dietary fiber slows down the absorption of fats and glucose in the intestines, reduces the level of insulin taken by patients, creates the impression of complete saturation, which automatically leads to a decrease in appetite and, accordingly, the patient’s weight.

  1. Coarse bran;
  2. Oatmeal and rye flour;
  3. Mushrooms;
  4. Figs;
  5. Nuts;
  6. Lemon;
  7. Pumpkin;
  8. Prunes;
  9. Beans;
  10. Quince;
  11. Strawberry;
  12. Raspberries.
  • 51% of the total should be vegetables;
  • 40% - grains;
  • 9% - berries, fruits and mushrooms.

According to statistics, if a patient diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus adheres to the recommendations and prescriptions of a nutritionist, which are given in this material, his condition normalizes, and his blood sugar level decreases.

There have been cases where, with full compliance with the rules of dietary nutrition against the background of diagnosed diabetes mellitus, the patient's blood sugar level was within the normal range.

Diet for type 2 diabetes: what you can eat, what you can’t (table)

For type 2 diabetes, it is recommended to eat a low-carbohydrate diet to maintain normal blood glucose levels. At the same time, proteins and fats are allowed on the diet in almost unlimited quantities, taking into account the daily calorie content if necessary to lose weight.

What you can and cannot eat if you have diabetes can be seen in the table below. The patient needs to learn how to choose the right foods and in the future he will know what he can eat when he is sick, and why it is better to refuse.

Restricted foods - they are not prohibited, but it is necessary to strictly control the amount of food they enter the body (fats). Prohibited foods - the inclusion of such foods in the diet is not recommended, as they significantly increase the level of glucose and insulin in the blood (easily digestible refined carbohydrates).

ProductsWhat can you eatLimitedWhat not to eat
Flour products Bran breadBread and flour products
Meat and offalLamb, beef, veal, pork, rabbit. Heart, liver, kidneys, etc.
BirdChicken, turkey, goose, duck meat
FishExclusively low-fat fish varieties
SausagesAll types of high-quality sausages with good composition (without flour, starch and cellulose)
DairyCottage cheese, sour cream, cream, low-fat hard cheese
EggsAll types of eggs without restrictions
Cereals Several times a week, up to 30 grams of dry cereals: black rice, buckwheat, quinoa, lentils, oatmeal, peasWhite rice. Pasta
FatsOlive, coconut oil Hydrogenated vegetable oils. Sunflower, rapeseed, corn oil
SeasoningsMustard, black pepper, herbs, cinnamon
VegetablesTomatoes, cucumbers, onions, garlic, zucchini, eggplant, sorrel, cabbage, Chinese cabbage, Brussels sprouts, red cabbage, lettuce, spinach, broccoli, green beans, asparagus, green peas, mushrooms. Canned vegetables, salads, etc.Pumpkin, squash, carrots, turnips, Jerusalem artichokes, sweet potatoes, radishes. Olives and black olives
Fruits, berriesLemon, cranberry, avocado, quinceApples, pears, cherries, plums, currants, raspberries, strawberries, gooseberries, aronia, strawberries (up to 100 g per day)Bananas, grapes, cherries, pineapple, peaches, apricots, melon, dates, dried apricots, raisins, cherries, watermelon
Nuts All nuts and seeds, low GI nut butters. Nut flour (coconut, sesame, almond)
Chocolate and desserts High-quality chocolate with 75% cocoa content no more than 15 grams per dayBaked goods and desserts with sugar, candies, honey, cane sugar
BeveragesTea, herbal infusions Fruit and vegetable juices
Alcohol Dry wine once a monthBeer, sweet alcoholic drinks

Knowing what foods you can eat if you have type 2 diabetes, the table of which is given, you can do without medications. In this case, not only the composition of the daily menu is important, but also the number of meals. At the first signs of the disease, you need to adjust your diet, which will avoid severe stages of diabetes with constant insulin injections and serious complications.

Let's take a closer look at what foods you can eat if you have type 2 diabetes:

