How to calculate your wedding day by date of birth - fortune telling for marriage. Fortune telling for marriage and love on cards and paper: a selection of the most accurate methods

1. The fortuneteller’s opinion of himself

Tarot cards in a marriage reading mean the following:

1. The fortuneteller’s opinion of himself

You believe in inspiration, make decisions quickly and act energetically. This is your character, and this is the behavior you obviously consider correct. But think about it: where do your problems come from then? Maybe you still need to force yourself to be more reasonable?

2. The opinion of others about the fortuneteller

You are a harmonious, calm person, absolutely not scandalous. Perhaps this is just a mask that you know how to wear very convincingly and professionally. But this is exactly your image in the eyes of others.

3. What is a fortuneteller like in family relationships?

In your family life you will be positive, peaceful, and optimistic. In essence, it will cause you to turn a blind eye to certain problems. However, it seems that you will not have any major reasons for concern, and sometimes you can actually ignore the small ones.

4. The fortuneteller’s idea of ​​a partner

You would like a calm, balanced, careful person. Such a man, in your opinion, may not grab a star from the sky, but he will not commit many rashnesses and stupidities, which then take a long time to sort out.

5. Where or under what circumstances can a fortuneteller meet a partner

You will meet under fairly favorable circumstances. The situation at this moment will clearly be in your favor. Perhaps you will be showing off the fruits of your efforts (i.e. you will be at a trade show, conference, etc.) Or perhaps you will be making a very respectable purchase or talking with an influential person.

6. What should the fortuneteller do?

Listen to your intuition, trust your gut feeling. And - most importantly - do not share your intentions or fears with anyone. Especially if you want to artificially “adjust” the situation to suit you. If you need someone's help, organize everything so that this person does not even suspect anything.

7. Are there any circumstances that aggravate karma?

Fortune is for you. And there is no reason to fear that someone might “do” something bad to you. Therefore, trust your Guardian Angel and live calmly.

8. Tarot card advice

You must make it a rule to act independently, making decisions only based on logic and objective reasoning. And at the same time remain an intelligent woman who knows how to restrain herself in moments of weakness or, on the contrary, strong irritation and anger. Neither excessive emotionality nor coldness will decorate you or add attractiveness.

9. Possibility of marriage - time forecast

This Arcanum indicates that you will have the opportunity to get married quite soon. And it will probably be associated with the beginning of something - a vacation, getting a job, etc. Or it will just be the first days of a month. Perhaps this is when a marriage proposal will be made to you or a wedding day will be set.

Finding a worthy candidate for your hand and heart. Girls and boys are worried, trying to find out what their fate has in store for them: loneliness or a happy partnership until old age. They say that wedding fortune telling helps you find out the future. For centuries, peoples have developed their own ways and methods of divination. Nowadays everything is available to us. Let's look at how it is carried out by date of birth, with a ring and other, most interesting ones.

When to cast a spell?

In order not to make mistakes in your forecasts, you need to choose the right day for the magical event. Wedding fortune telling was carried out among the Slavs, for example, in the period between Christmas and Epiphany. It was believed that at this time spirits came to people, and it was they who knew the fate of those living today. The tradition of performing fortune telling for weddings on the night of Ivan Kupala has reached us. The girls floated a wreath along the river. If he sailed far, matchmakers were expected that year. But we will discuss methods that are more convenient for a city dweller. However, their modernity does not negate the choice of the correct date. It’s good to cast a spell before the New Year and on your birthday. It is believed that the Guardian Angel descends from heaven during these periods to support his ward. Here you ask him a question, while he’s good. Let him help, suggest the right fortune telling for the wedding. In the meantime, while he is far away, read about how modern future forecasters recommend bewitching.

Fortune telling for marriage by date of birth

Numerology is now a popular method of studying fate. By date of birth, talents, ability to earn money and much more are determined. It is also possible to find out the year of entry into the tank. To do this, you only need a pen and a calculator if you have forgotten arithmetic. It is necessary to bring the birth number to a simple figure. For example: 12: 1 = 2 = 3. Then look at the special numerology table. Compare which years of marriage correspond to your birth number. They are calculated by simple addition. It is necessary to bring the year up to For example, 2017: 2 + 0 + 1 + 7 =10, 1 + 0 = 1. This way you can approximately determine when the wedding will take place. True, the method is not entirely accurate. They say that only fifty percent of the results match. Let's look at another way.

