Ultrasound of the abdominal organs: preparation for the procedure. Preparing for an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and kidneys: what to remember? Abdominal ultrasound poorly prepared

This article will discuss proper preparation for an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and kidneys. This point requires special care, because compliance with all requirements before the study will reduce the risk of unreliable results.

Ultrasound examination is now very often used in medicine. With its help, it is possible to identify pathological changes occurring in internal organs at an early stage, clarify and confirm the diagnosis made by the doctor. Ultrasound is allowed to a person from birth; during routine examinations, doctors often require images of internal organs in order to see a full picture of human health.

Ultrasound waves penetrate tissue and are reflected from dense structures. The reflected wave projects structures of varying densities on the screen, which can be used to visualize organs. For the information to be reliable, a person at any age needs to prepare for an ultrasound of the kidneys and abdominal cavity before visiting a doctor.

Diagnostics of the abdominal organs allows us to examine in detail everything that is included in this designation:

  • vascular system;
  • gallbladder;
  • liver;
  • pancreas;
  • spleen;
  • genitourinary system.

Along with the above list, you can conduct an examination of the kidneys, adrenal glands and retroperitoneal space.

With this type of study, the doctor can see:

  • bile ducts;
  • position, structure of the kidneys and liver;
  • condition of the pancreas;
  • presence of fluid in organs;
  • formation of stones in the kidneys, bladder and ducts;
  • appendicitis;
  • violation of the integrity of organs and tissues;
  • condition of the aorta.

Many abdominal problems are accompanied by unpleasant symptoms and pain. Without an ultrasound examination, it is difficult to determine the cause of pain. After the procedure, you can accurately make a diagnosis, proceed to the correct treatment or, if necessary, surgical intervention.

General principles of preparation

The patient must know the exact date and time of the visit to the ultrasound room in order to begin preparations in a timely manner. It consists of simple points that anyone, even a small child, can do. However, depending on the age of the person, the instructions are slightly different.

The main requirements include:

  • following a special diet;
  • quitting smoking and alcohol on the eve of the procedure;
  • stopping taking medications (in consultation with your doctor);
  • performing an ultrasound at a certain time, depending on the characteristics of certain organs.

Adult diet

Nutrition greatly affects the condition of internal organs, so it is important to start monitoring your food a few days before visiting a doctor. There is a list of prohibited products that must be excluded from the diet, as they contribute to the accumulation of gases that interfere with visibility on the screen.

TIP: The diet before an ultrasound of the kidneys and abdomen should begin at least three days before the examination.

The following products are permitted:

  • lean meat and poultry;
  • lean, white fish;
  • chicken eggs, mostly hard-boiled – no more than 1 pc. in a day;
  • cereals (barley, oatmeal, buckwheat);
  • cheese is an unsalted and mild variety.

Before an ultrasound scan of the abdominal cavity and kidneys, you should not eat:

  • legumes;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • fatty meat, poultry and fish;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • coffee and strong tea;
  • sweets;
  • bakery products;
  • dairy products.

TIP: the diet before an ultrasound of the kidneys is no different from the diet before an examination of the abdominal organs.

The above ingredients may cause bloating and flatulence, which will make the procedure difficult. During the preparation days you need to eat in small portions, 4 times a day. There should be at least 4 hours between meals. Dinner must be no later than 19.00.

It is important to pay attention to your drinking regime. An adult needs to drink at least 2 liters of water per day. It is forbidden to drink food with water. It is necessary to drink liquid one hour before meals or an hour later.

The doctor should give important recommendations about the last day of preparation. If the procedure takes place early in the morning, then after dinner the day before, you are prohibited from eating or drinking until visiting the hospital. If the ultrasound is scheduled for the afternoon, you can allow yourself a light breakfast in the morning so that you feel hungry again by the appointed time.

Preparing children

Often a routine ultrasound of the abdominal cavity is prescribed for infants to ensure the absence of congenital defects and diseases. There are no strict nutritional guidelines or preliminary preparations for children.

Parents should know a few subtleties, the observance of which will be sufficient:

  1. Before the ultrasound, you should stop feeding. It is necessary that the last meal was about 3 hours ago.
  2. Water should not be given an hour before the procedure, as the child’s body secretes enzymes even after drinking liquid.
  3. For several days before the test, the child needs to take medications containing Simethicone (Sab Simplex, Bobotik) to reduce the amount of gas.

TIP: a child from one to three years old can survive without food for 4 hours. Parents, knowing these features, can make an appointment for their child at lunchtime so that the baby has time to have breakfast early in the morning.

If the child is over three years old, you can feed him a special diet food for several days, excluding inappropriate foods from the diet.

Nutrition before an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and kidneys prohibits the consumption of the following foods:

  • legumes;
  • confectionery;
  • bread and bakery products;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • whole milk and food prepared with it;
  • raw vegetables and fruits.

The same foods are allowed as for adults, the portion should be smaller, and five meals a day.

Taking special medications

Doctors often prescribe certain medications that reduce gas formation. They must be taken for three days by adults and children, observing the age-specific dosage.

Such medications include Espumisan and Kuplaton. If for certain reasons this drug is not suitable or does not bring the desired effect, it is worth replacing it with an adsorbent: “Smecta”, “White Coal”.

Previously, before ultrasound of the abdominal organs, the well-known “Activated carbon” was widely used. But, due to its low effectiveness, it was replaced by more effective and modern analogues. It would also be a good idea to take a three-day course of enzymes to improve digestion (Mezim, Pancreatin). They are drunk with food.

Forced bowel cleansing

Although the diet for ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and kidneys contains light foods that will help cleanse the body for the procedure, the intestines can still be clogged with feces. This may interfere with normal visibility of the retroperitoneum and abdominal cavity. It is worth taking care of this in advance by carrying out cleansing procedures for the body.

The most effective method is an enema. It is necessary to carry out this procedure the day before, no later than 19.00, pouring 1.5 liters of warm water into the intestines. After cleansing, you need to take a drug containing Simethicone.

In modern times, there is a more humane method of cleaning the intestines - taking a laxative. The pharmacy sells soft products that are suitable even for children. Many of them are made on a plant basis (Fitolax, Senade), in the form of powders for solutions (Fortrans) and in the form of microenemas (Microlax).

You should not take medications based on lactulose (Portalak, Normaze), they cause bloating, which is unacceptable before visiting the ultrasound room.


It is worth knowing all the subtleties before an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and kidneys: preparation does not require much time, but even some familiar little things can distort the result:

  1. You need to give up alcohol for three days and quit smoking – preferably for a day. If this is not possible, then smoking is prohibited 3 hours before the procedure.
  2. You should not chew chewing gum or eat candy.
  3. Diabetics and pregnant women should not tolerate prolonged fasting. They need a gentle regimen, which should be discussed with a doctor.
  4. If studies with barium (X-ray) were carried out less than two days ago, it is worth rescheduling the ultrasound.
  5. Antispasmodics and heart medications negatively affect the results of the study. If you are taking them constantly, you should discuss with your doctor the possible discontinuation of them for a while or replacement with approved drugs.
  6. Preparing a patient for a kidney ultrasound includes all of the above points plus an additional one - filling the bladder. An hour before the procedure, you need to drink at least 0.5 liters of liquid to fill your bladder (but do not empty it until the end of the study).

Table - General information for preparing internal organs:

Preparatory principles
Prohibited Products The need for adsorbent and cleansing of the body additional information Availability of necessary accessories
OBP + When examining the gallbladder, have a choleretic breakfast (banana) with you. Diaper, napkin.
Kidneys and bladder Milk, fresh vegetables, fruits, bread, legumes, fatty foods, sweets. + Full bladder test. Diaper, napkin, water.

Conducting research

Almost every clinic has an ultrasound room. People who undergo this procedure for the first time are confused and do not know how to behave during the examination. In fact, the study is carried out quite quickly and completely painlessly. It is carried out by a therapist or an uzologist specializing in this field.

The patient should have a diaper with him to lay on the couch, napkins or a towel to wipe the skin from the special gel. A person needs to be naked to the waist to open access to the stomach, sides and lower back.

The doctor applies a gel that allows the sensor to glide easily over the skin and looks at the internal organs on the screen. At the end of the examination, which takes about 20 minutes, the doctor takes a photo, which he attaches to the report.

