Conspiracy against worms - expulsion of parasites. Prayer for worms and parasites Prayer for parasites to leave the body

First of all, it is skin color. He becomes sickly pale. The patient feels constant fatigue and apathy. It is difficult for him to concentrate on business, as he constantly falls asleep. On top of that, he suddenly begins to lose weight.

The most common symptoms:

  • dark circles under the eyes;
  • allergy;
  • problems with stool;
  • frequently occurring bacterial and viral infections;
  • increased activity in children;
  • weight loss;
  • eternally tormenting pain throughout the body, especially in the joints.

The solution is magic

Unfortunately, even in the age of high technology, medicine cannot always cope with this disease. Or maybe, but in that case it will take a lot of time. It is in such cases that people begin to believe in miracles, in magic. And they learn about the conspiracy from the worms.

The main advantage of this method of treatment is that the ritual can be performed even at home. You don't have to resort to the help of a psychic. It is enough to follow all the recommendations that you will find below.

The easiest way

This ritual must be performed exclusively on the waning moon. Popularly referred to as a ritual for water. Its strength is of great importance for our result. Decrease contributes to the disappearance of something from human life.

“The house of worms is not in me. Not my friend. Not in my mother. A house of worms in the forbidden fruit. A house of worms in a damp dugout. Yes, in the bullshit. This is no place to live with your relatives. Leave quickly, child of God. May the Omnipresent Father not conquer you. Father of everything. Each one's cattle and insects. His anger is destructive and terrible. The whole world is afraid of him. If you don’t want to become a target, leave him quickly, leave him. Otherwise it will be too late.”

After which the water will need to be charged with energy, so hold the glass in your hands a little longer. Next, drink.

Ritual for a crust of bread

You will need a crust of bread and garlic. Spread the bread with it, saying:

Conspiracy with the help of another person

“Forget all the damned worms about my flesh. Go to the harvest fields, and feed yourself plenty there. You are not welcome here, not welcome at all. Go far, far away, and don’t look back.”

Getting rid of internal worms in a child

You can detect the virus if your baby begins to frequently bite his nails and pull his dirty hands to his mouth.

So this is where you really have to trust in the power of God. You and your child will need to attend church. Before visiting, recite the Lord's Prayer. Buy six candles. Take three of them to the icon of the Blessed Elder. Cross yourself and say the following prayer lines:

The disease has not spared our beloved pets. It occurs in both cats and dogs. A good way to end it is to again turn to higher powers. As soon as your friend goes outside after the night, immediately read:

“As soon as you step over the threshold,
So let all the rot leave you.
How true that you are about to piss,
So it is true that all the rottenness of the century will avoid you. Amen."

Also a proven method

Please note that on the day of the ceremony, Friday is circled on the calendar page, and the moon has already begun to decrease. If everything is correct, take with you a bowl filled with water and a church candle. Light it and say:

“Our Father.
Lord, finally heal the tortured animal (say its name). Forgive all of us, God, the owners of this animal for all their iniquities and sins, voluntary and involuntary. Disappear the pain, goodbye illness, part with the poor body (voice the nickname) and disappear into oblivion.
Our Father."

Subsequently, extinguish the candle with anything other than your breath. Give your pet something to drink from a bowl. That's all.

Worms can be removed with the help of herbs and a spell

The waste products of worms poison the human body. Every day the level of toxins in the blood increases, nausea, indigestion appear, the skin becomes pale, the skin becomes dry and vulnerable. If it is impossible to use the appropriate medications, there is only one thing left - herbs, prayers and spells.

Water spell

It has long been known that water changes properties under certain circumstances. This feature of ordinary water is used in magic. They say about water:

“The place of a worm is in the earth, its place is in an apple and in the grave. The place of a worm is in cow shit, in many places, but not in me, in the servant of God (name). A worm will come out of me, it will come out to its place, it will go into an apple, into a cow pat, into a grave or into a dead man, anywhere but into me. My word is strong, my will is strong, everything that I said will come true. In the name of the Father, and the son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

The spell is read over a glass and then drunk in small sips. It's better to do this before bed. For greater effect, water can be replaced with a decoction of pumpkin seeds. For this, 500 gr. The seeds are ground in a coffee grinder or meat grinder, poured with five glasses of water, without bringing to a boil, boiled by half. Remove the oil film, filter and drink on an empty stomach, reading the words, 150-200 grams 3 times a day. A conspiracy against worms greatly increases the effect of the decoction.

