How to cure a cyst in the scrotum. What to do if you have a scrotal cyst. Symptoms of testicular cyst

- one of the diseases in a large specialized section of medicine. The paired male gonads, the testicles (testicles) and the paired secretory organs, the epididymis (epididymis), produce sperm, as well as some of the hormone testosterone. In the upper fragments of the glands, in part of their appendages, as well as along the spermatic cord, a favorable environment is created for a testicular cyst - a kind of cavity with a fibrous membrane, with the contents of a liquid plane. Testicular cysts are benign tumor-like formations.

This is one of the most common diseases of the scrotum. They are found in approximately a third of patients examined. An ultrasound examination of the scrotum is sufficient to detect them. With cysts of the epididymis and spermatic cord, there is usually no pronounced clinical picture, as well as external signs. Sometimes the scrotum is noticeably deformed, and there are a number of other symptoms. In most cases, the patient turns to a urologist-andrologist for pain syndromes. The cysts themselves are unfairly not considered a reason to consult a specialist. But this attitude is understandable, because these formations do not have any symptoms and are discovered during clinical examination, thanks to an examination by a urologist.

Signs and symptoms of testicular cysts in men

The signs and symptoms of testicular cysts in men differ from those of the genital organs in women. It is difficult to identify the cause of the disease. Symptoms are also difficult, they correspond to the following points:

    Tolerable pain in the abdomen.

    Bloating, frequent feeling of fullness,.

    Sexual pain.

    Unnatural hair growth, including the face and body, which is attributed to increased production of hirsutism.

    There is a sudden feeling of pain in the abdomen, signs of fever and nausea appear when the formed cyst becomes twisted, or when ruptures form on it.

    Rarely, painful, frequent urination or urinary retention if the cyst is pressing on the bladder.

They can be identified according to the development of the disease. The initial stages are distinguished by the small size of the formation - at first it will hardly be larger than a pea. This size will not cause manifestations, however, after reaching a certain size limit, pressure is applied to the vessels, or the nerves are subjected to this process, and congestion with hydrocele of the testicle is formed. This contributes to the formation of pain. Characteristic pain appears in the groin area and in the scrotum. The manifestations are similar to a childhood cyst, but adults are a little more precise in determining the place “where it hurts.” It is not easy for children to accurately describe the pain they experience and pinpoint where it occurs.

Urologists have found out empirically: in cases of diagnosing this disease, most of the patients’ requests had a certain basis. They complained of pain after quite successful attempts to independently identify that the internal organs included a foreign formation. They did not experience pain and in one way or another they found out by touch what kind of disease they had. To the touch it is an oval compaction in the scrotum area, which occurs near the testicle; there is no pain. If the size of the cyst has reached 2-2.5 cm, the patient sometimes feels discomfort in the corresponding area. As the size of a cyst in a testicle grows, noticeable discomfort occurs during movement and walking. The same thing happens with intimacy.

If the diameter becomes more than 3-3.5 cm, you can notice compression of the vessels and surrounding tissues (compressive ischemia) of the testicle. Painful sensations also affect its nerve endings. As the disease progresses, one or more foci of stagnation are formed. They are characterized by nagging pain. Their place of formation is the scrotum area, groin.

Causes of testicular cysts in men

The causes of testicular cysts in men are still under investigation:

    Expansion of the membranes in the area of ​​the spermatic cord.

    Expansion of the testicular membrane

    Dilation of the epididymal membranes

    An infection that can trigger the development of this unpleasant process

    Trauma, even if not serious, can significantly disrupt metabolic and regenerative processes

In some cases, pathological formations of this type turn out to be congenital. In these cases, the cyst appears in children immediately after birth. They are called dysontogenetic, and their etiology is associated with disturbances during the formation of the fetus at the very beginning of pregnancy, with birth before the due date, as well as with trauma caused during childbirth.

In cases where the cyst does not grow, it disappears and no treatment is required. If its size increases, the child undergoes laparoscopy.

Treatment of testicular cyst

Treatment of testicular cysts has its own characteristics. According to statistics, in most cases it is not necessary to urgently resort to treatment. When there is a danger of tumorigenesis of cysts, with large varieties, with pain symptoms, as well as with manifestations of disturbances in sperm excretion, surgical treatment is necessary. Conservative measures are ineffective. There are operational accesses, they are quite diverse.

