Punch to the stomach. Kicks Direct kick to the body

This extremely cruel blow is usually applied to the lower abdomen, to the genitals. It is often used as a stopping blow against an opponent when he rushes forward with his head down; In this case, you strike with your toe into the opponent’s diaphragm.


1) - raise your right thigh forward, bending your leg at the knee joint as much as possible, until the knee is at waist level; the leg remains extended, the toe down, the body is slightly bent back.

2) - throw the right leg forward in a straight line, striking with the toe, while the arms are thrown back on both sides of the body.

3) - as soon as the blow is struck, quickly return to the stance position.

The defense is the same as against horizontal blows to the side, but the blow is struck from top to bottom. You can make a leg grab by passing your left hand under the opponent's leg, knocking him to the ground. You can finally make a grab with both hands.

The counter strikes used against a direct strike are the same as against a horizontal strike to the side.

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All topics in this section:

The art of hand-to-hand combat
About “self-defense” Self-defense. Boxing. Jujutsu! These three words awakened 20 years ago

What is hand-to-hand combat and the essence of police systems
What is the combined hand-to-hand combat system described in this manual, and on what scientific principles is it built? In order to understand that

Massive fight
1. No one will dispute the need for artillery for long-range shelling of the enemy from 6-10 versts. 2. Infantry fire is necessary when the front lines are 0.5-1.5 versts apart.

Individual fight
1. Likewise, we do not deny the usefulness of a revolver and consider it necessary from a distance of 5-4 steps from the enemy. 2. We believe that French boxing (kick fighting) is important in

General remarks
Let's assume that the person attacking you is at the first combat distance, i.e. 4-5 steps away from you. Such a distance in the art of hand-to-hand combat is called “long”, and therefore

Revolver proficiency
Any official carrying out an assignment associated with danger, and any military or police rank subject to attacks, armed clashes and

General remarks
There are very few good revolver shots; There are as few as there are many people who can shoot well from a military rifle or a hunting rifle. This is explained primarily by

When training in target shooting, you should follow the same rules that athletes or sportsmen who want to achieve high achievements in their chosen field of sport follow and

Shooting at a stationary target at a distance of 20 meters
This is the easiest of all revolver shooting exercises. The rules and nature of this shooting are so well known that we will not describe them here, focusing on polo

Shooting at a stationary target at a distance of 50 meters
Now we move on to shooting at a distance of 50 m. Shooting at a long distance is extremely tiring both for the eyes and for the muscles, and therefore it is not recommended to practice it for a long time

Shooting at disappearing moving targets
Here we actually move on to those complex exercises that constitute the essence of special police shooting. Used for shooting at “disappearing moving targets”

Speed ​​shooting
Shooting exclusively at speed is, from our point of view, one of the most useful exercises in revolver shooting, if only because a revolver is a weapon

Shooting at targets approaching the shooter
For these exercises, the same targets are used as for 50 meters with a center of 10 cm in diameter, with the difference that they are mechanized. Shooting is carried out from a distance of 50 m

Shooting at targets running away from the shooter
One of the most difficult exercises in special police shooting is an exercise in shooting at so-called targets running away from the shooter. This exercise is based on its principle

I am a series of exercises
The best way to train is as follows: silhouette targets the size of a person (5 in number) are placed around the shooter at a short distance in a very diverse grouping;

I am a series of exercises
Shooting from a revolver is very interesting in itself, and by persistently practicing it, you can achieve amazing results. However, if you want to improve even further, don't

Special exercises for revolver shooting at night
The significance of these exercises is extremely great. Shooting at night or in the dark, especially from a revolver, is extremely difficult due to two reasons: 1 - the target is not visible, 2 -

Techniques for handling a revolver and shooting for self-defense
You should not carry a revolver in the back pocket of your trousers (in the so-called revolver pocket), since the movement of the hand drawing the revolver and moving back to the pocket will now

Disarming techniques during arrests
If you have to, being unarmed, have a collision with an armed enemy, standing close to him, or have to arrest him under similar conditions, then you can resort to

Fight between an unarmed man and an opponent armed with a revolver
A man armed with a revolver is extremely dangerous. Only in cheap novels do we read about such cases when police agents or boxing athletes jokingly deal with

Shootout between two persons armed with revolvers
If the situation is happening at a distance and on the street, then you should stand behind some kind of cover - a lamppost, a corner of a house, etc. - thereby making it difficult for the enemy to shoot. Shouldn't be with

