How to relieve severe itching in a child. How can you get rid of itching due to allergies at home? Places where itching occurs

Itching is one of the most common symptoms of an allergic reaction. Unnerving, distracting - a phenomenon that is always “at the wrong time.”

In the mechanism of development of most manifestations of hypersensitivity, histamine most often plays a major role. Under normal conditions, it is found in the body predominantly in a bound, inactive state. During an allergic reaction, it is released and in this state it causes a number of negative effects: thickening of the blood, lowering blood pressure, increasing the permeability of the vascular walls and others.

Moving from theory to practice, let's start first of all with the fact that when itching appears as a symptom, it is necessary, if the allergen is known, to exclude contact with it. If the cause is unknown, then it is necessary to subsequently consult an allergist. The symptom itself can be eliminated with medications.

The following groups of drugs can be used


They suppress the effect of free histamine on the human body, which leads to the elimination of allergic reactions. For itching, it is advisable to use topical medications, but if itching in the eyes or nose, or the symptoms do not end there, then you should use oral medications.

Effective medicines are:

  1. For topical use:
    • Bamipin (Soventol);
    • Dimetindene (Fenistil-gel).
  2. For oral administration:
    • Levocetirizine (Suprastinex, Xyzal);
    • Cetirizine (Zyrtec, Zodak, Cetrin);
    • Rupatadine fumarate (Rupafine);
    • Loratadine (Claritin, Lomilan, Loratadine);
    • Desloratadine (Erius, Ezlor);
    • Chloropyramine (Suprastin).

It is worth remembering that antihistamines are divided into generations (currently there are 3). Each has its own application features:

  • first generation antihistamines (Suprastin) cause a pronounced sedative effect, and their effectiveness is significantly reduced with long-term use;
  • the second generation (Loratadine) extremely rarely causes a sedative effect; taking drugs of this generation once a day is enough, but they have a cardiotoxic effect;
  • Third generation antihistamines (Xyzal, Erius) are devoid of sedative and cardiotoxic effects. The disadvantages include their cost.

Glucocorticosteroid drugs (GCS)

Hormonal drugs. Suitable for quick and effective relief of symptoms, but not suitable for long-term use. In some cases, their use may generally aggravate the situation (if an infection is suspected, it is necessary to use combined GCS with antimicrobial drugs, since glucocorticosteroids have an immunosuppressive effect).

The following medications may be used:

  • Betamethasone (Akriderm, Beloderm, Celestoderm);
  • Mometozon (Elocom);
  • Flucinolone acetonide (Sinaflan, Flucinar);
  • Fluticasone (Cutivate);
  • Methylprednisolone aceponate (Advantan).

Dermatotropic agents

Used to treat skin diseases. This group of drugs, depending on the representative, may have the following effects:

  • anti-inflammatory,
  • dermatoprotective,
  • antimicrobial,
  • bacteriostatic,
  • antifungal,
  • fungistatic.

Used to relieve local symptoms. In relation to allergies, it is advisable to use if you are bothered by itching in small areas of the skin, because... this group of drugs does not have any effect on the mechanism of the allergic reaction, but only fights its final result.

For itching the following can be used:

  • Zinc pyrithione (Skin-cap, Zinocap);
  • Pimecrolimus (Elidel);
  • Tacrolimus (Protopic).

Thus, the range of medications to eliminate itching of the skin is currently quite wide and choosing a remedy that eliminates this phenomenon is possible for any person.

Remember, itching can be caused by many factors. It is because of this that one drug will cope perfectly with the same itching, while another will not have the desired effect.

Of course, you must use medications strictly according to the instructions and, if you do not know the cause of the itching, be sure to visit an allergist and undergo the necessary examination. Only in this case will you be able to receive the most effective treatment and lifestyle recommendations.

Causes of itching due to allergies

When allergens penetrate the body, the level of histamine in the skin increases, which causes irritation of nerve endings. And this, in turn, provokes itching. There are several degrees of this allergy manifestation from light scratching to deep scratching.

  • With urticaria, allergic itching on the skin is localized in certain places and goes away within one day.
  • Contact dermatitis is an allergy in which itching of the skin develops in areas of contact with the allergen and goes away after contact is interrupted.
  • Neurodermatitis or atopic dermatitis is manifested by severe itching throughout the body.
  • With allergic dermatitis, after itching, redness and blisters appear, which subsequently burst, and weeping spots form in their place.

Where does itching occur most often?

When an insect bites or comes into contact with any substance to which an allergy appears, skin itching appears localized at the site of contact with the allergen. If there is a food allergy, itching throughout the body spreads quickly and with increasing severity.

  1. Most often, itching manifests itself on the skin and mucous membranes.
  2. So, with food allergies, allergies to latex or metal, the mucous membranes of the oral cavity are affected.
  3. Allergies to medications or rubber products may result in itching in the genital and anal areas.
  4. Separately, one can highlight itching of the mucous membranes of the eye. It can occur through contact with dust, animal hair, chemicals and cosmetics. If an allergy occurs when wearing contact lenses, eye itching, watery eyes and redness are constantly observed. But they go away after removing the lenses and washing the eyes with clean water.

Ways to relieve allergic itching

When the first signs of an allergy appear, it is necessary to eliminate the factor that causes it.

