Course sust. How to take Sustanon for bodybuilding. What effects does it have?

Sustanon 250 is one of the most popular drugs in sports. It is a steroid consisting of an oily liquid. It contains many different esters. Released into medicinal production by the famous company Organon. Types of sustanon with small esters are also sold. Sustanon esters were developed by specialists to quickly get into work.

Phenylpropionate and testosterone propionate are instantly absorbed into the blood and for the first time the days begin to work. Other esters are included in the blood circulation much more slowly. On the other hand, they remain operational longer. Almost three weeks.

The steroid performs much better than enanthate and cypionate because they provide much less work and keep testosterone levels stable.

Sustanon 250 has four testosterone esters:

  • propionate – 30 mg;
  • isocaproate – 60 mg;
  • phenylpropionate – 60 mg;
  • deconate – 100 mg.

Similar to other anabolics, Sustanon 250 is a powerful steroid with great androgenic potency. It works best in gaining muscle mass and increasing strength. Despite the fact that it can be converted into estrogen, it was added that its injections are quite less painful than enanthate or other strong steroids. However, any incorrectly placed injection leads to painful sensations.

After using Sustanon, the overall testorone level increases gradually. As a result, side effects do not go away immediately. It is ideal to include antiestrogens in your course. Thus, you will reduce negative manifestations to zero by taking small doses of Proviron and Tamoxifen.

Useful properties of Sustanon:

  • slowing down the rollback (catabolism);
  • improved appetite;
  • increase in the number of red blood cells;
  • increase in muscle tissue;
  • rapid recovery after hard training.

Sustanon 250 reviews

Reviews about Sustanon 250 are more positive than negative. For beginners and amateurs, this drug is effective in terms of quickly gaining muscle mass and strength. Side effects can be minimized through proper course design. Experienced athletes have observed an increase in body fat and bumps after the injection.

The price of Sustanon 250 is often overpriced. Before doing this, we recommend that you analyze prices with competitors. Remember that even the safest drug in large dosages is harmful to health. Especially if you have a powerful anabolic steroid in front of you.

Sustanon 250 course solo

Although after an injection of Sustanon the oil remains in the body for three weeks, this does not mean that the result will increase. To get the effect, it is recommended to inject at least once every 7-10 days. The dosage can range from 250 or one ampoule or up to 4 ampoules (1000 mg) per week. Of course, some athletes actually exceed the maximum allowable dosage twice, but this is highly undesirable. You can seriously harm your body.

For example, if you inject 3-4 ampoules (750-1000 mg) per week, the side effects will undoubtedly increase. Many athletes want instant results, but do not pay attention to the harm to the body. This is a very serious mistake on the part of stupid people, because they are only interested in instant muscle growth.

Others do it more wisely - they combine sustanon with methandrostenolone and oxymetholone. If for lean muscle mass, then trenbolone and stanozolol are better suited. After finishing using Sustanon, to prevent hormonal imbalance, you need to take drugs such as tamoxifen and Clomid.

The main thing is not to forget the simple truth that the drug is active in our body for another month after the final injection. It is not rational to immediately do a course of therapy after the last injection. It is better to postpone the use of Clomid for 14 days.

Course 1: Sustanon 250, methandrostenolone, gonadotropin

This course is effective for gaining muscle mass and increasing strength. Duration – 14 weeks.

Detailed course description:

  • The first 14 days – 250 mg of sustanon per week and 20 mg of methane daily;
  • Weeks 3 and 4 of the course – 500 mg of sustanon and 40 mg of methane daily;
  • Weeks 5 and 6 – 750 mg per week and 60 mg of methane daily;
  • Weeks 7 and 8 – 500 mg of sustanon per week and 40 mg of methane every day;
  • Weeks 9 and 10 – 250 mg of sustanon per week and 20 mg of methane every day;
  • Weeks 11 and 12 – 20 mg of methane every day;
  • Weeks 13 and 14 – 4 ml of gonadotropin per week.