There are no special medicines. In clinical practice there are two options:

    removal of a testicular cyst (as an option - removal of an epididymal cyst),


These options are most often offered to choose from. The puncture method is much less commonly used. Many have become convinced that this is a proven, reliable method in the fight against this pathology. Before the procedure, local anesthesia or general anesthesia is administered. An incision is made in the area over the cyst on the lining of the scrotum, the formation is removed, and the incision is sutured layer by layer. The following are attached to the scrotum:

    Gauze bandage.

    Supportive bandage (suspensor).

A course of prevention of possible postoperative inflammation is planned. It consists of antibiotics. All physical activity will be postponed for two weeks. There is a danger of infertility - doctors warn about this before intervention.

Sclerotherapy is another alternative method for treating cysts. It is considered less effective. Using a syringe, the contents of the cyst are removed from the cavity itself, and a special chemical mixture is injected instead. With this effect:

    a number of tissues lining the inner surfaces of the cyst walls are destroyed,

    the walls become sclerotic and naturally “stick together” with themselves.

It must be taken into account: during the gluing process, the spermatic cords may be damaged, which is why patients become infertile.

The puncture method has its own characteristics. With it, after removing the liquid, nothing is introduced in return. This is a simple procedure and the effect is most often temporary. There is a high probability that the cyst container will need to be refilled with serous fluid. With each subsequent puncture, a tangible threat of damage to the surfaces of the testicle and epididymis is created.

The epididymis damaged by the cyst undergoes similar treatment methods. That is, the following apply:

    surgical excision of the formation,


Boys have corresponding symptoms immediately after birth. At this age, the cyst disappears on its own. If its growth in size is noticed, it is removed. For children, the limit of “anxiety” is considered to be 1-1.5 cm.

Laparoscopy (surgery to remove testicular cysts in men)

Laparoscopy is an operation to remove testicular cysts in men. In addition to open surgery, removal of testicular cysts and epididymis is recognized as one of the best methods. It is valued for a number of advantages:

    It has a shorter duration.

    It reduces the risk of injury,

    Much less is the risk of postoperative complications.

It is considered a modern method of surgery, when surgery on internal organs is performed through small (0.5-1.5 cm) holes. Traditional surgery cannot work with such small incisions. Laparoscopy is indicated for organs inside the abdominal - and in this case, pelvic - cavities.

The main instrument in laparoscopic surgery is the laparoscope. This is the name given to the telescopic tube that contains the lens system. She joins the video camera. Modern products are supplemented with digital matrices. This provides the required high definition image. An optical cable is attached to it, supplemented by illumination with a “cold” light source. Carbon dioxide enters the abdominal cavity to create the so-called. operational space. It feels like there is an inflated balloon in the organ being operated on, and the wall of the abdominal cavity is raised above the internal organs.

Consequences of testicular cyst removal determined in the postoperative behavior of the patient requires that the scrotum be maintained in a certain condition. For this purpose, a suspensor is used. In addition, a slight elevation of the scrotum is necessary, which is achieved by placing the patient directly on his back. Thanks to this measure, the risk of further complications is reduced.

You will have to regularly apply compresses with ice water or ice. Each patient is informed in advance: the bandage must be on the wound until it is dry. This happens after about 2 days if you eliminate physical activity for the next 2 weeks. There are other precautions. For example, before surgery, a certain diet is recommended, which should be followed after removal of a testicular cyst.

The prognosis for treatment of spermatocele is improving every year. Recent studies have confirmed that 95% of those who suffered from cystic formations no longer experience pain. Removal is considered the optimal method of surgical treatment. After this, the symptoms disappear.

Sex and sports after laparoscopy of testicular cyst are canceled for a certain time. We have already described what postoperative behavior should be. In addition, before the operation they are always warned about possible risks. Subsequently, it is very easy to injure the organ if you are not careful.

You cannot create tense situations that include sex and physical activity. Even nervous tension can pose a danger. It is impossible to create favorable conditions for inflammation at the seams and their divergence.

