Tarot reading next year. Fortune telling for the year "panorama of the year". Free online fortune telling with Tarot cards “Panorama of the Year”

The most important thing when working with cards is to clearly indicate the time period that the layout will cover, because the accuracy of the prediction largely depends on this. Most often, clients want to know what awaits them in the very near future, but for some reason the Tarot layout for the year is not particularly popular. But, nevertheless, you need to know about this fortune telling. In the end, sometimes it’s interesting to analyze not someone else’s life, but your own life. And this is especially true before the start of the new year.

Features of the schedule for the year

The main feature of annual layouts is that they can be done, as you might guess, only once a year. The ideal time is the end of December, the eve of the new year, January holidays or your own birthday. However, some prefer to take some other important date as a starting point, for example, a wedding anniversary or a child’s birthday. In principle, this does not matter much - the main thing is that you yourself remember what day you are counting from, and do not turn to the cards for repeated fortune-telling earlier than twelve months later.

In general, all annual fortune telling can be divided into two types: Tarot layouts for the year by month and by life area. The first category describes the main events of each month, the second - general trends in a specific area of ​​life for the coming year.

Personally, I always record such layouts on the computer so that a year later I can open them and analyze what came true and what didn’t, how each card was played. I advise you to take note of this technique.

Tarot spread for the year, one card at a time

The easiest way to find out the general trends of the coming year, to understand whether it will be happy or difficult is to lay out one Tarot card for the year. However, it is difficult to call this fortune-telling a layout, because we use only one single Arcana. But it is he who will show us the most important, key event of the coming twelve months. We interpret the map as we are used to.

This fortune telling can be found in almost any reference literature on Tarot. There are several options for house layouts, but, as the Masters believe, “the sum does not change by changing the places of the terms.” Therefore, you can use the presented diagram or find any other one. We also recommend watching video about the Tarot layout for the year from Sergei Savchenko.
You need to pull out twelve cards from the shuffled deck, placing them in a circle. Each card is one of the houses of the horoscope, responsible for a certain area of ​​​​a person’s life. All dropped Arcana will show the key events of this scheme.

Position meaning:

  1. Aries. Human personality, self-awareness, worldview
  2. Calf. Material issues, property
  3. Twins. Social connections, communication
  4. Cancer. Home, family, parents
  5. A lion. Pleasures, entertainment, creativity
  6. Virgo. Health
  7. Scales. Love relationships, marriage
  8. Scorpion. Legal issues, important matters
  9. Sagittarius. Philosophical views, religion
  10. Capricorn. Professional activity, career, business
  11. Aquarius. Relationships with friends
  12. Fish. Everything secret, hidden, mystical

This annual Tarot layout, the diagram of which is given above, looks very impressive. It involves as many as twenty-five cards! But you shouldn’t be afraid of such a volume, because each map of vertical rows will have the same meaning, simply applicable to different areas of life.

Let's look at the example of the first horizontal row. The first row will talk about health. Card 1 - the situation now, 2 - successes in this area that can be achieved in the coming year, 3 - a warning about what you need to be careful about, 4 - a recommendation on how to act, 5 - advice from cards in this area.

All cards lying vertically under one (6, 11, 16, 21) will talk about the current situation, those lying under two (7, 12, 17, 22) will talk about possible successes and achievements, under three will warn, and so on.

It remains only to consider the meaning of the horizontal rows:

  1. First (1–5) - Health
  2. Second (6–10) - Love
  3. Third (11–15) - Family, home
  4. Fourth (16–20) - Work, career
  5. Fifth (21–25) - Money, property

Knowing the meaning of the vertical and horizontal rows, you can read each Arcana drawn. So, for example, card 18 is a warning about work, what you should be wary of, 9 is a recommendation on how to act in a love relationship, 21 is the situation here and now in the field of finance.

Tarot spread “12 grapes” (author Aurora)

The diagram of this layout, presented by a tarot reader named Aurora, really resembles a bunch of grapes - apparently, that’s why the name appeared. In some ways, this fortune telling is reminiscent of the famous “12 houses”, but the spheres of life are located a little differently. The ideal time for fortune telling is New Year or your birthday.