In 3 months and 14 days you can gain about 15 kg of muscle mass. And strength indicators will increase to 50 kg.

Course 2: sustanon, nandrolone, primobolan, winstrol

Detailed description of the drying course:

  • 1 week – 250 mg of sustanon and 200 mg of nandrolone per week;
  • Week 2 – 500 mg of sustanon and 300 mg of nandrolone per week;
  • 3,4,5,6 – 500 mg of sustanon and 200 mg of nandrolone per week;
  • 7,8,9 – 250 mg of sustanon and 100 mg of nandrolone per week;
  • Week 10 – 100 mg Winstrol and 100 mg Primabolan per week;
  • 11-15 – 200 mg of Winstrol and 150 mg of Primabolan per week;
  • Week 16 – 100 mg Winstrol and 100 mg Primabolan per week.

After this course, you will gain precise lean muscle mass and draw the veins and muscle cross-section. Of course, for this you still need to adhere to a special diet.

Sustanon 250: side effects

The drug is a powerful androgen, so it can cause many types of side effects:

  • increase in skin oiliness;
  • water retention in the body;
  • the appearance of pimples and blackheads;
  • appearance of hair;
  • baldness;
  • suppression of the production of testosterone;
  • frequent depression and aggressiveness;
  • gynecomastia;
  • pain and bumps at the injection site;
  • decreased or increased sexual desire;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • frequent formations in the form of lumps at the injection site.

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Sustanon 250 is a drug invented in the early 80s of the last century. The composition includes several types of testosterone extracts. The drug was created for people with reduced or absent natural testosterone production. The effect of Sustanon was quickly appreciated by people involved in professional bodybuilding. This drug is still widely used in sports pharmacology; many counterfeits can be found on the market.

Sustanon 250 contains several types of testosterone. They are absorbed by the body at different rates, which ensures full use of the active substances by the human body.

In total, the preparation contains the following components:

  • Testosterone propionate. A substance characterized by the fastest absorption. Within a few minutes after injection, the substance is completely consumed by the body.
  • Testosterone isocaproate. An ester with a longer duration of action than propionate. Serves as a kind of catalyst between the absorption of fast and long esters. In addition, isocaproate maintains testosterone levels in the blood at the desired level. The half-life elements of the substance are present in the body for 9 days. This ester is also combined with Testosterone Phenylpropiate and is always present in the dosage of Sustanon 250.
  • Testosterone Decanoate. The ester with the longest half-life. Decanoate remains in the body for a period of 1 month. Due to this half-life of the ester, some experts recommend injecting Sustanon no more than once every 4 weeks, but professional athletes inject the drug more often at intervals of 2 to 3 weeks.
  • Other components. The product contains peanut oil and benzyl alcohol. The oil acts as a solvent for esters, and alcohol plays the role of an antiseptic to prevent infection.

The active ingredients are completely processed by the body into testosterone and help in the accelerated gain of muscle mass.


According to the instructions, Sustanon 250 has all the properties of long esters and helps increase:

  1. Muscle mass;
  2. Strength, endurance;
  3. The number of red blood cells in the blood;
  4. Appetite.

Because the drug increases testosterone levels, Sustanon 250 is also used for potency in men. But the effect of activated libido lasts only for the duration of the drug.

The popularity of Sustanon in bodybuilding is also due to the peculiarity of its effect on the human body. The composition begins to act immediately after the injection; the half-life products of the active substances remain in the body for quite a long time. Different types of testosterone esters are absorbed into the blood at different times, so for several weeks a person remains with elevated levels of the hormone in the blood with all the accompanying effects.

In addition to the listed effects, Sustanon 250 from Organon has the property of retaining water in the body. This property is considered positive. A slight swelling allows you to keep your joints safe, as the load on them increases.

A man who has injected the drug feels a surge of strength and trains with great diligence.

