Golodets Olga Yuryevna resignation. Olga Golodets. Biography. Work and career of Olga Golodets

There have long been many influential women in senior government positions. They take the reins of government into their own hands, being responsible for many important areas of society. Studying their biographies, you can see the ups and downs on the path to success in big politics.


One of the significant figures on the political horizon of Russia, author of scientific research, Golodets Olga Yurievna is a significant figure in the political circles of the country. Currently she is Deputy Prime Minister and is involved in cultural and sports issues. Until May 2018, its competence included tasks in the field of pensions, science, culture, and healthcare. During her career in big politics, she managed to be in office Deputy Mayor of Moscow and Deputy Governor of the Taimyr Autonomous Okrug. Olga Golodets has proven herself to be an ironclad businesswoman, occupying leading roles in the management of such large enterprises as " Norilsk Nickel" and the company " Agreement", dealing with insurance issues.

As a productive manager, Olga Golodets was awarded the Aristos Award and recognized as one of the first-class personnel of the Association of Managers. She also embodied her knowledge in the form of many scientific works and studies. The purposeful woman was able to achieve the highest respect in the academic, political and social spheres. Also, caring about preserving the health of the nation, Olga Golodets acted as the initiator of a large-scale fight against alcoholism and smoking.


Native Muscovite Olga Yuryevna Golodets was born June 1, 1962. Her parents' family was quite famous. Father, Yuri Solomonovich Plekhanov, held the position of teacher at the Institute of National Economy. Plekhanov. Mother, Valentina Grigorievna, worked in the catering industry, managing the Cheryomushki restaurant. His uncle on his father’s side was a fairly popular football player, who later coached football players in the famous Dynamo club.

The children in the Plekhanov family were distinguished by the makings of leaders. Olga's younger sister, Tatyana, born in 1969, later made a career as vice president " Bank of Moscow».

Olga Golodets herself, already from school, showed determination and the ability to achieve her goals. Throughout all her years of study, she was the best in her class, and at the end of secondary education she could be proud of a gold medal for her academic achievements. In the future, the capable girl saw herself as an economist and continued her studies at one of the best universities in the country - Moscow State University.

At the institute, the future Deputy Prime Minister of Russia showed zeal in her studies and in 1984 came to graduate school at the respected Institute of Labor with a honors diploma in her hands. In 1990, Olga Yuryevna defended her dissertation work, becoming a candidate of economic sciences. Her scientific work was dedicated to the plant KAMAZ, using the example of which she revealed the problems of labor efficiency in production conditions.

Business career

Until 1997, she gave her knowledge to the Institute of Employment Problems Russian Academy of Sciences. After that, she was invited to Reformugol to help improve the situation of miners in the conditions of the new state. Olga Golodets became one of the managers of the company’s fund, in the field of social employment programs that were reduced due to the liquidation of workers’ mines. As an active employee, she went on business trips to mining settlements, learned about labor problems and production directly from local managers first-hand. As part of these trips, she was at the reception Amana Tuleyeva, who served as head of the Kemerovo region.

After the cessation of the foundation’s activities in 1999, Olga Golodets headed the personnel department and the direction of social policy “ Norilsk Nickel" There she successfully worked with the head of the company, Alexander Khloponin. In 2001, he was put in place of the head of the Taimyr Autonomous Okrug, and took Olga Yuryevna to his team. She worked for a year as deputy head, but then decided to return to Norilsk Nickel, under the leadership of Mikhail Prokhorov. She worked as a supervisor of personnel issues until 2008.

Golodets took the chair of executive director of the ONEXIM group of companies and at the same time managed the pension fund of Norilsk Nickel. Until 2010, she served on the board of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs and headed the Soglasie insurance company and the Association of Precious Metals and Nickel Producers.


Olga Golodets entered the political arena in 2010, with the patronage of Mikhail Prokhorov, becoming the deputy of Sergei Sobyanin, who at that time occupied the place of the mayor of Moscow.

In 2012 In 2008, Olga Golodets’s career took a new significant turn - she was entrusted with the post of Deputy Prime Minister of the Government. She was responsible for solving many problems in the social sphere, such as pensions, the reorganization of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the problems of orphanages and street children, and so on.