Position meaning:

  1. New opportunities that will open up for a person
  2. Recurring events that will occur again in the life of the questioner
  3. What a person will have more than this year is a lot
  4. An area in which there will be no fundamental changes
  5. Movements, changes - external and internal
  6. Forecast for personal relationships
  7. Spiritual sphere, human self-development
  8. Learning something new
  9. Most significant achievements
  10. Something you have to say goodbye to once and for all
  11. The main experience of the year that will change a person’s life
  12. The main energy of the coming year

It can be interesting to analyze not only individual cards, but also the meanings of their combinations, for example, position 1 with position 6 (something new in the field of personal relationships) or 9 with 7 (important achievements in the spiritual sphere).

A description of the Tarot layout for the year by month called “12 months” is quite often found in books on magic cards. An interesting nuance - some authors prefer to lay out the cards clockwise, while others prefer to lay them out counterclockwise. I think you can do whatever you like, the main thing is to understand in what position you have what you have.

This is a universal fortune telling that allows you to determine the key events and energies of each month of the coming year. It is best to spend it on New Year's Eve. The Tarot layout for the year by month is indeed somewhat similar to a clock. Twelve cards will mean twelve months. Based on the Arcana that fall in these positions, one can judge the most important events that will happen to a person. The thirteenth card, which is placed in the middle, is the general energy of the coming year.

If you are making a Tarot spread for the year “12 months”, I recommend that you save it on your computer or redraw it in a notebook, and then, after the end of each month, look into it and see how this or that card played out. It is very interesting!

That the coming year? This is a question many people ask from time to time. It's always interesting to know how your life will change over the next 12 months, perhaps something very important will happen in it, or maybe everything will remain the same. The Tarot layout for the year will give answers to all your questions and help you make an approximate forecast of events in the near future.

Fortune telling card of the year

With this layout, you will learn from one card the features of your future for the 12 months ahead. Please note that the card of the year can be chosen exclusively from the Major Arcana, since it is from them that one can learn about important events in fortune telling, plus they have a fairly deep meaning.

It is necessary to mix all the arcana, extract one from them, from which the general trends of the future will become clear, and the main key aspects will become clear.

The technique of randomly drawing a card from a deck is known as the Hayo Banzhaf method. The latter was of the opinion that fortune telling with Tarot cards is based on random card layouts, therefore, in fortune telling for the coming year, he recommended not trying to calculate the card, but pulling it out by intuition. Most tarot readers hold a similar opinion.

0th Arcana, Jester

In the new year you will enter the unknown, this is a period of completion of some events, when the need arises to make a choice and a new event cycle begins. You will be able to move forward freely, but you risk getting into a very stupid position.

1st Arcana, Mage

The card will foretell success. By using your skill and dexterity, along with other skills, you can get wonderful results and all your plans will come true.

2nd Arcana, Priestess

In the new year you will constantly solve various secrets and riddles. It is also likely that problems will arise in your personal life, perhaps there is some kind of understatement in them. Arkan promises memorable experiences.

3rd Arcana, Empress

The coming 12 months promise to be very fruitful: what you have been working on for a very long time can end in success. You will need to let go of the situation and calm down. Enjoy what you have and discover your abilities!

4th Arcana, Emperor

Finally, something very important will happen this year, something that you have been waiting for a very long time. You need to be active in order for your ideas and plans to be realized in life.

5th Arcana, Priest

A year of happiness and fulfillment of all plans and undertakings. It is important for you now to reconsider your views and discover meaning in your actions. Check whether you are living by outdated, irrelevant stereotypes and understand what you really want.

6th Arcana, Lovers

In the coming year, you will be faced with a storm of emotions and quite difficult choices. Having completed it, you will either find yourself at a higher stage of development, or, on the contrary, you will find yourself in a difficult situation. Your will will be tested. It is also very likely that you will develop strong romantic feelings.

7th Arcana, Chariot

You can confidently undertake any endeavor. Now you can cope with all your ill-wishers. Don’t be afraid to take risks and get involved in adventures - now the Higher Powers will protect you in this.

8th Arcana, Strength

You will have to go through different trials. You will be passionate about something (or someone), and you will also fight for your “place in the sun.” When it gets so difficult that you want to give up, remember that everything will end well and don’t stop.

9th Arcana, Hermit

A rather serious year is coming, but good discoveries will occur. Gather your thoughts and start thinking about the right path in life. Give up momentary entertainment and petty worries.

10th Arcana, Wheel of Fortune

Your destiny will change a lot, but for the better. The Wheel of Fortune is closely related to Time, so you most likely will not immediately understand the degree of your luck.