  • For first courses, use unconcentrated meat and fish broth or cook them with vegetable broth. Therefore, the first water in which meat and fish products were cooked is drained, and soups are cooked in the second water. Meat soups are present in the diet no more than once a week;
  • For second courses, choose low-fat fish - hake, carp, pike, bream, pollock, perch. Beef and poultry (chicken, turkey) are also suitable;
  • Dairy and fermented milk products should be low in fat - yogurt, fermented baked milk, kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese;
  • Eat 4-5 eggs per week. Preference is given to proteins - they are used to prepare an omelet. Yolks are not recommended for consumption;
  • Porridges are prepared from pearl barley, buckwheat and oatmeal; they can be eaten no more than once a day;
  • Bread is chosen from whole grains, bran, rye or wheat flour of 2 grades. The recommended portion of flour products is no more than 300 g per day;
  • Be sure to eat juicy vegetables - kohlrabi, cauliflower, white cabbage, a variety of greens, cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants and legumes;
  • Starchy and sugar-containing vegetables - potatoes, beets, carrots are allowed no more than 2 times a week (during periods of exacerbation of the disease, exclude them altogether);
  • Preference is given to berries and fruits rich in vitamin C. Citrus fruits - oranges, grapefruit, red and black currants, cranberries;
  • For dessert, it is allowed to eat confectionery products with sweeteners from the section for diabetics or soft cookies (biscuits).

For drinks, the choice is rose hip decoction, cucumber and tomato juice, non-carbonated mineral water, fruit and berry compotes, weakly brewed black and green or herbal tea, and low-fat milk.

Prohibited products at diabetes 2 type: list

  • Butter dough, white flour products, pies, sweets and biscuits, muffins and sweet cookies;
  • Rich fatty broth;
  • Lard, fatty fish;
  • Salted fish, ram, herring;
  • Cheeses with high fat content;
  • Dishes made from semolina and rice, pasta made from premium white flour;
  • Pickles and marinades;
  • Sugar, honey, candy, sweet soda, packaged juices;
  • Ice cream;
  • Sausage, wieners, frankfurters;
  • Mayonnaise and ketchup;
  • Margarine, confectionery fat, spread, butter;
  • Food from fast food restaurants (french fries, hot dog, hamburger, cheeseburger, etc.);
  • Salted nuts and crackers;
  • Any alcohol (except dry wine once a month).
  • You should limit your consumption of nuts and seeds (due to their high fat content) and vegetable oils.

Fructose for diabetes: benefits and harms

Is it possible to consume fructose if you have diabetes? This is a question many patients with this disease ask doctors. Experts discuss this topic a lot, and their opinions differ.

On the Internet you can find many reviews about the safety of fructose for type 1 and type 2 diabetes, but there are also scientific research results that prove the opposite. What are the benefits and harms of foods containing fructose for sick people and how should they be consumed?

How is fructose beneficial for diabetes?

Every body requires carbohydrates for the normal functioning of all systems and organs. They nourish the body, supply cells with energy and give strength to perform normal tasks. The diet of diabetics should consist of 40-60% high-quality carbohydrates. Fructose is a plant-derived saccharide, also called arabino-hexulose and fruit sugar.

It has a low glycemic index of 20 units. Unlike sugar, fructose is not able to increase the amount of glucose in the blood. For type 1 and type 2 diabetes, fruit sugar is considered beneficial due to its absorption mechanism. This substance differs from sugar in that when it enters the body it is absorbed much more slowly.

It doesn't even require insulin. For comparison, protein cells (insulin among them) are required for glucose from regular sugar to enter the body's cells. In diabetes, the concentration of this hormone is low, so glucose remains in the blood, causing hyperglycemia.

So, what is the main difference between consuming sugar and fructose for diabetes? Fructose, unlike sugar, does not cause a spike in glucose. Thus, its use is allowed for patients with low concentrations of insulin in the blood. Fructose brings particular benefits to diabetic men, increasing sperm production and activity.

It also prevents infertility in women and men. Fructose, after oxidation, releases adenosine triphosphate molecules, which are required for normal functioning of the body. Fruit sugar is harmless to gums and teeth, and also minimizes the likelihood of inflammation in the oral cavity and caries.

Why is fructose bad for diabetics?

Despite its many beneficial properties, fruit sugar can also be harmful for type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Many diabetics face the problem of obesity. The difference between fructose and sugar in diabetes is that the former is more concentrated for the same calorie content. This means that you can sweeten your food with much less fruit sugar. Fructose foods for diabetes can be harmful to people with this dangerous disease.

Negative effects are mainly associated with the following factors: In high quantities, fructose causes a jump in cholesterol, lipoproteins and triglycerides. This causes fatty liver and atherosclerosis. Increased uric acid levels. Fructose can be converted into glucose inside the liver.

In large doses, fruit sugar stimulates the development of pathogenic microflora in the intestines. If the monosaccharide begins to accumulate in the eye vessels or nerve tissues, this will cause tissue damage and the development of dangerous diseases. In the liver, fructose is broken down into fatty tissue. Fat begins to accumulate, impairing the functions of the internal organ.

Fructose stimulates appetite thanks to ghrelin, called the hunger hormone. Sometimes even a cup of tea with this sweetener causes a feeling of irresistible hunger, and this leads to overeating.

