How to cleanse the liver after a course of steroids. How to cleanse the liver after a course of steroids? Folk remedies for recovery

The liver is the organ in which the metabolism of almost all medications occurs. It helps break down the drug into substances available for excretion from the body: water, salts, formaldehydes, and other compounds. The processed drug can be excreted through the urinary system, digestive tract with bile, feces.

To metabolize drug compounds, liver cells take up the substance, change it, and then the compound enters the blood in an altered form. After providing a therapeutic effect, the drug is broken down into its final simple elements. This process requires a large amount of energy. A healthy organ copes well with such functions.

If there is damage in the liver, the cells begin to release the medicine incorrectly. This promotes its accumulation in hepatocytes, which leads to damage to other liver cells. Over time, the percentage of damaged tissue increases, and fatty hepatosis, hepatitis, and cirrhosis develop. Let's consider effective methods of rehabilitation after prolonged use of hepatotoxic drugs, as well as chemotherapy courses.

Hepatotoxic drugs can cause rapid damage to liver cells. These include:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • glucocorticoid hormones;
  • oral contraceptives (large doses of estrogens);
  • antituberculosis drugs;
  • chemotherapy drugs used to treat tumor processes.

The use of high dosages of hepatotoxic drugs, prolonged or constant use is especially dangerous. In this case, the liver cells begin to deteriorate very quickly, and drug-induced hepatitis develops.

Hepatotoxic chemotherapy drugs include:

  1. Cytarabine.
  2. Fluorodeoxyuridine.
  3. Oxaliplatin.
  4. CMF (cyclophosphamide+methotrexate+5fluorouracil).
  5. Nitrosourea.
  6. Taxanes, fluoropyrimidines.
  7. Irinotecan.
  8. Gemtuzumab.
  9. Methotrexate.
  10. Pentostatin.
  11. Platinum preparations.
  12. Cytidine analogues (Gemcitabine).
  13. Vinca alkaloids.
  14. Anthracyclines.

The assessment of hepatotoxicity of drugs in oncology, as well as other areas of medicine, is carried out according to the biochemical parameters of the patient’s blood (Table 1).

Table 1 - Biochemistry indicators when exposed to chemotherapy drugs

If liver failure occurs or changes in liver tests occur, dose adjustment is mandatory if the following chemotherapy drugs are used:

  1. Docetaxel.
  2. Erlotinib.
  3. Gemcitabine.
  4. Imatinib.
  5. Irinotecan.
  6. Paclitaxel.
  7. Sorafenib.
  8. Topotecan.
  9. Vinorelbine.

The main toxic anti-tuberculosis drugs are:

  1. Rifampicin.
  2. Isoniazid.
  3. Pyrazinamide.
  4. Fluoroquinolones.
  5. Capreomycin.
  6. Ethionamide.
  7. Linezolid.

Damage occurs quickly. These drugs are used not one at a time, but several at once, since the Koch bacillus quickly develops resistance in most patients.

Prednisolone, Methylprednisolone, Azathioprine, Budesonide, Dexomethasone are used in the treatment of autoimmune diseases. They are also capable of damaging liver tissue, so treatment is carried out under the guise of hepatotropic drugs.

Organ restoration methods

The duration of the liver recovery period directly depends on:

  • duration of drug therapy with toxic drugs, their dosages;
  • the initial state of the organ, as well as its function (on the eve of treatment);
  • patient's age;
  • percentage of healthy and damaged organ tissue.

If the liver is not severely damaged (AST, ALT are increased no more than 5 times), then it is able to restore its function during hepatoprotector therapy in 2-3 weeks. When transaminases increase more than 5 times, it takes more than 3 weeks, sometimes up to 3 months, to normalize the functioning of the organ.

If the liver was damaged before using toxic drugs, treatment can last up to 6 months or more. With the development of acute hepatitis using hepatoprotectors, it is restored within 3 months.

The organ is practically unable to restore its function on its own, especially if the damage was significant.

Recovery methods:

  • drug therapy (use of hepatoprotectors);
  • diet therapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • phytotherapy.

To assess the condition of the liver during rehabilitation, a biochemical blood test is monitored. Based on the degree of decrease in bilirubin, AST, ALT, alkaline phosphatase, dosages are adjusted or hepatoprotectors are discontinued. If therapy is ineffective (maintaining high biochemistry values), a combination of hepatotropic drugs from different groups is possible.

During therapy with hepatoprotectors, the liver is most often unable to fully recover. Destroyed cells degenerate into connective tissue and do not participate in the functioning of the organ. Hepatotropic drugs can only support the work of the remaining healthy cells.

A damaged liver can function even if 4/5 of the organ tissue is damaged. The remaining 1/5 simply increases its capabilities, compensating for the lack of fabric. This is only possible with long-term use of hepatoprotectors (more than 2 years).

The benefits of hepatoprotectors

During the rehabilitation period after long-term drug therapy for various diseases (including cancer), doctors prescribe a group of hepatoprotectors (Table 2). These drugs help restore the function of remaining healthy hepatocytes and restore some slightly damaged areas of the organ.

In cancer patients, hepatoprotectors are first used to protect the liver as part of complex therapy for the tumor process, and then after treatment.