  • If it is cosmetics, then you need to remove it as quickly as possible, wash your face with clean water, and, if necessary, take allergy pills.
  • If the itching is severe and does not stop after eliminating the allergenic factor, then you need to apply an ointment against allergies and itching to your face.
  • If after prosthetic dental crowns there is itching in the oral cavity, you should consult a specialist, because this may be a sign of an allergy to metal. In this case, it is necessary to change the material from which the crowns or dentures are made. Despite the fact that this is expensive and troublesome, it must be done. The allergy does not go away on its own, but leads to the appearance of other symptoms in the form of swelling, metallic taste, indigestion and even poisoning.
  • If after using rubber products (gloves, condoms, medical devices) itching appears, it is urgent to avoid skin contact with the product, rinse thoroughly with clean water, apply ointments that relieve itching in case of allergies and take anti-itching tablets.

Preparations for allergic skin itching

These include antihistamines.

Despite creating an imaginary effect that allergies and skin itching go away, treatment with these drugs has side effects. These include drowsiness, lethargy, slow reaction, and possible gastrointestinal disorders. If you have serious problems with your liver or kidneys, you should consult your doctor before using drugs in this group.

Use of corticosteroid drugs and ointments.

Corticosteroids are medications that contain cortisol, a natural human hormone. These drugs relieve inflammation. And due to this, pain relief occurs. You should not be afraid of using hormonal drugs for a short period of time (up to 10 days); this cannot lead to hormone imbalance, provided that the person does not suffer from hormonal disorders. Longer treatment with corticosteroid drugs can only be prescribed by a doctor.

For itching that cannot be tolerated, it is possible to use painkillers.

Ointments that relieve itching

Treatment of allergic itching must be carried out comprehensively, removing allergenic factors mechanically, using medications in the form of tablets and ointments.

Corticosteroid ointments, which include:

  • fluorocort;
  • lorinden;
  • advantan.

They have an anti-inflammatory effect, but their long-term use is undesirable due to the presence of hormones in their composition.

New generation non-hormonal drugs include:

  • Protopik- antiallergic cream that does not contain hormones.
  • Creams containing lanolin, are used to eliminate dry and itchy skin.
  • Panthenol and Bepanten- healing drugs. A huge advantage of these ointments is the possibility of their use from the first days of life.
  • Desitin and Dropalen- anti-inflammatory non-hormonal ointments.
  • Skin-cap- non-hormonal ointment against skin allergies. It also has antifungal and antibacterial effects. This is important if the skin has cracks or scratches that can be infected with pathogenic microflora and cause purulent infections.
  • Fenistil-gel is an antihistamine. It eliminates severe itching, heals and accelerates skin regeneration.

Tablets for allergic skin itching

There are two groups of medications prescribed for allergies: antihistamines and corticosteroids.

  1. The first include suprastin, diphenhydramine, diazolin. Their downside is drowsiness, inhibition of reactions and side effects on various body systems.
  2. Modern drugs that do not have a sedative effect include zodak, loratadine, cetrin, claritin and others.

Traditional Treatments

When an allergy occurs and skin itching appears, treatment with medications should be prescribed by a doctor.

Because even the latest generation of drugs have side effects, and hormonal drugs with long-term use can lead to disruption of the body’s hormonal levels.

The concept of allergy treatment includes the weakening and complete elimination of allergy symptoms, including itching, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, swelling and more serious disorders. There is no talk of curing allergies, since this requires a course of desensitization.

Relieving itching with folk remedies

  • Apply potato pulp to the site of the insect bite.
  • You can apply tampons soaked in a solution of baking soda or apple cider vinegar to the itchy areas.
  • To relieve inflammation in skin dermatitis, baths with decoctions of herbs that have anti-inflammatory properties (chamomile, string, sage) are suitable.
  • Applying cold objects to the bite sites also relieves inflammation and itching.

How to relieve itching due to allergies, if it appears for the first time or constantly recurs? First of all, you should consult a doctor who can prescribe medications to prevent and treat itching. These medications can then be used independently, without waiting for the next doctor’s consultation.

Why is it necessary to consult a doctor if you have allergies?

In most cases, itching due to allergies has some basis. Very often, this basis is sensitization (allergization) of the body due to intestinal dysbiosis, helminthic infestations, giardiasis and some other unnoticed infections. Children are especially prone to such sensitizations. They may periodically experience various allergic reactions, including itchy skin.

In order to finally get rid of itching, it is often necessary to conduct a full examination, identify and eliminate the cause of sensitization. Otherwise itchy skin Itchy skin – what does it mean? will bother you constantly, over time it can develop into other types of allergies: allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis, bronchial asthma, and so on.

Simultaneously with the examination, the doctor prescribes medications to the patient that he could take when itching occurs or to prevent it. Only this approach to allergic skin itching can be effective.

Diet for allergic itching

To reduce skin itching of allergic origin, first of all, you must follow a hypoallergenic diet. A distinctive feature of the hypoallergenic diet. The hypoallergenic diet is a salvation for the stomach. is that it should contain a minimum amount of products that can cause food allergies. These products include: chocolate, cocoa, citrus fruits, pomegranates, melons, black currants, strawberries, raspberries. What are the benefits of raspberries - properties you didn’t know about , honey, fish, caviar, nuts, mushrooms, milk, eggs, as well as orange-red vegetables and fruits.

You should also exclude extractive substances, spicy seasonings, and salty foods from your diet, that is, those foods that can cause dilation of the blood vessels of the stomach and a rush of blood to this area. These are canned foods, smoked meats, mustard, horseradish, pepper and others. Without having sensitizing activity, these products can provoke the development of allergic reactions by releasing mediators (biologically active substances with the help of which allergic reactions occur - histamine, serotonin).