The operation itself may also result in you having to give up sex and sports. In addition to infertility, there are possibilities:

    development of swelling and scars on the operated scrotum,

    enough dangerous edema,


    Usually, in order to properly conduct the rehabilitation period, it is enough to rely on your own feelings. But doctors recommend refraining from various types of stress for about 2-3 weeks after surgery. You should not lift anything that weighs more than 3 kg.

Diet after laparoscopy of testicular cyst based on dietary restrictions. As such, in this case it does not exist. Experts give a number of recommendations to ensure that the reproductive system recovers as quickly as possible:

    The food that is most gentle for the body is shown.

    You can't overeat.

    You can't drink alcohol.

    Antibiotics are prescribed before laparoscopy.

    Healthy light meals are consumed 5-6 times a day.

    Fiber and foods with natural vitamins are shown.

    The predominance of food of plant origin.

In addition, wounds heal better if you eat more grains. Freshly squeezed juices shown.

Education: Moscow State Medical and Dental University (1996). In 2003, he received a diploma from the educational and scientific medical center for the administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

Testicular cysts are benign neoplasms filled with fluid that are localized near the epididymis. There are usually no visible signs of a cyst, except when it is significantly increased in size and causes deformation of the scrotum.

To date, medications for testicular cysts in men have not yet been invented, so the only treatment option is surgery.


This disease is quite common among men and, according to statistics, almost a third of patients consult a doctor with a similar pathology. Usually, a routine ultrasound of the scrotum is sufficient to make a diagnosis.
Unlike an ovarian cyst in women, when an ultrasound examination can confuse it with the presence of a fertilized egg, a testicular cyst is very easy to diagnose. But, for safety reasons, differential diagnosis is recommended to exclude malignant tumors.

Symptoms of testicular cysts in men

In most cases, the disease is asymptomatic. Discomfort can only be felt when the cyst begins to increase in size and puts pressure on blood vessels and nerve endings. This leads to congestion, pain in the scrotum and swelling. Sometimes the pain radiates to the groin area.
According to doctors, men often discovered a cyst on their own. While taking anamnesis, patients say that they accidentally felt a small area of ​​compaction in their scrotum. At the same time, they did not experience any discomfort, and if not for the accidental discovery of an incomprehensible neoplasm, then they would not have made an appointment with the doctor. In some cases, the cyst can become an obstacle when walking and during sexual intercourse.

General concepts about surgery

Since there are no imported drugs for testicular cysts in men, doctors can only recommend surgery. In addition, there are several indications that require immediate surgical intervention.

These include:

  • severe pain in the scrotum area;
  • significant size of the cyst, which makes it difficult to move in everyday life, the man cannot sit and have a normal sex life;
  • if a man has been diagnosed with infertility due to a testicular cyst.

There are several main methods for treating testicular cysts:

  • classical surgery;
  • laparoscopy;
  • sclerotherapy;
  • puncture therapy.

There are cases when some complications arise after surgery, such as:

  • relapse of the disease;
  • scarring of postoperative scars;
  • dropsy of the testicles;
  • damage during surgery to the seminal ducts or vessels.

Possible complications can be avoided if you contact an experienced surgeon to treat the cyst, who will use high-quality microsurgical instruments, and after the operation the patient will be provided with proper care.

The classic operation is performed under both general and local anesthesia.

Classic operation

This is a method with which you can cure a cyst and avoid relapse. In most cases, the operation is performed using local anesthesia, as well as general anesthesia.

The classic operation involves making a small incision, after which the cyst is removed and a cosmetic suture is applied. If the surgical intervention was carried out highly professionally, the prognosis is always favorable. Reproductive function is restored, and a successful operation normalizes male strength, which was impaired by the presence of a cyst.


This is another well-known method for treating testicular cysts. Compared to the previous operation, sclerotherapy is considered less effective. But despite this, it is often used in leading surgical clinics. The essence of the method is not to remove the cyst, but to destroy its structure (sclerosing). First, using a special syringe, a puncture is made in the wall of the neoplasm, and its contents are aspirated. After all the fluid has been removed, the needle is not removed from the cyst, and a special agent is injected into the cavity of the cyst from another syringe. Under its influence, its inner layer is destroyed, and the walls are soldered together. The procedure is dangerous because during sclerosis and gluing of the cyst walls, the seminal ducts may be damaged.

