What awaits each sign

September 6 - full moon at 10.04 Moscow time.
September 20 - new moon at 8.31 Moscow time.

Talisman stones of the month:
multi-colored jasper, rock crystal;
last ten days of the month - amethyst, white or blue jade, charoite, rhodonite

“Clouds induce sleep and drowsiness.
The rain infected us with spleen.
The summer holiday is irrevocably passed -
We have experienced the sadness of autumn.

But the soul timidly hopes,
What in the glow of fallen gold
We will find leaves skillfully
What we are looking for in real life:

Intoxication with the beauty of nature,
Inspiration of royal peace, -
What other times of the year will not give,
We will receive gold in the fall!”

L. Tequieros

The magic of autumn this September will be uncharacteristic - stormy and restless. The activity of celestial wanderers (planets and luminaries), the combination of their aspects and the karmic component - all indicate that an extraordinary, little predictable autumn awaits us, but optimism and forebodings indicate that we have a chance to accomplish the impossible! And bring our victory closer!

The period of eclipses has passed, its legacy has already manifested itself, placing us within the framework of real certainty and harsh conditions that we must overcome and overcome.

And how can the Universe, that is, or rather, the Cosmos, the Universe, help us with this?

The first ten days of September are replete with harmonious aspects, although some of them are fraught with double overtones.

Thus, harmonious trines in pairs Mercury-Uranus, Mars-Uranus and sextile Jupiter-Saturn provide exceptional opportunities to realize the most daring ideas, win a place in the sun, take sky-high heights by storm and strengthen your base by developing a strategy - for a long time.

Success is likely in the fields of entrepreneurship, science, warfare, economics and business. Positive changes are also possible in international relations.

Fortune will favor those who think outside the box, have good intentions, are friendly to people and the world, act promptly and purposefully, are enterprising and know how to take risks, are ready for selfless actions and know how to lend a shoulder at the right time.

The conjunction of Mercury and Mars will make our intellect decisive, sharp and critical, and our words - literally - deadly. Therefore, when formalizing your opinions, ideas and attitudes in oral speech, remember the saying: “A word is not a sparrow, if it flies out you cannot catch it” - the way we speak and what we say magically affects this world, creating strong vibrations, shaping future events.

And the words spoken during the first ten days of this month will be very effective magic. Control your thoughts and let them be as optimistic as possible!

As for our actions, they will correspond to our decisions!

The next group of aspects is longer-lasting than the previous ones, but no less important from the point of view of fate:

Harmonious aspects between the Black Moon and the Lunar Nodes create favorable conditions for the development of negative karma - in the political and ideological spheres, in education and international relations.

False ideas, ideas, fraud, setups, emasculation of laws and moral standards, principles of humanity, bureaucracy - all these are manifestations of this aspect.

Particular attention should be paid to the Jupiter-Black Moon sectile, which will help us both circumvent the law and juggle its requirements, replace the meaning with the letter of the law. This is an easy way to quickly accumulate negative karma, for which you will soon have to pay.

Another aspect is of a fateful nature - the harmonious combination of Jupiter and the Karmic Lunar nodes. It upholds our law-abidingness while endowing us with a broad perspective and understanding of situations and events.

Undoubtedly, the rule of law and the principles of justice will win, but win - for those who previously strictly observed these rules and laws.

So - resist the temptation to bend the rules today and tomorrow - to demand the protection of the law and the system. - You will not receive the expected protection and help and will lose twice!

The knowledge of cause-and-effect patterns, the canons of harmony and the principles of Justice - as the laws of the Universe - will expand our perception of this world and change us.

But the most important for the first decade, perhaps, will be the influence of the tau-square Sun - Neptune - White Moon (at the top). It is this configuration that will force us to seek truth in the haze of delusions and deceptions, bring lies and betrayal to light and truthfully cover all this in mass media systems or on the Internet.

Thanks to the action of the tau square, we are waiting for the discovery of many secrets and mysteries, insight into issues - confusing and complex, as well as interest in the spiritual formation of our personality and in the irrational picture of the world, which previously seemed flat and simple.

Our attitude towards material reality - to put it mildly - will change somewhat. And thanks to this, many of us will acquire a mechanism for quickly changing RMB or the ability to glide along the waves of this reality (see the transurfing method).

Most of us will embark on the path of stalking and feel like Warriors of the Spirit.

And the trine of the Sun and Pluto at the end of the first decade will only spur our ambitions and strengthen our creative potential for deep elaboration of the ways of our comprehensive self-realization.

The second decade will continue to tempt us in the sphere of legality and demand fidelity to the principles of justice and legality - at the same time. The choice is ours!

At the beginning of the second decade, we will be forced to decide on a very important area for each of us - the area of ​​romantic relationships. The trine of Saturn and Venus will give us calculation and rationality in matters of love, stabilize our emotionality and return us to our previous hobbies.

The conjunction of Venus and the Ascending Node will reveal immeasurable opportunities in love, creative self-expression and the achievement of happiness, without bypassing the financial side of our current affairs.

There will be days of generosity and days of inexplicable luck and fulfillment of desires (harmonious aspects between Venus and Jupiter and Venus and Uranus will bring bright events, new friendships, adventures and a feeling of soaring into our lives).

But there will also be disappointments that will ground us and add weight to the baggage of life experience behind our shoulders: the Sun - Saturn, Sun - Black Moon squares will add bitterness to our ointment, casting doubt on whether we are truly achieving what our soul and heart strive for . And the trine of Venus and the Black Moon will tempt us - to take what does not belong to us - both in feelings and in finances.

At the end of the second decade, two oppositions Mercury - Neptune and the Sun - Chiron and the square Mercury - White Moon - can generally invalidate our personal gains, draw apart newly built bridges, destroy connections and partnerships and face the truth without sparing those closest to us.

Dual positions, disinformation, lies, intrigues are always expensive, but this time they will also be expensive for those who conceived and executed them.

At this time, you should also beware of social deceivers, as well as thieves and scammers, scammers of all stripes; double-dealing politicians and journalists who are ready to sell everything for fried news and dirty sensations can come loose.

Obstacles will appear for doing business, especially for those who are honest and incorruptible, in politics - there will be a lot of slander and frame-ups, as well as misinformation with revelations of prominent figures. It will be difficult for diplomats - they will have to balance on a razor's edge. But entrepreneurs of a "light" hand will succeed in their original "shadow" schemes. But not for long.

The third decade of September, unlike the first two, is replete with quadratures and oppositions. Relations will heat up, situations will escalate, someone will get tired of enduring and waiting, listening to promises, promises and lies.

The most powerful quadrature of Chiron and the Black Moon will make compromises and long patience of deceit in partnerships impossible. The square of Mercury and the White Moon will bring to light what they are trying to impose on us as the true picture of events, and the opposition Jupiter - Uranus will give strength, desire, will and energy to update the event plan once and for all, making radical reforms somewhere, and somewhere - by acting as a united front of revolutionary changes.

The opposition of Mars and Neptune indicates both internal pressure in society and ourselves, as well as possible external violent actions by instilling fear, aggression and negative suggestions.

There will be aspects that complicate interpersonal, social, and international relations and contacts and require quick and strong-willed actions, and confuse us in the correct assessment of what is happening, inclining us to fantasies, manilovism and idealization.

