How to correct dysgraphia in an 8 year old child. Dysgraphia: definition, causes, symptoms and treatment. Exercises to correct dysgraphia in primary schoolchildren

Dysgraphia is usually detected when a child starts school. The essence of the pathology is a violation of writing activity. Problems arise due to a lack of formation of all mental functions that are responsible for the control and execution of writing.

Now let's look at this in more detail.

What is “dysgraphia”?

Dysgraphia causes a complete or partial impairment of written activity caused by a deficiency in the formation of the order of mental functions. Pathology is manifested by constant specific errors when writing. They cannot be eliminated without targeted correction.

The pathology is most widespread among younger schoolchildren. This is due to the fact that most children suffer from phonemic or general speech underdevelopment. If such a violation occurs, it is much more difficult to master writing.

Depending on the severity, agraphia and dysgraphia are distinguished. In the first case, the child cannot master writing at all. He completely loses such abilities. With the development of dysgraphia, written speech is present, but its distortion is observed.

Today there are a large number of varieties of the disease. The following types of dysgraphia are distinguished:

  1. Optical. The child mirrors symbols or sentences. He may write letters incompletely or reproduce them on paper with extra parts.
  2. Problems with language analysis and synthesis. The child duplicates syllables. There are difficulties with combined and separate writing.
  3. Acoustic. Occurs as a result of hearing impairment. It is accompanied by the substitution of paired letters with each other. Disturbances in voicedness and deafness or hardness and softness may occur.
  4. Articular acoustic. Similar to the previous type of pathology. It occurs due to incorrect articulation, which leads to an incorrect mental representation of the structure of the word.
  5. Motor. Rarely associated with mental characteristics. It usually appears due to the fact that the child cannot control his hand correctly when writing. This may manifest itself in slow spelling speed or constant changes in the slant and size of letters. Sometimes there may be too little or too much pressure on the paper. The lines come out shaky. There is stiffness of movement. This phenomenon is especially noticeable when moving from one character to another.
  6. Ungrammatical. Observed due to grammatical inconsistency in phrases. A child may confuse gender, declension, cases, numbers, and substitute prepositions. It is possible to make an error in checking vowels in the root if they are not stressed. This phenomenon is most often observed in religious families or when living abroad for a long time. Incorrect methods of early teaching a foreign language can also lead to this phenomenon.

Dysgraphia in schoolchildren

Dysgraphia is very similar to banal illiteracy and ignorance of the rules of the language. However, the problem lies much deeper. To understand the difference, just look at the following example. You need to ask the child to write the word “sentence”. A person who does not know the rules of the Russian language will most likely make a mistake at the beginning of a word and write “addition”. In a child with dysgraphia, this word may look like “bragging.”

Handwriting in children with pathology is often illegible and uneven. To write a word, a child needs to put in a lot of effort. However, he writes slowly. If the patient is studying in a class with ordinary children, he may experience anxiety due to slowness and mistakes. Further aggravating the problem is teacher dissatisfaction. In speech, a child suffering from pathology often cannot construct long sentences. He prefers to remain silent or speaks very briefly. Because of this, the patient cannot communicate with peers. It seems to him that all his classmates are against him.

Statistics show that pathology can be accompanied by other diseases. Most often, dysgraphia is detected in conjunction with. Additionally, the child may have problems with speech and other physical functions.

Dysgraphia in younger schoolchildren

Children of primary school age most often encounter problems. They appear in the process of learning to write in elementary school. The child begins to write words with phonetic errors. Syllables are formed incorrectly. There are additions of extra letters or omission of necessary ones. Often several words are written together.

Symptoms of dysgraphia

Symptoms of pathology appear during written speech. You can suspect the presence of dysgraphia based on the following signs:

  • the child skips lines or letters;
  • there is a continuous spelling of prepositions with words;
  • there are no spaces between words and sentences;
  • the child does not follow the rules of word wrapping and margin boundaries in the notebook;
  • the child cannot determine the writing of time boundaries;
  • handwriting is illegible, sloppy and small;
  • the letters are written clumsily;
  • unstressed vowels are written incorrectly;
  • There are many extra letters and syllables.

Causes and prevention of dysgraphia

There are many reasons leading to dysgraphia. The phenomenon can arise as a result of heredity or somatic diseases that last for a long time. Poor socialization of the child is also a possible cause of the pathology. The risk of developing diseases increases if a person has little contact with peers. A lot depends on the speech of adults. If grandparents, parents and others around the child speak illiterately and unclearly, this can affect the patient. Disturbances in brain function also lead to pathology. They can be obtained as a result:

  • birth trauma;
  • asphyxia;
  • intrauterine infection.

An attempt to teach a child to read and write at too early an age can also provoke the appearance of pathology. Many women want their children to learn these skills by age three. However, everything has its time. Such children are not psychologically ready to master material that is difficult for them. The opposite phenomenon is also possible. If parents are negligent in raising their children, problems can also arise.

Pathology can be avoided if you pay attention to various preventive measures in advance. Doctors recommend:

  • constantly read books to your child from the moment of birth;
  • start school preparation classes at the age of 4-5 years;
  • Enroll your child in creative clubs that promote the development of gross and fine motor skills of the hands.

Correction of dysgraphia with exercises

Dysgraphia can be corrected. However, parents must be prepared that they will have to spend a lot of effort fighting the pathology. The disorder requires qualified speech therapy assistance. Typically, the fight against the disease is carried out by performing various exercises. They depend on the age of the child and the characteristics of the disease. So, to combat pathology the following can be used:

  1. Magnetic ABC. Suitable for children of primary school age. The ABC asks the child to combine letters into syllables and words, and then pronounce them. This allows you to remember graphic images and correct spelling.
  2. Sketchy words. In the schematic version, pictures are drawn depicting different objects, and their names are also written. So, if a horse is drawn, the sound pattern “l-o-sh-a-d-b” is written under it. The child’s task is to correctly pronounce the word and write it independently. All sounds must be pronounced clearly.
  3. Playing writer. The child is asked to take pen and ink and write something. Using the method, the correct position of the pen in relation to the paper is formed.
  4. Working on handwriting. In order for a child to write clearly, it is necessary to use squared notebooks. During homework, parents should invite the child to write a letter in each box. However, you should not suggest rewriting texts that are too large. The child will get bored. Exercising can be torture.
  5. Missing letters. It is necessary to give the child a text in which a number of letters are missing. Along with the assignment, you must give the same passage, but written correctly. The child’s task will be to copy the letters where they are missing. This exercise allows you to train your attention and remember the correct spelling of words.
  6. Conducting a dictation. Typically the method is used for older children. The method makes it possible to practice speech perception.
  7. Dividing text into semantic blocks. The method is especially relevant if you need to write a lot in a notebook.
  8. Learning words from the dictionary. Experts advise revising and learning at least three to four new vocabulary words every day. However, don't overdo it. If parents begin to demand too much from the child, this will lead to a loss of interest in the lesson and refusal to continue learning.
  9. Learning poems by heart. The method allows you to train your memory and develop speech. This feature will have a positive effect on writing in the future.

When working with a child who has been diagnosed with dysgraphia, it is important not to force him to correct mistakes over and over again, but to teach him not to make them. For this reason, parents must check all completed assignments themselves.

Correction for schoolchildren

In normal school conditions, the fight against pathology cannot be carried out. Corrective work is carried out depending on the type of violation. The objectives of the actions are as follows:

  • improvement of all cognitive areas;
  • increasing vocabulary;
  • formation of coherent speech;
  • elimination of defects that arise in sound pronunciation;
  • development of analytical and synthetic ability;
  • improvement of auditory and spatial perception;
  • development of the grammatical aspect of speech.

The skills that a child can acquire during correction are reinforced by completing written assignments. Additionally, it is recommended to undergo examination by a neuropsychiatrist. This will allow us to identify disorders associated with dysgraphia, if they exist. If such a diagnosis is made, drug treatment is prescribed. Additionally, a physiotherapy procedure is carried out. The child may be referred for therapeutic exercises or manual therapy.

Correction for younger schoolchildren

Today, quite a lot of effective exercises have been developed to correct dysgraphia in younger schoolchildren. The selection of suitable exercises is carried out by a specialist. Parents can do the following exercises with their child:

  1. Labyrinths. This is a playful activity that helps develop gross motor skills. With its help, attention increases. The essence of the exercises is the need to draw continuous lines. In this case, it is important that the child does not change the position of his hand and does not turn the piece of paper on which the drawing used to connect the dots is depicted.
  2. Proofreading. To complete the exercise, you need to take a book that the child has previously read. The text should be printed in medium font. Then the parent should give the task to underline one letter in the text. For example, it could be a or o. Initially, it is worth giving the task only for 1 letter. It is recommended to exercise no more than 5 minutes a day. After 5 days you can complicate the task. So, the task may now consist of underlining one letter and crossing out or circling the next. Then you should be asked to mark paired letters that have some similarities.
  3. We write out loud. The essence of the method is to pronounce everything that is written, exactly in the form in which it is reproduced on paper. In this case, it is necessary to emphasize weak letters. This name is given to sounds that are not given attention during the pronunciation process, but are indicated in writing. It is necessary to clearly pronounce the endings of all words and write them down.