Puncture method

This method of treatment is used quite rarely. This is due to low efficiency and the highest percentage of relapses. The method is a little similar to sclerotherapy, but, unlike it, after removing the fluid from the cyst cavity, no chemicals are injected into it. The patient experiences relief as the walls of the tumor collapse and there is no longer pressure on the vessels and seminal ducts. But, the effect is temporary. After just a few months, the cystic cavity gradually begins to fill with fluid again, and the need for repeated puncture arises. If the procedure is performed frequently, this can lead to damage to testicular tissue.


This method can truly be called the greatest achievement in the field of medicine. To carry it out, special equipment is used, which helps to carry out surgery without significant damage to the skin. This operation has its positive features:

  • has a short duration;
  • minimal risk;
  • the lowest percentage of postoperative complications.

To perform the operation, a special device, a laparoscope, is used. It is equipped with a miniature video camera, the image from which is displayed on a monitor located directly in the operating room. The surgeon does not need to make large incisions in the skin to remove the cyst.

Recovery period

Surgery requires a period of rehabilitation. At this stage, postoperative preventive therapy is carried out in order to avoid postoperative complications.

A course of antibacterial drugs and NSAIDs is usually prescribed. If the patient experiences pain, we can recommend painkillers that are used in the postoperative period. The most commonly prescribed antibiotic is ciprofloxacin, but the name of the drug containing this substance may vary. For example, Tsifran or Tsiprinol. As a pain reliever, you can take the drug Dexalgin, which effectively relieves postoperative pain.
Immediately after the operation, an ice bag is applied to the scrotal area. In addition, a special bandage (suspensor) is used to reduce the pressure. It is advisable to sleep on your back, this will prevent the development of edema. If there are postoperative sutures, it is advisable to treat them in a hospital setting to prevent infection. For a certain time, it is advisable to give up playing sports and avoid heavy physical activity. Sexual life can begin no earlier than two months later.

Treatment with folk remedies

You cannot get rid of a cyst using folk recipes, but you can alleviate the condition and prevent its growth. For this, a number of folk methods are offered that are accessible to everyone and easy to use.

  1. It is necessary to infuse 50 g of jasmine blossom in a glass of vegetable oil for two weeks. Rub the resulting infusion into the skin of the scrotum with massaging movements once a day. Usually, when using this remedy, pain decreases and the growth of the cyst stops.
  2. Bring to a boil a mixture of 350 ml of white wine and 50 g of dry sweet clover herb. Keep on low heat for about twenty minutes. Then set the dishes aside, cover with a lid and leave for one hour. Strain the infusion and use it in the form of compresses, which are applied to the scrotum overnight. It is best to use scraps of natural fiber fabric. Synthetic material can cause the so-called greenhouse effect.
  3. Have you tried a lot of remedies and nothing has helped? These symptoms are familiar to you firsthand:

  • sluggish erection;
  • lack of desire;
  • sexual dysfunction.

The only way is surgery? Wait, and do not act with radical methods. It is POSSIBLE to increase potency! Follow the link and find out how experts recommend treating...

Testicular cyst (spermatocele) is a fairly common diagnosis. It is often placed accidentally, during routine examinations or diagnostic procedures for other indications. This benign tumor is found in a third of the male population, regardless of age.

The neoplasm itself does not pose any danger to life. But it can cause a number of serious health problems. One of the most dangerous is infertility. There may be other consequences, more about them in the article “”.

Spermatocele is an “insidious” disease; for a long time it is practically asymptomatic. Men seek medical help when only surgery can help.

If the size of the spermatocele is small (up to 1.5 cm), no pronounced symptoms are observed, and the testicular cyst is not removed. There is a chance that the tumor will resolve on its own. He is simply being monitored, since there are no drug treatments for this pathology. The doctor decides whether to remove the tumor individually in each case.

Excision is carried out in different ways - depending on the size, location of the cyst, as well as the general condition of the patient. Today they use:

  • surgery;
  • laparoscopy;
  • sclerotherapy;
  • puncture.