It is quite difficult to perform an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and kidneys on a child, especially if he is small. To keep him horizontal or on his side, adults need to hold him and distract him with toys or cartoons.

What affects the reliability of the study?

It is important to know how to prepare for an ultrasound in order to obtain a conclusion about your own health that corresponds to reality. Often, improper preparation or failure to follow all the above rules has frightening consequences for patients. The development of pathology can be mistaken for a distorted visibility of internal organs.

Reasons that interfere with the correct conduct of the study:

  1. Increased gas formation if you do not follow the diet and other doctor’s advice on preparation.
  2. Intestinal muscle spasm – may occur due to smoking or endoscopy.
  3. The patient has a large fat layer, excess weight, which interferes with the passage of the rays.
  4. Too active behavior during the procedure.
  5. A large wound on the abdomen that prevents the correct placement of the device’s sensor. This happens after surgery.

Some points do not depend on the person, but some causes can be prevented by taking care of your own health in advance. You shouldn’t be careless about this procedure, waste your doctor’s time, or spend your own money, because the cost of an ultrasound will have a significant impact on your wallet.

To learn more about this topic, you need to watch the video in this article.

Frequently asked questions to the doctor

Frequent research

Hello, my name is Evgeniya. Tell me, are ultrasonic waves harmful? How do they affect the human body? Is it possible to do ultrasound frequently?

Hello, Evgenia. Ultrasound examination is completely harmless to humans, so it is allowed to be done an unlimited number of times if necessary for medical reasons.

Ultrasound waves do not harm a person; they penetrate through tissue and are reflected from dense structures, as a result of which internal organs are projected on the monitor. There is no need to worry if the doctor orders an examination several times in a row. Using a photo, you can track the progress of treatment or the development of pathology.

Ultrasound for a diabetic

Hello, my name is Mark. I was prescribed an examination of the abdominal organs using ultrasound. I am a diabetic, tell me how to properly prepare the body, what can I eat in the morning to avoid an attack of hypoglycemia?

Hello Mark. In your case, the preparation should be gentle. You are already on a diet, refrain from gas-forming foods remaining in the diet. In the morning, before the examination, you do not need to fast; you should drink tea with bread or a lump of sugar.

Preparation for an abdominal ultrasound is mandatory for men, women and children. An ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs without preparation will not be of high quality.

Why is an ultrasound scan performed?

Ultrasound diagnostics shows the most accurate result when examining the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

The organs in the peritoneal area are located very close to each other. If pathology is observed in one of them, then very soon the process can spread to its neighbors.

For adults and children, an examination of the PBP using ultrasound is carried out to diagnose the body if the following diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and other systems are suspected:

  • cirrhosis of the liver.
  • diseases of the spleen - inflammatory processes.
  • inflammation of the pancreas.
  • hepatitis.
  • pathology of the urinary tract and kidneys, bladder (cystitis, pyelonephritis, etc.)
  • inflammation of the intestines (any department).
  • kidney stone disease.
  • tumors and other neoplasms in the abdominal organs.
  • stomach ulcer and other pathologies of this organ.
  • For women, ultrasound allows you to check the pelvic organs.

Ultrasound helps examine all organs of the gastrointestinal tract for a woman, man or child. To do an ultrasound, you need to prepare yourself for this procedure. Without preparation, you cannot undergo an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, since the procedure will be performed incorrectly and the doctor may identify non-existent pathologies. Water may be mistaken for free fluid or bleeding, food may appear to be a tumor, and kidneys without fluid may not be visible at all.

Therefore, it is important to follow the rules for preparing for an ultrasound scan of the auricularis so that the analysis is done correctly and you do not have to waste money and time again.

What influences the distortion of results?

A correct picture on an ultrasound can only be obtained in the absence of factors that distort it.

Ultrasound examination of the retroperitoneal space in adults and children may be hindered by:

  • excessive obesity - it will be difficult for the rays to pass through a thick layer, and the picture may turn out distorted.
  • spasm of the intestinal muscles due to an endoscopic examination of the intestines the day before; such a spasm can also be triggered by smoking immediately before the procedure.
  • filling the intestines with gases will not allow you to show a clear picture.
  • The contrast agent used for x-rays of the internal organs of the digestive system will not allow a full examination of the person.
  • If the abdominal cavity has a large wound and the sensor cannot be installed, then doing an ultrasound is pointless.
  • An ultrasound scan can be interfered with by a person’s physical activity, especially for a child; the procedure requires complete immobilization of the patient.

To undergo an ultrasound, you should take these factors into account and try to prevent their influence on the results of the examination of the abdominal organs.

Principles of preparation for ultrasound OBP?

It is more difficult to prepare for an abdominal ultrasound than for a head examination. At the same time, all organs of the digestive tract and organs of the genitourinary system are examined, and therefore performing an ultrasound requires the person to comply with certain requirements on the eve of the procedure.

  1. Diet a few days before the ultrasound and eating habits on the day of the procedure (whether the examination is done on an empty stomach or not depends on what time it is scheduled, if in the morning - on an empty stomach, if for lunch - you can eat in the morning).
  2. Refusal to take certain groups of medications and mandatory notification of the doctor.
  3. Refusal to take an X-ray of the intestine with contrast two days before the ultrasound.
  4. Temporary cessation of bad habits.
  5. Additional measures depending on the abdominal organ being examined.

You need to start preparing in advance and it is better to learn about all the rules from your doctor.

An ultrasound of the abdomen does not yet imply the diagnosis of all organs, maybe only one - the kidneys - and then you should not torture yourself with diets, but you can eat normally, but you will have to actively drink.


Ultrasound diagnostics of the abdominal organs is an examination that requires the patient’s full commitment not only at the time of the procedure, but also before.

Ultrasound is easy to perform, but preparation is in the interests of the patient.

The uzist doesn’t care, he will give an analysis and well done, but false results will not allow the doctor to make a correct diagnosis, and the person will be treated for a non-existent disease, but the true pathology will be missed.

What needs to be done?

Whether a person prepares for an ultrasound independently at home or in a hospital does not matter. But what rules should he adhere to, what preparation will be done depending on the organ being examined, when the procedure is scheduled, how much he should not eat and what is generally allowed - all this is very important and is described in the table.

Three days before the ultrasoundThe evening beforeOn the day of the examination
Human nutritionIt is imperative to exclude from the diet foods that cause gas formation - brown bread, legumes, vegetables, pastry, fruits. Alcohol, milk, carbonated drinks and juices are prohibited.
It is allowed to eat grain porridges and low-fat meat and fish products in small quantities. Food is boiled or steamed. You can also cook dishes in the oven.
If the ultrasound is scheduled for the morning, then a light dinner is allowed no later than six in the evening, then you can only drink clean water.Breakfast is allowed only if the ultrasound is scheduled after three o'clock in the afternoon. Otherwise you will have to go hungry. You can only take water and then no later than an hour before the examination.
Medicines prohibited from takingIt is necessary to abandon all medications to avoid distortion of the examination results. You should inform your doctor about taking medications that cannot be stopped (for epilepsy, diabetes, heart disease).All medications are also prohibited, even antispasmodics.The conditions are the same.
Drugs that help with ultrasoundYou should start taking medications containing simethicone to reduce the amount of gas in the intestines (Espumizan, Bobotik, Infacol). The doctor prescribes the dosage of these medications to each patient separately.
It is allowed to take enzyme preparations if necessary (Festal, Mezim). Whether the body needs such help or not is determined by the doctor.
You need to start taking sorbents to cleanse the intestines - activated carbon, Smecta.
It is also worth starting to take a laxative - Senade, Fortrans, but not lactulose preparations, they are contraindicated as they cause bloating.
A cleansing enema in the evening will also help to completely rid the intestines of accumulated substances.
A couple of hours before the procedure, you should take a dose of activated charcoal and do a cleansing enema.
Additional recommendationsIt is worth refusing to conduct other studies, especially those using contrast agents.You should follow a daily routine and go to bed on time so that the body can rest after cleansing the intestines.You can drink water for the last time an hour before the ultrasound.
Two hours before the procedure, smoking and the use of lollipops and chewing gum are completely contraindicated. Otherwise, an ultrasound will show intestinal spasm.
If the kidneys are being examined, then within an hour (or two hours before) you need to drink half a liter of clean water and not urinate until the ultrasound; the doctor himself will ask you to void, having completed the first series of images.