In general, the harm of fruit sugar in diabetes can be the same as that of regular sugar if you abuse this sweetener.

Diet menu for type 2 diabetes mellitus

With type 2 diabetes, a person can lead a normal life by making some changes to their diet. We invite you to familiarize yourself with a sample diet menu for type 2 diabetes.


  • Breakfast. A serving of oatmeal, a glass of carrot juice;
  • Snack. Two baked apples;
  • Dinner. A serving of pea soup, vinaigrette, a few slices of dark bread, a cup of green tea;
  • Afternoon snack. Carrot salad with prunes;
  • Dinner. Buckwheat with mushrooms, cucumber, some bread, a glass of mineral water;
  • Before bed - a cup of kefir.


  • Breakfast. A serving of cottage cheese with apples, a cup of green tea;
  • Snack. Cranberry juice, crackers;
  • Dinner. Bean soup, fish casserole, cabbage salad, bread, dried fruit compote;
  • Afternoon snack. Sandwich with diet cheese, tea;
  • Dinner. Vegetable stew, a piece of dark bread, a cup of green tea;
  • Before bed - a cup of milk.


  • Breakfast. Steamed cheesecakes with raisins, tea with milk;
  • Snack. Several apricots;
  • Dinner. A portion of vegetarian borscht, baked fish fillet with herbs, some bread, a glass of rosehip broth;
  • Afternoon snack. A serving of fruit salad;
  • Dinner. Stewed cabbage with mushrooms, bread, a cup of tea;
  • Before bed - yogurt without additives.


  • Breakfast. Protein omelet, whole grain bread, coffee;
  • Snack. A glass of apple juice, a cracker;
  • Dinner. Tomato soup, chicken fillet with vegetables, bread, a cup of tea with lemon;
  • Afternoon snack. A piece of bread with curd paste;
  • Dinner. Carrot cutlets with Greek yogurt, bread, a cup of green tea;
  • Before bed - a glass of milk.


  • Breakfast. Two soft-boiled eggs, tea with milk;
  • Snack. A handful of berries;
  • Dinner. Fresh cabbage soup, potato cutlets, vegetable salad, bread, a glass of compote;
  • Afternoon snack. Cottage cheese with cranberries;
  • Dinner. Steamed fish cutlet, a portion of vegetable salad, some bread, tea;
  • Before going to bed - a glass of yogurt.


  • Breakfast. A serving of millet porridge with fruit, a cup of tea;
  • Snack. Fruit salad;
  • Dinner. Celery soup, barley porridge with onions and vegetables, some bread, tea;
  • Afternoon snack. Cottage cheese with lemon;
  • Dinner. Potato cutlets, tomato salad, a piece of boiled fish, bread, a cup of compote;
  • Before bed - a glass of kefir.


  • Breakfast. A portion of cottage cheese casserole with berries, a cup of coffee;
  • Snack. Fruit juice, crackers;
  • Dinner. Onion soup, steamed chicken cutlets, a portion of vegetable salad, some bread, a cup of dried fruit compote;
  • Afternoon snack. Apple;
  • Dinner. Dumplings with cabbage, a cup of tea;
  • Before bed - yogurt.

Recipes for type 2 diabetes, dishes for diabetics

Medical nutrition, dietary recipes for which should be prepared as part of an approximate diet menu for the week. The list of foods allowed for consumption by people suffering from T2DM is not limited to what was mentioned in the table.

There is a lot of food that is not prohibited for consumption. Recipes for type 2 diabetics are such that the discerning gourmet will be satisfied. The preparation of some is described below.

First meal

Soups and broths that do not contain a large amount of fat act in this capacity. To lose weight and keep blood glucose within acceptable limits, it is recommended to cook:

  • Green broth: 30 g of stewed spinach, 20 g of butter and 2 eggs, grind, add 3 tablespoons of low-fat sour cream. After this, the mixture is immersed in meat broth and boiled until tender;
  • Vegetable soup: cabbage, celery, spinach, green beans are chopped, seasoned with oil, stewed, put in meat broth. Next, the soup is allowed to brew for 30–60 minutes;
  • Mushroom soup: mushrooms are chopped, seasoned with salt and oil, stewed in a frying pan and placed in the broth. You can add the yolk of one egg.

Liquid hot meals should be given to the patient at least once a day.

Soup with tomatoes and bell peppers

You will need: one onion, one bell pepper, two potatoes, two tomatoes (fresh or canned), a tablespoon of tomato paste, 3 cloves of garlic, ½ teaspoon of cumin, salt, paprika, about 0.8 liters of water.

