"Silence. Calm in a world full of noise" Tit Khan. Reviews of the book Calm in a world full of noise

What surrounds a person in everyday life? Items? Look wider, gentlemen, without paying attention to them. Man is surrounded by sounds!

Listen. Every day we hear hundreds of different sounds - birds singing, the hum of cars, children crying, dogs barking, mouse clicking, the voices of others, etc. The clutter of sounds prevents you from being alone with yourself and putting your thoughts in order. Modern man lacks not only time, but also silence, which has already become priceless. How to find it in a world that simply cannot help but make noise? Thich Nhat Hanh knows the answer to this question that worries millions of people and will share it with everyone who reads his book “Silence. Calm in a world full of noise." Download "Silence..

What is this book about?

It is very difficult to remain calm when everything around you prevents you from getting into a working mood. Sounds are distracting and sometimes annoying. They make it difficult to concentrate and be alone with your thoughts. If a person is taught to get away from noise, then he will be able to make sober decisions even in the most difficult situations and think sensibly without making mistakes. But how to achieve this, because the world is constantly noisy?

In the book “Silence. Calm in a world full of noise" Thich Nhat Hanh, one of the most famous Buddhist monks, author of books on self-improvement, tells how to distract yourself from the bustle of the world and teaches you to enjoy silence. The author is confident that even in those moments when a person is alone in a room, he is not immersed in an atmosphere of silence. People can hide from the sounds around them, but not from the inner voice, which also prevents them from putting their thoughts in order. To reboot, relieve emotional stress and calm your nerves, you need absolute silence, in which there is no room for a single sound or thought. Listen to the audiobook “Silence. Calm in a world full of noise”, you can read online or download in fb2, epub and pdf directly on the website!

What does this book teach?

Thich Nhat Hanh based on the book “Silence. Calm in a world full of noise" teaches you to get away from the surrounding bustle, interrupting the internal dialogue with yourself and immerse yourself in complete silence, which helps you reboot and restore strength.

The author offers a set of effective breathing exercises that helps you distract from everyday problems. Daily use of the practices described in the book helps you become calmer and teaches you to harmonize all areas of life. You will learn to make conscious decisions and not worry about trifles. This book will tell you where to look for inspiration in moments of creative crisis and teach you how to get motivated..

Thich Nhat Hanh

Silence. Calm in a world full of noise

Thich Nhat Hanh

The Power of Quiet in a World Full of Noise

Published with permission from HarperCollins Publishers and Andrew Nurnberg Literary Agency

Legal support for the publishing house is provided by the Vegas-Lex law firm.

© Thich Nhat Hanh, 2015. Published by arrangement with HarperOne, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers

© Translation, publication in Russian, design. Mann, Ivanov and Ferber LLC, 2016

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How much time we spend chasing happiness, not noticing that the world around us is full of miracles. Living and walking on earth is a miracle in itself. And yet most of us rush in our search, as if there could be a more beautiful place. Every day beauty calls to us, but we hear it very rarely.

In order for us to hear beauty and respond to its call, silence is necessary. If we do not feel silence within ourselves, and our mind and body are full of noise, then we are not able to hear the voice of beauty.

The same radio station called “Neverending Reflections” plays in our heads all the time. Our mind is filled with noise, so we do not hear the call of life, the call of love. Our heart calls to us, but we do not hear it either. We don't have time for this.

Practicing mindfulness quiets the noise around us. Without awareness, we get distracted by all sorts of things. Sometimes regret and suffering for the past. We recall events and sensations in our memory only to relive the pain we once experienced again and again. We are so easily caught up in our past.

We are also distracted by our future. A person who worries about the future and is afraid of it falls into the same deep trap as a person shackled by the past. Worries, fears and uncertainty about the future prevent us from hearing the call of happiness. Therefore, the future becomes like a prison.

Even if we try to be in the present, many of us become distracted and feel empty, as if there is a vacuum inside us. At the same time, we passionately desire and wait for the arrival of something that will make our life more interesting. We pin our hopes on something that will change our existence, which at the moment we regard as painful: there is nothing special around.

Mindfulness is often spoken of as a bell, calling us to put everything aside and listen carefully. Sometimes we use the sound of an actual bell or some other sign to help us remember that we should not be distracted by the noise that exists around and within us. When we hear the sound of a bell, we freeze. We monitor our every inhalation and exhalation, providing space for silence. We say to ourselves, “When I breathe in, I am aware that I am breathing in.” By consciously inhaling and exhaling and focusing only on the breath, we quiet any noise within us: voices talking about the past, the future, or our unbridled desires for something unknown.

After just two or three seconds of conscious breathing, we awaken and realize that we are living, that we are breathing. We are here. We exist. The noise inside us disappears. And a deep and expressive space is formed. We gain the ability to answer the call of the surrounding beauty with the words: “I am here. I am free. I hear you".

What does "I'm here" mean? This means: “I exist, I am really here. I am not lost in the past or the future, I am not lost in my thoughts, I am not lost in the noise that exists within and around me. I'm here". And in order to really be “here”, you must free yourself from thoughts, worries, fears, passions. “I am free” is a very powerful statement because the truth is that many of us are not free. We do not have the freedom to hear, see and simply exist.

