Is it possible to make a foundation of brick. We make a columnar foundation of bricks on our own. Stages of construction of a columnar base

When planning the construction of a structure on a backyard territory, each owner acquires raw materials based on his capabilities, the functional purpose of the structure. But the main criterion is the long service life and reliability of the future building.

A brick foundation is an affordable option that you can build yourself. Although its installation will require a lot of effort, time and patience, the result will be impressive.

Let us consider in more detail the aspects of creating such a foundation.

Thematic material:

All the pros and cons of a brick base

Among the main advantages of such a foundation, it is worth highlighting:

  1. Formwork installation is not required.
  2. Possibility of laying by hand.
  3. Choice of tape shapes.
  4. Reducing the consumption of concrete, which means saving money.
  5. Compatibility with other types of materials.
  6. Easily repairable.
  7. No need to involve special equipment, a team of workers.
  8. Good level of thermal insulation.
  9. If you perform high-quality waterproofing, then in terms of service life it will not be inferior to a concrete tape or monolith.

But it is worth considering the cons:

  1. Great labor intensity of work. Hand laying bricks takes a lot of time and effort.
  2. Mandatory reinforcement required. Otherwise, its service life is reduced significantly.
  3. At the brick high level hygroscopicity. Due to this, its frost resistance is reduced.

In addition, this type of foundation can only be built on a stable piece of land with a low level of groundwater.

In some cases, it can be installed on moving soil, but on condition that a reinforced concrete foundation is prepared under the bottom.

For which buildings can or cannot be used

Depending on the complexity of the design, a columnar or tape type is used.

It is impossible to lay such a foundation under two-story, three-story houses, where the walls will be made of brick or monolithic concrete.

There are no restrictions on the choice of material for cladding the facade of a building.

Choosing the right types of bricks

Best suited red burnt full-bodied (ceramic). If we are talking about the construction of a furnace, then fireclay (refractory).

Most often, these types of raw materials are taken, because they:

  • have a clay base;
  • resistant to moisture;
  • durable;
  • durable.

They have no obvious shortcomings.

But it is important to pay attention to the quality of the purchased material. If the raw material is burnt out or has not survived the allotted time, it will take on a dull scarlet color and will be with concave edges, it will begin to crumble over time, which will lead to the destruction of the foundation belt.

Clinker is suitable for facade cladding. It is resistant to any manifestations of the external environment, has been serving for decades, but its price is quite high.

White silicate brick should be used exclusively for finishing the basement of buildings made of block, wood. Despite its strength, it has a high hygroscopicity, low level frost resistance. The situation is the same with the red hollow.

If you lay the base of silicate, then under the influence of moisture, after a few years, individual sections will begin to crack.

Sizes, brands

The required type of raw material must necessarily meet the following requirements:

  • be whole, without voids;
  • frost resistance level - from 35 cycles and above;
  • water absorption - no more than 16%;
  • compression density - 1600 kg / m 3.

Ceramics should be used brands: M150, M200, M250.

Suitable brick sizes:

  • 25*12*6.5 cm - single;
  • 28.8*13.8*6.5 cm - modular;
  • 25*12*8.8cm;
  • 28.8*13.8*8.8 cm.

We calculate the required amount of material

Initially, a drawing of the future structure is developed, which takes into account:

  • land type;
  • what material will the walls and ceilings be made of;
  • the presence of a basement or attic;
  • floor area of ​​the building.

And already based on the load on the foundation, determine its shape (tape or pillars), width, depth, amount of material.

When calculating the material for a columnar foundation made of bricks, it is important not to forget about the cross-sectional dimensions of the supports. Correctly make them square with an edge of 38 cm or rectangular, 38 * 51 cm in size.

We create a brick foundation with our own hands

Having determined the purpose of the building, they decide on the construction of a tape or pillars.

But in any of the options, waterproofing is required. For this, the old proven bitumen, rolled roofing material is well suited. For additional protection against moisture, they dig a trench and lay a drainage pipe in it.

Consider step-by-step instructions for creating each type of brick foundation.

Stages of construction of a columnar base

Its strength is sufficient for light structures:

  • small country houses from a log house;
  • plank hozblokov;
  • summer shower and toilet;
  • gazebos.

It is easy to lay out such a foundation yourself, armed with guidance from experienced builders. Its price is affordable, but the blind area does not need to be done.

