The meaning of the painting two horses on the water. What does a horse mean in Feng Shui?

Feng Shui horse symbolizes enormous strength and perseverance, success and endurance in all good endeavors and deeds. The talisman works well with motivated people, businessmen, emphasizing their desire for prosperity. The horse helps to attract good luck, career growth, and also affects the recognition and respect of a person in society. Feng Shui horse, along with other powerful talismans, can often be seen in the offices of managers of large companies. Agree, a successful person knows what to do and how to do it. An important fact is that the animal Horse has enormous strength, obeys and works only after it is saddled, but only strong and purposeful people can ride it.

Types of Horse talisman according to Feng Shui

There are several interpretations of the image of a horse, and each has its own special meaning.

Gift horse according to Feng Shui- a horse loaded with money and gold. Such a talisman symbolizes the arrival of prosperity and good luck in the house. The figurine can be placed in, in the living room, on the desktop. A beautiful animal needs a prominent place so that its owners can admire it. The horse must only look inside the house or at you (if it is on the desktop). A turned away horse will take wealth away from home. It is customary for the gift horse to be white.

Victory Horse - necessarily an unsaddled animal depicted running. Such a talisman primarily has a beneficial effect on business people. His energy helps him achieve his goals and emerge victorious from difficult situations. The place of such a horse is in. The talisman can be placed at home in sectors that directly or indirectly affect career and success. It will help bring people into your life who can help you achieve success. A horse in the career zone will push the owner of the house to take action to improve the success and well-being of the family. , the horse will help attract family recognition and respect.

Monkey on Horse according to Feng Shui – such a talisman carries the meaning of both animals. The Monkey is smart, cunning, dexterous, the Horse is fast, strong and resilient. Both animals in such a talisman complement each other. Thus, they help to achieve career growth and excellent results in business, not only through perseverance and hard work, but also through unconventional thinking, ingenuity, and positive cunning. The Monkey, riding the Horse, controls it, using the power of the horse wisely.

Paired Horse talismans, symbolize the importance of strong friendship and partnership in all areas of life. In family relationships, such a talisman will help strengthen feelings, respect, attentiveness, and understanding between husband and wife. If you have a business partner, give him such a figurine, thereby emphasizing his importance in your common business.

Instead of a figurine, you can use images or paintings of Horses. In China, paintings of running herds of horses have been popular since ancient times.


  • Any horse should only look inside the house.
  • Depictions of frightened, depressed or enraged horses are not permitted.
  • The horse is under the protection of fire, do not place the talisman next to water symbols.
  • The bedroom is not suitable for a horse's strong energy.

The horse has strong energy. When choosing a talisman, first of all pay attention to your character. Perhaps you don't like speed, or vice versa. Try to use only talismans that are compatible with you and are appropriate.

The meaning of the symbol.

We all know and see very well that the horse is one of the most beautiful, noble, intelligent animals. The horse mascot is a positive and significant sign. It is not surprising that in the teachings of Feng Shui it symbolizes wisdom, intelligence, quickness of thought, the desire to achieve goals, as well as endurance, joy of life, optimism and a good reputation. It brings favorable changes to a person’s life.

Types of talismans.

Horse talismans are divided into several types, each of which is “responsible” for certain areas of life.

Gift horses. They are suitable for those who want to strengthen and increase their well-being and climb the career ladder.
The gift horse is depicted as carrying countless treasures on its back. This amulet should be positioned in such a way as to look inside the house. Otherwise, the effect will be the opposite. The best, most effective colors are white, silver, and gold. One more condition - no saddle!

Holiday horses. This amulet is for people seeking recognition. Depicted as a rearing horse. Place such a handsome man in the career sector, and you will be guaranteed nationwide love, regardless of what you do - politics, business, creativity or other types of activity.

Victory horses. The name speaks for itself: the talisman brings victory and success. Such figures can be used in business, career, and sports. Depicted as a freely running horse. They symbolize desire and freedom. The head of such a horse should be turned towards the window or door, and in no case should it be saddled.