Preparing children of different ages

Children are prepared for abdominal ultrasound in the same way as adults, but there are differences in nutrition.

Is it possible for children to eat before an ultrasound and when:

  • Infants should refuse the last feeding, that is, two hours before the ultrasound.
  • Children from 1 to 4 years old should not eat four hours before.
  • Over the age of four years, the last meal should be at least six hours before the abdominal examination.

What is included in an ultrasound?

An ultrasound scan looks at the condition of the abdominal organs, their location, the walls and insides.

Ultrasound includes examination:

  • liver.
  • intestines.
  • spleen.
  • stomach.
  • gallbladder.
  • organs of the reproductive system in women.
  • kidneys and urinary tract.

Which organs are checked using ultrasound depends on why it is done. The doctor gives directions depending on the patient's complaints.

With the help of ultrasound (ultrasound examination), it is possible to identify many pathologies, and often in most cases doctors prescribe it. Having received a referral for an abdominal ultrasound, the patient can be completely confident that in a short time he will be given the correct diagnosis and prescribed appropriate treatment.

But at the same time, the patient will be required to actively participate in the form of preparation for the procedure, on which the quality of the research results will depend. Preparation for an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and kidneys includes a list of certain activities that are not particularly difficult for the patient to perform.

Which organs need training?

Diagnosis using ultrasound allows a specialist to carefully examine all abdominal organs (abdominal organs) - liver, pancreas, spleen, gallbladder, circulatory and genitourinary systems. It is also possible to study the condition of the kidneys, adrenal glands and retroperitoneal space. A successful ultrasound examination can reveal many pathologies or abnormalities in the development of the above organs.

Ultrasound allows:

  • assess the condition and structure of the liver and kidneys;
  • examine the gallbladder and its ducts;
  • study the pancreas;
  • identify inflammatory processes and ascites (fluid accumulation in organs).

The procedure makes it possible to determine the presence of calculi (stones) in the ureters, bladder, kidneys, gallbladder and its ducts, and to thoroughly examine the aorta, the largest vessel in the abdominal space. For children, ultrasound is one of the fastest and most painless ways to quickly detect appendicitis, which allows you to take the necessary measures as soon as possible. Also, during the diagnostic process, violations of the integrity of organs due to injury or other damage are quite easily determined.

Gallbladder pathologies detected by ultrasound in the early stages have a favorable outcome

All of the above research opportunities provide identification of the causes of unexplained pain in the abdominal region and various dysfunctions of its organs and systems. In some cases, ultrasound is used for monitoring after taking a biopsy or for preparation for surgical operations.

Important components of preparing for an ABP examination

In order to properly prepare for an ultrasound scan of the OBP, and nothing interferes with the process, the patient should strictly adhere to all the recommendations that he will receive in the diagnostic room. These include:

  • adherence to a special diet and a certain diet;
  • correct timing, taking into account certain examinations;
  • prohibition of bad habits - drinking alcohol, smoking;
  • use of medications only as prescribed by a specialist;
  • taking into account the characteristics of organs and their appropriate preparation.

Basic diet rules for preparation

The most important rule of the diet is to differentiate which foods you can eat and which are prohibited. The diet consists of completely abstaining from food that leads to flatulence in the stomach and intestines, which will prevent a quality examination of the organs. It must be started at least 3 days before the planned study.

Authorized products include:

  • boiled or steamed lean meat - quail, beef, chicken, veal;
  • lean fish – boiled, baked, steamed;
  • hard-boiled eggs - no more than 1 per day;
  • porridge – pearl barley, oatmeal, buckwheat;
  • low-fat types of cheeses.

Products allowed in the preparatory diet

You need to eat often - every 3-4 hours, but in small portions. It is not recommended to drink food with food; you can drink unsweetened and weak tea and still water an hour before a meal or an hour after it. The volume of liquid drunk per day should not be less than 1.5 liters. Products that should be completely excluded:

  • legumes - peas, lentils, beans, beans;
  • carbonated and caffeinated drinks;
  • sweets, bakery products, black bread;
  • fermented milk products (including cottage cheese);
  • fatty meats, fish and cheeses;
  • raw vegetables and fruits.

This diet should be followed until dinner on the eve of the procedure - no later than 18-19 hours, and if the study is scheduled for the next morning, then you can no longer eat or drink. And if the examination is scheduled for the afternoon, then at 8–9 o’clock in the morning you can eat a light breakfast, so that in any case the diagnosis is carried out on an empty stomach.

Diet for children

Preparation for ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and kidneys in adults and children is in many ways similar, but still has some differences. Infants have to skip one feeding so that at least 3 hours pass before the procedure and they should not be given anything to drink for at least one hour. Older children - from 1 to 3 years old - take a break between meals, since it is easier for them not to eat for 4 hours, and this is enough to digest leftover food.

You will also have to abstain from liquids for an hour before diagnosis. From 3 to 14 years, when children already understand what is needed from them and can tolerate 6–8 hours without food and an hour without drinking, the procedure is carried out with exactly this feeding interval. Children over 3 years old already understand that research needs to be done and can refrain from eating and drinking for the necessary time.

Patients of any age will be helped to prepare for the study by drugs that reduce gas formation - “Espumizan” and its analogues: “Bobotik”, “Kuplaton”, “Infacol”. They are prescribed for 3 days before the study, taking into account the age of the subject. If these medications do not give the required effect or are poorly tolerated (in infants, colic does not go away, and in adults the feeling of bloating remains), then it is recommended to take adsorbents. These are the well-known “Smecta” and “White Coal”.

A drug that relieves flatulence is effectively used before the study

Previously, “Activated carbon” was used, but it is less effective and now, with the creation of new drugs, it has been successfully replaced by more effective drugs. They do not need to be taken within 3 days - 2 doses are enough, the evening before the procedure and in the morning 3 hours before it starts. Adult patients who do not have a history of pancreatitis can drink Mezim or Festal 3 times a day, one tablet with meals, to improve digestive processes.


The intestinal lumen filled with feces can become a significant obstacle to examination, so preparation for the procedure must be thorough. You can use the old method using an Esmarch mug and 1–1.5 liters of water at room temperature. The enema must be done in the evening no later than 16-18 hours.

After cleaning, you should take adsorbents or anti-flatulence medications - 1-2 doses. New and effective drugs that can perfectly cleanse the colon in a few hours have become an excellent alternative to the enema method. One of the most commonly used is Fortrans.

It is diluted with 1 liter of water at the rate of 1 sachet per 25 kg of a person’s weight and drunk over 1 hour, that is, if the body weight is 75 kg, then 3 liters of solution is taken in 3 hours. This cleaning should be carried out on the eve of the examination in the afternoon - from 16 to 19 hours. Preparations based on lactulose - Duphalac, Normaze, Prelaxan - should not be taken, as they can cause bloating, which will interfere with obtaining quality results.

What should you consider when preparing for OBP?

Before you begin to prepare for an ultrasound scan of the abdominal cavity, you should consult with your doctor or nurse about all possible nuances, including:

  • mandatory smoking cessation 2–3 hours before the procedure;
  • a ban on sucking candy and chewing gum;
  • consultation with a sonologist for people suffering from diabetes.

Diabetics, especially those taking insulin, should not fast for a long time, so the procedure should be carried out in the morning. It is necessary to make an interval of at least 2 days if, before the ultrasound, the patient underwent an examination using barium - radiography or irrigoscopy. All medications the patient takes regularly must be reported to the doctor in advance so that he can adjust their intake while preparing for the examination, since, for example, heart medications cannot be canceled, but antispasmodics will have to be abandoned.

A prerequisite for a kidney examination is to take one and a half liters of fluid.

Sucking on lollipops promotes swallowing air and causing flatulence, which is not recommended.

To prepare for a kidney ultrasound, you need to take at least 1.5 liters of still water or unsweetened tea, and then refrain from going to the toilet. Otherwise, preparation for an ultrasound scan of the kidneys is no different from other organs of the retroperitoneal space.

What can affect the results of the examination?

There are plenty of reasons that can negatively affect an ultrasound examination, and the patient can avoid some if they take the examination responsibly. These include:

  • spasm of the intestinal muscles due to recent smoking or endoscopy;
  • increased flatulence due to poor preparation;
  • remnants of contrast agent in the intestinal lumen;
  • excessive weight of the patient, preventing the penetration of ultrasound;
  • a large wound surface that does not allow placement of a sensor;
  • increased patient activity during the examination.