General remarks
In starting to present one of the departments of French boxing, namely kicking, we must warn the reader that the latter is subject to reform in relation to real conditions

Low kick
In battle, this blow is the most advantageous of all. It is fast, easy to execute, and affects an opponent unfamiliar with kicks, catching him off guard with its surprise. If

Horizontal kick
This blow usually lands on the opponent’s ribs when the stance is correct and on the diaphragm when the stance is incorrect. It is performed as follows: 1) Turn left on your heel

Chasse in the body or along the leg
While in the left stance, you need to turn around directly to face the enemy, crouching on both legs. 1) Quickly placing your right foot next to your left on the right side with your nose

Difficult shots
So-called "compound kicks" include most high kicks to the opponent's upper torso. These blows at French boxing competitions produce a great effect.

Kick to the chest
This kick is performed in the same way as a horizontal kick to the side, with the only difference being that the kick lands at the height of the opponent’s chest. It can only be done in a “false stance”. That

Kick with a twist
In demonstrations and competitions this blow produces great effect due to its flexibility and beauty, but it is difficult to execute and requires great balance. Like a training environment

Grab the kicking leg
If the kick is thrown with your right foot, quickly lean forward, grabbing your foot under the heel with your left hand, while using your right foot to step back slightly and to the right. Then pull against

Grabbing the leg with both hands
This grip can be done on all strikes; the leg is grabbed with both hands, crossing them on top of each other in the manner of a carpenter's vice - the left hand from below holds the toe of the foot, the right hand from above holds

Grabs the opponent between the legs
It is very easy to throw an opponent to the ground with such grabs, but they are difficult, require speed, and most importantly, you need to deftly find the favorable moment. When attacking

Stopping blows
Stopping strikes are those that stop the enemy's attack at the very beginning of its development and prevent the strike from reaching the target. Needless to say, they are very practical

We have already indicated that using a low kick exposes you to frequent counter-attacks from the enemy, i.e. the opponent moves his leg to the side, avoiding your blow, and at the same time

The meaning of kicking in combat
So, we begin to look at French boxing not from the point of view of “a great sport” and “an excellent developmental all-round exercise.” We fully recognize these qualities as our

Low kick
We have already shown the technique of its execution, how it is used in training, in competitions and during study. Now we will look at it from a combat point of view.

Front foot
In this case, the back leg, starting the deception movement of the low kick, stops halfway and is placed on the ground, while the front leg rises. The enemy gets this

Stopping with a horizontal kick (toe of the front foot)
It is easier to carry out and does more harm to the enemy, but if the blow is late, you will make a push instead, and if you miss the moment, you will find yourself in a dangerous position, since instead of

Chasse leg lower
The strike is quite practical in a combat situation. He works well in this combination: a front hand punch feint followed by a low chasse leg. Let's try to figure this out

Horizontal kicks to the stomach
Horizontal punches to the stomach are very practical, they are fast and hit the opponent perfectly. You can make such strikes in the form of a chasse with the front foot with a jump, as in a chasse-croise;

Leg holds
Leg grips and ways to free yourself from them constitute one of the most important parts of the leg striking technique. It is necessary to seriously train not only in grips but

Kick tactics in street fighting
Usually in a street fight you most often run the risk of receiving a “direct kick”, which can in some cases be stopped by using a heel in the same way as if you were being hit with a “no”

In general, we see that "savatt", if we discard its generally accepted usefulness as a gymnastic exercise, will give something in the sense of self-defense. Treating it critically and with

Studying striking techniques
1) You should train in “instinctive” stopping strikes to counter-attack your opponent with your fist after you have struck him with a low kick. 2) Spices needed

Free fight
Freestyle fighting is, to a certain extent, a conditional application in practice in the training room of all the lessons the students have completed. Working in free combat, the student first time h

Exercise Sheets for Teachers
Here are a series of exercises that are not directly related to “self-defense”, but which will be very useful to you. a) Exercises in the “correct stance” (against

General disadvantage of fist bumps
The inconvenience of fist blows is that when you throw them, you risk damaging your hands. The hand is an organ designed by nature for grasping and pinching. It is created in order to

About fist fighting systems
American method or English? Recently, they have been diligently contrasting the old classical English style with the “American method”, and, moreover, with such

The use of fists in hand-to-hand combat
In a serious fight, strikes with a bare fist should be used only under the most favorable conditions. Swings, for example, are completely useless; their use is permissible

Street fist fighting tactics and tactical exercises for teachers
If the enemy attacks you in the old street hooligan and robber stance (left arm horizontally extended in front of the body, right fist pulled back), then it is enough to do

Deflection of blows from the outside into the inside of the stance in hand-to-hand combat
In sports boxing, they now almost never use defense by moving the opponent’s arm from the outside into the inside of his stance, and yet in a serious fight this method of defense is extremely useful.