Table 2 - Hepatoprotectors

If there is an increase in liver transaminases by more than 5 times, then this is an indication for adjusting the dosage of chemotherapy drugs. The drugs Heptral, Heptor, and Hepa-merz are often used in the treatment of cancer. Doctors give preference to the injection of drugs, since patients undergoing chemotherapy may undergo multiple doses. Patients simply cannot digest tablet forms.


The most common group is considered to be essential phospholipids. They are quite well studied. This group of drugs has a great advantage - the possibility of using EPL for long-term treatment. If the liver damage was significant, then EPL can be used for up to 2-4 years.

Essentiale is considered the most common drug from the group of essential phospholipids. It is produced in the form of capsules and also injectable forms. Essentiale is often prescribed for cytolysis syndrome, when liver cells are destroyed, blood biochemistry indicators deteriorate, icteric syndrome, and lethargy (stupor) are observed.

EPLs act on lipid metabolism. Lipids are integrated into damaged liver tissue cells and help their normal functioning. During the recovery period after drug-induced liver damage in cancer patients (after hospitalization), Phosphogliv is also often prescribed. It is acceptable to use it for more than 3 months.

Essential phospholipids are prescribed by injection during the acute period to increase the effectiveness of the drug. Patients with high liver tests are prescribed Essentiale in a dosage of up to 1 g. Tablet forms of Essentiale are prescribed in a dosage of 1.8 g. If liver tests do not decrease during treatment, the dose of the drug can be increased.

If the patient has cholestasis syndrome (stagnation of bile), the dosage of essential phospholipids should not exceed 1 g. In this case, it is better to add a drug from another group of hepatoprotectors (amino acid derivatives, ursodeoxycholic acid). These drugs more actively prevent the development of bile stagnation and prevent damage to healthy liver cells. Such medications must be taken strictly according to the instructions, since non-compliance with the rules of administration does not give the desired effect.

Amino acids

In patients with oncology, chemotherapy often develops cytolysis syndrome, as well as intrahepatic cholestasis. To prevent bile stagnation, doctors prescribe the drug Ademethionine in parallel with chemotherapy. It belongs to the group of amino acids.

Ademetionine helps improve the outflow of bile secretions from cells and increase bile synthesis. Against the background of chemotherapy with Ademethionine, patients do not have much change in blood biochemistry. AST, ALT do not exceed 5 norms.

It is possible to use tableted injectable forms of drugs. Amino acid derivatives can be used with ursodeoxycholic acid (Ursosan, Ursofalk) if cholestasis syndrome is caused by a violation of the flow of bile through the ducts. This often occurs in patients with concomitant cholecystitis and cholelithiasis. Also, amino acids are often combined with EPL after chemotherapy.

To restore the organ after therapy with anti-tuberculosis drugs for cholestasis syndrome, Remaxol is also added. This injectable medicine improves the outflow of bile, has a sedative effect. Prescribing Remaxol together with UDCA and amino acid derivatives in patients quickly normalizes blood biochemical parameters.

If intracellular cholestasis persists, you can use the tablet form of Heptral, Heptor. During treatment with hepatoprotectors, biochemical blood tests must be monitored. If liver tests decrease poorly, then the dosage of hepatoprotectors is adjusted.

Reviews from patients

To understand how effective hepatoprotectors are for restoring the liver after taking potent medications, you should read patient reviews:

Irina, 45 years old: “I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Radiation therapy and chemotherapy were prescribed. During treatment, my hair fell out, I had severe pain in my stomach, and constantly suffered from vomiting and nausea. The liver began to fail. Doctors prescribed Heptral injections. Liver function was preserved. After finishing chemotherapy, I took Karsil, and after that Essentiale for 3 months. I started to feel better. Once a year I go for a mammogram.”

Yulia, 39, years old: “I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. They did chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Did not help. I had to remove the gland. Then she underwent chemotherapy and radiation therapy again. The liver began to work poorly and became very painful. Analyzes showed an 8-fold increase in AST and ALT. The doctor prescribed Heptral. After the course of treatment it became better, the tests returned to normal, but the liver still hurts.”

Victor, 44 years old: “Kidney tuberculosis was discovered. The disease is not contagious, since no foci were found in the lungs. I underwent long-term treatment, after which I began to experience abdominal discomfort and unstable stools (sometimes constipation or diarrhea). The doctor ordered tests. In the blood, bilirubin, ALT, and AST increased 5 times. The doctor prescribed Essentiale Forte to restore the liver. Drink for 3 months. Tested: AST, ALT are normal. I feel better".

Vitamins and diet therapy

In addition to hepatoprotectors, vitamin therapy and diet therapy are necessary to restore liver tissue. The main vitamins for the liver include:

To replenish vitamins in the body today, there are a large number of vitamin complexes, which include all the necessary microelements. These include: Alphabet, Complivit, Supradin, Vitrum, Pikovit, Centrum.

You should consult your doctor before using these medicines. If the patient uses a complex of vitamins, then it is impossible to add capsules of vitamins E, Aevit, Trivit or other forms of vitamins to it. This may lead to an overdose. It is better to alternate these funds (month - complex, month - AEvit).