11th Arcana, Justice

You are about to be tested for maturity. Higher Powers want to evaluate how well you fulfill your rights and responsibilities in your daily life. This year you will receive the fruits of the seeds you sown earlier and what they will be like - it depends only on you and your mistakes or good actions taken earlier.

12th Arcana, Hanged Man

It is worth preparing for difficulties. The Hanged Man's Arcana will tell you about amazing changes that will be a little inexplicable. Don't sacrifice everything to achieve some abstract goal - most likely, the sacrifice will be useless. There is still a chance to get out of the tangled labyrinth, to do this, keep moving forward.

13th Arcana, Death

The coming year could be the beginning of serious changes that will change your usual worldview. By the end of this year, a completely different person may take your place. Now something important for you is losing its meaning, giving way to something new.

14th Arcana, Temperance

The time has come for positive changes. The coming year will be like a new day, bringing with it great opportunities and helping you fulfill your plans. At the same time, what you dream about will come true by itself, regardless of your will or the influence of other people. And by making efforts on purpose, you will not be able to achieve your dream. So relax and trust your guardian angel.

15th Arcana, Devil

You will be tempted by easy prey, under the guise of which there may be opportunities to quickly achieve certain heights in life, for which others have to make significant efforts. It is important for you not to give in to the temptation to rise above others, because this is the road to nowhere. Don't let your emotions lead you into hell.

16th lasso, Tower

Probably, next year, failures will replace one another, and it will no longer be possible to correct anything. But at the same time, you can free yourself from what is no longer needed. The best decision in such a situation is to wait out the crisis period and learn lessons from all life's shocks. Don't act arrogant, otherwise you risk facing additional obstacles. Build relationships with the outside world.

17th Arcana, Star

A lucky star will patronize you. All plans and dreams will become reality, leaving any negativity far behind. You are on the right path, feel free to make plans for the future and get down to long-term business. Now you have no worthy rivals and no one is able to disrupt your path to triumph.

18th Arcana, Moon

The coming year will not bring you peace; on the contrary, it will be very restless; in the business sphere, “high tides” will alternate with “low tides.” You will often suffer from bad thoughts and mental anguish, and the main reason for this is a lack of understanding of what is happening.

19th Arcana, Sun

The next year will bring you happiness, your path will be illuminated by the bright rays of the sun and you will experience the bright side of life. You will find yourself on the crest of a wave, you will have enough finances, and all your desires will begin to come true. All your positive actions done earlier will now return to you in the form of happiness and joy, plus you will get rid of all doubts and fears, leaving them in the past forever.

20th lasso, Judgment

You will face significant changes in your destiny that you did not plan for. Be sure that you have made the right decision and very soon your life and the lives of your loved ones will change for the better.

21st Arcana, World

This year it is necessary to complete all matters, achieve your goals in order to find your place in this world. You will be able to achieve the main thing that you have been striving for for a long time and putting in a lot of effort, which will bring you real happiness.

Monthly breakdown for the year

In this layout, you can use both the Major and Minor Arcana, which are laid out in groups of 3 for all months, starting from January and ending with December in chronological order (the 1st, 2nd and 3rd will tell about the events of January, 4th I, 5th and 6th - about the events of February and so on).

The layout will be as follows:

***29 ,30,31**

Fortune telling for different areas of life. You need to collect cards and shuffle the deck. You can use both the Major and Minor Arcana, arrange them according to this scheme:

**************************** ******
******************** **************

You need to interpret the cards like this:

  • on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd - you will learn about what will come to you this year;
  • 4th, 5th and 6th - they will talk about what will leave;
  • 7th, 8th and 9th - will tell you about the state of household affairs;
  • on the 10th, 11th and 12th - you can find out how your personal life will turn out;
  • 13th, 14th and 15th cards - will reveal the features of work and study, as well as the state of affairs in general;
  • 16th, 17th and 18th arcana - talk about the financial sphere of life;
  • 19th, 20th and 21st - reveal the spiritual sphere of a person and talk about personal growth;
  • The 22nd, 23rd and 24th cards will tell you about various unexpected moments;
  • 25th, 26th and 27th - will tell you about probable problems that you will be forced to solve;
  • The 28th, 29th and 30th cards will tell you about the pleasant surprises of fate that you have received over the next 12 months.

