Does thrush interfere with the ability to get pregnant? Do thrush and chronic candidiasis affect the conception of a child: does it interfere with planning a pregnancy and is there a chance of getting pregnant? The influence of thrush on conceiving a child

The causative agent of thrush, or vulvovaginal candidiasis, is a fungus of the genus Candida, which belongs to the opportunistic flora. In 80% of cases, the pathogen enters the human body already in the first year of life.

More often, the baby receives it while passing through the birth canal from the mother. The source could also be dad, another relative, or simply surrounding objects - toys, dishes.

The fungus can exist peacefully for a lifetime without causing any discomfort. But under certain conditions, when the balance of microflora is disturbed, fungi begin to multiply intensively, and symptoms known to the average person as thrush appear.

There is a high risk of developing thrush in people with weakened immune systems and chronic diseases.

The immune system in the modern world works at the limit of its capabilities; various pathogenic organisms constantly strive to penetrate the body. Therefore, when additional stress arises, sometimes it fails.

These additional reasons include:

  • chronic fatigue, severe stressful situations;
  • taking medications - antibiotics, cytostatics, hormones, including oral contraceptives;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases - bronchitis, bronchial asthma, gastritis, etc.;
  • severe diseases of the endocrine system - diabetes mellitus, ovarian dysfunction, thyroid disease;
  • congenital or acquired (HIV) immunodeficiency;
  • errors in nutrition - abuse of flour, sweet, spicy, fried, alcohol;
  • smoking.

One of the natural conditions that increases the risk of the appearance and recurrence of thrush is pregnancy. During pregnancy, the composition of the vaginal flora and hormonal levels change, which contributes to the proliferation of candida.

Thrush itself does not interfere with a woman’s reproductive function. If there are no previously listed diseases and conditions (especially those affecting the thyroid gland and ovaries), menstrual function is not impaired, ovulation occurs regularly, pregnancy can occur.

However, certain conditions are created that can prevent pregnancy with thrush.

So, for example, with thrush, the pH shifts significantly to the acidic side, and for sperm this is detrimental, i.e. they are immobilized and destroyed even before they penetrate the uterine cavity.

It becomes clear that thrush interferes with getting pregnant in the presence of clear manifestations and lack of treatment.

And of course, last but not least is the restriction in sexual life, which occurs due to itching, burning, pain during sexual intercourse - the woman simply avoids sexual relations.

And even if the sperm breaks into the uterine cavity and tubes and reaches the egg, there is a risk that it will carry the pathogen and a large number of leukocytes - and this is fraught with damage to the genetic material of the germ cells, cell inferiority and termination of pregnancy in the early stages - in fact, even before the woman suspects its presence.

Can you get pregnant with thrush?

You can get pregnant with thrush, but the question arises: is it necessary? Any infection, incl. and thrush, can have a bad effect on the course of pregnancy.

Of course, if the pregnancy occurs spontaneously and it is desired, it is not worth interrupting it due to thrush, but it is necessary to undergo treatment. Well, if a woman is planning a pregnancy and suddenly has thrush, she needs to be treated and plan a pregnancy in the next cycle.

It is problematic to plan pregnancy for women with chronic recurrent candidiasis. Their question of whether thrush interferes with pregnancy interests them more than others.

After all, you cannot be sure that the treated process in this cycle will not return in the next one, therefore, treatment in this case must be approached more carefully, using not only medications, but also paying attention to stabilizing the immune system, restoring microflora, and proper nutrition.

If a woman who is planning a pregnancy, despite complete well-being, suddenly develops thrush, conception should be postponed until the next cycle. Be sure to visit a gynecologist and get tested.

This will allow you to determine whether it is actually thrush, or whether a more serious infection is hiding under its mask. After the tests, if the diagnosis is confirmed, the specialist prescribes treatment. In this particular case, you can also treat your sexual partner so that re-infection does not occur during the treatment process. If the episode is primary, preference should be given to local forms - suppositories, vaginal tablets, vaginal creams.

Oral medications are, of course, effective, but given their effect on the liver and, in principle, on the body, it is better to avoid them when planning pregnancy.