Diet therapy is a very important stage of rehabilitation after chemotherapy:

What healthy foods for the liver should be consumed? The menu rules are as follows:

  1. When choosing products in a store, it is better to buy fresh meat and low-fat fish (chicken, veal, rabbit meat, tuna).
  2. Vegetables can be consumed after heat treatment.
  3. Kashi is better to eat non-viscous (buckwheat, wheat).
  4. Kissels, diluted fruit drinks, juices, weak tea are useful.
  5. You can eat a little rye bread, dry cookies.
  6. Fresh fruits and vegetables are included after normalization of hepatic transaminases.
  7. Salads are best made from tomatoes, cucumbers, boiled vegetables, Chinese cabbage, cauliflower, and broccoli.
  8. Soups are preferably vegetable soups with the addition of boiled meat to the finished dish. After the function of the organ is normalized, soups on the second broth can be administered.

Other techniques

For rehabilitation after chemotherapy, it is permissible to use traditional methods and physiotherapy. So, from herbs you can make infusions, decoctions. For patients with liver pathology, alcohol tinctures are contraindicated, as they additionally damage the liver. Herbs in the treatment of the liver:

  • fume;
  • artichoke;
  • cassia;
  • celandine;

Honey is very beneficial for liver health. It is an antioxidant, enhances the immune system, restores cells, prevents damage to hepatocytes, has a choleretic effect, and normalizes digestive function. Flaxseed oil is often used in violation of the liver. It contains phospholipids (essential), vitamins A, E, reduces the concentration of free radicals, restores the regeneration of liver cells.

After normalization of blood biochemistry parameters, the doctor prescribes physiotherapeutic procedures. Treatment methods:

Patients with liver pathologies are shown physiotherapy exercises (exercise therapy). Exercises can increase the outflow of bile, increase blood flow to the liver, and prevent the formation of stones.

Liver cleansing is carried out with hepatoprotectors that have a choleretic effect. These include herbal remedies (Karsil), as well as amino acid derivatives (Heptral, Heptor). In addition to hepatotropic agents, medicinal herbs are used to cleanse the liver: birch leaf, yarrow, milk thistle, artichoke, linseed oil.

These drugs have a choleretic effect, relieve inflammation, and restore liver tissue. Tubage can also be used: with mineral water and magnesium, which gives a noticeable detoxification effect.

For the treatment of drug-induced injuries, hepatoprotectors are considered the most effective drugs. They are appointed courses for a long time or for 1 month. Hepatoprotectors of different groups can be combined with each other depending on the clinical picture.

In addition to hepatoprotectors, it is important to follow a diet. It helps preserve organ function, reduce nutritional load, and restore the balance of vitamins. Physiotherapy and exercise therapy are aimed at increasing blood flow to the organ and stimulating the formation of bile. With the right approach to treatment, the function of the organ is preserved for many years.

Not many individuals know about the importance of the liver in the proper functioning of the body. Every day it processes up to 2000 liters of blood, purifying it from harmful substances and poisons. Therefore, the question of how to cleanse the liver of waste and toxins is currently very relevant.

There are many ways to cleanse the liver of waste and toxins.

Signs of liver slagging

Harmful wastes and toxins are present in the body of any person, but in different quantities. These substances can be of internal or external origin. The second includes particles of heavy metals contained in air, water, and food. They can enter the body through skin pores and mucous membranes. The former include medications, food colorings, nitrates, preservatives, and antibiotics. Separately, we can highlight the effects of light and electromagnetic fields. Over the course of many years, they can accumulate inside organs and become the root cause of serious diseases.

It is difficult to find out about the degree of contamination of the body; it is better to monitor your health, eat properly and efficiently, and know exactly what the signs of liver contamination are. Let's list the main ones:

  1. Constant feeling of fatigue.
  2. Irritability.
  3. Periodic headaches.
  4. The occurrence of allergic reactions.
  5. Periodic increase in temperature.
  6. Change in skin color.
  7. Dry skin.
  8. Gastritis.
  9. Angina pectoris.
  10. Ulcer.
  11. Various types of neoplasms.

Symptoms can be different, it all depends on the general condition of the body, the level of immunity, and methods of combating the disease.

When creating a person, nature took care of protective reactions, therefore, at the slightest physiological disruption, the individual becomes uncomfortable, loses appetite, and develops a constant feeling of lack of water.

How often should you clean?

If a person experiences constant fatigue, it’s time to cleanse the liver

There are no specific symptoms that indicate that the organ is being cleansed. The process of natural release of poisons can be disrupted if the amount of incoming toxins is exceeded or the intestines are heavily polluted. Blood flows slow down, stagnation appears, varicose veins and hemorrhoids may appear, and blood sugar levels increase.

You can determine exactly when you need to help the body based on the signs and symptoms described above.

You need to start with cleaning once a week for 2 months. The liver will be completely cleansed during this period. Then, for prevention, it will be enough to carry out the procedure 2 times a year.

Mistakes when cleansing the liver

Having decided to cleanse the liver, you need to know for sure that this is a necessary procedure. The main mistake people make is poor nutrition. Many people think that periodic cleansing will prevent the liver from getting tired.

Do not forget about contraindications:

There are a lot of methods for cleaning the liver, so before starting the procedure you need to consult a specialist.

How to cleanse your liver of toxins

There are many methods to cleanse the liver of toxins.

Stages of body cleansing:

  1. Normalization of free outflow of bile masses.
  2. Dissolution of accumulated poisons.
  3. Grinding of masses
  4. Removal of toxic substances.