Find out more interesting information from the following video:

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:


Among fortune telling on magic cards, those that predict changes in some areas of life for a long-term period are especially popular. One of these fortune-telling is the Tarot layout for the year, with the help of which you can determine the key events of the coming twelve months. Let's talk about this in more detail.

What can you learn from the Tarot layout for the year?

This fortune telling is universal. In principle, you can take absolutely any topic and make an annual schedule for it. So, for example, using the Tarot layout for the year by month, a description of which you will find later in this article, you can analyze how events will develop in your personal life, professional activity, the area of ​​self-development or health, in relationships with relatives and friends.

If you don’t have a specific, most exciting topic, and you just want to find out about the general trends of the year, you can easily use any of the fortune-telling below for this purpose, for example, the Tarot layout for the year “12 houses” on the Major Arcana.

Features of the annual schedule

As with most Tarot readings, the annual reading requires maximum concentration and the right question from the reader. Since each month in such fortune-telling is usually characterized by only one card, the interpreter needs to use the most expanded interpretations in order to correctly grasp the essence of the predicted events - and this must be remembered.

Tarot spread for the year, one card at a time

A Tarot layout for the year based on one card is the most suitable fortune telling for beginning tarot readers. It is carried out very simply: the fortuneteller needs to think about the coming year, shuffle the cards and pull out just one from the deck, and then analyze its meaning as the general trend of the year. You can tell fortunes with either a full deck or only the Major Arcana. The second method is preferable to use by beginners who have thoroughly studied the meanings of the Major Arcana, but are still confused with the Minor Arcana.

The interpretation depends entirely on the personal perception of the cards by the fortuneteller, but we will still give a couple of general examples. So, for example, if Arcanus appears as an annual card, we can say that this year will turn out to be a turning point for a person: some important stage of his life will end and a transition to the next will occur. If an inverted card falls out, a person will have to face experiences associated with the collapse of his plans: important hopes and expectations over the coming twelve months will not come true. If, for example, we pull out, then the questioner will have a very happy and joyful year, but if it does, then this is a sign of impending difficulties, conflicts, and losses.

Annual Tarot layout “Picture of the Year”

This Tarot layout for the year was compiled by a tarot reader named Irina_Candy. It is usually held during the New Year holidays. You need to think about the important areas of your life and then shuffle the deck and lay out twenty-five cards as shown in the diagram. The cards are laid out in rows of five cards from left to right.

The first row will tell you about your health, the second - about love and personal relationships, the third - about family, home, the fourth - about professional activities, work, career, and the fifth - about your financial situation. If necessary, you can add your own rows to the layout, placing them below the five in the picture.

In addition to the overall value of the series, the value of each card is also taken into account. Thus, the very first card of any series will describe the situation in the area under consideration at the moment, the second will show what a person can achieve in this area, the third will tell about the danger, what he should beware of, the fourth will tell you how to act, and the fifth is advice from the cards. We use the traditional meanings of the Arcana for each sphere.

Tarot spread for the year “12 houses”

This annual Tarot spread, the diagram of which is given below, is used for a detailed analysis of the events that will happen to a person in various areas of life over the next twelve months.

But here it is important to understand that the fortune telling of “12 houses” itself is not always tied to the year. It is often done for a month, three months or six months. As a 12-month prediction, we use it exclusively in the format of this article, so we do not forget that the time frame must be announced before laying out the deck.

The meaning of the card positions in the layout is as follows:

  1. A person’s personality, his inner world, internal changes that will occur to him over the coming year
  2. Property, home, finances and changes in this area
  3. Communication, social environment, circle of acquaintances, changes that will occur in the social life of the questioner
  4. Relationships with parents, father's house, family roots, what will change in a year
  5. Creativity, leisure, hobbies, everything that brings joy to a person
  6. Changes in physical health and work status
  7. Marital life, marriage, personal relationships, as well as changes in personal life
  8. Difficulties to go through in the coming year
  9. Upcoming travel, as well as philosophical questions
  10. Work, professional life, career and its changes
  11. Everything that concerns a person’s close social circle, friends
  12. Secret questions, mysticism, what a person hides from others
  13. Map showing the general trend of the coming year

Annual schedule “12 months”

The Tarot layout for the year by month, which we suggest you do, gives a brief description of each month of the coming year. It is made with a full deck, from which, after shuffling, twelve random cards are pulled out, and then laid out in a circle, starting in January and ending in December. It is best to carry out fortune telling during the New Year and Christmas holidays. The layout will show all the key events in a person’s life that will occur in the month corresponding to the position of the card. We use traditional values ​​in the Tarot layout for the year “12 months”.