During an exacerbation of itching, you can reduce the daily amount of protein by a quarter or half of the norm for several days by adding additional vegetables and fruits to the diet. Reducing the amount of foreign protein entering the body can reduce the allergic mood.

Liquids can be drunk within normal limits; they are limited only when habitual allergic reactions are accompanied by swelling.

Drug treatment for itchy skin

Allergic itching of the skin almost always requires drug treatment. But you should clearly understand that relieving itching at the moment it appears and getting rid of itching completely are two different things. To eliminate allergic itching as an unpleasant symptom, many medications are produced.

Sedatives (calming agents) must be prescribed - valerian root extract, Novo-Passit, Atarax, Afobazol, and so on. This is necessary because the nervous system is always involved in allergic reactions, and the appearance of itching negatively affects the state of the central and autonomic nervous systems.

Calcium preparations - reduce the allergic mood of the body, capillary permeability, remove swelling of tissues and itching of the skin. Preparations in this series include a 10% solution of calcium chloride, which is injected only into a vein, and a 10% solution of calcium gluconate, which can be administered both intravenously and intramuscularly.

Antihistamines block the entry of the main mediator of allergic reactions, histamine, into the tissues. The antipruritic effect of these drugs continues throughout the entire duration of the drug's action, which is different for all drugs in this series. Antihistamines of general (systemic) and external action are produced. For allergic itching of the skin Itching of the skin - what are the causes of irritation? Usually both are prescribed:

  • 1st generation systemic antihistamines, which have side effects such as drowsiness, can be taken at night for sleep disorders; these are Suprastin, Tavegil, Diazolin;
  • 2nd generation systemic antihistamines that do not cause drowsiness and can be taken during the day; these are Erius, Claritin, Zodak;
  • antihistamines for external use - Fenistil and Psilo-Balm gels; They are applied in a thin layer to the affected areas of the skin 2-4 times a day.

If the listed drugs do not help, then in exceptional cases glucocorticoid hormones are prescribed, which quickly relieve all manifestations of allergies, but have many side effects and contraindications. Drugs in this series can only be prescribed by a doctor; they are not suitable for independent use.

Galina Romanenko

What causes itching and other allergy symptoms?

Unpleasant external manifestations are the result of internal processes that occur in the human body in response to an encounter with an allergen enemy. Its role can be played not only by chemicals and food products, but also by representatives of flora and fauna, environmental conditions and factors, stress, etc.

When they enter the child’s body or affect him from the outside, his immune system responds by releasing histamine. Sometimes it is so powerful that the allergy becomes not local, but systemic in nature, bronchial asthma, severe skin allergic diseases, etc. develop.

How to get rid of itching in children with allergies

How to relieve itching due to allergies? – your pediatrician or allergist should answer this question. You should not engage in amateur and experimental search for a suitable medicine for your child, consulting with grandmothers, girlfriends and random friends on the Internet.

Today, doctors have a huge number of different medications for general and local action in their arsenal, which relieve children from unpleasant symptoms. This:

  • gels,
  • ointments,
  • creams,
  • sprays,
  • aerosols,
  • tablet drugs,
  • including suckable and chewable tablets,
  • drops, etc.

They can be antihistamine, hormonal, homeopathic, etc.

Only a doctor can decide how to relieve itching in a child with allergies. The specialist will be able to weigh not only the intensity of the symptoms and the severity of the clinical picture of the disease, but will also take into account the chronic diseases of children, if any, side effects, and only on the basis of the entire body of knowledge will prescribe adequate therapy.

In addition, special laboratory tests may be required to further evaluate the child.

All you can do yourself in case of an allergic reaction is to immediately remove the allergen.

  • For example, if you notice that your child starts sneezing when you put a bouquet in a vase, he may be developing hay fever - an allergy to plants, so immediately remove the flowers from the house.
  • If you don’t have pets, you came to visit, and there was a cat, your child began to rub his eyes, cough, etc., perhaps he is allergic to animal fur or dander, hurry to leave.
  • If we are talking about a local acute allergic reaction, for example, to a mosquito bite, which is localized, you can use a soda solution or a special pharmaceutical preparation for children for allergies to insect bites.


Allergic itching may occur upon contact with various allergens: food, chemicals, medications, insects, animal hair and many others. others. It is only possible to accurately determine the factor that provoked an allergic reaction using a special test.

There are a number of diseases that cause itchy skin in children:

  • Eczema is a disease characterized by an inflammatory process affecting a specific area of ​​the skin (mainly the head, neck or joints).
  • Chickenpox - when the itching initially resembles tingling and tickling, after which it becomes pronounced, which leads to the baby scratching the skin.
  • Herpes is the appearance of papules in a specific place (in the mouth, nose, face, or neck).
  • Scabies is a manifestation of tiny papules on pearl-colored skin. Often, itching appears in the most delicate places of the baby’s skin (between the fingers, in the groin area and under the armpits).
  • Itching of the scalp under the scalp. The cause of its occurrence is scaly lichen, fungal infections or lice.
  • Seborrheic eczema is mild itching in children under 3 months. The rash is observed on the head, groin, cheeks or behind the ears.

Allergic skin itching in children is caused by three main diseases:

  • Urticaria is the mildest type of allergy. Hives are characterized by itching and redness in the area of ​​skin that is in direct contact with the allergen. The itching disappears immediately after contact with the irritant ends.
  • Contact dermatitis is an allergic reaction characterized by severe, prolonged itching at the site of exposure to the allergen.
  • Atopic dermatitis is severe allergic itching throughout the body (most often on the cheeks), which is accompanied by redness and the appearance of bursting blisters.