Surgery is always performed under anesthesia. During laparoscopy, general or local anesthesia is used. Other techniques involve the use of local anesthesia.

Carrying out any type of operation requires careful preparation. The following studies are prescribed:

  • standard blood/urine tests;
  • blood for clotting;
  • blood biochemistry;
  • tests for infectious pathologies (hepatitis, syphilis, HIV);
  • Ultrasound of the pelvis;
  • fluorography, ECG;
  • if necessary, MRI\CT of the pelvis;
  • Consultations with specialized doctors may also be required if indicated.


Classical open surgery. In this case, an incision is made in the scrotum and the cyst is completely removed - along with the membrane and contents.

The incision can be made along the longitudinal suture or along half of the scrotum - depending on the location of the spermatocele. The cyst is excised extremely carefully so as not to damage the fleshy membrane of the scrotum. Next, the bleeding is stopped and the tissue is sutured in layers with self-absorbable threads. After the operation, it is necessary to apply a sterile bandage, apply ice, and use a supporting suspension. Tissue from a removed cyst is always sent for histology to eliminate the risk of possible malignancy.

Surgery allows the tumor to be completely removed, and relapses are rare. In the absence of complications, the postoperative recovery period is short. The main disadvantage of the method is the use of anesthesia, which negatively affects even a healthy body. In addition, it is general anesthesia that does not allow removal of a testicular cyst by this method for men with the following pathologies:

  • severe heart disease;
  • acute psychiatric illnesses;
  • exacerbation of asthma, chronic bronchitis;
  • pneumonia of various origins.

Laparoscopy of testicular cyst

Laparoscopy is used often today, and not only for the removal of spermatocele. This high-tech method of surgical intervention is widely used in abdominal surgery to perform operations on the abdominal and pelvic organs. Its main advantages:

  • low morbidity;
  • minimal pain;
  • short postoperative recovery time;
  • no scars.

Laparoscopy of a testicular cyst is performed using special equipment under local anesthesia. The surgeon's main instrument is the laparoscope. This is a complex structure consisting of a telescopic tube equipped with a lens system and a video camera. Modern laparoscopes have digital matrices that significantly increase the clarity and information content of the image displayed on the monitor screen.

A laparoscope is inserted through a small puncture of the scrotum in the area where the cyst is located, and punctures are made nearby to insert instruments to remove the formation. Laparoscopy of a testicular cyst in men is carried out quickly - the surgeon can clearly control all his actions using the image on the monitor screen. After removal, the punctures are sutured, a sterile bandage, ice and a supporting suspension are applied.

Reviews about laparoscopy are mostly positive. Many men note: “After I removed the testicular cyst using this method, there were no complications, I recovered quickly, and there were no problems with potency.”


The operation is gentle, especially suitable for men who have been diagnosed with poor blood clotting. The operation technique is as follows:

  • A special needle is inserted into the scrotum and all liquid contents are sucked out of the cyst.
  • When the liquid is completely extracted, a special sclerotizing (gluing) drug is injected into the cavity of the tumor. It glues the walls of the cyst shell, thereby destroying them. The main disadvantage of sclerotherapy is that if the spermatocele is localized in the spermatic cord, then after the operation the glued walls of the tumor can lead to the development of male infertility. To avoid this problem, you should contact specialized clinics where top-class surgeons work.

Puncture method

Somewhat similar to slerotherapy. When performing a puncture, its liquid contents are removed from the cyst cavity, but after that nothing is injected into the formation. The method is very simple, but its effectiveness is low. After a puncture, relapses quite often occur, fraught with the development of reproductive dysfunction. Puncture is prescribed for small-sized spermatoceles, when there is a high chance of self-resorption of the tumor membrane.

Recovery after surgery

If a testicular cyst is diagnosed, the postoperative period is short. It can last from 14 days to a month. At this time, surgeons prohibit:

  • have sex;
  • lift weights;
  • visit the gym;
  • take hot procedures - baths, steam baths, saunas.

If you follow all the doctor's instructions, recovery after spermatocele removal occurs quickly.