The patient cannot influence some factors, but he can easily take care of excluding others. Therefore, it is better to immediately tune in and properly prepare for an ultrasound so as not to waste time and money on repeated diagnostics.

The minimum period for which the patient is prescribed a diet in order to prepare for the examination of the abdominal organs is 3 days. If you manage to start a slag-free diet earlier, this will only improve the result and make the work of the diagnostician easier. The purpose of nutrition is to reduce gas formation. These are priority measures; in second place is reducing the amount of toxins, normalizing peristalsis and cleansing the intestines with the help of medical means.

  1. any legumes;
  2. all carbonated drinks;
  3. black breads;
  4. dairy products;
  5. fresh baked goods, confectionery;
  6. raw vegetables and fruits;
  7. fatty varieties of meat and fish products;
  8. alcoholic drinks;
  9. strong drinks such as tea and coffee.

Ultrasound of the abdominal organs is performed only on an empty stomach, so the last meal before the morning examination should be the evening before. If the procedure is scheduled in the afternoon, a light breakfast of approved dishes and products is allowed.

Dietary food may consist of:

  1. boiled lean meat (beef, veal, quail, chicken);
  2. lean fish. It is allowed to bake, boil, steam;
  3. hard-boiled chicken eggs. You can have one egg a day;
  4. from cereals: pearl barley, oatmeal and buckwheat; in the form of porridges;
  5. hard cheeses, not fatty.

In addition to the list of products, the patient is given recommendations to normalize his food intake: fractionally, in small portions approximately every 3 hours. Food should not be washed down immediately, so as not to disrupt its digestion and not contribute to the formation of toxins and gases. As for drinks, the diet allows sweet, weak tea and still water, which is drunk an hour before a meal or half an hour after a meal. The patient follows a drinking regime - at least 1.5 liters of water per day. Other drinks (tea) are not included in this volume.

The preparation of children of different ages differs.

  1. For babies under one year old, it is enough to skip one feeding before an ultrasound of the abdominal organs, this is approximately 3 hours before the examination. Drinking is prohibited one hour before the examination.
  2. Children from one to three years old can endure a four-hour fast and stop drinking an hour before the ultrasound.
  3. Children over 3 years of age fast for at least 6 to 8 hours before an abdominal ultrasound. Stop drinking liquids an hour before visiting the ultrasound room.

Using bowel preparation medications.

  1. Preparation is impossible without the use of medications that relieve symptoms of flatulence. The most commonly used drug that can be used by adults and children is Espumisan. In pediatric practice, “Bobotik”, “Infacol”, “Kuplaton” are allowed. Dosages according to age, course of administration - 3 days before the start of the study.
  2. If drugs containing simethicone (listed above) do not provide a full effect, or there are contraindications to them, it is advisable to use sorbents. This is “Smecta”, activated carbon, “white coal”. These medications need to be taken the night before and again 3 hours before the test. Activated carbon can only be taken by adults.
  3. To ensure that food components are completely digested and do not cause a fermentation process with the formation of gases, preparation can be supplemented by the administration of enzyme preparations such as Festal and Mezima, but only for adults, if there is no history of pancreatitis.

Contraindications to ultrasound

The patient can undergo an ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity on his own initiative, or he can be directed by a doctor without fail for health reasons.

The main indications for prescribing UBP (ultrasound of the abdominal cavity) are the following symptoms:

  • pain in any area of ​​the abdomen;
  • abdominal injuries;
  • intense gas formation;
  • pregnancy;
  • heaviness in the epigastric (epigastric) region;
  • indicators of laboratory tests that do not meet the standards;
  • chronic constipation (constipation) or diarrhea (diarrhea);
  • causeless weight loss.

The doctor can give a referral for testing if oncological processes are suspected, as well as to monitor the treatment of a previously diagnosed disease. You must register for the procedure in advance, since the examination requires preparatory measures. The exception is in emergency cases, for example, after an accident or when the patient is taken to the hospital with acute pain.

Ultrasound examination has no absolute contraindications. Relative (relative) are performing fluoroscopy of the gastrointestinal tract with a contrast agent less than two days before the ultrasound, and laparoscopy less than 4 days before the ultrasound.

Ultrasound diagnostics of a woman’s abdominal cavity is an opportunity not only to learn about the health of the digestive and urinary systems. During the procedure, problems with the reproductive system can be identified, which is a definite plus. Detected deviations will allow you to contact a gynecologist in time and prevent complications associated with women's health. If a doctor has prescribed a UBP for a woman, the examination cannot be ignored.

Interpretation of results: indicators are normal


Sign by ultrasound

Fatty liver
  • Increased echostructure of the liver (frequent and large echoes)
  • Increase in organ size
  • Increase in more than 45° of the lower angle of the left lobe of the liver
  • Non-visualizing nuchal vein
Cirrhosis of the liver Direct signs:
  • Increase in organ size
  • Strengthening the echo structure (frequent and large echoes)
  • Uneven contours
  • Rounded lower edge of the liver
  • Decreased elasticity
  • Reduced sound conductivity
Indirect signs:
  • Dilatation of the portal vein more than 15 mm
  • Dilatation of the splenic vein more than 10 mm
  • Enlarged spleen
  • Ascites (echo-negative structure)
Congestive liver circulatory failure
  • Increased liver size
  • Rounding the edges of the liver
  • Dilated inferior vena cava
  • Branching at an angle of about 90 hepatic veins
  • No narrowing of the inferior vena cava during breathing
Focal liver pathologies: Cysts, abscess, area of ​​tumor necrotization, hematoma An area devoid of echostructure
Cancer metastases (poorly differentiated), hepatocellular cancer, malignant lymphoma, sarcoma, adenoma, hemangioma, hematoma, abscess Area with reduced echostructure
Metastases of cancer (highly differentiated), adenoma, hepatoma, hemangioma, scars, foci of calcification Area with enhanced echo structure
Malignant liver tumor Strengthening the echostructure in the center of the area and decreasing the echostructure along the edge of the space-occupying formation
Acute cholecystitis
  • Thickening of the gallbladder wall by 4 mm or more
  • Reduction of echostructure along the internal contour
  • Blurred internal and external contours
Chronic cholecystitis
  • Thickening and compaction of the organ wall (increased echostructure)
  • Clear contours
  • Changing the shape of the gallbladder
Cholelithiasis Direct signs:
  • Enhanced echo in the lumen of the bladder
  • Echo-negative structure of bile
  • Displacement of stones when changing position
  • Shadow path around a conglomerate more than 4 mm in diameter
Indirect signs:
  • Thickening of the bladder wall
  • Contour unevenness
  • Increase in organ size: more than 5 cm transverse size, more than 10 cm length
  • Dilation of the duct proximal to the site of small stone obstruction
Acute pancreatitis Significant reduction in echostructure
Chronic pancreatitis
  • Strengthening the echo structure
  • Contour unevenness
Pancreatic tumor
  • Strengthening and heterogeneity of echo structure
  • Contour unevenness
  • Segmental increase in organ size

Ultrasound examination determines the size and shape of internal organs. They must correspond to the anatomical indicators of the norm. Any deviation indicates pathological changes in the body.

Among other indicators during ultrasound, the following standards are distinguished:

  • Smooth contours of organs. In diseases, their indistinctness and blurriness are observed.
  • The echo structure should be homogeneous (homogeneous echo structure). The pathological process occurring in the organ is indicated by granularity - heterogeneity of the echostructure.
  • Normally, there is no space-occupying formation or calculus. If such structures are observed during decoding, they also indicate possible diseases.

Normal liver parameters are:

  • The size of the left lobe is 7 cm
  • Right – 12.5 cm
  • Caudate – 3.5 cm

For the gallbladder, the following indicators are normal:

  • Size 6 to 10
  • Volume – from 30 to 70 cubic millimeters
  • Shape – pear-shaped
  • Wall thickness – no higher than 0.4 cm

Pancreas indicators are normal:

  • Organ body – 2.5 cm
  • Head – 3.5 cm
  • Caudal part – 3 cm

The normal size of the spleen is 5 cm by 11 cm.

Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity is an effective diagnosis, with which you can identify pathology at the first stage and begin treatment

If the ultrasound result shows an increase in the volume of the liver, then hepatitis may be a possible pathology. A decrease in size indicates cirrhosis. If there are fatty cysts in the liver, the diagnosis is fatty degeneration. Weak echoes or diffuse enhancement indicate mainly hepatitis or cirrhosis.