Birth number1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Year of marriage1,4,5,7 1,5,6,8 3,6,7,9 1,4,7,8 2,5,7,9 1,4,6,9 1,2,4,8 1,2,6.8 2,3,6,7

Fortune telling for a wedding using cards

For divination, only a new deck is used. The cards that were previously played are lying. It is advisable to purchase yourself a special set for fortune telling. Take the deck in your hands, shuffle it and ask a question. It must be unambiguous. For example: “Will I start a family this year?” Place the cards in four piles, face down. They should be taken in order. Now take the first stack and turn it over with the pictures facing you. Set aside one card at a time until you meet any Ace. You should stop at this form. Take the next stack and repeat all over again. Place what is limited by the Ace on top of the first packet. Place the cards remaining as a result of selection, without shuffling, into three piles. Repeat the procedure searching for aces. Divide the remainder into two piles. Turn it over. If the result is only aces, the answer is yes.

Using a Tarot deck to predict a wedding

There are methods especially loved by sorceresses and witches. They say it gives almost one hundred percent results for a wedding. Try it yourself, but you'll have to buy a Tarot deck. It was these cards that the gypsies used, and even now they do not disdain. Shuffle the deck, mentally asking a question about fate. There is no need to specify the date here. The tarot will tell you everything themselves. Take out seven cards and lay them out in front of you. Consider. A combination that involves a three of any suit and the major arcana Empress and Peace speaks of a wedding in the near future. If you see such a combination, you can plan a celebration even when you don’t have a contender. Tarot cards are rarely wrong.

Fortune telling with a wedding ring

If you don't have a deck at hand, no problem. Our grandmothers knew other ways to recognize fate. A special fortune-telling was carried out for a wedding with a ring. You need to find a smooth bezel without stones or decorations. A mother's or older sister's engagement ring would be ideal. You will also need a long thread. Tie it to the ring, sit comfortably at the table. Take the free end of the thread in your left hand, which should be extended in front of you, without resting your elbow on a hard surface. The ring should hang freely and make voluntary movements. Wait for it to stop. Concentrate and ask a question out loud. Watch the behavior of the ring. If it starts to swing perpendicular to your body, the answer is negative, if parallel, the answer is positive. It happens that the pendulum does not want to budge. This means that you do not want to receive information on an issue of interest; something unexpected will happen.

Fortune telling for Easter

Girls also practiced divination on major church holidays. But fortune telling will be correct only if you follow traditions. For this fortune telling, you need to fast before the holiday, clean the house on Maundy Thursday, bake Easter cakes and paint eggs. The fortune telling itself is carried out at the church during the service. You need to collect Easter cakes with eggs in a beautiful basket and go to the temple. After the completion of the service, the priest will come out to bless the people. When this happens, listen to those around you. One of them will say your wedding date. As soon as you hear, treat the person to Easter cake. Without this, fortune telling will not be fulfilled. And then go home and don’t bother yourself. You will get married when you are internally ready to start a family. Good luck!

There is no girl or woman who is not interested in the issue of marriage. From their youth, they think about how they will get married and whether they will be happy in their marriage. Quite often, many women’s get-togethers end with fortune telling on cards.

However, to receive a truthful and clear answer, you must be able to correctly make a layout and interpret the meanings of the cards. This article will discuss the layouts for marriage and love with interpretation of the meanings.

Fortune telling for marriage and love on cards

Before carrying out such a ritual, you need to focus your thoughts on marriage as much as possible, after which you ask a question that interests you, and you can begin fortune telling. Thanks to the results that will be obtained, you will be able to prepare for various blows of fate, as well as overcome them with ease.

With the help of this fortune-telling for love and marriage on cards, you can find out how long you still have to wait for a wedding dress and family happiness.

First of all, the so-called “your card” is determined:

  1. If the girl is under 30 years old, then her card is the Queen of Diamonds.
  2. If she is older, then a heart card will suit her.
  3. If a guy is guessing and he is not yet 30 years old, then his card is the King of Diamonds.
  4. If a man is over 30 years old, then his card is the king of hearts.