Products that help cleanse the liver:

Cranberry helps cleanse the liver

  1. Garlic.
  2. Carrot.
  3. Beet.
  4. Cabbage.
  5. Grapefruit.

Cleaning with sorbitol

If you listen to the reviews of people who constantly cleanse their liver, everyone has their own healing recipe. Therefore, before you start taking any medication or drinking herbal decoctions, you need to consult a doctor.

Many medical professionals recommend a bile cleanse with sorbitol. Once in the liver, it absorbs toxins and removes them. This method is also used in medical institutions. Most patients can be treated with it, it is considered one of the safest and mildest.

To carry out the procedure, you will need glucose-free medical sugar. It can be found in any pharmacy at an affordable price. One package will be enough for the whole course. You'll also need a heating pad.

It is necessary to carry out the cleansing procedure on an empty stomach, during this period the body is most susceptible. You will need no more than 3 spoons of material and 100 ml of warm water. You need to drink slowly, in small sips. Then lie down on your right side on a heating pad. You can rest, sleep, relax for 2-3 hours. During this time, the detoxification processes will be completed and the individual will want to go to the toilet. If such a reaction of the body did not follow, this means that the body needs an increased dose of sorbitol, but by a maximum of 1-2 tablespoons.

In some cases, the stool may be scanty, it is necessary to do an enema to clear the intestines, in which everything is stuck.

During or after the procedure, dizziness and weakness may occur. This is the norm, the consequences of the fact that the body "diligently" removed all toxins and toxins.

Preparations for cleansing the liver of toxins

Currently, in pharmacies you can find a large number of preparations for cleansing the liver of toxins. The most popular are:

  1. Bonjigar.
  2. Hepatrin.
  3. Heptral.

Their main component is silymarin. Depending on the final result of the action, the above drugs contain herbal extracts that act as choleretic agents.

Cleaning with Allochol

A drug that not only effectively rids the liver of toxins, but also heals it. The composition contains activated carbon, dry bile, natural garlic powder, and nettle extract. Allohol acts in a complex manner:

Allohol will cleanse the liver of toxins well

  1. Removes bile.
  2. Fights new accumulation of toxic substances.

The entire cleaning process takes 14 days. You should start taking it with 1 tablet or capsule 3 times a day, gradually increasing the dose by one daily. On day 7, you need to divide 7 tablets into 3 doses. Starting from the new week, the number of tablets per dose needs to be reduced by 1, I return to taking 1 tablet three times a day.

Cleansing with standard choleretic drugs

To cleanse toxins and toxins, you can use drugs that gradually remove poisons and restore liver function. For example, Ovesol, Essentiale.

Liver cleansing droppers

For hepatitis and other liver diseases, a dropper is the simplest and fastest way to cleanse and alleviate the patient’s condition. All components for the procedure can be found at the pharmacy. The most popular are drips with glucose and rheopolyglucin administered intravenously.

In difficult cases, with heavy drinking and severe intoxication, medical professionals can add to the composition:

  1. Saline solution.
  2. Hypnotic.
  3. Antidepressants.
  4. Antiemetic drugs.
  5. Medicines that improve blood circulation.
  6. Magnesium, calcium.

After a course of cleansing droppers, the patient immediately feels improvements in several directions:

  1. Rejuvenation of the body.
  2. Blood purification.
  3. Restoration of water-salt balance.
  4. Removal of toxins from the liver.
  5. Improving and normalizing the functioning of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract.

In modern restoration centers, several methods of liver cleansing are successfully used:

  1. Hemosorption, sorbent treatment.
  2. Plasmapheresis, plasma cleaning.

Methods for restoring liver health are selected strictly individually. This depends on the general health of the patient and the degree of organ damage. Depending on the degree of impact, droppers are: blood thinning, eliminating electrolytic dysfunction, cleansing, restoring acid-base balance, detoxifying, vitamin.

Folk recipes

Many will agree with the statement that the best choleretic remedy at home is olive oil. For a cleansing effect, it is enough to take a tablespoon of the drink on an empty stomach every day.

Already on the 2-3rd day of administration, the active release of bile masses begins, their breakdown and removal through the intestines. Together with bile, waste products are removed from the liver and gallbladder.

When choosing olive oil, it is better to give preference to a cold-pressed product. You can store it anywhere, but if it is in the refrigerator, it may become slightly cloudy, but this will not affect the quality in any way.

If you can’t buy good olive oil or don’t like its taste, can be replaced with linen or cedar. For variety, you can drink different types of oil in courses. Or mix the required portion of liquid with lemon juice.

Oil cleansing at home is an ideal option for many people who care about their liver health.

As mentioned above, you can effectively cleanse not only the liver, but also the entire body, by taking infusions of medicinal herbs. They have many advantages relative to medications, they are safer and gentler in action. But, before you start taking infusions, you need to choose the right ingredients. The most effective plants:

Rosehip infusion will help cleanse the liver

  1. Dandelion.
  2. Mint.
  3. Celandine.
  4. Immortelle.
  5. Rose hip.
  6. Sagebrush.
  7. Nettle.
  8. Yarrow.
  9. Plantain.
  10. Chicory.

