Coffee fortune telling pike. Fortune telling on coffee grounds: meaning and interpretation

Fortune telling on coffee grounds is one of the most famous and popular ways to find out fate and look into the future. Every second person may not have put it into practice, but they have definitely heard about this ancient method of fortune telling, which was invented by the Italians back in the 18th century. Nowadays, fortune telling using coffee remains a popular ritual.

The process of fortune telling on coffee grounds is a fascinating activity that requires a wide flight of fancy and good imagination. The ritual is quite simple to perform and requires a minimum number of items, so it can be performed at home.

Features of fortune telling on coffee grounds

If you have a desire to penetrate into your future and spy at least one eye on your fate, remember that the process of fortune telling on coffee grounds is not fun, but a magical ritual. It should be approached with all responsibility.

To perform the ritual correctly, and the result to be as reliable as possible, you must follow the following rules.

  • The ritual is best performed in the morning or after sunset.
  • Guess if you really believe in this action, and not for the sake of interest.
  • Before fortune telling, it is important to tune in to the result and clearly formulate the question. Maximum concentration is required. The best option would be a short meditation.
  • Create a suitable environment for the sacrament of fortune telling. There should be no strangers in the room that could distract. Light, unobtrusive music will help you relax and abstract from extraneous thoughts.

For the sacrament of fortune telling, you will need a minimum set of items that can be found in almost every home: ground natural coffee, a light-colored cup and saucer and a Turk.

An important stage is the correct preparation of the coffee drink, because for fortune telling the main element is the sediment, which acts as an oracle. The best option would be to use two types of coffee - coarse and fine grind in a ratio of 2 to 1. For example, 2 tablespoons of coarse coffee and one fine.

Once you have brewed the coffee, pour it into a cup and let it sit for 3-5 minutes. Then, slowly drink, leaving a little liquid on top of the sediment. Holding the cup in your left hand, mentally formulate a question, make several circular movements clockwise so that the sediment is evenly distributed. Then, immediately tip the cup with the sediment onto the prepared saucer.

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How to correctly interpret coffee signs

The main stages are over, the time has come to turn on your imagination and determine the meaning of the symbols. Look carefully at the coffee figures and signs formed on the walls of the cup.

When studying coffee symbols, be sure to consider the following points.

  1. First of all, pay attention to the largest elements that catch your eye. The larger the size of the coffee figure, the more important it is in life.
  2. The figures located inside the cup will tell you about the future, and the symbols located on the saucer will remind you of past events in your life.
  3. The closer the coffee elements are located to the edge of the cup, the faster they will come true. And vice versa, the closer they are to the bottom, the longer they will have to wait.
  4. The remaining grounds in large quantities at the bottom of the cup promise many problems and troubles in the future.
  5. The symbols located closer to the handle of the cup symbolize the present fortuneteller.

Human symbols

  • A boy promises prosperity in business and attractive prospects.
  • The girl is a symbol of romance, tenderness and bright feelings.
  • An elderly woman - oddly enough, portends strong love.
  • Bride - to gossip and unpleasant conversations.
  • Eyes - be vigilant, changes are expected.
  • Head - you are in thought and confusion.
  • Two heads facing each other are a symbol of mutual love.
  • Lips located at the top - you have strong friendly support.
  • Lips located at the bottom - pleasant news or event is just around the corner.
  • The hand is a sign of disappointment, the collapse of hopes.
  • The heart is a sign of true and strong love.
  • The horseman symbolizes the patron, a strong helper.
  • Angel - portends the appearance of virtue on the path.
  • Skull - speaks of the completion of your affairs, new beginnings are on the verge.

Symbols of animals, birds, insects, fish

  • The rooster is a happy event or news.
  • Rooster (closer to the bottom) - there is a person nearby who is negatively opposed to you.
  • Peacock is a sign of wealth.
  • Swan - promises a calm and balanced life.
  • Chicken - someone is waiting for your help.
  • Bird - to changes in the financial sector.
  • The duck is a sign of family well-being and happiness.
  • Dove - symbolizes peace and tranquility in the home.
  • Penguin - the emergence of new opportunities in life.
  • Ostrich - fabulous problems do not pose a threat.
  • Feather - means a quick-witted and savvy nature.
  • Fish - good fortune and travel awaits; it can also mean pregnancy.
  • Dolphin - symbolizes a good friend or helper.
  • Whale - a grand holiday or celebration awaits.
  • Shark - be on your guard, an enemy is waiting for you; may mean illness or misfortune.
  • Seahorse - portends a pleasant gift or surprise.
  • Crab - symbolizes the upcoming move to a new home.
  • The turtle is a sign of wisdom that will help you get out of a difficult and unpleasant situation.
  • The dragon is a good sign, indicating the successful completion of the work begun.
  • Crocodile - beware of enemies.
  • A snake with a closed mouth symbolizes wisdom; with an open mouth, danger threatens.
  • Dinosaur - you have a hidden and rare talent.
  • Bear - means squabbles or troubles that will give enemies a reason to take up arms against you.
  • A dog is a devoted friend nearby.
  • Horse - new financial opportunities will open up before you.
  • Hare - means excessive caution in actions.
  • An elephant with its trunk up symbolizes success and public recognition.
  • An elephant with its trunks down - a patron will appear in life who can change your life.
  • Cat - concerns and fears can come true.
  • Wolf - it will take a lot of strength to overcome a difficult period in life.
  • Squirrel - a long-awaited reward awaits.
  • Deer promises good luck and prosperity in business.
  • Giraffe - prudence and prudence will help in protracted matters.
  • Fox - portends betrayal of the other half, and can also mean hidden enemies in your environment.
  • Camel - symbolizes a hardy person, perhaps great sporting achievements await.
  • Hedgehog - your strength is running out, you are on the verge of a breakdown.
  • Tiger - symbolizes impartial and judicious action.
  • Monkey - surrounded by a hypocritical and deceitful person.
  • Goat - promises a pleasant pastime or a long journey.
  • Mouse - it’s time to show courage and step out of the shadows of others.
  • Frog - an unexpected turn of events awaits you soon.
  • Hippopotamus - can mean a new addition to the family.
  • The Ox is a sign of perseverance or stubbornness.
  • Elk is a good sign that promises a happy life and the fulfillment of your innermost desires.
  • Snail - speaks of your slowness or leisurely progress in business.
  • The bat is a bad symbol, symbolizing the danger of an accident.
  • Leo - speaks of the appearance of a noble person in your life.
  • Pig - beware of betrayal.
  • Ram - stubbornness interferes with the progress of business.
  • Cow - symbolizes wealth and prosperity.
  • Rat - beware of theft.
  • Unicorn - speaks of unexpected and incredible changes in your life.
  • Kangaroo - symbolizes the care and affection that one of your loved ones needs.
  • Butterfly means a person who has great influence over you.
  • Scorpio - be careful, a blow of fate awaits.