Exercises should be performed systematically. Otherwise, they will not be of any use.

Some children refuse to write at all and even fear going to school. Most often, teachers do not know that a child suffers from dysgraphia and do not care about such a child, believing that he is simply lazy.

The Sulamot group provides an intensive, comprehensive 5-day course for the correction of dyslexia and related learning problems: dysgraphia, dyscalculia, dyspraxia and ADHD.

However, if parents notice symptoms of this disorder in their child, they need to immediately begin treatment for dysgraphia. To do this, you should contact a children's speech therapist (who will develop a treatment plan for the disease) and a child psychologist (who will help improve relationships in the family and school). It is necessary to improve the child’s memory and develop his ability to concentrate.

To rid a child of this disorder, patience, time and timely correction of dysgraphia will be required. The treatment will be too tiring for the child, so during treatment he especially needs support and attention from adults.

What do parents need to know?

Dysgraphia is not a death sentence. Children with dysgraphia are able to fully master writing skills. Although for this they must study diligently and diligently. In addition, there are many methods for correcting dysgraphia.

The help of a speech therapist is extremely necessary. This specialist influences the prompt elimination of dysgraphia. The speech therapist will play various games with the child that will develop writing skills.

Children with dysgraphia must first be taught correct oral speech and then learn writing. In this matter, the important thing is quality, not quantity. You cannot scold a child for failures, shout at him, or, conversely, rejoice too much. You need to convince the child that he will succeed. Only patience, the desire of the child and joint work with specialists will help cure dysgraphia.

Correction of dysgraphia - what you need to know?

  1. Treatment of the disease should not begin directly with eliminating errors in writing - this does not have the desired effect on correcting dysgraphia. Very often, children with dysgraphia do not perceive certain sounds by ear or cannot distinguish them. Therefore, it is first necessary to teach the child to distinguish between sounds by ear and pronunciation, since writing training in this case will not give a positive result.
  2. You need to gradually approach eliminating the problem. For example, a child cannot distinguish between the sounds “Ш” and “С” by ear. First, it is necessary to attract the child's attention to the various positions of the tongue and lips during the pronunciation of these sounds. Then you can start drawing these letters in the air with your eyes closed.

It happens that in children with dysgraphia it is not possible to identify specific impairments in writing (failure to recognize letters, sounds, difficulty in analyzing speech, etc.). Therefore, it seems that there is no explanation for the appearance of the violation. However, the whole point is that writing is a complex speech activity that includes a number of different operations carried out simultaneously. And some children cannot perform these operations at the same time. Because of this, they develop dysgraphia.

  1. Large texts need to be divided into several parts and tasks must be completed in several stages;
  2. You cannot force a child to rewrite homework several times in which he made mistakes. The child will become unsure of his abilities and this will make even more mistakes.
  3. Even for minimal success, the child should be praised and encouraged. Under no circumstances should you shout at him or humiliate him.

How to help a child suffering from dysgraphia learn to write?

Correction of dysgraphia occurs as follows. You will need checkered notebooks and a pen covered with pimples or ridges (for massaging your fingertips). The shape of the writing pen body should be triangular if possible. The ink in the pen is multi-colored, possibly with glitter, so that the child enjoys writing with it. You can write with fountain pens to help children practice their pressure and how to hold the pen correctly.

Every day you need to copy a small excerpt of any work of art into a notebook. There is one letter in one cell, and the letter must completely occupy the cell. The child must want to study. If you force him with a shout or a belt, it will bring results. You must not allow your child to get tired or dissatisfied with himself.

Diagnosis, causes and methods of treatment of dysgraphia in children and adults

When a child (adult) has difficulties (even the lack of ability? agraphia) in mastering written speech, then we can say with confidence that this is dysgraphia.

Causes of dysgraphia in children and adults

The development of the ability to express one’s thoughts in writing is directly related to oral speech - the ability to distinguish phonemes, clearly pronounce sounds, speak coherently, and correctly construct phrases.

The causes of dysgraphia in younger schoolchildren are provoked both by medical problems and by the conditions in which the child’s social and psychological development takes place. This may also include:

  • dysarthria (sounds are pronounced incorrectly due to problems with the body structures responsible for speech);
  • alalia (the child practically does not speak or speaks very poorly and little);
  • aphasia (already established speech disappears);
  • dyslalia (sounds are pronounced incorrectly, but there are no structural lesions), etc.

Medical reasons? This is brain damage due to:

Social and psychological conditions:

  • being forced to simultaneously master a number of languages ​​due to family circumstances (for example, bilingualism);
  • speech problems in those around the baby;
  • lack of communication through speaking skills;
  • lack of wary attitude towards the peculiarities of the baby’s speech on the part of significant adults;
  • the beginning of literacy training against the backdrop of insufficient readiness;
  • constitutional features;
  • the presence of other problems (mental, speech, etc.).

In adults, factors predisposing to dysgraphic problems are in the brain structures:

  • surgical interventions;
  • tumor formations;
  • injuries;
  • stroke, etc.

Classification and types

A number of classifications based on cause-and-effect interactions have been proposed. The most common is the identification of 6 species.


It is quite rare on its own, but often accompanies other forms. Typical for her:

  • problems with spatial, visual perception of the world;
  • weak visual memory;
  • problems with the perception of concepts of size, shape, color;
  • Difficulty distinguishing letter images.
  • replacement (incorrect image) of letters that are similar in appearance (l-m, e-s, etc.).


The cause of the pathology is the difficulty of differentiating sounds that sound similar (problems with phonemic hearing). Manifests:

  • replacing letters that correspond to paired sounds (zh-sh, d-t, e-i, etc.);
  • rearrangement and/or omission of letters.


Lack of ability to formulate speech correctly? cause of this type. Manifestations:

  • incorrect use of gender, prepositions, number;
  • incorrect mention of case endings;
  • omissions of a number of members in a sentence;
  • incorrect word order;
  • violations of relationships between sentences, within one.


The pathology is caused by incorrect pronunciation of sounds. Manifests:

  • writing as the patient himself “hears”, as he himself pronounces.

Dysgraphia due to disorders of language analysis and synthesis

The pathology is noticeable in sentences (when they are divided into words) and words (problems with syllables/sounds). Manifestations:

  • letters/syllables are swapped, skipped, extra ones are added;
  • there is a tendency to write words incorrectly together and/or separately;
  • there is a tendency to merge prepositions with other words;
  • there is a tendency to separate the root from the prefix.

Motor or dyspraxic

Caused by motor problems during writing, as well as with the connection of visual representations of words and sounds with motor ones. Manifests itself in the form of structural distortions, substitutions of sentences and individual words.

We present to your attention a video that talks about the causes and signs of dysgraphia:


The measures involve the initial exclusion of physiological factors, auditory and visual pathologies and involve consultation with specialized specialists - a neurologist, an ophthalmologist, an ENT specialist. To determine the level of speech development, the patient must be examined by a speech therapist. Often, dysgraphia and dyslexia occur simultaneously in a child.

  • speech, general development;
  • hearing, nervous system, vision, articulation apparatus;
  • motor skills (manual, speech);
  • to identify the “main” hand;
  • to assess the pronunciation of sounds, the ability to conduct sound analysis;
  • specific features and volume of vocabulary, accuracy of speech construction;
  • analytical analysis of the work that the patient performs in writing;
  • based on completed tasks for copying, writing descriptions, writing from dictation, reading, etc.


Correction is carried out taking into account the mechanism and type of violation. If there are indications, medication and/or rehabilitation (physio- and hydrotherapy, physical therapy, massage, etc.) treatment is prescribed.

Corrective work

The speech therapist assists the patient in:

  • filling in gaps when pronouncing sounds;
  • formation of grammatically correct speech and enrichment of vocabulary;
  • development of speech coherence;
  • development of memory, motor activity, spatial orientation, thought processes, listening perception, ability to sound analysis/synthesis.

The resulting stable oral language skills are further consolidated through written exercises.

Exercises to eliminate and correct dysgraphia

Based on the type of disorder, the speech therapist suggests a number of specific exercises. However, there are also examples of a general level that can be done on your own at home.

  • "Labyrinths". Tasks of this kind, which require drawing a continuous line, are aimed at training gross motor skills (forearms, hands). Their correct implementation involves a timely change in the position of the hand, but not the sheet of paper.
  • "Missing letters"? inserting missing letters into large text. The task can be carried out using a hint text in which all the gaps are filled. Purpose of the exercise? development of attention, confidence in writing skills.
  • Explanation of punctuation marks in the text.
  • Speaking out loud directly at the time of writing according to the rules of writing.
  • "Proofreading"? crossing out a given letter from a rather voluminous text, and at the next stage? crossing out one and underlining the other. Promotes memorization of the visual image of letters and stability of attention.


Preventive measures are effective before the start of literacy and include:

  • eliminating oral speech problems;
  • stimulation of the timely development of ideas about space, sensory functions, the ability to distinguish sounds/letters auditorily or visually;
  • identification and treatment of medical problems.