Allergic itching can be localized in various places depending on the origin of the allergen and the area of ​​skin that came into contact with it. For example, an allergy to a certain substance or an insect bite will manifest itself exactly in the place where the contact with the irritant occurred. If the allergen is shampoo or other personal hygiene product, itching will occur on the scalp and other areas. Dermatitis on the hands provokes itching, starting from the hand to the elbow.

Food allergies cause rapidly spreading and intensifying itching throughout the child’s entire body, and the oral cavity is also affected. Allergies to medications can cause itching in your child's anus or genitals.

Separately, it is necessary to highlight allergic itching in the eyes, resulting from a reaction of the mucous membranes of the eyes to dust, animal hair, chemicals or cosmetics. Children who wear contact lenses may experience constant redness and watery eyes. Irritation disappears when they are removed and the eyes are washed with clean water.


Treatment of allergic itching should begin with a consultation with an allergist, who will help determine the allergen causing the irritation. Further treatment is prescribed based on the child’s individual indications. The main goal of drug therapy is to eliminate allergy symptoms: relieve itching on the skin, eyes (in case of conjunctivitis) or in the nose (in case of rhinitis).

First aid

If a child develops skin irritation, parents should protect the child from contact with the potential allergen to avoid further skin damage.

First aid for a baby if an allergy symptom occurs:

  • Rinse your skin with cool water (you can use a cold compress);
  • Dress your child only in clothes made of cotton fabric;
  • Treat the inflamed area of ​​skin with a swab dipped in a solution of baking soda;
  • Make sure that the baby does not scratch the affected area on the body;
  • If there is no effect, it is necessary to use medicinal ointments or other medications.

Ointments and creams

Antipruritic ointment or cream will help get rid of skin irritation. You need to choose the ointment carefully so that the medicine is as safe as possible for the child. Antiallergic ointment or cream comes in two types: steroid-free and hormonal (corticosteroid-based).

Not hormonal

Ointment that does not contain steroids (non-hormonal ointments) can even be used to treat infants. Treatment is marked by an effective reduction in skin irritation. The ointment of this group has antibacterial and antimicrobial effects. The most popular of them are the following:

  • Elidel. Anti-inflammatory ointment, recommended for external use. Epidel is used exclusively for the treatment of atopic dermatitis for children over 3 months of age.
  • Wunhedil. The cream consists of plant components and acts in 3 directions: as a healing, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal agent. Treatment with Vunhedil has no side effects even for the youngest children.
  • Bepanten cream or Bepanten Plus in ointment form. The product promotes healing of affected skin areas and improves regeneration.
  • Gistan. A cream based on natural ingredients that has proven itself in the treatment of all types of childhood allergies.
  • Desitin. An ointment based on lanolin and petroleum jelly that helps get rid of the spread of the rash and protects the affected skin from external allergens.

Hormonal (corticosteroid)

Treatment with corticosteroid drugs used only in the absence of effective effects of therapy with non-hormonal agents. Corticosteroids are effective, but may cause side effects such as adrenal dysfunction. Ointment (cream) containing hormones can also provoke an allergic reaction in a child. Therefore, it is imperative to consult a doctor before purchasing the product. Most often, doctors recommend the following hormonal ointments and creams:

  • Advantan. Available in two dosage forms: ointment or cream. The drug helps relieve pain and reduce irritation; Helps suppress inflammatory or allergic skin reactions
  • Elokom. The ointment is characterized by minimal systemic exposure and is the safest drug from this group. The ointment is used to treat children over 2 years of age suffering from dermatosis, eczema, and dermatitis.

The pharmacy may also recommend you other ointments: Flucinar, Lorinden, Celestoderm, Fluorocort, Hydrocortisone ointment. Unlike Elokom and Advantan, these drugs are quickly absorbed into the blood, which can lead to a decrease in the baby’s immunity.


Treatment of itching with tablets is prescribed by a doctor only in certain cases. Antiallergic tablets are divided into 2 groups:

  • Antihistamines (diphenhydramine, suprastin, diazon, fenkarol, peritol);
  • Corticosteroids (loratadine, Zyrtec, Claritin).

Antihistamine tablets make the child feel lethargic and drowsy. The drugs are characterized by a negative effect on the nervous system, which is manifested by the effect of inhibition and impaired coordination. Tablets are used for acute allergies. The best drug is considered to be Tavegil, which has proven itself to be long-lasting and has minimal side effects. Lack of medicine - prohibited for newborns.

Corticosteroid tablets, unlike antihistamines, last much longer and do not provoke disruption of the functioning of the nervous system. These drugs are considered practically safe for the child's health.

Eye drops

Most often, itchy eyes appear as a reaction to allergens in the air. Also, itchy eyes can be a symptom of a serious illness, so the child should be examined by a doctor.

Local treatment will help quickly relieve itching in the eyes. Antihistamine, anti-inflammatory or vasoconstrictor drops are used. You can get rid of the unpleasant sensation in the eyes by combining several drugs.

  • Antihistamine drops can quickly relieve itching and lacrimation in the eyes, even in acute allergic conjunctivitis. For example: Ketotifen, Olopatadine, Azelastine.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs(Lotoprednol, Acular) help get rid of allergic swelling and itching in the eyes.
  • WITH vasoconstrictor drops Designed to reduce redness in the eyes and relieve general allergy symptoms. The following drugs are popular among them: Visin, Okumetil, Octilia.