And the month will end with a formidable trine of Mars and Pluto. Why formidable? Because the energy it gives will be so powerful that only wise and strong-willed people can manage it correctly, and all adventurers who are not too lazy can use it.

And in the current environment of disappointment, worry, ambiguity and indignation, without understanding it, you can make a lot of things, so that it will be difficult and time-consuming to sort things out.

The lesson of September 2017 is both complex and simple: if you want happiness and peace, wish this World happiness and harmony; if you want justice and legitimacy in relation to yourself, be honest and fair yourself. If you want to bring your dream closer, take action! And shape your future reality - with positive and kind thoughts and words!

During this period, it is easy to work off karma, but it is also easy to work on it. The choice is ours! And the choice must be made consciously!

The most significant aspects of September:
1. From September 1 to 5, there is a trine of retrograde Mercury and Uranus - the period will be rich in brilliant ideas, altruistic sentiments, non-trivial meetings and internal renewals. In many ways, we will be able to change our views and see situations from a different point of view. Old friendships are likely to be restored.

2. From September 2 to 8 - Jupiter and the Black Moon - in a harmonious sextile - the following are likely: misconceptions of a religious and ideological nature, attempts at wishful thinking, substitution of the law - the letter of the law or perversion of the meaning of legislative acts; for those who have their hearts, misconceptions about their capabilities are dangerous and the true state of things. In international relations, temptations and lies are likely. Events may occur - under the auspices of the current social ideology and religious teachings, which will later be assessed as immoral and immoral, undermining universal human values ​​and spiritual foundations. In a word, misconceptions await us in the sphere of ideas, society and religious relations.

3. From September 5 to 20, the Black Moon will be in a harmonious relationship with the Lunar nodes - a phantasmagoria of false beliefs, social and spiritual delusions will be played out karmically. For some time, our minds and souls will be taken over by distorted ideas about true values. There are likely to be temptations of an ideological nature, circumventions and violations of laws, which will be successful. Many negative tendencies will manifest themselves, but we will have to pay for our connivance later with our karma.

4. From September 7 to September 19, the Lunar nodes are in harmonious combination with Jupiter. This opens up opportunities for us to overcome limitations and boundaries, to comprehend something new, to establish long-awaited contacts with distant partners. Significant achievements are likely in politics, business, the social sphere, education and science. But in combination with the previous aspect - the true value of what we achieve, our success and the meaning of what is happening can be false, illusory and require a new criterion to confirm the implementation.

5. From September 15 to 19 - Venus in trine with the Black Moon. We are waiting for an explosion of sexuality, passionate experiences and bright creative realizations in the field of art. Temptations are likely for many of us - in romantic relationships, as well as in financial matters. Try to evaluate your prospects and the likelihood of working out such opportunities.

6. From September 16 to 17 - the Sun - Black Moon square is in effect - awareness of illusions and delusions is guaranteed to us! It is likely that “all and every mask will be ripped off” in the field of politics, ideology, religious relations, international relations, legislation and science. Lies and fraud, distortions of the truth will become obvious. Deceivers and tricksters - exposed, identified and neutralized - at least mentally!

7. From September 21 to 25 - Chiron will square with the Black Moon - other setups and substitutions will be revealed and some of the partnerships will also be destroyed or come to naught. This is a period of uncompromising search for truth and sincerity. The need to put an end to dual situations, internal and external contradictions, condoning deceptions and lies, as well as distortions in ideas, will lead to an inevitable revision of all relationships and the search for new criteria in alliances.

8. From September 23 to 28, the Jupiter-Uranus opposition will bring spontaneous renewal into our lives, the search for justice and the achievement of independence. The ideological restructuring, spurred by the squares Sun - Black Moon and Chiron - Black Moon, stimulates social restructuring - revolutionary phenomena are likely. Scandals and sensations are possible - in politics, society and science. The universe will require from us a revolutionary restructuring of our worldview! In the sphere of international relations, unexpected developments are possible. Rampant elements and natural disasters are possible - mainly in the air. This is an unlucky period for space projects and air travel.

Until September 22, the Sun is in the sign of Virgo.

On September 1 and 2, harmonious aspects in pairs Mars - Uranus and Jupiter - Saturn create excellent conditions for the realization of our intentions in the field of politics, economics, business and in the learning process. Use this chance to enrich your personality with intangible values, and act in accordance with spontaneous impulses. The Universe will support adventurers and entrepreneurs.

From September 2 to 4 - Mercury retrograde in conjunction with Mars (in Leo) - be true to what is said or promised. Act carefully. Active days for magicians and Warriors of the Spirit. Be creative and constructive!

September 3 and 4 - tauquadrat is in effect: Sun - Neptune (in opposition) - White Moon (at the apex) - a direct instruction from the Cosmos to seek the truth and tell the truth! It is likely that old deceptions, illusions will be debunked, spiritual emancipation and the disclosure of secrets and secrets will be revealed.

September 8 and 9 are good days for self-realization. Trust your ambitions and achieve your goal. Fortune favors the brave and daring! Hone your leadership skills!

September 13 - Venus in trine with Saturn - stability in the financial sphere and some cooling in romantic relationships are likely. But:

From September 13 to 15, Venus will connect with the Ascending Lunar Node - success will come to all creative individuals - in self-realization (whose astrological charts, of course, have harmonious combinations with this position), in romantic relationships and in solving financial issues. May we be lucky in creativity, in love, and with money!

On September 14 and 15, the Sun-Saturn square will cause us some disruption in our plans. The realization of your dream may be delayed, which will lead to disappointment and spleen. But the harmonious sextile Venus - Jupiter will support us in our endeavors. Therefore - remain optimistic, and if you get tripped up - get up and move on - towards your dream, love and happiness. Become the creators of your own Destiny - smiling at obstacles and disappointments.

September 17 and 18 - Venus in trine with Uranus - you will be lucky in love, friendship, creative self-realization and new original projects. Perhaps someone will be lucky in adventures and gambling if there are astrological readings in an individual horoscope.

September 18 and 19 - Mercury in opposition to Neptune - will bring duality into our lives, and the next turn on the path of life will depend on our choice: what to prefer - practicality or an irrational approach? Possible: absent-mindedness, drowsiness, tremors of the limbs, increased nervousness and - activation of kleptomaniacs and pickpockets. It is not recommended to use intoxicating substances, alcohol, medications may not detect the sedative effect indicated in the instructions. A systematic approach and scrupulousness are recommended! Information must be double-checked to the point and comma.

On September 22, the Sun enters Libra! Happy birthday to the most poetic, romantic, harmonious and fair!

September 22 is the day of the Autumn Equinox. On this day the Akashic Chronicles open and will be open for another 10 days! We have the opportunity to review our karma, leaf through and rethink our personal history and free ourselves from excess burden. By turning to Spiritual Patrons for help and helping ourselves, we help this World and our planet to become more harmonious, cleaner, fairer, happier, in order to continue our journey in the labyrinths of Space and the Spaces of Destiny. Refer to Diana Stein's book Karmic Healing for information.