When dilatation of the hepatic vessels is observed during decoding, these changes indicate damage to the veins by tuberculosis. When neoplasms are detected, additional research methods are prescribed in order to more accurately formulate a diagnosis. Changes in contours are observed as a result of inflammation of the organ. Fine-grained parenchyma indicates the initial stage of development of cirrhosis or viral hepatitis.

Possible diseases with an increase in organ volume during ultrasound are:

  • Cirrhosis
  • Liver calcifications
  • Cyst
  • Hepatitis
  • Hepatocellular carcinoma
  • Steatosis
  • Hemangioma
  • Gallbladder

Using ultrasound, you can determine the following organ diseases:

  • Cholesterosis
  • Cholelithiasis
  • Cholecystitis
  • Cancer formation

An increase in the size of the gallbladder indicates stagnation of bile processes, which can occur as a result of dyskinesia of the tract or the presence of stones. This can also change the shape of the organ. The walls of the organ become thicker during inflammatory diseases.

Conventionally, the abdominal cavity can be anatomically divided into three sections: upper, middle, lower. A full or partial examination may be carried out as prescribed by the doctor. A complete abdominal ultrasound includes:

  • upper section: liver, spleen, stomach, pancreas, gall bladder;
  • middle section: intestine (large and small), duodenum;
  • lower section: ureter, adrenal glands, kidneys, bladder.

The examination is carried out according to a special UBP protocol, which defines what is included in the ultrasound. First of all, the liver is examined: the size of the organ (length, width, thickness, oblique vertical and craniocaudal size), the structure and outlines (contours) of the hepatic lobes, echogenicity or conductivity (conductive and reflective property in relation to ultrasound waves during diagnosis).

The stomach is examined for the presence of tumors. The gallbladder and ducts look at the presence of stones (stones) and patency of the ducts. In the pancreas, the condition of the lobes is assessed, as well as possible inflammation (pancreatitis). Spleen:

  • size;
  • location;
  • state of the structure;
  • conductivity (echogenicity).

The large intestine is examined, most often, for patency and the presence of polyps. Kidneys:

  • size parameters;
  • arrangement of organs in relation to each other;
  • localization in the abdominal cavity;
  • contours;
  • presence of stones.

It is more convenient to look at the kidneys with the patient lying on his side

Bladder: size, shape, condition and density of the walls. In addition, the condition of the aorta, blood vessels, as well as the size of the lymph nodes is necessarily assessed. Features of ultrasound diagnostics of the abdominal cavity in women are that, in addition to the listed organs, the female reproductive system is visualized on the monitor. The doctor evaluates the condition of the ovaries, uterus, and fallopian tubes.

Women should be especially attentive to the examination, since if they complain of intestinal problems, ultrasound diagnostics can reveal diseases associated with the internal genital organs.

The results, which are reflected in the protocol, are compared with standard indicators. The table shows the normal sizes of some internal organs in centimeters.


Left lobe: thickness – 7, height – 10;

right lobe: thickness – 13, length. - 5;

vertical oblique size – maximum – 15;

homogeneous structure (homogeneous);

clear outlines


Body – 2.5;

head – 3.5;

tail – 3;

smooth outlines;

uniform conductivity;

absence of neoplasms


By length – 6-10;

width – 3-5;

no more than 7 in diameter;

wall thickness – no more than 4;

smooth edges;

volume – from 30 to 70 cm²


Width – 5;

by length - 10;

longitudinal section over area from 40-50 cm²


By length – 10-12;

in width – 5-6;

thickness – 4-5


This is a necessary component in order to qualitatively prepare for an ultrasound of the abdominal organs. Bowel cleansing is carried out on the eve of the examination day between 16-18 pm. Preparation involves an enema, which is done using an Esmarch mug, the volume of water is 1–1.5 liters. The water should not be warm, as this promotes the absorption of toxins from the intestines. It is optimal to use cool, unboiled water.

There is an alternative to a cleansing enema - these are laxatives.

  1. Senade. Take 1 tablet before bedtime. It is not advisable to increase the dose, as this may cause increased gas formation.
  2. Fortrans. Sold in bags for a weight of 20 kg, only for persons over 14 years of age. On average, you will need from 3 to 4 sachets, which should be dissolved in one liter of water and drunk within 3 hours. Preferred time is from 16 to 19 pm.
  3. Microclysters. These are Microlax and Norgalax.

Preparation may not be possible with some drugs. There are medications based on the use of lactulose. They are also aimed at ensuring easy bowel movements, but despite this, they cannot be taken for preparation, as they cause increased gas formation.

Nuances before ultrasound:

  1. Avoid smoking 2 hours before the procedure;
  2. do not eat candy or chew chewing gum;
  3. People suffering from diabetes should not starve! To do this, you should agree in advance with the doctor conducting or prescribing the study so that he reschedules the procedure for the morning.
  4. If you have had an x-ray examination using barium or other x-ray contrast agents in the last 2 days, warn the diagnostician about this before the examination.
  5. It is advisable to discontinue antispasmodic drugs if you are constantly taking them, after consulting with your doctor. These include: Papaverine, No-shpa, Spazmalgon, Papazol, Dibazol.

Scanning and studying the performance of the abdominal organs and kidneys involves preliminary cleansing of the body. On the eve of diagnosis, it is important to empty the intestines: get rid of feces and gas bubbles. In order to cleanse the digestive tract as much as possible, it is recommended to give an enema. For this, use an Esmarch mug with 1-1.5 liters of cool water no later than 18:00 in the evening (if the procedure is scheduled for the morning).

For patients who are unable to do an enema, fast-acting laxatives can be used: Microlax, Glycerin suppositories - in the morning before the procedure or Senade, Fortrans - the night before.

Preparing for an abdominal ultrasound: what you can eat and drink before the study, rules and diet

Ultrasound examination is a harmless, patient-friendly diagnosis of the abdominal organs. Internal organs are monitored using ultrasound diagnostics for adults, children, and girls expecting a child. Specific research results require careful preparation. What it consists of depends on the organ being studied.

Ultrasound is a new, reliable research method. The procedure is recommended for routine examination, suspected pathology. The technique allows you to determine diseases of the stomach, identify pathologies of the pancreas, spleen, abdominal region, duodenum, liver, kidneys, and view the entire body.

Ultrasound examination is indicated in the following cases:

  • Suspicion of changes in organs detected by palpation;
  • Abdominal injuries;
  • Regular nausea, flatulence;
  • Suspicion of tumors;
  • Routine examination of organs;
  • Preparation before surgery.

If the attending physician has prescribed an examination of the abdominal organs using ultrasound scanning, comprehensive measures to prepare for the procedure are required.

Before an ultrasound, you need to properly prepare for an authentic result. The doctor will not see the reason for the patient’s poor health when there are large accumulations of gases in the intestines due to the inability of the rays to overcome unnecessary barriers.

Most abdominal organs are examined on an empty stomach.

Preparation should begin 3-4 days before the examination.

At the first stage, you need to properly organize your diet, create a sample menu for yourself, cleanse the intestines, and collect the necessary documents.

You need to tell your doctor about any illnesses or medications you are taking. Chronic pathologies change the preparation algorithm. This concludes the preparation for the abdominal examination.

Nutrition before ultrasound

In adults, preparation takes place in combination with a strict diet and mechanical or medicinal cleansing of the body. The patient must adjust his diet 3-4 days before the ultrasound. An important point is the reduction of gases in the digestive organs.

It is better to eat food often in small quantities. Food should not be washed down. You should drink weak tea or clean warm water after finishing your meal. The recommended volume of fluid per day is 1.5 liters.

It is allowed to eat grain porridges: buckwheat, oatmeal with water. Flaxseed porridge is allowed. Lean poultry and veal are recommended. Fish with no more than 4% fat content can be safely consumed. You can eat a hard-boiled egg. Soups made from lean meat broth with the addition of cereals can be eaten as a first course. Compotes and natural juices of low concentration are allowed.

Espumisan, Smecta, Activated carbon will help cope with gas formation in an adult patient after eating. Bobotik will help the children.

Restrictions are placed on popular foods, but there are many alternative diet options.