For a crust of bread

In this ritual, a crust of bread is used, spread with garlic.

For the ritual, a crust of bread needs to be spread with garlic.

Garlic itself is an anthelmintic, and together with the spell it acquires great power:

“Worm, little worm, call all your relatives and your whole village. Call your brother, call your matchmaker, call your wife and children, call your mother-in-law, aunts and uncles, brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law. Everyone come out, and get away from me, the servant of God (name). Go somewhere else to live and feast, but you can’t live with me, you can’t be with me. I'm driving nine worms out of myself. My will is strong, my words are molded. Amen. Amen. Amen".

The charmed bread is eaten on an empty stomach.

For candles

This conspiracy to expel worms is read on the waning moon. To get rid of them, you need to purchase 9 church candles, wait until midnight and begin the ritual. Candles are lit on the table and read into the flame:

“You bastard, you bastard, you were not born according to the will of our Lord God, nor according to the will of the Most Holy Theotokos. You were born, you bastard, from Satan himself, from the liar enemy himself. You, bastard, pull out your sharp sting from the servant of God (name), and if you don’t pull it out, I will go to our Lord with a complaint and a request. Then our God will send four evangelists and nine rods against you. Three rods will be copper, three rods will be damask, and three more will be fire. They will cut you, you bastard, these rods lengthwise and crosswise, your ashes will be scattered across the blue sea, through the violent winds. I lock my words, and I entrust the key to them to the Lord God. Amen. Amen. Amen".

According to reviews, this method cleanses the body in a couple of days.

For 12 sips of water

Charmed water will help against roundworms, tapeworms, pinworms, lamblia

It acts against roundworms, tapeworms, pinworms, Giardia and other “guests” of the human body. The procedure for performing the ritual:

  1. Pour clean water into a mug.
  2. After taking one sip, read the plot.
  3. Take another sip and read the words again.

In total, the words are read 12 times, according to the number of sips. To avoid losing count, you can put a tick on a piece of paper after each sip or use matches.

Conspiracy words:

“Worm, worm, your place is in an apple, in a damp grave, in black earth, and not in me. Just as God’s water is pure, so may my body be pure. Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen".

It is important not to get lost and read the words exactly 12 times.

Grandmother's plot

“Good morning, good morning. A month in the sky, a gray wolf in the field, and a stone in the sea. A worm sits - a black head, walks along the belly, drinks blood, eats flesh. Maria, you, Maria, walk along the belly, gather all the worms with my words, so that they do not toss and turn, do not bite, and do not multiply in this belly. Let the first worm eat the last and leave the body of God's servant (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now, forever, forever and ever. Amen".

The next morning all the worms should come out.

While being carried away by conspiracies, one should not forget about effective drug treatment for helminthic infestations. It is recommended to use magical rituals in exceptional cases when it is impossible to take medications or they do not work, as well as for the purpose of prevention, if there is a suspicion of a disease, but there is no laboratory confirmation.

The most common diseases caused by single- and multicellular microorganisms in humans are:

  • giardiasis;
  • helminthiasis;
  • ascariasis;
  • enterobiasis;
  • echinococcosis.

This is only a small part of the entire list of studied ailments that people prefer to get rid of at home.

You can suspect unpleasant “tenants” in the body based on the following symptoms:

How can you cleanse yourself at home?