The necessary ingredients for the infusion can be purchased at the pharmacy. To prepare, you will need 2-3 tablespoons of raw materials and half a liter of boiling water. Pour everything in and leave for 30-40 minutes. This is the amount of fluid for one day. It is better to drink the first glass in the morning, on an empty stomach, and the last one before bed. Course 30-35 days. If it weakens frequently and very strongly, you need to reduce the amount of infusion you take; if you have constipation, increase it.

Diet and products

To effectively cleanse the liver, taking the active element is not enough; you need to eat right.

First of all, you need to give up bad habits, at least temporarily exclude from your diet grains, preservatives, dyes, all types of fatty meat and fish, lard, pickled foods, soda, coffee.

Mandatory for inclusion in the diet: vegetables, grains, beans, dietary fish and meat. Particular attention should be paid to drinking: clean water, tea. You can periodically make yourself a healthy cocktail from beets, cucumber, lemon, apple and olive oil.

Cleaning after alcohol

Many drinkers are interested in how toxins are removed from the liver. After long binges or drinking large amounts of alcohol, the removal of toxic substances is carried out in 3 stages: taking a large amount of activated carbon, gastric lavage, and, if necessary, a dropper.


Quick and complete cleansing of the body and liver from waste and toxins.

Liver video

– exocrine gland, the liver secretes substances into the external environment of the gastrointestinal tract. The liver is the largest gland in the body and has a huge number of functions, in addition to the secretion of enzymes.

Main functions of the liver:

  • Neutralization of foreign substances.
  • Removal of excess hormones and mediators.
  • Removal of metabolic end products.
  • Participates in digestive processes (gluconeogenesis).
  • Regulation of carbohydrate metabolism, depot.
  • Regulation of lipid metabolism, synthesis
  • Blood depot.
  • Synthesis of bile acids and bilirubin. Production and secretion of bile.

As can be seen from the listed functions, there are a huge number of them and each of these functions can be “loaded” during the course, so you should not think that only the drug itself “loads” the liver, the biggest misconception is that only oral (tablets) steroids are harmful liver. The liver is harmed by many factors, so you should always monitor the condition of the liver, both throughout the course and during

Gallbladder- an organ that contains bile secreted by the liver. The gallbladder regulates the release of bile into the duodenum. Bile from the gallbladder to the duodenum passes through the bile ducts.

2. Steroids are dangerous to the liver.

Any steroids will negatively affect the liver, there is a group of drugs that are very dangerous for the liver - 17-alkylated steroids are all tablet types of steroids. These drugs are toxic to the liver, thereby the liver ceases to fully perform its functions.

It is possible to take anabolic steroid tablets, but to do this you should limit the dose of the drugs to 30 mg per day, the maximum permissible dose is 50 mg, which applies more to professionals. Under no circumstances should you use two tablets at the same time. And also try not to take tablet medications for longer than 4-6 weeks, and for amateurs the limit is closer to four weeks. Amateurs are generally advised to do without tableted anabolic steroids.

In addition, all anabolic steroids affect the thickness of bile, complicating its outflow. Therefore, it is necessary to add choleretic drugs during the course throughout the entire intake of steroids, tablets or injections. The most popular and effective choleretic drugs:

Allohol– orally, after meals, 1–2 tablets. 3–4 times a day.

Holosas– orally, 2–3 times a day, adults – 1 teaspoon.

Flamin– orally, 30 minutes before meals, 1 tablet. 3 times a day.

3. Liver condition tests.

Total protein, norms: 66-83 g/l – indicatively reflects the total amount in the blood.

Functions of total protein in the blood:

  • Maintaining colloid osmotic pressure;
  • Active participation in blood clotting;
  • Maintaining a constant pH of the blood (an integral part of the buffer system);
  • Transport function - transfer of lipids, bilirubin, steroid hormones in tissues and organs; participation in immune reactions;
  • Creation of a “protein reserve” (during fasting, proteins break down into amino acids, which are used for the synthesis of proteins in the brain, myocardium and other vital organs);

Demoted- decreased protein synthesis by the liver.

Promoted- a number of diseases, including those associated with the liver.

Aspartate aminotransferase(AST or ASAT), norms: up to 41 U / l - endogenous enzyme, located inside the cell. Most of it is found in the cells of the liver and heart; an increase in the amount of AST in the blood indicates the destruction of liver or heart cells.

Promoted- destruction of liver or heart cells.

Alanine aminotransferase(ALT or ALAT) norms: up to 45 U/l – endogenous enzyme, located primarily in liver cells.

Promoted- destruction of liver cells.

The ratio of AST and ALT– important for understanding the destruction of liver or heart cells. A strong increase in AST and a low increase in ALT does not indicate problems with the liver, but problems with the heart. The destruction of liver cells is characterized by approximately the same amount of AST and ALT in the blood or a higher level of ALT.

Bilirubin total (direct + indirect bilirubin) norms: 3.4 – 17.1 µmol/l – bile pigment, one of the components of bile, a breakdown product of hemoglobin.

Unbound bilirubin (not direct), norms: up to 16.5 µmol/l - a precursor of direct bilirubin not associated with glucuronic acid, toxic to the body.

Bound bilirubin (direct), norms: 0-5.1 µmol/l – associated with glucuronic acid, non-toxic to the body.

Promotion bilirubin means toxic liver damage from steroids or other substances, and in some cases, desolation and poor bile flow.

Gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT), norms: 8-61 IU/l - an enzyme involved in the metabolism of amino acids, a large amount is found in the cells of the liver and kidneys.