  1. For a one-story frame house, pillars with dimensions of 38 * 51 or 38 * 38 cm are enough.
  2. If this is a summer kitchen with an attic, then the dimensions of the supports are increased to 51 * 51 cm.
  3. Cement grades M400, M500 are best suited for mixing the mortar.
  4. The bottom of the pits must be leveled, rammed and geotextiles laid. It will become an obstacle to the penetration of moisture into the foundation, will not allow sand to go into the ground, and weeds will grow.
  5. From above, a pillow is formed from crushed stone and sand, roofing material is laid.
  6. After that, the laying of pillars begins in a proven old-fashioned way.
  7. Every 4 rows, it is recommended to strengthen the supports with a layer of wire mesh.
  8. To ensure that all columns are in the same plane, each lined row should be checked with a building level.

An important feature worth considering is that the supports under the bearing walls are made much thinner, about 25 * 38 cm.

Ribbon erection

The choice in favor of this foundation is possible if it is planned to build a building with a basement, a basement, an attic on the roof. Walls can be built of stone, reinforced concrete.

According to the reviews of the masters, the tape is a reliable foundation not only on solid ground, but also on sandy, heaving loam. The main thing is to perform high-quality reinforcement.

Pouring the foundation of broken bricks

Parts of bricks sometimes remain from old buildings, which can also be used as auxiliary material when pouring the foundation. But even here it is suitable only for the base for small structures such as a bathhouse, a barn or a gazebo.

It is not worth believing that a reliable tape, a monolith for a house, will be obtained from this raw material. Even if a good layer of mortar is poured, the rubble stone will not withstand such a load.

Brick battle is an additive to concrete instead of crushed stone. Therefore, we advise you to familiarize yourself with some of the subtleties of its application:

  1. Raw materials should be beaten until small and uniform pieces are obtained.
  2. The material must be placed closer to the center of the foundation.
  3. It is worth using only parts of ceramic solid bricks.
  4. For 1 m 3 of the base, ½ battle will be required.
  5. The layer of concrete mortar should be 2 cm higher than the level of the coated rubble.

By choosing brick as the main material for the foundation, you will get a reliable foundation that you can make yourself, saving on the services of builders.

In order for your house to stand for a guaranteed long time, you need to choose and make a good one. For a house made of bricks, a reinforced foundation is needed. At the base of the foam block house, you can make the foundation simpler. The construction market does not stand still and now there are many materials that allow even beginners in construction to make an excellent foundation for a brick house with their own hands.

With the development of modern technology, there are many kinds of bases. They differ in design features, as well as characteristics.

There are criteria according to which the foundation option is selected: the size and mass of the house, features, the relief on the site, the presence of groundwater, whether the soil freezes through.

A feature of a room made of brick or stone is its high mass. On average, a one-story brick house can be much heavier than a two-story wooden house. The density of brick intended for construction is 1.5 tons per 1 kb / m. The density of pine or spruce is 500-600 kg.

ATTENTION: according to construction standards, it is not recommended to lay a shallow-buried strip or pipe foundation. These options have a low bearing capacity, and the pipes are prone to corrosion.

The size of the building is also important. If you are going to build a house with two floors, then the foundation will have to be made more durable. When pouring the base, it is best to comply with all SNiP standards. Prepare a layout with all the calculations that are necessary for construction.

Soil characteristics

Soils are:

  • Weak (clay, soils on which there are swamps) - they collect moisture, are not strong and therefore cannot hold houses with a large mass, especially if you plan to build several floors, in winter the soils become heaving. The collected moisture freezes and becomes ice, while increasing in volume. When expanding, bumps appear, deformation of the base occurs. Stilted houses are suitable for such soils.

IMPORTANT: If you decide to install piles, then make sure that they lie deeper than the ground freezes through.

  • Medium are loamy soils. It is important to know at what depth groundwater runs.
  • Durable - rocks or sandstone rocks. Withstand any foundation: from shallow to strip foundations. These rocks do not collect moisture, so they are not affected by frost.

Features of the occurrence of groundwater

This is an important indicator when laying the foundation foundation. The higher the groundwater is located, the greater the likelihood that heaving will occur. do not build on such soils. The best option there will be a monolithic "floating" slab or piles. The disadvantage of such foundations is that it is impossible to build a large building.