Doctors advise not to eat pork and fatty meats, which take a long time to digest due to excess fat. Bakery products and baked goods made with yeast should be excluded from the diet. Unprocessed vegetables and fruits are gas-forming foods; doctors advise not to eat them.

Drinks that are contraindicated include alcohol, coffee, strong tea, and carbonated water. It is not recommended to drink whole milk; it can cause fermentation in the stomach. Before the procedure, the consumption of sausages and sausage products, pates is prohibited. All types of nuts and mushrooms are prohibited.

Preparing for an ultrasound in a child is different than in an adult. Newborns and children up to one year old can skip feeding approximately 3 hours before the study. Limit fluid intake one hour before the ultrasound.

A child from one to three years old needs to take his last meal 4-5 hours before and liquids within an hour. Children over three years old must take an eight-hour break from eating before the examination.


Cleansing the intestines is the most important stage of preparation for the procedure. It is carried out the day before the diagnosis. An enema filled with one and a half liters of cool, unboiled water is used. When mechanical cleansing of the intestines is completed, you need to use sorbents.

When preparing, instead of an enema, it is permissible to do a microenema - Microlax. A drug based on natural ingredients will be a good alternative to the usual method of cleansing the intestines. Effective in 5-15 minutes. You can do a microenema an hour or two before the test.

You should not go for diagnostics empty-handed - collect the necessary package of documents. Take a referral for a study with the seal of a medical institution, the signature of a doctor. In the case of a paid examination - an agreement with the medical center, a receipt for payment. A passport may be required. Be sure to bring a medical insurance card.

It is better to provide the doctor with the results of the previous study and the results of tests that will need to be taken in advance. Additional information will help the doctor pay close attention to important points.

Some medical centers do not provide disposable diapers or shoe covers, so take them with you.

Most doctors conduct a comprehensive examination of the abdominal organs. Sometimes special attention should be paid to a specific organ, since the disease can worsen the patient’s well-being. In this case, the preparatory activities are different.

An examination of the bladder allows us to identify various pathologies of the organ that worsen the patient’s quality of life.

You need to carefully prepare for an organ examination. The authenticity of the result depends on this process. By the beginning of the procedure, the bladder is filled, which helps determine its shape, contours and wall thickness.

To fill the organ, you need to drink 1.5 liters of liquid in the form of tea, compote, or clean water 2 hours before the examination. In this case, you should not empty your bladder.

If the patient experiences pain in the lower back, this may indicate complications in the kidneys. If kidney pathology is suspected, the doctor pays special attention during the examination to the patient’s specified organ.

The examination of the adrenal glands and kidneys is carried out on an empty stomach and in an empty intestine. The absence of problems with stool allows you to avoid additional stimulation, and morning bowel movements are sufficient. For constipation, it is better to use a laxative.

When diagnosing the pancreas, the size and contours of the organ are assessed, and benign and malignant formations are visualized. You need to carefully prepare for the examination of the pancreas.

Three days before the study, the patient needs to refuse foods high in protein. A protein-free diet includes eating bran, vegetarian soups, vegetables, fruits, and berries. Alcohol should not be consumed during the preparatory period.

On the day of the procedure, laxatives are taken on an empty stomach. Smoking is prohibited before the examination. People with regular gas formation need to take activated charcoal.

Ultrasound of the liver

An ultrasound method for examining the liver helps visualize pathological processes in the organ at an early stage. The final result depends on the preparation for the examination of the organ.

You can prepare for a liver ultrasound by following the recommendations for diagnosing the abdominal organs.

For overweight people - cleansing the body with an enema or taking laxatives. Cleaning with sorbent is acceptable.

In women, when examining the abdominal organs, the uterus and appendages are visible. A woman needs to prepare for this type of diagnosis in advance.

As in other cases, the usual rules of nutrition should be adjusted and aimed at cleansing the body. The examination itself is done on an empty stomach.

Before an ultrasound of the uterus, it is necessary to fill the bladder for better visualization of the organs, drinking a liter of liquid an hour before the procedure, or not emptying the bladder for 2-3 hours.

Disadvantages of the method

Ultrasound reveals many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system. However, the diagnosis is not perfect. Some serious pathologies are detected using alternative, more informative methods of research. Ultrasound requires preparation in advance, otherwise a number of factors may distort ultrasound data. Distorts the readings:

  • Abdominal obesity;
  • Energetic movements of the patient during diagnosis;
  • Bloating;
  • Damage to the skin in the peritoneal area.

It is recommended to eat properly on the eve of an ultrasound, monitoring the quantity and quality of food consumed. In this case, the research results will be reliable. The attending physician will tell you about the nuances during the diagnosis. The doctor will give you a referral for an ultrasound scan, detailed recommendations on how to properly prepare for the procedure and what medications and pills you need to take.

Ultrasound examination is a safe and comfortable diagnostic method for the patient. The examination should be carried out at least once a year for preventive purposes. The procedure can be completed in private research centers and in the clinic to which the patient is assigned. The proper level of preparation will provide a reliable result and allow an accurate diagnosis to be made.

The final results of the study will be greatly distorted if the woman did not prepare for the procedure, or the preparation was carried out incorrectly. The main preparation is to change your diet a few days before the procedure. In addition, for the most accurate results, you must take certain medications.

Is it possible to drink water before an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and kidneys?

Preparation for an abdominal ultrasound should begin three days in advance. Eating behavior needs to be changed as follows. Eliminate foods that cause intense gas formation from the menu:

  • all types of cabbage;
  • beans, lentils, peas and other legumes, and dishes made from them;
  • products containing lactose, in particular fresh milk;
  • pastries from butter dough and black bread;
  • vegetables and fruits such as pears, apples, grapes, radishes, radishes, cucumbers, tomatoes;
  • sweets;
  • soda and kvass.

It is not recommended to eat fatty fish and meat. Alcoholic drinks are strictly prohibited. You should eat food every 3-4 hours, in portions of no more than 350 g. Cooking food by cooking by frying is excluded. If the study is done in the morning, you should have dinner before 19:00. Dinner should consist of light dietary foods. You cannot have breakfast on the day of the procedure.

Products that cause intense gas formation should be excluded. Gases remaining in the intestines at the time of examination distort the objective picture of the organs

Drinking regime

Analysis of the results obtained

Decoding of information concerns all organs located in the abdominal cavity: liver, spleen, gallbladder, bile ducts, pancreas, hollow organs (stomach, intestines), lymph nodes.

The decoding shows the size of the organs, the presence of pathological foci, stones, changes in their echo density, contours, shape; for hollow organs such as the gallbladder, the volume and presence of stones, sand, and sediment are important. Intestinal loops and the stomach cavity are examined for “organ damage.” There should be no accumulation of fluid in these anatomical structures.

When examining lymph nodes, pay attention to their visualization, since ultrasound does not normally show them. If the diagnostician sees them, this may be evidence of an infectious or neoplastic disease (tumor).

Diet before an ultrasound of the abdominal organs: list of products, preparation - MEDSI

Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) is one of the safest, painless and popular diagnostic methods. Using this examination method, you can obtain a reliable diagnosis and prescribe treatment in a timely manner.

To obtain the best visibility of the abdominal organs (kidneys, gallbladder, liver, pancreas), it is necessary that during the ultrasound there is no bloating of the intestines and stomach, because the presence of gases will interfere with the sound signal of the device and, based on the results of the examination, an unreliable clinical picture will be recorded.

An important step in preparing for an ultrasound of the abdominal organs is the use of foods that prevent gas formation. The main idea of ​​the diet is to eat light foods.

During the day, you need to have frequent meals in the range of 3-4 hours in small portions no larger than your fist.

An hour before and an hour after a meal, you can drink weak tea without sugar or still water, but the main thing is not to drink while eating. During the day you need to drink one and a half liters of any liquid, preferably plain water without gas.

  • beef;
  • chicken or turkey meat;
  • low-fat fish;
  • soft-boiled or hard-boiled chicken egg (only one per day);
  • oatmeal (buckwheat) porridge, cooked in water without butter;
  • low-fat hard cheeses.

It is preferable to use steamed or boiled cooking methods.

During preparation, it is necessary to exclude spicy, fried and smoked foods from the diet. Below is a list of foods that contribute to intestinal gas:

  • peas and other legumes;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • dairy products;
  • sweets and bakery products;
  • black and rye bread;
  • milk;
  • raw vegetables and fruits;
  • coffee and other caffeinated drinks;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • fish and meat are fatty varieties.