Approach the choice of drops with caution, follow the recommendations of a specialist, since all drugs can cause addiction and side effects.

Folk remedies

Treatment of allergy manifestations with folk remedies is highly effective in the fight against itching. Therapy with folk remedies is recommended by medical professionals for use for all age categories of children. Various herbal decoctions are popular.


The series is used as a sedative folk remedy. The herb helps relieve baby's skin irritation. To prepare the decoction you need to pour 2 tbsp. spoons of herbs 0.5 liters of boiling water. Cool and strain. The decoction can be moistened with a tampon on the affected skin or added to the bath when bathing.


Oregano has proven itself as product with menthol cooling effect. You need to prepare the decoction in the following proportions: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of oregano herb is brewed with 1 liter of water. Then cool and strain. Apply the decoction to itchy areas of the body.

Claritin dosage for children

When a child is constantly itching, parents may not understand why this is happening. This is how allergies can manifest themselves. In this situation, it is best to seek advice from a pediatrician, who will examine the child and prescribe the necessary tests to determine the body’s tendency to allergies, and prescribe treatment. How to relieve itching in case of an allergic reaction in a child will be discussed below.

Features of itching with allergies

At allergies The child has itchy skin on the palms, cheeks, and legs. The skin becomes red and sometimes blisters appear. First of all, you need to eliminate contact with the allergen. To do this, it is important to remember what new products have appeared in the baby’s diet. If there is a food allergy, the itching will intensify and spread throughout the body, affecting the tongue and oral cavity.

To treat itching It is necessary to use an antihistamine antipruritic, it will alleviate the child’s condition and help cope with itching.

Local therapy is divided into two types:

To the first include drugs that do not contain steroids, second type - These are corticosteroid drugs, taken only as prescribed by an allergist. To alleviate the condition, you can use an ointment to relieve itching, which will reduce irritation, allergic and inflammatory reactions.

How to relieve itching

Itching will cause discomfort in anyone, so you need to know how to relieve itching.

Several methods are described below, some of which can be used at home:

Knowing what you can do to relieve itching, you can get rid of unpleasant sensations for a long time.

Forms of itching

Itchy skin has several forms of manifestation:

  • Contact dermatitis. It occurs when the skin comes into contact with an allergen, after which a rash and severe itching may appear. Such manifestations of allergies disappear only after contact with the substance that caused the allergy is excluded.

  • Hives. With this form of itching, pinkish blisters appear on the skin, and swelling is possible. Itching and redness can occur in any area. All these signs should go away on their own within 24 hours.
  • Atopic dermatitis. It is characterized by severe itching. Blisters appear, which burst after a while. The symptoms of this dermatitis in both adults and children are pronounced. Sometimes itching can make life very difficult; it interferes with communication, and even just being around people.

  • Allergic eczema. With this disease, small blisters appear on the skin. After they burst, serous wells appear on the skin, and these formations, in turn, become crusty after drying. The itching can be very severe, which can lead to the risk of infection in the body.

Where is the allergy located?

In a child, allergies are localized in different places.

It is necessary to consider in more detail in which areas of the body the allergy is localized:

A final word: how to relieve itching?

In addition to individual areas of the body, the rashes spread throughout the body, in particular on the back and abdomen. If a rash appears, then you need to contact an allergist as soon as possible who will tell you how to soothe the itching, prescribe the necessary examination, and prescribe medications to treat allergies. If the rash is profuse, this may be a sign of infections such as rubella, chickenpox, measles, etc.

The most dangerous type of allergy is insect allergy. This reaction of the body occurs upon contact with insects, parts of their body, as well as insect bites. The reaction develops rapidly, there may be anaphylactic shock, suffocation, Quincke's edema.

If there have been cases of an allergic reaction to insect bites before, then you must always have antihistamines with you, which should be prescribed by an allergist. Self-administration of medications can be hazardous to health.

Good afternoon, dear readers of my blog! We don’t sleep for another night with the baby: he is very worried about the itchy redness on his skin. Cheeks, legs, arms - everything itches like crazy. I feel so helpless because I cannot help the baby and ease his suffering. All my attempts do not bring the desired result.

It is necessary to understand that a rash is not a skin disease, but only a manifestation of diathesis. Due to the immaturity of the toddler’s digestive and immune systems, substances that enter his body and cannot be digested turn into antigen, causing the production of antibodies. And as a result, a rash appears.

Breasts go from a safe intrauterine environment to an aggressive one. Over time, of course, the baby’s body is rebuilt, and the correct immune response to various types of allergens is developed.

But at the beginning of its life learning, even seemingly completely harmless foods can serve as an irritant for the baby: bread, butter, eggs, chicken, etc.

By the way, depending on the route of entry, they distinguish several types of allergies :

  • food (through eating and drinking);
  • contact (with direct action on the baby’s skin);
  • respiratory (through the respiratory tract).

Therefore, with allergic dermatitis, the most important and difficult task is to identify the cause of skin inflammation and immediately eliminate it!

Step by step - closer to the goal

The first thing you should do when you notice red spots is call a pediatrician. Since it is necessary to exclude all kinds of skin infections (for example, rubella or chickenpox) and confirm your suspected diagnosis. Then it's up to you.