IN 2013, within the educational sphere, Olga Golodets held a responsible position in the body “Russian Language Council”, in 2014 she became one of the founders of the new Internet resource “Education in Russian”.

The project for introducing the Unified State Examination into the final grades of high school also took place under her watchful supervision.

Personal life

Like many famous politicians, Olga Yuryevna Golodets tries not to make her personal family life public. Her biography states that she was the wife of Mrdulyash Pavel Brunovich, who has made a career in the financial sector. The young people met while studying at the institute. Olga Yuryevna’s husband was engaged in quite varied activities. Pavel Brunovich heads the work on training new personnel for the Ministry of Economic Development and is one of the leading specialists in the fields of mathematical modeling and game theory. He also proved himself as a leader in significant positions in leading commercial Russian banks, such as Imperial and the International Financial Club.

In 1986, the couple had twins Tanya and Anya. The girls inherited their mother's determination and received higher education at Moscow State University. Anna chose the path of an orientalist and Africanist. She lives and works in Moscow. The girl is interested in politics, but is a supporter of the opposition to the existing government. Anna took part in protests against the opaque electoral system, called the “white ribbon movement.” Her sister Tatyana chose the profession of lawyer, graduating from the Faculty of Management of Moscow State University. The active girl has already managed to found MFK-Capital LLC. Tatyana left her native country and chose Swiss Geneva as her permanent place of residence.

In 2003, the couple decided to divorce. In her free time, Olga Yuryevna likes to attend opera and ballet, and continues to write scientific papers on social and labor relations. The politician leads an active lifestyle, goes in for swimming, winter swimming, tennis, and also takes choreography lessons. Olga Yuryevna is also a happy grandmother of three grandchildren.

Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Government since May 2012. Previously - Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Social Affairs (2011-2012), Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Health and Education (2010-2011), Head of the Board of Directors of the Soglasie insurance company (2008-2010), Deputy General Director of MMC Norilsk Nickel for personnel (2001-2008), deputy governor of the Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets) Autonomous Okrug for social issues (2001). Candidate of Economic Sciences (1990).

In 1984, Golodets graduated from the Faculty of Economics of Lomonosov Moscow State University, and in 1990, she graduated from graduate school at the Labor Research Institute of the USSR State Committee for Labor. In the same year, she defended her dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences. While studying in graduate school, Golodets, according to official biographies, was engaged in scientific activities at the Central Research Laboratory of Human Resources of the Labor Research Institute, as well as the Institute of Employment Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

In 1997, Golodets took the position of director of social programs of the Reformugol Foundation, an organization operating on the basis of an agreement concluded by the Russian government and the World Bank. In particular, at the Golodets foundation, according to media reports, she was engaged in “creating new jobs for miners.”

In 1999, Golodets headed the department of social policy and personnel of the Norilsk Nickel company. In 2001, she was appointed deputy governor of the Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets) Autonomous Okrug for social issues, Alexander Khloponin, who before his election to this position held the post of general director of Norilsk Nickel. In December 2001, Golodets returned to Norilsk Nickel, becoming Mikhail Prokhorov’s deputy general director for personnel and social policy. In the spring of 2006, the non-state pension fund Interros-Dostoinstvo, renamed NPF Norilsk Nickel, was transferred under the control of Norilsk Nickel, and Olga Golodets took the post of chairman of the board. Subsequently, Golodets’ work in the management of Norilsk Nickel and in other structures owned by Prokhorov allowed a number of media outlets to call her the “creature” and “right hand” of the businessman. Golodets herself noted in an interview with journalists that working at Norilsk Nickel became a serious school for her.

As Deputy General Director of Norilsk Nickel, Golodets has been repeatedly awarded with professional awards. Thus, in November 2004, the Association of Managers named her the best Russian HR director, and in November 2007, Golodets received the Aristos Award, established by the Association of Managers and the Kommersant publishing house, in the category “Best HR Director.”