When building a house with two floors, it will be necessary to greatly strengthen the foundation. You can also build drainage and make a tape base. Remember that the foundation should be placed below the level from which freezing occurs. For example, this is an ideal option for the south of Russia, the freezing level there is no more than 0.5-0.7 m. In the north, the freezing depth is more than 1.5 m, so it is very expensive for the price.

IMPORTANT: when laying the foundation of tapes, when the water is high, you can organize a good waterproofing. If it is not foreseen, then water will seep through the cracks and cracks into the basement, while mold and fungus will multiply. Moisture in winter will expand and destroy the foundation.

Brick as a material

A brick house has two features: they have a large shrinkage, a large mass.

The problem of shrinkage is common to all houses built from small materials. it compresses well, but when stretched or bent, it breaks easily.

The worst thing is uneven shrinkage, in which appear:

Due to the appearance of these problems, strength and reliability are significantly reduced. You should also remember about deformations that will lead to distortions:

  1. Large shrinkage of different parts. Most often this happens when there is a violation of the technological process or a poor study of geology. Shrinkage occurs in places of weak soil or with poor compaction.
  2. Buckling is the reverse process, when there is no shrinkage, but individual parts begin to rise. This is possible due to the appearance of groundwater, a small depth of the foundation base.

In these cases, it is necessary to strengthen the supports, strengthen the soil. Of course, you will have to spend a good amount of money, so choose the right option for the foundation, as well as follow the technological process.

Brick is one of the problematic materials. Only the reinforced concrete structure is more massive. Given these features, we can say that many foundations simply cannot cope with such a load.

Foundation options

If you want the foundation to stand for many years, you need to choose the most profitable option. The type of foundation will directly depend on the weight of the future building. The most profitable are pile, tiled and strip foundation s.

Consider options for laying foundations.

  1. A pit, especially if the plans include a zero level or a house with a basement.
  2. Trench preparation if the house will have 1-2 floors and a basement is not provided.

In either case, several requirements must be met:

  • - peculiarities ,
  • - freezing of the soil,
  • How is groundwater flowing?
  • - relief features.

IMPORTANT: In order for the preparation work to be performed efficiently, it is best to contact a specialist.

If it is not possible to contact specialists, follow a few standards:

You also need to consider the type of house that will be built:

  • - On monolithic and solid foundations, it is best to build simple houses.
  • - On piles, houses are built with weak soil or if the plan is a large building.
  • - If you want to build a house with a basement, a basement, large in size - choose a strip foundation.

NOTE: There are several rules for the depth of laying the foundation of a brick house. The depth depends on the heaving of the soil, the characteristics of freezing, as well as the presence of groundwater.

Strip foundation under the house

This is the most popular option. It can withstand massive structures, and is also easy to manufacture. Such a base is placed around the entire perimeter of the future house, as well as under the load-bearing walls. With this option, you can plan a basement or basement.

The foundation can be monolithic or prefabricated. The first option is a reinforced structure, completely filled with concrete. A very solid foundation that you can do with your own hands. The biggest disadvantage is the long time required for complete hardening.

Prefabricated - it is made of blocks (stone or concrete). It is quickly erected, but you will need special equipment and helpers. This option will not be as durable as compared to a monolithic one.

According to the load exerted on the ground, they are distinguished: shallow and buried. The first are laid to a depth of 0.5-0.7 m. Small simple buildings can be placed on them. Houses made of bricks, as we already know, are very heavy and difficult to hold their weight, because of this it is best to make a recessed version. It is made below the freezing of the soil by 0.3 m, especially if there is a basement and a basement.

The price of the foundation of a brick house also depends on the distance to the site from the city, where you can buy everything the right materials. So:

IMPORTANT: Lay roofing material along the bottom to make good insulation.

  • Make a belt out of . It is best to take rods of 6-10 mm. Connect the rods together using a welding machine. The resulting frame is lowered into a trench, laid on brick or stone supports.
  • Pour concrete in several passes. Each layer should be about 15-20 cm. With a vibrating hammer, if it is not there, then shake each layer with a shovel. Thanks to this procedure, there will be no voids left.

IMPORTANT: the concrete solution must be of medium fat content. In this case, it does not flow by itself, you need to try to distribute it.

  • Leave everything until dry. The average drying time is up to 30 days. Do not forget to soak the frame with water, this will prevent drying out.
  • When the concrete hardens, remove the formwork. Insulate against water. Various materials can be used for these purposes.
  • Backfill the foundation, but do not disturb the waterproofing.