I live in the countryside in southwestern France, where at my meditation center Plum Village, I practice with my students a type of silence called sublime silence. Practicing sublime silence is simple. If we talk, we talk. But if we are doing something else, such as eating, walking or working, then we are doing only those actions. We don't do them at the same time as talking. We do them in joyful, sublime silence. In this way we are freed to hear the deepest calls of our hearts.

One recent day, many residents of our center, both monks and students, were eating outside, sitting on the grass. Everyone took their food and joined the group sitting. We arranged ourselves in concentric circles, one smaller circle inside a larger circle, and so on. We didn't say anything.

I sat down on the grass first. I sat down and began to breathe consciously in order to achieve silence within myself. I listened to the birds singing, the sounds of the wind and enjoyed the beauty of spring. I didn't wait for others to come and sit next to me before I started eating. I just sat and enjoyed my surroundings. Other people took food, came up to me and sat down on the ground.

Silence reigned. But I felt that this silence was not as deep as it could be. Maybe this was because people were distracted to get food, moved around with their plates, and then sat down. I watched silently.

I had a small bell, and when everyone was seated on the grass, I rang it. We just spent a week practicing mindful breathing, which we started at the sound of a bell. So now everyone has heard him well. With the first sound of the bell calling for awareness, silence fell. But now she was different. It was real silence because each of us stopped even thinking. We focused completely on the inhalation when we inhaled, and the exhalation when we exhaled. We all breathed together, and our common silence created a powerful energy field around us. This kind of silence can be called “deafening” because it is very expressive. With such silence, the voices of birds and the sounds of the wind are heard much more clearly. Before this, I heard both birds and the wind, but they sounded different because I had not yet achieved such deep silence.

The practice of achieving silence, which helps to free yourself from all internal noise, is quite simple. By doing the appropriate exercises, everyone is able to master it. In a state of “sublime silence” you can walk, sit, enjoy food. In this state, you will be free enough to appreciate all the wonder of life. In such silence, healing itself becomes available to you, both mental and physical. You will be able to be, to be here and now. Because you will be truly free: free from regrets and suffering associated with the past; free from fears and feelings of uncertainty associated with the future; free from all mental idle talk. Achieving this sense of silence alone is good, but achieving it collectively means receiving a particularly healing and energetically powerful effect.

Sound without sound

Silence is often described as the absence of sound. However, silence itself is a powerful sound. I recall that although the winter of 2014/15 was not very cold in France, it was freezing in North America. The temperature at times dropped below twenty degrees Celsius, and there were constant snowstorms. I saw photographs of Niagara Falls: the water could not fall, it froze right on the fly. I was very impressed by this picture. The cascade of water stopped - along with the sound.

About forty years ago I was in Thailand, in Chiang Mai, in a community of young people. I lived in a hut next to a rocky stream. The sound of falling water could be heard there around the clock. I enjoyed doing breathing exercises, doing my laundry, and even taking a quick nap on the rocks around the stream. Wherever I was, I heard the sound of falling water. Day and night I heard the same sound. I looked at the bushes and trees around me and thought: “From the very moment they were born, these plants have heard this sound. What if we assume that it suddenly ends and they hear for the first time the “sound of no sound,” that is, silence?” Just imagine it if you can. The water suddenly stops flowing, and the sound of falling water that the surrounding plants have heard all their lives, day and night, no longer exists. Think of how surprised these plants will be the first time they hear the “sound of no sound.”

Five real sounds

Bodhisattva is a Buddhist term for a being who has compassion for people and is dedicated to alleviating their suffering. Buddhism often mentions a bodhisattva named Avalokiteshvara, or bodhisattva the Listener and All-Seeer. The very name Avalokiteshvara means a being who deeply listens to all the sounds of the world.

According to Buddhist tradition, Avalokiteshvara is able to capture all the sounds that exist on earth. He can also make five different sounds that heal the world. If you find silence within yourself, you will also hear these five sounds.

The first of these is the Miraculous Sound, the sound of the miracle of life calling to you. This is the sound of birds singing, the sound of falling rain and so on.

God is sound. Sound is the creator of the Universe. IN...

Thich Nhat Hanh

Silence. Calm in a world full of noise

Thich Nhat Hanh

The Power of Quiet in a World Full of Noise

Published with permission from HarperCollins Publishers and Andrew Nurnberg Literary Agency

Legal support for the publishing house is provided by the Vegas-Lex law firm.

© Thich Nhat Hanh, 2015. Published by arrangement with HarperOne, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers

© Translation, publication in Russian, design. Mann, Ivanov and Ferber LLC, 2016

The same radio station called “Neverending Reflections” plays in our heads all the time. Our mind is filled with noise, so we do not hear the call of life, the call of love. Our heart calls to us, but we do not hear it either. We don't have time for this.