The course of treatment with local remedies is carried out strictly according to the instructions to avoid recurrence of thrush. A week after the last suppository, you need to take a test to make sure you are cured. With good tests, you can work on conception already during the next ovulation.

Does thrush affect conception in the most direct sense of the question? More likely no than yes, which is confirmed by many years of experience. Even if there is thrush, a woman can easily become pregnant.

Another thing is that during thrush, certain changes occur in the body that can affect the development of pregnancy.

So, candida was unable to prevent pregnancy and instead of the question, is it possible to get pregnant with thrush, another question arose - how should a pregnant woman with thrush behave? similar to candidiasis in non-pregnant women.

Sometimes, given the decrease in immunity, the severity of the local inflammatory reaction is less pronounced - the woman has no complaints. And thrush is detected during examination in the speculum - on the walls of the vagina the doctor sees abundant cheesy deposits of various colors - from pale yellow to green. The diagnosis is confirmed after receiving a response from a routine smear.

If a woman’s body fights the pathogen, local reactions – swelling, itching, burning – are quite pronounced and cause the woman some discomfort. When urinating, the pain intensifies. The discharge is copious and cheesy.

Features of the course of thrush during pregnancy include its frequent relapses. Since one of the links in the fight against thrush is significantly affected (immunity), it is difficult to fight it during pregnancy.

If we add to this the limited choice of antifungal drugs (most drugs are contraindicated for pregnant women), treating thrush in expectant mothers becomes a very difficult task.

How does thrush affect the fetus?

The effect of thrush on the fetus largely depends on the duration of pregnancy, the timeliness of treatment started and the resistance of the mother’s body.

In the very early stages, candidiasis can lead to abortion, infection of the embryo, disruption of organ formation and termination of pregnancy (this happens rarely, with a very weakened immune system and an aggressive pathogen).

In the second and third trimester of pregnancy, when the baby is protected by the placenta, the fungus is less dangerous.

However, as with any other infection, with candidiasis it is possible for the pathogen to spread from the vagina higher up and infect the membranes and fetus, which contributes to the development of various complications.

This does not happen often, but you should know and remember this when you want to treat yourself. Treatment with folk remedies is not recommended for pregnant women.

I cannot help but note that everyone’s favorite douching with soda and herbal infusions is also prohibited. Under the pressure of fluid, the risk of infection entering the uterine cavity increases significantly.

Do not use the information posted on the site without first consulting your doctor!

The medical portal site reveals the secrets of the fight against candidiasis - a group of diseases that are caused by microscopic yeast-like fungi from the genus Candida. Thrush is popularly called one of the forms of the disease - damage to the visible mucous membranes (for example, oral thrush or the genital form of the disease). This name is based on its characteristic symptom - the formation of a white coating on the mucous membranes, similar to curdled milk.

The site contains materials on the clinical picture, diagnosis, therapy and prevention of candidal infection in adults and children. All articles were written by practicing doctors with extensive experience in treating various forms of this disease. It contains everything that doctors want, but do not have time to tell at the appointment, and also provides answers to many sensitive questions that patients are embarrassed to ask in person.

The materials are presented in simple, accessible language and are intended for readers without medical training.

To make it easier for you to find the information you are interested in, we have grouped the topics into categories:

General articles about thrush

Results of culture of bacterial materials containing Candida

Every person comes into contact with candidiasis pathogens every day. Let's say more - Candida fungi constantly live on the skin and mucous membranes of most of us. Only some people get sick for some reason, while others don’t. Of those people who get sick, some get rid of the infection relatively easily, while others cannot recover for years. Why this happens and what the course of the disease depends on - read in this section.

Here you will find answers to questions:

  • What organs does Candida fungus affect, except the mucous membranes of the genitals?

Thrush in women

Thrush in women

Both women and men suffer from sexual candidiasis, but 90% of those suffering from this disease with clear clinical manifestations are representatives of the fairer sex. Why Candida fungi more often attack the female body, how the fair half of humanity can resist them and how to save themselves if the symptoms of thrush have already made themselves felt - you will learn from this section.