Sometimes the following complications may occur:

  • swelling of the scrotum;
  • bleeding from the wound;
  • infections;
  • hardening of the scrotal tissue;
  • chemical epididymitis;
  • recurrence of spermatocele.

If the operation is performed by an experienced surgeon, complications are extremely rare.

Cost of surgery for testicular cyst

Many men are interested in how much it costs to remove a tumor. The cost of treatment will depend on the type of surgery. The price of treatment consists of several items - the initial examination, the necessary tests, the operation itself (including the type of anesthesia), postoperative recovery. Laparoscopic removal of a testicular cyst is always more expensive. The cost will also be influenced by the need to prescribe certain medications - it depends on the general condition of the man’s body. On average, prices start from 10,000 rubles.

The most common form of benign formation in men is a testicular cyst. This is a fibrous hollow neoplasm that is filled with fluid. It is most often located in the upper part of the scrotum.

The consequences of testicular cysts in men, in the absence of timely treatment, cause disruption of the functioning of the male reproductive system and other complications that require therapy.

Causes and symptoms

Testicles or testes are paired organs of the male reproductive system that perform important functions. Testicles produce testosterone and sperm. A testicular cyst is a neoplasm that occurs when the testicular ducts are blocked due to the influence of certain factors:

  1. When the scrotum is injured, the cause of the formation of a testicular cyst is a violation of blood circulation in the pelvis. Blood stagnation leads to disruption of metabolic processes, a decrease in the amount of nutrients, oxygen starvation of testicular tissue, and compression of the glandular duct. As a result of such processes, a cyst appears. With severe mechanical damage, blood may accumulate in the cyst.
  2. As a result of infectious lesions, the causes of benign neoplasms can be the expansion of the membranes of the spermatic cord, epididymis or testicular membranes. In percentage terms, epididymal cysts most often develop against the background of infections. The growth of the tumor can lead to the spread of inflammatory processes to other genitourinary organs.
  3. Congenital anatomical features of the structure of the male genitourinary system, the causes of which may be:
  • hereditary information;
  • at the stage of intrauterine development there is a threat of miscarriage and ovarian cyst;
  • hormonal disorders in a woman during the period of bearing a boy;
  • injury to the pelvic organs as the boy moves through the birth canal;
  • premature birth.

Testicular cysts in men may be accompanied by pain in the groin area

A testicular cyst in men may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • the occurrence of pain in the groin and abdominal cavity;
  • flatulence, increased intra-abdominal pressure;
  • pain during erection;
  • an increase in body hair growth, which is accompanied by a disruption in the production of hormones;
  • when a cyst ruptures or twists, symptoms of general intoxication may occur;
  • diuretic disorders.

Diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis of a cyst is carried out using an ultrasound examination of the scrotum, during which a detailed examination of the testicles and their appendages is carried out. An ultrasound scan determines the location, nature and size of the cystic formation and excludes the presence of an inguinal hernia and testicular torsion.

Also, during diagnosis and surgical treatment, it is important to perform a biopsy of cystic tissues and contents. This is necessary to exclude oncology.

After diagnostic measures, a choice of treatment tactics is made. Is it possible for men to participate in choosing the method of surgical intervention? Yes, however, when choosing a surgical option, you must listen to the surgeon’s recommendations. There are three methods of surgical treatment of cysts: open removal, sclerotherapy and laparoscopy.

Open access surgery

Removal with open access is extremely rare today, since this method is highly traumatic and likely to develop complications. The cyst is removed after anesthesia is administered. To do this, an incision is made in the scrotal tissue at the site of the cyst formation, after which it is excised. Next, the tissues are stitched and a tight bandage and cold compresses are applied.

Laparoscopy is the most effective method of surgical intervention


Sclerotherapy is a fairly gentle method of surgical intervention, however, it is ineffective. The operation is characterized by low trauma, which provides a significant cosmetic effect. During surgical manipulations, the cystic contents are removed with a syringe. After that, an adhesive mixture is introduced into the cavity, which leads to gluing of the walls of the neoplasm. During the operation, there is a possibility of fluid entering the seminal canal, which leads to infertility. In the postoperative period there is a high probability of relapses.