Evading blows in hand-to-hand combat
For the most part, they are impractical in serious combat, as they provide the opportunity for the enemy to make a grab or use some kind of grappling technique. But sometimes it may be necessary to meet

Long strokes
Direct punch with front hand. In the left stance - with the left hand; in the right - right. A straight punch with the front hand is performed as follows. From the stand position,

Short strokes
"Cross" kick Crosses are very useful to use when you are close to the enemy. The most difficult thing is to grasp the moment when they need to be applied. This m

Evasion is a way to avoid a blow by tilting the head to the right or left away from the blow or by diving under the opponent’s arm that delivers the blow, whereby the latter passes by and

Stopping blows
Usually, when dodging an enemy’s blow, you try to simultaneously respond to him with the same blow. This method of delivering blows gave the name to a whole category of blows, which are known by

In hand-to-hand combat, opponents, as we have repeatedly said, quickly get closer to each other, just as boxers during competitions, with mutual frenzied pressure, converge into a wedge

A technique to get closer to the enemy and engage in close combat when the enemy kicks
1st case. If the enemy kicks you, directing them at your legs, you can get close to him using the following method. At one moment

Strikes used in close combat in a standing position without grasping
Here is a general list of these blows: 1) - blows with a fist “from a canopy”, 2) - blows with a horizontal hammer-shaped fist, 3) - blows with the edge of the hand

Techniques for fighting an enemy armed with a knife and techniques for disarming him
An opponent armed with a knife should not confuse you any more than if he were empty-handed. Look at it as if he's just punching you, a little more dangerous

Actions against an opponent armed with a knife in combat on the ground
Let's say that you are knocked to the ground by an opponent holding a knife in his hand. If you have taken a good jiu-jitsu practical course, you can easily give him a reverse handlock. If

Types of knife attacks used in stabbings and general defense tactics
An opponent who delivers cutting blows with a knife rather than piercing blows (i.e. with the tip) is considered dangerous. A blow with the tip of a knife directed by an inexperienced opponent is very easy

Unexpected weapon. Special deceptions in battle
In the hands of an enemy who specially worked according to the “hand-to-hand” system, each object can turn into a formidable weapon of self-defense, such as: a bottle, an inkwell, a matchbox, etc.

The straight punch, which in karate is called mae-geri, is the basis of the basics. Outwardly, it is very simple to implement. Let's consider a kick with the back foot, that is, if you are right-handed, with the right one.
You are standing in a left-handed stance. Raise your leg bent at the knee in front of you. The leg should be bent as tightly as possible, the toe pulled down, looking strictly at the floor. The shin is perpendicular to the floor. The knee is just above the waist. This is a very important point. Often, beginners make a mistake already in this phase of the impact - they do not raise their knee high or place their shin at an angle or even parallel to the floor. If you “charge” the leg in this way, the blow will be very weak and there will be a high risk of injuring the knee.

