Download presentation Russian Orthodox Church. Presentation on the topic of the Russian Orthodox Church. Learning a new topic

Otsarev Eduard Nikolaevich

History teacher, MBOU "Bratslav Secondary School"

History of Russia (17-18 centuries), E.V. Pchelov, 2012.

Level of training - basic

Topic:: Russian Orthodox Church of the 16th century.

The total number of hours allocated to study the topic is 1 hour

Lesson No. 9 Total number of hours allotted for studying the topic Total number of hours allotted for studying the topic

Topic: Russian Orthodox Church of the 16th century.

Lesson objectives.


    To trace what has changed in the position of the Russian Orthodox Church.

    Reveal the reasons for the dispute between the non-possessors and the Josephites.

    Reveal the essence of heresies of the 16th century.

    Consider the changes that occurred in the Russian Orthodox Church with the establishment of the patriarchate.


    Work on developing oral speech;

    Develop skills in working with a textbook and additional material.

    Develop the ability to compare, generalize, and draw conclusions.


    To develop an interest in history;

    Foster respect for the traditions and historical past of your homeland.

    Contribute to the moral education of students.

Basic concepts of the lesson: heresies, strigolniki, non-acquisitors, holy fools, virigi, Patriarch.

Lesson type: learning new material.

Plan for learning new material.

1. Monasteries. Non-possessors and Josephites.

2. Heresies in the 16th century.

3. Stoglavy Cathedral.

4. Establishment of the patriarchate.

Conducting a lesson.

Checking d/z (frontal survey).

Studying a new topic.

Teacher's word:

In the 12th century, the Russian Orthodox Church remained the only force in Rus' that resisted fragmentation and princely strife. She sought to restore the spiritual and political unity of Rus' during the Mongol invasion of Rus'. She remained as a real force and consoled the people in this difficult test. The Russian Church played an important role in the revival of the unity of the Russian state.

Try to formulate the topic of our lesson. (Students' answers).

Write down the topic and lesson plan.

Monasteries enjoyed special influence in the Russian state. They protected the people from influences coming from the West, preserved Russian culture and the national identity of the people.

Formulation of the problem:

Why were some monasteries poor, while others were very rich and increased their wealth in different ways?

Read in the textbook on page ... ways to enrich monasteries and write them down in your notebook.

What methods did you write down? (Examination)

Student's message about the Joseph-Volokolamsk Monastery.

Student's message about Nil Sorsky.

Work in groups:

Divide students into 2 groups. One protects the interests of the Josephites, the other protects the interests of non-possessors. Assignment: write a defense speech.

Who did the power of the Grand Duke ultimately give preference to?

2. Heresies of the 16th century.

Heresies (from the Greek word "heresis") are deviations from the official doctrine of the church.

In Rus', the first heresies appeared in large cities connected with Europe by trade ties. These were Pskov and Novgorod. The heretics opposed the official doctrine and accused the monks and clergy of greed and the accumulation of land holdings and wealth. Such people could not teach people faith. Heretics believed that a person, without the help of the church, could communicate with God on his own.

What danger did heresies pose?

3. Stoglavy Cathedral.

Independent work.

On page ... we read the item “Stoglavy Cathedral”.

Problem: What role did the cathedral play in the later life of Rus'?

Student answers. (1. The Church brought order and harmony into its life. 2. Supported the state. 3. Opposed violence and tyranny.)

4. Establishment of the patriarchate.

The Russian Church became independent in 1589. The head of the church began to be called the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus'. Moscow Metropolitan Job was the first to be elected to this rank. In terms of its position, the rank of patriarch is higher than the rank of metropolitan. Now the Patriarch of Constantinople was not the head of the Russian Church. This means that it becomes independent (autocephalous). The Russian Church became equal in rights with other churches - Constantinople, Jerusalem, Alexandria and others.

The state in Rus' was now headed not by the Grand Duke, but by the Tsar.


- I remembered in class...

I liked the lesson...

I understood in today's lesson


Learn paragraph, questions No. 2,3 in writing.

    Slide 1

    Who was at the head of the Russian state? What was the Boyar Duma? What is the name of the body that controlled tax revenues? What functions did the Palace perform? What is feeding? What name did the new set of laws adopted by Ivan III receive? What is elderly? Who paid it and in what case? What is a fiefdom? What is an estate?

    Slide 2

    Remember who supported Alexander Nevsky, who inspired Dmitry Donskoy to the Battle of Kulikovo, who supported the Prince of Moscow during the princely strife? CHURCH AND STATE AT THE END OF THE XV - BEGINNING OF THE XVI CENTURY. Plan of the Monasteries. Non-possessors and Josephites. 2. Heresies in the second half of the 15th - first half of the 16th century. 3. The theory “Moscow is the third Rome” by monk Philotheus.