What do you you can do at home:

Talking about To contact allergens , you need to immediately understand for yourself:

  1. For children's clothes, use only children's detergents;
  2. Clothing for babies should consist only of natural materials (even if it is not so colorful, Soviet, but without chemicals);
  3. When bathing, use baby soap once a week to protect (not wash off!) the oily skin film.
  4. Feather pillows - for the dacha, preferably along with soft toys. Watch what your child plays with and what he puts in his mouth.

It is also necessary to work hard and take concrete measures to air inhaled by the baby was clean and fresh. For this you need:

Administer any medication with caution, even those prescribed by your doctor. Sometimes it can even spill onto additives contained in syrups. The digestive system of young children usually refuses to make friends with dyes and flavors.

So, as you understand, the process of getting rid of annoying rashes is quite lengthy, requiring a lot of effort in different directions. Believe me, when the symptoms subside, the red dots become barely noticeable and the peeling stops, you will breathe a sigh of relief and quickly adapt to the new rules. Please know that dermatitis is a mostly temporary phenomenon; children, as they say, outgrow it.

Our mothers and grandmothers knew these methods

We will talk about folk remedies. Our parents did not feed us various drugs, but used tried and tested recipes.

Tested personally on me and my children - . How to do it? Boil the bathing water and leave to cool to the required temperature. Brew the string herb in advance (in a thermos or in a water bath) and strain.

You can generally make your task easier: buy bagged string, pour boiling water over it and leave for about an hour. Then add it to the bath and bathe as usual. In the same way, use a decoction of chamomile and calendula.

Read the article about the best way to bathe a child in a large bathtub.

What else can be used:

  • Once a week (no more, so as not to dry out the skin), dilute a weak solution of potassium permanganate in water and bathe the child;
  • If diaper rash or a red bottom from diapers appear, use powder and take air baths more often;
  • A good way would be to wipe cracks and ulcers (if they have already formed) with sea buckthorn oil, but be prepared for the fact that your clothes will get all dirty, the oil will take a long time to be absorbed.
  • Discard various alcohol tinctures immediately so as not to aggravate the situation. And always remember: herbs themselves can trigger breakouts, so be on the lookout.

By the way, I’ll give you another hint, how to relieve itching from a mosquito bite :

Drop freshly squeezed potato or apple juice onto the swollen, reddened area. Or simply cut these fruits in half and wipe the inflamed skin;

Make a solution of baking soda (1 teaspoon of soda in a glass of water) and lubricate the bite;

And take the pediatrician’s prescriptions calmly. In the modern world, everything is improving, including medicines. In addition to diet, 3rd generation antiallergic drugs are usually prescribed.

For example, it helped my nephew very well to relieve itching Fenistil-gel , with the same name there is droplets , which also gave a positive result. To each, of course, his own: individual intolerance must be taken into account!

With this I say goodbye. Don’t forget - friends on social networks also need useful information. Share with them - press the social media buttons! Subscribe to, see you soon!

Nowadays there are many types of allergies, and their number increases every year. This is due to environmental pollution, the emergence of synthetic and genetically modified products, a sedentary lifestyle and numerous stresses. These factors reduce the body's immunity, and it does not have time to cope with the load placed on it. Failures in the immune system are manifested by allergic reactions. Allergy itching is the most common symptom. It manifests itself in food factors, contact with various substances, thermal effects and insect bites.

Causes of itching due to allergies

When allergens penetrate the body, the level of histamine in the skin increases, which causes irritation of nerve endings. And this, in turn, provokes itching. There are several degrees of this allergy manifestation from light scratching to deep scratching.

  • With urticaria on the skin, it is localized in certain places and goes away within one day.
  • is an allergy in which itching of the skin develops in places of contact with the allergen, and goes away after interrupting contact.
  • Neurodermatitis or manifested by severe itching all over the body.
  • With allergic dermatitis, after itching, redness and blisters appear, which subsequently burst, and weeping spots form in their place.

Where does itching occur most often?

When an insect bites or comes into contact with any substance to which an allergy appears, skin itching appears localized at the site of contact with the allergen. If there is a food allergy, itching throughout the body spreads quickly and with increasing severity.

  1. Most often, itching manifests itself on the skin and mucous membranes.
  2. So, with a food allergy or metal allergy, the mucous membranes of the oral cavity are affected.
  3. or rubber products may cause itching in the genital area and anus.
  4. Separately, one can highlight itching of the mucous membranes of the eye. It can occur through contact with animal hair, chemicals and cosmetics. If an allergy occurs while wearing it, eye itching, watery eyes and redness are observed constantly. But they go away after removing the lenses and washing the eyes with clean water.

Ways to relieve allergic itching

When the first signs of an allergy appear, it is necessary to eliminate the factor that causes it.

  • If this is the case, then you need to remove it as quickly as possible, wash your face with clean water, and, if necessary, take it.
  • If the itching is severe and does not stop after eliminating the allergenic factor, then it should be applied to the face and itching.
  • If, after dental prosthetics, itching occurs in the oral cavity, you should consult a specialist, because this may be a sign. In this case, it is necessary to change the material from which the crowns or dentures are made. Despite the fact that this is expensive and troublesome, it must be done. The allergy does not go away on its own, but leads to the appearance of other symptoms in the form of swelling, metallic taste, indigestion and even poisoning.
  • If after using rubber products (medical devices) itching occurs, it is urgent to avoid skin contact with the product, rinse thoroughly with clean water, apply ointments that relieve itching in case of allergies and take anti-itching tablets.

