Cervical erosion. Contraindications for cervical erosion: is it possible to insert a spiral, play sports and other nuances? Is it possible to install a spiral if there is erosion?

Cervical erosion is damage to the mucous membrane of the epithelium covering the cervix in the area that is located in the vagina (around the external os). This pathology develops mainly under the influence of pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Violation of the integrity of the epithelium in women of reproductive age and even adolescents can be caused by many other factors, including mechanical damage.

Why is cervical erosion dangerous?

Erosion itself is not dangerous, since it is a common damage to the epithelium, which in most cases goes away without any therapy or manipulation. Serious consequences can occur if complications occur.

Some doctors consider erosion to be a precancerous condition (here it must be noted that we are talking only about true erosion or pseudo-erosion), since damaged cells of the mucous membrane tend to degenerate into malignant ones. Cervical cancer is the most terrible complication that can be successfully treated only with timely diagnosis.

A less dangerous, but also unpleasant phenomenon is cervical polyps, which are benign neoplasms.

To prevent complications from occurring, you should be examined at least once a year (even better - once every six months, since the female reproductive system is very vulnerable).

Is it necessary to treat the pathology?

Until now, some women postpone treatment for cervical erosion. More than half of them decide to undergo medical procedures only when the disease begins to manifest itself. At the same time, the woman notices drops of blood on her underwear and sanitary pads and begins to experience pain in the lower abdomen, as well as in the area just above the pubis.

A contraindication for treatment with electric current may be the fact that the woman has not yet given birth. This is explained by the fact that during cauterization of the diseased area with electric current, the doctor treats the entire surface, so there is a high probability of accidental damage to healthy tissue.

To treat pathology in nulliparous girls, laser or radio wave therapy is used.

Types of erosion

Ectopia. This is a harmless condition in which there is only damage to the epithelium lining the cervix in the vaginal segment. With ectopia, redness of the affected area can be detected; ulcers and ulcers should be absent.

Ectopia does not require special treatment, as it goes away on its own as a result of fusion of connective tissue.

This type of pathology is often diagnosed in women under the age of 24-25 years and is the result of injury (for example, during sexual intercourse). Ectopia must be carefully monitored to prevent the addition of an infectious process.

True erosion. It is an ulcer (sometimes quite large in size) that has a bright red or burgundy color. The epithelium of the affected area is heterogeneous. It lasts no more than 14 days and differs from ectopia in the presence of an inflammatory process.

Pseudo-erosion. The ulcer affects the junction of the columnar and stratified epithelium and moves towards the cervix. In this case, the process may be accompanied by viral or bacterial infections, since the acidic environment of the vagina is an excellent nutrient layer for pathogenic organisms (chlamydia, gonococci, staphylococci, etc.).


There are many factors contributing to the occurrence of the disorder. They can be divided into two groups: internal, which depend on the state of the internal organs, general health and physiological characteristics; mechanical, resulting in injury.

Internal reasons:

  1. Poor hygiene of the external genitalia. Mothers need to teach girls intimate hygiene from a very early age, since improper washing (or lack thereof) can cause the vaginal microflora to colonize with bacteria that can cause the development of an infectious process.
  2. Sexual infections(gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, ureaplasmosis, candidiasis, etc.). This is the most common cause in nulliparous women.
  3. Viral diseases accompanied by inflammatory processes (herpes, papillomavirus, etc.).
  4. Weak immune system. If the body's protective barrier is reduced or there are no hardening measures in combination with proper nutrition, local immunity may decrease and the cervix may quickly become infected, which provokes the appearance of ulcers around the external pharynx.
  5. Early sexual intercourse(this also includes early pregnancy and childbirth).

Mechanical reasons:

  1. Injury to the epithelium during intimacy(in case of careless actions of the partner or large penis size).
  2. Early or incorrect use of tampons. The use of this type of hygiene products during menstruation is recommended only for girls over 18-20 years old. During adolescence, all organs (including the genitals) continue to grow, and too deep injection can injure the mucous membrane.
  3. History of abortions and miscarriages. During the curettage procedure, the doctor acts blindly, so the risk of damage to the epithelium is very high.
  4. Failed installation of an intrauterine device.
  5. Douching carried out in violation of safety regulations.
  6. Failure to follow instructions for using vaginal contraceptives.

Erosion during pregnancy

Most often, erosion that first occurs during pregnancy is the result of a hormonal imbalance in the body. Female hormones, produced in large quantities during pregnancy, help soften the cervix - this makes it more vulnerable to mechanical damage or the development of an infectious process.

Inflammation, diseases that are transmitted through intimacy, too active sex - all this can cause the development of the disorder.

Doctors identify another type of erosion, which is a physiological inversion of the uterus, which occurs during its natural enlargement. This disorder usually goes away on its own, provided that the woman maintains hygiene and uses contraception to protect against infections.