    Slide 3

    New words and concepts: Union of Florence, synodics, heresies, simony, strigolniki, non-covetous people, eldership, clerk, Judaizers. Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, where the Union of Florence was signed in 1439

    Slide 4

    Until 1448, the Russian Church was under the control of the Ecumenical (Constantinople) Patriarchate, constituting a separate Russian Metropolis. Due to the devastation of Kyiv by the Tatar-Mongols, the metropolitan see in 1299 (according to other sources - in 1309) was moved to Vladimir, and in 1325, under Metropolitan Peter, the see was moved to Moscow. In 1448, the Council of Bishops of the Russian Church independently elected Bishop Jonah of Ryazan as metropolitan, who received the title of Metropolitan of Moscow and All Rus'

    Slide 5


    The Solovetsky Monastery was founded in 1436 in the lands of the Novgorod Republic by the monks Zosima and German. The first monastic settlement on the islands appeared a little earlier - in 1429. The founders are German and Savvaty. The Trinity-Sergius Lavra, in church literature usually the Holy Trinity-Sergius Lavra, is the largest Orthodox male stauropegic monastery in Russia, located in the center of the city of Sergiev Posad, Moscow region, on the Konchura River. Founded in 1337 by St. Sergius of Radonezh Find out: how were the monasteries enriched? Page 184 (last paragraph)

    Slide 6

    Joseph-Volokolamsk Monastery

    Slide 7

    Non-possessors and Josephites

    Who did the grand ducal government support? Page 188-189 At the church council (1503) - a dispute about church wealth

    Slide 8

    Slide 9

    “Beware that no one deceives you, for many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many.” (Matthew 24:4-5)

    Heresy of the Strigolniks Heresy of the Judaizers What is heresy? How did they fight heresies in Western Europe?

    Slide 10

    Why are heresies dangerous? “I speak to you, the deceivers and apostates of the faith of Christ and to all your like-minded people, who are philosophizing with you your evil accursed and cursed heresy, that in Veliky Novgorod they naturally committed evil and accursed deeds incomparable: many of you cursed the image of Christ and the most pure image written on the icons , and some of you swore at the cross of Christ, and some of you spoke blasphemous words against many holy icons, and some of you splintered holy icons and burned them with fire, and some of you bitten the cross with silos (a cross made of aloe wood), and some of you bitten They beat holy icons and crosses on the ground and threw dirt on them, and some of you threw holy icons into a tub, and they did a lot of other desecration of the holy images written on the icons. And you have uttered many blasphemies against our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and against His Most Pure Mother of God...” Church Council of 1490 (Metropolitan Zosima)

    Slide 11

    Monk Philotheus (c. 1465-1542) - elder of the Pskov Spaso-Eleazarovsky Monastery (village of Elizarovo, Pskov region). The alleged author of the concept “Moscow - the Third Rome” (q. v.), the theses of which are set out in his letters to clerk Mikhail Grigorievich Misyur-Munekhin and Grand Duke Vasily III Ivanovich.

    Slide 12

    Monomakh's Cap "... all the Christian kingdoms were trampled under foot by the infidels... having come to an end and descended into the one kingdom of our sovereign." And this happened in fulfillment of ancient prophecies: "two of Rome fell, and the third stands, and the fourth will not exist."

    Slide 13

    Let's repeat:

    Who are the non-covetous people and the Josephites? What is heresy? About what heresies in Russia in the end. 15-beg. 16th century did you find out? What is the Union of Florence? Who was the author and what is the essence of the theory “Moscow – the third Rome”?

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Slide captions:

Church and state in the XV - early XVI centuries.

1. Changes in the position of the Russian Orthodox Church In 1448 - the Council of the Russian Orthodox clergy elected Bishop Jonah as metropolitan. In 1453 - the Russian Orthodox Church becomes independent.

2. Monasteries of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra Solovetsky Monastery Joseph-Volokolamsky Monastery Nikitsky Monastery

3. Heresies Strigolniki opposed: priests taking payment for ordination, Church hierarchy, Doubted the correctness of the sacred sacraments. The Judaizers did not recognize the dogma of the trinity of God, they denied the sacredness of icons, they denied the church hierarchy, they criticized the monks, believing that they did not lead a worthy lifestyle.