Laparoscopy is the most effective method of surgical intervention, which has several advantages:

  • minimum duration of the operation;
  • low likelihood of complications;
  • minimal risk of injury to the testicle, epididymis and seminal canals.

The operation is performed through three small incisions using a laparoscope equipped with a video camera. The disadvantage of this method is the complex mechanism of surgical intervention.


With a testicular cyst, the symptoms are mild, which significantly delays a man’s visit to the doctor, and therefore treatment, which can lead to the development of complications. If testicular cysts in men are not treated, the consequences may be as follows:

  • cyst rupture;
  • accumulation of pus;
  • development of infection;
  • transformation of a benign cyst into a malignant one;
  • infertility.

Postoperative consequences may include:

  • re-formation of the cyst;
  • infection;
  • opening of internal bleeding;
  • negative reactions to medications used during surgery: dizziness, decreased or increased blood pressure, and others;
  • infertility.

Let us consider in more detail the most common consequences of testicular cysts in men.

Rupture of cystic formation

Rupture of the membrane of a fibrous neoplasm is one of the most dangerous complications. Causes:

  • external mechanical influence;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • heavy sports;
  • active sexual intercourse.

As a result of rupture of the cyst shell, fibrous fluid penetrates into the abdominal cavity, which leads to the development of inflammatory processes. Signs of a rupture are:

  • the appearance of severe pain in the lower abdomen;
  • increased body temperature;
  • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, flatulence;
  • decrease in pressure.

As a result of rupture of the cyst shell, severe pain in the lower abdomen may occur.

Treatment of this complication is carried out only using surgical methods. After the operation, an appointment is made:

  • antibacterial drugs to prevent the development of infections;
  • anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs to relieve pain and symptoms of general intoxication of the body;
  • vitamin and mineral complex to increase immunity stability.

Cyst recurrence

After surgery, a man must be examined after one, four and six months by the surgeon who performed the operation. This is necessary to determine the patient’s condition and diagnosis to assess the likelihood of complications. Often, during a routine examination using ultrasound, a man is diagnosed with repeated cyst formation.

Is it possible to cure a cyst if it occurs again? If a benign tumor recurs, a man needs repeated surgery, which can also be performed using sclerotherapy or laparoscopy.


The most unpleasant consequence of testicular cysts is disruption of male reproductive function. The probability of developing infertility due to a testicular cyst is no more than 17%. Causes of infertility can be:

  • infections of the male reproductive system;
  • cyst recurrence;
  • cyst of the head of the epididymis, when removed there is a possibility of damage to the epididymis;
  • testicular atrophy under the pressure of a cystic formation or due to impaired blood flow and lack of nutrients.

To avoid infertility, it is necessary to promptly remove the cyst and treat its complications. So, if an infection develops, it is necessary to undergo a course of antibacterial therapy. In case of relapse, surgical intervention is required. If the epididymis is damaged and there is atrophy, it is impossible to restore the functioning of the testis, so all reproductive functions are assigned to a healthy testicle.

After surgery, the patient must remain in bed

Prevention of consequences and complications

To avoid consequences and complications after surgery, a man must adhere to the doctor’s recommendations regarding the postoperative period.

First of all, the patient must remain in bed to avoid swelling of the scrotum. It is also necessary to secure the testicles to prevent any movement. For this purpose, a special support bandage for the scrotum is used. For the first 48 hours, the patient needs to apply cold compresses to the scrotum, which will help eliminate pain, relieve swelling and prevent bleeding.

When men have a question, is it possible to exercise and have sex after surgery? Answer: no. Any physical activity should be avoided for 2 weeks after surgery, then on the recommendation of a doctor. Engaging in sports, sex and other physical activities after surgery will be problematic and dangerous. Physical activity is favorable conditions for suture dehiscence, the appearance of scrotal edema, and the re-formation of cysts. Sometimes benign cystic neoplasms can forever ban a sports lifestyle, as they can lead to serious consequences.

In addition to limiting physical activity, it is necessary to follow a diet during the preparation for surgery and after it. Canned, smoked, salty foods, sweet, carbonated and alcoholic drinks should be excluded. All products should be easily digestible and not put additional stress on the digestive organs. You should eat in small portions six times a day. Maximize your diet with fruits and vegetables. For meat products, use lean, steamed meats.