Erosion after childbirth

Erosion after childbirth is the result of damage to epithelial cells and tissues during the passage of the baby through the mother’s birth canal. The cause of the pathology can be cervical ruptures, which naturally lead to scars and ulcers.

Treatment of a disorder caused by mechanical damage is a mandatory procedure, since the consequences of this disease can be very serious (even the appearance of a cancerous tumor).

Cervical erosion is the most common gynecological pathology in women, which can appear regardless of age. There are many reasons why it appears.

To protect yourself from such an unpleasant phenomenon, you need to regularly undergo scheduled examinations with a gynecologist, monitor intimate hygiene and be responsible in choosing a sexual partner. These simple measures will help protect against infection and possible complications of erosion.

If a diagnosis is made, do not be afraid of treatment - today there are many painless and safe methods to preserve women's health.


Contraceptive hormonal devices are a popular way to avoid unwanted pregnancy. But, one way or another, they are a foreign body in the cervix. And erosion is damage to the epithelium in this part of the organ. Is it possible to install a spiral during erosion, will it damage the epithelium even more?

Negative consequences

Is it possible to install a spiral in case of erosion? It is forbidden. Constant contact of the affected area with a foreign body can lead to a significant deterioration of the condition. Cervical erosion can progress and grow faster. Installing such a contraceptive for this pathology leads to the following consequences:

Inflammatory processes, as well as mechanical damage, and erosion itself, lead to the formation of adhesions and scars on the epithelial layer. These phenomena make it difficult to conceive and carry a child naturally afterwards.

Since the device can be installed for more than one year, time for treating the pathology may be lost.

Is it possible to install an IUD after treating erosion?

After cauterization of the erosion, an intrauterine device can be inserted. But only after complete healing of the mucous membrane occurs. The duration of such healing depends both on the individual characteristics of the body and on the degree of development of erosion. And also on the method that was used to cauterize it.

In some cases, doctors allow the drug to be used 30-40 days after cauterization. In other cases, it is recommended to wait about six months. Thus, this issue is resolved on an individual basis.

The best spirals

There are hormonal IUDs and IUDs made of valuable metals. The former are considered more efficient and modern. However, each such device has advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages and disadvantages of the IUD

Name Advantages Flaws Price
Multiload Good efficiency at a relatively low price. It has the shape of a semi-oval with spike-like protrusions that allow the device to be firmly fixed in the uterine cavity. As a result, the risk of spontaneous loss is minimal. Relatively short validity period - about 2 years. Less effective, for example, compared to Mirena 2500 rubles
Mirena Long validity period up to five years. Highly effective protection against unwanted pregnancy. Safety and strong fixation in the uterine cavity, resulting in a reduced risk of the IUD falling out. Most often prescribed by doctors Fairly high price 7000-10000 rubles
Nova T Long service life, which is rare at this price. It is established for five years. Made of plastic with copper braid. Installs quite firmly Lower effectiveness of protection against unwanted pregnancy than other models. Especially compared to hormonal varieties 2500 rubles
Yuno-BIO E-380 Low price, made in Russia Rarely used. It is characterized by low efficiency. Refers to non-hormonal IUDs 200 rubles
T deOro 375 Gold Made of plastic with a gold core. It is firmly fixed. Quite effective. But rarely used (mainly due to the high price) High cost (especially for a non-hormonal IUD) More than 10,000 rubles

You need to select the most appropriate remedy in a particular case together with your doctor. He will also determine the optimal period when it will be possible to carry out the installation after cauterization of the erosion. Hormonal IUDs are preferable because they are safer and also more effective.

Intrauterine device (IUD)- This is one of the most popular methods of contraception in women after 25-30 years. This popularity is due, first of all, to ease of use (placed in the uterine cavity).

Modern IUDs are made of inert plastic, wrapped with the finest copper wire, which increases the efficiency and duration of use of the spiral. In addition, the spiral may contain silver, gold, and other additives (for example, propolis). Their purpose is to reduce the risk of developing inflammatory diseases of the uterus when using IUDs, but, according to some data, they also reduce the effectiveness of contraception. Hormone-containing IUDs are a separate item; we will talk about them below.

The contraceptive effect of the IUD is that the spiral makes it difficult for the sperm to move towards the egg and, consequently, its fertilization. In addition, the IUD prevents implantation of the fertilized egg due to its accelerated release from the fallopian tubes and the lack of full secretory transformation of the endometrium.