Pile foundation for a brick house

When the soil cannot support a large and heavy house, then it is worth considering the option of laying the foundation of piles. In this option, most of the load is transferred to the ground, which is much lower. Piles are interconnected with a mortar of concrete or reinforced concrete, on top of which walls will already be erected.

The foundation of piles can be made on any soil, this will reduce your materials and work. The main disadvantage in the construction of such a foundation is the need for special equipment that can drill a well or drive it.

There are different types of foundations of this type. The bored version with reinforced concrete piles is best suited. You can make a similar foundation both with your own hands and using special equipment. The cost will also depend on the distance of the construction site from the city.

If you chose this option, you will need:

  • We free the site, remove the top layer. We make the corners strictly straight.
  • We mark the places where they will be. Under each pile, we make a small recess.
  • We make wells in which piles will be located.
  • To make a frame, weld reinforcement rods together. The frame should be 0.2-0.3 m above the ground.

IMPORTANT: when the piles go above the ground, the formwork can be built from metal pipes.

  • We cover the bottom with sand and gravel. We have a frame of reinforcement and concrete. Don't forget to shake things up. Concrete can be purchased or made independently directly on the construction site.
  • We make a frame for the grillage, connect it with piles. We install formwork.

IMPORTANT: the formwork for the grillage can be made prefabricated. It is easy to mount, and the grillage will be more durable.

  • Pouring concrete solution. Don't forget to shake everything.
  • We leave everything to dry, we carry out waterproofing.

Everything is ready and you can build the walls of the future house.

Slab foundation

The easiest option. This, it is located throughout the area. This foundation perfectly distributes loads, well suited for heaving, subsidence soils.

Consider the installation of a shallow tiled base. You will need reinforced concrete beams, reinforcement, and slabs that will need to be connected. Let's get started:

  1. We clear the area. We remove the top layer of soil. We do markup.
  2. We go deeper a little lower than the thickness of the foundation.
  3. Level and sprinkle with sand and gravel. We pass with a vibrating plate. Pour a thin layer of concrete mortar.
  4. We lay vinyl film, roofing felt or geotextile on the entire surface.
  5. We make formwork around the perimeter.
  6. Place a mesh of reinforcement inside the formwork.
  7. Pour the concrete mortar once. This will help avoid cold bridges. Work with a vibrator.
  8. The pillow dries up for 2-3 weeks.

How to strengthen the foundation of a brick house

Sometimes, when the foundation is ready, you have to change the material for building walls. If the foundation is not strengthened, then cracks and distortions may occur. The easiest way is to increase the base, but there are other possibilities.

As a rule, professionals lay bricks, however, having delved into the simple technology of laying bricks on the foundation, you can handle it yourself. It should be taken into account that this hard and difficult work requiring precision and skill.

First brickwork advice- after pouring the foundation, you need to wait at least two days before laying the first brick. In this case, the foundation will get stronger and withstand the weight of the bricks. When doing work, it is important that the rows are even and the corners are properly tied.

The secrets of bricklaying are known to few people - mankind has been fiddling with bricks for five or six thousand years. However, let us remember that "it is not the gods who burn the pots."

Why are bricks laid on the foundation?

Brick laying on the foundation is made for formation of a plinth enclosing the underground space. The stability of the building is significantly increased by the construction of the plinth.

brick plinth

The best material for building a plinth is a red brick. Above the ground level (at a height of 15 cm), special ventilation holes should be provided, which are placed in an amount of at least one for every 3 meters and are covered with a special metal mesh or dampers. The device of the basement is a complex and responsible task. The basement and foundation are the basis of strength, strength, and reliability of the house.

Correct laying of the base

Technology proper styling brick on the foundation begins with setting the correct angles. The first row is installed without mortar along the width of the base. The level needs to be constantly monitored. You have to measure the sides, making sure that the structure is absolutely even.

The maximum allowable discrepancy is 2 cm, since such an error can still be corrected with subsequent actions.

Having measured the sides, you can mount the base itself using a brick with a solution of sand and cement. Solution we do this: one part of cement, three parts of sand, water in an amount sufficient for a thick, plastic consistency of the solution.