The months in which the Major Arcana fall require special attention, since the events symbolized by them will be especially important for the questioner. So, for example, if it falls in July, it will indicate that in this month a person will have to withdraw into himself for some time, think about something important, isolate himself from people, and if it is in the “September” position, it will report a possible long-term trip, which will take place in early autumn. If you do not understand how to correctly make a Tarot layout for the year by month, a video that can be found on this topic on the Internet will help you navigate.

Tarot spread for the year “12 grapes” from tarot reader Aurora

This fortune telling is best done on the New Year or the birthday of the person asking. It will show everything that will happen to a person in the next twelve calendar months. We use a full deck, think about the coming year, and then lay out twelve cards according to the picture.

The positions of the cards in this annual Tarot spread mean the following:

  1. Doors. New opportunities that will open up for a person
  2. Mirrors. The map will describe what reflects a person’s personality, as well as events that will repeat in the coming year
  3. Abundance. Symbolizes what the questioner will have a lot of
  4. Stability. An area of ​​life that will not undergo significant changes
  5. Changes. Something that will radically change in the life of the person asking
  6. Love. What should a person expect in the sphere of personal relationships?
  7. Spirituality. Coming changes in the spiritual aspect of human life
  8. Discipleship. The map describes what a person will learn and where he will reach a higher level.
  9. Achievements
  10. Goodbye. Using this map, you can analyze what needs to go, what you have to let go of in order to move on.
  11. Portal. Some difficult experience that the questioner will have to go through in the next 12 months that will change his views
  12. This card is called the name of the person for whom the layout is being made. It will show general trends and characterize the energy of the coming period

We hope that the article was useful to you, and you will certainly make any layout you like on the eve of the New Year holidays or your own birthday.

Layout “ 12 Houses ” came in Tarot from astrology. It is perhaps difficult to find another similar alignment that would cover all areas of life and help to properly understand the state of affairs and prospects in them.

Traditionally fortune telling 12 Houses" on Tarot cards performed on a birthday or New Year - this allows you to assess prospects regarding health, family, relationships, financial situation, work and many other issues for the distant future.

Astrological Tarot spread12 Houses ” on our website is performed only by the Major Arcana. The traditional meaning of the card positions is listed below.

If you experience a feeling of excitement or anxiety before fortune telling, we recommend.

Scheme and meaning of cards of the Tarot layout “12 Houses”

Card 1 – Your personality, appearance, prevailing views, energy, health;
Card 2 – Your financial situation and prospects for financial well-being;
Card 3 – Your daily contacts, usual trips, news;
Card 4 – Your relationships with family under one roof, home environment, real estate;
Card 5 – Your romantic and sexual relationships, children, entertainment, recreation;
Card 6 – Your health and daily needs (clothing, diet, etc.);
Card 7 – Your relationships with other people (including partners in business and marriage, open enemies);
Card 8 – Your income/expenses related to other people (including in business and marriage), dangers and critical situations;
Card 9 – Your prospects for expanding the horizons of life and knowledge (long trips, cooperation with foreigners, success in learning new things, etc.);
Card 10 – Your prospects in work, career, contacts with the law and authorities;
Card 11 – Your friends, hopes, fulfillment of desires;
Card 12 – Your “dungeon” for the soul or body (secrets, internal burden, imprisonment or isolation, including hospitalization, arrest, emigration, etc., secret enemies);
Card 13 – Important Tarot card advice for you.

So, focus and... look at the schedule!

Your personality, appearance, prevailing attitudes, energy, health

The Tower card foreshadows destruction, the collapse of the established order of things, plans and expectations. Maliciousness from outside. Humiliation, shame, deception. Deprivation of liberty. The collapse of the existing way of life under the pressure of external forces. A break up. Sudden move, flight. Forced disposal of old ballast, which looks like a disaster. Non-recognition of authorities, scandalousness.

Your financial situation and prospects for financial well-being

The “Emperor” card you have been dealt indicates will and logic prevailing over feelings, secular power and authority, the desire for protection, stability, security; control over circumstances. Wisdom, maturity. This is the Master, the Ruler of the World, ready to defend his possessions and not afraid to keep power in his hands. This is a strong, influential, ambitious person. The desire to control everything and everyone, the readiness to fight for this opportunity.