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1 comment

There is an error in the last part of the article. The technique is not called “Proofreading”, but “Proofreading”.

The handwriting of a dysgraphic person is an expression of all his difficulties. As a rule, in a dysgraphic person two types of handwriting stand out quite sharply: one is small, beady and “beautiful”; the other is huge, clumsy, clumsy, “ugly.” So, in this case there is no need to chase beauty, it will come on its own. As experience shows, clumsy and huge letters are precisely what a child should ultimately come to and work on. This handwriting is his real face, the face of an honest first-grader who wants and can learn (our first-grader, by the way, may be 10 or 16 years old, we are talking about the psychological age of learning to write).

So, DOWN with the beaded chain of letters, LONG LIVE the sweeping handwriting, for the entire line, or maybe one and a half!

Everything is quite simple here. For some time (usually two to three weeks is enough) in a notebook. A paragraph of text from any work of fiction or an exercise from a SMALL SIZE textbook is copied into the CELL EVERY DAY. The text, which is VERY IMPORTANT, is rewritten in CELLS, ONE LETTER PER CELL, THE LETTER MUST OCCUPY THE WHOLE CELL!

The psychological preparation of the child for classes is also important here. In an unfavorable psychological atmosphere, classes “under pressure”, there may be no results. The volume of text, I emphasize once again, should be small; for a child under ten years old it can be only one line a day, but it should be clearly rewritten. The overall goal is to prevent the slightest disgust, fatigue, or even dissatisfaction with yourself!

There are tricks to choosing stationery for dysgraphics.

But it’s even better if the student is comfortable holding this very pen, then the handwriting is more likely to stabilize. And for this, the body must be triangular. Such pens and pencils for dysgraphics with a triple section to support three holding fingers are produced, for example, by the company Staedtler. There are triangular pencils and felt-tip pens from Centropen.

Unfortunately, I have not yet seen both “conveniences” combined: the triangle and the pimples. So buy a bubble pen and a triangular pencil.

Girls often like to buy pens with multi-colored, shiny, etc. paste, fortunately they are allowed to write with them (in music lessons, labor lessons, etc.). So let it be better that the value of a pen in a child’s eyes be a beautiful, colored, unusually shaped body than a colored gel that makes it dazzle in the eyes and in the notebook. When buying a pen, check how it writes and whether the ink bleeds through to the other side of the page.

Gel pens are considered the most suitable for dysgraphics (pressure is felt), but in first grade they will most likely be prohibited from using them: they often leak, freeze, and spoil. Therefore, at home, it is useful for even the youngest to play a medieval scribe - to practice writing with a feather and ink (if parents do not know how, then you can ask your grandparents). “Pen” writing forms the correct position of the hand relative to the surface of the paper. At the same time, however, there is a fascinating opportunity to get smeared with ink and smear your notebook, table, nose, knees, etc., so be careful.


which will help in overcoming dysgraphia

I would like to warn you that these exercises will not eliminate the problem, but will help parents in overcoming dysgraphia and will help the speech therapist work on the defect.

The pairs required for development can be established when viewing any text written by your child. After seeing the correction, ask what letter he wanted to write here. More often than not, everything is clear without explanation.

Attention! It’s better if the text is not read (that’s why the book needs to be boring). All attention must be concentrated on finding the given shape of a letter, one or two, and work only with them.

That is, “Another O-din h-rez-you-cha-Y-but-important reception” (after all, in fact, we say something like “LOOKING FOR AN EMERGENCY IMPORTANT PREMIERE”). The example is simpler: “ON THE TABLE WAS A JUG WITH MILK” (a jug of malak melted on the steel).

By “weak beats” we mean sounds that, when pronounced in fluent speech, the speaker pays the least attention to. For vowel sounds, this is any unstressed position; for consonants, for example, a position at the end of a word, such as “zu*p”, or before a voiceless consonant, such as “lo*shka”. It is also important to clearly pronounce the end of the word, since for a dysgraphic person it is difficult to finish the word to the end, and often for this reason the habit of “putting sticks” is developed, i.e. add an indefinite number of squiggle sticks to the end of a word, which at a quick glance can be mistaken for letters. But the number of these squiggles and their quality do not correspond to the letters at the end of the word. It is important to determine whether your child has developed this habit. However, regardless of whether it exists or not, we get used to consistency and gradual pronunciation, we pronounce every word we write down!

Material for work - collections of dictations (with commas already added, and check that there are no typos).

Assignment: carefully reading, “photographing” the text, explain the placement of each punctuation mark out loud. It is better (for middle and older age) if the explanation sounds like this: “The comma between the adjective “clear” and the conjunction “and”, firstly, closes the adverbial phrase.” ", and secondly, it separates two parts of a complex sentence (grammatical bases: the first ". ", the second ". "), connected by the conjunction "and"".

When performing this exercise, it is suggested to use the hint text, where all the missing letters are in their places. The exercise develops attention and confidence in writing skills.

Of course, no matter what, what Lariosik __to the hall is going to eat. In no one __l__ch__e n__ m__f__t b__t__ n__ st__ro__e Petliura in__el__ig__n__n__y ch__l__ve__ in__ob__e, but d__en__lm__n, p__d__i__av__iy cheerful on s__m__es__t p__t you__ya__ and p__sy__a__shchi__ __el__g__a__we in __is __e__t tr__ s__ov__, in particular. M__shi__nym little__lo__ and k__ro__i__om on__lu__sh__m ob__az__m b__li s__aza__s and nay-tours Colt and Al__shin brau__ing. Lariosik, p__d__b__o Nikolka, z__su__il __uk__v__ and p__m__ga__ __maz__va__y and __kl__dy__at__ all__ in d__in__u__ and __y__o__uyu tough__uyu k__rob__u __z-__od ka__am__l__. __ab__ta __y__a sp__shn__y, ib__o__om p__ry__och__om chlo__e__u, u__a__your__avsh__mu in rev__i__, o__li__but and__v__st__o, __t__ o__y__ki pr__ __s__h vl__st__h __ro__sho__yat from __vu__ cha__ov t__i__t__ti __in__t __o__and until __an hour__on Friday__and m__nu__ ut__a z__mo__ and from __day__and th__so__ but__and to __four__h __tra le__o__. V__e __e ra__ot__ z_-d__rzh__la__y, bl__go__a_-ya Lariosik, who__to__y__, zako__ya__y with __with__ro__st__om activity p__sto__eta with__s__em__ Colt, involved in __y__ku __battle__u not t__m __end__m and, __t __b__ in__ta__it__ e__, __he__do__il__s signif__chi__ate__but__ us__l__e and __or__do__but__ k__li__e__t__o m__sl__. Kr__m__ to__o, pr__izolo in__or__e and n__zhi__a__no__ pr__pya__st__i__: k__ro__k__ with v__o__en__m__ in n__e re__ol__we__am__, p__go__a__i Nikolki and Al__ks__ya, she__ro__om and __ar__o__ko__ __a__le__n__ka A__ek__e__, k__r__b__a , in __lo__e__na__ in__u__r__ __lo__m par__fi__ov__y __um__gi and s__a__zh__ p__ in__e__ __v__m __bl__p__e__na__ li__kim__ __olo__am__ __le__t__i__e__ko__ __z__lya__i, n__ __ro__es__a in f__rto__k__.

Labyrinths are good for developing gross motor skills (movements of the hand and forearm), attention, and continuous line. Make sure your child changes the position of his hand, not the sheet of paper.

You can find a variety of labyrinths here.

Dictations must be written! Only in a special way.

At the initial stage of eliminating dysgraphia, a dysgraphic applicant should spend at least an hour writing a dictation of 150 words. Why so long? This can be seen from the following points.

  • The text is read in its entirety. You can ask what spelling/punctuation this text is based on. Your student is unlikely to answer, since he has already decided that this is “not for him,” so remember and lightly point out them yourself, find out whether the concepts of “unstressed vowels” and “participial/adverbial phrase” are known.

    Then the first sentence is dictated. Ask the student to name the number of commas in it and try to explain them. Do not insist, suggest, encourage the attempt to give the correct answer. Ask them to spell one or two difficult (or simply long) words. Only then (after reading it twice, or even three or four times).

  • Teaching children to write without mistakes

    1) Exercise “Proofreading”.

    For this exercise you need a book, boring and with a fairly large (not small) font. The student works every day for five (no more) minutes on the following task: crosses out the given letters in a continuous text. You need to start with one letter, for example, “a”. Then “o”, then the consonants with which there are problems, first they also need to be asked one at a time. After 5-6 days of such classes, we switch to two letters, one is crossed out, the other is underlined or circled. The letters should be “paired”, “similar” in the student’s mind. For example, as practice shows, most often difficulties arise with the pairs “p/t”, “p/r”, “m/l” (spelling similarity); “y/d”, “y/y”, “d/b” (in the latter case the child forgets whether the tail of the circle is pointing up or down), etc.

    An extremely important and irreplaceable technique: everything that is written is spoken out loud by the writer at the time of writing and the way it is written, with underlining and highlighting weak parts.