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Interpretation of plant meanings

  • Christmas tree - fun and joy awaits.
  • Flower - a date will take place soon.
  • Tree - you will have to fight with competitors to achieve success.
  • Mushroom - symbolizes good health and vitality.
  • Rose - portends an engagement or betrothal to a loved one.
  • Lily - there is unrequited love in life.
  • Cactus - the house is full of negative energy.
  • Spruce - you have excellent health.
  • Palm tree - symbolizes the emergence of a stormy fleeting romance.
  • Strawberry - speaks of a stable love relationship.
  • Carrots are a sign of prosperity and great progress.

Geometric figures

  • A pyramid means that you are subject to some person.
  • Triangle - the decisions made will be correct.
  • Circle means a closed circle of life.
  • A square is a sign of stability and constancy.
  • Arc - you have a rival.
  • Question mark - there are a lot of unsaid things and unresolved problems in life.
  • Exclamation mark - it's time to change something in life.

Surrounding objects

  • The mask symbolizes lies and hypocrisy; you are surrounded by two-faced people.
  • A star promises the fulfillment of your innermost desires.
  • Crescent moon - for new acquaintances.
  • Boot - means a rude person.
  • Arrow - depending on the direction, it can mean a positive or negative answer.
  • Anchor means a decline in business.
  • A horseshoe is a symbol of great luck.
  • Cross - bad news.
  • Shoe - a new fan will appear.
  • A book means a prospect for career growth.
  • Airplane - soon there will be a business trip, vacation or travel.
  • The key is a symbol of great luck, fortune is on your side.
  • The mountain is a sign of financial growth, fame and popularity.
  • A ship promises big changes in your personal life.
  • Dress - for new pleasant purchases.
  • Kettle - there will soon be guests in the house.
  • Bow - a real gift of fate will appear in life.
  • Hat - there are pitfalls in personal relationships, deal with this as quickly as possible.
  • A candle symbolizes faith in a dream.
  • Ring - a serious relationship will appear, marriage is possible.
  • The flag is a symbol of pride for the deed.
  • Vulcan - symbolizes a passionate and hot-tempered person who will appear on your path.
  • Pin - there is an envious person nearby, beware of the evil eye.
  • Beads - minor troubles await.
  • Bonfire - health may deteriorate, you need to take a break from work and everyday problems.
  • Car - a white streak has come in life.

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Deciphering coffee symbols is a very delicate and painstaking matter. Try to look at the whole picture very carefully. And in order not to miss any elements, record them in a notepad. This will help to decipher the prediction most correctly.

Do not take the list of interpretations and meanings of coffee symbols too literally, as it cannot represent all possible events that may occur. It is important to take into account the combination of signs intertwined with each other, and experience and practice will help with this!

Fortune telling on coffee grounds is popular, intriguing with signs of fate and fatal symbols at the bottom of the cup. This method of fortune telling was used hundreds of years ago, with the fortune teller pronouncing a secret spell known only to initiated individuals. Today, the principles of the process remain unchanged.


Carrying out the ritual

Fortune telling on coffee grounds is easy to do on your own at home if you have the necessary attributes:

  • white porcelain cup;
  • natural ground coffee;
  • Turk.

The key to correct fortune telling is the observance of the ritual, which is performed as follows:

  1. In a Turk, hand-ground coffee beans are brewed and special magic phrases are pronounced. For brewing you will need a mixture of coarse and finely ground grains in a 2:1 ratio. The sediment from such a thicket is easier to decipher.
  2. Competently formulate a question with a clear and most accurate formulation of what exactly needs to be learned from higher powers.
  3. After boiling the aromatic drink, pour it into a cup.
  4. You need to hold the porcelain container in your hands and mentally concentrate on your inner experiences.
  5. Drink a warm and infused drink, leaving a small amount of liquid at the bottom. After making circular movements in the air three times with your left hand, the contents are tipped onto a clean saucer.
  6. Having counted to themselves to 10, the cup of coffee is put away and they begin the mysterious ritual of fortune telling based on the drawings on the saucer.

If, during fortune telling, 4–5 images emerge from the coffee grounds, the ritual was a success; 1–2, it is worth repeating again.

The meaning of size, color and location of signs

The size of the pattern will tell you about the degree of influence of the predicted event on a person’s life. The pictures on the bottom will tell you about past events, and the pictures on the edge will tell you about the future. It should be borne in mind that if you see a lot of dark spots on the bottom - the burden of unresolved matters, and the predominance of light spots indicates a carefree and happy existence. In addition, the smaller the distance between the signs and the center of the cup, the closer the moment of fulfillment of the prediction.

Interpretation of symbols

Images must be interpreted based on an understanding of the meanings, as well as relying on intuition and internal sensations.

In the video from the School of Life channel. ru you can see how to tell fortunes using coffee grounds.

Human figures

In this fortune-telling, human figures are often encountered that have a symbolic meaning:

  1. Damn - arguing with fate is a rash step.
  2. A devil with horns is a sign of temptation, addiction to the forbidden, betrayal, illness, and troubles.
  3. Angel - recovery soon, happy news that will solve all problems.
  4. The figure with wings is an astral image; a person is under the protection of a strong Guardian Angel, who protects him everywhere. At the right moment, the issues will be resolved in the best possible way.
  5. Fisherman - a relationship with a loved one will last for many years.

Body parts

It is not uncommon to see various body parts at the bottom of a coffee cup. There are images that are familiar to humans, as well as those supplemented by other drawings.


In fortune telling, it marks joy on the love front and a lot of attention from the opposite sex. Characterizes readiness for emotional experiences. In the near future, fate will bring you together with a person who will radically change his views and moral values.

