Right choir. The meaning of the word choir. Examples of the use of the word kliros in literature

    - (Greek kleros part of the land inherited by lot). 1) a place in the temple for clergy 2) a choir of singers. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. KLIROS [gr. kleros] in a Christian church: place for the choir. Dictionary… … Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Solea, klyros Dictionary of Russian synonyms. kliros noun, number of synonyms: 2 klyros (1) soleya ... Synonym dictionary

    - (Greek kleros), in the Russian Orthodox Church there is a place on the dais in front of the iconostasis for singers, readers and clerics... Modern encyclopedia

    A raised platform on both sides of the altar, a place in a Christian church for choristers during worship... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    KLIROS, ah, husband. In the church: a place for singers on a raised platform on both sides in front of the altar. | adj. choir, oh, oh. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    A place in an Orthodox church where the clergy, i.e., clerics, readers, singers, as well as persons of the priesthood, for example, deacons, are located during the service, if they do not take part in the service according to their rank, but only assist in the reading and ... Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron

    Choir- the side part of the solea, intended for the church clergy (choir singers and readers)... Source: SP 31 103 99. Buildings, structures and complexes of Orthodox churches (adopted by Resolution of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated December 27, 1999 N 92) ... Official terminology

A raised platform on both sides of the altar, a place in a Christian church for choristers during worship.

View value Choir in other dictionaries

Choir- choir, m. (Greek kleros) (church). Place for singers in the church on a raised platform in front of the iconostasis, on the right and left sides of the so-called. royal gates. Right choir. Left choir.
Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Kliros M.— 1. Place for singers in a Christian church (on a raised platform in front of the altar on the right and left sides of the royal doors). 2. The singers themselves, singing in such a place; church choir
Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

Choir- -A; m. [from Greek. klēros - lot, destiny] Place for singers in the church on a raised platform in front of the altar on the right and left sides of the royal doors. Sing in the choir. // collected Singing singers......
Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary

Choir— This church term, which names a place for choristers in a church, was borrowed from the Old Slavonic language, which goes back to the Greek kliros - “allotment, part.”
Krylov's etymological dictionary

Choir- a raised platform on both sides of the altar, a place in a Christian church for choristers during worship.
Large encyclopedic dictionary

Choir- (from Greek kleros - part) - elevation in front of the iconostasis in Rus. Orthodox churches, where there are singers and readers.
Philosophical Dictionary

CHOIR— KLIROS, -a, m. In the church: a place for singers on a dais on both sides in front of the altar. || adj. choir, -aya, -oe.
Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

REFERENCE: Bukhanets Irina Petrovna. Regent of the St. Innocent Church in Khabarovsk - the oldest parish in the Khabarovsk Territory.
Work experience: 16 years (since September 2000).
Education: conducting and choral department of the Khabarovsk State Institute of Arts and Culture.

The beginning of the way

“What is a temple? I imagined it then, as they showed in European films: a large door opens, and there are rows of benches, and in the center is a man on his knees in a red cap.”

— Ira, before moving on to the discussion of choir service, tell us, first, how and where did your choir path begin?

— My friend and I came to the St. Innocent Church somewhere in early September 2000. Like all students, we then asked each other where we could earn extra money? Yes, we were already in our second year, and we were allowed to work! And then one day a friend at the institute shared: “Well, for example, I sing in church...”. What is a temple? I imagined it then, as they showed in European films: a large door opens, and there are rows of benches, and in the center is a man on his knees in a red cap. This was the end of my understanding of the Church. I was not baptized, I had never been to any church, I did not know about Orthodoxy at all. What it is?

And so, my friend and I came - and it turned out that everything was completely different. I remember our first visit. She and I didn’t know then that there was an entrance to the temple on the other side, so we began to climb up from below. The gate was open, but there was no road - just gravel. And my friend and I are climbing the mountain in heels and tight skirts. I was then indignant in my heart: “So what, walk like this every day?” In general, we somehow got up, met with the regent, she listened to us and decided that we should take it.