    1. Extremely slow!
    2. The text is read in its entirety. You can ask what spelling/punctuation this text is based on. Most likely the child will refuse, will not be able to do this, so remember and lightly point out them yourself, find out whether the concepts of “unstressed vowels” and “participial/adverbial phrase” are known.

    Then the first sentence is dictated. Ask your child to name the number of commas in it and try to explain them. Do not insist, suggest, encourage the attempt to give the correct answer. Ask them to spell one or two difficult (or simply long) words. Only then (after reading it twice, or even three or four times).

  • The sentence is dictated in parts and written down with all the pronunciation features and punctuation marks spoken out loud.

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    Dysgraphia in a child: we don’t scold, we help

    What is dysgraphia?

    There are different types of dysgraphia:

    Agrammatic - this form can be caused by underdevelopment of the grammatical structure of speech. Children write with errors, despite all the rules of grammar;

    Symptoms of the disease

    Do not finish words;

    Confuse paired letters;

    Rearrange syllables;

    Write different words together;

    Add an extra letter;

    Skip words in sentences;

    Do not put periods at the end of sentences;

    Correctly pronounced, but incorrectly written.

    With dysgraphia, a child often makes the same mistakes, even knowing the rules. This is a characteristic distinguishing feature. In addition, handwriting is usually ugly and illegible. It is very difficult for such a child to write dictations, and he does it slowly.

    Impaired memory and attention;

    Injuries and infections that occurred early in life;

    Early learning of letters.

    Write short dictations - a few sentences each;

    Underline a certain letter in the text, for example, only the letter “a”;

    Come up with words that start with a certain letter;

    Trace a specific letter with a pencil;

    Write words, pronouncing all the letters.


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    Speech therapy deviation - dysgraphia in primary schoolchildren: correction methods and effective exercises

    The beginning of the school year in first grade sometimes reveals the problem of dysgraphia in children of primary school age. A speech therapy disease is characterized by a writing disorder: children miss letters, write the same way as they speak, without taking into account the rules, do not complete words, and distort case endings.

    Teachers and parents should pay attention to the problem that has arisen in a timely manner. In the absence of timely measures, the child will get used to writing incorrectly, become an object of ridicule at school, and lose confidence in his abilities. Pay attention to correction methods and exercises for the treatment of dysgraphia in children.

    Reasons for development

    How does dysgraphia appear? Scientists have not yet found an exact answer; the mechanism of the problem with writing is not fully understood. Most experts consider heredity (immature cells of certain parts of the brain) to be the main cause.

    • biological factors: birth injuries, pathologies of fetal development during pregnancy;
    • lack of communication with the baby at an early age;
    • parents did not pay attention to speech development;
    • incorrect pronunciation among family members;
    • prolonged distortion of words, “lisping” with children;
    • parents speak different languages.

    Speech therapists identify several types of dysgraphia in children. The information will help parents figure out why children miss letters or spell the endings of words incorrectly. It is important to know what form of dysgraphia the student has in order to correctly perform the exercises recommended by the speech therapist at home.

    Find out the instructions for using Vibrocil for children against a runny nose.

    Read about how to properly take breast elixir for children in this article.

    Acoustic form

    Features of acoustic dysgraphia:

    • replacing letters with phonetically similar ones. Orally, the child pronounces the letters correctly, but writes incorrectly;
    • Most often they are mixed: hissing - whistling (F - W), voiceless - voiced (F - V). The child often confuses C - S, Ch - Sh;
    • Another sign is the omission or excessive addition of soft consonants when writing, for example, “walk” instead of walk”, “hurt” instead of “hurt”.

    Articular-acoustic form

    • incorrect pronunciation of sounds is recorded on paper;
    • Until the student pronounces words correctly, it is impossible to get rid of this form of speech therapy disease.

    Optical dysgraphia

    • the problem develops with insufficient development of visual analysis and synthesis skills;
    • the child poorly distinguishes the details of letters, poorly assimilates the combination of “ovals”, “sticks”, special elements from which all letters are composed;
    • Most often, children do not complete the lines, it turns out not M, but L, they add unnecessary details, skip connecting elements when the letters are similar. Sometimes students write letters in mirror images.

    Ungrammatical view

    • The problem arises when the rules of grammar are violated. Ungrammaticality is observed when writing not only words, but also phrases, sentences, and entire text;
    • The problem manifests itself when studying grammatical norms. Parents and teachers find out that the little dysgraphic student writes case endings incorrectly and is poorly able to coordinate words with each other. Children write “good sun”, “long days”, “big trees”.

    Methods of correction and treatment

    If a problem is identified, the start of classes should not be delayed. An integrated approach includes working with a psychologist (helps overcome difficulties at school and family) and a speech therapist (determines the form of the disease, develops a treatment regimen).

    Specialists will offer correction methods and exercises to eliminate problems depending on the type of dysgraphia. Parents should tune in to daily classes using a method developed by specialists. The ideal option is to transfer a primary school student to a speech therapy school or class, if there is one in your locality. In the absence of specialized institutions, regular visits to a psychologist, classes with a speech therapist, and mandatory reinforcement of skills at home with parents are required.

    Effective ways to correct dysgraphia:

    • activities for the development of memory and thinking;
    • vocabulary enrichment;
    • working on correct pronunciation of words;
    • remembering grammatical norms;
    • exercises to improve auditory and spatial perception;
    • classes that encourage the analysis of certain phenomena and grammatical forms;
    • written exercises. The student must reproduce new material on paper, confirm an understanding of the differences between the elements of letters in the optical form of dysgraphia;
    • rehabilitation treatment: massage, physiotherapy, sedatives for excessive excitability, hyperactivity syndrome.
    • diagnostic. Conducting dictations, checking the state of the grammatical and lexical aspects of speech, analyzing the results obtained;
    • preparatory. Development of thinking, fine motor skills, memory, understanding of spatio-temporal connections;
    • correctional. Correction of dysgraphic disorders. The main work is focused on the phonetic, lexical and syntactic level. The task is to eliminate the problem with speech, correct pronunciation, normalize the reading process;
    • evaluative. Checking the achieved results, analyzing written work, recommendations to parents to consolidate skills.

    Pay more attention to pronunciation and written expression of thoughts in the following cases:

    • a left-handed child or a retrained right-handed child;
    • you started learning to read and write at an unreasonably early age;
    • problems with concentration and memory were noted;
    • family members speak two, sometimes more, languages;
    • before school, the child went to a speech therapy group;
    • you often notice that a primary school student writes words the way he pronounces them;
    • the child does not fully understand the difference between paired voiced and voiceless consonants, the vowels yu - e, u - o, and often confuses “r” / “l”, hissing ones;
    • often does not complete the endings of words, skips letters/entire syllables.

    Exercises to overcome illness

    We write out loud

    A simple, effective technique. The student must pronounce everything he writes, making sure to highlight the weak parts. It is important to clearly, slowly pronounce unstressed vowels, sibilants, and consonant positions at the end of a word. For example: a cow gives healthy milk (the fluent pronunciation is different: cow gives pale malaco). The child’s task is to pronounce EVERY word.

    One more point: you need to clearly highlight the consonant at the end: tooth, knife, blood. Incorrect pronunciation of endings often causes confusion about which letter to write. Hence - incomprehensible squiggles instead of correct designations.

    I work as a proofreader

    For an exercise with such an unusual name, you need a boring book, a technical magazine, complex literature that the student definitely does not want to read. The main thing is large letters, a convenient font.

    The task is to find a certain letter in the text, for example, “o”, and cross it out. Focus on the letters that the child confuses and cannot write correctly. During the search, the student will clearly remember what the letters “a” and “y” look like.

    Has the first stage been completed? It's time to make things more difficult. The child must find two letters in the text, preferably similar in spelling, for example, “l” / “m”, “zh” / “x”. Children often write the “tail” of the letter “b” in the wrong direction. It is easy to find the necessary examples by analyzing the errors in writing dictations of a primary school student.

    Find and understand

    For work you will need collections of dictations. The task is to explain each comma in detail. If a student doesn't know the rules well, learn as you go. It is important that as a result of your studies you receive a clear answer.

    Example: “A comma between the noun “spring” and the conjunction “and” separates the two parts of a compound sentence (Spring has come and the grass has turned green). Don't overload the lesson with examples. Analyze four to five sentences so that the student clearly understands the rules for placing commas. It is important to say each phrase out loud two or three times.


    Great exercise for developing gross motor skills. Buy special manuals with labyrinths of different types or draw intricate passages yourself. The task is to trace with your finger from the beginning of the maze to the exit. During the exercise, the hand and forearm are involved.

    Make sure that the little dysgraphic person moves his hand and not the piece of paper.

    Find out more about the symptoms and treatment of gastritis in children.

    Methods for treating laryngitis in children at home are described in this article.

    Find the missing letter

    You will need the source text, in which everything is in its place. The work requires the same material, but some letters are missing. The student's task is to fill in the blanks. The hint text will help you find and remember the letters.

    Sample: On l*gu r*st*t kras*v*e colors. D*t* r*d*yu*s* v*sn* and *ol*c*.

    Hint: There are beautiful flowers growing in the meadow. Children enjoy spring and the sun.