Remember, all midrange strikes start with the knee raised high. The advantage is the following: firstly, the blow acquires greater penetrating force when the angle between the straightening leg and a line mentally drawn horizontally through the target decreases; secondly, the opponent has less time to react: with the knee raised high, the blow can be delivered at different levels, as a result it is difficult to predict where exactly the blow will be struck; thirdly, a blow from such a position is more difficult to block - when a blow is delivered directly from the ground, the opponent only needs to lower his hand to hold it back.
So, the knee is raised, the leg is tense, the supporting leg is firmly planted with the entire foot on the floor, the knee of the supporting leg is slightly bent. This is another point that you definitely need to pay attention to. Do not rise on the toe of your supporting leg, as they do in taekwondo - they have a different specificity of combat. The leg should stand tightly. The toe is slightly turned to the side. The knee is slightly bent. Hands in a fighting position - covering the head and body. Don't put them down! Lean your body forward slightly so that the distance between your chest and knee decreases slightly. This is the first phase of the strike. You should be compressed, like a spring, ready to straighten out. Not tense, but compressed.
The next phase is the strike itself. Here, too, the whole body works, and not just one leg. You sharply throw your kicking leg forward. Not in an arc - from above or below, but straight forward, as if you were throwing a straight punch with your hand. There is no need to hit high - attack the enemy in the lower abdomen. Position of the striking leg: the leg is almost completely straightened (mind you - almost), the foot is extended forward, the toes are pulled towards you. The striking surface is the toe of the boot. Simultaneously with straightening your leg, you move your hip forward and lean back slightly with your body. By leaning your hip forward, you increase the force of the blow. By tilting your body, you push your hip forward more powerfully and maintain your balance better. At the moment of contact of the striking surface of the leg with the target, there is maximum concentration of all the muscles of the body. Important: the leg does not just push or kick the target, but tries to pierce it.
Your hands should not dangle. In karate, it is customary to extend the same arm forward when striking and, in general, use the arms for balancing. That is, you kick with your right foot, and your right arm straightens parallel to your thigh. So there is no need to do this. Hands should cover your head. Yes, it is a little more difficult to maintain balance in this position. But on the other hand, you will not miss a counterattack or counter strike if your attack fails.
The final phase is the recovery from the blow. You can’t exhaustively “throw” your leg wherever necessary after a blow. You must return her strictly to the place from which she went on the attack. Along the same trajectory and at the same speed. Later you will learn to turn the kick into a forward movement. But at the initial stage of preparation you need to put your foot in place. So what do you do after a hit? You bend your leg at the knee again, pulling it towards your body and bringing your hip back. The knee should return to the same level - just above the waist. It's like you're being compressed by a spring again. From this position, the leg goes back in a straight line to its place (Fig. 21).

You need to understand that all these phases follow one after another without stopping. The division into phases is conditional and is observed only at the very first stage of development. A strike is one continuous movement. Merged!
The left leg kick is performed in the same way from the right-hand stance. Practice it this way first. Then, as you master it, start punching it from a regular left-sided stance. It won't be as powerful anymore, but that's not necessary. All strikes with the front leg (as well as with the hand) in most cases are of a distracting nature or prepare an active attack with the far arm and leg.
Direct kicks can be delivered from both long and medium distances. In close combat this is difficult, although sometimes experienced fighters use it to break the distance - they simply push the enemy away with their feet. But it is extremely difficult to stand on one leg in close combat, so such a blow must be used with caution.
Combat use
This blow usually hits the body. The classic version is the middle of the abdomen and a little higher, to the beginning of the chest. In a real fight this will be of little use. Unless you catch the enemy inhaling at the moment of attack.
Another tricky point is the position of the foot at the moment of impact. The classic kick is thrown through the ball of the foot. But to do this, as you understand, you need to stretch your toes forward and straighten your toes so that they point straight up. Now try this trick while wearing winter boots. It's difficult, isn't it? In shoes, it is possible to hit only with the entire surface of the foot - that is, to increase the hitting surface by reducing the penetrating force of the impact. Look: the penetrating force is low, the area of ​​contact with the target is large, the muscle corset and clothing significantly absorb the blow. What do we get? And we get a powerful kick, not a blow. A kick that can only push the enemy away and throw him off balance. But there is no way to cause him serious damage or even pain.
Hence the conclusion: you need to hit a direct blow on the street with your heel, pulling your toe towards you, and at the lower level. That is, in the lower abdomen, in the groin area, in the thigh, in the knee. Any of these blows, if they reach their target and are delivered strongly enough, will incapacitate the enemy for a very long time.

Direct kick

The straight punch, which in karate is called mae-geri, is the basis of the basics. Outwardly, it is very simple to implement. Let's consider a kick with the back foot, that is, if you are right-handed, with the right one.

You are standing in a left-handed stance. Raise your leg bent at the knee in front of you. The leg should be bent as tightly as possible, the toe pulled down, looking strictly at the floor. The shin is perpendicular to the floor. The knee is just above the waist. This is a very important point. Often, beginners make a mistake already in this phase of the impact - they do not raise their knee high or place their shin at an angle or even parallel to the floor. If you “charge” the leg in this way, the blow will be very weak and there will be a high risk of injuring the knee.

Remember, all midrange strikes start with the knee raised high. The advantage is the following: firstly, the blow acquires greater penetrating force when the angle between the straightening leg and a line mentally drawn horizontally through the target decreases; secondly, the opponent has less time to react: with the knee raised high, the blow can be delivered at different levels, as a result it is difficult to predict where exactly the blow will be struck; thirdly, a blow from such a position is more difficult to block - when a blow is delivered directly from the ground, the opponent only needs to lower his hand to hold it back.