Saddled horse. Usually such a figurine does not have a noticeable effect. But if a fly or monkey sits on it, then the owner will be able to quickly reach career heights and will never fall down again. If the horse is saddled, it is recommended to place gold-colored coins on the saddle, but the effect will be less than from a free gift horse.

Placement of the mascot.

Each of these symbols is good to place in the south or southwest direction of any room, with the exception of the bedroom. This activates luck in social life.

The horse's environment also matters. This animal is associated with fire, so candles, images of the sun, or various red objects can be placed near the figurine. But you should not use objects of water - water extinguishes fire.

In Feng Shui, horses go well with other animal talismans. Thus, a monkey sitting on a horse symbolizes rapid career growth. This talisman is especially favorable for politicians, military personnel, and employees of large companies.

There is also a Chinese unicorn - a combination of a horse figure and a dragon's head. It symbolizes success and prosperity, longevity, and also brings good luck to all residents of the house.

It is good for people doing business to have at least one figurine or painting of a horse in their office - this will increase authority among partners and subordinates.

If life constantly tests your strength, creating difficult situations, you cannot do without a horse symbol on or next to your desktop. This is a great way to attract good luck and win the competition. Just remember not to place the rearing horse figure directly in front or behind you, as this can lead to physical injury and accidents.

Strengthening existing or emerging partnerships (no matter in business or personal life) will be facilitated by paired images of horses.

In a word, any horse figurine attracts Qi energy, which helps to strive forward, bypassing rivals and achieving success in different areas of life.

You can try, but even if nothing expected happens, don’t be discouraged! The bright figurine of a graceful horse itself pleases the eye and lifts your spirits!

How to choose the right figurine

The figurine is static, cast in metal, sculpted from clay or carved from stone, the horse freezes in the position in which it was depicted. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right figure that will convey positive things.

You should not buy a horse mascot if the animal:

  • He hung his head sadly,
  • Scared
  • Sleeping
  • Looks back
  • Nibbles the grass
  • frolics with another horse or other animal.

You can use a figurine of two or more horses if they gallop forward together. The figurine of a horse with a monkey on its back symbolizes a successful symbiosis of cunning and endurance.

Also, do not buy or place in your home a figurine that is cracked, worn, has other flaws, or simply one that does not evoke positive associations in you.

It's best if:

  • A horse prances: it is a symbol of victory, achieving a goal, overcoming obstacles.
  • Jumps forward: such a figure will breathe strength into you and increase your performance.
  • Carries a rich load: sometimes the horse figurine is depicted loaded with bags of coins and various gifts. This symbol is placed in the southeast, in the wealth zone.

Where to put a horse figurine according to Feng Shui

  • Career sector - north. The talisman will help with career growth and bring good luck in business. It is best if the figurine is made of metal. Here you can place a picture with a horse prancing or galloping forward.
  • In the zone of wealth - in the southeast. Refers only to horse figurines that carry luggage or trample piles of coins with their hooves. You need to place the figurine so that its head looks into the room.
  • According to Feng Shui, a horse placed in the south, in the area of ​​reputation and glory, will help you achieve a worthy position in society.

In all other zones, the figurine can be placed for temporary activation, removing it as soon as the expected effect is achieved.

Where is it better not to place

Where and how not to place a horse figurine:

  • In the bedroom - this is not the place for the violent energy that this animal symbolizes.
  • Near an aquarium or other water bodies - being a symbol of fire, the talisman will suffer from such proximity and will not be able to work at full strength.

And the figurine should always be directed inside the house, otherwise it will not bring good luck and success into the house, but will take them away from it.

Paintings, photographs and sculptures in the house are part of the interior. Painting decorates not only everyday life, but also our lives. Paintings occupy a special place in Feng Shui, so the outgoing energy of the image and its influence on events in our lives will depend on the correct location of the masterpiece.

Today the online magazine will tell you how to hang a picture according to Feng Shui so that good luck, love and happiness will settle in your house.

How to choose a painting according to Feng Shui

Have you ever wondered if the paintings in your home are positioned correctly? But your personal life, happiness, health, in the end, depend on the correctly chosen location on the wall in a particular room. Let's find out where to hang pictures correctly according to Feng Shui to avoid mistakes in the future.