In July 2008, during the division of the business by Norilsk Nickel co-owners Mikhail Prokhorov and Vladimir Potanin, Golodets left the company. She took the post of executive director of the ONEXIM Prokhorov group and headed the board of directors of the Soglasie insurance company owned by the group. It was noted that later, under the leadership of Golodets, the insurance company managed to achieve a significant improvement in its performance by 2010: from fourteenth place in the ranking of the hundred best insurance companies, it rose to eighth.

After leaving Norilsk Nickel, Golodets, however, for some time continued to head the board of his pension fund, which was included in the assets of the ONEXIM group. She remained in this position until December 16, 2008, when, after the fund returned to the control of Norilsk Nickel, which had passed to Potanin, the board was forced to resign. At the end of December 2008, it became known that the company sent letters to the former management of the NPF, including Golodets, asking them to voluntarily renounce the lifelong pensions assigned to them in accordance with the pension program previously developed by the social policy service of the MMC. According to the Kommersant newspaper, Olga Golodets herself, as the head of the fund’s board, was entitled to monthly pension payments in the amount of 200 thousand rubles. Subsequently, no information was found in the media about the reaction of former NPF leaders to Norilsk Nickel’s request (editor’s note).

The official press release of Norilsk Nickel reported that Golodets initiated the creation in December 2007 of the All-Russian Inter-Industry Association of Employers - Manufacturers of Nickel and Precious Metals, after which she headed it (according to Rossiyskaya Gazeta, she became the President of the Association in July 2008 ). It was also noted that Golodets and the top managers of the MMC, who were members of the Association’s council, continued to act as leaders of the organization even after their dismissal from Norilsk Nickel. Golodets headed the association until December 2010.

In 2009, Golodets appeared in the media as a member of the board of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP) (in the same year, Prokhorov also joined the RUIE board bureau). In 2010, the press called her Prokhorov’s deputy as chairman of the Committee on the Labor Market and Personnel Strategies of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs. While in this post, the businessman proposed a number of amendments to the Labor Code developed by the committee, including simplification of dismissals and the introduction of a 60-hour work week with the consent of the employee. However, the committee’s proposals caused a sharply negative reaction in society and were not adopted by the State Duma.

On December 2, 2010, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin appointed Golodets as his deputy for health and education issues. Another deputy mayor, Lyudmila Shvetsova, was entrusted with “responsibility for social support for the population, housing policy and work with public organizations.” Thus, with the arrival of Golodets, Shvetsova, who was responsible for the entire social bloc under the previous Moscow mayor Yuri Luzhkov, lost a significant part of her powers. “This is a tough, strong leader, capable of working. It is believed that such a person can lead everything,” Golodets then described “a top manager of one of the large insurance companies” in a conversation with Kommersant.

On December 30, 2011, it became known that Sobyanin appointed Golodets as his deputy for social issues. It was noted that it was decided to reunite the “social complex” “in one hand” (Shvetsova, who was on the Moscow list of United Russia in the elections to the State Duma of the sixth convocation, was elected as a deputy). The decree appointing Golodets was signed by the mayor on January 10, 2012.

On May 21, 2012, Golodets took the post of Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation in the government of Dmitry Medvedev, where she was tasked with overseeing the social block. The new position of Golodets was described as very high “in the administrative system”: it was reported that it “will actually be supervised by the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Labor.” Her area of ​​responsibility also included demographic and youth policy, education, culture, science, tourism, as well as interaction with public and religious organizations. It was noted that in his post as Deputy Prime Minister, Golodets would have to complete the healthcare reform, ensure the sustainability of the pension system, and also regulate labor legislation. Soon after her appointment, Golodets announced that she intended to visit all regions of Russia.

Golodets’s income declaration, published in April 2011, allowed the press to call her the wealthiest woman in the Moscow government: the official’s income in 2010 amounted to more than 57 million rubles, in addition, she owned two apartments and half a dacha in Switzerland. However, the following year, Golodets’s income dropped sharply and, according to the declaration, amounted to 11.19 million rubles.

Olga Golodets is married and has two children.

Russian statesman, former Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. Since May 18, 2018, he has held the post of Prime Minister and is responsible for culture, sports and tourism.


In 1984 she graduated from the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov.