The described diet must be followed for all three days until the evening before an ultrasound of the abdominal organs, if the examination is scheduled for the morning. It is necessary to eat light foods on this day; you cannot go completely hungry the day before the procedure. If the reception hours are after 15:00 the next day, a small amount of light food is allowed at 8-10 am.

On the day of the study

An ultrasound of the abdominal organs is performed on an empty stomach. You can drink it in the morning if you are planning a bladder ultrasound. In other cases, it is better to avoid drinking water.

In case of preparation for an ultrasound of the gallbladder, the doctor may prescribe you to eat sour cream on an empty stomach in the morning or drink a few tablespoons of vegetable oil. If you experience flatulence in the morning, it is recommended to do a cleansing enema.

  • For children under 15 years of age, a special diet may be excluded for three days before the procedure.
  • Infants up to one year old
  • One feeding is allowed before the procedure;
  • Avoid drinking water an hour before the examination.
  • Children under 3 years old
  • Eating is not allowed 4 hours before the test,
  • You should not drink water or other liquids an hour before the procedure.
  • Children from 3 to 14 years old
  • No food intake 6-8 hours before the ultrasound;
  • Do not drink liquid for at least an hour.

The ultrasound is performed with the patient lying horizontally on her back. During the procedure, the patient changes position, turning over on his side for a better view of the organs. The transducer and the abdominal cavity are coated with a medical gel that conducts ultrasound waves. The doctor moves the sensor over the patient’s body, the waves easily penetrate inside, and the reflected signals are projected onto the monitor.

The woman does not experience any unpleasant or painful sensations. Discomfort can only occur if the patient feels acute pain at the time of the study. The time range for the examination depends on whether the doctor ordered a full or partial ultrasound, as well as the presence or absence of pathological abnormalities. On average, the time ranges from a quarter of an hour to 45 minutes.

A protocol with the final results is given to the patient. The final diagnosis is made by the doctor who referred the woman for an ultrasound. If an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity shows that there are pathologies of an unclear nature, additional examinations may be prescribed using a computer or magnetic resonance imaging scanner (CT, MRI).

Sample protocol to be completed based on diagnostic results

Preparing for an abdominal ultrasound - detailed recommendations

If you are scheduled for an abdominal ultrasound, preparation is no less important than the examination itself, because this directly affects the information content of the procedure.

3 days before the ultrasound:

The evening before the ultrasound:

Day of ultrasound:

Eating a small amount of food every 3-4 hours, about 4-5 times a day. Fluid intake is about one and a half liters daily.
A light dinner is allowed and must be eaten before 20.00. If the study is carried out in the morning, breakfast is excluded.
Products that increase gas formation are completely excluded from the diet: brown bread, baked goods, fruits and vegetables, fatty meat and fish, alcohol, soda, milk, juices, legumes, etc. Meat and fish products, even dietary ones, should not be included in dinner. If the study is scheduled after 15:00, a light breakfast is allowed and should be eaten before 11:00.
  • Allowed products: grain porridges (buckwheat, flaxseed, water-based oats, barley), lean poultry, beef, lean fish, lean cheese, soft-boiled egg (1 per day).
  • Methods of preparing permitted products: boiling, baking, steaming.
  • 1 day before the study, the doctor may prescribe 3 times a day 2 capsules (or 2 teaspoons) of simethicone, analogues of Espumisan, Disflatil, Meteospasmil.
2 hours before the ultrasound, take 5 - 10 tablets of activated carbon or simethicone (2 capsules or 2 teaspoons of emulsion)
Adsorbents may be prescribed if the patient has a tendency to flatulence: activated carbon, enterosgel, espumisan, etc. If laxatives are poorly tolerated, it is recommended to insert a Besacodyl suppository into the rectum (see suppositories for constipation). If you are prone to flatulence, a cleansing enema may be prescribed in the morning, before the procedure.
Enzyme preparations can be prescribed to improve digestion and prevent gas formation: mezim, festal, pancreatin, creon, etc. If laxatives are ineffective, a cleansing enema is prescribed 12 hours before the ultrasound. Before an ultrasound, you should not chew gum, suck on lollipops, smoke, or take antispasmodics.
  • Infants under 1 year of age are recommended not to feed for 2-4 hours and not to drink for about 1 hour before the ultrasound.
  • Children 1-3 years old - do not feed for 4 hours and do not drink 1 hour before the ultrasound,
  • Children over 3 years old - preparation before an ultrasound is more strict; you cannot eat for about 6-8 hours and drink liquid 1 hour before the examination.

Most common diagnoses

Among the most common diagnoses identified by UBP are the following:

  • neoplasms of a malignant or benign nature;
  • death of the spleen (heart attack);
  • inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis);
  • protrusion of the intestinal wall;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • biliary dyskinesia;
  • the presence of stones in the kidneys, gall bladder and bile ducts;
  • inflammation of the female genital organs;
  • inflammatory processes in any organ of the digestive system;
  • purulent formations (abscesses);
  • liver and kidney cysts;
  • cholecystitis and cholecystopancreatitis;
  • appendicitis;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • through defects of organs (perforation).

Modern equipment allows us to conduct research with 100% reliability.

What is included in the examination - the organs examined and ultrasound capabilities

  • After fluoroscopy of the gastrointestinal tract using contrast (irrigoscopy, gastrography).
  • After endoscopy of the gastrointestinal tract (fibrogastroduodenoscopy, colonoscopy).
  • After laparoscopy and pneumoperitoneum.

In the first and second cases, a delay of 2 days is made, in the last - 3-5 days. Preparation for abdominal ultrasound in these cases is the same as described above.

Ultrasound of the PD, as a rule, includes a mandatory examination of the gallbladder, liver, retroperitoneum, spleen, pancreas and blood vessels. The remaining organs are optional for examination and are examined according to indications.

The standard study protocol includes:

  • determining the location and size of organs
  • study of organ structure
  • determination of free fluid in the abdominal space (more precisely, confirmation of its absence)
  • exclusion of formations, cysts, stones, etc.
  • Liver . Inspected first. Hepatosis, cirrhosis, cysts, and tumors can be diagnosed.
  • Gallbladder and ducts. The patency of the ducts, the presence of polyps, gallstones, and the condition of the organ wall are assessed.
  • Stomach . Inspected at the time of exclusion of formations.
  • Pancreas. Where possible, all shares are valued. Pancreatitis, tumor and pancreatic necrosis may be detected.
  • Spleen. The structure, location and size of the organ are assessed. Neoplasms, cysts, and inflammations are excluded.
  • Intestines. Most often, only the large intestine is examined. If formations and polyps are detected, the patient is sent for a narrow examination.
  • Kidneys. Localization and relative position, dimensions are assessed. Inflammatory changes, conglomerates, tumors and cysts may be detected.
  • Bladder. The shape, size, condition of the walls, and contents are assessed.
  • Vessels. The abdominal aorta and large vessels feeding the organs must be assessed. Blood flow and the condition of the vascular wall are determined.
  • The lymph nodes. Their size is assessed (an increase is typical for oncological pathology).
  • The uterus in women and the prostate gland in men. These organs are located in the pelvis, however, they can be examined. Tumors and inflammatory processes can be detected.

Before you begin to prepare for an ultrasound scan of the abdominal cavity, you should consult with your doctor or nurse about all possible nuances, including:

  • mandatory smoking cessation 2–3 hours before the procedure;
  • a ban on sucking candy and chewing gum;
  • consultation with a sonologist for people suffering from diabetes.

Diabetics, especially those taking insulin, should not fast for a long time, so the procedure should be carried out in the morning. It is necessary to make an interval of at least 2 days if, before the ultrasound, the patient underwent an examination using barium - radiography or irrigoscopy. All medications the patient takes regularly must be reported to the doctor in advance so that he can adjust their intake while preparing for the examination, since, for example, heart medications cannot be canceled, but antispasmodics will have to be abandoned.

A prerequisite for a kidney examination is to take one and a half liters of fluid.

Sucking on lollipops promotes swallowing air and causing flatulence, which is not recommended.

To prepare for a kidney ultrasound, you need to take at least 1.5 liters of still water or unsweetened tea, and then refrain from going to the toilet. Otherwise, preparation for an ultrasound scan of the kidneys is no different from other organs of the retroperitoneal space.