  • treatment with onions (one large or 2 small onions are crushed with a blender or through a meat grinder, poured with a glass of boiling water and left overnight, filtered in the morning; to get good results you need to drink half a glass daily for several days);
  • Lilac tincture is used to cleanse Giardia (the flowers are dried, completely filled with alcohol and infused for 10 days, taken a teaspoon immediately before meals);
  • pomegranate peel drenched in boiling water fights tapeworms;
  • cilantro seeds (coriander) are fried and ground, and taken one gram for five days.
  • “Troichatka” (it got its name from the quantitative composition of the product): you will need 30 grams. wormwood leaves, 50 gr. cloves and 100 gr. tansy flowers, all this should be dried, mixed and ground into powder. Dosage regimen: 1st day – 1 teaspoon of powder before meals (approximately half an hour), 2nd – 2 teaspoons of the mixture, 3rd and next – 3 teaspoons each. Therapy is carried out over several months. The recipe helps remove worms.
  • Powder of flax seeds and cloves: these components must be taken in equal parts and ground in a blender or coffee grinder. The daily dose is 20 g. If the product itself tastes unpleasant, you can add it to regular food. The course of treatment is 1 month, dosage regimen: 3 days - take, 3 days - break, 3 days - take (this is the same throughout the entire course).
  • Chicory + yarrow + tansy: all components are taken in equal parts (a teaspoon each), boiled in a water bath for 15 minutes in 0.5 liters of water. Take a quarter glass on an “empty stomach” for 7 days. Store the infusion in the refrigerator.
  • Herbs should be collected away from the highway, as there they absorb a lot of harmful substances. Before drying or preparing products from fresh raw materials, plants should be washed thoroughly.
  • Tinctures and powders should be washed down with plenty of clean water without gas.
  • Follow the quantities of ingredients indicated in the recipes.

Cleansing the intestines and stomach with enemas

  • garlic;
  • soda;
  • chamomile;
  • wormwood, yarrow, tansy.

More popular recipes for garlic and soda enemas.

For garlic, pour one head of garlic into 0.5 cups of water and bring to a boil, use after cooling (take a bottle with a volume of 150 to 200 ml, you must go to the toilet before the procedure). Instead of water, you can use warm milk, add chopped garlic and leave for 1 hour. The course of treatment is 2 weeks (daily).

A milk enema can be used to cleanse pregnant women and young children.

A soda enema is very easy to prepare - dilute 0.5 teaspoon of soda in one glass of water, bring to a boil and let cool completely. You need to administer 2 glasses of solution at a time and leave it in the intestines for about half an hour. The course of treatment is 1 week, then take a break for half a month.

Tansy enema: pour 250 ml of boiling water over the plant flowers and leave for 2-4 minutes, apply after straining. Cannot be used for children under 3 years of age.

Note! Cleansing with enemas is contraindicated for patients with rectal pathologies (fissures, prolapse), as well as for pregnant and nursing mothers.

Delicious colon cleansing

  • laundry and tar soap (an affordable product that can be found on supermarket shelves) expels lice and bedbugs, but it must be used for at least a week;
  • to enhance the effect of treatment with laundry soap, it is mixed with garlic (onion) or kerosene;
  • kerosene (minus – persistent unpleasant odor);
  • vinegar with added salt;
  • pomegranate or cranberry juice with mint leaves;
  • The old method for scabies is a mixture of laundry soap, sulfur and lard.

Remember this rule! If you decide to get rid of lice with laundry soap and kerosene, you need to keep in mind that it is very difficult to wash off. To do this, take soda, apply it to your hair and comb it out with a comb, repeat the procedure several times, then wash your hair with shampoo.

Be prepared that each of the products has a persistent unpleasant odor, so if you have a meeting or event planned, it is better to use drugs from the pharmacy shelves.

As soon as a person begins to get sick with worms, this immediately affects his appearance. Firstly, there is constant lethargy and apathy towards the world around us. Secondly, skin tone changes. It begins to resemble a white color, which looks quite painful. A conspiracy against worms is a fairly common method of combating these reptiles. Traditional medicine is not always able to help in a short time. There are situations when treatment takes several months. During this time, a person not only significantly loses his body weight. This may negatively affect his relationships with others.

Traditional methods of treatment have become so popular that every inhabitant of the planet, at least once, has encountered such treatment options. This is due to the fact that they help in treatment much more effectively and do not cause much damage to the health condition. If you read the plot incorrectly or perform the ritual incorrectly, this will in no way affect the upcoming consequences. There are many simple rituals that even a beginner in the field of magic can do. Carrying out magical rituals is quite simple and does not require special knowledge in the magical field. They are easy to do yourself at home.