4. Josephites and non-covetous people 1st row – Non-covetous people (p. 188, paragraph No. 2) 2nd row – Josephites (p. 188, paragraph No. 3). 3rd row – grand-ducal power (pp. 188 – 189, paragraph No. 4) Task: 1, 2nd row: identify the essence of the main ideas, main ideologists, 3rd row: identify the attitude of the grand-ducal power to the church dispute

Non-covetous Josephites Nil Sorsky Joseph Vlotsky Liquidation of monastic land ownership. Independence from civil power Protected monastic possessions. The primacy of royal power

5. Formation of the ideology of autocracy The theory “Moscow is the third Rome” in the history of Christianity there were three great centers: Rome Constantinople Moscow - the third Rome

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Questions for the class: What was the significance of the adoption of Christianity for Rus'? What was the significance of the adoption of Christianity for Rus'? Describe the role of the Orthodox Church in the history of Russia. Describe the role of the Orthodox Church in the history of Russia. What ideals and values ​​did it carry? What ideals and values ​​did she carry? What ancient Russian monasteries do you know? What ancient Russian monasteries do you know?

Ambrose of Optina Optina Pustyn ()

Filaret 1827 – catechism (instruction) is the teaching of the Orthodox faith 1. Knowledge of God 2. Faith in him 3. Living on good deeds 4. Knowledge (by experience), faith (by trust) 5. The need for faith for every person Takes part in compiling the text Manifesto of February 19, 1861 on the liberation of peasants from serfdom ()

His Holiness Innocent (Borisov) at the Vologda See ()

Working with the document “From the works of Academician D.S. Likhachev” What thoughts and feelings does this statement evoke? What thoughts and feelings does this statement evoke? What, according to the academician, is included in the concept of “Holy Rus'?” What, according to the academician, is included in the concept of “Holy Rus'?” - - Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery
Consolidating new material Which saints and companions of the 19th century have we met today? What saints and companions of the 19th century have we learned about today? What did the keepers of the Orthodox faith teach? What did the keepers of the Orthodox faith teach? Are these thoughts and beliefs consonant with our time? What do they teach us? Are these thoughts and beliefs consonant with our time? What do they teach us? John of Kronstadt Alexy II

Lesson plan: I Russian Orthodox Church at the beginning of the 15th century. II Church during the period of state centralization: (The “Moscow-Third Rome” theory.) III Anti-Church movements: 1.Strigolniki, Judaizers and anti-Trinitarians. 2. Non-covetous people and Josephites (covetous people). IV Internal structure and state of the Church in the 15th century.

Concepts of the lecture: Heresy (in the translation - a chosen way of thinking) is a religious trend that deviates from official church doctrine and causes condemnation, excommunication and repression from the Church and secular authorities. Asceticism is an extreme degree of abstinence, renunciation of the blessings of life. The Creed is a brief statement of the tenets of Christianity that every believer should know. Hesychasts are adherents of the mystical doctrine of hesychia - inner peace, detachment as a way of spiritual ascent to God. Autocephaly (literally) – independence. ROC – Russian Orthodox Church. Trade execution is a type of criminal punishment that consisted of public whipping in the marketplace and other public places. Charity is the provision of material assistance to the poor out of mercy.

I Russian Orthodox Church at the beginning of the 15th century: 1. The Church under the Mongol yoke. A. V. Kartashev: “The catastrophe of the Mongol yoke defined the boundary between the Kyiv and Moscow periods of the history of the Russian Orthodox Church” - the Russian Orthodox Church receives legal and economic benefits from the Golden Horde - the lands and lands of the Church, church property were recognized as inviolable. 1229 (1309) – Kiev Metropolitan Maxim moves his residence to Vladimir-on-Klyazma. 1328 (1326) – transfer of the department of Kyiv metropolitans from Vladimir to Moscow.

II Church during the period of centralization of the state: 1448 - Council of the Russian Orthodox Church, election of Jonah as metropolitan - division of the Russian Orthodox Church into metropolitanates: Kyiv and Moscow - official proclamation of autocephaly of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Strigolnichestvo The founder is (according to legend) the artisan Karp. Distribution since the middle of the 14th century. Centers: Moscow, Pskov, Novgorod... The teaching of the Strigolniks practically freed a person from the obligation of official, legalized rituals, turning his religious views into a private, personal matter for everyone. The ideal was the church of apostolic times. They stood for the dignity of man, his right to be a teacher of faith in life, regardless of belonging to the clergy... They did not recognize the essence of confession. They rejected the dogma of the “afterlife.” In general, this movement is characterized as urban, expressing the interests of the people.

Judaizers: Formation of the movement at the end of the 15th century. The founder is the Kyiv Jew Skhariya. The teaching came to Novgorod from Lithuania. Based on criticism of eschatological ideas and practices of the Novgorod church. “The heretics were strict monotheists and rejected all objects of worship that at least indirectly reminded of polytheism - icons, relics, crosses” N.M. Nikolsky.

14 Money-grubbers (Josephites) Ideologist Igumen of the Volokolamsk Monastery Joseph(). The teaching presupposed strict social life, no property, compulsory labor and refusal of the most necessary things in everyday life. At the same time, he was convinced that monasteries should serve as centers of education, charity, spiritual and moral influence in society.

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