September 22 is a good day for public speaking, intellectual storming, wide communication and profit distribution. But oral speech will require correctness and sincerity. The universe will not tolerate lies, unverified data and obscene language!

September 24 - the opposition Mars - Neptune will create psychological pressure, the atmosphere in society and personal life can become tense, causing us dissonance - internally, and a desire to be aggressive - externally. Restrain aggressiveness, and the world will respond to you with nonviolence. Drinking alcohol is not recommended. Security measures are necessary in public places - inappropriate behavior of drunk people and people with mental disorders is likely, as well as the activity of criminal elements. Fight fears and manifestations of violence - physical, mental and mental. Protect your individuality and Spiritual essence!

September 25 and 26 are unlucky days for reporting, travel, acquisitions, business communication and visiting official bodies - the Mercury-Saturn square is in effect. Traffic jams (more than ever) and delays are likely! Increased risk of injury!

September 26 and 27 - Mars square the White Moon - our activity should not be aggressive and should be supported by truthful statements. The assessment of the legitimacy of our intentions is relevant.

September 29 - Venus in opposition to Neptune will give this world an unreal flair. We will bathe in dreams and illusions and can rise high above reality by idealizing situations and people. Try to be more objective in your assessments, rely on practice and experience. But for creative individuals this day can be successful, as it will provide food for new fantasies and images. Prayers will be answered!

September 30 - Mars in trine with Pluto will give us such a charge of energy and enthusiasm that we will be able to move mountains, it is important that the direction for moving is chosen correctly - in a constructive manner! Don't remain inactive!

Express forecast by zodiac signs

Most active in September: Leo, Virgo, Libra and Sagittarius. Aries, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Aquarius and Pisces will have to overcome difficulties.

Fate and the stars will bewitch you in romantic relationships, raising children and creative self-realization, but partnerships and running a business will require you to fulfill all your obligations and be faithful to the requirements of the law. Beware of temptations abroad, and also do not allow yourself to be confused by false ideas and misconceptions in scientific activity. In the second ten days of the month, pay due attention to health and completing current work tasks. Beware of intrigue!


Your mobility, communication skills and bright mind will be in demand throughout the entire period, but especially actively in the first and third ten days of September. We will have to resolve issues in the professional sphere - to expose deceivers and fight against deceptions and intrigues, and - in intra-family relationships, seeking to strengthen the walls of the home. Success is likely in business, which you can expand, and in intellectual creativity. Beware of dishonest partners and enemies.

When solving financial issues, use the carrot, not the stick. With friendliness, you will achieve more and lose more by using force. Try to invest money in your health and reorganization of processes at work, without succumbing to propaganda and persuasion from the outside. It is also necessary to harmonize relations with relatives and neighbors - intensified contacts with them will occur in the middle of the month. Success in business, travel and intellectual activity will come in the third ten days of September.

Your creativity and activity are at their best, and fortune is also on your side! Therefore, do not spare your efforts and do not hold back your feelings in order to make this world a better and happier place and warm your loved ones with the warmth of your heart. Success is likely in intellectual activity, business, litigation and financial matters, subject to a reasonable approach. Be wary of new hobbies and ideas in creativity and love relationships. Stick to traditions in raising children.

For you, September is the most fruitful and bright month of the year. He won't deceive you this time either. Success is likely in personal affairs, solving financial issues, in love, creative self-realization and conquering new social heights and popularity - starting from the second decade. Good luck is possible in secret affairs - of a romantic nature and in obtaining tax-free profits. Do not get carried away with the acquisition of real estate or other large assets. Be careful in partnerships!

The most striking events at the beginning of the month will concern your relationships with friends and social activities, where you will take a leading position. Personal success in expanding your knowledge also awaits you. You should beware of temptations in business and contacts with criminal elements. In the middle of the month, success in secret affairs is possible, with integral measures of personal security. At the end of September, a secret romance can become an obstacle to foreign trips and improving your skills.

Deep personality transformation and the magic of love inspiration will provide you with a constant stimulus and energy source for the implementation of your ideas. Some of your intentions are realized in the social sphere, some - in business, but your main goal is to achieve success and recognition in the professional field. Success will come in the first and second ten days of the month. Avoid "shadow" schemes by strengthening the family budget, and do not forget about personal safety measures at home, at work and on trips.

The integrity and morality of your positions will determine your personal success and achievement of your goals in the field of education, in litigation, scientific research, in the field of political activity and in ideology. Subject to control: your ego, loyalty to the laws and humane attitude to the needs of those who suffer. The main accomplishments relate to creative projects, love adventures and raising children. Success in profession and financial matters is expected at the end of the month.

The beginning of the month is favorable for expanding the boundaries of your capabilities, strengthening your ideological positions, vocational training and long-distance travel. There is likely to be significant profit from partnerships or contract projects. In the business sphere, greater unambiguity and certainty of perspectives will be required, beware of setups, self-deceptions and fraud. Success in the profession will come in the third decade of September. Personal safety measures are required throughout the month!

In the first half of September, partnerships will continue to delight you with their liveliness and diversity: new contractual projects, tough confrontations and mutual love are likely. Financial problems will require patience, thoughtfulness and serious protective measures from law enforcement. You should not rely on sponsors and charitable foundations or join the ranks of defenders of social justice. Creative inspiration and new love will come at the end of the month.

Get ready for open confrontation, decisive actions and strong-willed decisions! In partnerships, the following are possible: the conclusion of new contracts and intense disputes. Family issues will require clarification - achieve clarity. Success is possible in reorganizing your work processes and overcoming obstacles to your upward mobility, especially if you overcome misconceptions about your purpose and calling. A new romance will begin at the end of the month.

The beginning of autumn will bring many joyful moments, especially for those whose activities involve public speaking. Successful lectures, conferences, and presentations await you. Someone will receive the approval of management, someone will gain recognition in a professional environment, and someone will gain an army of fans and followers. Work trips in September are very likely.
Aries parents will be able to be proud of the achievements of their children. But small household chores will affect both children and pets. It is possible that your hobbies will cause some experiences. To compensate for worries and anxieties, sign up for an interesting training that you have long dreamed of, master new techniques that will be useful to you in your professional activities.
In September, do not refuse help - this will significantly expand your opportunities.
The month was marked not only by stable income, but also by additional financial income. Perhaps making a profit from creative activities, expanding sources of income, profitable part-time work.
You will have no time to build relationships in September, since you will have to give your “100%” at work in order to get the maximum result.
Therefore, by the end of the month you may feel worse. Due to overload and a general decrease in the body's resistance, the likelihood of various diseases and injuries will arise. It's time to start improving your health, especially before the approaching autumn-winter period.