In addition, the interpretation of the sign is as follows:

  • the image of a heart with an arrow in fortune telling using coffee grounds means the infidelity of a partner, the end of a relationship, protracted quarrels in the family, the collapse of dreams and plans;
  • an inverted heart is a symbol of being in an illusory state, of knowing true love.


The eyes seen on the coffee grounds are a symbol of observation and research qualities. Care is required when accepting proposals from business partners.

Depending on which eyes you saw, the interpretation will be as follows:

  1. Sad ones with drooping corners symbolize a state of depression, melancholy, and loneliness. Bad news is expected. Lack of opportunity to demonstrate talents and gifts.
  2. A triangle figure can be seen near the eyes - no matter what, you will be lucky in the near future. Positive changes are just around the corner.
  3. Large, beautiful - a symbol of patronage and proper distribution of energy.
  4. Convex, round eyes - a suspicious and cowardly character, the hardships of married life, the likelihood of betrayal.
  5. Sly, narrow Asian eyes on the surface of the coffee grounds - it is recommended to remain calm, conservatism, secrecy, and it is better to keep plans secret.


We can safely call it a sign of stability:

  • in the center of the cup - a symbol of a strong financial position, a secure existence;
  • below - characterizes a reliable person who you can safely rely on;
  • open - those around you watch your person’s actions with curiosity and bewilderment;
  • the outline of a face nearby is a sign that one of the most important meetings in life is approaching;
  • lips near the field - an adventure of a romantic nature, a likely happy marriage in the future.


Quite common designs made from coffee grounds are animals, which usually have a favorable meaning for the fortuneteller. But they can also warn about something or give a hint.

For example:

  • the giraffe tells the fortuneteller that one should not place high hopes on quick changes in life;
  • the dinosaur says that the fortuneteller will help in the education and spiritual development of another person;
  • a dog promises a person happiness, as well as success and friends who are ready to help at any moment;
  • The caterpillar is a sign of a slow but sure path to achieving your goal.

The rest of the symbols are presented below.

The Dragon

This is a symbol that foreshadows career growth and an improved standard of living. The appearance of a dragon in coffee fortune-telling must be compared with other images at the bottom of the cup in order to understand the exact interpretation.


The deer symbolizes:

  • frankness with others;
  • generosity;
  • openness;
  • wisdom.


Denotes secret enemies, as well as losses associated with close relatives.

Interpretation of images with a mouse:

  • animal near the triangle - value will be found in the coming days;
  • there is a zero next to it - you need to carefully monitor your jewelry, there is a high probability of losing it;
  • a mouse inside the contour of the face is a warning sign of scandals and squabbles;
  • the animal in the middle of the cup means unforeseen financial difficulties.


Means small profits, small career successes. In mythology, a cetacean creature was considered a conductor between worlds, therefore, in the process of fortune telling, it also foreshadows the road and path.


Seeing a crocodile indicates that you need to be careful in professional matters, especially if the initials of a dubious person are visible near the image. If this symbol is at the top of the cup's edge, a wrong decision is about to be made.


A common image on coffee grounds, its interpretation means:

  • position under control;
  • Confidence in your strength;
  • help from a friend;
  • trips and travel.

Trees and plants

The interpretation of the meanings of such drawings depends on the type and characteristics of the plant or tree itself. They need to be analyzed and the information compared with the course of one’s own life.


The interpretation depends on which tree and in what form appeared in the coffee grounds:

  1. A tree with roots and leaves in the traditional sense means good health, prosperity, ascension. Characterizes a person who knows how to think creatively and achieve recognition in society.
  2. With drooping branches - portends powerlessness, migraines, weakness. There may be a delay in business.
  3. Without leaves, dried out - failures of relatives, illnesses, troubles.
  4. A broken trunk is deprivation, a broken symbol is disappointment, indicating the collapse of endeavors.
  5. Oak - triumph, speedy recovery, surge of vitality.
  6. Spruce is a predisposition to longevity, a sign of experience acquired over the years.
  7. Willow is a symbol of melancholy, tears, and melancholic mood.
  8. Bush - bad luck in business, unexpected troubles, obstacles along the way.
  9. The forest is the wrong path of life.
  10. Only leaves - success in business, support of outsiders, income.
  11. Walnut tree - authority and respect of people.
  12. Apple tree - an exciting life.

A tree made from coffee grounds is deciphered in a special way, depending on the location:

  • the tree at the bottom of the cup will indicate resistance to difficulties and obstacles on the path to a successful goal;
  • the image of a tree on the wall - more attention should be paid to the family and its interests.

Tree Tree


In fortune telling on coffee grounds, it has two meanings:

  • unexpected income and unexpected victories;
  • warns that everything has a price and you have to pay in full for every action.


A symbol of love interests, as well as family warmth and comfort. The meaning increases if it is not alone, but in a bouquet.

The interpretation will be as follows:

  • there are dark flowers at the top of the cup - there will be a meeting with your future spouse soon;
  • in the center of the cup - children will take care of the old age of the fortuneteller, ensure satiety and well-being;
  • below - you need to prepare for fun, most likely in nature;
  • flowers near the contour of the face - falling in love is ahead;
  • next to an animal - promises the birth of a child;
  • flowers not far from the road - unexpected guests who are in a hurry and will be on the doorstep any minute;
  • a rose is a symbol of the engagement of two people;
  • violet - luxurious wedding;
  • chrysanthemum is a sign calling to maintain faith in love, which will not come soon.


Objects can often be found at the bottom of the cup along with plants and animals. The interpretation of these symbols is not always clear.

For example, if a fortuneteller notices the figure of a teapot in a cup of coffee grounds, this means guests. The clock will be a signal that there is too little time left to realize your desires. And the waterfall you see symbolizes the rapid pace of events, in which the main thing is to have time to make the right decision.


The controversial figure made from coffee grounds symbolizes royal life, juxtaposing wealth and power with responsibilities and restrictions at the same time:

  • at the bottom of the cup - a sign of readiness to take responsibility for others;
  • the crown is visible in the center - the person is respected, sometimes they fawn on him;
  • the outline of the image on the rim - symbolizes rewards in professional achievements, career growth, and good luck in business.