In just 1 month of the Sustanon course, the total weight gain is 5 – 6 kg. Let’s say a course lasts 2 months, weight gain is 10 – 12 kg. However, after stopping the course, many men experience a “rollback phenomenon,” when up to 50% of the weight gained during the period of using the drug is naturally lost.

Instructions for use

As mentioned above, professional bodybuilders rarely use a solo course of Sustanon 250. In most cases, the drug is used in combination with other pharmacological substances. Amateurs conduct courses only of Sustanon, also receiving a certain effect.

Solo course

According to the instructions for use of Sustanon 250, the average course in solo format lasts 6 – 8 weeks. To keep testosterone levels high, injections are given every week. The dosage of Sustanon 250 solo is 250 – 500 mg.

3 weeks after stopping the course, hormonal levels are restored and return to normal. To achieve greater effect, it is recommended to combine the drug with special sports nutrition and dosed exercise.

Combined course

In combination with other pharmacology, Sustanon is used to achieve a certain result and enhance the effect of all drugs used. To quickly gain muscle mass, use a course of Sustanon 250 and Nandrolone. To reduce the size of the fat layer and make the body more prominent, Nandrolone is replaced with Winstrol.

It is important to understand that Sustanon is a heavy steroid drug, but combines well with other anabolic drugs.

Injection rules

Exact instructions for using Sustanon 250 and the price can be obtained from the seller. The general rules for using the drug are as follows:

  1. Before taking Sustanon 250, it is recommended to undergo examination by a therapist and endocrinologist. There should be no contraindications to taking steroids.
  2. The drug is indicated only for men over 21 years of age.
  3. If the course lasts more than 10 weeks, Gonadotropin must be added to Sustanon.
  4. About how to properly inject Sustanon 250: the injection is made into the muscles. It is recommended to inject into the gluteal muscle.
  5. The frequency of injections is 1 time per week.
  6. From the second week, when they started injecting Sustanon 250, it is recommended to add anti-estrogenic drugs to reduce side effects.
  7. After completing the course, the body needs help in recovery. 3 weeks after the last injection of Sustanon, a course of Tamoxifen lasting 1 month is necessary.

Before using any pharmacological means for exercise or achieving any weight gain or loss goals, you should consult your doctor.

Side effects

All testosterone-based drugs are converted into estrogen by the male body over time. In this regard, side effects of Sustanon 250 arise:

  • Gynecomastia is a syndrome in which men experience enlargement of the pectoral muscles, similar to the female mammary glands;
  • Swelling – it was already mentioned above that Sustanon retains fluid, but this side effect has its advantages;
  • Increased body fat according to the female type;
  • Baldness of the head;
  • Acne;
  • Prostate hypertrophy;
  • Decreased natural testosterone production.

The last side effect is the most dangerous.

Against the background of suppressed hormonal production, testicular atrophy occurs in men. This consequence of taking, according to reviews of Sustanon 250, occurs due to prolonged administration of infections (longer than 8 weeks) without the use of anti-estrogenic drugs.

The average price of Sustanon 250 (10 ampoules) is 1800 – 2000 rubles.

The drug has an anabolic effect and should not be used without the approval of a doctor. When buying Sustanon, you should familiarize yourself with the quality certificates. There are many underground versions of promoted pharmacology on the market, the effect of which on the body has not been tested. It is important to understand that even controlled testosterone injections have a negative impact on the production of natural hormone. Sustanon 250 will in any case be harmful to the body, despite the feeling of a surge of strength and excellent physical shape during the action of the drug.

It is worth drawing your attention to the good predisposition of this steroid in terms of gaining muscle mass and strength. Proper use of Sustanon 250 will always be effective in gaining mass and strength. This drug is considered inexpensive, but very effective and is used by both beginners and serious professionals. Of course, the result obtained cannot be classified as high quality, but the muscle gain will look somewhat better than from Methane or Deca. If you want to get quick and long-lasting results from the purchased anabolic steroid, then your choice should be to order ready-made course for mass Sustanon .