One of the most calm, harmonious and positive months of this year is coming for you. For single Taurus there is a chance to fall in love - a fateful meeting will definitely happen. Those who have a “soulmate” can expect a new wave of romantic feelings. Your partner will give you a lot of warmth, care, love and tenderness. By the way, there is a chance of conception if you have long dreamed of experiencing the joy of motherhood/fatherhood. And Taurus parents will be able to prove themselves as talented educators; communication with children will be relaxed and interesting.
Those who have been solving real estate issues for a long time and unsuccessfully will have a certain positive chance. You will be able to buy an apartment, house or cottage this month, although the offer will not be as profitable as in August. And if a move is planned, it will go very well in September. You can also equip your “nest”, purchase furniture, update the interior, and make all sorts of small purchases for your home.
The atmosphere at the workplace is quite calm. You show excellent business qualities, skillfully manage other people's money, make the right investments or take out profitable loans, and productively solve many complex problems. A significant income is possible for those whose work is related to creativity and the implementation of projects that require inspiration.
But your intuition will fail you this month, so give up any speculation, lotteries and financial games - it will turn out to be a waste of money, it will not bring any profit, only losses. It is better to spend money unplanned on children or your hobby.
At the end of September, it is a favorable time for treatment, especially since your health leaves much to be desired, and any health procedures will be useful.

For many Geminis, the beginning of autumn will bring tangible financial support from their immediate circle, brother or sister. Your “other half” will also delight you with income. But you should take care of your loved one, since there is a threat to his health. In general, in September you will have good luck with money, but financial disagreements in the family and even quarrels are not excluded.
For those who have been dreaming of buying a car or solving their housing problem for a long time, the stars give carte blanche, but try to implement your plans before the third decade of the month. Later, you will not be able to find support from your partner, and the situation at work will require a lot of effort and time from you. You won't succeed at once and everywhere, no matter how hard you try.
The middle of the month is most favorable for solving personal issues. An acquaintance that occurs somewhere far from home, in a closed institution or with someone from abroad, will be surrounded by spiritual closeness and common creative passions. Love can swirl you in a whirlwind of romance.
At the end of September it will be possible to carry out minor repairs and improve the house. At this time, you are especially eloquent and persuasive, so you can use the last days of September for various consultations and obtaining the necessary information: you will be able to convey your ideas, correctly formulate questions and obtain the necessary information.

If you are concerned about your financial situation, then you can finally relax: this month it is reasonable to count on both a salary increase and additional earnings, individual orders and income from a partner. Your relationship with management is now improving, there is a happy chance for favorable changes in working conditions and the restoration of a business atmosphere in the team. In the third ten days of September, it is possible to receive a tempting offer - a leadership position. Catch the Bird of Good Luck!
There is a possibility that a romantic relationship will begin with one of your colleagues or even your superiors. But the situation with your immediate circle (neighbors, brother, sister) will greatly worsen after September 20: beware of deception, gossip, accusations, even lawsuits. You will be able to resist all attacks and find an original solution to the problem if you show your characteristic insight, intelligence and intelligence.
You should not build a relationship with a person who is significantly lower in status than you: misalliance will bring only disappointments as soon as the veil of passion falls.
September will be very hectic in terms of business trips, movements, various checks and inspections. You should pay close attention to the preparation of invoices and other accounting documents that require scrupulousness.
At this time, you can take driver courses, make profitable purchases for your home, engage in self-education, consulting, and repair work in your home.
But health should be preserved.

a lion
Many Leos will meet autumn in a good mood. After a bright and eventful August, September will begin with measured weekdays. Your charm will allow you to successfully negotiate, and your intuition will tell you where it is profitable to invest money. Now you can be lucky in the casino, and on the stock exchange, and in foreign exchange transactions. In the first three weeks, events develop in a favorable way, you can perform in front of the public, purchase elite items for yourself and expect expensive gifts. At work, a period continues when everything flows in a measured manner, you manage to solve daily affairs in a timely manner, there are no rush jobs. On business trips, you can complete the task and enjoy the trip.
Since the third decade, the energies have been changing. Real estate comes to the fore. At this time, you can rent a house or an office very profitably, rent out space, make valuable purchases for a house. At the same time, large losses are possible as a result of risky operations. You see the prospect poorly, you cannot calculate all the objective circumstances, and therefore any investment will be unprofitable. Refrain from lending, borrowing large sums, and do not lend to anyone yourself, otherwise it will not be easy to return the money.
Now you don’t have to worry about your health, but it’s better to postpone extreme vacations until better times.

In September, there will remain a high probability of changing your place of residence, and very remote from the city in which you currently live. All attention will be focused on family issues, where both your energy and self-confidence will be required. The atmosphere of trust, harmony and cordiality that was established in August reigns in the family. Psychological comfort has a beneficial effect on the success of children, and the older generation will feel good and will provide all possible assistance in many matters. Your characteristic caring nature will allow your loved ones to feel how much you love them and how much you value their well-being.
The main battles will unfold in the workplace in the second half of September. Your insatiable thirst to criticize other people's mistakes, as well as commercialism in some business matters, will play a bad role. Partners and colleagues will react very aggressively to such behavior, and you are guaranteed competition. Now is not the time for initiatives, no matter how promising they may seem at first glance. At the end of September, it will turn out that you did not take into account many factors and nuances, and instead of advantages, you only destroyed clearly working mechanisms and schemes. And there will be no one to blame but yourself.
Direct your overflowing activity towards solving the housing problem (if it is relevant) or improving your home. And as a field for experimentation, choose not your office, but a financial institution (a brokerage office, for example), where you try your luck in transactions with currency, stock quotes, sports betting, etc. The stars indicate that you may be lucky if you do not take excessive risks.
But no matter how exciting September turns out to be, your good health will cause the envy of many competitors and spiteful critics.

With the arrival of autumn, not only the temperature outside will drop, but also the intensity of passions at work. Many Libras will finally let go of work problems, and they will happily immerse themselves in household chores, partly pleasant and, of course, useful. Enjoy good family relationships. There is a high probability that living and living conditions will improve; some will change their rented living space, others will make cosmetic repairs. When solving real estate issues, you can count on the help of friends. But now you shouldn’t trust your heart’s secrets to a friend or girlfriend - there is a danger of deceit and betrayal. It is possible that with the best intentions (“He is not your match”) they will make you break up with your admirer.
Now it’s better to listen to other people’s secrets and carefully keep them; trust will be shown by friends or one of your relatives (most likely a brother or sister). In gratitude for your kindness and sincerity, your inner circle can help financially if you want to make a large purchase (for example, a car), but the funds are a little short. The acquisition will be profitable in the second decade of September.
September is a month of interesting and intense communications: trips, negotiations, meetings, consultations will be very fruitful. But in the last days of this period, the likelihood of theft from a car, dubious information, secret agreements, and ambiguous situations increases. Don’t try to “fish in troubled waters”; be honest with yourself and your partners. Trust others less, rely more on your own strengths, which should be reinforced during a good rest.