So, the knee is raised, the leg is tense, the supporting leg is firmly planted with the entire foot on the floor, the knee of the supporting leg is slightly bent. This is another point that you definitely need to pay attention to. Do not rise on the toe of your supporting leg, as they do in taekwondo - they have a different specificity of combat. The leg should stand tightly. The toe is slightly turned to the side. The knee is slightly bent. Hands in a fighting position - covering the head and body. Don't put them down! Lean your body forward slightly so that the distance between your chest and knee decreases slightly. This is the first phase of the strike. You should be compressed, like a spring, ready to straighten out. Not tense, but compressed.

The next phase is the strike itself. Here, too, the whole body works, and not just one leg. You sharply throw your kicking leg forward. Not in an arc - from above or below, but straight forward, as if you were throwing a straight punch with your hand. There is no need to hit high - attack the enemy in the lower abdomen. Position of the striking leg: the leg is almost completely straightened (mind you - almost), the foot is extended forward, the toes are pulled towards you. The striking surface is the toe of the boot. Simultaneously with straightening your leg, you move your hip forward and lean back slightly with your body. By leaning your hip forward, you increase the force of the blow. By tilting your body, you push your hip forward more powerfully and maintain your balance better. At the moment of contact of the striking surface of the leg with the target, there is maximum concentration of all the muscles of the body. Important: the leg does not just push or kick the target, but tries to pierce it.

Your hands should not dangle. In karate, it is customary to extend the same arm forward when striking and, in general, use the arms for balancing. That is, you kick with your right foot, and your right arm straightens parallel to your thigh. So there is no need to do this. Hands should cover your head. Yes, it is a little more difficult to maintain balance in this position. But on the other hand, you will not miss a counterattack or counter strike if your attack fails.

The final phase is the recovery from the blow. You can’t exhaustively “throw” your leg wherever necessary after a blow. You must return her strictly to the place from which she went on the attack. Along the same trajectory and at the same speed. Later you will learn to turn the kick into a forward movement. But at the initial stage of preparation you need to put your foot in place. So what do you do after a hit? You bend your leg at the knee again, pulling it towards your body and bringing your hip back. The knee should return to the same level - just above the waist. It's like you're being compressed by a spring again. From this position, the leg goes back in a straight line to its place (Fig. 21).

You need to understand that all these phases follow one after another without stopping. The division into phases is conditional and is observed only at the very first stage of development. A strike is one continuous movement. Merged!

The left leg kick is performed in the same way from the right-hand stance. Practice it this way first. Then, as you master it, start punching it from a regular left-sided stance. It won't be as powerful anymore, but that's not necessary. All strikes with the front leg (as well as with the hand) in most cases are of a distracting nature or prepare an active attack with the far arm and leg.

Direct kicks can be delivered from both long and medium distances. In close combat this is difficult, although sometimes experienced fighters use it to break the distance - they simply push the enemy away with their feet. But it is extremely difficult to stand on one leg in close combat, so such a blow must be used with caution.

Combat use

This blow usually hits the body. The classic version is the middle of the abdomen and a little higher, to the beginning of the chest. In a real fight this will be of little use. Unless you catch the enemy inhaling at the moment of attack.

Another tricky point is the position of the foot at the moment of impact. The classic kick is thrown through the ball of the foot. But to do this, as you understand, you need to stretch your toes forward and straighten your toes so that they point straight up. Now try this trick while wearing winter boots. It's difficult, isn't it? In shoes, it is possible to hit only with the entire surface of the foot - that is, to increase the hitting surface by reducing the penetrating force of the impact. Look: the penetrating force is low, the area of ​​contact with the target is large, the muscle corset and clothing significantly absorb the blow. What do we get? And we get a powerful kick, not a blow. A kick that can only push the enemy away and throw him off balance. But there is no way to cause him serious damage or even pain.

Hence the conclusion: you need to hit a direct blow on the street with your heel, pulling your toe towards you, and at the lower level. That is, in the lower abdomen, in the groin area, in the thigh, in the knee. Any of these blows, if they reach their target and are delivered strongly enough, will incapacitate the enemy for a very long time.

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Straight shot A straight shot is a shot in which a straight ball is played, that is, a ball that stands on the line connecting the pocket and the cue ball. One of the most difficult is considered a completely straight blow, made at a considerable distance between the balls. Performing

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Direct Shot When a player is about to use a direct shot, he aims at the exact center of the ball being played. The latter then rolls in the direction from which the blow was struck. The most difficult is considered to be an absolutely direct blow if the distance between the balls is large enough.