Initially, the drug was used exclusively for medical purposes, but its anabolic capabilities could not go unnoticed by the great bodybuilders. In the 60s - 80s, the choice of anabolic steroids for rapid weight gain was not large, and the emergence of such a highly effective drug as Sustanon gave many advantages to every athlete. If taking Methane or Deca at the initial stage is considered ineffective, then Sustanon can please you with a large surge of strength and endurance after the first injections. This really makes it possible to quickly start a course and get results from the first week, without waiting for the drugs to accumulate in the body.

For such a quick effect when taken correctly, Sustanon 250 is always chosen by security forces. After all, conducting a simple course before the competition and even on the day of the competition gives a huge advantage over your competitors. Strength and endurance increase tremendously, forcing the athlete to perform at the peak of his capabilities.

How and when to inject Sustanon

Regardless of which manufacturer you like better: Organon, Iran, Balkans, Vermoji, Golden Dragon, British, it’s always the same drug, it’s just that each athlete has his own personal beliefs about the quality of the product. We can definitely say that try to buy the original Sustanon and regardless of the company you choose, it will work.

Regardless of whether you bought a course for weight or strength, taking the drug will help you get both. A lot depends on your training and proper nutrition. Thus, you can control all weight gain processes. Try to maintain your diet more correctly and do not focus on carbohydrate intake, but pay attention to increasing the consumption of high-protein foods. This will help you get better quality muscles, without the accumulation of excess fat mass.

A course of taking Sustanon 250 for mass and strength will definitely give its results and will not go unnoticed. The drug has a high anabolic effect, which is equal to 100% of testosterone and exactly the same androgenic effect on the athlete’s body. It is worth noting that aromatization will also be present and fluid retention manifests itself differently in everyone. The peculiarity of your body plays a more important role here, because some athletes have dry muscles, while others have somewhat watery muscles. This trouble can be dealt with very simply.

Solo course of taking Susta

For a solo course, it is better to order 1 bottle per 10 cubes of Sustanon, it will be good for money and no worse for ampoules of 1 cube. It will last you for 5 weeks; this course duration is considered safe even for beginners. 10 cubes of the drug will last you for 5 weeks, calculating the frequency of intramuscular injections 2 times a week, 1 cube at a time. It turns out that we put 1 cube on Monday and 1 cube on Thursday, you can choose other days with an equal interval and continue this throughout the entire course.

This dosage is considered safe and effective, so it will be most suitable for beginners. To avoid fluid retention and prevent possible side effects, you can buy Proviron and include it in the course itself, 1 tablet until the end of the course. This really helps to suppress the aromatization process and eliminate many unpleasant aspects, in particular gynecomastia.

Do not forget that taking Sustanon 250 involves the use of 4 types of different testosterones and you will definitely encounter suppression of your own production of the male hormone. It is worth noting that any anabolic steroid exhibits its activity in suppressing its own testosterone. This is influenced by the steroid you choose, dosage and duration of the course itself.

Definitely, after stopping taking any anabolic steroid, our body will begin to gradually restore its hormone to its previous level, but this process can drag on for many months. It is worth considering the fact that Sustanon is eliminated from the body no faster than 3 months. That is why you should take this fact into account if doping control is inevitable.

After a course of Sustanon, you can buy Clomid to restore your own testosterone production. He copes with this task perfectly, as evidenced by the treatment options for athletes who complete their course of steroids. At least 10 days after stopping the course, you can start taking Clomid 1 tablet. for 20 days. This is an excellent option for quickly restoring the body after taking Sustanon 250 for strength and mass.

If you have additional questions about this drug or course, you can contact us. Phone numbers are listed at the top of our website. We will be happy to help you find and choose the best drug, and also provide full consultation on the correct course of administration.