Practicing mindfulness quiets the noise around us. Without awareness, we get distracted by all sorts of things. Sometimes regret and suffering for the past. We recall events and sensations in our memory only to relive the pain we once experienced again and again. We are so easily caught up in our past.

We are also distracted by our future. A person who worries about the future and is afraid of it falls into the same deep trap as a person shackled by the past. Worries, fears and uncertainty about the future prevent us from hearing the call of happiness. Therefore, the future becomes like a prison.

Even if we try to be in the present, many of us become distracted and feel empty, as if there is a vacuum inside us. At the same time, we passionately desire and wait for the arrival of something that will make our life more interesting. We pin our hopes on something that will change our existence, which at the moment we regard as painful: there is nothing special around.

Mindfulness is often spoken of as a bell, calling us to put everything aside and listen carefully. Sometimes we use the sound of an actual bell or some other sign to help us remember that we should not be distracted by the noise that exists around and within us. When we hear the sound of a bell, we freeze. We monitor our every inhalation and exhalation, providing space for silence. We say to ourselves, “When I breathe in, I am aware that I am breathing in.” By consciously inhaling and exhaling and focusing only on the breath, we quiet any noise within us: voices talking about the past, the future, or our unbridled desires for something unknown.

After just two or three seconds of conscious breathing, we awaken and realize that we are living, that we are breathing. We are here. We exist. The noise inside us disappears. And a deep and expressive space is formed. We gain the ability to answer the call of the surrounding beauty with the words: “I am here. I am free. I hear you".

What does "I'm here" mean? This means: “I exist, I am really here. I am not lost in the past or the future, I am not lost in my thoughts, I am not lost in the noise that exists within and around me. I'm here". And in order to really be “here”, you must free yourself from thoughts, worries, fears, passions. “I am free” is a very powerful statement because the truth is that many of us are not free. We do not have the freedom to hear, see and simply exist.

I live in the countryside in southwestern France, where at my meditation center Plum Village, I practice with my students a type of silence called sublime silence. Practicing sublime silence is simple. If we talk, we talk. But if we are doing something else, such as eating, walking or working, then we are doing only those actions. We don't do them at the same time as talking. We do them in joyful, sublime silence. In this way we are freed to hear the deepest calls of our hearts.

About the book

Mindfulness practice calms...

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About the book
A book by one of the greatest spiritual leaders of our time that will help you use your most powerful inner resource - silence - to live consciously and happily.

How much time we spend chasing happiness, not noticing that the world around us is full of miracles. Living and walking on earth is a miracle in itself. And yet most of us rush in our search, as if there could be a more beautiful place. Every day beauty calls to us, but we hear it very rarely.

In order for us to hear beauty and respond to its call, silence is necessary. If we do not feel silence within ourselves, and our mind and body are full of noise, then we are not able to hear the voice of beauty.

The same radio station called “Neverending Reflections” plays in our heads all the time. Our mind is filled with noise, so we do not hear the call of life, the call of love. Our heart calls to us, but we do not hear it either. We don't have time for this.

Practicing mindfulness quiets the noise around us. Without awareness, we get distracted by all sorts of things. Sometimes regret and suffering for the past. We recall events and sensations in our memory only to relive the pain we once experienced again and again. We are so easily caught up in our past.

In his new book, Thich Nhat Hanh shows how to maintain equanimity despite the constant noise around you. How to be calm even in the most turbulent places. Thanks to breathing exercises and mindfulness techniques, you will be able to live in the present, enjoy the beauty and harmony of the world around you, you will be able to get to know yourself better and understand what you really want in life.

Who is this book for?
For everyone who wants to become more aware, happier and calmer.

For fans of Thich Nhat Hanh and anyone interested in mindfulness.

about the author
Thich Nhat Hanh is a Zen Buddhist monk from Vietnam, the abbot of a Buddhist meditation center, and the author of more than 100 books on Buddhism, meditation and mindfulness. Born in 1926. He was involved in charity and social activities in Ho Chi Minh City, taught at leading American universities, and was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. In 2014, he was included in the list of the 100 most influential spiritual leaders at number 4 (after the Dalai Lama, Eckhart Tolle and Pope Francis). Also included in the TOP-3 of this rating in previous years.

Thich Nhat Hanh currently lives in France in the Plum Village commune, of which he is the rector.
2nd edition.


Silence. Calm in a world full of noise Tit Khan

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Title: Silence. Calm in a world full of noise

About the book “Silence. Calm in a world full of noise" Tit Khan

In his new book, Thich Nhat Hanh, the famous Zen master, shows how to remain equanimous despite the constant noise around you. How to be calm even in the most turbulent places. Thanks to breathing exercises and mindfulness techniques, you will be able to live in the present, enjoy the beauty and harmony of the world around you, you will be able to get to know yourself better and understand what you really want in life.

Published in Russian for the first time.

On our website about books, you can download and read online the book “Silence” by Tit Khan for free. Calm in a world full of noise" in epub, fb2, txt, rtf formats. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

Quotes from the book “Silence. Calm in a world full of noise" Tit Khan

If you want to change something at work or in your relationships, but talking doesn't bring results, think about the power contained in silent action.

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