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Straight Fist Punch From a wide front position, extend your right arm forward with your fist clenched (fingers down). The left hand with a clenched fist (fingers up) is at the hip, the elbow is bent and pressed to the side, the shoulders are relaxed. From this position, turning your fist with your left

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Straight Toe Strike From the ready position, step sideways with your left foot and assume a wide frontal position. Simultaneously throwing the shoulder of your left arm forward and pointing the fingers of your left hand directly at the target, perform a striking movement. Simultaneously with the blow

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Straight Leg Kick From the left back position, shift your body weight to your left leg. At the same time, lift the thigh of your right leg up. The foot of the right foot is pointing downwards. Perform a striking movement by actively extending the right leg. Right foot

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Straight Knee Strike From the left-side back position, shift your body weight to your left leg while bending your right leg at the knee and lifting your hip forward. Perform a knee strike motion. The supporting leg is straightened at the knee joint, and the kicking leg is bent as much as possible. Pelvis

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Releasing the grip, side elbow strike, back fist strike and straight punch The opponent has grabbed your right hand with his right hand. Take a step to the left and forward and sharply move down with your right hand to the left, turning your right hand against

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Releasing the grip and direct kick The opponent has grabbed your right arm with his left hand at the level of the elbow. Raise your right arm up and to the right, taking a step with your right foot forward and to the right. At the same time, with your left hand, grab the opponent’s hand and, twisting it inward, press

From the author's book

Direct blow with the left hand to the head with the left foot stepping forward Technique: take a fighting stance. Shift your body weight slightly onto your right foot, then take a small step forward with your left foot. At the same time turning the body from left to right and sharply

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Direct strike with the left hand to the head with the right foot stepping forward Technique: take a fighting stance. Shift your body weight to your left leg, then step forward with your right foot. At the same time, turning your body from left to right and sharply throwing your left shoulder forward,

From the author's book

Direct blow with the right hand to the head with the left foot stepping forward Technique: take a fighting stance. Shift your body weight slightly onto your right foot, then take a small step forward with your left foot. Simultaneously turning the body from right to left and sharply

From the author's book

Direct kick with the left leg Technique: Take a fighting stance. Shift your body weight to your right leg. At the same time, lift the thigh of your left leg up. The foot of the left foot is facing downwards. Perform a striking movement by actively extending the left leg. Foot

From the author's book

Direct kick with the right leg Technique: Take a fighting stance. Shift your body weight to your left leg. At the same time, lift the thigh of your right leg up. The foot of the right foot is pointing downwards. Perform a striking movement by actively extending the right leg. Foot

From the author's book

Direct strike It is better to learn to strike in a training, frontal, stance. What is she like? It's simple: feet approximately shoulder-width apart on the same line; toes turned slightly inward; the knees are slightly bent and also look inward; body weight is distributed evenly, heels

From the author's book

From the author's book

Direct kick (“front kick”) The more famous name for this kick in karate is “mae-geri”. Due to its low power, the straight kick is used less frequently than others. This blow can start an attack, but its more effective use is to stop enemy attacks. Here

In street fights, kicks to the stomach or groin are often used. In addition, many young people are familiar with karate and are proficient in the middle or upper level of the circular kick ("mawashi-geri").

The general requirements for defending against kicks are as follows: you must always try to move away from the line of attack to the right or left. If this is not possible, then try to lean back to weaken the blow.

Various defense options are used: block with a counter strike with a hand or foot; grabbing the attacking leg and knocking the opponent to the ground or hitting him; diving with the capture of the supporting leg and knocking the opponent to the ground.


a) Dodging the blow, step your right foot to the right, block the attacking leg with your left forearm (fist up);

b) grab the attacking leg with your left hand by the shin from above, with your right hand from below;

c) Jerk that leg up and knock the opponent to the ground (or kick him in the crotch).


a) Step your right foot to the right to dodge the blow, block with your left forearm (fist down).

b) With your left hand, grab the attacking leg by the shin from below, with your right hand from above.

c) With your right foot, hit the opponent in the shin of the supporting leg (or knee).


a) Avoid the strike by diving forward.

b) With both hands, grab the thigh of the opponent’s supporting leg.

c) Sharply pull the captured thigh upward and throw the opponent to the ground, then strike the crotch with your foot.


a) Step back with your right foot and grab the foot of the attacking leg with both hands.

b) With a jerk, pull the enemy towards you to the right.