Your daily contacts, routine trips, news

The “Hierophant” or “Priest” card personifies faith, religion, trust, moral and ethical values, the truth of which is not usually questioned. Teaching, tradition, thoughtfulness, inspired service to an idea, as well as tolerance and forbearance. The need to act “in accordance with your conscience”, but not allow yourself to be manipulated under the guise of “eternal values”. Conclusion of an important union, marriage.

Your relationships with family under one roof, home environment, real estate

You got “Magician” - a card of leadership, perseverance, determination. This is control over circumstances, talent and self-confidence, energy. An active creative position, the ability to conduct business based on one’s own initiative, dexterity, ingenuity and skill. Competence, authority. Charm, harmonious interaction of consciousness and subconscious. The will to win and faith in one’s own strength on the way to the intended goal, no matter how unattainable it may seem.

Your romantic and sexual relationships, children, entertainment, recreation

Here you got the “Hanged Man”, which indicates the forced impossibility of active actions, constraint by circumstances, and a waste of time. Stagnation, dependence on other people, affairs and circumstances, a change in the value system, the inability to apply familiar knowledge. The need to rethink affairs and events, sacrificing something to overcome a difficult situation.

Your health and daily needs (clothing, diet, etc.)

The dropped “Death” card indicates that the next stage of life is coming to an end. The dying away of the old, outdated and exhausted. Farewell, release. Radical transformations, new ways of thinking, new feelings and reactions. Willingness to develop, abandoning old restrictions and problems. This is the beginning of a new era, a new lifestyle.

Your relationships with other people (including partners in business and marriage, open enemies)

The “Jester” card is a readiness to experiment, curiosity, spontaneity, inexperience, naivety. Improvisation, chaos, surprise. Too free, inappropriate behavior. Overcoming unexpected obstacles by trusting your natural instincts. Desire and search for something new. Ignorance of the path. Dilettantism. Stupidity. Intoxication. Involuntary exposure. Unplanned circumstances that upend the usual state of affairs. A pure, open mind.

Your income/expenses related to other people (including in business and marriage), dangers and critical situations

You got “Lovers”, which always means Decision, Choice (even if it doesn’t concern love). This Choice carries within itself unquestioningness and irrevocability to the rejected option. “There are two sides to a coin” - The Real Truth can only be seen by studying all possible sides of the issue. The need to rely on intuition and inspiration. Deep emotional connection, equality in relationships, the ability to understand the importance of another opinion and value it.

Your prospects for expanding the horizons of life and knowledge (long trips, cooperation with foreigners, success in learning new things, etc.)

The “Moderation” card means the golden mean, harmony, balance, correct proportions, adequacy of actions. A feeling of balance between the internal and external worlds, recovery. External and internal calm, the need to observe moderation in everything. Thrift, diplomacy, self-discipline, ability to wait. Faith in Higher goals, helping to overcome crisis situations.

MAP 10
Your prospects in work, career, contacts with the law and authorities

Here you see the “Sun” card - the personification of carelessness, joy of life, rebirth after difficult times. Patronage of the forces of light that help you move forward to success. Overcoming difficulties, rapid progress. Material well-being. Achievements in any activity. Respect, power, influence. Triumph, reward, celebration. New promising contacts. Freshness of feelings, complete acceptance of oneself. The imminent birth of a child.

MAP 11
Your friends, hopes, wishes come true

Here your “World” card is an achieved goal, finding your place in life, your home; relationships full of harmony, positivity and agreement. The right path, the correct perception of reality. The end of doubt and torment. Completion of personality development. Happy family life. Pleasure from everything around you. Official recognition, glory. Material benefit. International connections and travel.

MAP 12
Your “dungeon” for the soul or body (secrets, internal burden, imprisonment or isolation, including hospitalization, arrest, emigration, etc., secret enemies)

The “Moon” card you have been dealt means apprehensions and fears, increased emotionality, frightening difficulties, the need to overcome the last but important obstacle in order to achieve the goal. An unreliable phase of life, vulnerability, melancholy, wandering in the dark, uncertainty. Secret enemies, unfaithful friends, slander, mistake. Lack of clear goals and objectives in life. Secret sciences, activation of imagination, subconscious.