You will also learn from it:

Thrush during pregnancy

While expecting a baby, any infections are dangerous, but no matter how much the expectant mother takes care of herself, she is not always able to avoid genital candidiasis. Why is this happening? What are the peculiarities of the course and treatment of thrush in pregnant women? Can the disease be passed on to a child? Answers to questions are collected in this section.

In it you will find information:

  • About the differences in the clinical picture and treatment tactics for candidiasis in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy.
  • About how sexual candidiasis affects the course of childbirth and the postpartum period.
  • Can chronic genital candidiasis cause infertility?
  • Is genital thrush in a pregnant woman an indication for cesarean section?

Candidiasis in children

Any infectious disease in children occurs differently than in adults. And candidiasis is no exception. Many babies get sick with it in the first weeks after birth, but some mothers take it calmly, while others panic and insist on immediate hospitalization of the child. Which of them is right and what is the peculiarity of candidiasis infection in childhood, read in this section.

  • Why candidiasis is dangerous for children under one year of age?
  • How to treat oral thrush in infants.
  • What organs can suffer from candidal infection in children, except the mucous membrane of the tongue and gums.
  • What drugs are used to treat thrush in childhood.
  • How to feed infants suffering from oral candidiasis.

Thrush in men

Men are not used to succumbing to diseases, but thrush can become a real test of character for them - its symptoms are so painful. Candidiasis does not often affect men, but for those whose body could not withstand the onslaught of infection, it can be said to “come off in full”... Read about the peculiarities of the clinical picture and course of candidiasis in the stronger half of humanity in this section.

Click on photo to enlarge

It also contains information:

  • Can a man suffering from genital candidiasis have sex?
  • Can thrush cause male infertility and cause problems with potency?
  • How do men become infected with genital candidiasis?
  • What are the differences in the use of anticandidal drugs in women and men?

Medicines for the treatment of thrush

The most important information about any disease is how to cure it. This section contains truthful information about medications against various forms of candidiasis. However, here you will not find ready-made recipes for self-medication, since for candidal infections it does more harm than good. By taking medicine without a specialist's prescription, you greatly increase the risk of the disease becoming chronic, which is very difficult to cure.

Preparations for the treatment of thrush. Click on photo to enlarge

Here you will find answers to questions:

Traditional medicine against thrush

Cases of curing candidiasis infection with folk remedies alone are unknown to official medicine, but this does not mean that you will have to give them up. The ancient herbalists that our great-grandmothers used to save themselves keep many useful recipes. Although folk remedies do not completely get rid of the disease, they help strengthen the immune system and eliminate the painful symptoms that cause so much trouble with thrush.

  • About common mistakes in using home remedies that lead to serious consequences.
  • About why douching with soda gives only a temporary effect and provokes relapses of thrush.
  • About which category of patients folk remedies are strictly contraindicated.

Let infections bypass you and your loved ones!

The health of the expectant mother is the main (although not the only) component of a successful conception, a successful pregnancy and the birth of a healthy child. Each of the pathological processes, especially those that affect the genital organs, can negatively affect a woman’s reproductive capabilities. One of the most common diseases of the intimate area is thrush. In this regard, the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant with thrush (including the chronic form) is relevant for most women.

Does thrush prevent you from getting pregnant?

The female reproductive system is a complex mechanism, and yeast fungi (causative agents of vaginal candidiasis) are not able to disrupt its activity. Nevertheless, they, albeit indirectly, still affect the possibility of conception.

Effect on sperm

Normally, an optimal acid-base balance is maintained in the vagina (an acidic environment prevails). Lactic acid bacteria, components of the beneficial microflora that inhabit the lower genital tract, “work” on this. They create ideal conditions for the movement of healthy sperm to the uterus, where the egg awaits them.

During infection, the pathogenic colony displaces the lactic acid bacteria. Under the influence of Candida, the environment in the vagina becomes alkaline. It is detrimental to sperm: the latter lose activity, move more slowly, and most of them die before reaching the uterus. As a result, the chances of successful fertilization of the egg are significantly reduced.