To carry out this fortune telling, you must have a deck of 52 cards, which must be thoroughly mixed.

You need to take a deck, count out 20 cards from it and carefully see if there is a card among them that suits you. If such a card is available, then the wedding will take place this year. If there is no such card, then you need to find it in the deck and replace it with any of the twenty.

After this, the cards are shuffled and laid out one card at a time into five identical piles. Now you need to find the pile that contains “your card”. Based on the number of the stack, the result of fortune telling is interpreted:

Pile No. 1 - in the next three years you will become a wife.

#2 – Don’t expect to get married within a few years.

No. 3 – expect marriage, but not soon.

No. 4 - they will make you an offer, but the matter will not reach the registry office.

No. 5 – loneliness for life.

Playing cards in marriage fortune telling

This version of fortune telling with playing cards is best done before the wedding. A deck of 36 cards is taken, from which the sixes are first removed. Next, the deck is divided into five approximately equal piles.

You need to start fortune telling from the stack that is on the left side. All suits are removed from it except the king and queen. The stack remains untouched if there is no queen or king. The same is done with other piles.

Now all the cards are collected in order, after which they are again laid out in 5 piles without shuffling. The manipulations are repeated again with the removal of all unnecessary cards. If after all this there are kings and queens left, this indicates successful fortune telling.

It is worth noting that fortune telling for the number of marriages does not yet exist; such information cannot always be accurately provided only by palmists.

Should I be with my loved one?

For this fortune telling, you need to know the name of the guy you like.

You must write down your last name, first name and patronymic, and the same letter must be written under the same letter. Next, write the name of your beloved guy.

Now we count how many letters there are in each column. If their number is odd, then under it you need to write a one, and if it is even, then a zero.

At the next stage, two adjacent numbers are summed up, and the result is written in the next row.

In the next row, the sum of three numbers that are next to each other is calculated. Now you can add up all adjacent numbers. If you get a two-digit number, then its digits need to be added again, this must be continued until a single-digit number is obtained.

The resulting figure indicates how many chances out of 10 you have that you will be together. If the chances are small, then maybe it’s better to leave this guy alone, although in no case should you draw conclusions from fortune telling alone.

Video selection

Predicting the future excites not only the mind, but also the soul. A person, no matter who he works or what gods he believes in, is drawn to everything unknown. Find out the future, prepare for its unexpected events and be ready for any challenges.

Every woman dreams of marriage. Fortune telling will help you find out exactly when this event will happen.

Forecasting the future is a weapon and a reliable assistant. Fortune telling about marriage will calm a young lady or help a mature woman make a difficult decision. What will you need to tell fortunes about your future marriage and how to do it at home?

Magic prediction of the future

Every little and young girl secretly dreams of meeting her betrothed and beloved man. Such a guy will appreciate her, become a reliable supporter and protect her from any everyday adversity. Predicting the future in personal life is extremely popular among people of different social status, position in society and gender. Men, women, teenagers - everyone without exception wants to know the future.

Fortune telling for a wedding refers to a magical effect that is safe for the physical shell of a person. If all recommendations are followed, no one will suffer from the actions taken. Fortune telling is dangerous for people who take everything too personally. They suffer from suspiciousness and are gullible. It is dangerous for such people to even think about fortune telling, because relying on magic alone is stupid and imprudent.

Whatever the forecast, its outcome depends only on the person, his actions and actions. You cannot rely only on ancient forces and not make any efforts for positive changes in your personal life.

Determine your chosen one using fortune telling

The path to happiness is not always easy for a person to follow. He has to overcome external obstacles, himself, his own ambition and fears. Fate raises the bar just as he, the fortuneteller, makes claims to the opposite sex. Even young girls in the modern world find it difficult to find a partner.

Excessive demands and faith in the created illusion lead them to constant disappointment. Fortune telling helps you get out of the vicious circle and look at the current stagnation in your personal life from the other side. As soon as a person removes the burden from his own soul, he will get rid of the aggravating loneliness.

A wedding is just one happy day, and after it the joy of family life consists of daily hard work.