c) Use your left elbow to strike the face or solar plexus.


a) Step your left foot to the left and leave the line of attack, placing a block with your right hand from bottom to top to the right.

b) With your right hand, grab the attacking leg by the shin from below, and with your left hand - from above and pull the opponent towards you to the right.

c) With your left foot, hit him in the knee of the supporting leg or with your elbow in the face.


a) Step your right foot to the right, leave the line of attack, placing a block with your left hand from bottom to top to the left.

b) With your left foot, hit the knee of the opponent’s supporting leg (or shin).

c) Hit the solar plexus with your right fist.


a) Step your left foot to the left and leave the line of attack, placing a block with your right hand from bottom to top to the right.

b) With your right hand, grab the attacking leg from below, and with your left hand, grab the opponent’s right arm (or shoulder), transfer your body weight to the left leg.

c) Sharply pull the opponent towards you - to the left - down, while placing your right foot behind his supporting leg, carry out the back step and then finish off the fallen opponent.


a) Stop the blow by blocking your forearms, folded across them, and grab the opponent’s foot.

b) Pass the ankle joint lever (see No. 5).

c) Kick your opponent in the crotch.


a) Step your right foot to the right and leave the line of attack. Block with your left forearm (fist down).

b) Punch your opponent in the nose with your right fist.

c) With both hands, grab the clothing on the attacker’s shoulders, pull it towards you, and hit the groin with your knee.

DIRECT IMPACT TO THE groin (Fig. 78)

a) Protect your groin with a block of your left leg (to do this you need to raise your knee up and to the right).

b) With both hands, grab the shin of the attacking leg and use your left foot to hit the knee of the opponent’s supporting leg.

c) Apply the ankle lever (see No. 5), or simply throw the opponent onto his back, lifting the captured leg up and back.


This strike takes a relatively long time to execute.

But young karate-trained hooligans use it quite often.

a) Step your left foot to the side and leave the line of attack.

b) At the moment the enemy lands, hit him in the jaw with your right fist.

c) Then use your left leg to cover his legs from behind, grab his right arm (or shoulder) with your left hand, and push him in the chest with your right hand, throwing the opponent to the ground.

The footwork technique of modern kickboxing is borrowed from taekwondo: attacking actions, the original manner of leg movements when blocking, moving and many different actions performed while jumping allow athletes to show off various aspects of their preparedness (speed, coordination of movements, etc.).

Kicks are very specific. There are several main types of them: punching blows, piercing blows, pushing blows, pressing blows, sweeping blows, jumping blows.

Depending on the height of the affected area, impacts are divided into high, medium and low.

This section will reveal the basic rules for performing and setting the following kicks:

General rules for performing strikes

Maximum use of knee extension of the supporting leg.

The weight of the body should be transferred along the kicking leg to the place of its contact with the opponent’s body, and then back to the supporting leg.

The supporting leg should provide good stability to the body.

Before starting the strike, the body should be given the necessary orientation in relation to the opponent’s location.

At the moment of impact interaction, the foot of the supporting leg must be motionless.

At the moment of impact interaction, the heel of the supporting leg must not be lifted off the floor.

To ensure stability, the knee of the supporting leg (except for pressing impacts) should be slightly bent (not to be confused with maximum extension of the knee joint!).

The object of attack and the distance to it must first be carefully verified.

It is also necessary to always remember that in addition to these general principles, there are specific features in the execution of each kick.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that in a duel it is important not only to deliver a powerful and accurate blow, but also to quickly withdraw the attacking leg, returning it to its original position, in order to avoid being grabbed, as well as in order to prepare for the next technical actions.

Yoko - Kiri

Side kick(side kick, yoko-kiri, ep-chagi) - one of the most effective ways to attack an opponent located on the side of the attacker. The blow is delivered with the edge of the foot.

The main targets are the temple, axillae, floating ribs and cervical artery. Additional targets include the hollow of the upper lip, chin and solar plexus.

The foot should move towards the target in a straight line with a screw-in motion.

Regardless of the stance used, at the beginning of the leg extension, the foot of the kicking leg should be close to the inside of the knee of the supporting leg.

At the moment of contact with the opponent's body, the toes of the striking leg should be pointed slightly downward, and the foot of the supporting leg should be turned approximately 75 degrees back-out relative to the direction of the blow.

In order to hit higher, you should, while maintaining balance, tilt your body in the direction opposite to the direction of the blow.

You should not hit to the side, as this is associated with a loss of impact power.