Infectious complications

The acid-base reaction of the environment is necessary not only for sperm, it is a kind of barrier that does not allow infectious agents to pass through. This significantly reduces the risk of inflammatory processes in the genital organs.

Yeast fungi, supporting alkaline reactions, promote the penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the vagina. From here they can easily spread to the uterus, tubes and ovaries, provoking the development of various diseases. Bacterial inflammation is accompanied by the formation of adhesions that impede the movement of the egg.

Effect on sexual desire

Typical symptoms of candidiasis are itching, burning in the perineum and vagina, dry mucous membrane. Because of this, during the process, a woman is often bothered by painful sensations, sometimes so pronounced that coitus does not reach completion. As a result, sexual desire decreases or disappears, which also affects the possibility of conceiving a child.

Is it possible to get pregnant during thrush and other pressing questions for expectant mothers and fathers

  1. Is it possible to get pregnant with thrush in women?

Can. Although the chances of conception are lower, fertilization is possible. Therefore, if a couple is not yet planning a child, then during intimacy with candidiasis it is imperative to use contraception. It is best to discuss the choice of the safest options with your gynecologist.

  1. Is it possible to get pregnant with chronic thrush?

Compared to episodic cases, this course of the disease further complicates the possibility of conception. This is due to long-term pathological changes in the mucous membrane of the genital organs, as well as concomitant infections of the intimate area. However, in such a situation, the possibility itself cannot be excluded.

  1. Is it possible to get pregnant during treatment?

And again the answer is positive. Neither the disease itself nor antifungal drugs can completely disrupt all processes associated with fertilization. Since when pregnancy occurs during this period, the development of the fetus will be affected not only by fungi, but also by chemicals, it is still better to protect yourself.

  1. Is it possible to get pregnant after thrush?

It is possible and necessary! This option is the most suitable for planning a successful pregnancy. Recovery not only increases the chances of conception, but also reduces the risk of pathological processes in fetal development. After treatment, it is better for a woman to undergo a full examination to ensure the absence of pathogens. To restore normal microflora, you need to give up yeast-based baked goods and increase the consumption of fermented milk products (yogurt, kefir).

Is it possible to get pregnant with thrush: consequences

If a married couple dreams of a child, but the woman has been diagnosed with candidiasis, it is better to wait for recovery. Yeast fungi negatively affect both the body of the pregnant woman and the baby. Therefore, both partners must first heal.

Danger for pregnant women

During pregnancy, a fungal infection provokes the following pathological processes:

  • disruption of the vaginal microflora, which is accompanied by a decrease in local immunity, the development of dangerous bacterial diseases of the uterus and ovaries;
  • discomfort (itching, pain, swelling of the external genital organs) interfere with normal functioning, cause pathological fatigue, and negatively affect a woman’s mood;
  • bacterial inflammatory processes that accompany thrush can lead to cervical weakness and premature birth.

Hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy contribute to the exacerbation of candidiasis symptoms. During this period, it is difficult to treat and often transforms into a chronic form.

Effect on the fetus

The biggest concern is the impact of the disease on the unborn child.

  1. Intrauterine infection of the fetus (in rare cases). Possible consequences:
  • impaired organ development (if infection has occurred);
  • fungal diseases ().
  1. Most often, a child becomes infected from a sick mother during childbirth. In this case, the baby is diagnosed with candidal stomatitis, fungal infection of the eyes, skin, and genitourinary organs.
  2. For babies with weakened immune systems (premature babies, those with birth trauma, those suffering from concomitant diseases), thrush is very dangerous (can be fatal).

If a woman with candidiasis finds out she is pregnant, she should immediately seek professional help. In this case, amateur activities are strictly prohibited, because many drugs, and especially traditional methods, cannot be used during the period of bearing a child. Competent and timely treatment will reliably protect mother and baby from unwanted consequences.

Similar materials

The female body is an ideal system for the birth of offspring. The structure of the body and its features create conditions suitable for the development of the fetus, but sometimes it happens that these very conditions can be disrupted by diseases. A disease such as thrush is considered one of the most common in women.