A wedding is a happy day. However, the success of family life depends on daily hard work

Cards and special magical attributes reveal not only the dry facts of the future, but the invisible part of a person’s life. His feelings, thoughts, psychological blocks. Thanks to simple fortune telling, a person can improve his personal life and finally become happy and fulfilled.

Help magic

How can magic help? You can believe in it or be skeptical about the ancient forces, but their power and influence on the fate of ordinary people is difficult to deny. Predicting the future has existed as long as people have been looking for answers to eternal questions. What does the future hold? What will tomorrow bring?

Predicting events destined by fate will help everyone who is ready to open their minds to new, incredible discoveries. What are the most effective predictions for love and marriage? Prediction should be easy even for a beginner and understandable to a person of any worldview.

Popular types of predictions that can be created at home:

  • fortune telling with Tarot cards;
  • layout on playing cards;
  • predicting the future along the lines of the palm;
  • fortune telling for major church holidays;
  • prophetic dreams.

The human soul itself reaches out to the knowledge for which it is ready. If a prediction method seems dubious, then it should be abandoned. Magic must be respected, and this can only be done by a person who listens to his own intuition.

Carrying out, whatever it may be, requires faith, otherwise any rites or rituals are a waste of time.

When will the wedding take place? A question, the answer to which can bring a lot of joy or sadness. When creating layouts or making astrological forecasts, a person must tune in to any results. How much he will achieve or lose depends only on his further actions.

Fortune telling for future marriage

Before you start fortune telling, you need to prepare. A non-serious attitude towards a future alignment or ritual will create corresponding results. The person already knows everything that is needed. All that remains is to release the skills. First of all, the fortuneteller tunes in to make a prediction:

  1. If a girl or woman is wondering about marriage, then she should think about the desired event. Imagine it down to the smallest detail.
  2. A positive thought has incredible power, and such preparation will also help you tune into a fortune-telling deck or magic ritual.
  3. When choosing special ancient decks, a person listens to his own heart. Cards can be capricious and useless.
  4. The accuracy of the future forecast depends on the choice of deck.
  5. Palm fortune telling or online predictions, which are easy to find on the Internet, will help determine the exact wedding date.

Palmistry (hand fortune telling) will help determine the exact wedding date

Having decided on a goal, the means to achieve them will be found quickly.

The second condition for correct fortune-telling will be the well-being of the fortune-telling girl:

  1. You should not give in to strong positive or negative emotions before a reading or ritual.
  2. Attributes and cards sense a person’s worries, anxiety and fear.
  3. Such fortune-telling will be of no use to anyone.
  4. It is also not recommended to start magically predicting the future while weakened or sick.
  5. Any call on ancient forces requires the expenditure of strength and energy.

A weak person does not tolerate manipulation well, and over time, complications may appear after the ritual.

The safety of the fortuneteller is an important condition, so you need to start fortune telling only with a calm soul and a healthy body. Before you begin, heavy thoughts and worries are released like a boat tied to the shore.

A person becomes a vessel, ready to perceive new information and use it correctly. For concrete results, effort and preparation are required.

Online fortune telling

The modern world does not stand still. A person develops, the ways of his communication with the environment and the methods of obtaining information change. Live card fortune telling is no longer the most popular. The rhythm of life does not allow you to waste time anywhere.

For a busy person, online fortune telling is the easiest, free and fastest option to find out the future. For such forecasts, you do not need to prepare for a long time or spend energy on long trips. A couple of mouse clicks will allow you to get a forecast in a matter of seconds. It is difficult to check the reliability of fortune telling online, but for those who are determined, there are no barriers.

Online predictions have several secrets. It is necessary to create layouts via the Internet consciously, having carefully considered the question. If we are talking about the date of future marriage, then the phrase is pronounced to oneself clearly and briefly. There is no point in piling up words and wishes in one sentence.

You must then follow the instructions that come with the online form. And then the person receives information. The information may be useful, but you should not rely solely on such fortune-telling. Girls are greedy for a good prediction, but nothing comes true out of the blue.