Choosing a painting for the bedroom

The bedroom is a favorite place for the whole family to relax, where we can calm down, put our feelings and emotions in order after a hard day at work. When choosing a painting in, focus on calm and peaceful images:

  • They will look great beautiful landscapes with birch trees against the backdrop of a calm river or a crystal clear lake with extraordinary lilies. Such images will not only give you a break, but will also increase your wallet.
  • An excellent choice for the bedroom would be panel with flowers, especially peonies. Such a decision will give new strength to family relationships.

To stop stress and everyday problems from bothering you, do not buy paintings with a waterfall or other aggressive images for your bedroom. You should not hang the panel above the bed, otherwise you will get problems in your family life.

As for the number of paintings, there is no need to decorate all the walls with paintings. In this way you will mix the energy of the canvases and will not get the desired effect from the image.

Ideal painting for a child's room

According to Feng Shui, a painting for a children's room should have bright images. It will be better if the child chooses it himself.

When choosing a canvas for a nursery, you should pay attention to the child’s temperament and character.

If the baby prefers yellow shades, then let it be a picture of the sun, and if blue, then let it be with water.

Choosing a painting for the living room

Choosing a painting for a living room or hall according to Feng Shui is a rather responsible process. The main point is the selection not of the image itself, but of the color of the canvas. To determine which energy drink color suits you best, you need to pass a kind of test.

Hang on the wall a small piece of fabric, the size of the future canvas, of a certain color. If you feel comfortable, then this is your color. You can safely go shopping for a painting of this color.

Choosing a painting for the kitchen

A painting for a kitchen according to Feng Shui should contain “edible” images, still lifes of vegetables and fruits. Panels depicting trees or fields will also look beautiful. It is advisable to decorate the kitchen with red or green canvases to attract financial flow into the house.

Don't forget to hang the picture in the right place, the image should catch the eyes of the guests and hang on the wall where the stove is installed.

Painting for the office

When choosing a painting for an office according to Feng Shui, you should be careful, since the paintings in the office have not only aesthetic significance, but are also a source of good luck in business. You don’t want to get problems in your business, reduce the productivity of your employees and worsen your relationships with partners? So, hang in your office such canvases that will have a positive effect on the well-being of the company.
An excellent choice for the office would be images of landscapes, seas, rivers and mountains.

Paintings with scenes of harvest or harvest symbolize success in business. If you want to advance your career, hang a picture of a bridge or tall buildings. Avoid panels depicting waterfalls, deserted places and dull landscapes.

Selecting a painting for the hallway

Arrangement of the hallway is not the least important in attracting financial flows and good luck to the house. The main task of the hallway is the accumulation and distribution of energy throughout the house or apartment.

If you choose and hang pictures in the hallway correctly, the images will add color to the mood and protect the owners of the home from negativity. The best choice of paintings for a corridor or hallway would be neutral images of landscapes, still lifes or animals.

Feng Shui meanings of paintings

As you know, paintings not only decorate and complement the interior, but also activate a certain area, strengthening or weakening the impact on the life of the owners of the home.

Before buying a painting, be sure to decipher the meaning of the image according to Feng Shui in order to bring a favorable atmosphere to your home, attract finance and improve relationships. Let's look at the meaning of paintings that will positively influence your life and relationships.

Pictures of fish to attract happiness

The picture of happiness contains images of fish in the water.

These could be carps, which symbolize energy, or goldfish, symbolizing well-being in the home.

Pictures for good luck

Paintings with horses, birds and flowers can bring good luck to life in a short time.

Pictures to attract love (peonies)

Paintings are considered to be panels with flowers, especially peonies. If you are looking for a life partner, you should definitely hang a picture with peonies in the bedroom in front of the door.

Married women are prohibited from buying images of these flowers, otherwise the husband may cheat from an overabundance of love.

Pictures to attract wealth

To attract wealth to your home according to Feng Shui, you should purchase paintings that depict nature: a forest, a park or green meadows strewn with flowers.

The image of a mill on the canvas will enhance cash flow.