Then she studied at the graduate school of the Research Institute of Labor of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR, which she graduated in 1990. In the same year she received the scientific degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences.

Labor activity

As a graduate student, she got a job at the Central Research Laboratory of Human Resources, Research Institute of Labor, Institute of Employment Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences. She worked there for 13 years.

Since 1997, for two years she was the director of social programs of the Reformugol Foundation, which operated on the basis of an agreement concluded by the Russian government and the World Bank. There, according to media reports, she was involved, among other things, in “creating new jobs for miners.” Then she got a job at MMC Norilsk Nickel as head of the personnel and social policy department.

In 2001, she took the post of deputy governor of the Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets) Autonomous Okrug for social issues.

In December 2001, she returned to Norilsk Nickel to the post of Deputy General Director for Personnel and Social Policy, which she held until 2008. After leaving Norilsk Nickel, until December 16, 2008, she still headed the board of its non-state pension fund (NPF) and took the post of executive director of the ONEXIM group


In 2009, she was mentioned in the media as a member of the board of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, and in 2010, as the deputy chairman of the committee on the labor market and personnel strategies of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, Mikhail Prokhorov.

From 2008 to 2010, as president, she headed the All-Russian Inter-Industry Association of Employers - Manufacturers of Nickel and Precious Metals, and was Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Soglasie insurance company.

At the end of 2010, she became deputy mayor of Moscow Sergei Sobyanin in the Moscow government for education and health care, and a year later she was appointed deputy mayor for social issues. On May 21, 2012, she left this position and became deputy chairman of the Russian government.


On January 14, 2013, she was appointed responsible for the implementation of the “Decree on measures to protect orphans,” signed by President V.V. Putin on December 28, 2012.

It is known that she led the process of reorganization of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Physical Institute of the Academy of Sciences, the purpose of which was to separate the economic and scientific directions and transfer the economic and property complex to a specially created Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations.

Among other things, she is the head of the government council for the Russian language. On September 15, 2014, with the participation of the council, she opened the “Education in Russian” portal.

According to data as of September 2016, she, as Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of the Russian Federation, gave several instructions to the relevant authorities regarding

The issue of teachers’ salaries, that is, preventing a reduction in their salaries compared to last year (first of all, the appeal was to the heads of some constituent entities of the Russian Federation, where non-compliance with the “May decrees” still took place);

The need to consider the issue of providing prisoners with the opportunity to use voluntary health insurance services (addressed by the Federal Penitentiary Service and the Ministry of Health).

Three days after the elections to the State Duma of the seventh convocation, held on September 18, 2016, she reported that the government had not yet discussed options for changing the procedure for paying mandatory insurance contributions, while the Deputy Prime Minister herself spoke in favor of abolishing the “equalization” and introducing a progressive scale income tax.

On December 16, 2016, she held an all-Russian meeting on social development, at which issues of demographic and family policy were raised: first of all, the birth rate and the problem of abortion were discussed. She noted that thanks to the introduction of in vitro fertilization services into the compulsory medical insurance system, the number of IVF operations is growing.

During the meeting, the need for more and better assistance to those suffering from cancer was voiced. The discussion also included the salaries of health workers, the employment of mothers and programs for the construction of new kindergartens. Then the Deputy Prime Minister presented letters of gratitude to regional leaders for achievements in the social sphere in 2016. The governments of the Moscow and Tyumen regions, as well as the Stavropol Territory, especially distinguished themselves.

Olga Golodets is a politician, economist and statesman, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. Her achievements in a managerial position have been repeatedly noted by colleagues, as well as domestic publications.

In the 2014 ranking she took 4th place as one of the most influential women in the country, and is also one of the leading top managers of the Russian Federation. She has many awards in various fields of government and during her political career she held positions in the fields of education, medicine, labor, culture, science and others.

Height, weight, age. How old is Olga Golodets

The nationality of the politician is Russian. Olga Yurievna Golodets is a worthy example of an educated and successful woman who was able to realize herself in the field of government. She has a PhD in economics and in her youth worked in a research laboratory, studying employment.

Information about the politician is purely professional and it is quite difficult for users to find out her height, weight, age. How old Olga Golodets is can be found out from her official biography. This year Olga Yuryevna celebrated her 55th birthday.