Cut the tomatoes, peppers and onions into cubes, simmer in a saucepan with the addition of tomato paste, paprika and a few tablespoons of water. Grind the cumin using a masher or coffee grinder. Cut the potatoes into cubes, add to the vegetables, add salt and fill with hot water. Cook until the potatoes are ready.

A few minutes before it’s ready, add cumin and crushed garlic to the soup. Sprinkle with herbs.

Lentil soup

We will need: 200 g of red lentils, 1 liter of water, a little olive oil, one onion, one carrot, 200 g of mushrooms (champignons), salt, herbs.

Chop the onion, mushrooms, grate the carrots. Heat a frying pan, pour a little vegetable oil, fry onions, mushrooms and carrots for 5 minutes. Add the lentils, add water and cook over low heat, covered, for about 15 minutes. A few minutes before readiness, add salt and spices. Grind in a blender and divide into portions. This soup is very tasty with rye croutons.

Second courses

Solid food is consumed as additional nutrition after soups at lunch, and also as an independent type of meal in the morning and evening.

  • Simple minced meat: chop onions, mix with parsley and chopped champignons. The mixture is fried and added to the rolled meat. If the product is planned to be used as a spread for a sandwich, it should be pre-fried. The raw mixture is used to stuff tomatoes or bell peppers;
  • Celery salad: cut the roots, cook until partially cooked, simmer in a small amount of water. Before eating, the dish should be seasoned with sunflower oil or vinegar;
  • Casserole: peel the cauliflower and cook so that the vegetable does not dissolve. After this, it is placed in a mold treated with oil, doused with a mixture of yolk, sour cream, and grated cheese, then baked.

In the second recipe, cooking celery is mandatory. During heat treatment, the vegetable loses carbohydrates.

Vegetable snack

We will need: 6 medium tomatoes, two carrots, two onions, 4 bell peppers, 300-400 g of white cabbage, a little vegetable oil, bay leaf, salt and pepper.

Shred the cabbage, cut the pepper into strips, tomatoes into cubes, onions into half rings. Simmer over low heat with the addition of vegetable oil and spices. When serving, sprinkle with herbs. Can be used on its own or as a side dish for meat or fish.

Meatballsfrom vegetables and minced meat

We will need: ½ kg of minced chicken, one egg, one small head of cabbage, two carrots, two onions, 3 cloves of garlic, a glass of kefir, a tablespoon of tomato paste, salt, pepper, vegetable oil.

Finely chop the cabbage, chop the onion, and grate the carrots on a fine grater. Fry the onion, add vegetables and simmer for 10 minutes, cool. Meanwhile, add the egg, spices and salt to the minced meat and mix.

Add the vegetables to the minced meat, mix again, form meatballs and place them in the mold. Prepare the sauce: mix kefir with crushed garlic and salt, pour over the meatballs. Apply a little tomato paste or juice on top. Place the meatballs in the oven at 200°C for about 60 minutes.


A small amount of sugar is allowed in sweets for tea drinking, however, it is preferable to use dietary saccharin.

  • Vanilla cream: beat a mixture of 2 yolks, 50 g of heavy cream, saccharin and vanilla over a fire. It is important not to let the composition boil. The resulting dish is eaten slightly chilled;
  • Airy cookies: egg whites, whipped to a thick foam, are sweetened and placed in separate portions on an ungreased sheet. It is necessary to bake in such a mode that the composition dries out. To improve the taste, cream is added to the cookies;
  • Jelly: fruit syrup (cherry, raspberry, currant) is mixed with a small amount of gelatin and allowed to harden. After this, the dish is considered ready. It is recommended to add a little saccharin to it before it hardens.

Eating foods containing sugar should be done with caution. Glucose, which is part of the dessert, is subtracted from the daily norm of simple carbohydrates. Otherwise, the C6H12O6 level may rise. Frequently recurring episodes of hyperglycemia lead to the development of complications.

Cabbage pancakes

You will need: ½ kg of white cabbage, a little parsley, a tablespoon of kefir, a chicken egg, 50 g of hard dietary cheese, salt, 1 tbsp. l. bran, 2 tbsp. l. flour, ½ tsp. soda or baking powder, pepper.

Finely chop the cabbage, dip in boiling water for 2 minutes, let the water drain. Add chopped herbs, grated cheese, kefir, egg, a spoonful of bran, flour and baking powder to the cabbage. Salt and pepper. Mix the mixture and place in the refrigerator for half an hour.

Line a baking sheet with parchment and grease with vegetable oil. Using a spoon, place the mixture on parchment in the form of pancakes, place in the oven for about half an hour at 180°C, until golden brown. Serve with Greek yogurt or on its own.