Minimum basement wall width should be 380 mm - with foam insulation, or 500 mm - without insulation. The height of the foundation required for the construction of the basement is 30-40 cm. This height of the foundation of the house allows you to build a high, beautiful basement, where you can subsequently place a utility room or a boiler room.

For the construction of the base, a whole brick, or its halves, is used. It is worth paying special attention to the brick binding of the corners, since they carry the entire load.

How to lay a brick on the foundation

Should be prepared in advance tools:

  • trowel (or trowel) for spreading the mortar, removing excess mortar, leveling;
  • mason's hammer for splitting bricks into pieces of the desired size;
  • a plumb line checks the verticality of the masonry;
  • the cord helps to lay out rows in straight lines, to observe one height indicator;
  • ordering marks the rows according to the thickness of the seam and brick;
  • a wooden rule checks the quality of the outer surface;
  • shovel;
  • container for mixing the solution (or concrete mixer).

First we lay the roofing material for insulation cleaned foundation from moisture. You can go two ways.

First way- completely lay out the first row, and then the corners. In this case, the angle should always be a few bricks above the walls. We check the observance of the straightness of the corners, the verticality of the masonry with a level, a square, a plumb line.

Second way consists in the initial removal of all corners, after which the walls are laid. Angles are checked using the same tools. You need to correct irregularities by tapping on incorrectly lying bricks with a hammer. The stage ends with tying a cord for a guide in the corners. Now you can start the main part of the work.

Masonry technology is simple:

  • lay out and level with a trowel the width of the mortar to one and a half centimeters;
  • lay the brick, slightly pressing it down to evenly distribute the binder mixture;
  • gently tapping with a hammer, align the stone, observing the line indicated by the cord;
  • collect excess mortar with a trowel, fill the vertical seam between two bricks.

Some experienced builders pre-apply a small amount of bonding mixture to the side face of the brick to bond with the adjacent one.

Must always be remembered about control over verticality, straightness of lines and thickness of seams.

Leveling the foundation with brickwork

The load-bearing walls of the building rest on the foundation. The secret of a structure's stability lies in the evenness of each of its four surfaces. To align the bottom plane of the foundation, you will need such tools:

  • shovel;
  • construction plumb;
  • roulette;
  • a hammer;
  • capacity for cement mortar;
  • Master OK.

The creation of a perfectly flat lower plane of the foundation masonry at the bottom of the trench begins with the construction of a sand cushion. The lower plane is not visible, but its irregularities can lead to problems in the operation of the building. It will not be possible to align the uneven lower plane later, it is necessary to immediately make it perfectly even.

Qualitatively manufactured formwork allows you to get smooth inner and outer surfaces. However, there are times when the foundation does not turn out to be even, despite the fulfillment of all the rules for the formwork.

How to level the foundation with a brick? Methods for leveling the surface of the base

  1. Installing a new formwork and pouring concrete mortar allows you to cope with significant surface irregularities.
  2. Brick lining is relevant for eliminating minor defects in the base.
  3. Close-fitting with mesh netting, fixed with a thick layer of plaster.
  4. Covering with a layer of additional thermal insulation (expanded polystyrene, mineral wool) hides small irregularities.

Methods for leveling the upper plane of the foundation

More often, it is the upper plane of the base that sins with unevenness. Since walls are built from it, perfect evenness is required. To obtain a smooth surface, constantly use a water level. The hydraulic level checks, first of all, the corners, then the perimeter of the base. It should be remembered that only a bubble-free water level gives correct measurements. Finishing the masonry, a liquid cement mortar should be used, which will level the surface over the entire area.

You can correct a small difference, for example, 2 cm, relative to zero with brickwork if you change the thickness of the horizontal seam. SNiP sets standards to the thickness of the horizontal seam - the maximum value should not exceed 12 mm, with a tolerance of +3, -2 mm. A deviation of up to 15 mm from the horizontal per 10 m of masonry is allowed. Such a deviation is eliminated by laying the next row of bricks.

Correction of the foundation of an already finished building- a complex procedure that requires the intervention of qualified specialists. In this case, it is better not to take risks and turn to professionals.

Brick is the main material used in construction, without which no building takes place. In addition to the construction of walls, it is also used in the construction of foundations.