Pharmaceutical name: Testosterone (30 mg propionate, 60 mg isocaproate, 60 mg phenylprorionate, 100 mg decanoate)
Chemical composition: 4-androstene-3-one, 17 beta-ol
Molecular weight of base: 288.429
Ether Molecular Weight: 74.0792 (propionic acid, 3 carbohydrates)
Ether Molecular Weight: 116.1596 (isocaproic acid, 6 carbohydrates)
Ether Molecular Weight: 150.1768 (propionic acid phenyl ester, 9 carbohydrates)
Ether Molecular Weight: 172.2668

Composition of testosterone esters:

  • 30 mg Propionate
  • 60 mg Isocaproate
  • 60 mg Phenylpropionate
  • 100 mg Decanoate

Description of the drug

Sustanon is a mixture of four testosterone esters. Esters are usually added to steroids for one purpose - to make them more lipophilic. Thus, steroids, when injected into the body, remain in the tissues longer and are slowly released into the bloodstream. Long chain esters are more lipophilic.

Sustanon in its regular form is a unique blend of one long ester, one short ester and two medium esters. The purpose of such a combination is to ensure the rapid release of the steroid in the body, as well as to prolong the effect.

Effect on the body

Sustanon has equally high anabolic and androgenic effects. The fastest-acting ester of the mixture, testosterone propionate, becomes active already on the first day after administration. Other esters become active after a few days, at which time the peak action of all four esters occurs, which persists throughout the course.

Athletes using Sustanon note a sharp increase in strength and body weight without gaining fat. Sustanon aromatizes, but slightly less than some monoesters, which leads to less water retention in the body.

How to give injections

Long-acting testosterone esters ( e.g. testosterone enanthane) are administered once or twice a week. At the end of each week, the level of the substance in the blood drops to its original level and can drop even lower if the injection is not given. This does not happen with Sustanon due to 4 esters, including two short esters: propionate and phenyl propionate. These are two short esters and require more frequent injections to maintain stable blood levels and utilize all the esters in the mixture to their full potential.

If you inject Sustanon, for example, once a week, it is difficult to use the full amount of propionate and phenylpropionate, which are quickly released and disappear quickly due to their short half-life. This problem with Sustanon is often discussed online. Many users claim that injecting Sustanon once or twice a week is enough. However, many of them simply choose a high dosage ( 750 mg or more per week).

Of course, Sustanon can be administered once a week, but as mentioned above, in this case we lose two short esters. Injecting 1 gram once a week will allow you to fully utilize the isocaproate and decanoate esters, which make up 64% of the total mixture. 64% per 1000 mg per week results in 640 mg of active steroid, this level can be achieved with more frequent injections in smaller doses, which will optimize the effect of short-acting esters and use the compound at 100%.

Side effects

Sustanon, like other testosterone esters, has a high anabolic effect, and, accordingly, causes a number of negative effects.

Possible side effects:

  • hair loss
  • prostate hypertrophy
  • voice change
  • gynecomastia
  • water retention

However, Sustanon does not aromatize into estrogens with the intensity of monoester testosterones. Therefore, gynecomastia is not observed so often, but this cannot be discounted. To avoid such an action, every athlete should have Tamoxifen on hand. There are practically no negative effects on the liver, only at extremely high doses.

Combination in courses

Sustanon is primarily used as a long-acting testosterone. Other similar long-acting esters are testosterone enanthan and testosterone cypionate. Good results from the course can be expected when using 250-500 mg of Sustanon every 7-10 days. Sustanon can be combined with any steroids.

Sustanon course is one of the most famous and popular AAS courses, which can be used for completely different purposes, but, as a rule, it is not used when working on strength indicators. A course of Sustanon, in general, is the basis for any “compote”, that is, this drug can be included in almost any pharmacological course. Powerlifters often use this AAS solo, since it itself contains 4 different testosterone esters, and in power lifting, in general, testosterone plays a key role role. It’s clear that bodybuilding can’t do without a test, and all androgenic anabolic steroids are altered testosterone, but still in the arsenal of bo-di-bil-de-ra there is also insulin , somatotropin and synthol, which in power lifting is either not used at all, or is used exclusively as support. But keep in mind that steroids have side effects, so you should not use them without a doctor’s advice!