A plane at the bottom of the cup characterizes a person who loves changes in life. If it is in the middle part - a relaxing trip. At the top or on the edge is a sign of an upcoming business trip.


When fortune telling using coffee grounds, a mirror has more than one interpretation:

  1. In the center of the cup - you should be critical of yourself. Perhaps the causes of problems and the key to solving them lie within the person himself.
  2. In the left corner of the cup there is a sign warning that attention should be paid to the state of health.
  3. In the right - good news, marking a meeting with your soulmate.


Having understood the designations of the figures that are most often found, you can easily decipher their images.


Auspicious picture. It portends a successful and comfortable life thanks to the receipt of an inheritance and entrepreneurship. Warm loving relationships, as well as being surrounded by famous and respected people.

User Elena Ryazantseva will tell you how to learn to tell fortunes using coffee grounds.


These signs have different interpretations:

  1. The wavy line is a symbol of a long, exciting trip.
  2. In the shape of an arc or a curve - you need to beware of an ill-wisher among close people.
  3. A pair of short lines (1 cm) – inconsistency in desires and preferences. This is associated with frequent changes in type of activity and circle of acquaintances.
  4. Many curves are a sign that you need to beware of suspicious people who want evil.
  5. Several broken lines - serious financial difficulties, large-scale spending.
  6. Many straight, long ones - a symbol of good health and long life, short ones - characterizes frivolous relationships.
  7. A separate line in the center of the cup means an exciting journey is expected soon.
  8. The intersection of a straight line with broken lines or curves is a sign of heartfelt feelings.
  9. A broken or zigzag line is adventurism leading to accidents that are harmful to health.
  10. Long straight line – monotony, lack of sharpness of sensations. A calm, measured life awaits you in the future.
  11. Straight short (1 cm) – changes with alternating ups and downs.
  12. Small lines are a favorable pattern.

It must be remembered that the interpretation of lines depends on neighboring images.


Associated with an engagement ring, wedding and means:

  • in the center of the cup - life with your spouse will be easy and fun;
  • at the top - one of the close relatives will soon get married;
  • below - a decent dowry is provided before the wedding;
  • there are clouds around - a problem for a loved one, the solution to which is in your hands;
  • two circles - a flash of feelings, love at first sight, marriage.


A regular triangle is a sign of birth under a lucky star. If this is a broken figure, major troubles will be resolved in the coming days; in the future, dangers and obstacles will not be scary. When you see two touching triangles, it means that fate has prepared unexpected changes, a precarious position.


The interpretation of the letters seen during fortune telling on coffee grounds is as follows:

  • A - triumph and prosperity;
  • B - big plans for the future;
  • B - entertainment, celebration;
  • G - worries, worries, demotion;
  • D - a close friend will help in solving problems;
  • E - your inner instinct will not let you down;
  • F - favorable news;
  • Z - sadness;
  • And - change should be expected;
  • J - beware of unpleasant situations;
  • K - troubles with a relative;
  • L - deceit and betrayal of a dear person;
  • M - carefree in the future;
  • N - peace and harmony;
  • O - helping a friend;
  • P - costs associated with loved ones;
  • P - success in financial matters;
  • C - news from the past;
  • T - if you look back, there will be no future;
  • U - happiness will find you;
  • F - love with a friend;
  • C - quick cash profit;
  • H - expect help from a man;
  • Ш - dangers and unforeseen problems;
  • Shch - tolerance and endurance;
  • b - perseverance and determination;
  • Y - love and fortune are nearby.


These signs in this fortune telling are interpreted differently:

  • 1 – fortune telling will tell you about happiness;
  • 2 – sudden difficulties, obstacles, difficulties;
  • 3 – luck in financial matters;
  • 4 – good luck in your endeavors;
  • 5 – foul language, gossip, squabbles;
  • 6 – prosperous family;
  • 7 – mutual understanding and agreement;
  • 8 – strife and misunderstandings;
  • 9 – new connections;
  • 0 – recognition and implementation of plans.

Photo gallery

Some more signs for fortune telling using coffee grounds are shown in the photo.

People have always sought to look into the future, see what lies ahead, and get answers to their pressing questions. One of the most common ways to penetrate the secrets of the future has always been fortune telling on coffee grounds - you will learn the interpretation of the symbols that can be seen on the bottom and walls of the cup in this article.

Fortune telling by coffee grounds and interpretation of drawings: a little history

At the moment, fortune telling with coffee grounds is known all over the world. But where did it come from? Where was the connection between mysterious symbols and life events first noticed? It is difficult to give a definite answer to these questions. It is safe to say that fortune telling originated where coffee grew.

The Italians defend their authorship of the discovery most zealously. Based on their written sources, fortune telling was first described in the 18th century. However, reasonable doubts arise about the fact that fortune telling is so “young”.
At the moment, it is reliably known that Indians from Peru have long used coffee grounds for predictions. The same can be said about the court of the Turkish Sultan. They liked to entertain themselves with such experiments. From the moment coffee appeared in Russia, and this happened thanks to the efforts of Peter I, the Slavs were imbued with the opportunity to lift the curtain of the future.
The ritual was not always and everywhere accepted positively. For example, there was an opinion (which can often be heard now) that mysterious symbols do not arise on their own, but with the help of the Devil himself. At the same time, the fortune tellers were considered his henchmen and, at best, they simply looked askance. However, the number of their visitors never diminished. Still, the mystery attracts. And the mystery associated with the threat beckons with redoubled force.

Fortune telling procedure

Despite the widespread use of fortune telling, its basic principles remain unchanged everywhere. It is necessary to stock up on high-quality ground coffee, because it is very important to enjoy the drink, and not think about when this disgusting liquid will finally run out. You will also need a porcelain cup and saucer. It is best if they are white, without any drawings or inscriptions. Dishes with recesses, recesses, etc. are also not suitable for the procedure.

Coffee should be brewed in such a way that the grounds fall into the cup. The “oriental” recipe is ideal. You can buy the finest grind coffee and brew it with boiling water directly in a cup. However, this option will not allow you to experience the beauty of the process, to feel in touch with many people from different generations who performed the same actions.