Preparations for allergic skin itching

These include antihistamines.

Despite creating an imaginary effect that allergies and skin itching go away, treatment with these drugs has side effects. These include drowsiness, lethargy, slow reaction, and possible gastrointestinal disorders. If you have serious problems with your liver or kidneys, you should consult your doctor before using drugs in this group.

Use of corticosteroid drugs and ointments.

Corticosteroids are medications that contain cortisol, a natural human hormone. These drugs relieve inflammation. And due to this, pain relief occurs. You should not be afraid of using hormonal drugs for a short period of time (up to 10 days); this cannot lead to hormone imbalance, provided that the person does not suffer from hormonal disorders. Longer treatment with corticosteroid drugs can only be prescribed by a doctor.

For itching that cannot be tolerated, it is possible to use painkillers.

Ointments that relieve itching

Treatment of allergic itching must be carried out comprehensively, removing allergenic factors mechanically, using medications in the form of tablets and ointments.

Corticosteroid ointments, which include:

  • fluorocort;
  • lorinden;

They have an anti-inflammatory effect, but their long-term use is undesirable due to the presence of hormones in their composition.

New generation non-hormonal drugs include:

  • Protopik- antiallergic cream that does not contain hormones.
  • Creams containing lanolin, are used to eliminate dry and itchy skin.
  • Panthenol and Bepanten- healing drugs. A huge advantage of these ointments is the possibility of their use from the first days of life.
  • Desitin and Dropalen- anti-inflammatory non-hormonal ointments.
  • Skin-cap- non-hormonal ointment against skin allergies. It also has antifungal and antibacterial effects. This is important if the skin has cracks or scratches that can be infected with pathogenic microflora and cause purulent infections.
  • Fenistil-gel is an antihistamine. It eliminates severe itching, heals and accelerates skin regeneration.

Tablets for allergic skin itching

There are two groups of medications prescribed for allergies: antihistamines and corticosteroids.

  1. The first include,. Their downside is drowsiness, inhibition of reactions and side effects on various body systems.
  2. Modern drugs that do not have a sedative effect include others.

Traditional Treatments

When an allergy occurs and skin itching appears, treatment with medications should be prescribed by a doctor.

Because even the latest generation of drugs have side effects, and hormonal drugs with long-term use can lead to disruption of the body’s hormonal levels.

The concept of allergy treatment includes the weakening and complete elimination of allergy symptoms, including itching, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, swelling and more serious disorders. There is no talk of curing allergies, since this requires a course of desensitization.

Relieving itching with folk remedies

  • Apply potato pulp to the site of the insect bite.
  • You can apply tampons soaked in a solution of baking soda or apple cider vinegar to the itchy areas.
  • To relieve inflammation in skin dermatitis, baths with decoctions of herbs that have anti-inflammatory properties (chamomile, string, sage) are suitable.
  • Applying cold objects to the bite sites also relieves inflammation and itching.

Preventive measures to relieve allergic itching

Allergies cannot be cured, but you need to know how to relieve allergy itching. To do this, you must follow the following rules.

  1. Do not scratch the affected areas. This is sometimes very difficult to do, especially for children. You must understand that scratching does not relieve the itching, but intensifies even more, as more nerve receptors are irritated. Therefore, you need to know how to reduce itching due to allergies using medications or improvised means.
  2. Strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene. Wash your hands after contact with possible allergens. Take a warm shower after a day of work or walks in nature to wash away dust and allergens from the skin. After a long stay in a dusty room, it is also necessary to rinse the nasal and oral cavities.
  3. Hot water, frequent use of soap, long exposure to

Allergic itching - reaction of the child's immune system to exposure to an allergen. Itching can occur in small areas of the skin, larger areas, or over the entire surface of the body, which causes the greatest suffering in the baby.

Allergic itching may occur upon contact with various allergens: food, chemicals, medications, insects, animal hair and many others. others. It is only possible to accurately determine the factor that provoked an allergic reaction using a special test.

There are a number of diseases that cause itchy skin in children:

  • Eczema is a disease characterized by an inflammatory process affecting a specific area of ​​the skin (mainly the head, neck or joints).
  • – when the itching initially resembles tingling and tickling, after which it becomes pronounced, which leads to the baby scratching the skin.
  • – the appearance of papules in a specific place (in the mouth, nose, face, or neck).
  • – the appearance of tiny papules on pearl-colored skin. Often, itching appears in the most delicate places of the baby’s skin (between the fingers, in the groin area and under the armpits).
  • Itching of the scalp under the scalp. The cause of its occurrence is scaly, fungal infections or.
  • Seborrheic eczema is mild itching in children under 3 months. The rash is observed on the head, groin, cheeks or behind the ears.

Allergic skin itching in children is caused by three main diseases:

  • – is the easiest type of allergy. Hives are characterized by itching and redness in the area of ​​skin that is in direct contact with the allergen. The itching disappears immediately after contact with the irritant ends.
  • Contact dermatitis is an allergic reaction characterized by severe, prolonged itching at the site of exposure to the allergen.
  • – severe allergic itching throughout the body (most often on the cheeks), which is accompanied by redness and the appearance of bursting blisters.


Allergic itching can be localized in various places depending on the origin of the allergen and the area of ​​skin that came into contact with it. For example, an allergy to a certain substance or an insect bite will manifest itself exactly in the place where the contact with the irritant occurred. If the allergen is shampoo or other personal hygiene product, itching will occur on the scalp and other areas. Dermatitis on the hands provokes itching, starting from the hand to the elbow.