It often appears at the time of gestation, and sometimes before it. If pregnancy is planned, and the fungus begins to develop immediately at this moment, the process of conception may become more complicated. So is it possible to get pregnant with thrush and what will it take?

Not everyone thinks that thrush and conception are not entirely compatible, although such a diagnosis is not critical and fertilization is possible. The point here is not at all that a woman cannot have children at all while Candida fungus is actively developing in her body, but that this disease disrupts the normal microflora in the vagina, which greatly interferes with the passage of sperm to the egg.

The pathological microflora that thrush allows to develop radically changes the acid-base balance, which is why, upon conception, a man’s seed simply does not survive and attempts to get pregnant become in vain, but not in 100% of cases. Therefore, it is not difficult to decide whether thrush interferes with getting pregnant; it is obvious that there are interferences, but this has nothing to do with the complete exclusion of this option.

However, women’s bodies are different, which means their reaction to diseases is exactly the same. Sometimes it happens that thrush has already had the opportunity to develop, but symptoms practically do not appear, so parents, suspecting nothing, boldly take on the process of conception.

Still, despite all the difficulties, it is possible to get pregnant with candidiasis, and when this happens, due to changes in hormonal levels, thrush begins to manifest itself more strongly, and then the moment comes when you need to urgently consult a doctor.

It is very easy to determine whether thrush affects conception - yes, it does, but does not exclude this possibility. Is it possible for a young couple with thrush to become pregnant? Although with difficulties, it is possible, nevertheless, it is worth thinking about all the consequences in advance.

Symptoms of thrush in pregnant women

As such, the symptoms of this disease in pregnant women manifest themselves in exactly the same way as in everyone else, the only thing worth noting is that sometimes outbreaks of candidiasis can occur, since the hormonal background in the first trimester of pregnancy is the most unstable, and serious changes occur in the body.

The main symptoms of thrush include:

  • Inflammation of the vaginal walls with subsequent irritation;
  • Burning and itching, which may intensify in the evening;
  • The appearance of white discharge (curdish structure), which is accompanied by a sour odor;
  • When the disease is advanced, bleeding wounds may appear.

The reason for the appearance of the disease can be only a decrease in immunity or hormonal levels, but also a lifestyle that expectant mothers do not always follow. And if thrush manifests itself, especially in the first weeks of pregnancy, then it is imperative to undergo examination and carefully monitor your health throughout the entire period of pregnancy.

Important: It is important for many to know whether it is possible to get pregnant with thrush and carry a child at this moment. Doctors in some cases allow this possibility, but it is worth noting that by the time of birth, thrush should no longer be in the body.

How to be pregnant if thrush is detected

If fertilization has occurred, and immediately against this background the symptoms of thrush begin to appear, or they were there before, then you should not resort to self-medication, often this only aggravates the situation.

  • An urgent visit to a doctor, for example a gynecologist, who will then describe all the necessary procedures;
  • Tests are taken and a full examination of the body is carried out for the presence of other diseases that accompany thrush;
  • You must immediately give up bad habits;
  • Completely follow all instructions of the specialist to obtain a positive result.

Since conception with thrush is complicated, but it can still happen, it is worth paying maximum attention to the further course of the disease, since not only the health of the mother will be at risk, but even the life of the child, because the most advanced stages of thrush sometimes lead to termination of pregnancy.

Proper pregnancy planning for candidiasis

Many people are interested in how much thrush can interfere with pregnancy, but to a large extent it all depends on the state of the expectant mother’s body and how much of a correct treatment path she chooses.

If we consider the option of an outbreak of the disease before or during pregnancy, then in any case there is an opportunity to cure it. But it is also worth considering that when planning a pregnancy, thrush can be considered not only as a periodic disease, but also as a chronic disease.

Chronic thrush is not a reason to refuse pregnancy. The only condition that parents will have to comply with is visiting a doctor and following his recommendations throughout the entire period of fetal development. Also, the specialist will advise at what point you can get pregnant with the least risk.