While the coffee is brewing, you have time to focus on the questions you want answered. You can’t just look “what’s there.” It is necessary to mentally turn to higher powers that can satisfy your curiosity. It is important that you are not distracted by anything.
Pour the coffee into a cup and, when it has cooled a little, drink slowly, savoring every sip, while continuing to concentrate on your questions. You shouldn’t drink all the liquid completely, the sediment should float, so leave at least a tablespoon.
Now you need to take the cup with your left hand and make three vigorous circular movements in a clockwise direction. Make sure that the sediment does not spill, but it should reach almost to the edges.
Then quickly turn the cup over onto the saucer. In this case, one edge should touch the side, and the other should stand on a flat surface. As a result, the cup stands at an angle. Leave it in this position for a few seconds, and then pick it up and look inside.
Before you, one might say, is an open book of your future. All that remains is to read it.

Geography of the cup

Not only what you see in the cup matters, but also its location. Each zone is responsible for its own sphere and time.

So, closer to the edges of the cup there are symbols that talk about the future. The bottom is the past. Accordingly, the lower the spots, the more ancient events they tell about.

The handle of the cup is the object of fortune telling itself. That is, the closer the symbols are to it, the more relevant they are to your life. The most distant ones are those that move away from you or become indifferent.

Interpretation of symbols

In fortune telling on coffee grounds, a number of symbols are used, the interpretation of the meanings of which is the main task of the fortune teller.
To read the prediction, you need to consider several of them at once, usually five. They should be analyzed in combination, not individually. This requires skills and, as fortune tellers say, a special gift. However, this does not prevent you from trying to do everything yourself.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds: the meaning of symbols

All symbols that appear on the walls of the cup usually have analogues in real life. This is precisely why fortune telling on coffee grounds differs from most of its counterparts, which involve reading the future from vague images. Here everything is the other way around. In the spots on the cup you need to look at something ordinary, and it will already have its own hidden designation.


  • Squirrel - you need to learn to set priorities for yourself. It’s as if you are jumping along the branches, now to one, then to the other. As a result, you get nothing and slow down your forward movement.
  • Wolf - you recently did something heroic, selfless, or were seriously ill.
  • Dove – denotes someone pure, immaculate.
  • Goose is a smug, self-confident person, accustomed to honors and emphasizing his importance, which in fact does not exist.
  • Dolphin is an unexpected help that comes whenever the need arises; Friend.
  • Dinosaur - you can help someone with their studies or self-development.
  • Dragon - you are guaranteed success in your undertaking.
  • An animal (not a domestic one) is a secret enemy.
  • Giraffe - when setting goals, you do not distinguish between reality and the unrealistic, so you are marking time.
  • Snake - there is a hidden enemy in your environment, a slanderer; treason; successful enterprise.
  • Keith - receiving small income.
  • Horse - quick personal happiness, good luck.
  • Cat - someone pretends to be your friend, but in reality is spreading dirty gossip; devastation.
  • Crocodile - you should pay more attention to the decisions you make, especially in business.
  • Rat – disappointment, betrayal of close friends.
  • Swan - a pleasant journey that you did not know about.
  • The fox is a deception, there is someone nearby who is cunning, two-faced, a fraudster.
  • Horse - someone is in love, news from a lover or beloved.
  • Frog - good news awaits you, luck will turn its face, happiness.
  • Bear - danger awaits you, you can avoid it only if you do nothing about it.
  • Mouse - perhaps you should not associate with new business partners.
  • Monkey - you are surrounded by people pretending to be friends; fraud.
  • Deer - love of truth, wisdom.
  • Peacock - increased attention to one’s own appearance; tendency towards narcissism.
  • The rooster is family happiness.
  • Bird - good news; good business news.
  • Fish - reception, party. The number of fish is equal to the number of guests who came.
  • Fish - you are ripe to pass on knowledge to others.
  • Pig - your wish will definitely come true. Some of the hidden ones.
  • Elephant - in a difficult situation, do not hesitate to ask for help from those closest to you. Wealth. Force. Power.
  • Dog - you are lucky, you have true friends who will always protect and support.
  • An owl is a harbinger of death, a serious illness.

Interpretation of symbols: body parts

  • Head - indicates that you think a lot and often about something. Indulge in memories. Digging into yourself.
  • The face is very good protection; defender.
  • The leg is a symbol of the road, a new enterprise. If she is wearing shoes, everything will end well, financial income is possible. If you are barefoot, it is better to refuse such a trip; it does not promise anything good.
  • Profile - mutual love awaits you.
  • Heart - can have several meanings depending on its appearance. An ideal heart, like in the picture, speaks of complete happiness in love. A crooked heart portends health problems. Depending on the location, they either already exist or are waiting in the future.
  • The heart at the bottom is an all-consuming passion that influences your life, although it is in the past.

Interpretation of signs: figures of people

  • The horseman is the patronage of the powers that be.
  • The girl is love.
  • A woman is a best friend. If there is a flower nearby, then the friend is dangerous. Holding a stick - seduction, love spell for a man.
  • A man is seduction, seduction for a woman.
  • Man and woman - secret passions, betrayals.
  • A child is a symbol of procreation. Located at the bottom - means that a child from the past will soon return to your life again. Above is the appearance of the baby.

Interpretation of symbols: natural objects

  • Mountain - your goal is already close. Don't be afraid to reach very high and covered peaks.
  • Tree - you are used to overcoming difficulties and are not afraid of obstacles. A great future awaits you. The main thing is not to stop and confidently move forward.
  • Rose - a wedding will take place in your life soon. Not necessarily yours - determined by proximity to the handle of the cup.

Interpretation of signs: celestial objects

  • The star is a very good symbol. Regardless of the position, it means a happy outcome. Luck. Fulfillment of desires.
  • The full moon says that you easily share your feelings and experiences with others.
  • A month - on the contrary, you keep all your feelings to yourself.

Interpretation of signs: biblical symbols

  • Angel - someone secretly wishes you harm, but there is also an unknown protector who will not allow anything bad to happen. Good news awaits you, which you really hoped for. Joy.
  • Cross – if it looks like the letter “x”, it means marriage.
  • The cross is white with a black outline - family happiness.
  • A black cross with a white outline means sadness, bad news.