The first month of autumn is characterized by high trust from superiors, career success and excellent health. But you will have an uncontrollable desire to change jobs. Perhaps you are experiencing a period of professional “burnout”, or you will be offered a difficult area of ​​work, or the working conditions at the enterprise will deteriorate, the social package will decrease, or maybe you just want more and realize that the time has come to conquer new frontiers.
The stars warn: do not cut from the shoulder! Stop, don’t write a letter of resignation: you are highly valued here, the difficult part is trust in your professionalism and the opportunity to realize your ambitions. Control your tongue - it is very sharp and can offend. Now it is possible, thanks to your intelligence, talent as an organizer and ability to plan, to achieve good interaction with your superiors. Take advantage of the favorable moment for production achievements.
Unemployed Scorpios will be able to find a position with a good salary, and businessmen will be able to invest in a promising project with great benefit for themselves. Good luck smiles on all sales representatives, sales managers, distributors and sellers at all levels. But large speculative transactions are doomed to failure. In the lottery or other events and entertainment associated with risk and luck, it is better not to tempt fate.
The purchase of equipment of the middle price category will be successful. For major purchases, pay attention to cars - discounts, promotions, favorable loans, as well as financial help from a brother or sister will help you make your dream come true.
In the second decade of September, disruptions to financial plans are possible. At the end of the month, problems in raising children will make themselves felt. At this time, it is better not to sort things out with your marriage partner, because apart from the intensity of emotions followed by “breaking plates,” nothing will come of it, especially since there is no point in hoping for a constructive solution to the conflict. In relationships that are not formalized and are prone to breakup, September will put an end to it. Lonely Scorpios will be able to meet a very promising person while traveling in mid-September. And for those who are concerned about the housing issue, at this time it is very profitable to rent (or rent out) housing.
Health will not cause problems, unless, of course, you yourself do everything to test the strength of your body.

At the beginning of autumn at work, finally, success and recognition of many Sagittarius await. Your ambition, energy and foresight, combined with hard work and diligence, will give excellent results. The project you worked on will be approved, the program will be approved, and you will receive the awards and honors you deserve. Incredible ingenuity and originality will allow you to solve the most complex production problems. Your authority in the eyes of the leadership will be strengthened (especially among the older ones). You are an excellent team player, which will win the love of the team.
Sagittarians will not only bask in the glory, but will also receive a tangible income. Those who work in the field of science and higher education, publishing and foreign trade, professional athletes and people of creative professions, teachers and consultants in any field of business can count on high profits. Foreign business trips, foreign contacts will be successful. On a trip, you can meet a very influential person who will play a significant role in your destiny.
Against the backdrop of financial success, you can pamper yourself with gifts, purchasing a new exhibit for your collection, a training course, or a subscription to a fitness center or spa.
During this period, relationships with the mother and father of the partner develop harmoniously. Your "second half" can please you with good earnings. And meetings with friends, holidays and communication will be cordial, warm and fun. Need support? It will definitely be provided by your friend.
In the third ten days of September, your ambition will become destructive. Family problems will accumulate due to the incorrect distribution of forces between work and family. From the beginning of the month, you need to take care of the correct work and rest schedule in order to maintain good relationships with both household members and superiors. Moreover, excellent health will allow you to respond to any changes in a timely manner.

In September, Capricorns will once again be able to prove to everyone that they are good family men and thrifty business executives. During this period, relationships in the family and with close relatives will please you, and you will be able to maintain harmony and prosperity at home. In the first ten days of the month, trusting relationships with children will develop, which will also contribute to family cohesion. And all this will be your merit!
The first month of autumn is a good time for relaxation, family entertainment, and outdoor sports. This will help you gain strength and also improve your health, which in September leaves much to be desired. Another recommendation from the stars concerns a trip to a sanatorium, spa treatment and recovery. This will benefit you, illnesses will subside, by the end of the month you will feel energetic, young, full of new business and creative plans.
For working Capricorns, the first ten days of the month will bring secret patronage, successful dealings with finances and customs, and profitable cooperation with foreign partners. At this time, there is a high probability of business trips, which will also be very successful. People in creative professions will be visited by the “muse” - inspiration will allow you to discover new facets of your talents.
In the third ten days of the month, Capricorns should be prudent and tactful - the position of the stars indicates conflicts with relatives, which may end in legal proceedings. Traveling during this period will also require caution - check documents and tickets, beware of adventures along the way, do not violate laws and moral rules. There is a high probability of punishment, deception, fines, which you can avoid if you behave correctly, politely and prudently.

At the beginning of autumn, Aquarius will experience profitable cooperation and income from co-authorship. But don’t even try to start a conflict based on “who is more important”, “who is more valuable for the project”, “who deserves the reward more” - such behavior is dangerous, will bring considerable losses and destroy a fruitful union.
A promising acquaintance is possible, based on strong friendship and complete mutual understanding, common creative or spiritual interests. Positive trends at the end of summer are also observed in September, when many Aquarians are planning fateful meetings and the emergence of happy unions.
The second ten days of September will bring contradictory events. Your life will be strengthened, your living conditions will improve, and your housing issue will be successfully resolved. But perhaps this is the case when “there would be no happiness, but misfortune would help”: there is a danger of material losses due to natural disasters, after which you will fully undertake to solve pressing problems and will be very successful in this. Your home will be open to friends, you will meet interesting personalities - politicians, scientists, athletes, musicians. Good luck in travel and creativity awaits.
In the third decade, you should refuse even minor financial risks - the loss is too great. To avoid losses and major losses, you should not take out a loan, lend money, or enter into dubious agreements. It is better to pay more attention to health. Combining a wellness program with relaxation is a great idea, be sure to take advantage of it. By the way, the company can help you purchase a profitable trip. It is also possible to increase the social package, help from trade unions, receive subsidies, tax breaks and other payments. If the monthly budget still requires support, your mother or partner’s father will definitely come to the rescue.
Your health will worsen slightly in the second ten days of September. A small cold will go away quickly, but without taking care of strengthening your immune system in the fall, you will have to go on sick leave more than once.

The most successful area of ​​activity for Pisces in September will be work. A comfortable psychological atmosphere prevails in the team; you are on friendly terms with colleagues and superiors. If you hold a leadership position, then throughout the month you will be assisted by faithful assistants, and in general, relationships with subordinates will be constructive and pleasant.
This month you have the gift of managing, finding a compromise, avoiding conflicts, you are an excellent organizer and manager, so you will naturally feel that you are Fortune’s favorite in September, and the long-awaited promotion will only confirm this inner confidence. Those Pisces who are looking for work will also be lucky: you will not only find a place, but perhaps you will immediately find yourself in a leadership position.
Love relationships in September are also intertwined with work. Single Pisces will be able to find their soul mate in the team or among friends of colleagues. A potential partner may be a foreigner with whom you can be brought together through co-authorship or a joint project. Promising acquaintances are possible on the road. Look carefully so as not to miss your chance for new feelings and promising relationships. A new partner will significantly expand your horizons.
Although in general in September you have the ability to get along with people, at the end of the month you may have arguments with your significant other. Better to avoid litigation. They are not constructive. Instead of arguing, go on vacation together. Rest will refresh your feelings, bring you closer, and yesterday’s reasons for quarrels will seem insignificant today.
Try not to get injured, be careful, pay attention to your health, since in September the likelihood of injury increases and ailments are possible, although the prognosis for recovery is favorable. And in the third decade, your health will improve, and the risk of harming yourself will decrease significantly.

Marianna Zabrodina, Alexey Kotenko,
St. Petersburg Astrological Academy.

Useful tips


This month will be quite busy for you, with a variety of events and activities awaiting you. All things will require attentiveness, scrupulousness and unhurriedness: everything that is usual for you not easy. You can’t rush anywhere now, it’s better to think over every step, every decision.

A lot of things await you at work: sometimes you will have to stay overtime or take work on weekends. Someone close to you may need your help. You will be completely immersed in routine and troubles. And now there will be much less entertainment than we would like.