Promotion GGT occurs extremely rarely when taking steroids, and its increase may indicate problems with the liver or kidneys.

These are the main liver tests, and they will show what condition the liver is in. From them it will be possible to understand what the action algorithm is, what to restore, and what is already in order.

4. Liver restoration.

The liver is the only organ that can regenerate from 25% tissue to 100%. The liver recovers perfectly, from almost any condition into which an athlete or non-athlete puts it. The main problem is that the liver is responsible for many functions and it will take a very long time for it to recover. The liver is also “loaded” by other factors that slow down its recovery. You may not need to resort to drug treatment of the liver if LST and ALT are below 30 U/L and bilirubin is below 15 µmol/L.

The liver recovers well on its own, the main thing is to remove all possible stress on it:

  • Reduce or eliminate AAS (androgenic anabolic steroids).
  • Reduce training loads.
  • Reduce the total amount of food.
  • Reduce stress and increase the amount of sleep.
  • Limit the amount of alcohol as much as possible.

If these points are observed, the liver will recover on its own, but you can also help with medication. If the tests of AST, ALT and bilirubin are higher than the reference values, then it is necessary to resort to drug treatment.

5. Liver treatment.

Liver treatment always takes place on PCT or on the bridge between courses, in order to reduce the harm of AS on the liver and give it the opportunity to recover. The main drug for treating the liver is selected based on the tests. Schemes: “Drink Karsil for a month after the course” do not work; liver treatment is always carried out with injectable drugs. In some cases, injectable drugs are used, followed by tablets.

1. Treatment regimen liver with slight increases in ALT, AST and bilirubin, relative to reference values, or if these indicators are at the highest limit of reference values.

  • Glutargin 5 ml 40% intravenously for 8-10 days.
  • Thiotriazolin 4 ml 2.5% intravenously for 8-10 days.

2. Treatment regimen liver with increases in ALT and AST more than 50 U/l.

  • Essentiale 2 ampoules of 5 ml intravenously 1:1 with blood for 10 days.

3. Treatment regimen liver with an increase in ALT and AST more than 70-80 U/l.

  • Heptral 1 bottle intravenously for 10 days.

4. Treatment regimen with an increase in ALT and AST more than 100 U/l.

  • Heptral 1 bottle intravenously for 10-14 days.
  • After the end of the injections - Heptral 1 tablet 3 times a day for 3-8 weeks.

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Not many individuals know about the importance of the liver in the proper functioning of the body. Every day it processes up to 2000 liters of blood, purifying it from harmful substances and poisons. Therefore, the question of how to cleanse the liver of waste and toxins is currently very relevant.

There are many ways to cleanse the liver of waste and toxins.

Signs of liver slagging

Harmful wastes and toxins are present in the body of any person, but in different quantities. These substances can be of internal or external origin. The second includes particles of heavy metals contained in air, water, and food. They can enter the body through skin pores and mucous membranes. The former include medications, food colorings, nitrates, preservatives, and antibiotics. Separately, we can highlight the effects of light and electromagnetic fields. Over the course of many years, they can accumulate inside organs and become the root cause of serious diseases.

It is difficult to find out about the degree of contamination of the body; it is better to monitor your health, eat properly and efficiently, and know exactly what the signs of liver contamination are. Let's list the main ones:

  1. Constant feeling of fatigue.
  2. Irritability.
  3. Periodic headaches.
  4. The occurrence of allergic reactions.
  5. Periodic increase in temperature.
  6. Change in skin color.
  7. Dry skin.
  8. Gastritis.
  9. Angina pectoris.
  10. Ulcer.
  11. Various types of neoplasms.

Symptoms can be different, it all depends on the general condition of the body, the level of immunity, and methods of combating the disease.

When creating a person, nature took care of protective reactions, therefore, at the slightest physiological disruption, the individual becomes uncomfortable, loses appetite, and develops a constant feeling of lack of water.

How often should you clean?

If a person experiences constant fatigue, it’s time to cleanse the liver

There are no specific symptoms that indicate that the organ is being cleansed. The process of natural release of poisons can be disrupted if the amount of incoming toxins is exceeded or the intestines are heavily polluted. Blood flows slow down, stagnation appears, varicose veins and hemorrhoids may appear, and blood sugar levels increase.

You can determine exactly when you need to help the body based on the signs and symptoms described above.

You need to start with cleaning once a week for 2 months. The liver will be completely cleansed during this period. Then, for prevention, it will be enough to carry out the procedure 2 times a year.

Mistakes when cleansing the liver

Having decided to cleanse the liver, you need to know for sure that this is a necessary procedure. The main mistake people make is poor nutrition. Many people think that periodic cleansing will prevent the liver from getting tired.

There are a lot of methods for cleaning the liver, so before starting the procedure you need to consult a specialist.

How to cleanse your liver of toxins

There are many methods to cleanse the liver of toxins.

Stages of body cleansing:

  1. Normalization of free outflow of bile masses.
  2. Dissolution of accumulated poisons.
  3. Grinding of masses
  4. Removal of toxic substances.

Products that help cleanse the liver:

Cranberry helps cleanse the liver

  1. Garlic.
  2. Carrot.
  3. Beet.
  4. Cabbage.
  5. Grapefruit.

Cleaning with sorbitol

If you listen to the reviews of people who constantly cleanse their liver, everyone has their own healing recipe. Therefore, before you start taking any medication or drinking herbal decoctions, you need to consult a doctor.