A testicular cyst is a benign neoplasm that, if not treated promptly, can lead to serious consequences. The most common and dangerous complications are re-formation of the cyst, rupture of its membranes and infertility.

Do you have serious problems with potency?

Have you tried a lot of remedies and nothing has helped? These symptoms are familiar to you firsthand:

  • sluggish erection;
  • lack of desire;
  • sexual dysfunction.

The only way is surgery? Wait, and do not act with radical methods. It is POSSIBLE to increase potency! Follow the link and find out how experts recommend treating...

The intimacy of the problem often leads to patients not turning to doctors and causing the disease to progress. At the same time, timely removal of testicular cysts in men contributes to the complete restoration of the functioning of the reproductive organs and will allow you to cure this disease. To do this, if you suspect a pathology, you need to see a urologist and undergo an ultrasound examination of the problem area.

Causes of testicular cyst formation

A left epididymal cyst in men occurs in every third man. The reasons are:

  • dilated testicular membranes;
  • changes in the membranes of the appendage;
  • disorders in the area of ​​the spermatic cord;
  • infectious processes;
  • injuries, including birth injuries.

In the latter case, methods of treating testicular cysts directly depend on the condition of the formation. If there is no tendency to increase, surgical intervention is not performed.

Our doctors

Methods for removing testicular cysts

A testicular cyst can only be removed surgically. The operation is prescribed if there is a pronounced growth of the formation, the presence of pain, large size that interferes with the patient, as well as if there are signs of infection. In rare cases, malignancy of the cyst occurs. If the formation does not increase and does not interfere with the patient, observational tactics are chosen.

Treatment of an epididymal cyst of the right or left testicle is carried out in the following ways:

  • surgical operations;
  • sclerotherapy;
  • cyst puncture;

Removal of spermatic cord cysts is carried out in the same way as testicular cysts. It is to provide access to the projection of education. Next, the cyst is exfoliated, and the wound is sutured in layers. The manipulations are performed under local or general anesthesia, depending on the patient’s condition. To relieve swelling, an ice compress and a special suspension are prescribed.

Sclerotherapy is the removal of fluid from the cyst followed by destruction of the walls. After this, the resulting cavity is filled with a solution that promotes its destruction. The disadvantage of the technique is that when removing a formation on the spermatic cord, there is a possibility of blocking the patency of the canal, which causes infertility. The patient must be warned about this complication. That is why sclerotherapy is often prescribed in cases where surgery to remove a testicular cyst is required.

Puncture is also the removal of fluid from the cyst. Considering that the walls of the formation are not destroyed, after some time the cyst is filled with exudate again, which requires re-treatment. If the epididymis is affected, puncture can be used to diagnose and exclude malignancy.

Most often, surgery to remove testicular cysts in Moscow is performed using laparoscopy. This is the least traumatic method, characterized by a short recovery period. In this case, no incision is made, but access is provided through a puncture. The procedure itself is performed using the latest equipment, which transmits an enlarged image onto the screen, which allows all manipulations to be carried out as accurately as possible.

Often the pathology is diagnosed in children. In this case, surgery to remove spermatocele is prescribed when the size of the formation is more than 1-1.5 centimeters. When choosing a technique, preference is given to minimally invasive ones.

Recovery after surgery

After surgical removal of a tumor on the testicles in men is performed, preventive measures are prescribed to reduce swelling and eliminate complications. A bag of people is applied to the intervention area. To relieve pressure, a suspensor is used to provide support to the scrotum. After the operation, a course of antibiotics and anesthetics is prescribed.

Before going home, the patient should figure out how to treat testicles at home. As a rule, antibacterial drugs and antiseptic treatment of sutures are prescribed. You can take a bath, have sex, or lift weights only after the permission of your doctor.

At the Urology Clinic named after. For the treatment of testicular cysts, only the latest technologies are used. , round-the-clock monitoring, modern equipment allow operations to be performed at the highest level, eliminating possible complications. The clinic uses the most modern surgical methods for treating male testicular cysts, the choice of which depends on the patient’s condition.

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