Read also:General astrological forecast for all zodiac signs for SEPTEMBER 2017

You should also carefully monitor your health! The best thing to do this month is to stick to proper nutrition, exercise. Then the routine will not seem so boring to you, there will be at least some variety. Plus you will feel better. Towards the end of the month, especially watch your diet, it is better to give up alcohol and junk food. There may be poisoning and digestive problems.

Attention to those who were born April 17, 18 any year. This month could be quite significant for you. However, you are unlikely to be able to achieve the long-awaited freedom and feeling of lightness now. Your self-confidence may be shaken, and plans may undergo serious changes. Be careful this month: dangers and problems are possible. You should also not overestimate your strength, as this may end badly for you.

Stress level : average.

Areas of greatest activity : work, household chores, health.


All your creative energy will be used this month. You will use creativity everywhere, from your work to ordinary cooking in the kitchen. You will strive for what brings you pleasure. If you work in a creative field, you can count on inspiration; now is your chance to come up with something really worthwhile.

Harmony and joy will reign in your relationship with children, children will delight you. And although the beginning of the school year may not be too easy for them, nevertheless, in the second half of the month they there will be success.

This month you have a chance to enrich your family life. Find the right words to express your feelings, then you can achieve harmony in relationships with loved ones. You can also count on good beautiful acquisitions in the house. You can do decorating your home.

Attention those who were born during the period from May 2 to 4 any year. This month can bring a lot of creative energy and good events into your life, which, nevertheless, will make you think about life. You may meet a lover, women may experience a long-awaited pregnancy, and new creative plans may also appear. Don't skip this month if you want to implement these plans immediately, delay will not work in your favor.

Stress level : short

Areas of greatest activity : personal life, children, creativity.


This month, family and home issues will be relevant to you. There may be many cases that will be directly related to your home. For example, now you can start renovating or rearranging your apartment. It is also possible that some paper issues related to housing, as well as family members, will be resolved. However, in the first week of the month it is better not to solve important paperwork, as your home planet Mercury will be in a “frozen” state. Insurmountable circumstances may interfere with the resolution of issues.

After September 10 the situation will change for you: you may need to sign some papers. There may also be guests in your home. The possibility of relocation cannot be ruled out.

On the 20th of the month There may be problems with the plumbing in the house: for example, pipes may burst, or other problems may appear. Also on unlucky days, especially September 22-24, you may encounter deceptions and scams, so be careful!

Attention those who were born during the period from 12 to 14 June any year. This month you will not feel good and easy. Most likely, there will be unfavorable thoughts and a bad mood. Although you are usually quite cheerful, this month may throw you a little off track and make you want to feel a little sad. There may also be not the most favorable events that are associated with you and your partners. Separation or breakup of relationships is not excluded.

Stress level : high

Areas of greatest activity : home, family.


This month will force you to activate your intellectual activity. You have to move a lot, do many things at the same time, actively seek and use any information. It is possible that you will want to enroll in some courses, attend lectures or seminars, or improve your professional skills. To resolve any issues, it is good to connect the necessary connections.

At the beginning of the month, old problems may surface, especially regarding money matters, but they promise to be successfully resolved. If you need to collect and prepare any information, there is no better time. For example, if you are preparing some documents. It will be easy to collect the necessary information. If you write an article, the information for it will be found very quickly, etc. They also promise to be successful small movements.

Read also:Astrological forecast for 2017 Year of the Rooster for Zodiac signs

Attention those who were born during the period from 14 to 21 July any year. This month may be very unlucky for you. Abrupt and unexpected events in the family or at work can make you very worried and nervous. Problems in relationships can move from work to home or vice versa: if things don’t work out at work, there will be problems with the family and vice versa.

Stress level : average

Areas of greatest activity : small movements, working with documents.

Astrological forecast for the best zodiac signs


This month, many events and affairs will revolve around money and finances. It is possible that you will have to look for a new job or new sources of income. Profit depends on how quickly and accurately you act. But still, during the month there are several quite difficult days(listed below) when you should not get your way, but should rest more and give in. These days, you can lose money, invest it in the wrong business, or lend it to someone who won't return it to you.

It is better to solve all important matters on successful days, as well as at the beginning of the lunar month ( after September 20). After September 22, when the Sun is in the sign of Libra, you will have a desire to take a little break from all your financial affairs, you will want to be more visible and communicate more.

Attention those who were born during 14 to 21 August any year. You will have fabulous luck this month. You can get what you have long dreamed of, and very unexpectedly. Any endeavors will be successful, you will have faith in yourself and your strengths. New acquaintances may appear, there will be pleasant meetings. Unexpected trips are also possible.

Stress level : high

Areas of greatest activity : money.


The first week of the month will not be particularly successful for your sign. You have to finish those things that you started in the past. Mars, being in your sign, will strengthen your personal activity. Now you will have to make independent decisions, you will do many things on your own. You will want to take on any task, even the most difficult one.

This month you will have a lot of things that will require your attention, which is why you will not have enough time for entertainment and any extraneous affairs. A new moon in your sign will make this month especially memorable and important for the whole next year. Perhaps now you will start some new business that will change your life.

Start new important things after the new moon, but better after September 25. On the negative days of the month, you may become a victim of deception or fraud, and your self-esteem and health may also suffer somewhat.

Attention those who were born during the period from August 23 to September 10 any year. All of the above will be especially relevant for you. You will be very active and will be able to achieve even more than you expect. You should take advantage of this period to achieve your personal goals.

Stress level : average

Areas of greatest activity : personal activity and personal achievements.


This month your activities will be mostly hidden; you will not want to advertise your intentions, even with partners you will not share ideas and thoughts, which is usually not typical for you. Activity will also be somewhat slow and calm. You will not be in a hurry, you will not be in a particular hurry. The best pastime is relaxation and solitude.

You may have to visit hospitals or other medical facilities. It is especially important to remember about health during second half of the month. Medicines should be taken very carefully as they may cause side effects. It is dangerous to abuse alcohol.

You should not accept any tempting job offers: for example, if you are offered something very tempting, but you doubt it, now it’s easy to get your expectations wrong. Act according to your intuition: if it tells you that you should give up something or vice versa, do not go against it, as you may regret it.

Attention those who were born during the period from 15 to 19 October any year. This month promises to be quite positive. After all, he promises you luck and success. Any creative enterprises will be especially successful, and relationships with partners will improve. Those whose birthdays fall on October 20-22, may be unpleasantly surprised: sudden events may interfere with your plans.

Stress level : average

Areas of greatest activity : health.


Groups and like-minded people, friends and buddies this month can play important roles in formation of events and sensations. Now it is important not to act alone, but to take advantage of the help of those who have similar views on life and with whom it is interesting and fun for you to communicate.

If you have an idea, want to implement it, or have come up with something special that is important for you to demonstrate to others, this month is perfect for this. The only thing that will be in it couple of unfavorable days when you shouldn’t trust anyone, including your friends. These days you should not believe promises: you may be deceived (intentionally or accidentally).

Attention those who were born during the period from 8 to 10 November any year. This is a difficult period for you: the events that will take place in your life can seriously change it, but for the better. New acquaintances may appear in your life. It's a good time to start learning something new.