Interpretation of symbols: signs

  • Zodiac signs - you will meet a person born under the sign you saw.
  • A circle - a sign always speaks of change. This can be any area.
  • Interpretation of symbols: decorations
  • Rings - a closed ring foreshadows an imminent wedding. Torn - on the contrary, divorce, misunderstanding. Several rings - many marriages await you, according to the number of symbols.
  • The crown is an inheritance.

Interpretation of symbols: clothing

  • Dress - you urgently need to decide on your life goals - luck favors you.
  • Boot - you have to go a long way.

Interpretation: other symbols

  • Roads – an exciting journey is about to begin. Adventures and travel await you.
  • Boat - romance.
  • Horns - you are in danger. There is a possibility that someone close to you will betray you.

If you want to look into your future, fortune telling using coffee grounds will help you - the interpretation of symbols can be very difficult, so sometimes it is better to consult a specialist. If everything is done correctly, then the future will appear out of the fog.

Here are examples of what the symbols can look like:

1. Bag 2. Ax 3. Point 4. Triangle 5. Teapot 6. Flag 7. Hill 8. Flower 9. Clock 10. Lines 11. Human figure 12. Suitcase 13. Jester 14. Turtle 15. Monster 16. Hat 17 Bee 18. Pentagon 19. Fork 20. Gun 21. Mermaid 22. Fish 23. Glass 24. Airplane 25. Candle 26. Pig 27. Net 28. Skeleton 29. Violin 30. Elephant 31. Dog 32. Owl 33. Monkey 34. Clouds 35 Fire 36 Necklace 37 Circle 38 Peacock 39 Parquet 40 Palm 41 Fern 42 Parachute 43 Spider 44 Feather 45 Saw 46 Pistol 47 Letter 48 Fruit 49 Parrot 50 Reptile 51 Profile 52 Bird 53 Leaf 54 Lod ka 55 Shovel 56 Horse 57 Moon 58 Frog 59 Mask 60 Lighthouse 61 Bear 62 Baby 63 Hammer 64 Bridge 65 Ring 66 Comet 67 Ship 68 Basket 69 Crown 70 Bowler 71 Cat 72 Cross 73 Bed 74 Crocodile 75 Rabbit 76 Wing 77 Rat 78 Jug

We all tend, at any convenient opportunity, to harbor a passion for the unknown future, finding answers to exciting questions in the clues of fate, which have completely different appearances. Therefore, most who drink a cup of aromatic freshly brewed coffee deliberately study the sediment at the bottom to understand what this symbol could mean. However, despite the fact that such fortune telling may seem simple at first glance, it has a lot of nuances, and in order to learn how to predict from coffee grounds, you need to properly understand them. Therefore, in this article we decided to talk about the features of making prophecies based on the remains of grounds from natural coffee and what meanings the symbols may have.

Coffee can safely be called the most common and affordable type of hot drink, which fully justifies the popularity of fortune telling using natural coffee grounds. Studying the meaning of the symbols formed at the bottom of the cup (it could be a heart, lips, flower, dragon, dolphin, tree or other design) allows a person to understand what awaits him in the future.

The history of fortune telling on the grounds of natural freshly brewed coffee dates back to the 18th century, when several Italians, while enjoying an aromatic drink, discovered peculiar drawings at the bottom of their cups. Compiling a list of such symbols, they began to study the pattern of subsequent phenomena. Thus, a connection was established between the sediment from a pleasant coffee drink and possible developments in the future.

The ritual of fortune telling carried out in the 18th century is no different from those carried out today. Only in the old days, during rituals, various spells were read, assigning magical properties and a connection with the unknown world to the coffee grounds. Now the ritual looks simpler. To find out possible events in the near future, just brew natural coffee.

To carry out the ritual of fortune telling by coffee sediment, you will need to first prepare:

  • a plain light porcelain cup of small volume (100-200 ml) and the same saucer;
  • natural coffee (2 tbsp. coarsely ground beans and 1 tbsp. finely ground);
  • water for 1 serving of coffee;
  • Turk.

From the prepared products, a portion of the aromatic drink is brewed over medium heat. Coffee can be brewed either by the person himself, eager to get an answer about his future, or by his assistant. After the drink is ready, it is poured into a porcelain cup along with the sediment. Next, the author of the fortune telling needs to wait until the portion of the aromatic drink cools down a little. Then you should loudly say a clearly formulated question that interests you and drink coffee, leaving the grounds at the bottom.

The final stage of fortune telling is to take the cup with your left hand and vigorously rotate it, forming three circles in a clockwise direction. Immediately after this, the vessel is tipped onto a prepared saucer so that, as the sediment flows, it forms images of symbols. After counting from one to seven, you can raise the cup. Now you can begin to study and interpret the patterns obtained on the walls of the cup.

Ideally, it should be from 3 to 5 characters. In this case, the prediction will be reliable. Such patterns can be very diverse (fish, eyes, heart, lips, flower, dragon, dolphin, tree, etc.). If you were able to examine only a couple of drawings, it is better to repeat the fortune-telling a little later.

How to correctly interpret the resulting drawings?

When reading the grounds of freshly brewed coffee, it is important to pay attention to detail. In addition to the fact that you need to be able to consider “your” pattern among all kinds of variations of symbols, you should also correctly determine its location.

To make a prophecy, it is very important how exactly the spots of coffee sediment are located on the bottom and walls of the cup. For example, spots in the form of certain symbols located on the walls of a vessel indicate possible events in the future of the fortuneteller. At the same time, the drawings on the bottom are phenomena of the past.

You can also pay attention to what direction they are in:

  • stains of grounds located approximately in the middle of the height of the walls of the cups are events of the present time;
  • a pattern that occupies the bottom of the wall and a little of the bottom is a bad omen;
  • the pattern moving towards the handle of the cup describes the fortuneteller;
  • an image directed counterclockwise indicates that the questioner is passing away;
  • an image directed in a clockwise direction will soon enter the life of a fortuneteller.

The most common symbols and their interpretation

The most common symbols that are used by fortune tellers on coffee grounds are:

  • letters;
  • numbers;
  • heart;
  • tree;
  • the Dragon;
  • dolphin.

Perhaps we'll start with them.

Letter designations

The meanings that letter images carry are very different. Some of them indicate positive events that will soon come true, others indicate specific actions that the fortuneteller should perform.