It causes quickly spreading and intensifying itching throughout the child’s entire body, and the oral cavity is also affected. Allergies to medications can cause itching in your child's anus or genitals.

Separately, it is necessary to highlight allergic itching in the eyes, resulting from a reaction of the mucous membranes of the eyes to dust, animal hair, chemicals or cosmetics. The constant presence of redness and watery eyes can occur in children wearing. Irritation disappears when they are removed and the eyes are washed with clean water.


Treatment of allergic itching should begin with a consultation with an allergist, who will help determine the allergen causing the irritation. Further treatment is prescribed based on the child’s individual indications. The main goal of drug therapy is to eliminate allergy symptoms: relieve itching on the skin, eyes (in case of conjunctivitis) or in the nose (in case of rhinitis).

First aid

If a child develops skin irritation, parents should protect the child from contact with the potential allergen to avoid further skin damage.

First aid for a baby if an allergy symptom occurs:

  • Rinse your skin with cool water (you can use a cold compress);
  • Dress your child only in clothes made of cotton fabric;
  • Treat the inflamed area of ​​skin with a swab dipped in a solution of baking soda;
  • Make sure that the baby does not scratch the affected area on the body;
  • If there is no effect, it is necessary to use medicinal ointments or other medications.

Ointments and creams

Antipruritic ointment or cream will help get rid of skin irritation. You need to choose the ointment carefully so that the medicine is as safe as possible for the child. Antiallergic ointment or cream comes in two types: steroid-free and hormonal (corticosteroid-based).

Not hormonal

Ointment that does not contain steroids (non-hormonal ointments) can even be used to treat infants. Treatment is marked by an effective reduction in skin irritation. The ointment of this group has antibacterial and antimicrobial effects. The most popular of them are the following:

  • . Anti-inflammatory ointment, recommended for external use. Epidel is used exclusively for the treatment of atopic dermatitis for children over 3 months of age.
  • Wunhedil. The cream consists of plant components and acts in 3 directions: as a healing, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal agent. Treatment with Vunhedil has no side effects even for the youngest children.
  • cream or Bepanten Plus in ointment form. The product promotes healing of affected skin areas and improves regeneration.
  • . A cream based on natural ingredients that has proven itself in the treatment of all types of childhood allergies.
  • . An ointment based on lanolin and petroleum jelly that helps get rid of the spread of the rash and protects the affected skin from external allergens.

Hormonal (corticosteroid)

Treatment with corticosteroid drugs used only in the absence of effective effects of therapy with non-hormonal agents. Corticosteroids are effective, but may cause side effects such as adrenal dysfunction. Ointment (cream) containing hormones can also provoke an allergic reaction in a child. Therefore, it is imperative to consult a doctor before purchasing the product. Most often, doctors recommend the following hormonal ointments and creams:

  • . Available in two dosage forms: ointment or cream. The drug helps relieve pain and reduce irritation; Helps suppress inflammatory or allergic skin reactions
  • . The ointment is characterized by minimal systemic exposure and is the safest drug from this group. The ointment is used to treat children over 2 years of age suffering from dermatosis, eczema, and dermatitis.


Treatment of itching with tablets is prescribed by a doctor only in certain cases. Antiallergic tablets are divided into 2 groups:

  • Antihistamines (diphenhydramine, diazon, fenkarol, peritol);
  • Corticosteroids (Zyrtec).

Antihistamine tablets make the child feel lethargic and drowsy. The drugs are characterized by a negative effect on the nervous system, which is manifested by the effect of inhibition and impaired coordination. Tablets are used for acute allergies. The best drug is considered to be a drug that has proven its long-term effectiveness and minimal side effects. Lack of medicine - prohibited for newborns.

Corticosteroid tablets, unlike antihistamines, last much longer and do not provoke disruption of the functioning of the nervous system. These drugs are considered practically safe for the child's health.

Eye drops

Most often, itchy eyes appear as a reaction to allergens in the air. Also, itchy eyes can be a symptom of a serious illness, so the child should be examined by a doctor.

Local treatment will help quickly relieve itching in the eyes. Antihistamine, anti-inflammatory or vasoconstrictor drops are used. You can get rid of the unpleasant sensation in the eyes by combining several drugs.

  • Antihistamine drops are able to quickly relieve itching and lacrimation in the eyes, even in acute cases. For example: Olopatadine, Azelastine.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs(Lotoprednol, Acular) help get rid of allergic swelling and itching in the eyes.
  • WITH vasoconstrictor drops Designed to reduce redness in the eyes and relieve general allergy symptoms. The following drugs are popular among them: Visin, Okumetil, Octilia.

Approach the choice of drops with caution, follow the recommendations of a specialist, since all drugs can cause addiction and side effects.

Folk remedies

Treatment of allergy manifestations with folk remedies is highly effective in the fight against itching. Therapy with folk remedies is recommended by medical professionals for use for all age categories of children. Various herbal decoctions are popular.


The series is used as a sedative folk remedy. The herb helps relieve baby's skin irritation. To prepare the decoction you need to pour 2 tbsp. spoons of herbs 0.5 liters of boiling water. Cool and strain. The decoction can be moistened with a tampon on the affected skin or added to the bath when bathing.


Has established itself as product with menthol cooling effect. You need to prepare the decoction in the following proportions: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of oregano herb is brewed with 1 liter of water. Then cool and strain. Apply the decoction to itchy areas of the body.

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