Fortune telling with Tarot cards

Drawing a fortune-telling and foundation card is not as easy as it might seem. Beginners in fortune telling using Tarot cards or the Thoth deck will need to find several ready-made patterns for the layout. These blanks consist of cards that are taken out of the deck one by one. There may be three, six, eight or nine.

Beginners planning to predict the wedding date using the Tarot should use ready-made charts for the layout

Popular fortune telling covers all probabilities that can affect the outcome. Influence from the outside, fears and vices of the questioner. The senior Arcana - the fourth part of the fortune-telling deck - predicts marriage or other significant events.

The famous and very simple fortune telling using 9 ancient symbols will answer the following questions:

  • the fortune-telling girl’s opinion about herself;
  • men’s opinions about me (men, if the woman asking has someone in mind);
  • what kind of wife will the woman who draws the cards be (possible mistakes and mistakes in relationships are indicated);
  • the ideal man for a fortuneteller;
  • circumstances and conditions of the fateful meeting;
  • the efforts and sacrifices that the questioner must make;
  • there is damage, the evil eye and the crown of celibacy (a very important part of fortune telling, which indicates magical obstacles); board of cards;
  • What is the probability of getting married in the near future?

Gradually, the alignment reveals the entire path to future marriage. Possible circumstances that will prevent the fulfillment of dreams and dangerous situations. Advice from Tarot cards will allow you to tune in to the right mood and look at your current life, everyday life, and character from a different perspective. Decoding the layout begins with the first card. Strong Arcana even overcome the negative meanings of Cups, Wands or Coins.

Layouts can be supplemented or repeated if the first results are unclear or do not provide an accurate answer.

The main thing is not to get too carried away with predictions using Tarot. An exciting business can draw everyone in, but fate, personal and professional life happens far beyond the boundaries of the room in which the forecast is created.

Anyone can use tips, but not everyone should build a foundation with them. The future depends on the will of man and his decisions, and cards, no matter how powerful they have become over the last hundred years, are only effective assistants and advisers.

Prediction by hand

In the last 5-10 years, the mysterious science of palmistry has become increasingly popular. A teaching that points to the display of significant future events written on the palm of each person. Scientists have long proven that no two people on earth are identical in their fingerprints or palm prints.

7 billion souls and each of them has their own destiny drawn in their hands. It will only be possible to partially unravel the patterns of lines and bends without lengthy preparation. If a person is interested in only one question, then palmists will tell you where to look for the answer in the palm of your hand.

There are two things to remember about palmistry. The first concerns the location of the line on the hands. If you look closely, you will notice that the lines on the left and right hands are slightly different. Experts explain the differences by the fact that the left palm carries information about what is destined for a person from birth. Achievements, trials, dangers.

The right hand is the working hand for most people; it reflects the real picture, the fate changed by the will of the human soul. If you need to analyze destined events such as marriage, then you should read the left hand. But to find out why the girl is still not married, the pattern of her right hand will help.

The second aspect that a beginner needs to know is that there are only a few important lines in the palm that are responsible for matters of the heart:

  • Heart line;
  • line of children;
  • life line (auxiliary tool).

A small line extends from the Heart line - the marriage line. The intersection of the two lines is located on the so-called Hill of Mercury. There you can also find a line prophesying children. The closer all these lines are to the Heart line, the warmer the union of the questioner and her chosen one will be.

The branches indicate the number of marriages of the girl. For an accurate prediction, you need to check your right hand. Thin and short lines are a bad sign. Such lines indicate bad unions in which there will never be fidelity and love.

Fortune telling with playing cards

36 playing cards will help you make a quick marriage prediction.

Playing cards will help you make a quick marriage prediction

The cards are laid out into 6 piles, the last card determines the pile that remains, and all remaining cards are set aside. Then the actions are repeated until a few symbols remain on the table.

The suits indicate the coloring of feelings; if Hearts appear, then love awaits the girl, and very soon. The tambourine symbolizes harmony, the Cross symbolizes confidence in one’s own choice, and the Pike carries sadness and grief. Queen, Jack and King are prototypes of male and female people. These cards symbolize lovers and rivals.

Sixes predict travel, sevens and eights predict important matters at work and in personal life. Nine and ten promise a meeting. A quick fortune telling with playing cards will only help answer superficial questions.

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