The regent in the temple at that time was Ksenia Kudlay (now nun Seraphim). She was very strict, I would even say orthodox. She explained to us that “the choir is a very high service, it still needs to be earned.” They didn't let everyone in there. At the first rehearsal, she told us a parable about how during the service, angels go around the entire temple and give ordinary worshipers a silver coin, and the singers a gold coin.

At first we were not even allowed into the choir itself. At that time it was not fenced in any way; there was not even a pulpit. The pulpit was made just when we were baptized - a month after our first visit, at the end of September. I remember it well, it was hard to hear the priest: renovations were going on. Everything was in the woods, there were carpets below, and there wasn’t even a floor. The altar had just been painted, and a small step was made in front of it, where the choir was located. We stood next to it; it was impossible to climb it. The priest came up to us: “Are you a choir member?” “Yes, we are learning.” They will also show us off separately and move on. This is how we existed for about seven months. There were separate rehearsals for us where we studied voices. It was strict then. They learned the dogmatist by heart, “Lord, I cried,” they set the tone for themselves, sang, and passed. Before this we were not allowed in. We studied for a long time.

And then one day the choir, a fairly large group of people, went on some kind of trip. I don’t know what happened, but when everyone returned, massive layoffs began. The staff was disbanded, many were fired, and almost no one remained. Our regent Ksenia, now nun Seraphima, had already gone to the monastery by that time. We hired a girl as regent who had just graduated from a psalm-reading course and knew only the rules and notes at the “do-re-mi-fa-sol” level. And then we were urgently called to the choir. There were five singers in total, then another girl left us to make pies - they paid more there. And there are four of us left. But it was then that we were finally fully accepted into their ranks. Before this, the abbot simply came out: “Are you singing? Well done!” And on April 1, we were officially accommodated, these were just the days before Easter. We sang our first Easter from sight. Our regent took out some notes, in my opinion it was “The Lady” - something simple.

So we sang everything from sight, everyone liked it, and the usual workdays began, which went like this: the two of us came to the service, two new girls who knew nothing in terms of the rules, who had just been formalized, who had been learning voices for seven months, and to whom notes were served from the choir. They came, but there was no one on the choir. There is no psalm-reader, no regent, and the bedside table with books is locked. Our sexton came out, broke open the bedside table with a crowbar, took out a book of hours for us, opened it and, as I remember now: “It’s nine o’clock - read and sing everything.”

I remember we read the ninth hour, looked at each other, read Psalm 103, then some exclamation, well, we knew the litanies - we sang, “Lord, I cried,” then we sing-sing-sing everything in a row - all the prokemeny for Monday-Tuesday- Wednesday-Thursday, until the sexton comes out: “So, you don’t need to sing this...”. In general, our first service was very original. Then I immediately realized that I needed to learn the rules, there was no one to rely on.

— But before there were no Divine service instructions...

— There wasn’t, there was a calendar, Rozanov’s Liturgical Charter and the Typikon. And also Octoechos and the old, very complexly written Menaion. There were very few notes. And there was no schedule. We opened the calendar, in which it was written what service, looked at what sign, what was being sung: Octoechos or Triodion, or combination - and off we went.

— By the way, how did you understand the Church Slavonic language? Along the way?

Very fast. We came together with a friend (she is now the regent in Fokino), took a book of hours and a Psalter from the library - one copy in Church Slavonic, the other in Russian. One read, the second checked. We learned how to fly in about two weeks. We didn’t have a situation where we sat, crammed, read it once - and immediately began to read it at services.

Regency everyday life

« What does every child who comes to music school dream about? Get to the “Voice” project! He absolutely does not dream of owning any instrument, and does not want to practice choral singing, because this way he will not be able to show his timbre, its beauty. Choral singing, in principle, is not cultivated now.”

- So, now you are the regent yourself...