The brick foundation is used in the construction of terraces, cottages, cottages, houses made of reinforced concrete slabs. It has a number of important advantages:

  • not subject to natural factors, and does not harm human health;
  • do-it-yourself brick foundation is laid out quickly. A person can independently cope with this work (with certain skills, of course).
  • the cost of brickwork is much less than the reinforced concrete base;
  • better thermal insulation than reinforced concrete slabs;
  • masonry is much easier to repair. Damaged foundation elements are easier to remove and insert new ones.
  • in the brick base there are no volumetric monolithic slabs, and in a situation where the soil begins to move, it will not collapse, but will only lose its rigidity;
  • durability.

With many advantages, the brick foundation has several disadvantages:

  • porous structure, therefore, due to the ingress of moisture, the brick can freeze strongly;
  • masonry will have to be insulated;
  • the work of building a foundation is laborious, involves a large investment of time and effort.

Types of brick foundations

When building a foundation yourself, it is necessary to take into account the type of structure and soil: the soil can settle under the weight of the building, deform under the influence of temperature changes and the presence of water, which, when frozen, expands and pushes the base outward - all this affects the choice of the type of foundation.

The choice of variety depends on the expected load on the soil. Brick foundation is of two types:

  • columnar;
  • tape.

Features of laying a columnar foundation

This type of foundation is suitable for the construction of cottages, baths, terraces, open verandas or summer houses, which will not significantly load the masonry.

Brick columns are installed in the corners of the building - there will be places where the load-bearing walls intersect. It is advisable to place them along the entire structure every 2 meters. The pillars are mounted in a square-shaped pit measuring 1x1 meter and the same depth. The bottom is covered with sand, which is then wetted with water and compacted. This is necessary for the formation of a kind of platform, since it will not allow the column to sink into the soil. Next, the pit is covered with crushed stone or gravel to a depth of 20-30 cm. You do not need to tamp it down hard, otherwise the water will not pass freely and the soil will begin to swell during frost. A layer of gravel or crushed stone is leveled with a solution, after hardening, put roofing material. It is advisable to make several layers - this will improve the waterproofing.

After the preparatory stage is completed, you can begin the execution of the brickwork itself. The columnar foundation for the terrace involves the use of columns with dimensions of 2x2 bricks, which are laid in the following sequence:

  • 2 rows of 2 bricks along the axis;
  • 2 bricks across;
  • 4 along;
  • 2 across;
  • 2 along;
  • 4 across;
  • 2 along;
  • 2 across.

The seams that were formed in the process must be filled with a solution. Then the masonry is plastered and a waterproofing layer is installed. It can be bitumen or roofing material - they will reliably protect the brick from the harmful effects of moisture and rapid destruction.

erection strip base brick

If buildings are supposed to have walls that give a heavy load - a covered veranda with a terrace or a bathhouse with an extension - then it is better to choose a strip foundation. To do this, a trench 1 m wide is dug along the entire length of the future structure. In the case of wet soil or high groundwater, the width of the ditch should not be 1 m more than that of the building being erected (this is necessary for installing drainage). The preparatory steps are the same as when draining a columnar base: sand is poured onto the bottom, watered and compacted.

Then the formwork is laid out from the boards, the width of which is 15-20 cm more than the strip foundation itself, and the height is 15 cm. The bottom of the formwork is covered with waterproofing, a concrete mixture is poured on top. The mortar layer must be well leveled using building level. The concrete will set in a few days and after it has hardened, you can start laying the strip base. Masonry should rise in ledges, bricks should be laid in a dressing. Reinforcement made of bars or meshes is necessarily placed between the two lower and upper rows - this will make the foundation more durable.

What brand of brick to choose for construction?

When choosing a brick for building a foundation with your own hands, it is worth considering the type of foundation: underground or aboveground. For the first, it is better to choose red, burnt. It practically does not shrink and does not absorb or accumulate water. The laying of the foundation of red brick will last for a long time without repair work. If the base is ground or it is necessary to arrange the basement and upper floors, white brick can be used. But here it is worth considering the type of soil on which it is placed. It should not be wet and have groundwater lying close to the upper layers.

Bricks that have voids inside are best not used in construction, as they are adversely affected by high humidity and can deform under prolonged loads.

When choosing a brick for a foundation device (both columnar and strip), you should pay attention to the following factors:

  • the best brands have numbers M150, M175, M200, M250 and M300;
  • resistance to low temperatures should be in the range of 35-50 cycles;
  • if you need a brick for a base that will be located underground, consider the moisture absorption rate. Well, if it is not less than 6% and not more than 16%.