Blood diet, no carbohydrates, separate meals, mono diet, protein diet, kefir diet, fasting, all kinds of teas for weight loss - diabetics go through all this. Many people cannot imagine their life without sweets - people with diabetes can use sweeteners.

Sorbitol, xylitol and fructose are considered calorigenic, so this must be taken into account when calculating calories. Aspartame (NutraSvit, sweetener), cyclamate and saccharin are non-calorigenic. They cannot be boiled, otherwise bitterness will occur. Acesulfame potassium also belongs to this type. When choosing a suitable drug, you must always consult with your doctor so that there are no contraindications.

The sweetest drugs:

  • SACHARIN is the sweetest substitute - 375 times sweeter than sugar. The kidneys are actively involved in its processing and excretion. Therefore, it cannot be used for kidney and liver diseases. You can consume no more than 1-1.5 pieces per day;
  • ASPARTAME - 200 times sweeter than sugar. It should not be taken by patients with phenylketonuria (a severe hereditary disease leading to impaired mental development). Dose – 1-2 tablets per day;
  • ACESULPHAME POTASSIUM (ASE-K, SVIT-1) (200 times sweeter than sugar, take 1.15 tablets per day.) Reception is limited in case of renal failure and diseases for which potassium is contraindicated.

Other drugs are also available:

  • SORBIT - consumed 20-30 grams per day, it helps to increase metabolism;
  • FRUCTOSE - made from grapes, compared to sugar, fructose is 2 times sweeter (no more than 30 grams per day);
  • XYLITOL - obtained from corn cobs (cobs). It is absorbed without the participation of insulin. When used, food digestion slows down, so you can reduce the amount of food you eat. The recommended amount is no more than 30 grams per day.

How to cure type 2 DIABETES: 7 steps

If you liked the article " Diet for type 2 diabetes: what you can eat, what you can’t, table"Share your opinion in the comments. Click on any of the buttons below to save it and share it on social networks. This will be your best “thank you” for the material.

Read what you can eat if you have diabetes, and then prepare delicious and healthy meals from approved foods. This page provides lists of foods that can be eaten if glucose metabolism is impaired. The information is intended for patients with the following diseases:

  • type 2 diabetes;
  • autoimmune diabetes in adults;
  • type 1 diabetes in children;
  • gestational diabetes in pregnant women;
  • prediabetes, impaired glucose tolerance;
  • insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome.

What can you eat if you have diabetes: lists of allowed foods

Many favorite foods will have to be eliminated because they raise blood glucose levels too quickly and too much. However, there are also plenty of permitted products. The diet of diabetics can be healthy, yet varied, tasty and satisfying.

The main approved products for diabetics:

  • meat;
  • Fish and seafood;
  • bird;
  • eggs;
  • cabbage and greens;
  • hard cheese;
  • butter 82% fat;
  • vegetable oil, preferably olive;
  • white thick Greek yogurt without sugar and fruit;
  • nuts - hazelnuts, almonds, walnuts, as well as pumpkin and sunflower seeds;
  • The only fruits allowed are avocados, olives and black olives.

Meat, fish and poultry - eat whatever you like. This is the basis. Always choose dairy products with normal fat content, never buy or eat low-fat ones.

Don't worry about the fat you eat, unless it's margarine. Natural saturated fats raise cholesterol, not the bad LDL, but the good HDL. Thus, the atherogenic coefficient is improved. A low-carbohydrate diet not only normalizes blood sugar, but also protects against heart attack. Watch a video about how the proteins, fats, and carbohydrates you eat affect your blood sugar and cholesterol.

Following a low-carbohydrate diet to control diabetes can be supplemented by taking medications that lower blood sugar.

And one more useful video.

It is advisable to take tests for cholesterol and other cardiovascular risk factors before switching to a new diet, and then again after 6-8 weeks. The results should improve significantly. If they do not improve, it means that the diabetic is violating the diet or his impaired glucose metabolism is complicated by a concomitant lack of thyroid hormones. It needs to be treated separately.

Read about products for diabetics:

Healthy vegetables:

  • cabbage;
  • cauliflower;
  • seaweed without sugar;
  • fresh herbs;
  • zucchini;
  • cucumbers;
  • spinach;
  • avocado;
  • mushrooms;
  • green beans;
  • green onions;
  • tomato juice - up to 50 g per meal;
  • salt, pepper, mustard, herbs and spices.

Vegetables and greens that contain fiber are essential for proper diabetes nutrition, along with sources of protein. They protect against constipation. Don't be lazy to cook and eat them. The less heat treatment vegetables and herbs undergo, the better.

  • water;
  • coffee (possibly with heavy cream);
  • dry wine and 40-proof alcoholic drinks.