Literal values:

A – the questioner will win in the near future;

B - soon the fortuneteller will have new powers and power;

B – possible problems, sorrows;

G – you should go to the temple and light a candle for health;

D – lack of money, material problems;

E – if problems arise, remember that your conscience is clear;

F – family squabbles, hidden or obvious discontent;

W – concerns related to everyday life and home;

And - secrets can be revealed;

K - it’s worth taking care of your protection and buying a new cross;

L – love, romantic relationship, new acquaintance;

M – instability, changes in business or usual way of life;

N – nervous experiences, anxiety;

O – loneliness, family or friends will turn away;

P - you may encounter insincerity, lies;

P – craving for alcohol;

S – surprise, sudden joyful event;

T – difficult choice ahead;

U - new acquisitions, changes in personal life;

F – sudden visit of guests who will share their problems;

X – marriage, wedding;

C – unfavorable day for new beginnings;

H – loved ones need help and support;

Ш – bad news that can cause depression;

Ш – debts need to be repaid;

Yu – bad mood;

I am the messenger of a good, happy life.

Digital symbols

Like letters, numbers can carry unique meanings that carry forward into the future or point to the past. It depends on the location of the digital symbols.

What the numbers can mean:

0 – the fortuneteller was born “under a lucky star”;

1 – love;

2 – health problems;

3 – successful completion of negotiations, financial reward;

4 – don’t lose hope;

5 – gossip;

6 – wedding, but problems may arise;

7 – love, family, home;

8 – possible quarrel with someone from relatives or with a friend;

9 – meeting, acquaintance;

10 – life will be happy and successful.

If the grounds formed a heart symbol

The interpretation of the symbols that are formed during fortune telling on the grounds of brewed natural coffee, in some situations, provides results similar to other types of fortune telling. So, for example, the heart in most cases means love, romantic relationships. And making prophecies using coffee grounds is no exception.

If you get a heart when fortune telling on coffee grounds, this is a sign from above that you are ready to meet your betrothed. A heart formed on the walls or bottom of a porcelain vessel portends:

  • flirting;
  • romantic meeting;
  • declaration of love;
  • love pleasures.

The values ​​described above apply if the heart has a clear outline. If the drawing has unclear outlines, or two halves of a heart are depicted, this portends something wrong. As a rule, in such cases, partners may quarrel or separate. If such a symbol appears on a married lady/married man during fortune telling, this may mean a long-term conflict in the relationship with her spouse.

You should also pay attention to the location of the symbol. If the heart has manifested itself correctly, its meaning will be direct. That is, depending on the location, the drawing will show a clear picture of your personal life. If the symbol is upside down, you can prepare for change. As a rule, such a figure indicates the dreaminess and dreams of the fortuneteller, which will be destroyed by the realities of life.

If the outline indicates a similarity to a tree

One of the symbols that very often appears as a fortune teller on the grounds of natural coffee can be considered a tree. In general, this is a sign that has multiple meanings. The possible development of events depends on what choice the fortuneteller himself makes.

If the pattern on the coffee grounds resembles a tree, you need to pay attention to the following details:

  • a spreading tree with many branches - many different options that will be offered to the questioner;
  • a fruiting tree (in color) is a harbinger of imminent material receipt (inheritance, bonus, gift);
  • a broken tree trunk is a symbol of disappointment, indicating the collapse of the business started;
  • large roots on a tree are a sign that personal complexes and uncertainty are preventing you from achieving your goal.

The place of its location also plays a role in the interpretation of the pattern on the coffee grounds. So, for example, if the tree is at the bottom, fortune telling indicates a struggle with obstacles blocking the path to success.

The symbol of a tree made of coffee grounds on the side of the cup is a sign that you need to pay attention to family and common interests when making a choice.

Dragon outline symbols

When telling fortunes on coffee grounds, you can see the image of a mythical animal - a dragon. As a rule, it is a symbol of the successful completion of started work. However, the dragon does not always have a clear meaning.

The dragon made from coffee grounds is a faithful assistant to business people. In most cases, the dragon indicates success in an endeavor. However, if it appears during a period when the fortuneteller has received a dubious offer, it is better to refuse such a deal. In this case, the dragon suggests possible problems with this proposal.

If the fortuneteller is a lonely girl, the dragon will tell her about the strong feelings of the man from her environment. When a dragon appears to a woman who is married or in a relationship, it may mean a breakdown in the relationship due to a rival/rival. Sometimes the image of this mythical animal is a harbinger of the collapse of a relationship.

The outline in the form of a dragon made of coffee grounds is a “connecting” symbol, and when doing fortune telling, it must be correlated with other images.

Symbols resembling dolphins

A dolphin is also often used to tell fortunes using coffee grounds. This sign carries the meaning of control over the situation, confidence in one’s own strengths and abilities. Among other symbols, the dolphin, like the dragon, is a mythical creature with a connection to the unknown world.

Sometimes, as an element complementing the overall picture, this large cetacean fish means support for a loved one. For such situations, the general context may imply that help will be provided to the fortuneteller by a friend.

Among other things, a dolphin can also portend a trip, a journey. This conclusion can be drawn based on many years of observations. Since these cetacean creatures in mythology are considered guides between worlds, in fortune telling on the grounds of natural coffee they act as harbingers of a road, a path.

Other signs and their interpretation

In addition to the most common symbols, whose meaning is described above (dolphin, dragon, numbers, letters, heart and tree), there are many other signs made from coffee grounds. They can be divided into several categories that combine several similar messages.

When fortune telling on the sediment of freshly brewed natural coffee, you can also see:

a clear outline of a human head is a symbol of a person who will soon change your usual way of life;

  • the eyes are clearly visible - changes affecting different areas of activity of the fortuneteller;
  • hand/hands – unpleasant events associated with disappointment;
  • leg/legs – short journey or long journey;
  • lips - good news;
  • body silhouette - depending on who it is (a woman or a man), you can expect either a wedding or an affair.