Biography and personal life of Olga Golodets

Olga Yuryevna is a native Muscovite, born on the first day of summer 1962. Parents gave the future politician an excellent education. Olga graduated from Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov with a degree in economics. Exactly 20 years ago, the politician received her first leadership position. Social policy, personnel selection, solving social problems of enterprises and creating programs - this entire range of responsibilities was an integral part of the activist’s career. In subsequent years, the name Golodets was also repeatedly mentioned in the media in connection with the activities of the industrial sector, as well as the precious metals mining industries. Olga Yuryevna was the head of an insurance company, was on the board of the union of entrepreneurs, and was also the president of the community of employers in the metal mining industry.

Golodets’ amazing efficiency and activity in various business circles and areas of public activity led to a leadership position under the government of the Moscow region in 2010. As Deputy Mayor of the city, Olga Yuryevna resolved issues in the field of education and healthcare, as well as social policy. The politician's income increased sharply during this period, making her one of the wealthiest female government officials.

Two years later, Olga Golodets received the post of Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation.

The biography and personal life of Olga Golodets over the entire period of her activity is very rich. In addition to government activities, since 2014 he has been involved in the problems and development of the Russian language and heads the government council in this area.

Olga Yuryevna manages not only to take care of her career, but also her family. She was married and has two adult daughters.

Family and children of Olga Golodets

Olga Golodets is the niece of the honored coach and football player of the Russian Federation Adamas Golodets. The master of sports coached three famous football teams. Under his leadership, the Dynamo team received third place in the Russian Championship and also reached the final of the National Cup.

Olga Golodets’ father is a teacher at the Institute of National Economy, and her mother is a restaurant director. The woman also has a sister, 7 years younger than the politician. Olga Golodets’ family has always been strong and friendly. Having both parents, Olga understood the importance of family values ​​for the upbringing and development of a child. She gained particular popularity thanks to her letter to President Putin appealing and criticizing the law prohibiting the adoption of Russian children by American families. After which she got the opportunity to carry out the necessary amendments to the law on the adoption of orphans by presidential decree. Activities to protect children's and human rights are also a priority in the politician's activities.

As a student, Olga meets her future husband Pavel Brunovich. The couple lived legally married for about 20 years, but in 2013 the couple divorced. An active public life, career and self-realization did not benefit family relationships. However, the couple maintains a good relationship even after the divorce. Olga and Pavel have two adult twin daughters. Olga Golodets’ children are following in the footsteps of their parents, and both graduated from Moscow State University. Today the politician already has grandchildren, and she enjoys spending time with them as a family, playing games, and instilling in them a love of Russian ballet.

Daughter of Olga Golodets - Anna Mrdulyash

Olga Golodets’s daughter, Anna Mrdulyash, was born on the same day as her twin sister Tatyana in 1986. Since childhood, the girl loved fairy tales and cartoons from other countries of the world, dreamed of going to Japan and seeing Tokyo.

Anna graduated from Moscow State University, like her parents, but she chose the faculty for herself completely outside the tradition of the family of economists. The Institute of Asian and African Countries gave the girl the opportunity to make her childhood dreams come true. Today, the daughter of a politician is a Japanese scholar; she studies the culture, traditions, way of life and literature of the land of the rising sun.

Daughter of Olga Golodets - Tatyana Mrdulyash

Olga Golodets’s second daughter, Tatyana Mrdulyash, is also a graduate of Moscow State University, but in the Faculty of Management. The girl must have inherited her mother's ability to lead. Tatyana lives abroad permanently and works as a lawyer.

Wikipedia also states that the girl worked as deputy head of the art museum in Moscow - the Tretyakov Gallery. According to the media, both daughters of the statesman hold opposition political views.

Olga Golodets's ex-husband - Pavel Mrdulyash

Olga Golodets’s ex-husband, Pavel Mrdulyash, is a graduate of Moscow State University, where he met his future wife. The talented mathematician, known for his calculations in gaming techniques, also held high positions in the banking business sector.