Many medical professionals recommend a bile cleanse with sorbitol. Once in the liver, it absorbs toxins and removes them. This method is also used in medical institutions. Most patients can be treated with it, it is considered one of the safest and mildest.

To carry out the procedure, you will need glucose-free medical sugar. It can be found in any pharmacy at an affordable price. One package will be enough for the whole course. You'll also need a heating pad.

It is necessary to carry out the cleansing procedure on an empty stomach, during this period the body is most susceptible. You will need no more than 3 spoons of material and 100 ml of warm water. You need to drink slowly, in small sips. Then lie down on your right side on a heating pad. You can rest, sleep, relax for 2-3 hours. During this time, the detoxification processes will be completed and the individual will want to go to the toilet. If such a reaction of the body did not follow, this means that the body needs an increased dose of sorbitol, but by a maximum of 1-2 tablespoons.

In some cases, the stool may be scanty, it is necessary to do an enema to clear the intestines, in which everything is stuck.

During or after the procedure, dizziness and weakness may occur. This is the norm, the consequences of the fact that the body "diligently" removed all toxins and toxins.

Preparations for cleansing the liver of toxins

Currently, in pharmacies you can find a large number of preparations for cleansing the liver of toxins. The most popular are:

  1. Bonjigar.
  2. Hepatrin.
  3. Heptral.

Their main component is silymarin. Depending on the final result of the action, the above drugs contain herbal extracts that act as choleretic agents.

Cleaning with Allochol

A drug that not only effectively rids the liver of toxins, but also heals it. The composition contains activated carbon, dry bile, natural garlic powder, and nettle extract. Allohol acts in a complex manner:

Allohol will cleanse the liver of toxins well

  1. Removes bile.
  2. Fights new accumulation of toxic substances.

The entire cleaning process takes 14 days. You should start taking it with 1 tablet or capsule 3 times a day, gradually increasing the dose by one daily. On day 7, you need to divide 7 tablets into 3 doses. Starting from the new week, the number of tablets per dose needs to be reduced by 1, I return to taking 1 tablet three times a day.

Cleansing with standard choleretic drugs

To cleanse toxins and toxins, you can use drugs that gradually remove poisons and restore liver function. For example, Ovesol, Essentiale.

Liver cleansing droppers

For hepatitis and other liver diseases, a dropper is the simplest and fastest way to cleanse and alleviate the patient’s condition. All components for the procedure can be found at the pharmacy. The most popular are drips with glucose and rheopolyglucin administered intravenously.

In difficult cases, with heavy drinking and severe intoxication, medical professionals can add to the composition:

  1. Saline solution.
  2. Hypnotic.
  3. Antidepressants.
  4. Antiemetic drugs.
  5. Medicines that improve blood circulation.
  6. Magnesium, calcium.

After a course of cleansing droppers, the patient immediately feels improvements in several directions:

  1. Rejuvenation of the body.
  2. Blood purification.
  3. Restoration of water-salt balance.
  4. Removal of toxins from the liver.
  5. Improving and normalizing the functioning of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract.

In modern restoration centers, several methods of liver cleansing are successfully used:

  1. Hemosorption, sorbent treatment.
  2. Plasmapheresis, plasma cleaning.

Methods for restoring liver health are selected strictly individually. This depends on the general health of the patient and the degree of organ damage. Depending on the degree of impact, droppers are: blood thinning, eliminating electrolytic dysfunction, cleansing, restoring acid-base balance, detoxifying, vitamin.

Folk recipes

Many will agree with the statement that the best choleretic remedy at home is olive oil. For a cleansing effect, it is enough to take a tablespoon of the drink on an empty stomach every day.

Already on the 2-3rd day of administration, the active release of bile masses begins, their breakdown and removal through the intestines. Together with bile, waste products are removed from the liver and gallbladder.

When choosing olive oil, it is better to give preference to a cold-pressed product. You can store it anywhere, but if it is in the refrigerator, it may become slightly cloudy, but this will not affect the quality in any way.

If you can’t buy good olive oil or don’t like its taste, can be replaced with linen or cedar. For variety, you can drink different types of oil in courses. Or mix the required portion of liquid with lemon juice.

Oil cleansing at home is an ideal option for many people who care about their liver health.

As mentioned above, you can effectively cleanse not only the liver, but also the entire body, by taking infusions of medicinal herbs. They have many advantages relative to medications, they are safer and gentler in action. But, before you start taking infusions, you need to choose the right ingredients. The most effective plants:

Rosehip infusion will help cleanse the liver

  1. Dandelion.
  2. Mint.
  3. Celandine.
  4. Immortelle.
  5. Rose hip.
  6. Sagebrush.
  7. Nettle.
  8. Yarrow.
  9. Plantain.
  10. Chicory.

The necessary ingredients for the infusion can be purchased at the pharmacy. To prepare, you will need 2-3 tablespoons of raw materials and half a liter of boiling water. Pour everything in and leave for 30-40 minutes. This is the amount of fluid for one day. It is better to drink the first glass in the morning, on an empty stomach, and the last one before bed. Course 30-35 days. If it weakens frequently and very strongly, you need to reduce the amount of infusion you take; if you have constipation, increase it.