Other advice that doctors can give includes the following:

  • It is not recommended to plan pregnancy if an acute form of candidiasis occurs, since this is a direct threat to the fetus;
  • For pregnant women, therapy that increases immunity is required;
  • In case of acute candidiasis, it is better to completely abstain from sexual intercourse;
  • If the first symptoms are detected, when the parents are still trying to conceive a child, the most reasonable decision would be to begin treatment and abandon attempts at fertilization until it is completely completed;
  • If a pregnant woman suffers from thrush, then her partner should undergo a comprehensive examination.

Without a doubt, thrush prevents you from getting pregnant, but if you follow the instructions given by the doctor, monitor your health and do not try to self-medicate, the outcome can be more than favorable.

Impact of candidiasis on the fetus

As mentioned earlier, not only mothers, but also children in the womb suffer from this disease. If the situation has developed that you got pregnant with thrush, then you should clearly understand what dangers await the baby.

From them we highlight:

  • The Candida fungus may well penetrate deep into the body, affecting the placenta and amniotic fluid;
  • The fetus itself can also be infected;
  • Kindidosis affects not only the development of the fetus, but also its vital functions. Advanced forms of thrush lead to the death of the baby even before birth (30% of cases in the early stages of pregnancy);
  • During childbirth, 80% of babies become infected from their mothers if they did not have time to cure thrush, and this greatly affects their immunity, and also causes the development of the disease, with the transition to candidal stomatitis.

That is why, before rushing to get pregnant with thrush, it is worth thinking about its preliminary treatment. But if this has already happened, then there is no need to panic, you just need to see a doctor who will delicately and understandingly resolve the current situation.

Treatment of thrush during a special period

Young parents need to approach treatment with full responsibility and assessment of the situation. When conceiving a child was successful, but the disease took you by surprise, under no circumstances should you use traditional methods of treatment, other people’s recipes (even if they were developed by professional doctors) and anything similar without undergoing an examination. Everything will depend on the body, and treatment is prescribed exclusively with an individual approach.

It all looks something like this:

  • Taking any medications, in any form or dosage, is prescribed only by a doctor. The treatment period can range from 5 to 14 days;
  • Drugs such as Flucostat, Nystanin, Ketoconazole and others are often prescribed, depending on the situation;
  • It is mandatory, depending on the stage of pregnancy, that local medications are prescribed. They are sold in the form of suppositories, ointments, vaginal tablets or solutions;
  • Under certain circumstances, the doctor may assign a pregnant patient to the hospital for the entire period of treatment.

Having dealt with the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant during thrush and having decided how to treat the disease, all that remains is to follow all the instructions and not violate the dosage, then all treatment will be effective.

Since married couples often plan to have children, despite some controversial issues, they should know what recommendations are best to follow to make the whole process more successful.

It all looks like this:

  • If you decide to postpone pregnancy until you get rid of the disease, then you need to pause for a month after defeating thrush;
  • After thrush, it is imperative to restore the vaginal microflora;
  • During treatment, as well as for a certain period after it, it is necessary to adhere to a diet that minimizes sweets and yeast products;
  • In order to get pregnant, and in general to be a healthy person, both women and men, it is better to completely abandon bad habits, especially during the treatment period;
  • When thrush is defeated, being healthy, the woman should still periodically undergo a smear test;
  • There may also be a need for periodic full examinations.

A considerable number of future parents are interested in what if thrush appears, why it is dangerous and whether it is possible to get pregnant during this period. Only a doctor should make the final decision, and sometimes it happens that he allows you to bear a child during such a special period, but under his careful supervision.

Video on topic

Thrush strikes half of women of reproductive age at least once in their lives, returning during menopause. The disease causes discomfort and requires treatment as quickly as possible. Let's consider whether it is possible to get pregnant with thrush and whether thrush affects the conception of a child.

Candidiasis can appear suddenly, and sometimes it is quite difficult to find the factor that provokes the disease. Thrush is a fungal colony of the Candida family that affects the mucous membranes of the vagina. The impetus for this, first of all, is a change in the microflora of the vagina.