    Find a text that is not boring so that the student becomes interested in what will happen as a result of his efforts.

    • remember: methods for correcting dysgraphia are varied, not always interesting to adults, but effective for developing children’s writing skills;
    • exercises take a lot of time: persistence, patience, and constant monitoring of homework are required;
    • If the speech therapist has assigned a large text task to work with parents, be sure to break it down into two or three shorter ones. Overwork is a direct road to whims and reluctance to exercise;
    • Never force your son or daughter to rewrite their homework 3-4 times. This approach is harmful to the student’s health, causes more mistakes each time, and provokes self-doubt. Children begin to get angry, quietly or openly express dissatisfaction. It is unacceptable to discourage activities;
    • always praise the student for any, even the most modest, successes. Don't humiliate your children when they fail. Calling names and coming up with offensive nicknames is strictly prohibited: the child suffers at school, where not everything works out, and then the parents offend. A dangerous situation for the child's psyche.

    Video. Specialist on the causes and treatment of childhood dysgraphia:

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    I agree with one exception. This is not a “speech therapy disease” or an “illness”, but a violation, and, accordingly, it is not “treatment” that is required, but correction. There is no need to make children sick. Let's be correct in our wording!

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  • Dysgraphia in primary schoolchildren: types, signs and what to do?

    In elementary school, some parents are surprised to learn that their child has a specific problem - dysgraphia: the child cannot write almost a single word without errors, while it would seem that he is fully developed and there are no problems with intellectual development. What is dysgraphia?

    Dysgraphia has clearly expressed symptoms, but an accurate diagnosis can only be made by a specialist, most often a speech therapist. Dysgraphia does not go away on its own and interferes with the child’s further education: without eliminating the problem, mastering the school curriculum even at a basic level will be very difficult.

    What is dysgraphia? How do you know if your child has dysgraphia?

    As a rule, parents and teachers learn that a child has problems with writing (dysgraphia) only when teaching writing, that is, in elementary school. Dysgraphia is a specific writing disorder when a child writes words with phonetic errors or errors in recording sounds. Instead of "p" he writes "b", instead of "t" - "d", forms syllables incorrectly, adds extra letters, omits necessary ones, writes several words together.

    Dysgraphia can be mistakenly mistaken for simply ignorance of grammatical rules, but the problem lies deeper.

    Compare: “sentence” - “sentence” and “sentence” - “addition”. In this example, the difference between simple ignorance of the correct spelling (rules) and dysgraphia is clearly visible.

    Moreover, the handwriting of such children is often illegible and uneven. When writing, the child shows a lot of effort, but writes very slowly. If such a child studies in a class with ordinary children, he may experience serious worries because of his mistakes, slowness, and the teacher’s dissatisfaction. In speech, a child with dysgraphia often cannot construct long sentences and prefers to remain silent or speak briefly. Because of this, the dysgraphic person does not have full communication with his peers, and it seems to him that his classmates are against him.

    Unfortunately, this is a rather serious problem that “does not go alone”: most often dysgraphia manifests itself together with dyslexia, a reading problem, and the child may also have speech problems and impairments of other physical functions.

    Types of dysgraphia:

    • Articulatory-acoustic. It is due to the fact that the child pronounces sounds incorrectly, which means that when he pronounces them to himself, he writes them down incorrectly. To correct this type of dysgraphia, you need to work on the correct pronunciation of sounds.
    • Acoustic. In this case, the child correctly pronounces sounds, but confuses them with similar sounds (voiceless-voiced: b-p, d-t, z-s; hissing: s-sh, z-zh; and also does not distinguish the softness of individual sounds) .
    • Optical. A child with optical dysgraphia has difficulty writing and distinguishing letters: he adds extra elements (sticks, dashes, circles), skips the necessary ones, even writes in a mirror image in the opposite direction).
    • Dysgraphia due to problems in language analysis and synthesis. A child with this problem in writing may skip or repeat entire words, rearrange syllables and letters, write different words together (confuse prefixes and prepositions on nouns - write together or separately, attach part of the next word to one word, etc.)
    • Agrammatic dysgraphia. As a rule, it is revealed after 1-2 grades, as it requires greater knowledge of the rules of writing words ("good cat", "beautiful sun", etc.). That is, this problem is due to the fact that the child cannot correctly inflect words by gender and case, and cannot agree on an adjective and a noun. This problem can be observed in bilingual (bilingual) families, as well as when a child is taught in a non-native language.

    Causes of dysgraphia.

    The reasons for this disorder can be very different: from birth injuries, infections and genetics, to neglected upbringing. When there are problems in the functioning of the brain, dysgraphia is most often accompanied by concomitant diseases, which parents may already be aware of.

    In fact, a child who has been diagnosed with dysgraphia cannot write without errors, because the functioning of his speech, auditory, visual and motor analyzers is impaired, the child cannot process information (synthesis and analysis).

    How to eliminate dysgraphia and is it possible?

    In part, yes, with some effort on the part of both parents, specialists, and the child himself, dysgraphia can be corrected and cured. Of course, this is not a quick process: it may take months or years of systematic training to completely overcome dysgraphia and accompanying writing, speech and reading disorders.

    Dysgraphia is not a death sentence, you can live with it, but the task of parents and teachers should be to overcome this illness. Fortunately, many methods and exercises have been developed to eliminate dysgraphia.

    Which doctor treats dysgraphia?

    Dysgraphia is usually reported by the child's teacher. He may already have experience working with such children. Next, you should contact a speech therapist and neuropsychiatrist. The main work is carried out by a speech therapist: he develops both hemispheres of the brain, teaches him to distinguish, pronounce and record sounds. A neuropsychiatrist will help identify concomitant disorders (if any), understand the causes of dysgraphia and prescribe medication. In some cases, other specialists are involved in solving the problem, for example, if a child has hearing problems, he can neither hear sounds nor record them.

    We must not forget that a “dysgraphic person” very often feels his problem acutely and is afraid to manifest it again: he skips classes, loses notebooks in the Russian language, and communicates little. The task of adults, in addition to treatment, is to provide psychological support to the child: do not scold, show interest in success, help.

    Dysgraphia is a disorder that can and should be worked on: perform exercises, correct related problems (for example, dyslexia, communication problems with peers). The peculiarities of this disorder and its significance for the child’s future life cannot allow for unprofessional intervention - it is necessary to contact specialists, first of all, a speech therapist.

    Dyslexia. What it is? Types and signs.

    A child suffering from dyslexia, until the age of 6-7, is usually not very different from his peers: he plays, dreams of going to school and studying well, perhaps he is a little more active and clumsy. But in elementary school, parents and teachers notice that the child has difficulty reading: he makes mistakes, does not understand what he reads, and avoids books. This may be a sign of dyslexia. What is dyslexia and how do you know if a child is dyslexic?

    Dyslexia- this is a specific violation of the ability to read, when a child makes the same type of mistakes when reading. In this case, the child may be fully intellectually developed and not experience other learning difficulties.

    It is not easy for ordinary people to understand what dyslexia is. According to dyslexic researcher Ronald Davis, the difference between dyslexics and ordinary people is that ordinary people think in words, while dyslexics think in images. Therefore, when a child suffering from dyslexia is faced with a verbal description of an object or phenomenon, he experiences difficulties. It is especially difficult for such a child to perceive words whose meaning he does not know, that is, he does not have an image in his memory; such words can be, in particular, prepositions: “through,” “above,” “under.”

    When reading, a dyslexic child constantly faces difficulties: even one word that he does not know (does not have its image) destroys the general image of what he read, that is, the text becomes completely incomprehensible to the child. Very often, people have impairments not only in the ability to read (dyslexia), but also in the ability to write correctly (dysgraphia).

    Dictation of a child suffering from dysgraphia. Dyslexia and dysgraphia are disorders that often go together.

    How does dyslexia manifest?

    As a rule, impaired reading ability is associated with problems composing words from syllables (syllabation), reading whole words, and reading fluently. Children read slowly, letter by letter or syllable by syllable, try to guess words rather than read them, rearrange letters and syllables. All this leads to the fact that the text often remains incomprehensible to the child. Some children, having perfected their reading technique, may not understand what they read and answer questions about the text.

    Diagnosis of dyslexia

    Diagnosing dyslexia is not easy, because a variety of children can experience reading problems for various reasons: poor mental development, pedagogical neglect, poor hearing and the child’s vision, which does not allow him to see letters, work with text, etc. Dyslexia is distinguished by the repetition of errors, their identity and persistence, that is, even after training (when correctional work has not yet been carried out), problems remain.

    Dyslexia is not a mental illness and is diagnosed by several specialists by conducting various tests, including testing the child’s health (hearing, vision), level of intelligence, reading techniques and text comprehension, and full speech abilities.