Description of the procedure

How is an abdominal ultrasound done? The procedure itself takes on average 15-20 minutes. An ultrasound is performed by an ultrasound specialist, who is assisted by a nurse, filling out a research protocol. There are no painful or uncomfortable sensations during the procedure. A special conductive gel is applied to the contact sensor.

The examination is carried out in a supine position; if necessary, the doctor may ask you to turn over on your side and hold your breath for a few seconds. Using a sensor connected to the monitor of an ultrasound machine, the doctor moves along the skin of the anterior abdominal wall, moving down and to the sides. During the procedure, the doctor will name numbers and medical terms that the nurse will enter into the protocol. Immediately after the ultrasound, you can eat and lead a normal lifestyle without restrictions.

Features of abdominal ultrasound in children

Ultrasound in infants is of particular interest, since in children one year and older, ultrasound is virtually no different from that in adults. Young children are referred for an abdominal ultrasound if:

  • the presence of congenital pathologies;
  • abdominal injuries;
  • abdominal pain and fever of unknown origin;
  • routine screening, which is mandatory during the neonatal period.

Ultrasound allows you to assess the condition of the digestive and excretory systems, namely: liver, bladder and ureters, kidneys, gall bladder, pancreas, stomach, intestines. The retroperitoneal space, adrenal glands, arteries, veins and nerve plexuses must be examined.

The procedure is carried out according to the same principle as the examination of an adult, but in the presence of one of the parents, who helps to hold the baby.

This study is necessary to exclude (or confirm) congenital pathologies, confirm the normal condition and functioning of organs according to age standards.

Ultrasound can reveal:

  • congenital organ pathologies
  • tumors, cysts and polyps of organs
  • reactive pancreatitis
  • kinks and constrictions of the gallbladder
  • hyperplasia, liver cirrhosis and hepatitis
  • enlarged spleen
  • enlargement of regional lymph nodes
  • blood flow disorders

Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity - how to evaluate the results of the study

As a rule, at the end of the study, the ultrasound doctor provides a short summary that is understandable to the patient, which may sound like “You are doing well” - the most expected and reassuring phrase. But there may be another conclusion, for example: “You need to see a gastroenterologist (urologist, etc.) for consultation.” But this should not be scary; any, even the most serious, pathologies can be treated, the main thing is not to delay it.

A research protocol is issued, which contains standard columns describing each organ, as well as a doctor’s conclusion. The conclusion indicates all identified pathologies or suspicions of them. If the patient is healthy, the conclusion will sound something like this: The abdominal organs are unremarkable.

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Modern ultrasound examination is a simple procedure that allows you to assess the health of the patient’s internal organs, determine their size, identify tumors and determine other important aspects. In order for the doctor to qualitatively examine the vessels and organs located in the examined space, it is first necessary to prepare for the procedure. Proper preparation for ultrasound of the abdominal organs guarantees the reliability of the diagnosis. Every time you suspect any disease, you should undergo this type of examination of the body.

How to prepare for an ultrasound of the abdomen and kidneys

If a person needs to undergo an ultrasound, a mandatory step is comprehensive preparation for the procedure. The doctor will not be able to accurately determine the cause of the deterioration in your health if, during an examination of the abdominal cavity, there are gases or large accumulations of air in the intestines. In this case, the beam of the device simply will not be able to penetrate to the required depth, so it is extremely important to follow a diet and cleanse the intestines before diagnosis. Below are specific tips on how to prepare for an abdominal ultrasound.


It is recommended to start preparing for the examination of the peritoneum 3-4 days in advance, but it is better to change your diet earlier. A diet before an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity is mandatory to reduce the volume of gases formed in the intestines. Only in this way will the doctor be able to examine the patient’s internal organs in detail. What can you eat before an abdominal ultrasound:

  • dietary meat, boiled or baked;
  • egg;
  • lean fish (boiled, steamed);
  • porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat, barley);
  • hard low-fat cheese.

Doctors' recommendation is to eat often, but in small portions. It is good if the patient’s daily diet includes 4-6 meals. Drinking liquid is not allowed during meals and immediately after them. Patients can consume still water and unsweetened tea before and an hour after eating the main meal. It is necessary to drink liquid in a minimum volume of 1.5-2 liters per day. This diet is followed until the evening before the ultrasound (if the examination will be carried out in the morning). Even girls with early pregnancy should adhere to it. The study takes place on an empty stomach.

  • carbonated drinks, alcohol;
  • sweets, including baked goods;
  • bakery products;
  • legumes;
  • raw fruits, vegetables;
  • dairy products;
  • drinks containing caffeine;
  • fatty fish and meat.


A mandatory step in preparation for examining the peritoneal organs is bowel cleansing. It is carried out the evening before the examination (no later than 18:00). For this, an Esmarch bowl filled with one and a half liters of raw cool water is used. After mechanical cleansing of the intestines, sorbent preparations such as activated carbon, etc. are taken. An alternative to an enema is taking laxatives and laxative teas to prepare for an ultrasound of the abdominal organs.

Taking medications

Patients can take the following drugs before examining the peritoneum: Espumisan, Infacol, Kuplaton, Bobotik. They are drunk before the examination for three days, and the dosage is calculated depending on the age of the patient. If such simethicone preparations are poorly tolerated or do not show the expected effect, use sorbents (Smecta, Sorbex). The evening before and in the morning before the ultrasound, you should take an age-specific dose of the drug.

Additional features of preparation for the study

  • Smoking is prohibited for at least 2-3 hours before the test.
  • You should not chew gum or suck on hard candy before the procedure.
  • Diabetics should not be hungry for a long time, so you should warn your doctor about this in advance.
  • If you have undergone radiography or irrigoscopy, at least 2 days must pass after the procedures.
  • Tell your doctor if you are taking antispasmodics, for example, No-shpu, Papaverine, etc.
  • Is it possible to drink water before an abdominal ultrasound? If you are having an ultrasound examination of your kidneys, take a liter and a half of water 60-90 minutes before the procedure. In other cases, drinking water before the examination is prohibited; the procedure takes place on an empty stomach.

How to properly prepare a child for an ultrasound

Getting rid of gases that tend to accumulate in the intestines is considered the main goal of preparing for an ultrasound of the abdominal organs. It becomes obvious that it is necessary to remove certain foods from the child’s diet that contribute to active gas formation at least 4 days before the examination. Before an abdominal ultrasound, it is necessary to exclude the following foods:

  • fresh fruits (fruits and vegetables);
  • Borodino bread;
  • milk;
  • beans;
  • sweets;
  • carbonated drinks.

If the child’s body has a tendency to produce strong gases, it is recommended to start taking enzyme agents and enterosorbents (for example, Festal, Espumisan, charcoal) 2-4 days before the ultrasound examination. On the eve of the examination, it is prohibited to undergo a colonoscopy and gastroscopy. If your baby is taking any medications at this time, you should definitely notify your doctor. Ultrasound for children, like adults, is performed on an empty stomach. It is considered normal to eat no later than 9 hours before the procedure, after which you should refuse water and food.

Features of preparing young children for ultrasound:

  • For babies under 12 months, do not give water 60 minutes before the procedure and do not feed for 2.5-3 hours.
  • Children aged 1-3 years should not be allowed to eat for 4 hours or drink for an hour before the ultrasound.
  • Children over 3 years old should not be fed 7-8 hours before and should not be given water for an hour before the examination.

Where to do it and how much does the procedure cost in Moscow

The cost of ultrasound of the peritoneum depends on the volume of research. The price of a comprehensive examination will be an order of magnitude higher than an examination of one specific organ. Public and private clinics have their advantages: the former provide ultrasound for free, the latter for a fee, but some often work around the clock and provide a transcript of the examination (doctor’s report) faster. You can choose a suitable clinic by opening one of the many online directories of medical institutions in Moscow, which provide addresses, photos and prices for services.

Cost of a comprehensive abdominal examination in Moscow clinics:

Video: algorithm for preparing a patient for abdominal ultrasound

Comprehensive preparation for the procedure requires knowledge of what is included in an abdominal ultrasound. Ultrasound examination of the peritoneum is effective for assessing the condition of the liver, stomach, gallbladder, spleen, retroperitoneal space, blood vessels, and pancreas. Premature bowel cleansing and a balanced diet are of great importance for future ultrasound results, since they directly affect the quality of the resulting image. After watching the video, you will learn how to prepare for the procedure.

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