Features of brick foundations

Whatever type of foundation you prefer, do not forget about some factors, given which you will create a strong, reliable masonry:

  • Choose the right materials for masonry. The higher their quality, the stronger the foundation will be.
  • The denser the structure of the material, the greater the thermal conductivity of the base.
  • If the space between the rows of bricks is poorly filled, they will freeze and blow through, which will also increase heat loss through the foundation.

Red brick has been invented and successfully used as a building material for more than one century. But few people know that it has been used for the construction of foundations for a long time.

Brick, despite the abundance of building materials, is still used as a base material for light, one-story buildings.

This material is not ideal, and the construction of the sole of a small house or bath from it is a rather laborious and not the fastest process.

Another important drawback is the high cost of bricks.

Such a foundation can be built exclusively on non-rocky and dry soils, so most developers are not even considered.

But subject to the technology of its construction, and properly performed waterproofing work, such a sole, whether it be a small private house, a summer house or a bathhouse, can serve faithfully for up to 25 years.

We will learn about all the intricacies of building a brick foundation.

Choosing a construction method

A brick foundation is often made in a tape way, since it is tape outsole is the most durable and economical.

The answer suggests itself if we are talking about a brick foundation.

But not simple, but red full-bodied burnt brick, which is not afraid of moisture.

It is resistant to high humidity and is not afraid of high loads, but only if it is of proper quality and additional waterproofing.

Often used bricks are used for the foundation, left after the dismantling of buildings, it is cheap and time-tested.

In no case should silicate (white) building, or slotted red bricks be used for the foundation.

Silicate - has good strength, but is completely unsuitable for use in conditions of high humidity.

Slotted - practically not afraid of moisture, but fragile, and can withstand fairly small loads.

Calculation of the required amount of materials

You should know that masonry is measured in cubic meters. For 1 m3 of brickwork, as a rule, you will need 513 bricks.

If we subtract the thickness of the solution from here, it turns out that for 1 m3 of masonry, about 400 pieces are needed. bricks.

And the volume of the tape can be found by multiplying its length by the width and the planned height.

Stages and construction technology

Consider a strip buried foundation made of bricks, made on heaving soil. (This soil type is the most common)

  1. Stage one: marking and earthworks. Dig a trench to a depth below freezing ground. The width of the tape depends on the moisture content of the soil. The wetter, the wider the tape.
  2. Make a sand cushion at the bottom of the finished trench. Pay special attention to its thorough tamping. Use only coarse-grained sand for the sand cushion.
  3. The next step will be the device of the concrete base of your future foundation. For this you need. The thickness of the concrete base is usually about 10 cm, so the formwork must be of this height. The width of the base should be half the width of the tape. Don't forget the waterproofing layer between the foundation and the concrete base. As a waterproofing, we recommend using roofing material.
  4. A few days after pouring concrete, you can start laying. The brickwork of the foundation is carried out on a cement-sand mortar, in a ratio of 1: 3, and can be performed with any dressing, most often with a standard one. When erecting a brick base, two reinforcement belts are used. The first is done between the first and second row of bricks, and the second armored belt is made in front of the last row of masonry. Steel or composite reinforcement, 6-8 mm thick, is suitable for reinforcement.
  5. After about 2 weeks, you can start waterproofing and insulating the walls of the foundation.

Waterproofing - quick and easy

This procedure is simple and can be done with your own hands by almost any home craftsman.

The waterproofing of the sole walls is carried out by coating it with bituminous materials, followed by gluing it with roofing material.

Although you can use any method of waterproofing foundations suitable for concrete bases.

When filling the sole with earth or construction debris, be careful not to damage the waterproofing layer.

Strengthening the existing foundation

The old brick foundation, in which cracks have appeared, does not have to be redone, it can be repaired.

The easiest way to reinforce the sole is to make the so-called bulls.

First of all, you need to make a reinforcing frame from a reinforcing bar or knitting wire. Experts recommend doing it with cells of 20x20x20 cm.

We dig holes so as to expose the corners of the foundation. The depth of the pit should be 50 cm more than the depth of the sole. We put a reinforcing frame in the prepared trenches and fill the entire structure with concrete.

Before making a brick foundation, think carefully, because strength depends on a number of factors in which the quality of the material and soil is one of the first places.

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