    Types of dyslexia

    • Phonemic dyslexia . It is most common in younger schoolchildren, and is associated with the fact that the child mixes similar sounds (voiceless-voiced, hard-soft, voiced-voiceless, for example, b-p, d-t, ts-s, zh-sh). This type of dyslexia is expressed in letter-by-letter reading, in the fact that a child can skip letters and syllables or rearrange them when reading).
    • Rote reading (semantic dyslexia) . The child masters reading techniques, but cannot understand part or all of the meaning of what he read. One of the reasons for semantic dyslexia is that the words in a sentence are not connected for the child, the child cannot get an overall picture of the semantic content.
    • Agrammatic dyslexia , like agrammatic dysgraphia, is associated with coordination problems, in particular, nouns and adjectives, nouns and verbs, when the endings of words do not agree: “beautiful cat”, “tall poplar”, etc.
    • Optical dyslexia . All letters consist of approximately the same elements: dashes, sticks, circles. Optical dyslexia is expressed in the fact that children confuse letters that are similar in spelling, letters that differ in one or two elements or are located differently in space.
    • Mnestic dyslexia . It is due to the fact that the child cannot remember the connection between the designation of a letter and the sound that it “gives” when reading.

    Consequences of dyslexia.

    A child with dyslexia may experience significant difficulties associated with the inability to understand text and spend a lot of time reading, which leads to further difficulties in learning at school. Because dyslexics do not read much, they may have a small vocabulary. Dyslexics are also characterized by poor spatial orientation, disorganization, problems with coordination, and low self-esteem.

    What to do if your child has dyslexia?

    A speech therapist deals with the correction of dyslexia in children and adults. Depending on the type of disorder, different methods of correcting dyslexia are used.

    Despite all the possible negative consequences, dyslexia, like dysgraphia, is not a death sentence: children can be very gifted in other areas of activity, they often show the ability to think outside the box, in images, and creatively. It would seem that such a problem could put an end to the development of a child and his future, but history knows many outstanding people suffering from dyslexia and dysgraphia: Walt Disney, Albert Einstein, Hans Christian Andersen, Henry Ford, as well as artists Cher, Marilyn Monroe, Tom Cruise, Keira Knightley, Dustin Hoffman and others. The main thing is to accept a dyslexic person as he is, to provide comprehensive assistance and support both in the development of his other talents and in the correction of dyslexia.

    How to choose the right method for correcting dyslexia?

    Dyslexia as a selective reading disorder can be corrected. It is not entirely accurate to talk about the treatment of dyslexia, because in the strict sense, dyslexia is not a disease. A specialist - a speech therapist - should work with children suffering from dyslexia, but it is necessary to accurately diagnose the problem, determine its type, and only then choose methods of work.

    As a rule, parents learn about dyslexia only after the child enters school and begins to learn to read. And it is almost impossible to immediately determine whether a child has dyslexia: many children have difficulty learning to read. Why is it that if some children mix up letters and read slowly, they are “normal”, while others are dyslexic?

    Children with dyslexia read slowly, confuse syllables and letters, and often cannot answer questions about the text - they do not fully understand the content of what they read. This can have serious consequences on school performance. Dyslexics have the same type of reading problems for a long time; they persist during normal reading training, while in other children the problems disappear and they master reading techniques.

    Depends on the type of problem.

    There are several types of dyslexia (mechanical, phonemic, optical, etc.) and, depending on the type of dyslexia, the child has different reading problems. With one type of disorder, a child can read a text without errors, but not understand what he read; with another type of dyslexia, a child rearranges letters and syllables when reading. Accordingly, different types of dyslexia require different correction methods.

    Also, methods for correcting dyslexia depend on its causes. For example, problems with reading may be associated with poor vision of the child, and he cannot read the text; problems can also be caused by the child's mental retardation (although many dyslexics do not have any developmental disabilities). When correcting dyslexia in these cases, it is necessary to eliminate and correct the root cause, and only then solve problems with reading texts.

    Researchers have found that dyslexia is mainly associated with dysfunction of certain areas of the brain. We can say that dyslexia is often a hereditary disorder: if the child’s family already had problems with reading or writing, as well as other neuro- and psychophysiological problems, then there is a possibility that problems will appear in children.

    Diagnosis of dyslexia in a child.

    When choosing one or another method for correcting reading impairment, you need to know exactly its causes and type of dyslexia, so before you start working with a speech therapist, a detailed and professional diagnosis by several specialists is required. The child's vision, hearing, and learning ability (mental development) must be tested. Diagnosis is carried out by specialists: otolaryngologist, psychoneurologist, speech therapist, psychologist. It may be necessary to contact other specialists.

    Correction of dyslexia.

    Dysgraphia and dyslexia, despite their prevalence, should only be corrected by a qualified specialist - a speech therapist. Correction may take several months or even years.A speech therapist will be able to diagnose the child and begin classes. They must be regular. The work of a speech therapist often occurs in collaboration with parents, who may perform some exercises with their children as homework.

    A child with dyslexia is not a naughty child who doesn't want to read, nor is he mentally retarded, he is a normal child who has some difficulty reading. However, if he finds himself in an unhealthy group, where his shortcomings can be ridiculed, and the teacher cannot always give individual tasks to the child, make explanations when studying the material, he becomes depressed, withdraws into himself, and his self-esteem and interest in learning and life decrease. Such a child, first of all, needs the support of adults (parents, relatives and teachers) who will love, appreciate and accept him for who he is.

    At the same time, such a child does not need to be overly pampered and allowed to “shirk” from classes and reading, there is no need to provoke poor performance - such children are often not only able and capable of learning (they are fully developed), but also capable of extraordinary solutions to problems, They have a highly developed imagination and imaginative thinking; such children are able to play sports, dance, and have a penchant for creative professions.

    Dysgraphia is a fragmented deviation that occurs in written speech activity, due to the insufficient development (or decay) of mental functions involved in the reproduction and control of written speech. The described disorder is manifested by persistent, characteristic, repeated errors that appear when writing, which do not disappear without targeted corrective intervention.

    Diagnosing dysgraphia, first of all, includes assessing written work, reviewing oral and checking written language. For the disorder in question, the corrective effect consists of eliminating the disorder of sound pronunciation, developing non-speech functions, vocabulary, phonemic processes, grammar, and speech coherence.


    In order to write down a dictated sentence correctly, a person needs to know, in addition to the intricacies of writing letters, the features of their delimitation and maintain a semantic verbal sequence. The process of mastering writing skills is due to a close relationship with the degree of maturity of all aspects of oral speech activity (sound pronunciation, phonemic perception, coherence of speech, its lexical and grammatical correctness).

    Therefore, the origin of dysgraphia often lies in similar organic causes and functional factors that give rise to: dyslalia (against the background of preserved auditory function and innervation of the articulatory apparatus, there is a deviation in the reproduction of sounds), (underdevelopment of speech activity or its absence while hearing and intelligence are preserved), ( deviations in pronunciation due to a disorder of the innervation of organs necessary for speech reproduction), aphasia (local absence of speech or disruption of previously formed speech activity), delayed psycho-speech maturation.

    If there is a disorder in the differentiation of sounds, a violation of their pronunciation, deviations in analysis and generalization, then dysgraphia may develop. Most scientists who study the causes of dysgraphia are convinced that its formation is significantly influenced by abnormal factors affecting the baby in the mother’s womb, as well as after birth. In addition, long-term somatic diseases and head injuries can also cause dysgraphia. Dysgraphia in children is often genetically determined.

    So, the appearance of the considered deviation of written speech is often caused by underdevelopment of the brain during the intrauterine formation of the baby, its damage in the natal or postnatal periods (fetal asphyxia, birth injuries, previous meningococcal pathologies, somatic ailments causing weakness of the nervous system).

    In addition to the listed aspects, we can highlight socio-psychological aspects that lead to the appearance of this deviation, such as: bilingualism of parents (bilingualism), deficit of speech interaction, incomprehensible or incorrect speech of adults, inattention to children's speech communication, premature learning of the child to read and write (when there is no psychological readiness ).

    The deficit of speech communication is far from the least important in causing the disorder in question. In families where adults communicate freely in different languages, the described defect can also often be observed in children.

    Dysgraphia is observed no less often in adults than in children. The main reason that gives rise to the deviation in question in adulthood is tumor processes occurring in the brain, meningococcal infections, brain injuries, and asphyxia.


    Manifestations characterizing the described pathology include typical errors of a persistent nature reproduced in writing, not caused by ignorance of grammar and language norms.

    Classic errors observed in various variations of dysgraphia can be found in:

    – mixing and replacing graphically similar handwritten letters (for example, sh – sch, m – l) or phonetically similar sounds (b – p, sh – zh);

    – violation of the separateness or unity of spelling of words;

    – distortion of the letter-syllabic structure of a word (letter rearrangements, their addition or omission);

    – agrammatisms (defects in verbal transformations and word coherence).

    Non-speech symptoms are also distinguished, namely: neurological abnormalities, disorders of the cognitive sphere, perception, memory, motor skills, and mental disorders.

    In addition to the above, this deviation is characterized by slow lettering and unclear handwriting. Also often observed are words “slipping” from the lines, fluctuations in the height of letters and their inclination, and replacement of capital letters by lowercase letters and vice versa.

    With articulatory-acoustic variation of dysgraphia, characteristic writing errors are caused by incorrect sound pronunciation (the individual writes the same way as he pronounces). Here, substitutions and omissions of letters when writing repeat similar sound errors in oral communication. The articulatory-acoustic type of the deviation in question is observed in rhinolalia, polymorphic dyslalia, and dysarthria. In other words, the described variety occurs in children with phonemic immaturity of speech.