Pros of use copper-containing IUDs quite significant:

  • no other contraceptive, with the exception of surgical sterilization, allows you to forget about this problem for so long; the average period of using an IUD is 3-5 years;
  • one of the cheapest methods of contraception, from $2 to $30 for 3-5 years for copper-containing IUDs;
  • reliable method, efficiency 97-98%;
  • Can be used for various therapeutic diseases, excluding diseases of the blood system;
  • unlike sterilization, the method is reversible; The ability to conceive is normally restored within 3 months after removal of the IUD.
  • However, this method of contraception also has the largest number of contraindications and side effects, which significantly limits its range of use. Once again the proverb “all that glitters is not gold” is true.

    TO side effects include:

  • Prolonged presence of a foreign body in the uterine cavity contributes to the occurrence of an inflammatory process (endometritis), which, in combination with any STD, results in a very difficult clinical picture. Changes persist for a long time in the inner layer of the uterus after removal of the IUD and can cause miscarriage and infertility.
  • Dysfunction of the fallopian tubes, stimulated by a foreign body to antiperistaltic contractions. This circumstance is associated with an increase in the number of cases of ectopic pregnancy when using an IUD.
  • The long-term presence of IUD conductors in the cervical canal promotes the upward spread of vaginal microflora with the development of an infectious process in the mucous membrane of the cervix and the formation of cervical polyps. The combination of an IUD with cervical erosion is especially unfavorable.
  • With regular sexual activity, women who use IUDs periodically still conceive, followed by spontaneous termination of pregnancy in the first week of its development. Such spontaneous mini-abortions have a blurred clinical picture, which is manifested by heavy, irregular and painful periods. Therefore, this method of contraception is categorically unacceptable for religious people.
  • The use of an IUD involves surgical manipulation in the uterine cavity during insertion and removal of the IUD. This is associated with rare cases of uterine perforation, which requires abdominal surgery.
  • Spontaneous loss (expulsion) of the IUD is possible, which is especially common when using this method in women with cervical ruptures.
  • If pregnancy does occur when using this method, it is not always possible to save it, since the number of spontaneous miscarriages increases.

  • The listed complications define a wide range of contraindications to using an IUD:

  • allergy to copper;
  • various inflammatory diseases of the genital organs;
  • presence or risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases;
  • postpartum injuries, as well as other diseases of the cervix (erosions, dysplasia, polyps);
  • benign and malignant tumors of the genital organs;
  • endometriosis, fibroids, hyperplasia, endometrium;
  • malformations of the uterus;
  • menstrual irregularities, heavy or painful menstruation;
  • anemia and blood coagulation disorders.
  • If we take into account that gynecologists do not recommend the use of IUDs for nulliparous women, then the circle of patients for whom a foreign body can be introduced into the uterine cavity for a long period of time to prevent implantation of the fertilized egg without any particular concerns is very limited.

    To summarize: This method of contraception is suitable for absolutely gynecologically healthy women with light, regular, painless periods, who have a child and one sexual partner and who are not guided by conventions associated with religion.

    A few words about hormonal IUDs

    Available in the pharmacy market hormonal intrauterine system "Mirena". It occupies an intermediate position between the IUD and oral contraceptives. Around the vertical shaft of the IUD there is a cylindrical reservoir containing progestogen, which is released into the uterine cavity in microdoses and enters the inner layer of the uterus and blood. At the same time, a constant concentration of this hormone is maintained in the blood plasma at a level of 1/3 or 2/3 of the level of hormones when using conventional oral contraceptives. Mirena, combining the advantages of the IUD and oral contraceptives, does not have the disadvantages inherent in them individually.

    pros Minuses Anti-
    valid for 5 years.
    Quite a high price
    (about $250 for 5 years)
    Acute or exacerbation of chronic
    body diseases
    rate up to 98%
    It is possible to use
    calling during heavy, painful menstruation, while the system has a therapeutic effect - menstruation becomes scanty and painless -
    Difficulty of manipulation in the uterine cavity
    venous tumors of the uterus or cervix
    Does not increase the number of ectopic pregnancies
    news and
    body diseases
    The presence of side effects associated with gestagens (depression, headache, minor
    body weight change, breast engorgement); Usually these phenomena disappear after 3-6 months from installation of the system
    Uterine bleeding
    discharge from the genital tract unidentified
    lennoe etiology
    Can be used for therapeutic purposes in women with fibroids, endomet-
    riosis, adenomyosis, premen-
    strual syndrome.
    Some women experience complete cessation
    reduction of menstruation during the first year of use
    formation, subsequently the cycle of restoration
    pours; There are also lubricating non-cyclic
    logical discharge.
    Abnormalities of the uterus that interfere with the insertion of the IUD
    Due to the very low concentration of the hormone, it is possible to use the system in women with general pathology, when conventional hormonal contraceptives are contraindicative.
    Acute hepatitis
    Reversible method - the ability to conceive is restored
    drains within a year after extraction
    Acute thrombo-
    phlebitis or thromboem-
    pain disorders

    How the intrauterine device is inserted and removed:

    In Russia, the concept of cervical erosion includes several possible modifications of the cervical mucosa, which are usually detected during examination by a gynecologist.