Diet and products

To effectively cleanse the liver, taking the active element is not enough; you need to eat right.

First of all, you need to give up bad habits, at least temporarily exclude from your diet grains, preservatives, dyes, all types of fatty meat and fish, lard, pickled foods, soda, coffee.

Mandatory for inclusion in the diet: vegetables, grains, beans, dietary fish and meat. Particular attention should be paid to drinking: clean water, tea. You can periodically make yourself a healthy cocktail from beets, cucumber, lemon, apple and olive oil.

Cleaning after alcohol

Many drinkers are interested in how toxins are removed from the liver. After long binges or drinking large amounts of alcohol, the removal of toxic substances is carried out in 3 stages: taking a large amount of activated carbon, gastric lavage, and, if necessary, a dropper.

Everyone knows how steroids work, but few people pay attention to proper PCT. Learn how to get rid of side effects with complex recovery on PCT.

If you have already started using steroids, then you need to properly complete the cycle. This implies not only the use of Clomid or Tamoxifen, but several stages of complete cleansing of the body. Today we will look at such an integrated approach to bodybuilding.

How to cleanse the body after a steroid cycle?

You must understand that not only the removal of metabolites and the restoration of the health of the HHA axis is your task. Yes, this is very important, but the work of the whole organism was disrupted during the cycle, and it is necessary to solve several small tasks that may seem insignificant to you.

Complete cleansing of the body consists of several stages. Perhaps someone will think that this is not necessary, but if you are reading this article, it means you care about your health. If you want your body to continue to function without failures, then continue reading.

Separate nutrition program

This is the first stage of cleansing the body, which involves dividing meals over time. It must be said that you should eat this way all the time. If you haven’t paid much attention to this before, then you need to correct this omission.

There are several reasons for using separate nutrition in bodybuilding. Scientists have proven the usefulness of this method of nutrition and it is now talked about on every corner. It is equally important that all the enzymes needed by the body for rapid recovery and included in food products are best absorbed when using the principle of separate nutrition. Well, the last important reason is the fact that excess nutrients accumulate and can cause intoxication of the entire body. If you use separate power supply, then you don't have to worry about this. Try to eat food every three hours.

Cleaning the gastrointestinal tract

Using only separate nutrition to remove all steroid metabolites from the body will not be enough. You need to bring your body back to normal within a short period of time, about 4–6 weeks. Therefore, it is necessary to take a number of additional measures, one of which is cleaning the gastrointestinal tract. To speed up this process, you will have to use enterosorbents.

The mechanism of action of these drugs on the body is very simple. First, toxins are brought to the surface of the intestines, after which they are removed naturally. But there are several nuances in the use of enterosorbents. It is not recommended to use them more than three times a year, and the duration of the course should be from 7 to 10 days.

From a fairly large number of drugs in this group, choose activated carbon or Polyphepan. Note that the second one is much more effective. The drugs should be used once every two days in the first week of cleansing and daily in the second. The third week involves returning to taking medications once every two days.

Liver cleansing

The liver is the body's natural filter and must be kept in good condition. Steroids pose a serious danger to the liver, especially when using tablet AAS. Injectable drugs do not pose a serious danger to the liver.

There are a lot of liver cleansing methods, but we will look at the most effective ones. The most optimal of them is the use of the injection drug Heptral, administered intravenously. The course lasts from 10 to 15 days. The second technique is also associated with Heptral, but in tablet form. It should be taken two capsules twice a day. And the last way is the combination of Heptral and Hepa-Mertz.

When you have cleansed the liver using one of the methods described above, it should be strengthened using the following drugs: Essentiale, Carsil, Phosphogliv, etc. The course of these drugs usually lasts about two weeks, which is quite enough to restore and strengthen the liver.

Cleansing and proper nutrition program

You must understand that if you decide to engage in bodybuilding, then you need to reconsider your approach to this. Most often, athletes make mistakes when drawing up a nutrition program, considering this not the most important thing. You should increase your protein intake, and most of this nutrient should come from food, not from sports supplements.

In order for your body to synthesize new muscle tissue, you should consume approximately 3 grams of protein compounds per kilogram of body weight every day. But it’s much easier said than done, since there are quite a lot of nuances when creating a nutrition program. Let's start with the fact that not everyone can afford to eat six or more times a day. It is also necessary to understand that when composing your diet, you must be guided by the characteristics of your body.

And the last nuance is related to personal preferences in food. When creating a nutrition program, you must take into account a large number of factors, which is very difficult to do. It is impossible to create a single diet that will suit every athlete.

Training for body recovery

You will have to spend no less effort on creating the right training process than when developing a nutrition program. You must be aware that training after an AAS cycle cannot be compared with what you did when using anabolic steroids. In order not to lose the gained weight, you must significantly reduce the intensity, number of sessions and volume of training.

After stopping the use of AAS, your task is to maintain the gained mass and consolidate it. There should be no talk of any gain in muscle volume during this period. During recovery, you should switch to maintenance training mode.

The first thing you have to do is reduce the working weights by 20 percent. After exiting the steroid cycle, it's time to start working on lagging muscles. This is a rather complicated process, but necessary. And the recovery period should be devoted to this.

For an integrated approach to post-cycle therapy in bodybuilding, watch this video:

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