Rotation of the supporting leg on the foot during the strike ensures rotation of the hip.

To practice the side kick, you will need a chair, although at first a stool will do just fine.

Place it (him) at the knee of the supporting leg (more precisely, the leg that will remain the supporting leg during impact), and in the take-out phase, raise the striking leg so that the foot passes above the seat.

Once you are comfortable with this stem and can maintain your balance confidently, move on to chair training.

There is, however, one subtlety here: it is quite difficult to place this piece of furniture in such a way as to correctly deliver a side blow from a standing position. However, when training alone, you can try to deliver a side kick not from a classic fighting stance, but from a starting position in which your feet are almost together.

Mae - kiri

Direct kick(front kick, mae-kiri, up-chagi) - designed to attack an opponent located in front of the attacker. The objects of attack are the face, solar plexus, abdomen, groin, armpits and floating ribs. The blow is delivered with the ball of the foot, the instep of the top, the toe and the knee.

General rules for kicking

* At the moment of contact with the opponent’s body, the supporting leg should not tense.

* The kick begins with a sharp extension of the kicking leg bent at the knee towards the chest and from this position extension is performed at the knee joint. The transition from the first phase of the strike to the second should be smooth and fast.

* The foot (and when striking with the knee, the knee) should move towards the target in a straight line.

* Immediately after contact with the opponent’s body, the leg must quickly return back and stand on the support.

* When determining the feasibility of performing a strike, carefully calculate the height of the location and the distance of the target.

* The foot of the supporting leg should be turned in the direction of the impact.

* The foot of the supporting leg should not rotate throughout the impact.

A simple stool, or even better, a chair, will help you get used to raising your leg to strike the way you need.

Place this piece of furniture so that it is between you and the imaginary opponent, with its seat lightly touching the knee of your front leg.

Now, when you try to imitate a kick, it simply won’t occur to you that you can casually swing your entire straight leg without worrying about the proper work of the hip and knee. Because if this does occur to you, the legs and seat of the chair in the path of your shins and feet will immediately sternly show you the mistake.

The chair also has another training benefit in the form of a backrest. Having learned to carry out the actual strike phase so as not to cling to the back of the chair with your foot, you can then easily reach the strike to someone else’s chin (there is nothing to say about the body).

Mawashi - kiri

Circular kick(round kick, mawashi-kiri, dolio-chagi) - is ideal for attacking an opponent located in front of the attacker. Apply with the ball of the foot, instep and knee. In shoes it can be applied with the toe of the foot.

Before starting the strike, the attacker must make the necessary movements in order to ensure the optimal distance to the opponent. The blow is usually delivered with the back leg, less often with the front leg.

General rules for kicking

To ensure the movement of the foot towards the target in an arc, the hip is carried forward.

At the moment of impact interaction, the ball of the foot is located perpendicular to the opponent’s body.

The foot reaches the highest point of the trajectory immediately before contact with the opponent’s body, while at the moment of the start of contact the toes are turned slightly downward.

At the moment of contact with the opponent's body, the foot of the supporting leg is turned outward from the line of impact by approximately 45 degrees.

The kicking leg should not bend too much.

The blow should not be used if the opponent is directly in front of the attacker.

During the strike, your hands should be kept in front of your chest.

When practicing a side kick alone, a chair is a good helper. Although, like almost all other kicks, a side kick can be delivered with the front or back leg, in training it is better to perform this kick with the back leg: in this case, the thigh works with a greater amplitude, and the foot travels a longer path and stores more impact energy. With this technique, a chair placed so that the seat touches your forward knee will force you to raise your hip high enough so that your punch hits an imaginary opponent rather than the back of a real chair.

In a real side kick, the attacking leg is rarely fully straightened, as this is prevented by the opponent's defense or the kick hitting the target. However, for maximum effectiveness of the strike, as well as in case of a miss, it is necessary to train in strikes with full straightening of the knee joint. To avoid injury with this technique, in the final phase of the strike itself, you should “pick up” the attacking shin with strong tension in the thigh muscles.

To prepare your muscles for performing a side kick, a chair or stool will also serve another useful purpose. To train your hip to extend correctly, first simply lift it to the side with your hand, and then place your knee on the seat of the stool. In this position, it’s a good idea to squat on your supporting leg - then the angle between your hips will inevitably increase. Over time, you can place your knee (and hip) on the back of the chair, and then on other surrounding objects that are suitable in height (ironing board, desk, sideboard, closet).

Ushiro - Kiri

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