“But I didn’t intend to be one.” We worked in the choir for about a year, when our regent got married and suddenly, together with her husband, she urgently got ready to leave for the west to visit relatives. We were then told not to worry and were promised a new regent. They left, but there was still no replacement. It turned out that no one warned the girl who was promised to us as a replacement. And, in general, she is not going to visit us. And we have a service with the bishop. Who will lead? Well, anyone. Everyone managed it somehow, including me. Bishop Mark comes out after the service and says: “You will be regent.” “Yes, I can’t, I don’t know anything...” “You will learn.” All! Nobody asked: do you want it or not, can you do it or not, do you have an education...

- Let's talk about our time now. What does a person need now to become a singer, specifically in our church? What requirements do you have?

— I have high demands, but I don’t really have anyone to set them to, to be honest. There is a shortage of personnel not only in our church, but in Khabarovsk in general. Because young people don't want to learn music.

– Why do you think?

- I know specifically. What does every child who comes to music school dream about? Get to the “Voice” project! He absolutely does not dream of owning any instrument, because it is not necessary, because there is a program that can reproduce any instruments for you. He doesn’t want to study choral singing, because this way he won’t be able to show his timbre, his beauty. Choral singing, in principle, is not currently cultivated. If before it was everywhere, even in Soviet times every factory had its own choir, but now - alas. And the musical, professional choirs were huge, and they really were professional, but now even the level of our choirs that perform, the same chapels, is much lower. They are half made up of amateurs, so in this situation, for us now, every person is valuable. We try to train every capable person and appeal to his conscience that since you came to the choir, you must conform.

- Well, okay, when a man comes to the choir - take me, I want to sing!

Want? Okay, I’ll listen to you, what can you do?

- Well, I know a little music...

- Do I know the notes? Fine! What note is this? I immediately give the simplest notes to any person who comes. That is, first I’m wondering if you have any experience of singing in the choir, or experience of attending services in a church? Some have it, some don’t have it at all - students come for the first time, like I once did. I take elementary notes, where the text is in Russian. I explain that we will sing not only from notes, but also from books, but first I need to listen to the level of knowledge and musical education. If a person cannot immediately sing the specified line from a sheet of paper, I ask him to sing any song. He sings, and I determine whether he has hearing and a voice. Then I ask, is there a desire to learn? Because it’s easy to just stand on the choir... we already have so little space. If a person has a desire, he begins to study - go to rehearsals, listen. If there is a great desire, it begins to educate itself. He goes to college, learns basic music theory. Because without knowing the notes on the choir it is very difficult.

— Are there any requirements besides musical ones?

- Well, it is clear that a person must be baptized and, of course, it is desirable that he also be a member of the church. But this is an ideal if a church-going singer comes to you, with a higher choral conducting education, a desire to sing, to work every day, but... This happens very rarely.

— Does it happen that maybe a talented person comes, but for some reason he is unable to join the team? Could this be?

- Maybe. Most often this does not happen because of the level of his musicality, it is a matter of character. Basically, as practice shows, if you yourself have a quarrelsome disposition, or you, for example, think that you sing better than Vasya, and Vasya interferes with your singing... Such a person will never join the choir, because he does not understand that the choir – I’m not the one who came to sing. This is a team. If one person sings differently from others and wants to show off, it usually ends in tears. A person does not understand that here, in principle, people are not realized through this. And he hears only himself.

— How many singers are in your choir now?

- Now, in my opinion, there are about ten people walking steadily. In principle, if you look at it, we don’t even have a choir, but a vocal ensemble. Because the minimum choir is 24-32 people. Well, at least 24. We have a vocal ensemble, plus there are restrictions on weekdays - 3-4 people. It is impossible to even create a vocal ensemble. That is, these are trios and quartets. Based on this, we are trying to sing choral music that is written for the choir, and adapt it somehow. The church acoustics, which, thank God, are still pre-revolutionary, help a lot - and this saves. We have a properly made dome. Previously, temples were built, this was taken into account. This was clearly stated. In other churches, if you sing without a microphone, the sound is terrible.

—Can you assess the professional level of the singers in your choir?