How to quickly get rid of worms

It must be remembered that such rituals are carried out only at those moments when the moon is waning in the sky. It is this lunar phase that helps reduce the number of worms. The waning moon should be used in those moments when a person needs to remove something from his life. If you perform a ritual to reduce worms at least several times, you can get rid of them once and for all.

To carry out the ceremony, you must prepare a vessel and fill it with water. It is desirable that the water be clean. If possible, use water from a spring or well. If you don’t have such an opportunity, then you can simply put water in a kettle and boil it. Next, it should be cooled and poured into the prepared container. After this, you can begin to read the correct plot.

“I, the servant of God (name), read these magic words in order to quickly get rid of worms. They have already tortured me so much that I no longer have the strength to fight these bastards. As soon as they appeared in my body, my life immediately worsened significantly. Firstly, my nervous system was greatly damaged. Because of this, I now constantly lash out at my family. Secondly, I can’t go to work normally because I constantly feel discomfort inside myself. I want to get rid of these unpleasant sensations so much that I even resort to the help of magic. I was advised to read the words of this prayer and was told that I could very quickly and effectively get rid of the negativity in my life. So let higher powers come to my aid and begin to destroy the worms in my body. As soon as I read these cherished words, the heavenly angels will immediately come to my aid and save me from this unpleasant illness. Amen".

The charmed water does not need to be drunk immediately. Wait a while for her to absorb all the positive energy from the conspiracy. Once this happens, you will feel it. After this, you should drink the water and thank heaven for your help.

A ritual in magic that quickly gets rid of reptiles in the body

During the ceremony, you are required to take the usual simple actions. Move your hand over the stomach and make circular stroking movements. It is very important not to put pressure on your stomach. All movements must be smooth. While performing these simple actions, you should read a special effective conspiracy.

“May our Lord hear the words of my prayer, which I, the servant of God (name), read from a pure heart. Only the Almighty is capable of coming to the aid of humanity and not asking for anything in return. His help is so selfless that only to him can I cry for help. May the Lord hear me and help me get rid of the worms. These creatures have ruined my life and my health so much that I simply hate them. Many different methods have been tried, but nothing helps. So let help come to me this time and I can regain my former health. Traditional medicine does not help as quickly as I wish. A lot of money has already been spent, but I, the servant of God (name), do not observe any effect. Now all my last hopes rest only on our Father, who always comes to the rescue at the right moments. I have such a moment right now. May all the worms that are in my body come out and be eaten by the birds. If this does not happen, then the worms will eat me. Amen".

Ritual with bread

To perform this effective ritual, you will need a product that can be found in every home. We will consider the process of performing the ritual in more detail below.

  1. You need to buy fresh bread. It is advisable that it comes only from the oven.
  2. Cut off the crust from it.
  3. Take a piece of garlic and rub it on a cut piece of bread.
  4. Now you can start reading an effective plot.

“The most important worm sits in my body and is not going to leave it. Let the garlic enter my body and gather all the worms into one place. After that, with its disgusting taste and smell, it will drive them out of my stomach and never let them back in again. I, the servant of God (name), know that worms are very afraid of foods that have a spicy taste. I, in turn, love garlic, that’s why I chose it. Everyone knows that scavengers don't like garlic. So let him drive them away and not let them back. As soon as they want to return, the path will be closed to them forever. Let it be as my words sound. And nothing else. And the Lord will only help me with this. Amen".

A spell to get rid of worms

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This ritual must be performed during the waning moon. Read a special magic spell over the water, which a person suffering from worms will subsequently have to drink. Conspiracy words:

“The place of a worm is in the earth, its place is in an apple and in the grave. The place of a worm is in cow shit, in many places, but not in me, in the servant of God (name). A worm will come out of me, it will come out to its place, it will go into an apple, into a cow pat, into a grave or into a dead man, anywhere but into me. My word is strong, my will is strong, everything that I said will come true. In the name of the Father, and the son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

The water charmed in this way must be drunk in small sips that same night, and then the worms will go away.