It is advisable to test some products - using a glucometer to determine how they affect your blood sugar. For example, eggplants, tomatoes,... You also need to test all new foods that a diabetic patient plans to include in his diet.

Print the lists of allowed foods above. Keep them in your kitchen and take them with you to the grocery store and market.

Diet options depending on diagnosis:

What are the dietary features of pregnant women diagnosed with gestational diabetes?

It is possible and beneficial for pregnant women to consume the foods listed above, except for alcoholic beverages. It is highly likely that with help, gestational diabetes will be brought under control without resorting to insulin injections. However, this does not work in all cases, depending on the severity of the patient’s metabolic disorder.

What can you eat if you have type 2 diabetes? Is the diet different from the diet of people with type 1 diabetes?

Type 2 diabetes is a milder disease than type 1 diabetes. Theoretically, the diet could be less strict. You may find that eating a few grams does not raise your blood sugar.

In this case, why not allow yourself to indulge in your favorite sweets or fruits a little from time to time? Because you may experience an uncontrollable binge eating disorder. During such an attack, people eat not a few grams, as planned, but hundreds of times more. And this is already truly harmful.

Most people with type 2 diabetes experience carbohydrate cravings that are similar in strength to alcohol and drug addiction. As alcoholics know from their own experience, complete abstinence is easier than moderation. Therefore, it is better for you not to eat a single gram of prohibited foods, just like those with type 1 diabetes.

What can a child with diabetes eat?

A child with diabetes can and should eat the foods listed on this page. The sooner the child switches to, the easier it will be to control the disease. Considerable experience has already been accumulated in treating diabetes in children by limiting dietary carbohydrates, not only in the USA, but even in Russian-speaking countries. Excellent results were obtained, no side effects were observed.

The website promotes methods for controlling impaired glucose metabolism, which were developed by. These methods contradict official instructions, but they really help adults, as well as diabetic children. Watch the video for more details.

As long as the child follows a diet and his sugar levels are normal, he will not lag behind his peers in either growth or mental development. Your child may have ketones in their urine. It’s not harmful, you don’t need to change anything in your diet. It's best not to measure ketones at all. Instead, check your blood sugar often, especially during colds and other infectious diseases.

Read also the detailed article “”.

What sweets can you include in your diet?

Patients with type 1 diabetes can use sweeteners, the main one of which is stevia. Patients suffering from type 2 diabetes are better off avoiding sugar substitutes altogether. Because all these products interfere with weight loss, even if they do not contain calories.

Abusing sugar substitutes is harmful. People who have a strong craving for sweets and a painful dependence on dietary carbohydrates need to take a supplement - chromium picolinate. It can be easily purchased at a pharmacy. After a few weeks of taking it you will feel better. Another option is chromium polynicotinate. It is about as effective as picolinate.


50 comments on "What can you eat if you have diabetes"

  1. Elena
  2. Arkady
  3. Alexander
  4. Elena
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  6. Sergey
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  8. Irina
  9. Oksana
  10. Ilya
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  14. Catherine
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  16. Irina
  17. Valery

To prevent a sharp rise or fall in sugar, diabetics are forced to adhere to a diet. This is a mandatory condition and treatment without it is impossible.

A table of what you can eat and what you can’t eat if you have diabetes will help keep your metabolism normal.