    The acoustic form is characterized by underdevelopment of phonemic perception against the background of intact sound pronunciation. Errors in writing here are manifested by replacing letters corresponding to similar sounds (hissing - whistling, dull - voiced and vice versa).

    Dysgraphia, which arose as a result of a disorder of linguistic generalization and analysis, is characterized by a deviation in the division of words into syllables and sentences into words. The described type of dysgraphia is manifested by omissions, repetitions or letter-syllabic rearrangements, writing additional letters or omitting the endings of words, writing prepositions together with words and vice versa, separately with prefixes. Dysgraphia is more common in younger schoolchildren precisely because of disorders in language analysis and generalization.

    Agrammatic dysgraphia manifests itself in the erroneous inflection of words, violation of the consistency of words and prepositional constructions (incorrect word order, omitting of sentence parts). This type usually accompanies a general underdevelopment of speech communication caused by alalia and dysarthria.

    With optical variation of the described disorder, when writing, graphically similar letters are mixed or replaced. Impaired reproduction and recognition of isolated letters indicates a literal type of optical dysgraphia.
    If the letters in a word are spelled incorrectly, we can talk about the verbal form of this dysgraphia. Typical errors of the analyzed form of dysgraphia are the addition of letter elements or their incomplete writing (x instead of g or vice versa), mirror writing of letters.

    Often, with the deviation in question, non-speech symptoms are detected: decreased performance, neurological disruptions, distractibility, memory loss.

    Dysgraphia in adults is characterized by similar symptoms and is manifested by persistent errors when writing against the background of knowledge of spelling norms and grammar rules.

    Types and forms

    The following forms of the disease under consideration can be distinguished: acoustic, articulatory-acoustic, agrammatic, optical and dysgraphia, caused by a disorder in the process of analysis and generalization of the sign system that correlates conceptual meaning and typical sound (language).

    Acoustic variation of dysgraphia is manifested by the substitution of letters corresponding to phonetically similar sounds. The specificity of this variety lies in the correct pronunciation of such sounds orally. Often, when writing, voiced letters are mixed with unvoiced ones, hissing letters are mixed with whistling ones, components are mixed with the affricates contained in them. In addition, the type of dysgraphia under consideration is also found in the incorrect designation when writing the softness of consonants, for example, “lubit”, “pismo”.

    Dysgraphia in children of the articulatory-acoustic form consists of making errors when writing due to the presence of a violation of sound pronunciation. In other words, the baby, based on his own incorrect pronunciation, consolidates it in written speech. Therefore, until the sound pronunciation is corrected, you should not correct the letter based on pronunciation.

    Agrammatic dysgraphia is caused by the immaturity of the grammatical structure of speech. The kid writes contrary to grammatical rules (“nice bag”, “cheerful girl”). Grammatical errors in writing are found in verbal structures, their combinations, and sentences. This variation of dysgraphia is more often found in third graders. Here the student has already mastered literacy and is “close” to comprehending the rules of grammar, but the child cannot master the norms of inflection of nominal components of speech. This is revealed in the incorrect spelling of morphemes that appear at the end of a verbal construction and show the connection of a word with other words.

    Optical variation of dysgraphia is based on underdevelopment of visual generalization and analysis, spatial representations. All letters of the Russian alphabet are “equipped” with a set of certain elements (“ovals” and “sticks”), and consist of several “characteristic” elements. Similar components, combining in every possible way in space, form various letters: i, sh, shch. When a child does not grasp the differences between letters, this leads to difficulties in mastering the skills of drawing letters, as well as to incorrect reproduction of them in writing.

    Dysgraphia in younger schoolchildren, provoked by a disorder in the process of analysis and generalization of the sign system, is considered the most common. It is characterized by the following errors: omissions of letters and even syllables, “relocation” of letters and syllables, writing additional letters in a word, underwriting words, doubling letters and syllables, writing together with prepositions and separately with prefixes, combining syllables from different words in a word.

    Some authors also identify a motor form of dysgraphia, which is caused by difficulties in making hand movements when writing. In addition, there is a violation of the relationship between motor representations of words and sounds and visual images. As a result, writing cramp may occur, which is characterized by changes in motor acts of the hand, which provokes deviations in writing activity. At the same time, the ability to perform other manual actions is preserved.


    Diagnostic measures, first of all, include the exclusion of physiological causes, hearing abnormalities and visual pathologies. Therefore, an examination is carried out by “narrow” specialists - an ophthalmologist, a neurologist, an otolaryngologist.

    In this case, first of all, in order to diagnose the disorder in question, it is necessary to conduct a speech therapy study, since, first of all, it is necessary to assess the level of maturity of speech functions. Here it is important to determine whether the erroneous spelling of letters is dysgraphia or is it ordinary illiteracy based on ignorance of spelling norms.

    When examining children for dysgraphia, first of all, they check:

    – the degree of general development of the baby;

    – level of maturity of oral speech (here they evaluate the quality of pronunciation of sounds, the ability to distinguish them, the presence of phonemic generalization and analysis, the specifics of the grammatical structure of speech, vocabulary);

    – ability to carry out sound analysis;

    – state of motor skills (speech and manual), completeness of the articulatory apparatus;

    – amount of vocabulary, correctness of speech structure;

    – written speech (here the child’s written work is analyzed, he is given a task consisting of the following blocks: rewriting text, dictation, descriptions of pictures, reading by syllables and letters).

    Also, in order to determine the causes of dysgraphia, it is necessary to conduct a vision examination, a hearing test and a maturity test of the central nervous system. In addition, testing is carried out to identify the dominant hand.

    To detect the deviation in question in children of primary school age, the method of assessing phonemic speech analysis skills is often used. The baby is given several exercises that show the level of ability to orally analyze the sound of words.
    Testing includes tasks in which the child will demonstrate the ability to:

    – recognize and emphasize a given sound in a word;

    – select pictures whose names begin with the indicated sound;

    – invent words;

    – divide sentences into words, then into syllables;

    – compare words according to their sound composition;

    – identify sound distortions in words pronounced by the baby himself or another individual;

    – reproduce several syllables in succession after the speech therapist.

    In order to check a preschooler for the likelihood of dysgraphia, it is recommended to evaluate his approach to drawing, as well as the nature of the drawings themselves. If a three or four year old doesn’t like to draw, this often indicates that the child is predisposed to dysgraphia. Drawings of a child with dysgraphia are distinguished by the presence of intermittent, torn, trembling lines, made with too little or, on the contrary, too much pressure on the pencil.

    Correction and treatment

    If the violation in question is identified, it is necessary to immediately begin work to correct the writing defects.

    The correction program is determined in accordance with the type of deviation and is carried out using the following methods:

    – performing exercises that improve;

    – learning spelling norms with little detail;

    – work to increase vocabulary;

    – performing written exercises of various types;

    - massage;

    - prescribing sedatives.

    There are many ways to correct writing defects caused by dysgraphia. The most effective among them are the following methods: “word model”, recognition of sounds and letters, Ebbighaus Method, error correction.

    The “word model” technique involves the use of cards with an image of an object and a schematic outline of the word. The child is given a card on which some object is drawn and a diagram of a word is drawn. He needs to look at the card, identify the object and pronounce the sounds of the word in order. Then he needs to correlate each sound with a letter, and then write the word.

    The method of recognizing sounds and letters involves the child writing a large number of letters. Then the baby needs to underline the words with the indicated sound and write it. After this, the child will need to find these letters in the word and sentences and cross them out. The last stage is to work with drawings, the designation of which contains the sound being practiced.

    The Ebbiehaus method involves filling in the gaps in words. The baby is given words that are familiar to him, but some letters are missing. The child needs to fill in the blanks with the correct letters, read the word and write it down correctly.

    The error correction method involves finding small errors, correcting them and spelling the words correctly. The child is given a card with a word that contains a mistake, and the word is pronounced correctly. The child should find the mistake, correct it and rewrite the word correctly.


    Preventive measures aimed at preventing violations of the reading process and writing defects should be introduced at the preschool stage, especially in children with speech disorders. It is necessary to work towards the development of attention, visual images, spatial representations, memory, the formation of grammatical structure, vocabulary, the ability to conduct language analysis and synthesis, and eliminate disorders of oral speech activity.

    To prevent the described illness, the entire environment surrounding the baby must stimulate the development of its cognitive sphere and intellectual function.

    From the stage of infancy, special attention should be paid to the full formation of oral speech activity, because the main foundation on which writing is based is oral speech.

    In order to prevent the occurrence of deviations in the auditory discrimination of sounds, it is necessary to “accustom” the hearing of babies to a more “subtle” sound by teaching the baby to recognize a variety of non-speech noises, such as: rustling paper, ringing the phone, knocking of a clock, the sound of rain, knocking on the table. You should also develop the ability to identify the location of the sound source.

    If a child has certain problems in pronunciation or there are sound substitutions, then it is necessary to eliminate the described defects and only after they have been eliminated can one begin to learn to read. There are often cases when a baby has sounds, but he continues to confuse them when pronouncing them. This also requires correction, since similar substitutions are possible when writing.