Different, very different. People are diverse, with different levels of talent. Some people are really talented but lazy. You tell him, you can do better, you even suggest how to do better, but they don’t want to. And there are people who were told somewhere that they would never sing. They have problems with hearing, voice and in general it’s better... to cook pies. But they came anyway. And we started to study a little bit. Now they are already holding the party. They have both willpower and desire, so there is a result. And we have very capable people who write music. All people are talented, you just need to hint them about it, give them the way, and there will be a desire.

Canonarch- one of the clergy persons. His duty is to initiate certain chants. The canonarch must publicly proclaim what will be sung and in what voice; then he proclaims each chanted line of the chant, which is repeated after him by the choir. The canonarch's voice must be strong, clear, his pronunciation distinct and clear. Singing with the canonarch has been preserved mainly in monasteries.

vestment- the name of the clothes in which clergy wear during worship.

Stole(Greek - on the neck) - accessory to priestly vestments: a long, wide ribbon worn around the neck. Its ends are fastened with buttons and go down to the chest, reaching almost to the ground.

Rod- a symbol of spiritual power. The most ancient images represent the Savior in the form of a Shepherd (Shepherd) with a staff in his hand. The apostles were also depicted with a rod (staff). In view of the continuity of spiritual power, the rod passed from the apostles to their successors -


A place for singers on a raised platform in front of the altar on the right and left sides of the royal doors in a Christian church.

The singers themselves, singing in such a place; clergy member.

Large modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what KLIROS is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • CHOIR in the Dictionary of Church Terms:
  • CHOIR in Orthodox Church terms:
    a place in the temple intended for the choir. The choirs are located at both ends...
  • CHOIR in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox encyclopedia "THREE". The choir is a place in the temple intended for the choir. The choirs are located at both ends of the sole. ...
  • CHOIR in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
  • CHOIR in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    a place in an Orthodox church where the clergy, i.e., the clerics - readers, singers (choristers), as well as persons ... are seated during services.
  • CHOIR in the Modern Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (Greek kleros), in the Russian Orthodox Church there is a place on a dais in front of the iconostasis for singers, readers and ...
  • CHOIR in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    a, m. Place for the choir in a Christian church. Choir - related to the choir, ...
  • CHOIR in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -a, m. In the church: place for singers on a dais on both sides in front of the altar. II adj. choir room, ...
  • CHOIR in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    KLIROS, elevation on both sides of the altar, place in Christ. churches for singers during...
  • CHOIR in the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia:
    ? a place in an Orthodox church where the clergy, i.e., the clerics, sit during services? readers, singers (chanters), and...
  • CHOIR in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    kli"ros, kli"rosy, kli"rosa, kli"rosov, kli"rosov, kli"rosam, kli"ros, kli"rosy, kli"rosom, kli"rosami, kli"ros, ...
  • CHOIR in the Popular Explanatory Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    -a, m. In a Christian church: a raised platform on both sides of the altar for singers during worship. When the father finished, and with...
  • CHOIR in the New Dictionary of Foreign Words:
    (gr. kleros) place for a choir in a Christian ...
  • CHOIR in the Dictionary of Foreign Expressions:
    [gr. kleros] place for the choir in the Christian ...
  • CHOIR in the Russian Synonyms dictionary:
  • CHOIR in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    m. 1) Place for singers in a Christian church (on a raised platform in front of the altar on the right and left sides of the royal doors). ...
  • CHOIR in Lopatin’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    kl'iros, ...
  • CHOIR in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
  • CHOIR in the Spelling Dictionary:
    kl'iros, ...
  • CHOIR in Ozhegov’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    In the church: a place for choristers on a raised platform on both sides in front...
  • CHOIR in the Modern Explanatory Dictionary, TSB:
    a raised platform on both sides of the altar, a place in a Christian church for choristers during...
  • CHOIR in Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    choir, m. (Greek kleros) (church). Place for singers in the church on a raised platform in front of the iconostasis, on the right and left sides of ...
  • CHOIR in Ephraim's Explanatory Dictionary:
    choir m. 1) A place for singers in a Christian church (on a raised platform in front of the altar on the right and left sides of the royal ...
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