Stress level : short

Areas of greatest activity : relationships with friends, work.

Astrological forecast for the sign


Your main area of ​​activity in September is work and personal achievements. You always know what to strive for, you always have goals and plans, and now is the time to start acting and moving forward. A new job, new affairs, even a new position may appear.

For most of the month you will quite calm and happy with life, but the end of the month may bring some unpleasant surprises. Your home planet Jupiter will come into conflict with the malicious Uranus, which may not have a very favorable effect on you.

Dramatic changes that may be associated with your friends and lovers may throw you off track. There may be a confrontation between those with whom you communicate as friends and those who are closer to you than friends. Be also more attentive to your children now. We advise you to postpone creative projects and endeavors until a more opportune time.

Attention those who were born during the period from 13 to 15 December any year. This is a time of fatigue and loss of strength for you. This is especially true for those who were unable to have a normal rest in the summer. The best thing for you this month is to rest more and not overwork, as health problems will immediately make themselves felt.

Stress level : high

Areas of greatest activity : work, career, personal goals.


In September your activity will be related to foreigners and foreign countries. It is quite possible to travel abroad, or you will communicate on various matters with people from afar. On the negative days of the month, you should be more careful in dealing with any matters related to these areas: there may be unsuccessful trips, deceptions and disappointments, your expectations may not be met. There won't be many days like this.

Closer to middle of the month there may be pleasant events that will make positive changes in your personal life. You can go on vacation with your loved ones and children, or just go to any places of entertainment.

In September 2017, we need to be practical and firm in our decisions. The first autumn month, in total, will become a prosperous and successful period for those who are always punctual, hardworking and purposeful. September will bring many good prospects and chic opportunities, the main thing is to be able to discern them among the daily hassle and bustle, and take advantage of them in time. You should not rush anywhere, but it is also not recommended to waste precious time, the faster and easier the decisions made, the greater the chances of success. Sitting and waiting for luck to find us is not the best option. Try to avoid intricate and abstruse solutions, phrases, expressions and do not try to dig deep, unraveling what is the meaning of your life. The point is to live, to live fruitfully. All your thoughts, actions and decisions should be simple and clear, only in this way you can be completely sure that you are right and that the decisions you have made are correct.

In the first ten days of September 2017, the stars promise that if you work hard during this period and are not lazy to get up at 6 am, then in the second half of the month you will be able to enjoy the magnificent results of your labors. The beginning of the month will be quite calm, no emergencies are expected, but this depends on your specific preferences. If you are a lover of adrenaline and vivid impressions, then you will be able to find fun adventures out of the blue to have a little fun. But for those who like everything to be sorted out, timely, planned and predictable, the placement of the planets will create all the conditions to enjoy complete order in business and peace of mind in their personal lives. The most important qualities that will help you achieve your goals, and in some cases, make your cherished dreams come true, are concentration, consistency and determination. Gather your will and take action if you want to enjoy the fruits of your labor at the end of this month. Remember that under any circumstances you need to remain yourself, be a sincere and honest person in order to protect yourself from remorse and confidently go towards your dream.

In the second ten days of September 2017, all zodiac signs will have excellent prospects in the professional field. The location of Saturn will have a favorable effect on the search for a suitable vacancy or will help those who have been thinking about it for a long time to change jobs. In general, success in your career depends only on how practical and quick your decisions and steps towards your desired goal are. Perhaps somewhere you will have to cheat or get around the situation from the other side, even if it seems that there is no way out or optimal solution, do not forget that any situation can be bypassed, that is, you can make a knight’s move. This period will be the most successful for those who are prudent and diligent, who do not leave their tails behind and do not have the habit of putting things off until tomorrow when there is an opportunity to do them today. Everyone will play by their own rules, so you should try to predict possible scenarios so that circumstances do not take you by surprise. The management will be tolerant towards employees, but those who are distinguished by hard work and perseverance will deserve the greatest favor. A promotion up the career ladder awaits avid careerists in mid-September, but only on the condition that at the beginning of the month they made a lot of effort for such a generous reward.

Given the numerous opportunities to demonstrate their professional abilities and competence in specific matters, the third decade of September 2017 will be a very busy period in the life of representatives of all signs of the Zodiac. Try not to look for tricks or deeper meaning in simple everyday tasks and questions, do not read between the lines of books, so as not to complicate your life. According to statistics, 95% of all problems we invent or create for ourselves. It’s worth taking a simpler view of the situation, even for a moment, and everything quickly falls into place. It’s the same at work - the more primitive our decisions are, the easier the work will be. Personal life during this period, under the influence of Venus and Mars, will be filled with unprecedented passion, the atmosphere between lovers will be so sweet that it will even become cloying. Therefore, the stars recommend introducing variety into relationships and personal life from time to time. Perhaps it will be a change of scenery or just a change in interior design, maybe new acquaintances or vacation spots, it all depends on your personal preferences and the scope of your imagination. The final period of September will be an excellent time to learn new knowledge and skills; you can achieve great success in learning foreign languages ​​or mastering handmade skills. Do not waste time on your own development and, in order not to give up halfway towards your goal, look everywhere for motivating elements, facts and simply signs of fate, and she is quite generous with them.

Month September 2017, monthly horoscope

Read the zodiac horoscope for the month of September 2017 for each zodiac sign published on the Kaleidoscope of Horoscopes website.

We will have a desire to get rid of the clutter in the house and in affairs related to various kinds of accounts, to literally and figuratively sort out what is now an obscure chaos.

However, at the same time, relationships with others will become somewhat more complicated, since we will temporarily stop forgiving them even the smallest, most insignificant mistakes and will begin to sharply criticize what we do not like, what is out of our concept of norm, correctness, and rationality. True, with those who can be useful to us in some way, we will behave more delicately, and often very diplomatically, restraining the desire to rub such people’s nose into their imperfections.

In addition, internal contradictions cannot be ruled out due to the fact that, on the one hand, the desire to not deny oneself anything will increase, to constantly pamper oneself with something, to buy beautiful and expensive things, and on the other hand, the desire to save will increase. But this will teach many to set priorities correctly, to refrain from purchasing something immediate, so that a little later they can afford something truly necessary and valuable.

And this month, many will have to worry about their health, switch to a healthy lifestyle, and change their diet. Moreover, diets started in the period from September 1 to 20 will not be perceived as something uncomfortable for the psyche, since we will be able to organize our nutrition in such a way that, under certain restrictions, we can fully enjoy what we eat.

Another controversial moment of September: many will intensively go through the authorities, apply for various kinds of benefits and subsidies, fiercely fighting for every penny, but at the same time they will begin to “pump up” huge amounts of money into vitamins, nutritional supplements, “superfoods” and medicines that promise “eternal youth". By the way, it is possible that scammers are becoming more active, profiting from the desire of naive individuals to “take a pill and immediately become rejuvenated and healthier.” So be vigilant. At the beginning of the month, many will have to pay increased attention to employment contracts, bargain for some concessions and check contracts for legitimacy. In mid-September, household affairs will take first place; many are waiting for walking around some official establishments related to public services. At the end of the month, we will throw all our efforts into making useful connections.