    Many women wonder: is it possible to have sexual activity with this disease?

    Medical experts are confident that cervical erosion does not in any way interfere with the patient’s sexual life. Of course, sex during erosion may be accompanied by bloody discharge, then it is recommended to consult your doctor. And so, sex during erosion does not threaten a sick woman. Well, if you are worried that you will be hurt, then experts say that sex with erosion is not painful for everyone.

    Who is at high risk for erosion?

    Cervical erosion appears at any age, but more often the disease affects women who have regular sex life

    Cervical erosion can occur at almost any age, but this diagnosis is often given to young girls at the age of 20.

    This disease is most often detected in women who have an active sexual life, but there are cases when erosion occurs even in girls who have not known men.

    A high risk of cervical erosion is observed in adolescence, in women using contraceptives and in young women who have not yet given birth. If a person changes his sexual partners very often, this is also a high risk of developing the disease. Also at great risk are girls who begin their sexual life at a very early age, under 17 years of age. Smokers can also get cervical erosion!

    Is it allowed to play sports if the erosion has been cauterized?

    If before cauterization of the erosion the woman was intensely involved in sports, then after this procedure you can resume exercise, but according to a more simplified program. If you experience pain in the abdominal area, you should avoid sports training for at least a month.

    In general, experts recommend giving up sports until the scabs completely come off; this will take about a month and a half. Of course, doctors do not say to completely stop playing sports, but the first time after cauterization, it is recommended to take care of yourself a little, since any physical activity can lead to bleeding.

    Erosion caused by infectious disease

    Infections such as trichomoniasis, genital herpes, chlamydia and gonorrhea can lead to the formation of cervical erosion. More recently, it has become known that thrush can also lead to erosion. Erosion caused by infection is called true. It needs to be treated in a special way, so if you suspect you have this disease, it is recommended to immediately go to a gynecologist to identify the disease. The sooner you seek medical help, the faster and easier your treatment will be.

    Observations increasingly indicate that it is not infection that causes erosion, but on the contrary - changed cells during uterine erosion are more susceptible to various bacteria, fungi and can easily catch an infection.

    Can tampons be used if there is erosion?

    You should not use tampons for other infectious diseases, because this can lead to a pathological process. If you are still not ready to give up your habit, then you can buy special tampons created specifically for use with cervical erosion.

    Is it possible to conceive a child with this disease and is it possible to get an IUD?

    Most often, erosion does not prevent conception, since in principle it does not cause infertility. During pseudo-erosion, a woman can also easily become pregnant and not worry about her unborn baby.

    Treatment in this case is not prescribed; childbirth always takes place without complications. If a woman has real cervical erosion, then doctors recommend postponing conception for a while and first treating this disease.

    After giving birth, many women are interested in whether it is possible to install a spiral for erosion. Doctors answer this question by saying that you can simply treat cervical erosion with tablets and suppositories. No one is prohibited from inserting a spiral, but treatment in this case will take longer, since in some cases suppositories and tablets alone are not enough. Therefore, it is better to think several times whether you need to install a spiral or whether you can do without it for now. And if you do decide to get an IUD, then you should know that getting an IUD means exposing yourself to a high risk of infection. If this does not stop you, then install a spiral made of high-quality material.

    During the period of treatment and subsequent rehabilitation, you should limit the consumption of junk food, fast food, alcohol, and also stop smoking.

    All of these products contain preservatives and toxins and can cause abnormal cell division. Particular care should be taken in cases where erosion causes bleeding. In case of erosion, it is necessary to avoid going to baths and saunas, and intense physical activity..

    What can and cannot be done?

    With cervical erosion, you can most often lead a completely normal lifestyle. However, the patient may face the following controversial situations in everyday life:

    To diagnose and prevent the disease, a timely visit to the gynecologist is necessary.

    Often, in the initial stages of the disease, a woman does not feel any symptoms and only a gynecological examination will reveal the disease. First of all, when diagnosing erosion, you need to consult with your doctor about further actions.

    Erosion is a disease and needs to be controlled and treated. Modern medicine offers many ways to treat erosion and each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. Only on the basis of a medical examination, a gynecologist will be able to prescribe individual complex treatment.

    There are traditional methods for treating erosion, but you should not resort to them without consulting your doctor. In each individual case, observation by a gynecologist is necessary.

    To maintain health, it is necessary to regularly visit a gynecologist and undergo examinations. This will help keep the disease under control and prevent complications that can lead to serious consequences, including infertility or the development of cervical cancer.

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