Made from whole grains, with bran. White bread
An excellent option would be black bread or special bread for diabetics. Butter products
Vegetable soups made from bone broths.
Rassolnik, bean soup no more than 2-3 times a week, broth can be made from meat, mushrooms or fish. The same applies to okroshka.
It is recommended to avoid frying during cooking.
Diabetics are allowed to eat lean types of meat: rabbit, veal, lamb, beef. Poultry meat (chicken and turkey), which is dietary in itself, should also be included in the diet and should be given preference. Pork
Meat can be baked, boiled, stewed, cooked aspic. Fried meat is allowed only in small quantities and not often.
Ideally, it is better to abstain from them, but sometimes a small amount of boiled sausage with a low fat content is okay. Any offal dishes
Smoked sausages
Seafood and fish are very useful not only for diabetics, but also for completely healthy people. Diabetics can and should eat fish in any form: baked, steamed, boiled, jellied. It is better to exclude fried fish, like meat.
Cabbage, both cauliflower and white cabbage It is better to avoid salted and pickled vegetables
Lettuce leaves Carrot
Pumpkin Beet
Zucchini Beans
Eggplant Green pea
bell pepper Potato
Cucumbers and tomatoes
Dill and parsley, cilantro
Onion and garlic
Celery Beans (possible, but must be controlled)
Berries and fruits
You can use any unsweetened fruits and berries:
Lemons Grape
Apples and pears Melons
Grapefruit Bananas
Pomegranate A pineapple
Oranges Raisin
Peaches Figs
Cherry Prunes
Plum Dates
A pineapple
All of the above products can be consumed fresh or dried, in the form of jelly, compotes and jelly. The most important thing to remember is that you cannot add sugar. But you can use sweeteners.
Millet Semolina
Buckwheat White rice
Pearl barley
All these cereals can be eaten either in the usual boiled form or baked in pots, making casseroles from them.
Rice can only be eaten brown and steamed.
You can boil them or add them to dishes. You can boil them or add them to dishes. You can cook scrambled eggs or omelettes only by limiting the use of fat as much as possible. If you have problems with cholesterol due to diabetes, fats should not be used at all, and the use of yolk should be avoided.
Diabetics can eat low-fat or low-fat dairy products. Hard cheeses of any kind
Sweet cheese masses
Cottage cheese
Kefir (low-fat only)
Sour cream can only be used in small quantities and infrequently
Sweets and confectionery
Special confectionery products contain sweeteners, but even these should not be abused. Sugar
Dark chocolate is not allowed often and in small quantities.
Ice cream can be consumed if you have diabetes, but only in moderation.
Olive oil Pork fat
Corn oil Lamb fat
Sunflower oil Beef fat
Butter and sandwich margarine in small quantities.
Strictly sugar free Natural coffe
Mineral water Juices from vegetables and fruits that are prohibited.
Herbal infusions
Coffee drinks
Tomato juice and other juices from the permitted list
It is advisable to dilute berry and fruit juices with water
In small quantities and as rarely as possible.
In addition to the above, you can: In addition to the above, the following are strictly prohibited:
Nuts Spicy foods
Mushrooms Fast food in any form
Sugar free jams Mayonnaise, pepper, mustard
Seeds Muesli, corn flakes, popcorn
Soy sauce and soy milk Any foods containing fructose

Some of the most popular questions related to dietary restrictions for diabetes:

If the diet is violated and sugar levels rise, vision decreases, general weakness and fatigue appear, urination becomes more frequent, weight drops, the patient suffers from headaches and dizziness, any wounds take a long time to heal, the body becomes defenseless against infections.

The basic principles of a diet for diabetes mellitus include the following:

  • eat small portions several times a day;
  • do not consume foods containing sugar and carbohydrates in large quantities;
  • Limit consumption of foods low in carbohydrates and sugar.

What to do if you really want a product that you can’t?

Especially at first, the body experiences a lot of stress because it cannot receive the foods it is accustomed to. The patient himself experiences stress psychologically. Sometimes the condition depresses a person so much that even adults begin to cry, become hysterical, and demand that they be given sweets, fried foods, or fatty foods. The problem is not that the person is capricious or selfish. It’s just very difficult for him and his body can’t cope on its own.

In such cases, you need the support of loved ones who can encourage you, calmly remind you that health is more valuable than candy/meat, etc.

If you really want a certain product, think of something to replace it with. Sweets can be replaced with special confectionery products for diabetics. Sugar is a sweetener.

Diabetes mellitus directly depends on the quality of nutrition. In order to reduce the load on the pancreas, you need to reduce the amount of carbohydrates consumed. And for this you need to know which foods are useful for diabetes, and which will only cause harm.

What foods can and should be eaten if you have diabetes

Compliance with nutritional rules plays an important role. Eating large amounts of carbohydrates will lead to an increase in blood sugar levels, which, in turn, will contribute to the creation of conditions for the development of complications.

Proper nutritional therapy will reduce the load on the pancreas.

The basic rules for eating are as follows:

  • You need to eat not 1-2 times a day, but 5-6. And at the same time. For those who forget, you can use an alarm clock. After some time, the body will adapt and will remind you of this.
  • Increase the amount of foods containing protein.
  • Eliminate fast-digesting carbohydrates.
  • Fried, smoked and spicy foods are not allowed. All dishes must be steamed, stewed or baked.
  • Each product you choose, fruit or vegetable, must contain many minerals and vitamins

Important to remember! Carbohydrates are glucose in the blood. Proteins are amino acids in the blood and cells that slow down the absorption of glucose.

Pay attention to - natural drops for the treatment of diabetes.