    Thus, the main emphasis when carrying out preventive measures aimed at preventing dysgraphia should be placed on teaching correct sound differentiation and correct pronunciation.

    The beginning of the school year in first grade sometimes reveals the problem of dysgraphia in children of primary school age. A speech therapy disease is characterized by a writing disorder: children miss letters, write the same way as they speak, without taking into account the rules, do not complete words, and distort case endings.

    Teachers and parents should pay attention to the problem that has arisen in a timely manner. In the absence of timely measures, the child will get used to writing incorrectly, become an object of ridicule at school, and lose confidence in his abilities. Pay attention to correction methods and exercises for the treatment of dysgraphia in children.

    Reasons for development

    How does dysgraphia appear? Scientists have not yet found an exact answer; the mechanism of the problem with writing is not fully understood. Most experts consider heredity (immature cells of certain parts of the brain) to be the main cause.

    Among the probable reasons:

    • biological factors: birth injuries, pathologies of fetal development during pregnancy;
    • lack of communication with the baby at an early age;
    • parents did not pay attention to speech development;
    • incorrect pronunciation among family members;
    • prolonged distortion of words, “lisping” with children;
    • parents speak different languages.


    Speech therapists identify several types of dysgraphia in children. The information will help parents figure out why children miss letters or spell the endings of words incorrectly. It is important to know what form of dysgraphia the student has in order to correctly perform the exercises recommended by the speech therapist at home.

    Acoustic form

    Features of acoustic dysgraphia:

    • replacing letters with phonetically similar ones. Orally, the child pronounces the letters correctly, but writes incorrectly;
    • Most often they are mixed: hissing - whistling (F - W), voiceless - voiced (F - V). The child often confuses C - S, Ch - Sh;
    • Another sign is the omission or excessive addition of soft consonants when writing, for example, “walk” instead of walk”, “hurt” instead of “hurt”.

    Articular-acoustic form


    • incorrect pronunciation of sounds is recorded on paper;
    • Until the student pronounces words correctly, it is impossible to get rid of this form of speech therapy disease.

    Optical dysgraphia


    • the problem develops with insufficient development of visual analysis and synthesis skills;
    • the child poorly distinguishes the details of letters, poorly assimilates the combination of “ovals”, “sticks”, special elements from which all letters are composed;
    • Most often, children do not complete the lines, it turns out not M, but L, they add unnecessary details, skip connecting elements when the letters are similar. Sometimes students write letters in mirror images.

    Ungrammatical view


    • The problem arises when the rules of grammar are violated. Ungrammaticality is observed when writing not only words, but also phrases, sentences, and entire text;
    • The problem manifests itself when studying grammatical norms. Parents and teachers find out that the little dysgraphic student writes case endings incorrectly and is poorly able to coordinate words with each other. Children write “good sun”, “long days”, “big trees”.

    Methods of correction and treatment

    If a problem is identified, the start of classes should not be delayed. An integrated approach includes working with a psychologist (helps overcome difficulties at school and family) and a speech therapist (determines the form of the disease, develops a treatment regimen).

    Specialists will offer correction methods and exercises to eliminate problems depending on the type of dysgraphia. Parents should tune in to daily classes using a method developed by specialists. The ideal option is to transfer a primary school student to a speech therapy school or class, if there is one in your locality. In the absence of specialized institutions, regular visits to a psychologist, classes with a speech therapist, and mandatory reinforcement of skills at home with parents are required.

    Effective ways to correct dysgraphia:

    • activities for the development of memory and thinking;
    • vocabulary enrichment;
    • working on correct pronunciation of words;
    • remembering grammatical norms;
    • exercises to improve auditory and spatial perception;
    • classes that encourage the analysis of certain phenomena and grammatical forms;
    • written exercises. The student must reproduce new material on paper, confirm an understanding of the differences between the elements of letters in the optical form of dysgraphia;
    • rehabilitation treatment: massage, physiotherapy, sedatives for excessive excitability, hyperactivity syndrome.

    Note! Dysgraphia is often combined with dyslexia, a reading disorder. The speech therapist will analyze the problem of the little patient and offer exercises for complex correction.

    Main stages of treatment:

    • diagnostic. Conducting dictations, checking the state of the grammatical and lexical aspects of speech, analyzing the results obtained;
    • preparatory. Development of thinking, fine motor skills, memory, understanding of spatio-temporal connections;
    • correctional. Correction of dysgraphic disorders. The main work is focused on the phonetic, lexical and syntactic level. The task is to eliminate the problem with speech, correct pronunciation, normalize the reading process;
    • evaluative. Checking the achieved results, analyzing written work, recommendations to parents to consolidate skills.

    Pay more attention to pronunciation and written expression of thoughts in the following cases:

    • a left-handed child or a retrained right-handed child;
    • you started learning to read and write at an unreasonably early age;
    • problems with concentration and memory were noted;
    • family members speak two, sometimes more, languages;
    • before school, the child went to a speech therapy group;
    • you often notice that a primary school student writes words the way he pronounces them;
    • the child does not fully understand the difference between paired voiced and voiceless consonants, the vowels yu - e, u - o, and often confuses “r” / “l”, hissing ones;
    • often does not complete the endings of words, skips letters/entire syllables.

    Exercises to overcome illness

    We write out loud

    A simple, effective technique. The student must pronounce everything he writes, making sure to highlight the weak parts. It is important to clearly, slowly pronounce unstressed vowels, sibilants, and consonant positions at the end of a word. For example: a cow gives healthy milk (the fluent pronunciation is different: cow gives pale malaco). The child’s task is to pronounce EVERY word.

    One more point: you need to clearly highlight the consonant at the end: tooth, knife, blood. Incorrect pronunciation of endings often causes confusion about which letter to write. Hence - incomprehensible squiggles instead of correct designations.

    I work as a proofreader

    For an exercise with such an unusual name, you need a boring book, a technical magazine, complex literature that the student definitely does not want to read. The main thing is large letters, a convenient font.

    The task is to find a certain letter in the text, for example, “o”, and cross it out. Focus on the letters that the child confuses and cannot write correctly. During the search, the student will clearly remember what the letters “a” and “y” look like.

    Has the first stage been completed? It's time to make things more difficult. The child must find two letters in the text, preferably similar in spelling, for example, “l” / “m”, “zh” / “x”. Children often write the “tail” of the letter “b” in the wrong direction. It is easy to find the necessary examples by analyzing the errors in writing dictations of a primary school student.

    Important! During the exercise, make sure that you do not read the teaching, but look for the familiar appearance of the selected letter. For this purpose, you need boring, complex material that will not interest the student.

    Find and understand

    For work you will need collections of dictations. The task is to explain each comma in detail. If a student doesn't know the rules well, learn as you go. It is important that as a result of your studies you receive a clear answer.

    Example: “A comma between the noun “spring” and the conjunction “and” separates the two parts of a compound sentence (Spring has come and the grass has turned green). Don't overload the lesson with examples. Analyze four to five sentences so that the student clearly understands the rules for placing commas. It is important to say each phrase out loud two or three times.


    Great exercise for developing gross motor skills. Buy special manuals with labyrinths of different types or draw intricate passages yourself. The task is to trace with your finger from the beginning of the maze to the exit. During the exercise, the hand and forearm are involved.

    Make sure that the little dysgraphic person moves his hand and not the piece of paper.

    Find the missing letter

    You will need the source text, in which everything is in its place. The work requires the same material, but some letters are missing. The student's task is to fill in the blanks. The hint text will help you find and remember the letters.

    Sample: On l*gu r*st*t kras*v*e colors. D*t* r*d*yu*s* v*sn* and *ol*c*.

    Hint: There are beautiful flowers growing in the meadow. Children enjoy spring and the sun.

    Find a text that is not boring so that the student becomes interested in what will happen as a result of his efforts.

    • remember: methods for correcting dysgraphia are varied, not always interesting to adults, but effective for developing children’s writing skills;
    • exercises take a lot of time: persistence, patience, and constant monitoring of homework are required;
    • If the speech therapist has assigned a large text task to work with parents, be sure to break it down into two or three shorter ones. Overwork is a direct road to whims and reluctance to exercise;
    • Never force your son or daughter to rewrite their homework 3-4 times. This approach is harmful to the student’s health, causes more mistakes each time, and provokes self-doubt. Children begin to get angry, quietly or openly express dissatisfaction. It is unacceptable to discourage activities;
    • always praise the student for any, even the most modest, successes. Don't humiliate your children when they fail. Calling names and coming up with offensive nicknames is strictly prohibited: the child suffers at school, where not everything works out, and then the parents offend. A dangerous situation for the child's psyche.

    Now you know what dysgraphia is and how speech therapy disease manifests itself in primary schoolchildren. Learn correction methods and exercises to acquire correct writing skills. Follow the recommendations of an experienced speech therapist and consult a psychologist. Treatment of dysgraphia in children requires patience, a desire to help, and the right approach to classes.

    Video. Specialist on the causes and treatment of childhood dysgraphia:

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