MAP 13
Important Tarot Card Advice for You

The “Chariot” card that you see means a significant leap forward, a breakthrough in business, a rapid and joyful discovery of a new path, renewal and deliverance from difficult circumstances and enemies. The need to objectively assess your strengths and maintain sobriety of thoughts, since the new path requires not only fearlessness, but also skill and concentration. The opportunity to correct past mistakes and get what you want without attributing successes to chance.

Complex schedules for the year

Here are complex layouts for the year, similar to the well-known large layout. Usually they are laid out with canvas. They are difficult to interpret, but there is a lot of information that can be gleaned. As such layouts, you can also take some general layouts for fate, which panoramicly view all areas of life, but limit the viewing period to one year.

Layout “Picture of the New Year”

1st row - Health
Row 2 - Love relationships
3rd row - Home, Family
Row 4 - Work, career
Row 5 - Finance
Row 6 - Self-development

For each row, pull out 5 cards:

Map 1 Current situation.
Card 2 - What can I achieve this year.
Card 3 - Warning about obstacles that can throw you back.
Card 4 - how can I act to achieve my goals.
Card 5 - advice for the year.

Layout "Horizons of Fate"

A very interesting layout, which you can see in more detail in the video. It covers all areas of life and predicts for any period you have in mind. I will give only the layout diagram.

First, a zero card is laid out, which characterizes the client as an individual.

Then the cards are laid out in columns. Each column will have 6 cards. The top two are the past, the middle two are the current situation and the bottom two are the future for the specified period.

The first column shows relationships with relatives, family, often parents, and the situation with housing, a possible change of residence.

The second column is responsible for the area of ​​feelings, experiences, personal life, love, and talks about children.

The third column speaks about the querent’s work, a change of job, a change in social status.

The fourth table is the area of ​​finance and material property, everything related to money.

The fifth column shows the querent's health.

The sixth column talks about education and travel.

I can’t get past A. Khshanovskaya’s layouts.

"Seven Threes" layout

The layout looks at the main areas of life: personal, material sphere, health. I will give here a slightly modified diagram of the “Seven Threes” layout. You can read more in the article. There you can also see an example of the interpretation of this layout.

S - significator;
1,2,3 - the state of the questioner’s personality;
4, 5,6 - situation in society (parental family, close circle);
7,8,9 - situation in the material sphere;
10, 11, 12 - situation in the professional sphere, career, achievements;
13,14, 15 - situation in the sphere of feelings or in the personal family, children;
16,17,18 - health status;
19,20,21 - further future.

This is one of the best layouts for very detailed and accurate prediction of the future in all areas of life. It is used most often in cases where the client cannot clearly name one specific problem of interest to him, but wants to get a general picture of what awaits him in the future, and find out what areas of life he should pay more attention to. After carrying out the preliminary procedures and selecting a significator card, you need to draw sixteen cards and arrange them as shown in the diagram:

Meanings of the corresponding cards:

S - significator;

1 - personality of the questioner;

2 - material sphere;

3 - environment;

4 - issues related to parents and family;

5 - entertainment and pleasure,

6 - health;

7 - enemies and rivals;

8 - significant changes;

9 — trips;

10 - professional issues;

11 - friends, employees;

12 - obstacles and difficulties;

13 - influence of the past on the present;

14 - influence of the present on the future;

15 - what is inevitable;

16 is the final result of the development of the situation.

This layout shows the questioner’s situation as a whole, presents a panorama of his life at the present time and in the future. Each vertical row of cards (in the diagram they are indicated by letters of the Latin alphabet) tells about a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe questioner's life. Having chosen the significator and completed the preliminary procedures, we take thirty-six cards and arrange them in accordance with the diagram:

The interpretation of the layout is as follows:

S - significator;

row A represents issues related to family and home, with the first card of each vertical row talking about influences from the past, the second - about the current situation, the third - about external influences, the fourth - about the influence of the questioner himself on this area of ​​life, the fifth - about the possibilities of something - then change, and the last one is about the development of the situation in this area of ​​\u200b\u200blife in the future;

Row B concerns the sphere of feelings and emotions;

Row C informs about the professional field;

Row D represents financial matters;

Row E speaks about the health of the questioner;

Row F concerns matters related to education and travel. Attention; it is necessary to use both groups of Arcana.

Selected by Lisika

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