Today Pavel Brunovich works in the field of personnel training under the Ministry of Trade and Economic Development of the country. He holds a leadership position and is one of the leading specialists in the office management industry. His work is assessed by colleagues and participants in the educational process as highly effective and useful to society.

Instagram and Wikipedia Olga Golodets

Today Olga Yuryevna is responsible for ensuring the protection of public health, controls the turnover and availability of quality control certificates and all permits for the use of medical products, and exercises control over the pharmaceutical industry.

In addition, the deputy’s responsibilities include ensuring social policy, developing pension programs, regulating relations between employers and employees, as well as youth policy, and collecting and processing demographic data. The politician is a very busy woman and does not have time to maintain an Instagram account. Olga Golodets’ Wikipedia contains a lot of useful information for studying the activities and life of a politician.

There is little information about childhood and youth. According to her official biography, she studied at Lomonosov Moscow State University with a degree in population economics. Graduated from it in 1984. Six years later, she completed her postgraduate studies at the Labor Research Institute of the USSR State Committee for Labor.

From the moment of graduation and before 1997 worked at the Central Research Laboratory of Human Resources, Research Institute of Labor, Institute of Employment Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Since 1997 For two years she worked at the Reformugol Foundation. This non-profit organization was created as a result of an agreement between the Russian government, Rosugleprofsoyuz and the World Bank. Olga Golodets' activities were related to social policy. She supervised the employment of miners after the closure of those mines whose work began to generate losses.

In 1999 she began her career at Norilsk Nickel. In this company, she also dealt with personnel issues and was the head of the social policy and personnel department.

She decided to leave Norilsk Nickel in 2001 in connection with the appointment to the post of Deputy Governor of the Taimyr Autonomous Okrug for social issues. The head of the Taimyr Autonomous Okrug, Alexander Khloponin, was previously the general director of this company.

In the civil service under the jurisdiction of Olga Yuryevna Golodets, there were issues of adaptation of children from traditional national families to non-nomadic life.

However, in the end 2001, in December, Olga Golodets returned to Norilsk Nickel to a higher position. She became Mikhail Prokhorov's deputy general director for personnel and social policy. She headed the company’s pension fund and was involved in the resettlement of Norilsk residents to the mainland.

For her successful work in this position, she was repeatedly awarded with professional awards. Also in 2004, she was named the Best HR Professional by the Management Association, and in 2007 she received the Association's Best HR Director Award.

Subsequently, the media will call her the “right hand” of Mikhail Prokhorov. The reason for this was her active work not only in Norilsk Nickel, but also in other structures owned by the businessman.

So, after Vladimir Potanin and Mikhail Prokhorov divided their joint assets, Olga Golodets did not remain at Norilsk Nickel, but went to the ONEXIM group to the position of executive director. At this time, she still remained at the head of the board of the Norilsk Nickel pension fund, since it was included in the assets of ONEXIM. But soon he went to Potanin, and she left this company completely.

Olga Golodets also became the head of the board of directors of the Soglasie insurance company, which belonged to ONEXIM.

In 2009 she became a member of the board of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP).

In 2010 she returned to government service. Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin appointed her as his deputy for health and education. In 2011 she became deputy mayor for social issues. During her work as deputy head of the city in Moscow, electronic queues for schools and clinics were actively introduced, queues for kindergartens were reduced, and educational institutions were reconstructed.

Olga Golodets joined the Russian government in May 2012. She took the post of Deputy Prime Minister and began to oversee the social block. As the media noted, this position includes supervision of many issues: issues of demographic policy, health care, education, youth policy, culture and others. The official herself noted in an interview with one publication that the function of the Deputy Prime Minister for Social Affairs is leading; it sets the pace of economic development, because all wealth is created by human labor.

Colleagues describe Olga Golodets as a tough, strong and demanding leader who can keep a lot of issues under control.

In 2011, she was named the wealthiest woman in the Moscow government. Her income in 2010 amounted to 57 million rubles.

She is married and has two daughters and three grandchildren with whom she enjoys spending time. The Deputy Prime Minister also loves opera and ballet. He also finds time to play sports: tennis, swimming. Likes to plunge into ice holes and go to choreography classes.

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