Auspicious days: from 1 to 5, from 7 to 12, from 14 to 19, from 21 to 27, 29, 30.

Bad days: 6, 13, 20, 28.

I would like to remind you that people born from the 1st to the 18th are considered “pure” signs, and the rest are influenced by the previous or next sign - both in personality characteristics and in astrological predictions. And this must be taken into account.

September horoscope for Aries (March 21 – April 20)

Aries in September, most likely, will have to obey something that disgusts their inner convictions, and play by the rules set by someone around them. Well, if you don’t, then you will run into some kind of trouble and significantly shake your position - both career and material.

In addition, problems may arise due to a careless attitude towards your body. It is possible that an exacerbation of some disease will force you to turn to specialists whom you never bothered to visit before. Unforeseen everyday situations are also likely, which will require unplanned expenses. At the beginning of the month, difficulties at work may make you think about changing your place of work. In mid-September, it is worth taking care of those household chores that have long required your attention - this will protect you from unpleasant surprises. At the end of the month, sudden and not very positive changes are possible.

Most favorable days: 7.

1, 2, 15, 16, 23, 29, 30.

September horoscope for Taurus (April 21 – May 20)

In September, Taurus will obviously pull off something that will allow them to significantly save on mandatory monthly expenses in the future or receive a certain amount as an addition to their basic income. True, you will have to run around and fuss, but the result will suit you quite well.

In addition, some important successes in your career await you. There is a chance that some person will evaluate your professional abilities and offer you a position that is more consistent with your level of skill than the position you currently occupy.

At the beginning of the month, a decision that is unusual for you will most likely bring excellent results, although queues, hassle and difficult negotiations are not excluded in the process. Mid-September promises to be very fruitful and profitable. At the end of the month, you will have to urgently restore relationships with someone around you.

Most favorable days: 4, 10, 11, 18.

Days to be careful: 5, 19, 26.

Horoscope for September for Gemini (May 21 – June 21)

In September, Gemini will most likely have to pay for the frivolity with which they spent August. Obviously, you will be overwhelmed by a lot of things postponed for later, and the only thing left for you to do is roll up your sleeves and plunge headlong into clearing out the resulting rubble.

In addition, everyone will want something from you: your bosses - reports and compliance with some rules, relatives - attention and money, friends - fulfillment of some promises and presence at events that are important for them and boring for you. In general, the month promises to be very eventful with everything that you don’t really like.

At the beginning of September, some of your actions will need a clear preliminary structuring, otherwise they simply will not give positive results. In the middle of the month, you may get stuck in a routine. At the end of September, you may have to beg someone to get where you want to go.

Most favorable days: 3, 12.

Days to be careful: 7, 14, 21, 28.

September horoscope for Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

Cancers in September can acquire new colleagues with whom they will develop not only strong business alliances based on mutual benefit and mutual assistance, but also excellent interpersonal relationships. Projects that will somehow be connected with the social sphere are not excluded.

In addition, you will obviously have to often conduct some kind of negotiations of a private and commercial nature, the success of which will depend on your ability to calculate the situation several steps ahead. You will also need diplomacy skills, a kind of cunning, the ability to turn the conversation so that the counterpart is sure that you are primarily concerned about his interests.

At the beginning of the month, some short-term but very successful project awaits you. In mid-September some additional benefits will arrive. At the end of the month, doubts about the productivity of some actions are likely.

Most favorable days: 4, 14, 15, 18, 25.

Days to be careful: 9, 19, 23.

September horoscope for Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Lions in September, most likely, will come up with some new rules for themselves and will try to strictly observe them. Obviously, you will want to streamline your existence, make it more correct and stable, and move to the next stage of self-organization and personal development.

In addition, you may take on a project that you previously turned down because you found it too boring. It is possible that they will offer you more money for it than they previously promised, and you will decide that you should not miss such a benefit in favor of your private preferences. And this month you will probably have to adapt to one of your relatives or redo something in your home.

At the beginning of September, you can purposefully change something in your work schedule. In the middle of the month, some household or family matters will “eat up” part of your leisure time. Some kind of festive event is expected at the end of September.

Most favorable days: 17.

Days to be careful: 2, 23, 30.

September horoscope for Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

In September, Dev will obviously be immersed in activities related to improving the quality of life. There is a high probability that you will strive for the level of existence that seems most acceptable to you, so you will do everything in your power to make it become a reality for you.

In addition, several new projects in the professional field are expected. It is possible that some of them will require you to abandon previous plans and adjust your work methods, but they will bring good profits. You will also be in great demand because of some of your innate qualities and special talents.

At the beginning of the month, you may make some changes to the work of the team of the enterprise where you work. In mid-September you will have to do what you really like. At the end of the month, you may be distracted from your planned activities by a person with whom for some reason you are unable to refuse communication.

Most favorable days: 18, 19, 27.

Days to be careful: 7, 8, 14, 21, 22, 28, 29.

Horoscope for September for Libra (September 23 – October 22)

In September, Libra will obviously be scrupulously engaged in fulfilling some long-standing obligations, paying off various debts and generally “cleansing” their life of accumulated “garbage”. There is a high probability that you will need this in order to begin the new stage of existence you are planning without problems and debts. In addition, you will most likely have to often contact some official authorities, coordinate something with influential people, restrain emotional impulses when you want to slam your fist on the table and express everything that is boiling. The reward will be the achievement of some goal that is extremely important to you.

At the beginning of the month, your innate tactfulness will be very useful in some situation. In mid-September you will have to do something that does not cause you delight and bouts of enthusiasm. At the end of the month, obtaining results in a matter that is significant to you will be the reason for a ceremonial feast.

Most favorable days: 2, 8, 9, 15, 16, 21, 22, 30.

Days to be careful: 3, 5, 10, 17, 19, 26.

September horoscope for Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

In September, it will be somewhat problematic for Scorpios to fulfill their official duties, since someone will demand constant reporting from them and compliance with instructions, which they usually simply ignore. However, if your common sense overcomes your disobedience and you submit to circumstances, you will only win, since you will avoid any formal penalties and receive a good income.

In addition, you may have a desire to take serious care of yourself - undergo an examination, go on a diet, get rid of some bad addictions, or, conversely, acquire some useful habits. Everything you do for yourself and your health will give excellent results.

At the beginning of the month, much will depend on whether you are ready to engage in constructive dialogue with others. In mid-September you may change your lifestyle. At the end of the month you will have to seek a compromise with those who pay you.

Most favorable days: 5, 23, 24.

Days to be careful: 1, 15, 18, 22, 25, 29.

September horoscope for Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

In September, Sagittarians may encounter problems in both the private and business spheres due to their reluctance to obey circumstances and people who set some rules. Try to accept the situation not as coercion, but as an opportunity not to complicate your existence.

Additionally, you may need to take a look at your health, especially if your lifestyle is taking a toll on your body. An exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and other diseases caused by poor nutrition, frequent stressful situations, and lack of sleep is possible.

At the beginning of the month, indulging your “wants” and ignoring any warning signs can lead to trouble. In mid-September, unwillingness to solve some household issue is fraught with unexpected and large expenses. At the end of the month, you may have a powerful ally or a new reliable friend.

Most favorable days: 25, 26.

Days to be careful: 6, 13, 20.

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