If you suffer from worms, wait until the moon wanes and read the words of the spell while stroking your stomach:

“I, servant of God (name), will pray to the Lord, I will bow to St. Nicholas the Pleasant. There is an oak tree on a wide road, on that oak tree there are twelve peaks, each with four arshins. On each peak there are twelve nests hanging, and in each nest there are twelve chicks. Those chicks have beaks of steel, claws of iron.

Those chicks will lie close to my belly, they will spread my belly with their paws, they will rake out the intestines, and they will peck out all the worms from the belly of God’s servant (name), and with them they will fly to the distant sea.

Go worms away from me to the far sea, go there to get married, take nine stone women with you, devour those women, and don’t come back to me. Let what is said come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

This method should be carried out in combination with other methods

To get rid of worms, spread garlic on a piece of bread and say the words of the spell:

“Worm, little worm, call all your relatives and your whole village. Call your brother, call your matchmaker, call your wife and children, call your mother-in-law, aunts and uncles, brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law. Everyone come out, and get away from me, the servant of God (name). Go somewhere else to live and feast, but you can’t live with me, you can’t be with me. I'm driving nine worms out of myself. My will is strong, my words are molded. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After this, eat the charmed bread.

This is an extremely effective magical ritual that must be performed during the waning moon. Wait until midnight, light nine church candles and read the Lord's Prayer three times. After this, looking at the fire of the candles, read the words of the conspiracy:

“You bastard, you bastard, you were not born according to the will of our Lord God, nor according to the will of the Most Holy Theotokos. You were born, you bastard, from Satan himself, from the liar enemy himself. You, bastard, pull out your sharp sting from the servant of God (name), and if you don’t pull it out, I will go to our Lord with a complaint and a request. Then our God will send four evangelists and nine rods against you. Three rods will be copper, three rods will be damask, and three more will be fire. They will cut you, you bastard, these rods lengthwise and crosswise, your ashes will be scattered across the blue sea, through the violent winds. I lock my words, and I entrust the key to them to the Lord God. Amen. Amen. Amen". » Conspiracies » How effective is a conspiracy against worms

Conspiracies against worms

Even an amateur in the field of magic can carry out an easy conspiracy. Such rituals are so easy to perform that you can perform them yourself at home. No preparation is required from you. The only thing you need is to adhere to all the rules indicated in the description and follow the order of the actions.

The ritual is performed only when the moon is waning in the sky. This moon helps reduce the number of worms, and after a while you will be able to completely get rid of them.

Take a glass of water for which you should read the following plot:

The enchanted water should stand for a few more minutes and be charged with the full energy of a person. After this, the patient must drink it. Experts say that getting rid of worms will come soon.

In order to perform the ritual, you need to place your hand on your stomach and make stroking movements. While performing these actions, do not forget to read the correct plot.

You need to buy a loaf of bread and cut off the top of it. In other words, the crust. After this, you must smear it with garlic and cast a certain spell on it. How I got rid of papillomas

This most powerful ritual is very popular, because modern food products and the environment are so unpredictable that it is easy for even an adult to get worms. Needless to say, a child is more inquisitive and it is much easier for him to get this disease. Therefore, parents try to help their child in any way possible. For the ritual you will need:

  • wait until the moon wanes;
  • go to church and buy 9 candles: it is important that they are the same color and the same size;
  • knowledge of the Lord's Prayer.

You should light all nine candles at once and read a familiar prayer. It's better to read it more than once. Then the probability of a positive result increases significantly. After this, you need to look at the fire and read the plot.

If you carry out the rituals correctly and follow all the conditions flawlessly, you will increase the likelihood of a quick recovery. If you want to enhance the effectiveness of magical rituals, then you should perform them in conjunction with medications. Remember that any problem can be solved - it is only important to approach the matter with full responsibility.

Conspiracy to expel worms. A strong conspiracy against worms, roundworms and pinworms

Worm, worm, your place is in the apple,

In a damp grave, in black earth, and not in a slave (name).

How pure is God's water,

So let my body be clean.

Key. Lock. Language.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

 Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Issue 01 Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

How to get rid of worms

The place of the worm in the apple,

The worm's place is in the grave,

A worm's place in the ground

His place is in cow shit

Come out, worm, to your place,

Go to the apple, to the grave,

Into the ground, into cow shit.

My word is strong and molding.

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