Painting with poppies

According to Feng Shui, poppies are a symbol of love and pleasure.

A picture with poppies will help a single girl meet her soulmate, and for a married couple it will help breathe new strength into the relationship.

Exotic animals in paintings

Feng Shui is closely related to nature, so images of animals have special power.

Elephant painting will bring stability and prosperity to the house, tiger- courage and courage, and swans- romance and love.

When choosing a painting for any room in the apartment, remember that you must like the image and evoke only positive emotions. You should not buy canvases with abstractions and aggressive images. Listen to your inner voice and it will tell you the right decision!

The horse is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful and majestic creatures in the world, winning the hearts of people with its grace and nobility. It is not surprising that many fans of this beautiful animal place figurines and images of horses in their homes, not always even thinking about what energies they can bring to their lives. But according to Feng Shui, a horse is considered one of the luckiest talismans, capable of bringing prosperity into the home, and good luck and positive changes into life.

Feng Shui meaning of horse

As the personification of active Yang energy, the horse in Feng Shui symbolizes speed, endurance, courage, perseverance, movement towards a goal, as well as wisdom, intelligence, optimism and joy of life. Having settled in the house, she, like a happy wind of change that quickly bursts into life, brings good luck, financial well-being and favorable changes to its inhabitants. And if placed next to you in your office or on your desktop, a horse figurine or its image in a painting will help you achieve success in business or career, improve your reputation, gain respect and fame, overcome obstacles and difficult situations, and will also help you win over your competitors . The active energies of this strong and noble animal will give impetus to business and endeavors, bringing good results and material success.

There are several types of this talisman, each of which is capable of influencing and, accordingly, can be used for different specific purposes. For example, a galloping horse with a mane blowing in the wind is called the Victory Horse and symbolizes the achievement of career heights and victory over opponents, being a reflection of freedom and rapid advancement. But the Gift Horse, depicted with bags full of gold and jewelry, can strengthen the financial situation and social status, as well as attract prosperity and financial success to the house. At the same time, it is very important to keep in mind that it is the bareback horse that has the power and ability to attract energy of the required quality.

You can also use two horse figures at once, placing them side by side. In this case, they will help strengthen partnerships in both business and personal communications, further strengthening family ties - this will depend on their location. It is also not uncommon to see images of horses with other feng shui symbols, for example, with a monkey on its back or with a pagoda, which perfectly combine with the energy of the animal and give additional meanings. When choosing a figurine or image of a horse, the main thing is not to settle on its aggressive and threatening variations.

Where to put a horse according to Feng Shui

The best place to place a horse figurine or a painting with its image would be the room in which all family members most often gather - it will feed everyone with its active and positive energies, while simultaneously being activated by the energies of the residents. But the bedroom is definitely not a suitable place for it, since, on the contrary, it will contribute to disrupting the calm and smooth flow of the Yin energy that dominates this room.

You can place the horse figurine either on the floor - if, for example, it is large enough - or on a special stand. However, it is not recommended to place it behind or in front of you if it is depicted in a rearing position - it is believed that this can attract traumatic situations into your life. It is also not recommended to turn her head towards the window or door, especially if it is loaded with various symbols of wealth - this will mean that she does not bring prosperity into the house, but takes it out of it.

Considering that according to Feng Shui, a horse symbolizes career growth and attracting favorable changes and energies of wealth, it can be placed in the Career and Glory sectors. Being placed in the Helper zone, the horse will attract people who are necessary and useful for achieving success and overcoming difficulties. Also, as mentioned above, next to the workplace and on the desk, a horse will help in moving up the career ladder and stimulate business processes. Of course, this applies not only to figurines, but also to paintings depicting a horse.

However, it is important to know that the Horse symbolizes the element of fire, therefore, when placing it, it is advisable to avoid its proximity to water bodies and symbolizing this element, otherwise you can cause a conflict between these elements. Therefore, as it should be in Feng Shui, first of all it is necessary to pay attention to maintaining energy balance. And then the symbolic image of this beautiful, noble and graceful animal will bring only favorable changes to your life!

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