Representatives of the animal world

  • cow/bull - a reward for your responsiveness and generosity;
  • buffalo - danger, obstacle;
  • deer - friends and acquaintances will share secrets;
  • elephant - good news, great luck, winning;
  • a bear is a great danger, but it will not bring problems or harm;
  • a camel is an animal in fortune-telling based on the grounds of natural coffee, which means luck;
  • Leo – new powers, power;
  • tiger - minor problems that appear against the background of excessive emotionality, incontinence;
  • unicorn - an incredible incident;

  • Pegasus - it’s time to listen to your intuition;
  • dog - the meaning in fortune telling on the coffee grounds of this animal symbolizes devotion and a faithful friend;
  • wolf - an ill-wisher who brings danger;
  • the fox is a sign according to which it is worth carefully assessing the surrounding situation;
  • cat - problems in your personal life;
  • kitten - a traitor is hiding under the face of a friend;
  • protein - achieving goals depends entirely on the efforts made;
  • cat – financial problems;
  • hare – complexes that prevent you from making the right decision;
  • eagle - victory in a new business, success in endeavors;
  • an owl is not a very good sign for a fortune teller;
  • swan - love and happiness await you just around the corner;
  • rooster/hen - happiness in family life, harmony, well-being;
  • goose - portends a meeting with an arrogant person;
  • fly - financial reward;
  • snake - be vigilant, because you may encounter an enemy, a traitor;
  • caterpillar - you are slowly but surely approaching achieving your goal;
  • beetle - ill-wishers who spread gossip;
  • toad - success, dream come true;
  • dinosaur - the meaning of this symbol indicates secrets from the past;
  • fish - good news, good news;
  • lizard - day of rest;
  • hedgehog is a sign that portends a threat and requires the necessary protective measures to be taken;
  • giraffe - translated from the interpretation of coffee symbols means foresight and careful study of circumstances that will help solve problems;
  • kangaroo - provide help, because someone is in dire need of it;
  • whale - a significant event, celebration;
  • horse - symbolizes in fortune telling on coffee grounds an acquaintance with a person who in the future will become an important person in your life;
  • crocodile - a series of dangers;
  • rat - fortune telling indicates extreme vigilance, because someone from your environment will commit meanness against you;
  • mouse - if this animal appears in the coffee grounds, you should also be wary, because it indicates a possible danger from the woman;
  • rhinoceros is a symbol of a serious opponent;
  • bird (any) – news;
  • pig - you will encounter rudeness, rudeness;
  • snail - in the near future, try to be less sincere, especially with unfamiliar people;
  • butterfly - frivolity, dreaminess.

Flora and surrounding nature

  • tree - as we already know, this symbol in fortune telling on the grounds of natural coffee carries a significant meaning, which depends on which path the fortuneteller himself chooses;
  • bush - a harbinger of disappointment;
  • clover leaf - this symbol from coffee grounds in fortune telling indicates a quick and successful completion of the matter;
  • flower/flowers - someone is sad, bored;
  • mountain/hill – a sign made of coffee grounds symbolizing an obstacle;
  • a waterfall is a series of events that need to be carefully analyzed;
  • mushroom - this drawing carries a double meaning - either material profit, or the need to repay an old debt;
  • road/route – direct meaning – travel;
  • star - symbolizes well-being;
  • moon - melancholy, sadness;
  • month - the matter will not end as you would like;
  • sun - happiness;
  • fire - will indicate that it is worth calming down your ardor in order to avoid trouble;
  • volcano - a spontaneous turn of events;
  • comet - meeting a new person who can lead you.

Various items

  • angel - the image of an angel that appears in fortune-telling on coffee grounds has a positive meaning, indicates accompanying luck and successful completion of the matter;
  • tower - a sign of support, protection;
  • guitar - a pleasant pastime;
  • lock/key - a secret, a secret that is being hidden from you;
  • mirror - you have the opportunity to correct the situation, turn it in your direction;

  • ship - the implementation of plans;
  • crown - a symbol made of coffee grounds that leads to glory;
  • the cross is a “heavy” sign that carries the meaning of a burden placed upon oneself;
  • wings - in this fortune-telling this is an image of a new idea;
  • mask - hypocrisy;
  • clothes - new purchases, renewal;
  • mermaid - the money spent will not justify the goal;
  • the airplane is a symbol that means it’s time to stop dreaming and start implementing;
  • car - fortune telling promises a long journey, an exciting journey;
  • shoes - carries the same meaning as a car;
  • teapot - news, guests, communication;
  • a watch is a sign that should push you to fulfill your plans;
  • hat - this symbol made from coffee grounds indicates that they are hiding something from you;
  • anchor is a serious obstacle on the way;
  • harp – a symbol signifying family harmony;
  • fork - wealth, well-being in the family;
  • home - harmony in the family;
  • knife – losses of a different nature (loss, breakup, etc.);
  • scissors - a symbol symbolizing luck in gambling;
  • ring - through this symbol fortune-telling will tell you about an upcoming marriage;
  • horseshoe - an undertaking that you are planning to implement in the near future will end very successfully;
  • chair - well-being and prosperity in the family;
  • table - according to this symbol, after fortune telling, a gathering of a large company is possible;
  • bottle - pay attention to your own health;
  • scales - as a symbol of justice, this coffee sign represents a dispute being resolved;
  • bell - an omen of a significant event;
  • jug - fortune telling shows that you have good, good health;
  • ladder/steps – advancement, perspective;
  • feather - instability, during this period it is better to refrain from making important decisions;
  • teapot - among all the coffee symbols, it is positive and indicates that everything will be fine in your family;
  • necklace/beads - support from people you didn’t even count on;
  • flag - according to fortune telling on coffee grounds, this symbol portends danger;
  • candle - this image from coffee grounds means dreams, dreams.

Clear contours of geometric shapes

  • circle - a new acquaintance that will cause a lot of changes in your life;
  • stripe/line - if directed upward, then its value promises improvement (promotion on the career ladder, etc.), if directed downward - a reprimand or unpleasant news;
  • oval – happiness in personal life;
  • square - life in full abundance;
  • triangle - an unexpected meeting, after which drastic changes will come;
  • dot – favor of Fortune;
  • rectangle - personal life is getting better;
  • curved line/zigzag - upcoming adventures, however, if the line is interrupted, fortune telling promises a different meaning - changes for the worse;
  • arc – danger that comes from the enemy.

As you can see, anyone can tell fortunes using coffee grounds. Knowing the interpretation of symbols (heart, dragon, eyes, candle, tree, dolphin, fish, etc.) that may appear in your imagination when looking at coffee drawings, you can make quite plausible predictions.

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