The course of Sustanon almost completely repeats omnadren course , especially now, when pre-pa-ra-you consist of the same ethers. If you compare the compositions of pre-para-tov, you will see that even the ratio of esters is the same, but sustanon is mixed with higher-quality oil, it is not the same “painful”, but it is more often under-de-ly-va-yut. Both pre-para-tas can now only be found on the black market, so you will have to make your choice of composite testosterone based on which pre-para-t you have The next dealer is better. You, of course, can experiment and try to get test-to-vi-ron, sustanon 100, equitest and others, but most likely you will not find such an e-zo-ti-ki , and the choice will have to be made between Sustanon 250 and Om-no-dre-nom 250. If your dealer offers the same quality of drugs, then the choice should be made in favor of the one that is cheaper.

Sustanon course: properties of the drug

Sustanon 250
is a composite testosterone, which consists of four esters: 30 mg of prop-pio-na-ta, 60 mg of phenylpropionate, 60 mg of isocapronate and 100 mg of decanoate. This combination of long and short esters allows you to quickly feel the effect of the drug and pro-long its effect, which together neutralizes steroid pitfalls. It is this property of sus-ta-no-na that allows it to be used both in combination with short and long ethers. However, it is best to give injections 2-3 times a week, so as not to simply reduce the spikes and dips in the steroid profile to a minimum, but to reduce it completely. tew. However, if you take a “compote” of three pre-pa-ts, two of which will be short, then Sustanon can be given once a week.

Regardless of whether the Sustanon course is accompanied by long or short broadcasts, PCT necessary 3 weeks after discontinuation of the drug, so the course should be multi-part. For the first 6-8 weeks you take Sustanon, and then for another 3 weeks you put on short broadcasts so as not to waste time. The point is that if you start PCT right away, it will not give any effect, but if you wait 3 weeks, having canceled all the preparations , the rollback after the course will be more significant. However, you should still take tamoxifen during the course, since such a large number of different esters can contribute to the formation of gyno. However, the other side effects of the juice are the same as those of all other steroids.

You can only take a course of Sustanon in the deep off-season, because, although the pre-para-t does not aro-ma-ti-zi-ru-et-sya as strongly as methane , but it can still fill with water. Moreover, if you have a competition coming up with doping control, then there can’t be any notification 5-6 weeks before the competition. speech. Not only does 5-6 weeks make up its formation time, but the drug can also linger in the body, especially , if it is a fake. Often, instead of Sustanon, om-na-dren is slipped in, which, due to the poor quality of the oil, can form lumps. Shi-shech-ki have their own cap-su-la-mi, in which the steroid is located, but they tend to open sooner or later . So it seems that you could have taken the pre-para-t 8 weeks ago, but in fact the last time it got into the blood was 4-5 weeks back, as a result of which you are dis-qua-li-fi-tsi-ro-va-li and li-shi-li of all titles.

How to make a course of Sustanon

Duration: 6-8 weeks, but after stopping Sustanon, you need another 3 weeks of injecting short esters, after which you can immediately start PCT.
Dosages: Effective dosages start at 300 mg per week and end at about 2000 mg, but for amateurs, 1000 mg per week is the limit.
Dosage frequency: Sustanon is a composite drug, that is, it contains both short and long esters, therefore, if you use Sustanon solo, or together with other long esters, then it should be used 2-3 times a week, if Sustanon is used with short esters , then the dosage range is between 1-2 per week.
Compote: Composite preparations can be used with any other esters, especially since sustanon can generally be the basis of any course, and security forces can even use it solo.

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