If you have diabetes, you can eat the following foods:

  1. Among cereals, give preference to millet. It is the lowest calorie cereal. Millet for type 2 diabetes mellitus has a good effect on the body as a whole.
  2. Corn porridge is useful, as it stabilizes blood pressure and prevents the onset of disease.
  3. Nutritionists love beets, because they have a low glycemic index of 5 and are known for their laxative functions. It is useful not only for constipation, but also for patients with diabetes. For type 2 diabetes, beets should be consumed no more than 200 grams per day.
  4. It is recommended to take greens, vegetables, legumes, and potatoes in limited quantities. Lentils are also consumed in small portions.
  5. You need to drink at least two liters of clean drinking water per day.
  6. Many patients suffer from excess weight. Celery has fat-burning properties and will help normalize stomach function.
  7. Dates and marshmallows should also be included in the menu. The fructose contained in them increases sugar levels gradually. They contain vitamin A and potassium, and for type 1 and type 2 diabetes, they reduce the likelihood of complications.
  8. Pasta is eaten only with vegetable dishes together.
  9. The food of diabetics should be rich in vitamins; citrus fruits will help with this; to preserve vision, you need to eat blueberries.
  10. Peanuts and nuts are rich in protein and low in carbohydrates.
  11. Fructose halva may be present in the diet.
  12. The seeds are very high in calories, you can eat them, but in small portions.
  13. Red and black caviar are eaten, but not more than one tablespoon at a time.
  14. Vinaigrette has virtually no effect on sugar.

Tatar families love horse meat, which is good for diabetics. To combat the specific smell, you can add prunes during cooking.

Mushrooms do not contain harmful sugars, but as protein products they can have an ambiguous effect on well-being. If there are unpleasant symptoms after consumption, you should measure your sugar level or call an ambulance. Do the same with egg whites. It is better to include it in the diet in small quantities.

When cooking, it is better to soak the beans first. This will lower its glycemic index. It is better to replace peas with this product. Even though these are approved foods for diabetics, certain standards must still be followed. This does not mean that you can sit down and eat a kilogram of apples. You shouldn’t go too far and eat all healthy foods at once; you need to eat according to the rules prescribed by your doctor.

And this is not the entire list of foods that can be eaten with diabetes. The doctor will tell you in more detail what exactly is possible and why you should refuse.

Products prohibited for diabetes

Is it possible to drink alcohol? You can, but only low-alcohol ones with low sugar content. The consumption of vodka, rum, cognac and other strong drinks is prohibited.

You should be careful when buying products in a store; the percentage of fats and carbohydrates contained is not always written on the label.

All confectionery products contain large amounts of sugar, so they must be completely eliminated.

Try to exclude salty foods from your diet as much as possible.

For type 2 diabetes, lard should be excluded as a source of large amounts of fat. Even excess fat should be trimmed from meat.

The list of undesirable products includes the following products:

  • sweet;
  • pastries, sweet buns and croissants;
  • tomato sauces, fried sauces, hot gravies, spices;
  • fatty meats;
  • carbonated drinks and ready-made juices that contain sugar.

It is worth reviewing your diet and limiting the consumption of bananas, strawberries, and grapes. It is better to replace semolina with coarsely ground cereals.

It is forbidden to eat pilaf and rice if you have type 2 diabetes, because they have a high glycemic index.

Unfortunately, everyone’s favorite dumplings will also have to be forgotten.

Prohibited foods sometimes include quince, but this fruit has a very interesting vitamin composition and is rich in fiber, so the exact degree of its harm cannot be determined.

What you can eat and what you can’t eat (table)

This table contains information about what recommended products are available. In other words, what can and cannot be eaten (table) with such a diagnosis.

Doctor's opinion

Kolosov Sergey Yurievich, nutritionist

By following a diet, first of all, metabolism is normalized, due to which blood sugar levels decrease. The basic rules of diet came to us from ancient times from the Egyptians.

You must follow the principles of nutrition impeccably, without deviating from the prescribed diet.

The diet is prescribed by the doctor, guided by test results, age, gender and physical activity.

The main point in the diet is to limit the intake of carbohydrates and starch, and also increase the amount of vitamins and fiber in the body. By adhering to the diet and recommendations of a specialist, the patient’s life will become much better. Of course, in special cases, the diet should be accompanied by medication.

  • To calculate the amount of carbohydrates, the concept of “bread unit” is used. Doctors came up with it to make it easier for patients to calculate their diet.
  • You need to eat lean meat or fish every day. As for cooking, only boiled and baked.
  • Mayonnaise is possible, but only natural.
  • You need to cross out all instant foods and seasonings from the menu.
  • It is necessary to regulate your diet based on your well-being. In difficult situations, doctors are called in.
  • Consumption of any type of fat is prohibited. It is recommended to cook food in vegetable or sunflower oil with a low percentage of fat. By analogy, margarine should also be excluded.
  • You need to consume foods that lower blood sugar.

By following your doctor's instructions and dietary guidelines, you can get rid of not only the life-threatening symptoms of diabetes, but also excess weight.

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