Main risk factors:

  • Unprotected sexual contact with a carrier of the fungus;
  • Irrational or prolonged use of antibiotics;
  • Diseases of the reproductive organs, accompanied by changes in microflora;
  • Long-term wearing of synthetic tight underwear;
  • Hypothermia;
  • Neglect of personal hygiene rules.

Often the cause of thrush is a partner who is a carrier of the fungus. In men, thrush is practically asymptomatic, since the structure of their genital organs is unfavorable for the proliferation of the fungus.

If the carrier of the fungus is a man, thrush will return after each course of treatment in a woman, so both partners must be examined.


Symptoms of the disease in women are quite pronounced and include:

  • Itching and burning in the vaginal area;
  • Copious white discharge with a cheesy consistency;
  • Pain when urinating;
  • Swelling and irritation of the vaginal walls.

If the infection penetrates the ureters, there may be bloody impurities in the urine and severe pain when emptying the bladder. Such symptoms indicate the development of a complication – cystitis.

Effect on conception

When faced with the disease, a woman thinks about whether thrush is preventing her from getting pregnant. To answer this question, you need to study the etiology of the disease.

In a woman’s vagina in normal condition, more than half of the microorganisms are represented by lactic acid bacteria. Their work is aimed at protecting the reproductive organs from infection, as well as improving the transport of sperm to the egg.

Microflora is regulated by the immune system. If it is weakened, the qualitative composition of the vaginal microflora changes and thrush develops. Fungal bacteria create an acidic environment in the vagina.

An acidic environment is unfavorable for sperm passage. In addition, thrush and conception are incompatible for many women because they refuse sexual intercourse during the illness. You can get pregnant with thrush, but treatment before conception is more effective and safe.

Since the answer to the question of whether it is possible to become pregnant during candidiasis is affirmative, patients think that nothing threatens pregnancy and childbirth. In fact, Candida fungus can spread to internal organs and easily cross the placental barrier, causing the fetus during pregnancy:

  • Developmental disorders;
  • Lesions of the developing skin;
  • Damage to internal organs;
  • Infection of amniotic fluid.

The pregnant body devotes all its strength to protecting the fetus, so pregnancy during thrush can be complicated for the mother:

  • Leakage of amniotic fluid;
  • Increase in temperature;
  • Bleeding;
  • We'll miscarry.

We are talking about advanced cases when the disease was not treated either before or after conception.

Treatment before conception

It is also possible to treat thrush during pregnancy, but the complexity of treatment increases and the effectiveness decreases, since not all drugs are approved for use by pregnant women.

For treatment, local remedies are used - ointments and suppositories, as well as systemic therapy in tablets. Among suppositories and tablets, the best are those based on imidazole, fluconazole, and povidone. Among them:

Some of them cause side effects in the form of burning, pain, while others do not show side effects. You cannot prescribe suppositories and tablets on your own, since the strength of the drugs differs and should be determined by a doctor depending on the severity of thrush.

To maintain immunity, vitamins and immunomodulators are prescribed. If necessary, simultaneous use of local agents and pills is prescribed. Such a decision can be made in case of chronic thrush, and the drugs should be selected exclusively by a gynecologist.

Treatment during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the treatment of thrush is complicated by the fact that the drugs are based on strong antiseptic and antimycotic substances that can overcome the placental barrier and affect the development of the child, or be absorbed into the blood and transferred with the blood to the fetus.

For this reason, the drug is selected exclusively soft and not absorbed into the blood, and the intake is strictly regulated and adjusted, if necessary, by the gynecologist monitoring the pregnancy.

Drugs used to treat candidiasis during pregnancy include:

  • Pimafucin - suppositories, ointments or creams;
  • Nystatin is an analogue of Pimafucin;
  • Betadine is a suppository without side effects, but is prohibited for patients with thyrotoxicosis.

Pregnant women are also prescribed vitamins and immunostimulating drugs, and the effectiveness of therapy is monitored every three to five days.


Thrush does not have much impact on conception, but it can cause harm to the fetus, especially in the first trimester. During pregnancy, it is much more difficult to fight thrush, so it is better to plan your pregnancy in advance and treat candidiasis before conception occurs.

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